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<smw> hi, anyone ever brick an S3 GT-i9300? I tried to install CWM and now the phone doesn't show any signs of life...
<jomp16> smw: you can boot to download mode? If yes, pick Odin, the stock flashable ROM and flash it with Odin, when it's OK, try to flash custom recovery
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<smw> jomp16, no signs of life means no screen or light ever turn on
<smw> turns*
<jomp16> Battery is alive?
<smw> yes
<smw> doesn't turn on when plugged in either
<smw> jomp16, right now I am planning on doing this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1916796
<smw> jomp16, any opinion?
<jomp16> Dunno about this, I never had a bricked phone, only recovery problem, flash it again and it works
<smw> jomp16, I made a mistake flashing the recovery, not a ROM
<jomp16> What, you flashed ROM or recovery with Odin/Heimdall?
<smw> I flashed a recovery with Heimdall
<jomp16> And it shouldn't have problems, is really hard to brick a device by flashing recovery, if you brick, is only the recovery partition, you can flash again with Heimdall
<jomp16> Bootloader shouldn't brick when not mess with it
<smw> jomp16, well, I bricked it bad. I think it may have also been caused by me putting in an sd card that I had been using for booting a nook tablet :-\
<n-iCe> !download p990
<smw> !download i9300
<smw> !download s3
* smw gives up :-P
<jomp16> n-iCe: bot is ded
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<Sieva> HELO
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<Ben__> Hi
<Ben__> Is anyone here?
<Ben__> (:
<Ben__> Hello?
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<aksellenti> have some questions
<aksellenti> after i used odin to flash my handy with clockword recovery nothing happens
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<aksellenti> just the yellow triangle
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<Guest89252> Hi
<aksellenti> hi
<Guest89252> What is it?
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<nisensei> Hi
<n-iCe> hi
<nisensei> My Galaxy Note 2 N7100 rom 10.2-20130810-UNOFFICIAL-n7100 Blink Screen when use Gmail, Boat Browser and Others APPS
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<n-iCe> that's unofficial
<n-iCe> we don't support it
<n-iCe> ask the one who built it
<nisensei> ok, thank
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<Dan9550> Hi, so i installed an unofficial cm10.2 on my i9300 and root doesn't work, was wondering if someone could help?
<n-iCe> Dan9550: go to developer options
<n-iCe> go to root: enable adb and apps
<Dan9550> done that, doesn't help :(
<n-iCe> sure?
<Dan9550> pretty sure, maybe just an issue with this build? downloading a slightly newer one hopefully that will help
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<n-iCe> Dan9550: well, that's unofficial
<Dan9550> true
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<note2user> hi
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<sum-it> @Dan9550 are you using intl one?
<Dan9550> yeah
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<note2user> can someone help me?
<n-iCe> ...
<note2user> flashed with odin using "root66_RWC_i317MVLBMA3.tar.md5" on my canadian galaxy note 2 i317m
<note2user> installed ROM manager
<note2user> installed CWM recovery, chose "Galaxy Note II (GT-7100N)"
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<note2user> boot into recovery then tried intalling "cm-10.1-20130811-NIGHTLY-t0lteatt.zip"
<note2user> gives me status 7 error
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<Baskey> IN YO MAMA
<Baskey> HA
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<Guest30991> hi all :)
<Guest30991> does anyone lose 3g/h+ during phone call?
<spY|da> nabend
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<Duesten> hello?
<spY|da> hello!
<Duesten> perhaps you can help me. i need to flash a bootloader but my reovery doesnt show how much battery i have
<Duesten> and i cant boot because wrong bootloader
<Duesten> is it safe to flash after 20 minutes chargee?
<Duesten> galaxy tab 2 5100 btw
<Duesten> jb bootloader
<spY|da> i would give it a try
<Guest30991> got i9300 with cm 10.2 and losing 3g network during active call, known issue? any fix for that?
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<Duesten> also is there any way to shut down the tablet completely instead of rebooting it?
