nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | CM11 |STATS AT
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<DevonKing> Anyone here familiar with the SCH-i800
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<iFrankdrey> got gt 620 1gb ddr3 for $53 :D
<iFrankdrey> I don't get the channel message
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<datagutt> [00:57:46] <flexd> btw, datagutt, have you figured out how to friend people on ouya yet?
<datagutt> i don't think you can
<datagutt> yet
<datagutt> hm can you play bombsquad online?
<datagutt> i only got 1 controller
<datagutt> lol
<datagutt> well
<datagutt> i tried to connect ouya + ps3 controller, but both controllers controlled the same guy
<bbqbot> lolwat
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<spY|da> what are you linux guys using to transfer files from linux via mtp to your device, ive tried mtpfs, jmtpfs, gvfs and nothings work really well
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<padde> spY|da: I use Solid Explorer + it's FTP sharing feature over WLAN... gave up on MTP
<padde> s/it's/its/
<padde> spY|da: but that FTP thing works rather well in combination with curlftpfs
<padde> pity that my N7100 doesn't work with 5 GHz WLANs currently, because that gave me 8 MB/s with that method... with 2.4 GHz I only get 3-4 MB/s
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<ploof> Hello, I can't find again a page with a list of available radios for the SGS2 and recommendations on which one to choose (geographically, …) Would anyone be able to help me?
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<flexd> datagutt: try the ps3 controller first, then the ouya
<flexd> or something
<flexd> -D
<flexd> datagutt: apparently you can, want to try? I ended up buying it
<flexd> looked fun
<flexd> the friend list isn't available until after launch
<flexd> I was kind of puzzled I could see a nick and stuff for my account in the top left corner but I couldn't click it at all..
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<Barlerer> Hi there, I just downloaded CM 10 For Galaxt Tab P1000, and I dont know which google apps packege I should install
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<equex> !supported
<bbqbot> equex: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<equex> !device N7105
<bbqbot> equex: Unknown device N7105
<equex> !device 7105
<bbqbot> equex: Unknown device 7105
<equex> !device SGTN7105
<bbqbot> equex: Unknown device SGTN7105
<Espenfjo> !device n7105
<bbqbot> Espenfjo: Unknown device n7105
<Espenfjo> !device n7100
<bbqbot> Espenfjo: Information for Samsung Galaxy Note 2:
<Espenfjo> heh
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<equex> :(
<equex> says its supported on xda :p
<equex> i have a nordic 7105, just wondering if its supported as well
<equex> CM9 went great on my nordic S2 but you never know
<equex> dont wanna brick my new baby
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<equex> seems you are a fellow nord
<equex> :)
<equex> huh. 10.1 seems only to support 4.2, but mine is stock 4.1.2
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<codeworkx> equex: CM 10.1 is based on Android 4.2.2
<codeworkx> equex: On pure Android. Not on that crappy samsung firmware
<equex> hm.. theres 10.1 for 7105 on the site but i guess that is a custom 4.2.2 you have to install first i guesss ?
<equex> so maybe i should wait for a stock 4.2.2 if it ever happens
<Jiangyi> equex: What are you talking about :-|
<Jiangyi> You can flash to CM10.1 from your stock 4.1.2 if that's what you want to find out.
* equex confused
<equex> so i thought since CM10.1 was based on 4.2.2, i needed 4.2.2. or does flashing to 10.1 actually give me 4.2.2? or is cm10.1 sort of a backport done from 4.2.2 devices ?
<spY|da> equex, flashing actually gives you 4.2.2
<equex> so does that mean samsung has confirmed that 4.2.2 works on 7105 but just hasnt officially released the update? (i read they would wait until S4 sales are at some certain point, possibly november this year)
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<datagutt> [14:27:41] <flexd> datagutt: apparently you can, want to try? I ended up buying it
<datagutt> sure
<datagutt> how does that work
<datagutt> i haven't bought it yet but i got like, over half an hour left
<flexd> uh, later? In the middle of a movie now
<flexd> install XBMC if you have the chance, it's great with video addons :-)
<bbqbot> [Link] How-To Install XBMC to the OUYA Gaming Console | XBMC HUB
<datagutt> flexd: I use Plex instead atm, but i have xbmc as well
<datagutt> xbmc was a bit crashy, so i figured, why not plex
<datagutt> The gotham libstagefright build
<datagutt> crashed a lot
<datagutt> plex is stablr
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<flexd> I just installed XBMC from that thing.. occasionally crashy when you use the keyboard to enter captchas and stuff
<flexd> but works very good
<flexd> can you stream-on-demand with plex as well?
