xplodwild changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: Welcome to CyanogenMod Samsung support channel ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | Nemesis APK http://bit.ly/LEfoLH |STATS AT http://irc.nebkat.com/teamhacksung-support.html
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<budmang> any sprint users in?
<|Night|> nop
<|Night|> why
<budmang> 3g issues with CM 10.1(any nightly) or CM10.2( sprint note 2 device).
<budmang> 4g/wifi work fine, 3g just has odd issues.. stock rom works perfect.
<budmang> I've tried tons of modems etc.. the stock rom works fine, 3g flys/works... im trying a complete refresh now but bleh :)
<|Night|> not anything noted in knowen bugs
<plastikman> my GSM note is working fine on 10.2
<plastikman> *note 2
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<budmang> GSM mines CDMA.
<budmang> I switched the APNs etc...
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<budmang> odd, fresh, fresh and it works now POS. :)
<budmang> any way to restore all your apps, if you switched to 3g and they all stopped/failed downloading/restored.
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<ehcelino> i'm having lotta trouble with file transfers via usb, already tried every option (change port, cable, computer), can n1 help? it's a P3110 with cm 10.1.2 stable
<ehcelino> n1 here?
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<jomp16> Built CM10.2, installed, flashed GApps, wiped cache and dalvik, rebooted, waiting to optimize
<jomp16> Method is called dirt flash, correct? (flash upside on a current system)
<jomp16> Booted fine =D
<|Night|> congrats
<jomp16> Why congrats? Isn't nothing...
<jomp16> Is nothing *
<jomp16> No PhotoSphere on stock Camera (using this GApps: http://download.clockworkmod.com/gapps/gapps-jb-20130726.zip)
<jomp16> =(
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<|Night|> it is in focal
<|Night|> check cm repos
<|Night|> and get focal apk
<jomp16> I use CM10.2, and a Nexus 4, should stock Camera have PhotoSphere or it depends of the GApps?
<jomp16> For now, I hate bloated camera, the official camera is fine =D
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<|Night|> you need to grab camera 4.3 apk with spahre
<jomp16> Meh, I will download new GApps package, and what is the name of the apk? GoogleGallery?
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<|Night|> 2 sec
<jomp16> 4.3 has a good speed from 4.2.2
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<|Night|> bec of Trim
<jomp16> The only lacking feature is a official GApps package for 4.3 on goo.im/gapps =D
<|Night|> there is one
<|Night|> :P
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<jomp16> Hope new GApps works...
<jomp16> I like the Nexus bootanimation, dat look good, I like CM bootanimation too
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<jomp16> |Night|: fine, new GApps package from GNexus forum of XDA works, has PhotoSphere
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<|Night|> is gaps for 4.3
<jomp16> I downloaded that gapps, doesn't have photoshere...
<jomp16> <jomp16> No PhotoSphere on stock Camera (using this GApps: http://download.clockworkmod.com/gapps/gapps-jb-20130726.zip)
<jomp16> New has...
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<jomp16> "gapps-jb43-20130729-dmd151.zip"
<jomp16> Focal is... bloated, lags like hell,
<jomp16> If I want a camera app with moar features, I will download Camera Zoom FX from Store...
<jomp16> disabled it
<jomp16> Someone here know how I can enable auto complete on dialpad or isn't merget yet?
<jomp16> merded *
<jomp16> You understand it (merged)
<jomp16> Found it, on settings of dial pad
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<jomp16> Currently no issues on CM10.2
<jomp16> Really PhotoSphere has improvements on 4.3
<codeworkx> jomp16: Focal has Sphere
<jomp16> Cody: "<jomp16> If I want a camera app with moar features, I will download Camera Zoom FX from Store..."
<jomp16> Cya', I need to sleep
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<nakp> hello
<nakp> has anyone had issues with apollo? its not playing a damned song
<nakp> !download i9000
<bbqbot> nakp: Unknown device i9000
<nakp> !download galaxysmtd
<bbqbot> nakp: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S: http://get.cm/get/jenkins/36740/cm-10.1-20130803-NIGHTLY-galaxysmtd.zip [181777]
<nakp> any*
<nakp> nvm
<nakp> mp3val saved the day :D
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<NoVa__> hi guys
<NoVa__> !dowload
<bbqbot> NoVa__: Unknown command "dowload"
<NoVa__> !download
<bbqbot> NoVa__: http://get.cm/
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<joe__> anyone?
<joe__> i cant charge my tab 2 10.1 after flashed cm10
<joe__> plz help
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<RossWell98> <joe__> [13:32] i cant charge my tab 2 10.1 after flashed cm10
<RossWell98> what? O.o
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<maddy> hello
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<Guest7801> is here any one who has flash cygenmod 10.2 with samsung i9100
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<hackworks> Entropy512: I was re-reading your post on samsung and their blobs, I have a few questions
<Entropy512> like what?
