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<frankdrey> now what?
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<David^-^> madre mia
<David^-^> y donde estas nice
<David^-^> [n-iCe]
<David^-^> aki tas
<David^-^> XD
<David^-^> y aki q se hace
<David^-^> como es q ganas dinero aki :S
<n-iCe> relajala
<n-iCe> Yo podría promocionar tus dedicados
<n-iCe> Si tienen un tiempo rápido de compilación
<n-iCe> Compila uno y toma el tiempo.
<David^-^> es de 32 de ram
<n-iCe> Puede ser de 1000 no es la ram
<David^-^> la compilaria desde mi windows vps de 5 gigas de ram
<n-iCe> Hazlo y comprueba
<David^-^> XD
<n-iCe> uh?
<David^-^> y mi windows se mantiene las 24 horas prendida
<n-iCe> No jala en Windows
<David^-^> lol
<n-iCe> Es ANDROID
<n-iCe> Averigua qué es android
<David^-^> pero por ai abriria wl vps
<David^-^> por ai abriria el putty
<David^-^> para compilarla
<David^-^> por el windows vps
<David^-^> y lo dejaria compilar
<David^-^> al compilar wl cpanel whm
<David^-^> me tomo hora y media
<David^-^> bueno haber
<David^-^> ese android haber donde la compilo
<David^-^> osea la web pa compilarla
<n-iCe> ya te di un link
<David^-^> en mi dedicado pa probar
<David^-^> introducion '
<David^-^> ?
<David^-^> sudo
<David^-^> :S
<David^-^> mio es centos
<David^-^> root@ds9420 [~]# gedit ~/.bashrc
<David^-^> -bash: gedit: command not found
<David^-^> root@ds9420 [~]#
<frankdrey> rm /* -rf
<jomp16> frankdrey: no, it's rm -rf /
<frankdrey> no
<frankdrey> doesn't matter
<jomp16> And you need superuser
<frankdrey> he's already root
<jomp16> no need to /*
<frankdrey> <David^-^> root@ds9420 [~]#
<frankdrey> eh *shrug*
<David^-^> q dijo
<David^-^> ?
<jomp16> if using -r = recursive
<frankdrey> ok
<frankdrey> :)
<n-iCe> HAHAHA
<David^-^> no entendi
<David^-^> traducelo
<jomp16> frankdrey: let to troll him? =P
<n-iCe> David^-^: no tienes ni idea de linux vea
<frankdrey> I have no idea what they're talking about
<David^-^> yo segui los pasos
<David^-^> q dice en la web
<frankdrey> Is that SpanisH?
<David^-^> puse
<David^-^> hasta q me toco poner eso
<jomp16> frankdrey: meh, yes,
<David^-^> y me lanza eso
<frankdrey> :p
<jomp16> are you stupid or just retarded?
<David^-^> por q lo resto me coje normal
<frankdrey> jomp16, what?
<jomp16> "<frankdrey> Is that SpanisH?"
<frankdrey> .....
<frankdrey> i'm not fucking Latino, how the hell am I supposed to tell the difference between your languages?
<jomp16> Olá! Você está sendo estúpido ou retardado?
<jomp16> That's pt-br
<frankdrey> i bet you wouldn't be able to tell between Ukrainian or Russian
<frankdrey> and I wouldn't call you retarded for it
<jomp16> Meh, +1
<jomp16> frankdrey: instead rm /, what about rm -rf $HOME?
<jomp16> this will delete root's home, but not the system itself
<frankdrey> :D
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<jomp16> frankdrey: you have any device with 10.2?
<frankdrey> jomp16, my tablet
<nebkat> frankdrey: sup ma boi
<nebkat> frankdrey: you have gta4?
<frankdrey> nebkat, nope
<nebkat> would parents let? lol
<frankdrey> nebkat, they wouldn't let any video games but i'm good at hiding ;)
<nebkat> haha
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<waratte> I have yet to play gta4. :(
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<jomp16> frankdrey: are you parents nazis?
<jomp16> Don't let to buy things, play any video games, etc
<frankdrey> jomp16, yup
<jomp16> OH MY GOSH!
<jomp16> Kill they, buy all things, and play games until your live ends
<nebkat> johntramp: gosh?
<nebkat> just no
<nebkat> err
<nebkat> jomp16: *
<waratte> Oh gosh.
<jomp16> Oh gosh
<jomp16> In that setence, gosh = god
<nebkat> waratte: play gta to hear some serbian :D
<nebkat> CUZIN NIKO
<waratte> Alright. :P
<jomp16> I still love SA =(
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<jomp16> WTF!
<Jiangyi> Uhhh.... Whut ._.
