nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT
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<childofthehorn> Ill BBL
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<andrewta> hey, i just upgraded my i9300 a week ago and now i get random lockups all the time.. can anyone help
<andrewta> oh, looks like i found some info
<andrewta> does swtiching back to stock fix the freeze ups?
<andrewta> i cant even trouble shoot it my phone freezes like straight away
<andrewta> as soon as i try to install dummy file ggenerator the phone freezes
<andrewta> is this channel dead..?
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<andrewta> can anyone help
<frankdrey> Upgraded to what?
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<andrewta> what do you mean?
<frankdrey> What did you install?
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* QuinnLion_ flops
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<andrewta> the latest cm10 nightly
<andrewta> 0823
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<frankdrey> Thats cm10.2
<frankdrey> Its not stable
<frankdrey> Try cm10.1
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<clown85> hi everyone
<clown85> is someone here for support? :)
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<clown85> Im on CM 10.1 20130711 i9300 and I observed that some interuptions occure in the battery diagram during the day just like the phone freezes for a few seconds and goes on again. I found it out first when I observed my processor with cpu spy plus and was confused why time changed
<clown85> and 2nd is it normal that android OS is above brightness in battery drain even though I use the phone quite often????
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<GFeed> hello, i have cuanogenmod 10.2 my device is sgs3 international and google play isn't working, it says "no connection" after updating to cm 10.2
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<nebkat> @op nebkat
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<whitequark> hahaha
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<the_axis> !supoerted
<bbqbot> the_axis: Unknown command "supoerted"
<the_axis> !supported
<bbqbot> the_axis: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
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<harta_> I need help.
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<frankdrey> harta_, i bet you do
<harta_> is that you making fun of me?
<harta_> or you offering help?
<frankdrey> harta_, we can't help you if we don't know what the question is
<frankdrey> we don't read minds :)
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<harta_> hehe
<harta_> my rom lost recovery after installing cm nightly
<harta_> but i may have fixed it
<harta_> so ill update here in a few seconds :P
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<frankdrey> ok :)
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<jochensp> Hi, I've compiled cm-10.2 for my i9100g, first boot without problems, after a reboot I only get the very first logo, no boot animation, no cwm, any ideas?
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<a-st> jochensp: You did something wrong or some changes broke it ;)
<jochensp> a-st: hehe, I guessed so. Any idea for an easy fix? Otherwise I will install stock through the download mode and root it again
<a-st> maybe try an other kernel through odin/heimdall
<jochensp> would that increase my download counter?
<a-st> yeah.
<frankdrey> doesn't matter
<a-st> You can reset it afterwards
<frankdrey> if you're at 1, you're not getting warranty
<frankdrey> like...1, 2, 3, 10000 there's no difference
<frankdrey> but yeah, you can reset it later
<jochensp> I'm at 0 right now ;), will try to install the official rom first, thanks anyway
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<spY|da> nebkat, :D
<nebkat> spY|da: :D
<frankdrey> nebkat, spY|da :D
<spY|da> frankdrey, :D
<nebkat> frankdrey: :D
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<jochensp> a-st, frankdrey: got it working again by connecting it to the PC. I guess it though the bettery was empty, also it was full
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<jochensp> scratch that, it's all working fine except cwm (and it's trying ot boot into recovery again and again, unless I plug it into USB)
<a-st> jochensp: maybe cwm is broken
<spY|da> was ist denn das problem?
<spY|da> kurze zusammenfassung bitte, vllt kann man dann besser helfen
<jochensp> hab cm-10.2 vom aktuellen Github fürs i9100g kompiliert, tut gut, bis auf cwm
<spY|da> und warum baust du das selbst?
<jochensp> seit 10.1 geht mein Bluetooth Keyboard nicht mehr (an anderen Handys mit 10.1 tuts, unter 10 bei mir auch), dachte vielleicht könnte ich da fixen
<nebkat> deutsche deutsche uber alles hooray
<spY|da> nebkat, :-P
<jochensp> hehe
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<spY|da> unser irischer serbe lernt jetzt deutsch :D
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<spY|da> jochensp, hast du denn mal die offizielle nightly installiert, und geschaut ob das cwm funktioniert?
<jochensp> spY|da: das von gestern tut
<spY|da> d.h. es liegt an deinem eigenen build?
<jochensp> denke schon
<spY|da> da bin ich raus, ich habe schon lange nicht mehr mein eigenes rom gebacken
<jochensp> hehe, kein Problem, danke für die Hilfe
<a-st> Hatte das Problem aber auch schon ;)
<nebkat> spY|da: mais je prefere la francaise :P
<a-st> Alles ging außer cwm
<a-st> ein paar Builds später ging es wieder :
<spY|da> nebkat, oui oui
<jochensp> a-st: oh, wie haste die neuen Builds geflasht?
