Espenfjo changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT | STATS AT
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: bad guy
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Don't have time to do a proper native reinstall :-P
<Jiangyi> Besides, some days I feel like working from Windows
<jomp16> Cody: what's your current phone?
<codeworkx> htc one
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<bbqbot> somestupidnick: Unknown device jfltevzw
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<chad> hello?
<chad> any mod?
<chad> will just ask what is perfect rom for my SII to make it faster and nicer :) thanks
<chad> anyone?
<kahtahs_> which s2?
<kahtahs_> !supported Samsung
<bbqbot> kahtahs_: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<chad> samsung galaxy S2 sir
<kahtahs_> lots of devices go by that name, be more specific
<chad> samsung galaxy S2 GT-i9100
<chad> i want a stable but fastest and nicer ROM for my samsung galaxy S2 GT-i9100
<chad> someone told me CM10+ latest and siyah kernel??
<codeworkx> flash cm?
<chad> im learning and reading as of now, will just ask 1st what is best and better
<chad> for rom and kernel
<codeworkx> CM10.1 unmodified
<chad> can u give me link to download that?
<chad> and im sory if i act a spoon feed guy :) thanks
<chad> and for kernel sir??
<chad> sir? D;
<chad> looking for a good kernel for my S2 i9100
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<chieftex> guys, the AOSP roms for many samsung devices do not allow you to use the hdmi out as it is proprietary afaik - does this go for all samsung devices?
<kahtahs_> galaxy nexus is from samsung
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<codeworkx> chieftex: yes, doesn't work on nearly all samsung devices
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<chieftex> codeworkx thanks
<chieftex> in that case, I think my next device won't be a samsung!
<chieftex> do you have a recommendation of manufacturer for ease of modding/custom roms?
<chieftex> Im currently using the samsung galaxy note (I love it) but the only thing stopping me using any AOSP based rom is the lack of hdmi out function
<chieftex> if thats likely to continue, I won't be getting the galaxy note 3 when it comes out, and will instead look at another manufacturer's "phablets".
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<xplodwild> chieftex: sony, htc, oppo
<chieftex> do you use any of those?
<codeworkx> chieftex: nexus :-P
<codeworkx> chieftex: i'm using a htc one currently
<chieftex> yeah nexus seems like a good idea generally, but they have to cut out some features to keep prices down i imagine
<chieftex> the htc one is probably the best looking phone out there
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<codeworkx> chieftex: + best sound
<chieftex> that too - front stereo speakers. I can't believe no one has done that before
<xplodwild> chieftex: I use the Oppo Find 5 as my main phone, but I have the Xperia T too
<chieftex> you use AOSP based roms on both I assume?
<xplodwild> CM everywhere yup
<chieftex> And, unlike with samsung devices, there are no downsides??
<codeworkx> chieftex: protip: htc one google edition
<kahtahs_> codeworkx: any idea if it will be merged into aosp?
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> dunno
<codeworkx> i hope it will be
<codeworkx> but doesn't matter if not
<codeworkx> kernel sources + aosp friendly blobs = win
<xplodwild> chieftex: they all use qualcomm boards, which are very open
<xplodwild> and OEMs themselves are pretty friendly
<chieftex> i just looked that up. Its just an htc one minus sense basically, is that right?
<cdesai> HTC isn't, but the other two are
<cdesai> yep, software is the only difference chieftex
<chieftex> effectively then you could make one yourself with liberal use of a good launcher
<cdesai> it's not just the launcher
<chieftex> sure but thats the main thing no?
<xplodwild> not really
<xplodwild> there's a lot of features within the framework as a whole too
<cdesai> that's the main thing you see on first look, after that it's just a small part
<xplodwild> the camera app, the external services, the hardware features
<xplodwild> and the replacement of stock apps
<chieftex> the hardware features you say?
<chieftex> anyway, I'll be looking for a replacement for my galaxy note, so not a normal phone size. needs to be phablet really
<chieftex> i havent seen sony do it yet, but i think oppo may have
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<xplodwild> chieftex: hardware features like miracast/wi-di/...
