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<hackworks> For someone with CM jenkins build knowledge, where does jenkins pick the vendor blobs from? IIRC, during JB, koush maintained the vendor blob tree
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<hackworks> I notice a pattern in the graphic glitch in cm10.2 for i9300. It happens when you have multiple window frames in the same window. Is it because we do not know the actual size of the window in the call the glReadPixels?
<hackworks> xplodwild: focal is working great now. I am now trying the different options, thank you for focal and all the fixes
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<QuinnLion> There needs to be an option to tell android which cmaera app opens on camera button push
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<QuinnLion> Anyone know how to set up Voice+? I dont see the app in launcher and I dont see any extra settings in accounts or in mms.
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<ykks> I installed CM10.2 from 10.1 without wiping any data at all and it works like a charm (for 2 days now)
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<frankdrey> Good for you
<frankdrey> QuinnLion`: think you install GV and set it up
<frankdrey> Check koush's old G+ posts
<QuinnLion`> then it 'just works'?
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<frankdrey> Dunno
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<beer> frankdrey: hey
<frankdrey> Yo dawg
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<kuroshima> heya
<kuroshima> I'm having issues with Heimdall, when trying to clash CWM recovery. I get "ERROR: Protocol initialisation failed!" even as I'm connecting my Galaxy Note using the real USB port of my PC. I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 with the latest Heimdall from for my distro (1.4)
<kuroshima> I tried heimdall detect and it finds my device
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<ctcx> Hello. I have Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830 with Cyanogenmod 7.2, and I'm having an issue with multimedia sound.
<ctcx> I borrowed it for a little while to a friend, and when I got it back it was a little different.
<ctcx> Volume buttons handle multimedia volume instead of tone volume.
<ctcx> Also, message notifications don't have sound.
<ctcx> Oh, and when unblocking the screen (I have a pattern configured) a multimedia control bar appears at the botton.
<ctcx> Can anyone help?
<kuroshima> ctcx: seems like everyone is away. I asked a question before you logged in, but nobody answered. Still, it seems like your device believe that it is playing music. Can you check if there's any media player running?
<frankdrey> kuroshima, doing sudo?
<kuroshima> frankdrey: tried with and without sudo
<frankdrey> ctcx, sounds like a shitty app running a service that makes it think media is playing?
<frankdrey> kuroshima, is it a fresh boot of download mode?
<kuroshima> frankdrey: yup
<frankdrey> after several minutes of download mode, it sometimes stops working
<frankdrey> #Samsung
<frankdrey> hmm
<frankdrey> no idea then
<ctcx> Could be...
<kuroshima> will reboot into DL mode again then
<ctcx> But I don't know how that happened...
<ctcx> My friend told me the phone just put itself this way suddenly...
<ctcx> I don't have any music playing...
<kuroshima> frankdrey: it's safe to simply reboot from download mode?
<kuroshima> ctcx: did your friend install any app? remove any app you don't know about.
<kuroshima> frankdrey: It worked, thanks
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<ctcx> Not at all
<kuroshima> ctcx: can you do a nandroid backup and then flash a clean CM?
<frankdrey> ctcx, yeah just flash CM and wipe sounds like your best option
<frankdrey> kuroshima, cool
<ctcx> Well, thruth to be told this has happened once before, but I just don't know how this happened. But the point is, I fixed it by just restarting the phone.
<ctcx> But I wanted to know if there's a way to fix without restarting.
<kuroshima> frankdrey: I was taking too long making sure I was not making any typos, reset the note and up arrow to redo the command, and it worked
<kuroshima> ctcx: The most likely reason is that whatever media player you're using is not working properly
<kuroshima> IMHO
<ctcx> I use this phone very much due to work, and I use camera for photos and videos, adobe reader, send messages....
<ctcx> And I have only installed MX Player, the other one is the default media player.
<ctcx> But I never use MX Player, I haven't need to.
<frankdrey> go to settings > apps > running
<frankdrey> and see if there's anything suspicious
<kuroshima> frankdrey: I'm getting permission denied when I try to adb push the CM zip file to /sdcard/, any idea why?
<kuroshima> adb push /sdcard failed to copy '' to '/sdcard/': Permission denied
<frankdrey> /storage/sdcard0/
<frankdrey> try that
<kuroshima> I'm running stock at the moment, finally jumped in and decided to put CM10.2 on my note.
<frankdrey> meh
<frankdrey> cm10.2 not stable yet
<frankdrey> use cm10.1
<kuroshima> BTW, I went into adb shell, and see both /sdcard and /sdcard1, but it seems that they aren't mounted
<frankdrey> check /storage
<frankdrey> what stock is this?