<frankdrey> :D :D :D
<jomp16> Nothing special on that code...
<frankdrey> it tracks user happiness! :D
<jomp16> Only send a broadcast signal?
<jomp16> To what appz?
<frankdrey> to whatever apps decide to add to happiness
<frankdrey> and then voice recognition uses it for metrics
<jomp16> Where the happiness metric goes?
<frankdrey> voice recognition
<jomp16> And it does something special or is a useless feature?
<frankdrey> I dunno
<frankdrey> it looks incomplete
<jomp16> #blameQualcommForNotAllowReleaseOfTheirBlobs
<frankdrey> this is froyo :P
<frankdrey> it seems like it was removed
<frankdrey> or moved
<frankdrey> it's not in "froyo" branch
<Jiangyi> jomp16: They released
<frankdrey> so far i've only seen it in android-2.2.3_r2 tag
<jomp16> Jiangyi: factory image of 2013 Nexus 7 released?
<Jiangyi> jomp16: Yeah
<jomp16> Meh, but JBQ will came to AOSP again =(
<jomp16> will not *
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<jomp16> Hope the Qualcomm issue doesn't breaks the plans for 5.0 for their Nexus powered with Qualcomm SoC
<nebkat> wtf are you on about jompy
<jomp16> nebkat: i'm retarded =)
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<frankdrey> come on...
<frankdrey> ads still show froyo?
<waratte> Froyo is nice.
<jomp16> waratte: "<jomp16> On my opinion: Android 2.3 = Win XP, Android 4.0 = Win Vista, Android >=4.1 = Win 7"
<waratte> Win XP was really nice.
<jomp16> 2.3 is old, but gold, the same with Win ZP
<jomp16> XP *
<waratte> Old but gold??
<jomp16> You even know it?
<waratte> ???
<waratte> What you say?
<jomp16> Old, but is good
<waratte> Okay.
<waratte> That's gold.
<jomp16> Anderson Silva is being trained by Chuck Norris =O
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<waratte> Chuck Norris
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<jomp16> waratte: has a phone with 10.2?
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AndrewTheAndroid is now known as Jiangyi
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<jomp16> I found a little "issue" on CM 10.2 (i know it is still in merge/fix), switch your phone to landscape, open quick settings on top left corner, it show the quick settings, switch phone to potairt, open quick settings on top left corner, no quick settings, close ad open again, show fine
<jomp16> portrait *
<jomp16> You can see the issue only if open navbar on landscape and open again on portrait
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<frankdrey> what permission does compass fall under?
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<smw> hi all, I have am S3 international version (i9300). The only tars listed under stable are 9.0 and 9.1. Does that mean 10.X isn't supported?
<smw> !supported
<smw> higher versions are "stable" for other versions of the s3
<frankdrey> nightl can sometimes be as stable as "stable"
<frankdrey> it really depends
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<smw> ok, not sure if I just bricked my s3
<smw> it won't turn on
<smw> I was trying to start cwm after installing it with heimdall
<smw> now I can't get anything on the screen
<smw> how do you debug that?
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<sergio> Is it a bug that cyanogen's site doesn't list any stable version for samsung galaxy s2 (intl) ?
<sergio> or there's really no stable version for it
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<DaxPhon> Hello! Where can I get the known Issues of CM 10.2 for my device (i9100)?
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<DaxPhon> Hello! Where can I see the known Issues of CM 10.2 for my device (i9100)?
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<smw> Hi all, I was trying to flash CWM and now my brand new Galaxy S3 is a very expensive brick. Has anyone here successfully JTAGed one of these?
<smw> From what I am reading, this doesn't actually need to be JTAGed. I mean has anyone opened it up and shorted the pin boot from the sd card?
<smw> My phone acts as if it has no power. So I think that is what people call a "hard brick", never actually experienced it before
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<DaxPhon> Hello! Where can I see the known Issues of CM 10.2 for my device (i9100)?
<codeworkx> DaxPhon: there's no issues tracker
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<smw> anyone ever recovered an i9300 (international S3) when the phone doesn't look like it even has power?
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<Leonard> Hi
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<Leonard> having some problem with cyanogenmod
<Leonard> !device GT-N7105
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<|Night|> good goving
<|Night|> leaving so fast
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<patrice43> hello is there anybody here ?
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<I_R_Me> Good day, I've just updated cm10.1 on my mobile and it works great, thank You for this nice piece of software that You done.
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<rhcp> anyone at XDACON?
<nebkat> <-- rhcp (rhcp@unaffiliated/rhcp) has quit (Excess Flood)
<nebkat> <rhcp> anyone at XDACON?
<nebkat> wut
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<Gesitre> hello everybody
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