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<mach20x> I'm having a bit of trouble with the new 10.2 update from 10.1
<mach20x> Everytime my phone goes to sleep, it immediately reboots
<mach20x> Is any anyone here that has a handle on this type of problem, or what i can do about it.
<mach20x> Is there a kernel i can couple with the new ROM that is stable, since it doesn't appear as though glitch is doing me any favors right now
<Jiangyi> mach20x: Flash latest nightly, wipe data
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<mach20x> ./data?
<mach20x> I flashed yesterday's nightly
<Issa> hello can anyone direct me the last cm10.1 nightly for the galaxy s2 i9100 i can't seem to find it on the cm website
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<frankdrey> And I was about to help both of them...
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<frankdrey> hmm i could build my g1 froyo/donut roms on my server, since it's a 32 bit
<frankdrey> and leave my PC for anything newer
<frankdrey> then again, my desktop could do a froyo/donut build in 20 minutes :P
<frankdrey> so *shrug*
<frankdrey> oh, and the server has only 30gb :P
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<smw> Hi all. I am running into a weird bug with the i9300 RC. It randomly decides it is the wrong time (perhaps only wrong hour)
<smw> what is interesting though is an alarm set for 6 went off at 6 real time even when the phone said it was a different time
<jomp16> Hmmm, strange...
<jomp16> Timezone?
<smw> during one of these... episodes, it also told me I have physics on Wed and Fri instead of Tue and Thurs
<jomp16> frankdrey: do you know about it?
<smw> jomp16, I am thinking it is timezone related
<frankdrey> hmmm
<smw> jomp16, everything looks good (except the time) when I go into date/time settings
<smw> jomp16, a reboot fixes it, but not immediately
<smw> it will say for example that it is 1 at first when it reboots and then within a minute figure out it is actually 18:00
<frankdrey> set to network time?
<smw> frankdrey, I assume it checked with the network or something
<frankdrey> there should be a setting
* frankdrey checks tablet
<smw> frankdrey, I am listing symptoms, not causes :-)
<smw> frankdrey, it is set to that
<frankdrey> ok
<smw> the first time this happened I noticed the calendar problem and alarm working. Second time I noticed only hour changed
<frankdrey> next time this happens, check the "time zone", if it changed, and if not, check in terminal emulator "date"
<smw> so I am going to take a wild guess it is a timezone issue
<smw> frankdrey, ok, I will try date next time
<frankdrey> maybe
<frankdrey> sounds weird
<smw> frankdrey, I can tell you in settings everything looked good
<smw> frankdrey, sorry, I was trying to list symptoms before I said what I thought the problem is.
<smw> frankdrey, and this started when I upgraded to i9300's new RC
<smw> was running snapshot
<frankdrey> nothing to apologize about :P
<frankdrey> hmmm, meh...I've never seen RC/snapshot/stable/nightly to be any different in terms of stability
<frankdrey> but that's probably because my device has good support
<smw> my device doesn't ;-)
<smw> I was damn excited when I saw "RC"
<smw> our last stable was 9.1
<smw> frankdrey, are you a developer?
<jomp16> I will test it
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<frankdrey_> smw, I'm not much of a developer, too lazy for that
<jomp16> frankdrey_: but you aren't lazy to create a LFS system and a own package manager..
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<frankdrey> jomp16, it works like this:
<frankdrey> i put CM source to download
<frankdrey> takes a day and a half
<frankdrey> i lose interest
<frankdrey> rm . -rf
<frankdrey> repeat
<jomp16> ...
<frankdrey> :P
<smw> lol
<jomp16> Instead do rm -rf /boot
<frankdrey> i have a list of 21 projects i'm working on
<frankdrey> CM is only one of them :P
<frankdrey> and my random number generator hasn't picked it enough times for me to get far
<jomp16> I have a bunch of projects to work, but I don't have interest
<smw> frankdrey, what device do you have?
<jomp16> I only work on my bot for now...
<frankdrey> smw, galaxy tab 2 10.1 p5113 aka p5110 + IRC
<frankdrey> derp
<frankdrey> *IR
<frankdrey> i'm resting my elbow on it right now :D
<jomp16> frankdrey: and with 10.2, IR working properly?
<smw> should I try 10.2 if 10.1 is having bugs like this? lol
<jomp16> Flash stock ROM, if you got a bug, blame Sammy...
<jomp16> =P
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<smw> jomp16, their software is one big bug :-P
<jomp16> #blameSammy
<smw> jomp16, blaming sammy won't fix the problem
<smw> jomp16, annoying cyanogen developers has a better shot ;-)
<jomp16> Seems Hot Swapping works
<jomp16> Hope it works with my bot
<jomp16> Meh, my bot is developed with Java 8, won't will work for Hot Swapping (Java 6/7)
<jomp16> Maybe create a new branch with Java 6/7 code
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<jomp16> Doens't works for my bot, because plugins.jar aren't loading
<jomp16> Too bad =(
<jomp16> But for non plugins based program, it works
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<riya> Hi Team
<riya> i need few help from ur end
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<Dureiken> Hi there, I came from CM10.1 to CM10.2 (fresh install from wipe) but I can't find options in new CM : disable haptic and button lights on i930(, can someone help me please ? Thanks
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<Dureiken> Hi there, I came from CM10.1 to CM10.2 (fresh install from wipe) but I can't find options in new CM : disable haptic and button lights on i930(, can someone help me please ? Thanks
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<Brian__> Hello, will miracast work on my device gt-i9305, if i flash cm10.1?
