nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: Welcome to the CyanogenMod Samsung support channel ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | Android 5.0 |STATS AT
<JulianXhokaxhiu> well i'll go now :) good night
<JulianXhokaxhiu> 2:07AM here
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<mrjayviper> I'm trying to mount my t0lte on my linux virtualpc but it says "couldn't find matching udev". any ideas on how to fix it? tanks
<mrjayviper> or perhaps where can I get the blobs without having to connect my phone? thanks
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<LokoLaboom> hey someone here who can help me with my samsung gt i9300 want flash to cm 10.2 and finished without errors but now i have a bootloop and sry for bad english :)
<LokoLaboom> !supported
<bbqbot> LokoLaboom: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
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<LokoLaboom> n-ice your support?
<n-iCe> maybe
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<LokoLaboom> hmm maybe can you help me with my samsung gti9300? wanted flash cm10.2 on my device and finished without errors but now im in bootloop
<n-iCe> did you wipe?
<LokoLaboom> yea both cache and data/factory
<n-iCe> try again
<n-iCe> wipe
<n-iCe> and flash
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<LokoLaboom> okay i try it out
<mrjayviper> n-ice: do you know of a link where I can get t0lte blobs? my linux virtualbox won't connect to my phone. thanks
<n-iCe> blobs?
<n-iCe> you mean drivers?
<mrjayviper> well I'm following the wiki guide on building for t0lte and it wants me to get the blobs from my phone. but I'm getting udev errors
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<mrjayviper> I'm hoping it can be downloaded somewhere
<LokoLaboom> okay now it works but if i choose my language it looks like reboot and i must choose again.. are all languages supportet?
<mrjayviper> damn sorry
<LokoLaboom> try it with german
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<jomp16> Finally nebu reinstaled Java 8 and started his bot again...
<jomp16> But bot isn't OP o.O
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<LokoLaboom> so i try out all languages but still reboot after i select one
<jomp16> LokoLaboom: this shouldn't happen....
<jomp16> Unless it's a Exynos device
<jomp16> 1, 2, 3...
<jomp16> #JustKidding =P
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<LokoLaboom> have samsung gti9300
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<LokoLaboom> first i got bootloop and now after i select language it reboot..
<jomp16> As I said, isn't normal behavior
<LokoLaboom> hmm then another try from start hope i works then :D
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<frankz> hey
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<frankz> sometimes my s2 power off or reboot alone
<frankz> i flashed first the cwm from, then flashed cm 10.2 and latest gapps
<frankz> and cannot get the device running all the time
<frankz> someone???
<jomp16> 10.2 is nightly, no support
<jomp16> 1, 2, 3... #JustKidding =P (again)
<LokoLaboom> hehe
<jomp16> But yes, nightlies isn't supported (to report bugs to Jira, dunno about it here)
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<frankz> what is the latest version with support?
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<jomp16> Dunno, I never had a Exynos device, I only had 2 Sammy devices, my ancient I5500, and my "actual" P3110, my current device is a Nexus 4, none of theses are Exynos...
<frankz> i dont have an exynos, maybe, i dont know
<frankz> i got an i9100
<frankz> samsung
<jomp16> 9100 = S2?
<jomp16> You have a Exynos based device, it uses a "Samsung Exynos 4210"
<jomp16> Anyways, about your real question, have you tried 10.1 to see if occurs this issue?
<jomp16> I vote to talk to cyanogen to split CM into two, clean and "nemesis", clean = minimalist, but with features of CM (including CM File Manager), like ~10.1, "nemesis" = bloated, more appz, whatever (specifically for Nemesis)
<frankz> ah interesting
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<KennedyWreck> Hey, I can't get USB drivers installed for my Galaxy Note i717. Would love some help.
<KennedyWreck> Have tried pdanet and kies and installing the drivers directly. I'm at a loss.
<KennedyWreck> Anybody around?
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<jomp16> No
<KennedyWreck> That's unfortunate.
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<bbqbot> lolwat
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<jomp16> Chrome is lagging and crashing, now I'm using Firefox, good speed and stability =)
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<Dan9550> Is there a reason why im stuck at a boot loop after my phone died, while taking a photo?
<Dan9550> i'd rather not have to wipe data again :\
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<Jon_LTD> Good morning
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<DDave> Hi, is somethign wrong with SU on the 10.2 nightly (i9000 / galaxysmtd)
<DDave> ?