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<kahtahs_> does htc release their binary blobs like google does for nexus?
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<codeworkx> kahtahs_: no one does
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<alaric> guys is cm10.1 fot gti9100 stable enf for daily use?
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<ThePendulum> !device s3
<bbqbot> ThePendulum: Unknown device s3
<ThePendulum> u wot m8
<ThePendulum> !device i9300
<bbqbot> ThePendulum: Information for Samsung Galaxy S III:
<ThePendulum> Oh wow, the SIII has a barometer?
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<themaimoon> Hello;
<themaimoon> I have a galaxy S i9000 I had MIUI 4.0.x before. I tried to wipe device, manual system /format then install latest 4.2.2 slimbean on it. But it fails to flash the ROM, Can anyone please help. I have sephamore CWM recovery
<themaimoon> semaphore*
<kahtahs_> no support for kangs
<themaimoon> ok. Is there anyway I can restore the whole thing to CM 10?
<themaimoon> !supported
<bbqbot> themaimoon: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
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<Kodak> !supported Samsung
<bbqbot> Kodak: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<Kodak> Hello all, i have a S2 exynos device(I9100), and the Cm page says if i factory reset, it might superbrick the phone
<Kodak> Is there a reason i should ever need factory reset after installing cm?
<Kodak> Or rather, when would i need to factory reset?
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<Kodak> I also noticed there are only nightlies for the GT-I9100, how is the stability?
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<hakcenter> i must have missed something really big, are the github repos and the webpage all gone ?
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<Kodak> I didnt properly follow the guide(
<Kodak> oops
<Kodak> i got interupted and lost my place in the how-to list :s
<Kodak> so, now i have ODIN MODE on my phone, but the step i missed was placing the libusb[something] on the device
<Kodak> this is on a Galaxy s2 I9100 btw. Odin says "Downloading..." "Do not turn off target!!"
<Kodak> im guessing its not safe to turn of the device and start over?
<codeworkx> its safe
<Kodak> phew, thanks
<codeworkx> just dont turn off while transfering
<Kodak> ok, will do
<Kodak> or, er, will not do, you understood i think :P
<hakcenter> codeworkx where are the git repos ? I'm trying to disagnose a front facing camera issue but there are zero errors anywhere just FC's on startPreview, I'm assuming its a hal crash or something
<hakcenter> i guess you guys changed names to teamdisgruntled ?
<Kodak> Also, there is one part which is confusing to me in the guide. (CM official guide). Boot into download mode with USB connected to teh computer but not the device. and then it says, boot while connecting USB. Do i need to connect the USB before the "continue or reboot" choice?
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<sink> imo it really shouldn't matter if the device is plugged it or not during the whole time
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<Kodak> thanks sink
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<sinc> also,
<codeworkx> hakcenter: which repos?
<sinc> the superbrick bug you asked about..
<Kodak> yeah?
<hakcenter> any of the older s2 common device repo's
<sinc> wasn't that actually caused by some faulty kernel sources which now have been pretty much fixed on any kernel
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<hakcenter> I most likly have an older camerawrapper but I can't find anything on github for teamhacksung or teamdisgruntled
<Kodak> sinc: i know almost nothing about all of this
<codeworkx> hakcenter: official repos are all on
<Kodak> :S
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<Kodak> I mean, i know my way around a linux install, but still pretty newbish even at linux. Never messed with CM before, and tbh, i'm a little scared i might brick my shit
<sinc> kodak: this used to be the case last summer and afaik has since been fixed, but perhaps the wiki is not up to date
<Kodak> sinc ah, that calms me a lot tbh :)
<hakcenter> okay thanks codeworkx when I searched their repo it didn't show up
<sinc> so I would assume that with a safe kernels the factory reset is safe, but I guess codeworkx could confirm this one
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<codeworkx> hakcenter: sync sources and you'll have it
<hakcenter> looks like my wrapper is old, hopefully this will stop all the random fc's
<hakcenter> I'm on an unofficial device, e4gt
<codeworkx> sinc: only with safe kernels
<Kodak> "Safe" does that mean all CM stuff?