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<chieftex> guys, would I be right in saying that the "google edition" of phones that are coming out makes them 100% nexus phones?
<nebkat> chieftex: lol
<chieftex> oh dear
<chieftex> lol is not a good start
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<chieftex> nebkat - at least tell me what made you lol
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<dranyam> HALP
<dranyam> Guys whats the story on cm-
<dranyam> i flashed it last night to my sgs3 and this morning realized i cannot make phone calls
<dranyam> :(
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<EgotisticalElf> chieftex, no, they are more closed than the nexus phones, updates come from the manufacturers, not google
<EgotisticalElf> think of them halfway between nexus and a regular retail phone
<chieftex> thanks EE. How about for the purposes of CM/AOSP - are they the same as nexus phones in that respect?
<Jiangyi> Well, since they're both Qualcomm, they're not bad to start with.
<Jiangyi> But since the code's written by the OEMs and not Google, they're still kinda bad, according to cody.
<chieftex> damn it
<chieftex> You see for my next phone, I want to make sure it's 100% supported by AOSP/CM (as in no "known issues")
<kahtahs> Jiangyi: what code is that referring to?
<chieftex> which seems to only occur on nexus phones/devices
<Jiangyi> kahtahs: Kernel
<kahtahs> chieftex: do you even know what aosp is?
<Jiangyi> And the HALs
<chieftex> android open source project?
<dranyam> whyyyyyyyyyyyy
<dranyam> ooooooooooo
<dranyam> why
<kahtahs> chieftex: jbq already said that those gpe phones won't get merged into aosp..
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<kahtahs> chieftex: they also kicked out sony and jpq clearly said that they primary target nexus devices
<kahtahs> chieftex: even if devices like pandaboard are maintained in aosp, those will get broken if nexus devices demand it
<kahtahs> technically Nexus devices aren't even based on AOSP but AOSP is based on Nexus devices
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<codeworkx> chieftex: GE phones are far away from aosp. let's say touchwiz with stock gui
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<datagutt> [20:02:35] <flexd> can you stream-on-demand with plex as well?
<datagutt> well
<datagutt> there are "channels" for stuff like letmewatchthis and other streaming stuff
<datagutt> but i can't open them for some reason
<datagutt> some channels like nrk do work
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<Lophophora> please use proper English so we can actually read whet you mean
<Lophophora> can anyone tell me if there is a good weather widjet like the one used by tough wiz on the Samsung Galazs s3 gt-i9305?
<Lophophora> Galaxy s 3
<nebkat> Lophophora: k dawg i cna gief u sum tipz if u wnat
<nebkat> hrwe r u 2dy?
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<nebkat> i like widjet 2
<Lophophora> ok i suppose
<nebkat> ok
<nebkat> so
<nebkat> idk
<nebkat> I dont use weather widget
<Lophophora> im used to cyanogen from when i used to have a HTC but that was version 8
<Lophophora> @nebkat: what version of cyanogen are you using
<spY|da> dobro vece
<nebkat> spY|da: dobro vece ;)
<nebkat> spY|da: kako si?
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<datagutt> Lophophora: i like "weather bz"
<datagutt> doesn't look like the touchwiz one though
<bbqbot> [Link] ������������ BZ - Applications Android sur Google��Play
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<spY|da> nebkat, dobar sam, idem da spavam, laku noc, nisam vido koko sati je :D
<nebkat> spY|da: ok laku noc ;)
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<Lophophora> love the new cm 10.1
<Lophophora> such an idiot i forgot the format and was wondering why it didnt work
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<Lophophora> cant get voice search to work, just installed the latest gaps
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<Jiangyi> Lophophora: Update Google Search in Play Store
<Lophophora> ok thanks
<Lophophora> just re installed phone and forgot about that
<Lophophora> 129 apps to update
<Lophophora> im sure my provider will be happy
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<Lophophora> +Jiangyi can u recomend a good weather widjet
* Jiangyi uses cLock
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<n-iCe> cLock is pretty