<DDave> I cant seem to access /data with the file manager (CM)
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<David-B-737> Hi
<David-B-737> !download i9100
<bbqbot> David-B-737: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S II: [31c803]
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<nasos223> guys can anyone help to find ClockworkMod-Recovery new version touch for galaxy siii pls? zip format for odin pls
<David-B-737> Flash a kernel that has CWM recovery
<nasos223> ClockworkMod-Recovery touch zip format that i need
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<Ritzo90> Hey guys, quick question, my S3 LTE phone upgraded from CM10.1 to CM10.2 and GApps along with a bunch of other apps keep failing, am I best of wiping it and flashing CM 10.2 from scratch?
<David-B-737> I'm no expert but maybe try changing a kernel first?
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<Ritzo90> I thought it might be best to stay with the CM kernel, they do state don't ask for support with other kernels. I don't really even know how to do change a kernel, only flashing with CM
<David-B-737> Have you installed the 4.3 gapps?
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<Ritzo90> No I was just looking into that. I'll do that first, the gapps I had was about 3 months old and that didn't help much. Downloading it now to test, thanks
<David-B-737> This is latest I think
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<mrjayviper> hello. if I encountered an error while building (example: low disk space), how can I start over again? thanks
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<Ollie_> hey guys
<Ollie_> just wondering if anyone knows why whenever i use any 4.3 rom my device boots fine the first time but hangs on every subsequent boot
<Ollie_> currently trying to install cm10.2
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<nackox> Ollie_:: what phone has that probl?
<nackox> Ollie_:: I've tried Temasek and CyanoM and both work fine on i9300. Some glitchs, but ok
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<JulianXhokaxhiu> good afternoon
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<mstr5596> hi
<mstr5596> can someone tell me that y my custom recovery isnt detecting my new sd card?
<JulianXhokaxhiu> probably the file system it's using is not detected and/or not compiled within your recovery
<JulianXhokaxhiu> and/or the mmc part that handle your sd card slot is not correctly running, try using adb and "cat /proc/kmsg" to understand what's going on
<mstr5596> i am a noob
<mstr5596> i cant understand these things
<mstr5596> tell any easier way
<JulianXhokaxhiu> are you compiling your recovery?
<JulianXhokaxhiu> (from scratch)
<mstr5596> no
<JulianXhokaxhiu> well i thouight so
<JulianXhokaxhiu> then, i don't know :)
<mstr5596> ok thanks ;)
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<crystal_> Hi Guys
<crystal_> I would like to ask , when will be available stable CM 10.1 or 10.2 for Samsung 3 ?
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<mohamed> hello
<mohamed> anybody here???
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<Bert_> No, just us robots
<Guest93819> what??
<Guest93819> r u
<Guest93819> joking??
<Guest93819> :D
<Guest93819> pleas anybody help me
<nebkat> Guest93819: hes not joking
<nebkat> we are a botnet
<bbqbot> Guest93819: hello
<Guest93819> ok , can you help me?
<Guest93819> ?????
<nebkat> ?????
<nebkat> idk if i can help you
<nebkat> what is your problem?
<Guest93819> my phone is galaxy note gt-n7000
<Guest93819> and it has ics
<Guest93819> and till now, there isn't the jelly bean update official
<Guest93819> so i want to root it to convert it from ics to jb
<Guest93819> but when i read the instructions to install
<Guest93819> it said
<Guest93819> The install guide assumes the Galaxy Note is already running stock Android 4.x
<Guest93819> this is the cm 10.2 room
<Guest93819> so what is the solution pleas ??
<Guest93819> \??????????????????????????
<nackox> Provider issue?
<Guest93819> pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaas :(
<Guest93819> anybody answer me
<Guest93819> what is meant by provider issue?
<Guest93819> what i do know?
<Guest93819> help pleas
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<Guest93819> ؟؟؟
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<Guest93819> no help??
<codeworkx> Guest93819: what's your problem?
<codeworkx> Guest93819: "The install guide assumes the Galaxy Note is already running stock Android 4.x" - ICS is 4.X.
<Guest93819> my phone is galaxy note gt-n7000 [16:57] <Guest93819> and it has ics [16:58] <Guest93819> and till now, there isn't the jelly bean update official [16:58] <Guest93819> so i want to root it to convert it from ics to jb [16:59] <Guest93819> but when i read the instructions to install [16:59] <Guest93819> it said [16:59] <Guest93819> The install guide assumes the Galaxy Note is already running stock Android 4.x [16:59]
<codeworkx> Guest93819: try thinking while reading. often helps
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<Guest93819> what you mean?