<kuroshima> doesn't exist
<kuroshima> 4.0 stock
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<kuroshima> I'm in CWM BTW
<frankdrey> oh CWM
<frankdrey> you need to mount it
<frankdrey> in mounts and storage
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<kuroshima> Also, one thing, there's no stable for the Note, as it's an exinos 4 device+
<frankdrey> right
<kuroshima> not for 10.1
<frankdrey> but cm10.2 is not done in general
<frankdrey> last time i checked
<kuroshima> so I should go for the last 10.1 nightly?
<frankdrey> it's not stable vs nightly
<frankdrey> yeah
<frankdrey> i mean
<frankdrey> you can try 10.2
<frankdrey> just don't complain like everybody does about it ;)
<frankdrey> if it's buggy, flash 10.1
<kuroshima> the problem is, where do I find it, because in I can only find 10.2 nightlies
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<kuroshima> frankdrey: also, my emmc is one of the buggy ones, so I know I'm living dangerously be remaining stock (bought this note second hand, so I have no warranty)
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<kuroshima> frankdrey: I assume that I need to get these gaps then?
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<spY|da> nebkat, :-P
<nebkat> spY|da: dobro vece
<spY|da> dobro vece
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<frankdrey> kuroshima, has a table of correct gapps
<frankdrey> kuroshima, i know nothing about those bad emmcs
<frankdrey> nebkat, dobriy ranko
<frankdrey> *ranok
<frankdrey> although is it ranko in polish?
<nebkat> frankdrey: dunno lol
<kuroshima> frankdrey: most galaxy notes have a faulty emmc controller and wiping them from stock 4.0 has a chance of bricking them. CM kernels implement a workaround/fix for the issue
<frankdrey> kuroshima, ah then don't wipe from stock ;)
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<kuroshima> kuroshima: I know, that's why I wanted to put CM in it ;)
<kuroshima> frankdrey: anyway, got the latest gaps for 4.2.2 (the ones after it are for 4.3)
<frankdrey> yup
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<frankdrey> this reminds me
* frankdrey puts cm10 repo to sync again
<frankdrey> i'm forking 4.1 xD
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<kuroshima> frankdrey: why?
<frankdrey> -tablet UI
<frankdrey> -bluetooth ime's arent as fucked as they seem to be later on
<frankdrey> -boredom
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<kuroshima> Heya, I have a Galaxy Note (GT-N7000) SIM unloked with the Galaxy S Unlock by Helroz. The problem is, when I flash CyanogenMod 10.1, it gets relocked, and the tool no longer works. Any ideas on how to fix this issue?
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<Rain8> hi there
<frankdrey> in the mail
<frankdrey> and a female micro usb
<kuroshima> frankdrey: happy soldering!
<frankdrey> Kuroshima, shoot me, my soldering iron is gigantic xD
* kuroshima is a pacifist, he would never shoot anyone
<Rain8> has the kernel of the the cifs support to get cifs-manager running?
<frankdrey> Kuroshima, don't think those unlocks work with CM
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<frankdrey> Rain8, ohi a tab2 user :D
* frankdrey has no idea what cifs is :P
<Rain8> yes tab2 :)
<kuroshima> frankdrey: Then to keep searching for a way to SIM unlock the note that will work on CM...
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<frankdrey> Kuroshima, IMEI unlock
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<frankdrey> oh gosh, the microusb is even worse to solder :/
<mattix724> Hello everyone, I want to build vanilla 4.2.2 for the Samsung Epic 4G Touch and was wondering if anyone here might be able to help me with a couple questions
<kuroshima> frankdrey: That ought to work, but I don't trust random pages with my imei...
<frankdrey> from #jailbreakqa
<frankdrey> they keep a list of legit unlocks
<frankdrey> wait
<frankdrey> dunno...some might do other than iphone
<frankdrey> check them
<frankdrey> one of them has s3 / s4
<frankdrey> :/
<frankdrey> but no note so far
<kuroshima> :(
<frankdrey> looks like it does...but $50 :/
<kuroshima> frankdrey: :(
<mattix724> Do you guys know if this should be good enough to sync everything I need? I was getting errors about not finding the remote in the manifest until I added the remote to my roomservice.xml
<mattix724> I'm kind of a noob at this stuff
<frankdrey> Kuroshima, what's the original carrier?
<kuroshima> frankdrey: I guess I'll remain on stock then :(
<kuroshima> frankdrey: that's the problem, I don't know
<frankdrey> mattix724, is your device officially supported in CM?