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<spY|da> Duesten, dont know most of the devices turn off if you hold the power button for about 5-10 sec
<Jiangyi> Guest30991: logcat -b radio
<spY|da> nebkat, dobro vece
<nebkat> spY|da: dobro vece
<spY|da> kako si mi?
<nebkat> super, igrao sam futbal sa prijateljima
<nebkat> spY|da: ti?
<spY|da> dobar sam, citam malo pua stvari :D
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<Guest30991> im sorry but cant seem to find good how-to do [logcat -b radio]
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<Guest30991> only via adb or can i ran logcat from device? tried with GetLogs and CatLog. i see a lot of lines, how can i filter only the wanted lines regarding Radio?
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<bhbh> hi
<bhbh> guys
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<frankdrey> bye?
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<Guest30991> got a big, unfiltered log file. how can i save only the relevant lines?
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<Guest30991> try again tomorrow, tnx all
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<Sothoth> greetings
<frankdrey> hi
<Sothoth> manualy flashed the zimage from GT-I9100G_ICS_ClockworkMod-Recovery_6.0.1.2.tar.gz
<Sothoth> via heimdall to the device
<Sothoth> now it looks - at least not good - would say
<frankdrey> to what partition?
<Sothoth> cant reach recovery mod
<frankdrey> what partiton did you flash it to?
<Sothoth> just did heimdall flash --kernel zImage --no-reboot
<frankdrey> hmmmm
<frankdrey> you sure you have i9100g?
<Sothoth> aye
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, WAKE UP
<Sothoth> :)
<Sothoth> heheh
<Jiangyi> Sothoth: Volup + home + power?
<frankdrey> Jiangyi is the expert on anything s2 related :P
<Sothoth> no recovery
<Sothoth> no download mode
<Sothoth> nothing available
<Jiangyi> Wtf
<Jiangyi> That's.... Not good.
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, you should get paid
<Jiangyi> Sothoth: You sure your battery's not dead? :-p
<Sothoth> it was at 54 % before flashing
<Sothoth> 10 % needed
<Sothoth> right ?
<Jiangyi> Sure
<Jiangyi> Sothoth: Try a USB jig, if that doesn't work, you're pretty screwed
<jomp16> Backing up my SDCard, backed appz datas from Titanium, to flash stock 4.3 and put custom recovery, kernel and root
<Jiangyi> But just flashing that in heimdall really shouldn't have killed your device...
<jomp16> Is really hard to brick a device
<Sothoth> i was in dl mode
<Sothoth> wanted to get to clockwork mod
<jomp16> recovery doesn't mess with bootloader and download mode
<frankdrey> Sothoth, can you get back to dl mode?
<Sothoth> nope
<Sothoth> sadly not
<Sothoth> it loops and lopps
<Sothoth> in samsung model display
<frankdrey> pull battery then try again?
<Sothoth> i will
<jomp16> Send to RMA =P
<Sothoth> did that 50 times now
<frankdrey> D:
<Jiangyi> If it displays samsung logo, then it shouldn't be hardbricked
<jomp16> Remove battery, wait a bunch of time (1 hours maybe, just kidding) and try again
<Jiangyi> You're doing something wrong in getting into recovery /download mode
<Jiangyi> brb dinner
<Sothoth> not the animated one
<frankdrey> yeah, wait a few minutes after removing battery
<Sothoth> just the model and samsung logo
<Sothoth> okay bat is out
<Sothoth> Initialising connection...
<Sothoth> Detecting device...
<Sothoth> Attempt failed. Detaching driver...
<Sothoth> Claiming interface...
<Sothoth> Claiming interface again...
<Sothoth> Setting up interface...
<Sothoth> Checking if protocol is initialised...
<Sothoth> Protocol is not initialised.
<Sothoth> Initialising protocol...
<Sothoth> Protocol initialisation successful.
<Sothoth> Beginning session...