<Kodak> cause all i see at Cm is nightlies
<codeworkx> cm is safe
<Kodak> ah, good, thanks :)
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<Kodak> in the guide, when they say "adb push, do they mean the zipped "cm-10.1[long line of text and numbers]"?
<Kodak> or should i unzipp the cm-10.1 and find teh rom in there?
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<Kodak> cant get adb to work :S
<Kodak> ive added it to Path
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<kodak_> Wipe data / factory reset : Will this not delete the backup i just made on the device?
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<hakcenter> how can I debug this damn camera when it doesn't ever throw an error in dmesg ? argh.
<kodak_> do i need to do the backup, and then boot normally and then go back to recovery mode and continue from there?
<hakcenter> wiping data / reset won't delete your nandroid backup
<kodak_> ah, cool
<hakcenter> if you have a backup
<hakcenter> make sure you do :-P
<kodak_> well, i just used the "backup" in the cwm menu
<hakcenter> check restore to see there's one there, then your good to go on wiping
<kodak_> ah, good, thanks for the details :)
<kodak_> a little scared tbh
* kodak_ crosses fingers and toes, "installing cm-10.1"
<kodak_> CyanogenMod circles flashes for a while
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<hakcenter> i am so upset at this camera i want to break this phone
<kodak_> so, erm, while im downloading the gapps package
<kodak_> can i use the play store to install apps after ive installed the gapps?
<hakcenter> yep
<kodak_> awesome
<kodak_> So, as you might have understood from my last question, i know very little about this all
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<kodak_> do you have any good source i could spend a few minutes on, getting a little up to speed? :P
<sinc> xda forums?
<Aldar> !device
<kodak_> i'll check that out, thanks sinc
<hakcenter> can I get some help debugging this camera ? it seems as thou startPreview is tossing picture datas is not transferred yet, and then it breaks / FC's on startPreview
<hakcenter> however it doesn't happen all the time, just like 3 out of 4 times on taking front facing pictures
<xplodwild> hakcenter: do you stop and restart preview?
<hakcenter> using the stock cm9 ics camera, not sure how it operates
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<xplodwild> hmm check config overlays, there might be a setting for that
<hakcenter> doesn't seem to be any restarts, a good start_preview to stop_preview, then next picture just breaks
<hakcenter> its completely random, sometimes the first picture works, then it works maybe 8 times in a row then completely breaks
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<xplodwild> just on frontcam?
<hakcenter> just the front
<hakcenter> it seems to be a lot worse with the exynos exploit fix in
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<xplodwild> hmm, not sure if cm9 had the "hal manages preview" flag
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<hakcenter> im going to try the 10.1 wrapper but i have my reservations since the only last difference seems to be talking about picture already taken blah blah blah
<hakcenter> which i can't find anything in the logcat about
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<hakcenter> what pisses me off is theres nothing in dmesg at all, i would like to think if the hal was breaking or crashing i'd get something somewhere obvious
<xplodwild> generally samsung hals are pretty verbose
<xplodwild> logcat should hint a bit
<hakcenter> only thing i have to go on is picture data is not transferred yet
<hakcenter> is there a timer for start preview finishing ?
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<xplodwild> nope
<xplodwild> it's just that, on some devices, when a shot is taken, the hal auto restarts the preview
<xplodwild> and cam app at the same time tries to restart it
<xplodwild> which causes a double startPreview an boom
<xplodwild> and*
<hakcenter> no extra start preview :-(
<hakcenter> sets up params, succes, goes into preview
<hakcenter> complains about the picture not completed then immediatly goes and errors on picture data is not transferred yet
<hakcenter> where are the hal files in source maybe I can work backwards on this thing
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<xplodwild> you don't have sources for that
<xplodwild> the wrapper is the best you'll get to hack around that
<hakcenter> damnit really ?
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<hakcenter> okay let me ask a question in an even stupider way
<hakcenter> the open source spy camera, never seems to break taking front facing camera pic's
<hakcenter> is this really a hal issue ?
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<kodak_> i cant seem to find any decent info about how to install the gapps i just downloaded. Any hints please?