<mattix724> It is now
<kuroshima> Vodaphone probably
<mattix724> as of last week for 10.1
<frankdrey> should have a build guide on
<frankdrey> Kuroshima, find someone with Vodafone to call them and ask if they'll unlock it
<mattix724> That's what brought me here... I was googling some info about the local_manifest and setting up a remote, which everything seems to be out of date
<kuroshima> frankdrey: Problem is, I no longer know anyone with Vodafone ;( They all switched carriers
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<frankdrey> !google cyanogenmod wiki local manifest
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Doc: Using local manifests - CyanogenMod - CyanogenMod Wiki:
<frankdrey> mattix724, ^ has all you need
<frankdrey> the example shows how defining remotes works
<mattix724> thats where I started... I think my problem is because building pure AOSP doesnt define github in the default.xml
<mattix724> So I defined the remote in the roomservice.xml
<mattix724> I was able to get it to begin syncing but I am seeing that it cannot fetch the repositories defined in the roomservice.xml
<frankdrey> fetch=""
<mattix724> that may be the problem
<frankdrey> don't put review unless you have a review system for those repos
<frankdrey> in your manifest, fetch should be ""
<frankdrey> with no review
<mattix724> I basically copied the top part of the default and added it to the roomservice file
<mattix724> fetch right now is ".." so that is probably the issues
<frankdrey> i may be wrong but i'm 90% sure that fetch=".." tells repo to use the same site as the manifest uses
<mattix724> Ok
<frankdrey> roomservice?
<frankdrey> why roomservice?
<frankdrey> make a nameitsomething.xml in .repo/local_manifests/
<mattix724> I had asked someone that builds for this device last night if I could get a copy of what he is using and I guess he called it roomservice
<frankdrey> huh, i have no idea what roomservice is :P
<frankdrey> i usually make my own xml file in local_manifests and it works
<mattix724> It's basically a local_manifest.xml
<mattix724> I figured it went along with the whole jenkins thing with CM
<frankdrey> ah
<frankdrey> wait, are you building CM?
<mattix724> No
<frankdrey> ok
<mattix724> But I am using the kernel from 10.1 from this device to build 4.2.2
<frankdrey> just 1. make an xml in local_manifests folder 2. change fetch to ""
<frankdrey> and it should work
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<mattix724> Cool... it's just now finishing the sync and I'll change the fetch and run it again
<mattix724> I'd build 4.3 but I tried the unofficial CM10.2 and there was some nasty graphic glitches
<frankdrey> my 4.3 build fked my tablet xD
<frankdrey> something about unknown system UUID
<frankdrey> nothing worked after that
<frankdrey> anyway, i'm off to go do something, <afk>
<frankdrey> why are you adding review?
<frankdrey> review = code review
<frankdrey> like CM's gerrit
<mattix724> idk? I'm a noob lol
<frankdrey> :P
<mattix724> get rid of review... gotcha
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<frankdrey> ok back
<frankdrey> now to find some schematic-making software
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<frankdrey> fu xcircuit
<frankdrey> segfault right away
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<mattix724> why the heck does it take so long to sync again after already syncing.... nothing has changed!
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<frankdrey> what repo sync command are you using?
<mattix724> repo sync
<frankdrey> *shrug*
<frankdrey> dunno if AOSP has it do "repo sync -j4 -c"
<frankdrey> the -c tells it to only download the branch you're working on
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<mattix724> it should... I don't think it matters what it is. I believe it's all part of the repo command
<mattix724> now this is going to bug me... it's probably nothing but it still bugs me
<mattix724> curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404
<mattix724> Server does not provide clone.bundle; ignoring.
<frankdrey> ignore :p
<frankdrey> always does that
<frankdrey> running . build/ sets up a lot of fancy macros
<mattix724> Dang... I think I would have been better just cloning those repos instead of running a full sync
<frankdrey> no way
<frankdrey> 200+ repos
<nebkat> do repo sync -j16
<mattix724> I had already synced the AOSP source for 4.2.2
<mattix724> I did this.... repo init -u -b android-4.2.2_r1.2
<mattix724> then synced that up last night
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<frankdrey> if you do your own -j add -c to sync only current branch
<frankdrey> unless you want to switch without redownloading
<mattix724> I was just meaning I should have cloned the device specific repos
<frankdrey> meh
<mattix724> I did define the branch before syncing with repo init... it just seems like it's taking forever
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<mattix724> nebkat, you mentioned using -j16 wouldn't that slow my computer down?
