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<Guest6027> No root access after installing 4.3 with a full wipe, any ideas?
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<Wilfred> hi, anyone here
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<n-iCe> Wilfred: hi
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<Wilfred> has anyone tried to do a manual network search on the note 2 and it returned results more than once?
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<hackworks> xplodwild: has hex-wire revealed anything useful from exynos gralloc implementation?
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<hackworks> looks like it is best to wait for i9300 4.3 dumps from a leak or an official release from Samsung before going forward with full blown cm-10.2 for i9300. Frustrating but true!
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<Tahvok> Hey guys!
<Tahvok> I couldn't find any explanation on why there is no official CM 10.2 release for P5100. Can someone explain please?
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<JulianXhokaxhiu> someone over here have a leaked or official sheet of MAX8997 chipset for I9100? I found the one for I9000 but it's not the same...
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<Ido123> anyone experienced problem gaining root access on 4.3?
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<exceptional> Hi
<exceptional> please help me
<exceptional> stuck on boot screen for a long time
<exceptional> ????????????????/
<exceptional> yo bitches
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<nebkat> haha
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<henke|mgd> yo bitches!
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<yeh> Hello. I want to try the unofficial 10.2 for i9300 here... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2382573 .. It says to read the FAQ and Issues and I want to, but where are they?
<JulianXhokaxhiu> it is just a copy-paste text which has been used since CM9
<JulianXhokaxhiu> as it's unstable it means that devs are working to fix things, they don't bother telling what is not working, but they need feedback as what is working and what is not
<JulianXhokaxhiu> want to try it? hop aboard. Want a stable phone? Then wait for a stable nightly
<a-st__> And do a Nandroid Backup first :D
<JulianXhokaxhiu> yeah...
<JulianXhokaxhiu> :P
<a-st__> I'm running CM10.2 unofficial build for i9100 :)
<JulianXhokaxhiu> are you a dev too?
<JulianXhokaxhiu> i have the same phone but i'm with cm10.1 4.2.2
<JulianXhokaxhiu> latest nightly
<a-st__> No, i'm not a dev :(
<a-st__> :D
<JulianXhokaxhiu> understood :)
<a-st__> I'm just trying things out :P
<JulianXhokaxhiu> it's always a good thing
<JulianXhokaxhiu> personally i'll wait for a stable nightly
<JulianXhokaxhiu> since i'm not having any issue with 10.1 :P
<a-st__> I tried compiling cm10.2 on my own, which worked fine, but I had the bootloop issue
<a-st__> CM10.1 runs fine and seems rockstable :D
<JulianXhokaxhiu> did you extract the proprietary blobs?
<a-st__> But 10.2 feels a bit faster
<JulianXhokaxhiu> probably you're missing them
<JulianXhokaxhiu> good :D
<a-st__> JulianXhokaxhiu: Ah.. not the bootloop issue but a reboot issue :)
<JulianXhokaxhiu> oh well, maybe you have to pull some commits
<JulianXhokaxhiu> i've read yesterday that now it seems they were fixed
<JulianXhokaxhiu> or revert some, don't remember
<a-st__> There were commits for smdk4412-common but not for galaxys2-common
<JulianXhokaxhiu> mmm ok
<JulianXhokaxhiu> lol @ the nemesis APK
<JulianXhokaxhiu> xD
<yeh> A stable phone? I am on android. (badabum tsss)
<yeh> JulianXhokaxhiu: On the first day, they had "internal storage not working" and one more thing as Issues.
<yeh> Now it's gone.
<yeh> Anyway. I will read the rest of the posts.
<yeh> How about the CWM recovery though. We can't use another recovery anymore?
<yeh> by the way, remainin issues seem to be Trebuchet force closing, and no screenshot capability.
<yeh> oh well. i'll wait anyway. i just felt crazy lazy all of a sudden
<yeh> cheers
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<Tahvok> Hey guys!
<Tahvok> I couldn't find any explanation on why there is no official CM 10.2 release for P5100. Can someone explain please?
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<Tahvok> Question not relevant anymore. Thank you!
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<nebkat> spY|da: dobro vece
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<jomp16> I created my own GApps .zip for 4.3 (with optional photosphere for mako, but not for tuna and manta, no factory image with me), seems to work, I will test if backip script is working
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<a-st_> jomp16: How do you create a gapps zip?
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<jomp16> Backup script working fine
<jomp16> I only picked the apk with same filename, (less than normal)
<jomp16> The hard part is apk, dunno if 4.3 need more apk than 4.2.2
<jomp16> Lacking Google search (Now) =P
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<JulianXhokaxhiu> have someone ever managed to create the /dev/adc node on any samsung device?
<JulianXhokaxhiu> (with Exynos mobo)
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<Frou> Hello. I have SGSII (GT-I9100) and I am trying to make an update from 2.3.4 (stock with root) to CM 10.1. Do I need to update to 4.x or I can just install CWM Recovery (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1118693) and continue updating from there?
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<a-st_> I would upgrade to official 4.x first
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<Frou> So then will it be okay if I will install 4.0.3, then CWM Recovery for SGSII and continue updating from CWM?
<spY|da> that mini notification led on the htc one sux!
<nebkat> spY|da: duude
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<JulianXhokaxhiu> Frou: upgrade to the latest official firmware directly from kies
<JulianXhokaxhiu> open app the camera app (maybe your camera need some firmware update)
<JulianXhokaxhiu> then proceed with CM10.1 or CM10.2
<Frou> JulianXhokaxhiu: I cannot use kies, so I will use odin, but I do not know what is the latest firmware. Upgrading to 4.0.3 (XWLP7) and then using CWM Recovery to upgrade to CM10.1 will not work?
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<JulianXhokaxhiu> well
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<JulianXhokaxhiu> since 4.1.2 was released officially for i9100
<JulianXhokaxhiu> i suggest you to upgrade to that one
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<JulianXhokaxhiu> you can easily do it with Odin too
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<Frou> JulianXhokaxhiu: Thanks. I am just aware of MMC-SUPERBRICK-BUG I read in the guide, then I should just upgrade to 4.1.2, install CWM Recovery and upgrade to CM 10.1 through CWM Recovery?
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<JulianXhokaxhiu> yes Frou
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<RossWell98> codeworkx ?
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<JulianXhokaxhiu> well i'll go now :) good night guys
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<jomp16> Meh, if I had a international credit card, I will buy some games/programs on Play...
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<nebkat> jomp16: dont be stupide
<nebkat> all cc is int
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<Frou> Well. After installation of CWM Recovery and now it shows only samsung logo and black screen than. I tried to clean cache and dalvik but it did not fix the problem.
<jomp16> nebkat: no, at least on Brazil...
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<Frou> Well, I managed to upgrade to CM 10.1 somehow, though I had to install SiyahKernel. All the best everyone and goodbye.
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