<hackworks> The issue we are facing with cm10.2 on i9300 is a crash in glReadPixels
<hackworks> in the captureScreen code path in SurfaceFlinger
<Entropy512> fucking hwcomposer
<Entropy512> i haven't looked at exynos4 and 10.2 at all yet
<Entropy512> surprised that i9300 is crashing but i9100 is not
<hackworks> before a call the glReadPixels, a callt o buf->lock()
<hackworks> xplodwild has circumvented with a workaround that bypasses this code
<xplodwild> Entropy512: both are crashing
<hackworks> I assume GraphicsBuffer->lock() finally calls into gralloc to get ion memory
<xplodwild> Entropy512: cody just used my patch directly
<Entropy512> xplodwild: oh, then why are you putting out builds?
<xplodwild> Entropy512: because workaround
<Entropy512> ah
<xplodwild> it "works", just have glitches everywhere a screenshot is needed
<hackworks> goot both xplodwild and Entropy512 are here now
<hackworks> goot => good
<Entropy512> sorta, just woke up
<hackworks> the problem showed up with memcpy crashing
<hackworks> ah, I am in India
<Entropy512> and today my priority is getting find5's new kernel integrated
<hackworks> winding up the day :-)
<xplodwild> Entropy512: I'll be up for help in a few hours
<hackworks> sure, will not hold you
<hackworks> quick question though - can we not use gralloc from arm directly with source
<xplodwild> hackworks: doesn't match mali blobs
<xplodwild> if I'm not mistaken
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<hackworks> xplodwild: then, sammy has modified it?
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<hackworks> they have source for the same version of the blobs cody checked in recently into cm10.1
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<tincmulc_> I have the same problem as this guy: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=44194706#post44194706 - but it also happens with the 20130801 build. Is this a good place to come for help?
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<Entropy512> hackworks: sammy hacked the shit out of it
<hackworks> Entropy512: oh!
<Entropy512> xplodwild: reading the various posts, probably should not have pushed builds. People don't seem to understand that 10.2 is bleeding edge alpha shit that barely works
<Entropy512> esp. on haxxinos
<tincmulc_> From what I can tell a reboot currupts the data partition (TWRP starts asking for a password, as if I had encryption and it can't even wipe data normaly, I have to use the whatever the stronger wipe is (which wipes internal storage too) to get it working again.
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<hackworks> Entropy512: So, it is almost like a full stop!
<hackworks> Entropy512: I was thinking if we can by gralloc and pass our own memory buffers but realized that the allocated memory has a whole lot more metadata that raw memory
<Entropy512> yeah, and some of that metadata is black voodoo magic we don't understand
<hackworks> Entropy512: thank you, let me just give up and enjoy whatever is left off my weekend :-)
<hackworks> Entropy512: Is find 5 truly open to the last line of source code?
<Entropy512> no device is
<Entropy512> it's not as open as a nexus, but at least oppo is very cooperative
<Entropy512> they have been a pleasure to work with
<hackworks> Entropy512: thank you for the frank response. Nice to know that. By the way, I enjoy reading each and every post of yours on G+, very informative
<Entropy512> np
<hackworks> Entropy512: what do you do, work/study?
<hackworks> your knowledge is in depth and truly amazing
<Entropy512> work, systems engineer at a defense contractor, can't really say more than that about my day job
<Entropy512> nothing to do with Android
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<hackworks> Entropy512: Sure, I like to know more about the people I admire for their knowledge. thanks
<hackworks> xplodwild: if you may please let me know what do you do?
<hackworks> By the way, I work for NetApp - storage development
<xplodwild> hackworks: student
<hackworks> xplodwild: Wow, amazing! with all the technology explosion and your abilities
<hackworks> i started first programming in 1994 when 'C' was the language and C++ was the future
<codeworkx> teh lazy plody student
<xplodwild> codeworkx: I'm doing all teh things
<codeworkx> FIX CRAPXYNOS
<Entropy512> FUCK CRAPXYNOS!
<cdesai> FIX FOCAL
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<omgwtf_> Hello, I have a problem with CM 10.1 on SGS II, version of the cm-10.1-20130803-NIGHTLY-i9100 and the picture looks like someone on a PC set color quality 16 bit, previously used cm-10.1-20130520-NIGHTLY-i9100 and there it works ok, do you know the reason of such error? ;)
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<omgwtf_> install for a moment the cm-10.1-20130802-NIGHTLY-i9100 is yesterday's version and check if the same thing happens
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<SimonWright> hi all
<SimonWright> who install CyanogenMod 10.2 on Galaxy Tab 2 10.1
<SimonWright> ?>
<jomp16> I installed CM10.2 on my Nexus 4, but not yet on my P3110
<SimonWright> you download Gapps for 4.2.2?