<nebkat> why
<mattix724> running 16 threads at once
<mattix724> I'm only doing this on a virtual that is using 4 of the 8 gb on my dual core
<mattix724> I do have a really decent internet connection though
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<nebkat> mattix724: its about the number of connections
<nebkat> number of threads dont really matter
<mattix724> how many is a regualy sync
<nebkat> 1
<nebkat> or 4
<mattix724> that might be why this is so slow
<nebkat> if you are on cm
<mattix724> I guess next time I'll try 16
<mattix724> I get about 30Mbps down and 16Mbps up
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<n-iCe> hi
<mattix724> Hello n-iCe
<mattix724> thank the linux gods for wine... I don't know what I would do without it
<n-iCe> wine?
<n-iCe> is a shit
<mattix724> is there something better?
<mattix724> <--- nix noob
<n-iCe> yes, install windows.
<mattix724> I have windows lol
<n-iCe> then don't use linux
* n-iCe laughs
<n-iCe> long time since I don't use Windows
<n-iCe> Maybe 8 years now
<mattix724> are you saying use something like cygwin to build from source?
<n-iCe> use linux
<n-iCe> but no wine
<mattix724> there are just some things I need... like Notepad++
<whitequark> LOL
<n-iCe> I have not used a win software for a while, and I'm really happy
<frankdrey> Notepad++?:P
<n-iCe> mattix724: use gedit in linux
<n-iCe> or kate editor
<frankdrey> Notepad++ was made because Windows was lacking good editors like on Linux
<whitequark> also you can cross-compile with mingw32
<mattix724> touche
<n-iCe> or vim
<n-iCe> or emacs
<whitequark> though that may not work with complex projects which try to run the shit they compile.
<n-iCe> but I use gedit
<whitequark> or sublime
<mattix724> gedit is nice
<mattix724> Just for you... I'll cut all ties with wine and use native linux programs
<n-iCe> just for me? come on, do it for you, you will avoid lot of problems.
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<n-iCe> remember to create us a ssh account to your machine if it is a good server so all we can build in there.
<mattix724> I'll do it for me... I was just being sarcastic
<mattix724> Shit... I wish
<mattix724> I did have a friend that was letting me use his server earlier this year until he decided he didn't want to pay for it anymore
<mattix724> Now that thing was a nice build machine
<mattix724> 100Mbps down and 50Mbps up
<mattix724> I need to get better at my linux skills and go work where he works... get myself some server space
<whitequark> you know, bandwidth doesn't matter very much for a build machine
<mattix724> True.. it is nice for syncing new projects
<n-iCe> syncing is fast one you downloaded the whole branch and tree
<frankdrey> i have 1mbps down and 0.5 mbps up
<mattix724> Ouch... DSL.
<mattix724> U-Verse?
<mattix724> in the boonies?
<frankdrey> Comcast in the boonies
<mattix724> That's another provider that I dislike... I like to torrent movies too much
<frankdrey> dawgs
<frankdrey> i need a way to get logcat before a reboot
<frankdrey> to debug random reboots
<frankdrey> alogrec doesn't work
<frankdrey> file is empty after reboot
<nebkat> frankdrey: use adb logcat :P
<jomp16> frankdrey: and what about adb logcat?
<jomp16> nebkat: i'm slow... =(
<nebkat> jomp16: yeah go cry in the corner
<jomp16> I will cry here
<frankdrey> yeah, i'm gonna keep someone's phone for a few days
<frankdrey> :p
<frankdrey> waiting for it to reboot
<nebkat> frankdrey: whoz phone
<frankdrey> dis girl's
<frankdrey> nexus 4
<frankdrey> stock 4.3
<frankdrey> says it randomly reboots
<frankdrey> like 3 times a day
<jomp16> "Format all teh phonez" <-- for "suckers" without a backup of their appz
<mattix724> hmmm... wonder what this means... fatal: reference is not a tree:
<nebkat> frankdrey: so does it have pics on it
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<nebkat> frankdrey: there was a patch for n4 today i hear
<nebkat> ota i mean
<frankdrey> nebkat, wat
<frankdrey> :o
Anthony1s_ is now known as Anthony1s
<nebkat> frankdrey: wat for watr
childofthehorn has joined #teamhacksung-support
<childofthehorn> Whats up guys
<childofthehorn> got a SGH-i317M (canada) which doesnt show any APNs in the APN list
<childofthehorn> I see it being activated in the telephony.db
<nebkat> childofthehorn: is your mnc/mmc correct?