<codeworkx> read the guide and think about it
<codeworkx> in other words: turn on brain
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<Guest93819> ok but wait
<Guest93819> is 4.0.3 jb??
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> 4.0 - 4.0.4 = ICS
<codeworkx> 4.1 - 4.3 = JB
<Guest93819> so i read the instructions
<codeworkx> Guest93819: your note is running ICS. ICS is 4.x. The guide assumes that your note is running 4.x
<codeworkx> so what the fuck is your problem?
<codeworkx> just follow the guide and be happy
<Guest93819> O.o
<Guest93819> oh thank you very much
<Guest93819> but can you wait
<Guest93819> my phone never roted before
<Guest93819> follow instruction or add any thing??
<codeworkx> most phones aren't rooted by default ;-)
<codeworkx> you dont need root
<Guest93819> ok
<Guest93819> thank you man :)
<codeworkx> flash clockworkmod recovery, boot into clockworkmod recovery, flash cm, flash gapps, do factory reset, reboot, win
<Guest93819> but can you still here if i want you
<Guest93819> or give me your facebook
<Guest93819> or yahoo
<codeworkx> fuck facebook
<codeworkx> fuck yahoo
<codeworkx> :-P
<Guest93819> :D
<Guest93819> ok still here with me pleas :D
<Guest93819> and i want to ask you another question
<Guest93819> i want your advice
<Guest93819> is it dangerous to root my phone
<Guest93819> and if not
<codeworkx> it can be dangerous for noobs
<codeworkx> but just for noobs
<Guest93819> what root you prefere for my note n7000
<Guest93819> i noobe
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<Guest93819> but if i follow instructions
<Guest93819> ???
<Guest93819> still dangerous?
<codeworkx> you already failed hard at reading the instructions
<Guest93819> XD XD XD
<codeworkx> no comment
<Guest93819> so you see me noot rooot it?
<Guest93819> ???
<nackox> lol
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<Murdawg> I am currently running a Samsung Galaxy S II HD LTE (Bell Canada) SGH-I757M, and would like to look into porting CM 10.2 over to this device..
<Murdawg> I haven't been successful in locating guides which assist in moving to a different device... are there such beasts?
<Guest93819> any help pleas
<Murdawg> I see the GT-I9100 has this now, and could use this as a base ROM..
<Guest93819> in instructions it said
<Guest93819> press volume down and home to boot
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<Guest93819> i do this and nothing happen
<codeworkx> vol down + home + power
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<Guest93819> help
<Guest93819> in instructions it said select gadget serial
<Guest93819> and i have gadger serial and gadget serial control
<Guest93819> choose what????!!!!
<Guest93819> pleas
<Guest93819> pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeas
<Guest93819> help me now :(
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<JulianXhokaxhiu> hi cody
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<JulianXhokaxhiu> Guest93819: what you're trying to accomplish has been explained in details on XDA forums. I don't know what you're trying to accomplish but you have to use Odin
<JulianXhokaxhiu> i do not have your device so please do not ask for help, but all Samsung devices are similar
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<Guest93819> On the computer, open a terminal and run the following command from the Heimdall directory: heimdall flash --kernel zImage --no-reboot
<JulianXhokaxhiu> and btw, XDA is your friend
<Guest93819> how to do this step??
<JulianXhokaxhiu> set your phone in download mode and then from your console run that
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<Guest93819> pleas :(
<Guest93819> i'am trying and waiting
<Guest93819> pleas how to do this step
<Guest93819> now i do everything till this step
<Guest93819> On the computer, open a terminal and run the following command from the Heimdall directory: heimdall flash --kernel zImage --no-reboot
<Guest93819> can't do i
<Guest93819> it
<Guest93819> pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeas
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<Guest93819> any help man pleas :(
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<Guest93819> pleas :( [18:10] <Guest93819> i'am trying and waiting [18:10] <Guest93819> pleas how to do this step [18:11] <Guest93819> now i do everything till this step [18:11] <Guest93819> On the computer, open a terminal and run the following command from the Heimdall directory: heimdall flash --kernel zImage --no-reboot [18:11] <Guest93819> can't do i [18:11] <Guest93819> it [18:12] <Guest93819> pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeas
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<Guest93819> pleas
<Guest93819> any help
<Guest93819> pleeeeeeeeeeeeeas
<Guest93819> i can't do anything :(((
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<waratte> :(((
<Guest93819> pleas help me
<Guest93819> my phone will damage :(
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<JulianXhokaxhiu> see ya later ;D
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<Bert_> ounipuyia solberg
<Bert_> What? Ain't this google?
