nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT
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<evilboi> can i check will the S pen work for [ROM][GT-N7105 / t0lte][JB][4.2.2] CyanogenMod 10.1 official nightlies?
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<AngryManMLS> how's it going tonight?
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<frankdrey> waratte, ZNC is back, obviuosly :D
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<enderdroid> hey tech support, thanks for the awesome rom and giving my galaxy s2 i9100 the opportunity to even see android version 4.3
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<enderdroid> but im having some problems with the cm10.2 on my phone
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<enderdroid> one of them is, while using the mobile data, the receiving and sendind traffic arrows dont flash meanwhile using wifi connectivity it does
<codeworkx> enderdroid: nightlies are experimental and not meant for daily usage
<codeworkx> only experienced users and devs
<enderdroid> true, but im interested in helping as well
<frankdrey> !google cyanogenmod wiki building
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Development - CyanogenMod - CyanogenMod Wiki:
<frankdrey> ^ start there :)
<frankdrey> Best help
<enderdroid> thanks, will do my research and hope i can manage to help in the galaxy i9100 project
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<enderdroid> one question, i currently have installed cm10.2 and i can get the classfile in order to import it in eclipse but is there a way to get the classfile from the last cm10.1 nightlies in order to compare them?
<frankdrey> Classfile?
<frankdrey> Eclipse?
<frankdrey> !device i9100
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Information for Samsung Galaxy S II:
<frankdrey> Follow "build for i9100"
<enderdroid> thanks bbqbot and frankdrey
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<spY|da> hi
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<spY|da> where do i find my screenshots?
<QuinnLion> if you've got internal storage, they'd be there in pictures/screenshots
<QuinnLion> basically same for external storage
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<blubber> is there anybody who can help with a galaxy s2 ?
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<blubber> ok i got it working, with the new daily cm-image, you need to install the newest google apps!
<blubber> bye
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<spY|da> QuinnLion`, thank you
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<bbqbot> lolwat
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<Snake> Hi everybody, is someone knowing well the GT i9100 ?
<frankdrey> Just ask your question
<Snake> ok i've change one feature in developper option ( cm10.1) and then my phone bootloop
<Snake> the option is about the display but dont remind well
<frankdrey> You shouldn't mess with dev options if you're not a dev
<Snake> yes i know, is there any way to put those option back to default ?
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<Snake> i mean without flash a stock one
<n-iCe> hi
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<Snake> so nobody can help me to get back to default my devloper option via adb or something ?
<n-iCe> hi Snake
<n-iCe> what's your problem
<Snake> i've change one feature in developper option ( cm10.1) and then my phone bootloop. the option is about the display but dont remind well
<n-iCe> so you can't go to the system
<n-iCe> and try
<n-iCe> just wipe cache and dalvik
<Snake> let's try
<Snake> stay tuned
<Snake> reboot
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<ivanhtp> alooooha guys
<Snake> hi
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<Snake> @n-iCe the cache/dalvik wipe do nothing so i try to update my cm10.1 to cm10.2 + gapps
<Snake> i just hope not loosing to much app data
<n-iCe> good
<Snake> flash is done now it's time to boot
<n-iCe> wipe cache and dalvik
<Snake> when i've do this before, my phone freeze after the optimization of apps
<Snake> Freeze again at "starting applications"
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<Snake> still here n-ice ?
<n-iCe> yes
<Snake> now my phone is stuck at Samsung bootloader
<n-iCe> wipe cache, dalvik and flash
<n-iCe> make sure you use the correct zip and gapps
<Snake> wait
<Snake> he just pass to the bootanimation
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<n-iCe> good
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<frankdrey> Damn internet
<Snake> optimization now
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<Snake> hope it will not freeze at starting applications
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<Snake> Freeze at Starting applications
<Snake> finalisation of the update now
<Snake> i'll let it work for 5 min
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<Snake> still on update finalizing
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<Snake> n-iCe what if i data wipe ?
<Snake> my phone is now freeze at bootanimation
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<n-iCe> dude stop doing all wrong
<n-iCe> clean data, wipe dalvik, wipe cache and flash
<n-iCe> that's all you need.
<Snake> at the beginning i dont want to clean app data
<nebkat> n-iCe: hey
<Snake> that why i try to do some trick
<n-iCe> clean app data
<n-iCe> google will restore your installed aps
<Snake> ok :/
<n-iCe> apps
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<Snake> n-iCe i've wipe data / dalvik / cache now i flash rom then gapps and then do i need to factory reset again ?
<Snake> or that will be good
<n-iCe> will be good
<Snake> let's go baby !
<Snake> reboot time
<Snake> that nice
<Snake> but no more data btw
<n-iCe> go through the google restore menu
<n-iCe> write down your google account and will be restoring your apps
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<Snake> at least my background still the same
<Snake> lol
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