<hakcenter> recovery
<kodak_> and adb push etc?
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<hakcenter> ya if you didnt dl it to your phone use adb push to it
<kodak_> ta
<hakcenter> xplodwild you there ?
<xplodwild> hakcenter: if third party apps work, then it's rather the behavior of aosp cam app
<xplodwild> probably either a setting, or something with preview start/stop time
<hakcenter> okay that's what I thought I'm going to dig through the Camera source and see if i can't alter it
<xplodwild> off to sleep
<hakcenter> the only difference with that spy OS camera is it never refreshes the cam, it just stays streaming the whole time
<hakcenter> thanks for your help
<spY|da> ive got an annoying problem, when listening to music (every player) and surfing in the web (every browser) certain websites kill my audio playback, and i cant figure out why
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<codeworkx> hakcenter: it does no real shots? jzst takes the preview frames as shots?
<hakcenter> i think its just the preview
<codeworkx> l o l
<hakcenter> it would have to be right ? i mean the preview doesn't stop streaming at all
<codeworkx> yeah. thats lame
<codeworkx> so you cant compare fake cam with a real app
<hakcenter> you think its still a hal issue then ?
<codeworkx> yep
<codeworkx> even if it can be worked around at cam app
<hakcenter> i assume the hal has changed from ics to jb ?
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> same api level
<hakcenter> no one seems to be complaining about ff camera on the same device with an unofficial 10.1 build
<hakcenter> i dont have it flashed to my phone right now otherwise id check
<codeworkx> but the hal should handle preview properly. seems it doesn't.
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<codeworkx> samsung software
<codeworkx> crapware
<hakcenter> its just fucking lame that everything works
<hakcenter> video
<hakcenter> panorama
<hakcenter> then you goto the front face
<hakcenter> and it just takes a shit randomly
<hakcenter> and by random i mean totally random
<codeworkx> even htcs hal with all this Zoe stuff is working better
<hakcenter> sometimes you can get like 8 or 9 pictures off then it just breaks
<hakcenter> why would it work and then not work, seems retarded
<codeworkx> blame samsung
<codeworkx> best way
<hakcenter> where is the hal ? the kernel source right ?
<codeworkx> closed source
<hakcenter> or is it in the vendor blobs ?
<codeworkx> samsung blob
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<hakcenter> ?
<hakcenter> maybe that's why peeps don't have an issue on the jb, maybe the blob got updated
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> our wrapper is called
<codeworkx> the real hal is
<hakcenter> where's it at ? /lib ?
<codeworkx> sure
<hakcenter> only camera file i got for vendor blobs is that camera.exynos4
<hakcenter> maybe the goldfish ?
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> goldfish is emulator
<codeworkx> isnt the e4gt a s2?
<hakcenter> ya
<codeworkx> -.-
<hakcenter> check my repo
<codeworkx> s2 is 4210
<codeworkx> not 4412
<codeworkx> use our opensource hal
<codeworkx> and be happy
<hakcenter> okay let me swap that in
<hakcenter> i will love you forever if it works
<codeworkx> we never worked on d710
<codeworkx> so its untested
<hakcenter> ya dastin is supposedly working for official support
<hakcenter> last time i tried the smdk kernel my device just got stuck waiting for surfaceflinger, so I'm just trying to button up this unofficial cm9 till 10.1 becomes any unbuggier on our device
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<hakcenter> how long have you been working on sammies codeworkx ?
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<codeworkx> hakcenter: to long
<hakcenter> i can relate to that :-P
<hakcenter> ive been working on car software for over 6 years :-(
<hakcenter> is it bad that i hacked twrp 2.5 to work with my device ? everything is grand except the update-binary which i just swap from previous zips
<codeworkx> i dont care
<codeworkx> its your problem :-P
<hakcenter> i wonder what the problem is with their updater-binary build
<hakcenter> isn't the source just the crap in bootable/recovery/updater ?
<codeworkx> yes
<hakcenter> maybe i should just swap in the cm9 updater source then
<hakcenter> haha
<hakcenter> been compiling for the last 6 hours on this camera shit man, time to kill some brain cells with a few drinks
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