Espenfjo changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT | STATS AT
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<n-iCe> !download cooper
<bbqbot> n-iCe: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy Ace: [063713]
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<SimonWeng> I have a question about the on Galaxy S4 I9505 (Qualcomm APQ8064T)
<SimonWeng> can I launch another CSD client to interact with the Modem by symlink the lib?
<SimonWeng> the MediaServer will launch one for sure when booting up, but there's no way to trigger the in-call voice recording in the stock audio.primary.msm8960
<sinc> you do realize that i9505 and i9500 aren't supported by the devs on this channel
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<ewx_> SimonWeng /j sgs4
<SimonWeng> oh, sorry, not aware of it's not supported here
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<spY|da_> codeworkx, welches tel
<codeworkx> ?
<spY|da_> würdest du eben empfehlen zu kaufen? ich sehe auf deinem block
<spY|da_> sry tippgicht
<spY|da_> auf deinem blog sehe ich sony xperia, nexus 4 und htc one, welches wuerdes du empfehlen?
<codeworkx> htc one
<xplodwild> BOOM BOOM
<spY|da_> gibts da wieder das freischalt gedöns über htc developers?
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<lion0738> hi, I found some problem. Using GT-I9100 / CM10.1 with stock kernel now, sound(musics, videos, and etc..) seems to like cut off at very low volume(like silient music).
<lion0738> using other kernels like Dorimanx fixes this problem, but I want to use CM kernel without this problem ..
<lion0738> I looked kernel sources, but I can't figure out what the problem is :(
<lion0738> I think it is a kind of noise gate..
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<n-iCe> hello
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<sangfly> Hey folks, the alarm on my samsung s3 CM10.1 is not able to work in power-off, what would be the problem? thanks
<n-iCe> hi sangfly
<sangfly> hi n-iCe
<n-iCe> I think that's the idea sangfly.
<n-iCe> If the phone is powered off you wouldnt get calls, text or anything else.
<n-iCe> I would have to guess that if there is no power then nothing works.
<sangfly> yes, but i mean the alarm which should be able to wake me up
<n-iCe> owever, the alarm function will work in standby mode, or in flight mode. The latter is useful if you don't want to be woken up by calls or message alerts in the middle of the night.
<n-iCe> However.
<n-iCe> sangfly: why would you turn off your phone.
<sangfly> to save the power...
<n-iCe> that's why you use standybymode dreamday mode or flight mode.
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<n-iCe> Usually people use charging the phone at night.
<sangfly> alright, i got the point n-iCe, thanks
<n-iCe> No problem.
<jg4884> hi everybody. I need some help here. Just flash with odin with Siyah-s2-v4.1.5.tar
<jg4884> after the a purple icon is still blinking non stop on my gt I9100
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<jg4884> cannot get my phone started
<jg4884> any kind soul able to help?
<n-iCe> did you wipe cache clean data wipe dalvik and fix permissions before flashing?
<jg4884> no i did not
<jg4884> what should i do now?
<n-iCe> wipe cache, clean data, wipe dalvik, fix permissions, and reflash.
<n-iCe> by the way, jg4884 is not SiyahKernel for the I9300?
<n-iCe> No, there is for S2: SiyahKernel S2-v6.0beta5
<n-iCe> hope the one you are flashing.
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<jg4884> hi sorry @n-iCe
<jg4884> got dc
<n-iCe> is ok
<jg4884> i am in cloclworkmod recovery v4.0.1.4
<jg4884> it keep saying cannot open or mount /cache/recovery.log
<jg4884> i was previously on xxlsj 4.1.2 fw
<n-iCe> that's old as shit
<n-iCe> I would use twrp anyway
<jg4884> thks for guiding me...
<n-iCe> is ok
<n-iCe> anyway why would you like to flash that kernel?
<jg4884> i dun mind as long as its stable
<jg4884> now my phone is like paper
<jg4884> how do i install the zip file?
<n-iCe> install zip clockwork?
<jg4884> i mean flash
<n-iCe> install zip clockwork?
<n-iCe> go to your recovery and flash it
<n-iCe> or odin
<n-iCe> whatevr you used to flash the last cwm
<jg4884> i am using odin307
<jg4884> this odin cannot see the file that i have downloaded from your link
<n-iCe> jg4884: move the zip to your phone
<n-iCe> go to clockworkmod and flash the zip like any other rom.
