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<Guest23182> Hi i have a question, which baseband works with CM 10.1? I on Paranoid Android my phone receives calls, but on CM10.1 it doesn't, when I try to call my self from another phone, it shows me that it's ringing but when I look at my phone nothing is happeneing :-/
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<Guest23182> my device is Galaxy S3 GT-I9300, Current BasebandL i9300XXEMC2
<n-iCe> Guest23182: use todays nighlty release
<n-iCe> !download i9300
<bbqbot> n-iCe: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S III: [1a1d19]
<n-iCe> will work
<Guest23182> Thank you, I will try it out at once :)
<n-iCe> no problem, remember to use the lastest gapps as well.
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<Guest23182> Thanks I will for sure use the latest.
<Guest23182> Another non related question if you don't mind, I got this message: "You failed to identify in time for nickname Someone" what was I supposed to do to verify? so it wont happen next time I come here ?!
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<n-iCe> what's your real nickname
<Guest23182> I entered it as "Someone" I don't usually sign up in forums so I don't have an actual nickname, that's why I use "Someone"
<Guest23182> and now its changed to Guest23182
<n-iCe> someone seems to be registered already thats why you can't use it
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<nebkat> Guest23182: /nick someoneelse
<n-iCe> Hello nebkat
<Guest23182> fair enough, I will make sure I use a different one next time. thanks @nebkat :)
<nebkat> hey n-iCe
<nebkat> Guest23182: no no
<nebkat> Guest23182: type "/nick someoneelse"
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<nebkat> ;)
<Someoneelse> I see, I'm new to freenode, I rarely use it. I guess I should learn about it :-/
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<n-iCe> nebkat: are you busy?
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<nebkat> n-iCe: wat you need
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<Someoneelse> @nebkat I'm still facing the same issue :-/ calling my phone but nothing happens
<YattaBot> Someoneelse: Command does not exist!
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<n-iCe> Someoneelse: that's not cm
<Someoneelse> I don't understand
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<n-iCe> is not cyanogenmod
<n-iCe> check if your mobile provider is not blocking calls
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<Someoneelse> I flashed back Paranoid Android & Samsung's 4.1.2 and calls worked, on CM I can call but not receive calls. and I downloaded the latest nightly from the link that was given to me here
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<choirboy> apparently my google-fu sucks. How the heck to I write to the 64GB SD card I got for my VZW Galaxy S4? When I plug it in to my RHEL 6 box, the SD card does not show up as a drive, only the internal storage.
<n-iCe> use mtp
<choirboy> hrm... RHEL6 and MTP don't play well together... real hit-or-miss as to whether it shows up. So far, when I've tried, it's only showed the internal storage
<choirboy> I'll mess around with it some more
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<diegoviola> hi
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<diegoviola> i have a question, after you guys decide to merge android 4.3 in cm, we'll we lose fixes that are now built into cm 10.1? like the camera fixes, etc
<diegoviola> i9300
<diegoviola> or you just cherry pick the changes from 4.3 and merge them into cm 10.1?
<diegoviola> nvm
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<n-iCe> hello diegoviola
<diegoviola> hi
<n-iCe> I did not understand you
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<diegoviola> sorry, what i meant to ask is, when cm 10.2 comes out (or will it be cm 11?) with android 4.3, are fixes from cm 10.1 lost?
<diegoviola> like the camera fixes that went recently in cm 10.1 for i9300
<diegoviola> i mean, do you have to back port fixes when a new android version comes out?
<diegoviola> or do you build from existing cm 10.1
<n-iCe> 10.1 is gonna be stable, that's why RC's are being released RC4 now.
<n-iCe> After than all the fixes, features are gonna be there, and they will keep adding new features and make it perfect for a new stable release.
<diegoviola> oh ok
<diegoviola> ty
<diegoviola> :)
<diegoviola> i guess i9300 (sgs3) will never see a stable version, but i blame samsung for it
<n-iCe> diegoviola: correct
<diegoviola> thanks
<n-iCe> there is a stable ICS 9 cm
<n-iCe> diegoviola: I just changed my i9300 yesterday for a nexus 4, you should do the same.
<diegoviola> ok
<n-iCe> I don't regret
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<diegoviola> right, i'll do that
<n-iCe> by the way I'm not sure if 4.3 has been even announced
<n-iCe> yet
<diegoviola> i'm not sure either
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<Esbirraco> !download s3
<bbqbot> Esbirraco: Unknown device s3
<Esbirraco> !download
<bbqbot> Esbirraco:
<Esbirraco> !download i9300
<bbqbot> Esbirraco: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S III: [1a1d19]
<Esbirraco> hola alguien me puede solucionar una duda?
<n-iCe> Esbirraco: cuál
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<Esbirraco> tengo la 10.1 cyanogen y no hay opciones de desarrollador se pueden quitar las transiciones de alguna manera?
<n-iCe> Esbirraco: ve a opciones -> luego sobre el teléfono y en el build version dale como 7 clicks
<n-iCe> hasta que habilite las opciones de desarrollador
<Esbirraco> joe n-iCe muchisimas gracias
<n-iCe> por nada
<n-iCe> :)
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<addi> nebkat,
<addi> whats up dood
<nebkat> addi: DAAAAAAAAWG
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<n-iCe> hi
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<HenriqueP> Hey guys. having issues with the i9300 on voice calls. I can't hear anything people say wether I'm the one calling or not. not hardware side, because speaker doesn't work either. Tested the phone call speaker with teamspeak -- works
<HenriqueP> running random nightly from a couple of days ago, tried the new experimental build today
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<HenriqueP> always cleaned /data, never restored system data with titanium