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<JulianXhokaxhiu> hi there
<SimonWright> hi
<JulianXhokaxhiu> i would like to ask for some help regarding kernel development
<JulianXhokaxhiu> is anyone here who has some knowledge regarding it and i9100 device?
<SimonWright> no man, soory
<SimonWright> *sorry
<JulianXhokaxhiu> np mate :) i'll wait for someone
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<jomp16> SimonWright: never try older gapps for newer OS
<jomp16> Because I use N4, and this GApps (http://download.clockworkmod.com/gapps/gapps-jb-20130726.zip) doesn't have PhotoSphere, I downloaded other and is working fine, has PhotoShpere
<jomp16> This is my current GApps to 4.3: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2379296
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<SimonWright> thx!
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<jomp16> Meh, cm.zip has a line to format /system, so, I need to flash GApps again...
<SimonWright> format /system????
<SimonWright> i upgrading from CyanogenMod 10.1
<jomp16> Nexus 4 update-script has a line to format /system, so, maybe the 4.3 gapps extract on /system, need to flash again
<jomp16> I have dirty flashed CM10.1 to CM10.2 yesterday
<SimonWright> install CM10.2... not work Gapps...
<SimonWright> downloading your zip with Gapp
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<bbqbot> lolwat
<|Night|> install new gapps for android 4.3
<SimonWright> yes
<|Night|> well
<SimonWright> now install
<|Night|> dude
<|Night|> you make no sense
<|Night|> jomp16 scheck again
<|Night|> you shoul have 2 camera and 2 gallerys now
<jomp16> Why check again? My current GApps is working and has Sphere...
<|Night|> then your golden
<jomp16> Only bad is: need to flash GApps again after a update of CM
<|Night|> yeah
<|Night|> their backup script for 10.2 is bootched
<jomp16> Maybe no script?
<|Night|> what i said 4 sec before oyu :P
<Araemo> the doomed151 one does not
<jomp16> Maybe when 10.2 hits nightly stage, official gapps came on goo.im
<|Night|> im gonna flash 0802 no
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<|Night|> snapsaver does not work with 4.3
<|Night|> .:P
<jomp16> Downloading that gapps again, hope they have camera with photosphere...
<Araemo> night: I wish that gapps link was the one all over the forums, instead of the doomed151 one. :/
<|Night|> where did you get doomed link?
<jomp16> Araemo: his gapps look like official, but not backup script...
<jomp16> Searching on Google...
<Araemo> sgs3 att threads
<|Night|> on xda?
<Araemo> yeah
<|Night|> link?\
<Araemo> wow, it got updated. :/
<Araemo> now it's pointing at that link
<Araemo> lol
<SimonWright> all big thx! working
<Araemo> I think I'm going to reflash this to clear out gapps and install that one
<jomp16> I hope Gapps from clockworkmod site has sphere...
<|Night|> no
<Araemo> jomp, are you flashing cm? use focus. ;)
<|Night|> but focal has
<Araemo> err, focal
<jomp16> Araemo: I hate Focal...
<|Night|> hehe
<|Night|> why
<jomp16> "<jomp16> If I want a camera app with moar features, I will download Camera Zoom FX from Store..."
<Araemo> "moar features" like photosphere?
<jomp16> I like the simplicity of stock camera
<|Night|> not much more in focal than stoc
<jomp16> stock camera has sphere, so, is a official feature...
<Araemo> stock camera doesn't, gapps camera does
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<bbqbot> lolwat
<jomp16> Araemo: whatever, on stock factory image, has sphere, so, official feature...
<jomp16> isn't "useless" feature
<Araemo> what's a useless feature?
<jomp16> Feature you maybe will not use...
<Araemo> if it doesn't get in your way or slow things down, why do you care?
<jomp16> Someone loves Focal, someone doesn't loves Focal, I am the latest group...
<Araemo> I haven't even used it yet
<jomp16> Camera really need to be simple (my opinion)...
<Araemo> but I wasn't a fan of the 4.2 'stock camera' personally
<SimonWright> hah... Antutu on Samsung Tab 2 10.1 - 6593 :D
<SimonWright> CM10.2
<jomp16> Every day CM became more "bloated" =(
<jomp16> Good for some persons, and not good for others
<SimonWright> my Fly IQ441 on Antutu test - 6751
<jomp16> Don't trust on benchmarks
<SimonWright> hm..