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<Dureiken> Hi there, I came from CM10.1 to CM10.2 (fresh install from wipe) but I can't find options in new CM : disable haptic and button lights on i930(, can someone help me please ? Thanks
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<Dureiken> Hi there, I came from CM10.1 to CM10.2 (fresh install from wipe) but I can't find options in new CM : disable haptic and button lights on i9305, can someone help me please ? Thanks
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<Dureiken> is this channel dead ?
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<yong__> do cm10.1support usb joystick?
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<frankdrey> !geo host
<bbqbot> frankdrey: {country: "United States", region: "California", city: "Loomis", latlong: {38.8139, -121.1662}, time: "Sat 11:56 PDT"}
<frankdrey> dahell is bbqbot
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<frankdrey> oh
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<nixio> Hi!
<nixio> I have trouble on CM 10.1\10.2 with voice call
<nixio> When i try to end call nothing happend, phone just keep calling...
<nixio> Who meet with this kind of bugs?
<nixio> I try several modems no success result..
<nixio> On CM, JellyBAM i have same bug with all modems.
<nixio> Greate
<nixio> Great!
<nixio> Whole chat of nobody :D
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<frankdrey> Your mom
<Baskey_> xx
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<dinag> hi
<dinag> got something quite important to share i think
<dinag> regarding a bug in nightly i9300 4.3
<frankdrey> Go ahead
<dinag> i just wrote it in XDA, Hi all, i'm not sure this is the best fitting place to post this I hope it will find it's way to whoever needs knowing this goes after installing 4.3 nightly 3 nights ago, I noticed all my Download folder is empty, same for Camera - DCIM.....strange i thought cause i know Wipe data/factory reset is not "please format my sdcard", ohh well nevermind, i'll download again all tho
<dinag> Next, when trying to install something from Play, I got "Insufficient storage available"....... My device had nothing on it (so it looks) but was totally filled up. as it turns out, all of my Pictures+Songs+Downloads+Bluetooth files etc etc where in "\data\media" mystery solved. all files saved, and no free space left is explained (i really had alot of stuff like tv series episodes.....)
<frankdrey> Was your internal storage encrypted?
<dinag> nope
<frankdrey> Hmm
<dinag> was coming from Omega rom
<dinag> samsung based
<frankdrey> Ah
<dinag> not that i know of at least, i didn't do it
<frankdrey> You have to wipe all coming from stock
<dinag> i did factory reset after flashing
<dinag> you mean extra wipes ?
<frankdrey> Not just, it's also good to wipe storage
<dinag> it's not really stock, it's a custom rom , omega i mean
<frankdrey> Because 4.3 handles storage differently
<frankdrey> Still, it's WinZip stock
<dinag> while googling the problem all i could find was people having "insufficient storage..." regarding Titanium backup, but this was not the case so I thought maybe others have this
<dinag> i love cm 10.2 and i'm so happy this was this simple
<dinag> it got me worried for a sec
<dinag> i just didn't knew where this should be worth mentioning to devs and to users who might have this
<frankdrey> Yeah, /data/media is the old way of storing stuff
<dinag> ahhh
<dinag> ok,
<dinag> cause i read posts people said look in data/log
<dinag> or dev/log for a build up of log files
<dinag> so that was a hint, but i found no logs
<frankdrey> It's all split into folders and all this weird shit now, because of tablet multi user
<dinag> :):)
<dinag> i'm still in shock how awesome is 4.3 in comparison to samsung based roms for the i9300
<dinag> 4.3 cm i mean ofcourse
<dinag> samsung really took a good spec device and turned it to a slower than the i9100 phone with their roms
<frankdrey> Yeah
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<dinag> amazing !?!?!??! are they serious ?
<frankdrey> Samsung is terrible at coding
<frankdrey> Better than me... But still bad :-D
<dinag> :):):) if you don't know better, you could think the i9300 is a reeeaaally bad device
<dinag> but not with 10.2
<dinag> it's all Java ?
<dinag> i suppose so
<frankdrey> Mostly
<frankdrey> Android has its own modified java
<frankdrey> Called dalvik
<dinag> you code in Dalvik ?
<nebkat> lolol
<dinag> i'm a C# developer
<frankdrey> Dalvik is java :-)
<nebkat> frankdrey: its not modified java
<dinag> can't break out of the Visual Studio environment
<nebkat> its modified java virtual machine
<nebkat> there is quite a difference
<dinag> ohh
<dinag> :):)
<frankdrey> nebkat, that's what I meant :-P
<dinag> strange language :) Dalvik !!
* frankdrey is trying to hackintosh :-\
<nebkat> frankdrey: y not arch
<frankdrey> Already have arch
<dinag> ok people, keep up the good work and have a great week !!!
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<dinag> it's almost midnight here, and it's work tomorrow
<frankdrey> Good night
<dinag> thanks !!!! Good night :)
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<Sepp> i have a question concerning the battery drain the rc relaease of the cm 10,1
<Sepp> it seems like a google framework service called SystemUpdateService is causing battery drain
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