nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | CM11 |STATS AT
<Guest8500> VIDOVDAN, priv
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<frankdrey> radeon 7750 2gb for $50 a good deal?
<nebkat> frankdrey: sounds good
<frankdrey> :D
* frankdrey emailed
<frankdrey> $40 :P
<frankdrey> i'm asking
<frankdrey> and tonight :D
<bbqbot> [Link] xfx ghost Radeon 7750 2GB 2HDMI 2DVI
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<turdle> Ha - frankdrey are you in Bellevue?
<frankdrey> turdle, maple valley :o you a washingtoner?:D
<turdle> yup
<turdle> WS
<frankdrey> :D
<frankdrey> !geo user turdle
<frankdrey> :3
<frankdrey> :/
<nebkat> its borked
<nebkat> sry
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> :P
<turdle> prox nyway
<frankdrey> "PRICE FIRM"
<frankdrey> :P
<turdle> I317?
<turdle> lol
<turdle> no - fiddy five ubainow jackson st in a chinatown!
<nebkat> CHINATOWN? :O
<turdle> yes U BAI NOW
<frankdrey> o.o?
<nebkat> I was at chinese market here in Belgrade yesterday
<turdle> 0_o
<nebkat> bought 7 lasers and a pack of huge cake sparklers
<nebkat> and clothes ofc
<nebkat> :P
<frankdrey> man, i might not get it
<frankdrey> dad's all...
<frankdrey> :/
<frankdrey> this would be a HUGE upgrade from my radeon x600 xD
<turdle> this box has an AIW 7200
<turdle> I gather it's older than some here. :-/
<turdle> (some folks, that is)
<turdle> shit man!
<turdle> how much were they?
<nebkat> 11 euro :D
<nebkat> i had before
<nebkat> im juat getting for friends in Ireland
<turdle> I can't imagine what productive things I'd do with those, but imagination can come later :)
<frankdrey> lol
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<frankdrey> hmmm
<frankdrey> this ad seems kinda fishy tho
<frankdrey> he's using the craigslist reply feature
<nebkat> take down airplanes?
<nebkat> get arrested?
<nebkat> fun fun
<frankdrey> not giving his email or phone number
<frankdrey> as if he doesn't want to be contacted after the sale...
<frankdrey> maybe it's broken o.o
<nebkat> i suppose theyd never track you down in apartment block like this
<nebkat> frankdrey: always a danger
* n-iCe dances
<turdle> A BAH contractor payed attention at :26 :P
<turdle> yeah, in the states the FCC and FAA have tried to interfere with private ownership of certain laser classes
<frankdrey> nebkat, you're not in Ireland right now?:O
<nebkat> nope
<nebkat> belgrade
<frankdrey> why?
<nebkat> and going to slovenia tomorrow
<nebkat> holidays
<nebkat> im from here
<turdle> ooh - slovenia is lovely
<nebkat> gimme http url to dat bass
<nebkat> phone cant cp
<nebkat> :P
<frankdrey> lol turdle you literally copy pasted the image xD
<nebkat> turdle: i hear it is :)
<turdle> it's a base64 jpeg
<frankdrey> and it cut it off
<turdle> this is hacksung, eh?
<frankdrey> if it didn't cut it off i'd put it into a file :P
<turdle> yeah that doesn't surprise me
<nebkat> hacksung support :P
<nebkat> hacksung is dead
<nebkat> i suppose this is a milder variant of #cm
<frankdrey> this is basically #bbqdroid :P
<nebkat> both in terms of n00bs and trolling :P
<turdle> meh - no idea what hacksung was / is actually
<turdle> this isn't my scene, so to speak
<frankdrey> might as well start redirecting to #bbqdroid :D
<nebkat> frankdrey: im out of bbqd :/
<frankdrey> nebkat, hmmwaht?
<turdle> I just got a note II and needed it to be a vehicle of my ambitions instead of ATT
<nebkat> not working on it any more
<frankdrey> D:
<nebkat> i left :)
<turdle> mmm... bbqdroid
<frankdrey> whyyyyyyyyyyyyy
<turdle> om nom nom nom
<nebkat> various reasona
<frankdrey> ok :(
<nebkat> but for the impersonal ones... it will never get done xD
<frankdrey> oh
<nebkat> aand many more personal ones
<frankdrey> i meant bbqdroid as bbqteam
<nebkat> which i can discuss in pm :P
<nebkat> yep
<frankdrey> ok
<turdle> welp folks it's been real
<turdle> peas
<frankdrey> D:
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<frankdrey> ew webchat :P
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<gschanuel> hi folks, quick question. Does factory reset wipe data from internal and/or external sdcard?
