nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATS AT
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<zippy__> !download i9100
<bbqbot> zippy__: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S II: [dc93b7]
<waratte> !download all
<bbqbot> waratte: Unknown device all
<zippy__> LOL
<zippy__> hello?
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<Stummi> !changelog galaxy S2
<bbqbot> Stummi: Unknown device galaxy
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<op09fjsaa> is it true that with cm10.1 the audio quality delivered to speakers through AUX cable is not perfect because the lack of drivers?
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<op09fjsaa> hey ztriker
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<brocktice> Just installed the latest nightly of 10.1 on my n7100 and it seems to be running great. Any known issues I should watch out for?
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<brocktice> prior to that I was running rooted TouchWiz and then the phone did the SDS, had to have the eMMC replaced
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* frankdrey just semi bricked a garminfone
<brocktice> mine was totally screwed, wouldn't even power on
<brocktice> and it was an import, so I couldn't do warranty service
<frankdrey> :O
<brocktice> Nothing I did. One minute it was sleeping in my pocket. Next, I tried to take it out and take a pic. Dead.
<brocktice> Fixed for $150
<brocktice> Got used to CM again while it was out of service so I decided to try it on the N2 now.
<frankdrey> I factory reset before realizing I froze stock launcher
<brocktice> You can just reflash it though no?
<frankdrey> What I'm doing
<brocktice> ah
<frankdrey> Although it's strange
<frankdrey> No CM or anything btw
<frankdrey> Just rooted stock
<frankdrey> No recovery either
<frankdrey> Hell... No accessible bootlegger
<frankdrey> Bootloader
<brocktice> :(
<brocktice> how could that be?
<frankdrey> Apparently if I drop the update file into the right place
<frankdrey> It'll popup a prompt
<frankdrey> To update, and will go do its thong
<frankdrey> Thing
<frankdrey> Damn swype
<frankdrey> Dunno
<brocktice> putting more thong in your life since 2013
<frankdrey> Garmin sucks
<frankdrey> Lol
<frankdrey> Never ever ever buy a garminfone
<brocktice> don't worry, no risk of that
<frankdrey> My G1 runs better
<brocktice> heh
<frankdrey> Lol
<brocktice> I hear there's 10.1 for the G1 now? Haven't looked into it
<brocktice> I still have two sitting here
<brocktice> ADP1 and G1
<frankdrey> Nice
<brocktice> I forget, what's the codename?
<frankdrey> I was working on 10.1
<frankdrey> Dream
<brocktice> ah right
<frankdrey> I didn't get too far
<frankdrey> I know there's definitely 4.1
<frankdrey> 4.2 hates old mmc layouts
<frankdrey> :-P
<nebkat> frankdrey: sup dawg
<brocktice> damn, I can't find anything for dream at all on
<brocktice> Guess I read wrong
<frankdrey> nebkat: hai
<frankdrey> brocktice: dream_sapphire
<frankdrey> Sapphire = dream - keyboard
<brocktice> ah right because of the tmobile one...
<brocktice> yeah
<brocktice> I forget the official name
<brocktice> thanks
<brocktice> hm, seems 6.1 is the last available
<brocktice> and only
<brocktice> was thinking of making one of them into an anti-theft device to hide in my car somewhere
<brocktice> I'm confused about the N7100, it seems to have official nightlies
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<brocktice> But I can't find any kind of official cm support thread. the thread where I found this channel is the closest I found.
<frankdrey> Officially, 6.1
<frankdrey> For drea,m
<frankdrey> Unofficial 7 works fantastic
<frankdrey> 9 is ehhhh
<frankdrey> 10 is horrible lol
<frankdrey> Cm6 actually sucks
<frankdrey> Oddly laggy
<frankdrey> Froyobylaszlo is fantastic
<frankdrey> A long time ago, I shamelessly winzipped FBL and added something reminiscent of Aroma to it
<frankdrey> And this was before I ever heard of Aroma :-D
<frankdrey> I like to imagine I inspired it ;-)
<frankdrey> Although I probably didn't xD
<frankdrey> But if you want something light and stable, you'd like it
<frankdrey> Let's you choose what you want to install
<brocktice> good to know, thanks
<frankdrey> Can make it hella bare
<brocktice> sounds like it might be appropriate
<frankdrey> !Google frayo dream rom
<frankdrey> Dumb bot
<brocktice> hmm seems expired?
<frankdrey> Haven't visited that in forever
<brocktice> thanks, bookmarked
<frankdrey> Think we've moved to bbqdroid
<frankdrey> Bbqteam
<frankdrey> Whatevet
<frankdrey> But the wiki is gone because official CM wiki has all you need
<brocktice> derp, I was only looking at the forum
<brocktice> thanks
<Brendan55> Has anyone been able to root the Sprint Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (SPH-P500)? I have not been able to find a confirmation on xda-devs.
<brocktice> is there a known bug list somewhere for the n7100?
<frankdrey> I don't think so
<brocktice> guess I'll just have to keep my eyes open then :)
<frankdrey> Yeah :-P
<frankdrey> 2 pm and I still haven't eaten.
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<frankdrey-food> Bbl
<brocktice> later
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<Gethiox> brocktice, Works for you voice search from gapps?
<brocktice> hm, haven't tried
<brocktice> I was using a different kernel and then I tried to encrypt the device
<brocktice> whoops
<brocktice> so, just wiped it, trying again
<brocktice> will let you know
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<Gethiox> I test the latest build, and it works very well, very responsive.