_KaszpiR_ has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<Sothoth> Session begun.
<frankdrey> err...
<Sothoth> Downloading device's PIT file...
<frankdrey> pastie.org bro
<Sothoth> PIT file download successful.
<Sothoth> Uploading KERNEL
<Sothoth> 100%
<Sothoth> KERNEL upload successful
<Sothoth> Ending session...
<Sothoth> Releasing device interface...
<Sothoth> Re-attaching kernel driver...
<jomp16> Don't spamz it...
<Sothoth> oops
<Sothoth> sorry guys
<frankdrey> lol
<jomp16> frankdrey: why Freenode doesn't muted him?
<Sothoth> :)
<frankdrey> jomp16, his client automatically spaces the messages apart
<Sothoth> hehee
<frankdrey> as you can see how they were appearing slowly
<Sothoth> always under radar
<frankdrey> if they were being sent all at once, it'd kick him :P
<frankdrey> i remember the time i got waratte's bot to say "lol" for 15 minutes straight
<frankdrey> nebkat, :D
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<jomp16> nebkat: why?! you doesn't love me =(
<Sothoth> but hey i said sorry
<nebkat> frankdrey: kick any kurwas you encounter
<nebkat> Sothoth: its ok
<frankdrey> nebkat, lol it's ok it was an accident
<frankdrey> nebkat, i got that stupid error again
<frankdrey> :/
<nebkat> Sothoth: where you from?
<nebkat> frankdrey: toldya :/
<Sothoth> portugal
<nebkat> Sothoth: not giving him ops cus of you just in general. dont worry ;)
<frankdrey> :D
* frankdrey feels special
<jomp16> Sad nebu, saaaaaaaaad!
<nebkat> jomp16: WHAT
<nebkat> i dont love you im hetero
<Sothoth> okay i will insert that beast again
<frankdrey> twss
<waratte2> D:
<frankdrey> err
<frankdrey> twhs
<waratte2> That was terrible.
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<jomp16> ='(
<Sothoth> nothing
<nebkat> waratte: ;) ;)
<jomp16> frankdrey: never exit, unless you want to lose OP
<Sothoth> seems it died
<frankdrey> jomp16, :P
<frankdrey> Sothoth, try download mode?
<Sothoth> yeah
<Sothoth> no dl
<Sothoth> no rm
<Sothoth> samsung page stays open
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<frankdrey> :D :D :D
<nebkat> frankdrey: you must be jizzing
<Sothoth> could adb be of any use ?
<frankdrey> nebkat, almost
<jomp16> nebkat: something related to channel settings, allow to auto op any OPs users
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<frankdrey> xD
<frankdrey> Sothoth, no, adb is only in android OS
<nebkat> jomp16: its called chanserv
<nebkat> brb shower
<frankdrey> brb soldering wires onto my 5v regulator
<Sothoth> seems i even cant get to the bootloader
<Sothoth> i want grub
<athurh> Sothoth: you see the samsung logo?
<Sothoth> yes
<athurh> bad kernel, try another one
<Sothoth> the last zimage went there by heimdall
<Sothoth> but that time i was able to use dl mode
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<jomp16> athurh: how he can try anoter kernel if we can't boot to download mode?
<athurh> if you see the samsung logo you can boot on dl mode
<Sothoth> where is the /boot to put vzimage
<Sothoth> athurh: not the animated one
<athurh> Sothoth: what?
<Sothoth> athurh: i can jsut see the static black and white samsung logo
<Sothoth> home+pow+vol down doesnt give me dm
<athurh> volup+home+power
<Sothoth> nope
<Sothoth> also not
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<Sothoth> no recov
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<Sothoth> well looks like i realy killed it
<Sothoth> thanks for the ideas
<Sothoth> i will call that a day
<nebkat> frankdrey: soldered?
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<Jiangyi> Sothoth: Like I said, USB Jig may be your last option :-P
<Sothoth> Jiangyi: thanks :)