<nebkat> but i'll probably try german this year too :D
<spY|da> cwm kannste ueber den rommanager installieren
<a-st> jochensp: mit nem funktionierenden Kernel eines älteren nightlies ;)
<jochensp> a-st: touche
<a-st> Habe auf meinem i9100 auch eine selbstgebackene ROM
<a-st> irgendwann heute mittag gebaut
<a-st> Aber ich verwende den Dorimanx Kernel :)
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<Legendhidde> Good evening guys
<spY|da> Legendhidde, good evening
<Legendhidde> Ive got a bit of a problem with my CM 10.2 on I9100, I dont know if Im supposed to ask it here
<spY|da> as straight ahead
<Legendhidde> For some reason when taking one picture with the app Focal which is pretty nice by the way. It stops working and cant connect to my camera anymore afterwards
<Legendhidde> I dont know if its a common problem or just me doing some weird stuff
<jochensp> Legendhidde: which nightly?
<Legendhidde> Latest one I believe just installed it
<Legendhidde> cm-10.2-20130824
<jochensp> it worked for me yesterday, but as far as I can see Focal is still pretty much work in progress, so maybe it will work at some point for you as well
<Legendhidde> Alright, well guess I can go a bit without camera
<Legendhidde> I think ill just do a fresh reinstall because I soft bricked it after rebooting and I cant enter recovery mode anymore
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<jochensp> Legendhidde: only recovery, everything els working? (because I've just the same problem on my i9100g)
<Legendhidde> Everything else works
<Legendhidde> Download, but it doesnt get past the yellow exclamation
<jochensp> interesting, so maybe it's not my build
<Legendhidde> Which build would you recomment for the most stable experience?
<spY|da> cm 10.1
<Legendhidde> Alright, for some reason though it runs very choppy. But its alright. Just temporarily
<jochensp> spY|da: rommanager is telling me that there is no official cwm for i9100g and it will use the installed one, how to tell it to install a new one?
McNetic is now known as zz_McNetic
<spY|da> jochensp, frag a-st wie man den kernel dann isntalliert, ich hab schon laenger kein samsung geräte problem mehr gehabt
<a-st> ich mach das immer über heimdall
<jochensp> spY|da: heimdall/odin ^^
<a-st> heimdall flash --kernel boot.img
<a-st> geht aber auch ausm laufenden system
<jochensp> wie?
<a-st> flash_image /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /data/local/tmp/zImage
<spY|da> jochensp, das ist mir schon klar aber ich hab wie gesagt laenger nichts in die richtung gemacht
<a-st> zumindest beim i9100
<jochensp> a-st: cool, danke :)
<spY|da> Legendhidde, 10.2 is work in progress, you cant expect anything from it for now
<spY|da> and you mentioned " most stable experience"
<jochensp> a-st: hat funktioniert, danke :)
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<jochensp> Legendhidde: just in case, if you want recovery back, take boot.img from an older nightly and flash it using flash_image /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 boot.img (as a-st proposed)
<Legendhidde> Thanks for all the help :)
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<spY|da> !next
<bbqbot> spY|da: Unknown command "next"
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<whitequark> !op
<bbqbot> whitequark: You do not have permission to run "op"
<whitequark> !help
<bbqbot> whitequark: Available commands: !help, {!8ball}, {!changelog, !device, !download, !supported}, {!geo, !time}, {!google, !tts}, {!imdb}, {!math}, {!money}, {!seen}, {!encode, !hash, !text}
<whitequark> !tts foo
<bbqbot> whitequark: Usage !tts <lang> <query>
<whitequark> !tts ru foo
* whitequark shrugs
<nebkat> whitequark: hey
<whitequark> nebkat: hi
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<whitequark> nebkat: whatcha doin'
<nebkat> whitequark: google play music all access
<nebkat> enjoying da music
<nebkat> @lastfm
<nebkat> stupid not is dead
<nebkat> :P
<whitequark> ha
<nebkat> whitequark: you?
<whitequark> working on object allocation in foundry
<whitequark> it's hard to provide sensible constructors in OO languages... say you do `def initialize; foo(self); @x = 1; end'
<whitequark> so self escapes with @x being garbage
<whitequark> and you get some kind of weird behavior or another
* whitequark sighs
<whitequark> so I resort to control flow analysis to ensure that a half-constructed object never esapes or is used
<whitequark> but that's only tractable if local, so I have to inline all functions called in constructor
<whitequark> so you cannot really use non-tail-recursive functions in the constructor, but I guess it's ok?
<whitequark> DERP
<whitequark> guess that wasn't very informative
<nebkat> whitequark: im lost
<nebkat> good luck with whatever you are doing though ;)
<whitequark> sorry
<whitequark> <- a fairly high-level, concise description
<whitequark> if you're interested
<nebkat> dont like langs that use words instead of {}
<nebkat> and other symbols
<whitequark> it's the only language ever in its class, c'mon
<whitequark> why would you hinge on syntax :)
<nebkat> it looks interesting though
<waratte> Me neither.
<whitequark> sigh
<whitequark> I probably should make some shiny demos or something
<whitequark> since in a lack of distractions, the discussion always comes to syntax, and then syntax is like hitler
<whitequark> nothing good ever comes of discussing it
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