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<brocktice> Hmm may still be having trouble with encryption.
<brocktice> I wonder if I need to repartition or something?
<brocktice> Doesn't touchwiz use funny partitions?
<Gethiox> I don't know
<brocktice> I may have a bug to report. :)
<brocktice> op, wait, now it's encrypting
<frankdrey> D:
<frankdrey> I've heard only stock recovery can decrypt
<frankdrey> At least... On my tab
<brocktice> I have TWRP 2.5
<frankdrey> I had to go back to stock to decrypt
<brocktice> which handles encryption
<frankdrey> Twrp didn't work for me :-\
<brocktice> It doesn't seem to work on my 10.1
<brocktice> even though the changelog says it handles touchwiz encryption as of 2.4
<brocktice> but it definitely works with CM encryption
<frankdrey> P5110/p5113¿
<brocktice> the what now?
<frankdrey> What model is your 10.1
<brocktice> I think N8013
<frankdrey> Ah
<brocktice> wifi
<frankdrey> I have p5113
<brocktice> ah I didn't know that was a model number
<frankdrey> Gtab2 10.1 WiFi + ir
<brocktice> ahh mine's a Note 10.1
<frankdrey> Ah
<brocktice> I love me some stylus
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<frankdrey> Meh
<frankdrey> I have 100% working cm minus IR
<frankdrey> and who the hell uses ir?
* frankdrey doesn't even watch TV
<nebkat> frankdrey: +1
<frankdrey> Netflix > *
<nebkat> I dont netflix either
<nebkat> but tv sucks :D
<frankdrey> Loser
<frankdrey> Lo
<frankdrey> Lol
<nebkat> well actually
<frankdrey> Nebkat writes Java all day erryday
<nebkat> I have a collection of over 2000dvds
<brocktice> I only use the IR to turn off TVs :)
<frankdrey> Lol
<nebkat> but i dont watch tv channels
<nebkat> and when I watch most of the 2000 I will get netflix
<brocktice> There's an app that replicates the TV-B-Gone
<nebkat> i've watched maybe 60%?
<frankdrey> Some shows are good
<nebkat> its hard to tell
<nebkat> frankdrey: I only watch movies, shows waste way to much time
<frankdrey> I watch on Netflix
<frankdrey> Eh
<frankdrey> If you marathon them
<frankdrey> Movies are too short
<nebkat> I like to think of it this way
<brocktice> that's the app
<nebkat> 1 episode per day is 1/24th of your full day
<frankdrey> Movies leave you wondering wat next
<nebkat> and you sleep a lot of that
<nebkat> so lets say 1/14th?
<frankdrey> I watch like 1 episode a week
<nebkat> depends on what you watch I guess
<nebkat> my sister watched turkish shit on tv
<brocktice> "I have had a report that this is not working with Samsung Galaxy Note II." < -- there is no IR on the Note II. Right? Def not on N7100.
<frankdrey> Lol
<nebkat> 2 series
<nebkat> 1 episode per day each
<nebkat> 2 hours
<nebkat> 1 hour each*
<nebkat> fffffffuuuuuuu
<frankdrey> I've been watching The Walking Dead
<frankdrey> It's good
<nebkat> and she doesnt let me watch matches on the tv when her shit is on
<nebkat> luckily shes stopped now
<frankdrey> brocktice, I'm pretty sure it doesn't have IR
<nebkat> compiling cm10.1 on my 3 year old laptop with some meh core 2 duo and 4gb ram
<nebkat> so much fun :D
<brocktice> nebkat: masochist
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<nebkat> brocktice: indeed
<frankdrey> nebkat sounds like my desktop
<frankdrey> But I win
<frankdrey> I did that on a Pentium 4
<nebkat> its also the initial ccache run -.-
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<nebkat> iirc, it used to take 2.5h to compile 2.3 on it...
<nebkat> I havent compiled on it for a looong time though
<nebkat> just away from the pc for the next 5 weeks
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* nebkat cries
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<frankdrey> I almost got a gt220 for $10
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<frankdrey> But the guy failed to meet me twice
<frankdrey> And isn't relying anymore
<waratte> Someone else got it.
<waratte> They were willing to pay more.
<frankdrey> I doubt it
<frankdrey> Hmmm
<frankdrey> Gtx 460
<frankdrey> $65?
<frankdrey> 5770 for $30
<waratte> I'm hoping to get a high-end 7000 series radeon before the year is left.
<nebkat> I got a 7870
<waratte> How much was it?
<waratte> What build?
<nebkat> got it with dell :P
<waratte> Aww, :P
<nebkat> my parents didnt want to let me make it :P
<nebkat> and its expensive in ireland
<brocktice> huh apparently there's a known bug w/ twrp 2.5 and encryption at least on n7100
<brocktice> they built a fixed version but it's not available anymore?
<brocktice> Reverting to 2.4.4 which is supposed to work also for touchwiz
<brocktice> I should try it on my N8013
<frankdrey> 7770 OC for $90obo
<waratte> Yeah, that is a bit costly.
<nebkat> make: *** [/home/nebkat/Work/android/cm/out/target/product/find5/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/audio.primary.msm8960_intermediates/AudioSessionOut.o] Error 1
<nebkat> make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
<nebkat> real55m32.844s
<nebkat> stupid shit
<brocktice> aaargh to build twrp I need the whole CM source code
<jomp16> nebkat, you are in out of luck, keep trying again, again, again aaaand again
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