<jomp16> Ow shit, the UI of Firefox UX is good
<jomp16> And smooth
<kahtahs> gschanuel: depends how your filesystem is mounted
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<xlctemp> Is this a joke?
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<Empyrean> Hi
<Empyrean> I need help but not with a smartphone
<Empyrean> I need to contact someone from samsung
<Empyrean> I have a Samsung SWC-U200 and I need to read delete and write firmware
<frankdrey> don't think there's anyone from samsung here
<Empyrean> do you know someone?
<Empyrean> SWC-U200 is a 4g modem
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<frankdrey> this channel is mostly for Cyanogenmod for Samsung smartphones
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<Empyrean> thank you
<Empyrean> dont you know
<Empyrean> where I can find
<Empyrean> people with knowledge about usb 4g dongles?
<frankdrey> not sure, sorry :/
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<Empyrean> ok
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<frankdrey> BASKEY
<frankdrey> PRIVET
<Baskey> HI FRANK
<Baskey> frankdrey: ^
<frankdrey> Baskey, US government stole it
<frankdrey> lol
<datagutt> I WANT TO, BREAK FREE
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<Baskey> +1 DATAGUTT
<bbqbot> [Link] Queen - I Want To Break Free - YouTube
<Baskey> EPIC TUNE
<frankdrey> datagutt, you found your PSP yet?:P
<datagutt> Yes
<frankdrey> cool
<frankdrey> is it custom firmware'd?
<datagutt> ofc
<datagutt> 6.60 cfw
<datagutt> PSP1000
<frankdrey> awesome :D
<frankdrey> you will try our new game when it's presentable :D
<frankdrey> you can try us testing out the classes we've made so far :P
<bbqbot> [Link] [redirected]: squirrel-bomber-psp - Squirrel Bomber - A PSP game about a protective squirrel. - Google Project H...
<frankdrey> just grap the folder from SVN and drop it in PSP/GAME
<frankdrey> so that it's like /PSP/GAME/squirrelbomber/EBOOT.PBP
<frankdrey> doesn't matter what "squirrelbomber" is called, just so that there's folder
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<datagutt> i'll try it later
<frankdrey> ok :P
<frankdrey> when it's done then :3
<datagutt> Yeh
<datagutt> currently i am coding forum software
<frankdrey> we've been working about 5 days :P
<frankdrey> nice :D
<datagutt> because everything on market is shite
<frankdrey> lol
<datagutt> so i am making my own
<frankdrey> phpBB is alright
<datagutt> just as i did with blogging software
<datagutt> Meh
<datagutt> i prefer vanillia
<frankdrey> if a bit complex
<datagutt> or anything with a sane interface for plugins
<frankdrey> ah :p
<datagutt> Instead of manually adding stuff into files
<datagutt> i make my software light and easily extendable
<datagutt> well
<datagutt> i try to
<datagutt> frankdrey: how's lua?
<datagutt> reminds me of js, well
<datagutt> a bit
<frankdrey> i like it :D
<datagutt> well, everything is better than java
<frankdrey> a lot easier then coding a game in C :P
<datagutt> xD
<frankdrey> xD
<datagutt> Oh
<frankdrey> i've heard PSP C++ compiler is incomplete
<datagutt> the os on my squeezebox is made in lua
<datagutt> well, the ui
<frankdrey> and either way, I'd rather not learn PSP GU :P
<frankdrey> the interpreter we use has fantastic 3D support
<frankdrey> quick too
<datagutt> make it for ouya pl0x
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> we were gonna port our first game, RunawayCar to Android
<frankdrey> uh...
<datagutt> xD
<frankdrey> no idea what happened to that one xD
<frankdrey> as you can see in the channel topic
<frankdrey> it's in the "works" xD
<frankdrey> !math 9/4
<bbqbot> frankdrey: 2.25
<frankdrey> wtf...
<frankdrey> 9 items in the menu
<frankdrey> Y U NO 3 PAGES
<frankdrey> 10 items and no page 3...
<frankdrey> grr
<datagutt> btw, why are you using google code
<frankdrey> why not?
<datagutt> because github is better?