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<Guest46847> hello
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<aduder> Hi, I've just installed the stable cm9.1 to my i9300. Everything works great but i'm disappointed of it being android 4.0.4 (the stock rom is 4.1.2). How stable is the 10.1 M snapshot? Are there any known issues? Is it worth upgrading?
<Bert_> Any of the 10.1s are quite stable and I would give 10.2 a couple of weeks before installing.
<aduder> The intl' version seems kinda late on development. Is there a reason for it?
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<Bert_> Probably it comes down to testing. (not enough time to test the releases) Just run the nightlies, the come out, er, nightly. I typically run the nightly from a day or two prior, just in case. (saved my skin with the i9100 efs issue 2013-02-18)
<aduder> Do I need to flash it through recovery or is there an easier way to update?
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<Bert_> Recovery, it takes 2 minutes.
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<jomp16> Isn't hard...
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<Frost_> Hi can somewhere help me with some questions on cyanogenmod
<Frost_> someone*
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<DannyFritz> now if you leave that fast, sheesh
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<joethc> hey chad you kickin?
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<nebkat> joethc: ched's dead baby, ched's dead
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<pr4xx> hey! why is there never a stable release for i9100?
<frankdrey> #becausesamsung
<frankdrey> because there's always something that isn't working
<pr4xx> :/ k, and how is it possible to not use this stupid MTP for usb connection.. i just get my external sd card with usb mass
<frankdrey> you want internal storage as mass?
<pr4xx> yes
<frankdrey> internal storage is ext4
<pr4xx> ? i used to work before i tried cm
<frankdrey> hmmm
<pr4xx> mtp is just extremely slow
<frankdrey> what android was it?
<pr4xx> latest cm nightly for i9100
<frankdrey> when you had mass storage on internal
<pr4xx> hm maybe i mean something else, i mean the available 11gb for photos music etc etc
<pr4xx> btw: i wnat to update the nightly over cwm, do i have to wipe cache or something?
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<sahnekirsche> guys
<sahnekirsche> i cant sleep
<sahnekirsche> i need some help
<frankdrey> Ok
<sahnekirsche> i9305 downloaded latest cm 10.2 including gapps from 13 august 2013
<sahnekirsche> wiped and so on
<sahnekirsche> but every time the aosp keyboard gives fc
<sahnekirsche> this freaks me out
<sahnekirsche> i rolled back a few days but also there is the aosp keyboard fc
<frankdrey> Did you wipe system before flashing?
<sahnekirsche> yes
<sahnekirsche> also dalvik
<sahnekirsche> and cache partition
<sahnekirsche> and i have to say
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<sahnekirsche> i was on 10.1 nightlies before
<sahnekirsche> everything was awesome
<sahnekirsche> just switched over to a samsung based rom and then to 10.2
<sahnekirsche> i also checked the thread on xda but no one complain s
<sahnekirsche> this makes it even more annoying to me ^^
<sahnekirsche> the aosp keyboard hasnt anything to do with gapps or? its included in the rom?
<sahnekirsche> huh ;(
<frankdrey> Its part of gapps as of 4.2 iirc
<sahnekirsche> ahhh
<sahnekirsche> maybe theres the problem
<sahnekirsche> which gapps is needed for 10.2?
<sahnekirsche> which package date version exactly
<frankdrey> Hold up
<sahnekirsche> hm
<sahnekirsche> i just redownload booth packages now
<sahnekirsche> cm 10.2 and the gapps
<frankdrey> Ok
<frankdrey> Wipe system just in case along with other wipes
<sahnekirsche> this time i format it
<sahnekirsche> to be sure
<sahnekirsche> and i have to say that im a flashaholic
<sahnekirsche> this never happened before
<sahnekirsche> rebooting
<sahnekirsche> :9
<sahnekirsche> ok
<sahnekirsche> we put this under human failure
<sahnekirsche> ;)
<sahnekirsche> dont tell anyone ;)
<sahnekirsche> hehe
<sahnekirsche> works fine
<sahnekirsche> frankdrey: ty for ya help buddy
<frankdrey> Haha :-)
<frankdrey> Np
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<Bert_> Do we know if anyone is working on 10.2 for p4wifi or i9100(m)?