<n-iCe> or download the .img file and flash it, as you wish.
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<amki> are there any tutorials on how to flash the official clockworkmod .img file to a galaxy s4?
<n-iCe> hi amki
<amki> hi n-iCe
<n-iCe> I was looking google+ yesterday, I read something about the S4, hold on.
<n-iCe> amki: anyway, what version?
<amki> I9505
<amki> i read that cyanogenmod is now being built in nightlies
<amki> but I've read nothing special about cwm
<n-iCe> international lte canadian a&t? verizon? tmobile, etc
<amki> it's called international lte
<n-iCe> ok
<n-iCe> jfltexx
<amki> or jfltexx
<amki> um... so there is no actual way to install the image at ?
<n-iCe> here is the image file
<n-iCe> A
<amki> well the only way I know to flash samsung devices is using odin
<amki> but I guess since odin wants some data in these .tar archives it won't accept the img file?!
<n-iCe> I think you must convert it for odin
<n-iCe> You can also put your recovery file on your sdcard so that the path would be /sdcard/recovery.img Then using either adb shell or terminal emulator
<codeworkx> amki: name it recovery.img and put it into a tar, then flash
<amki> huh right inside the prepared tar archives there is only a single .img file...
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<jg4884> i am back...
<jg4884> pc hang
<jg4884> omg
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<jg4884> hi n-iCe...i am not able to flash with the file in the link..
<jg4884> do i need a diff version of odin?
<jg4884> my version is 307
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<n-iCe> I think codeworkx answered you, no?
<n-iCe> I got dc, did not read.
<jg4884> me too...
<jg4884> lol
<n-iCe> tar that file and flash it
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<jg4884> my odin hang when i do that
<n-iCe> I'm not the best guy to help you since I don't use windows or odin, but like codeworkx said, tar the img file and add it to odin to flash it, wait like 2 minutes maybe it is trying to upload it to odin, not sure though.
<n-iCe> is that what you are doing?
<jg4884> i unzip the .zip file and used 7zip to tar it
<jg4884> then i used the tar file in odin and odin hang...
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<jg4884> anybody using windows here?
<n-iCe> jg4884: that link will download you the I9305_CWM_Recovery.tar.md5 file you need
<nebkat> jg4884: no
<jg4884> sad..
<n-iCe> you got it?
<amki> when flashing this (philz) image the flashing passes
<amki> when trying to flash my own tar'd version of the original cwm image always fails
<amki> ideas? I've created the tar with 7zip
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<n-iCe> amki:
<n-iCe> amki: Click on PDA Button and locate tar.md5 from the folder that you downloaded
<n-iCe> make sure that re-partition is unchecked
<n-iCe> and flash it
<amki> i've already flashed that successfully
<n-iCe> good, then what else you want.
<amki> but why won't my own tar archive work? I did just like codeworkx suggested and put the img inside my own tar
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<codeworkx> the image must be named recovery.img
<codeworkx> and it must be created with linux or GNUTar
<codeworkx> GNUTar on windoze works too
<codeworkx> but nothing else
<amki> meh ok that might be why
<hakcenter> hey codeworkx is there that open source hal for ics ?
<codeworkx> ?
<codeworkx> amki: windoze always butthurts you. then problem is that windoze users don't realize that they're getting butthurted all the time.
<amki> tarring it on my laptop now
<codeworkx> hakcenter: which hal? audio? camera? power? sensors?
<amki> may arch linux's tar version redeem me
<jg4884> i am having a gt-i9100
<hakcenter> camera
<n-iCe> jg4884: and you want to flash CWM and install cyanogenmod?
<jg4884> able to?
<n-iCe> !download i9100
<bbqbot> n-iCe: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S II: [b30baf]
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<hakcenter> codeworkx: camera hal for ics
<codeworkx> hakcenter: use the code from jb. api didn't change from ics to jb
<hakcenter> okay during compiling it seemed to hate me, hmm
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<hakcenter> codeworkx: im getting a ton of undeclared
<codeworkx> fix it?
<hakcenter> what imports are they in ?