<frankdrey> we like simple SVN > git
<frankdrey> one line of revisions ftw:P
<frankdrey> ok d00d
<datagutt> u must be crazy
<frankdrey> Items is a table of menu entries
<frankdrey> #Items returns the number of entries
<frankdrey> math.ceil(#Items/4)
<frankdrey> there are 4 items per page
<frankdrey> that should return the max pages right?
<frankdrey> !math 10/4
<bbqbot> frankdrey: 2.5
<frankdrey> ceil = 3
<frankdrey> 3 pages
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<datagutt> blame java
<jomp16> datagutt, why blame java?
<datagutt> jomp16: frankdrey is having problems with his game made in lua
<datagutt> and i blame java
<datagutt> because i don't like java
<frankdrey> :P
<jomp16> ...
<jomp16> datagutt, can you explain me why you don't like Java?
<datagutt> not really
<frankdrey> ok
<frankdrey> i see
<frankdrey> it's not changing the file
<frankdrey> for some reason
<frankdrey> DID MY MEM STICK DIE D:
<frankdrey> oh
<frankdrey> heh
<frankdrey> there we go
<frankdrey> so it runs script.lua on start
<frankdrey> we used to keep the main menu in that
<frankdrey> until we moved it to scripts/mainmenu.lua and had script.lua dofile that
<frankdrey> forgot to put new script.lua :3
<datagutt> dofile?
<frankdrey> dofile('blah.lua') will execute that script
<datagutt> so… evals the file
<datagutt> hm
<datagutt> actually
<datagutt> like
<datagutt> require('file.js') in node
<datagutt> you can do like
<datagutt> file.js:
<datagutt> module.exports=function{return 'lol';}
<frankdrey> yeah
<frankdrey> something like that :D
<frankdrey> it's really useful
<frankdrey> i hope it doesn't act like a stack tho :P
<datagutt> var file = require('file.js') // file contains lol
<datagutt> well
<frankdrey> we do a lot of recursion with this :P
<datagutt> file returns lol
<datagutt> :P
<datagutt> hm i wonder how much work porting yattabot to lua would be
<datagutt> !op
<bbqbot> datagutt: You do not have permission to run "op"
<datagutt> nebkat ^
<frankdrey> mainmenu calls options menu
<datagutt> @op
<datagutt> heh
<frankdrey> options menu calls mainmenu
<nebkat> datagutt: was that time u spoke norwegian :P
<datagutt> nebkat: fu
<datagutt> i blame flexd
<nebkat> will fix tomoz sry
<datagutt> phgt
<nebkat> k
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<datagutt> @lastfm
<datagutt> nebkat: atleast do -b on my bot
<nebkat> datagutt: ugh just repair it with:
<datagutt> oh
<datagutt> nvm
<nebkat> !userlevel set *datagutt* owner
<bbqbot> nebkat: Gave OWNER privileges to '*datagutt*'
<nebkat> fixit
<datagutt> !unban ~yatta@unaffiliated/datagutt/bot/databot
<datagutt> !unban ~yatta@unaffiliated/datagutt/bot/databot
<datagutt> !op
<datagutt> !op #teamhacksung-support datagutt
<datagutt> !help
<bbqbot> datagutt: Available commands: !help, !plugin, {!8ball}, {!userlevel}, {!bomb}, {!changelog, !device, !download, !supported}, {!exec}, {!geo, !time}, {!google, !tts}, {!imdb}, {!js}, {!math}, {!money}, {!ban, !deop, !devoice, !invite, !join, !kick, !kickban, !message, !mute, !nick, !notice, !op, !part, !quit, !raw, !topic, !unban, !unmute, !voice}, {!seen}, {!encode, !hash, !text}, {!timer}, {!url}
<datagutt> it doesn't have op :P
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<datagutt> !unban ~yatta@unaffiliated/datagutt/bot/databot
<datagutt> !unban unaffiliated/datagutt/bot/databot
<datagutt> !unban yattabot
<datagutt> Hm
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<flexd> I am innocent until proven innocent!!1
<frankdrey> flexd, do you live in Murrica?
<flexd> No, I live in vikingland.
<flexd> same place as datagutt
<frankdrey> oh
<frankdrey> ok you're safe then
<frankdrey> in Murrica you're guilty if they want you to be guiltry
<flexd> btw, datagutt, have you figured out how to friend people on ouya yet?
<flexd> I'm playing bombsquad atm :D
<flexd> 35 minutes until I have to buy the game though :-(
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