<jomp16> The GApps from cwm site doesn't have sphere because the camera is from CM, not Google, doesn't have GalleryGoogle.apk, and the doomed151 has this app...
<SimonWright> CM10.2 working really fast
<jomp16> Maybe put that app on other .zip and modify the backup script?
<jomp16> For now, I will stick with doomed's one
<jomp16> SimonWright: really, 4.3 is fast compared to 4.2.*
<SimonWright> i use 4.2.2 on my tablet... and now 4.3....
<SimonWright> really...
<SimonWright> 4.3 faster
<jomp16> Maybe I can create my own GApps package, download the 4.2.2 one, extract the packages from factory image, deodex, and pack it
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<SimonWright> so...
<jomp16> So not, wait official GApps package when CM10.2 hits nightly stage...
<SimonWright> and what you want to do?
<jomp16> wait a looooong time....
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<SimonWright> тупит чтоль?
<SimonWright> wow
<SimonWright> so slow?
<jomp16> Meh...
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<jomp16> Do stock or do CM?
<jomp16> This channel: do CM, other my friends: do stock
<SimonWright> do CM ;)
<jomp16> Yes, CM > stock
<jomp16> Google really need to release the JSS build, maybe as 4.3.1, or 4.3, with a new OTA and factory image
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<SimonWright> i can't help =(
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<mozguner> hi everyone
<mozguner> i saw a new update added xda forums i9300 cm10.2 ? what changed ?
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<|Night|> android 4.3
<|Night|> good goving
<|Night|> :P
<|Night|> leave 2min after you arrive
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<n-iCe> hi
<SimonWright> hi
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<taamas> hi
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<lutharion> i have a noob question here
<lutharion> i want to upgrade to CM 10.2 from 10.1
<SimonWright> and?
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<lutharion> will I lose any kind of data?
<SimonWright> i install CM10.2 on GalaxyTab2
<lutharion> do I have to data wipe?
<SimonWright> no
<SimonWright> not do wipe data
<lutharion> why do I have to install google apps again?
<jomp16> Your actual GApps is for 4.2.2, CM10.2 is 4.3, you need a updated GApps to work properly on 4.3
<lutharion> I see
<lutharion> thanks for your help
<lutharion> just one last thing
<n-iCe> 10.2 ?
<lutharion> i cant seem to find the 4.3 GApps here http://goo.im/gapps
<n-iCe> where did you find 10.2 ?
<jomp16> lutharion: gapps for 4.3 isn't released, only unofficial...
<jomp16> n-iCe: has a bunch of 10.2 on xda, and you can build it now...
<jomp16> I'm running 10.2 built on my PC with dirty update on my Nexus 4
<n-iCe> and since when do we support unofficial builds?
<jomp16> Cody also released 10.2 from GTab 2 7" forums...
<jomp16> GTab 2 *
<taamas> sorry for interupts you, guys. i have a question, too. :) the 10.2 experimental build have support for OTA updates, like 10.1 nightly?
<jomp16> Err, no for now (aren't nightlies)...
<jomp16> lolwat! cody is running 10.2 on all his devices!
<taamas> ok, thanks
<lutharion> can you recommend me some unnoficial 4.3 Gapps?
<jomp16> All persons recommend this: http://download.clockworkmod.com/gapps/gapps-jb-20130726.zip | but I don't use this because of lacking of Gallery of stock (no photosphere)
<jomp16> gallery from stock *
<spY|da> hi
<lutharion> ok, thanks for all the info
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<sdf> goodevening guys :)
<taamas> hi
<SimonWright> hi
<taamas> good night
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<sdf> somebody knows when 4.2.2 for galaxy note1 (N7000) will come out?
<jomp16> Nobody knows, neither God or the Sammy employers =P
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<sdf> haha that's right x)
<sdf> but nobody knows the ip adress of sammy servers? x)
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<Sambler> !supported
<bbqbot> Sambler: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
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<JulianXhokaxhiu> good night guys
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<Hypfer_on_W7> well hello everyone
<Hypfer_on_W7> simple question since i can't find it: is cm 10.2 for the sgs2 (i9100) usable as a daily driver??
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<EgotisticalElf> Hypfer_on_W7, my wife did
<Hypfer_on_W7> EgotisticalElf: hm?
<EgotisticalElf> used the nightlies for the sgs2 as a daily driver
<Hypfer_on_W7> i see :)
<Hypfer_on_W7> and did she experience problems?
<EgotisticalElf> her phone had physical problems, but none really with the software
<Hypfer_on_W7> okay then i'll try tomorrow
<Hypfer_on_W7> thanks :)
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