<hakcenter> exynos_camera.c:857: error: 'SCENE_MODE_FIREWORKS' undeclared (first use in this function)
<hakcenter> etc, /shrug
<codeworkx> grep for it
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<codeworkx> hardware/samsung/exynos4/hal/include/videodev2_exynos_camera.h:SCENE_MODE_FIREWORKS,
<codeworkx> needs to be updated on ics branch
<hakcenter> okay its the hal imports, one sec
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<hakcenter> lol how do you search this stuff so fast, github can't find me crap
<codeworkx> linux?
<codeworkx> grep?
<hakcenter> ya but you already have those sources, i have the ics sources that are missing those declarations
<hakcenter> i can't grep for them when i don't have them :-P
<codeworkx> :-P
<hakcenter> im missing 2 more things now
<codeworkx> why do you care about ics?
<hakcenter> cause i just want it to be stable till dastin gets us stable which might not ever be ever
<hakcenter> error: unknown field 'hal_api_version' specified in initializer
<codeworkx> .common = {
<codeworkx> .tag = HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG,
<codeworkx> .version_minor : 0,
<codeworkx> .version_major : 1,
<codeworkx> .id = CAMERA_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID,
<codeworkx> .name = "Exynos Camera",
<codeworkx> .author = "Paul Kocialkowski",
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<codeworkx> .methods = &exynos_camera_module_methods,
<codeworkx> },
<EgoElf> is the i777 release for gs2 on ATT going to help the CM builds any?
<EgoElf> or are they going to perma stay nightlies
<EgoElf> the 4.1.2**
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<hakcenter> this is going to be the strangest compilation ever codeworkx
<hakcenter> adjusting mk files and the whole bit >.>
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<hakcenter> hey codeworkx when converting to this hal, should i remove the seccamera.jar etc all the proprietary blobs relating to the camera ?
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<codeworkx> hakcenter: yep
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<hakcenter> damnit if i can just get this shit to compile :-(
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<spY|da> codeworkx, in 2 mediamaerkten und 2 saturn ausverkauft, wird nicht so einfach nen htc one zu bekommen
<codeworkx> spY|da: bestells online bei mediamarkt
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<codeworkx> spY|da: schwarz und silber beide lagermäßig
<spY|da> codeworkx, das dazugehörige forum im xda ist, nur HTC One?
<spY|da> also kein sprint, att t-mobile?
<codeworkx> jo
gbyers[Away] is now known as g_byers
<spY|da> ich habs mir gerade ueber mediamarkt bestellt, mal sehen wie fix das kommt
<codeworkx> das geht morgen raus und du kannst es übermorgen im mediamarkt abholen
<codeworkx> oder liegt bei dir in der post. je nachdem wie du gewählt hast
<spY|da> die hatten nen vorsteller für 529 euro in silber
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<spY|da> codeworkx, nochmals danke für deine zeit :-D gn8
<frankdrey-tab> Wat
<frankdrey-tab> I need to learn German
<Thiagovfar> !translate codeworkx, nochmals danke für deine zeit :-D gn8
<bbqbot> Thiagovfar: Error translating
<somestupidnick> die frage ist die antwort
<Thiagovfar> !translate german english codeworkx, nochmals danke für deine zeit :-D gn8
<bbqbot> Thiagovfar: Error translating
<Thiagovfar> bbqbot: error reading error
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<Thiagovfar> I don't understand people on gerrit, sometimes
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<nebkat> Thiagovfar: I don't understand people sometimes*
<nebkat> Thiagovfar: I don't understand people*
<nebkat> Thiagovfar: I don't*
<Thiagovfar> nebkat: Hahaha
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<ewx_> Lol
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<n-iCe> hi
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<jeff___> Hey folks, my samsung s3 CM10.1 has a problem in the camera. The thing is that the pic looks out of shape.
<n-iCe> jeff___: change pic size
<jeff___> right now it is set to 8M pixels, what should be the right size?
<jeff___> The same problem with the front cam..
<n-iCe> jeff___: try changing to something lees, see if it fixes it
<jeff___> no...
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<n-iCe> jeff___: international?
<jeff___> yep, i9300
<n-iCe> !download i9300
<bbqbot> n-iCe: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S III: [83da1c]
<n-iCe> use that build
<jeff___> my current build is 20130606.004553 test-keys
<n-iCe> try todays build
<n-iCe> also check changelogs
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<jeff___> just went thru the changelogs but did not find camera out of shape
<n-iCe> mine works fine
<jeff___> ok i will try the latest build and see
<jeff___> thanks@n-iCe
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