<childofthehorn> and has_shared_pref.xml
<childofthehorn> yep
<childofthehorn> Apn is active
<childofthehorn> tried the latest CM nightly too
<childofthehorn> CM10.1 and 10.2
<childofthehorn> tried my own Note2 rom on there
<childofthehorn> same issue
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<childofthehorn> getting onCreate: confFile=/system/etc/apns-conf.xml oldCheckSum=-1
<nebkat> childofthehorn: getprop
<childofthehorn> tried adjusting the perms
<nebkat> check the mnc/mcc codes there
<childofthehorn> yeah
<childofthehorn> the mcc and mnc are valid
<childofthehorn> it connects
<childofthehorn> when I add an APN
<nebkat> hmm?
<nebkat> the apn list is filtered based on mnc/mcc
<childofthehorn> or try to view the active APN
<childofthehorn> its blank
<frankdrey> wtf google
<frankdrey> why you rape even nexus
<childofthehorn> 'cus
<childofthehorn> I mean it took quite a while just to get the "Factory" images for the razor
<childofthehorn> binaries havent been up long either
<childofthehorn> [ril.model_id]: []
<childofthehorn> [ril.modem.board]: [MDM9215M]
<childofthehorn> [ril.modem_sim_status]: [1]
<childofthehorn> [ril.product_code]: [SGH-I317ZWMTLS]
<childofthehorn> [ril.rfcal_date]: [2013.01.11]
<childofthehorn> looks like a new HW revision as well
<childofthehorn> I now know of 3.... for the LTE/GSM Note 2's
<childofthehorn> [gsm.sim.state]: [READY]
<childofthehorn> [gsm.sim.unknownready]: [0]
<childofthehorn> [gsm.version.baseband]: [I317MVLBMA3]
<childofthehorn> []: [Qualcomm RIL 1.0]
<childofthehorn> []: [1]
<childofthehorn> []: [false]
<childofthehorn> []: [LTE]
<childofthehorn> connects no problem
<childofthehorn> I can add new APNs
<childofthehorn> but selecting them without fudging with the pref.xml is impossible
<childofthehorn> stock SW had no problem
<childofthehorn> this is pretty new
<childofthehorn> FYI
<childofthehorn> he just got this a month ago?
<childofthehorn> visiting America for a few months and bought a 3-month TMO
<childofthehorn> [init.svc.at_distributor]: [running]
<childofthehorn> spoofing the AT Command interface returns that the active APN is happy
<childofthehorn> rild is fine
<jomp16> nebkat: you know how to deodex a system.img on a Linux box?
<childofthehorn> just mount the ext4 partition in linus
<childofthehorn> then use android kitchen to deodex the files
<childofthehorn> thats the easiest
<nebkat> childofthehorn: use pastebin please :P
<jomp16> childofthehorn: we can't mount it, need to unpack the .img to other .img and mount it...
<childofthehorn> Yeah... you can mount it
<childofthehorn> extract it
<nebkat> jomp16: dunno why i'd ever deodex
<jomp16> Meh, I really want to switch back to CM10.2, stock for N4 is really limited
<mattix724> alright this is where I get lost...
<childofthehorn> Guys - I think my problem is a ril mismatch
<mattix724> how do I add a new device to the lunch combo?
<frankdrey> !google wiki cyanogenmod adding new device
<bbqbot> frankdrey: How To Port CyanogenMod Android To Your Own Device ...:
<nebkat> jomp16: SO DO IT
<nebkat> you spend way to much time thinking about it rather than just doing it
<jomp16> nebkat: you spend much time criticizing me...
<nebkat> -_-
<jomp16> This means: you hate me or you love me
<nebkat> im no homo so
<Jiangyi> childofthehorn: You did flash t0lteatt right?
<childofthehorn> nope t0lte
<Jiangyi> You have the Canadian version which should be identical to the ATT version
<Jiangyi> Save for model number that is
<childofthehorn> it is
<childofthehorn> t0lte works on all the GSM/LTE variants
<childofthehorn> at least I thought...
<childofthehorn> it works fine other than this
<childofthehorn> feel like something small
<childofthehorn> but yah know
<Jiangyi> Yeah, it used to all be t0lte
<Jiangyi> But then it got separated into what we have now
<Jiangyi> cyanogen must've done it for a reason :-P
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<childofthehorn> its mostly overlays in telephony
<childofthehorn> for autosetting the apn
<childofthehorn> not telephony fixes
<Jiangyi> Hmm
<Jiangyi> Check muppets
<Jiangyi> see if they're using different Ril blobs
<childofthehorn> thats what I am thinking
<childofthehorn> libril is generic
<childofthehorn> rild may not be
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McNetic is now known as zz_McNetic
<jomp16> My gosh! power widgets is ded now?! Doesn't matters to me, the widget is embedded on the quick settings...