nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATS AT
<Thiagovfar> frankdrey: No pseudo-random is allowed.
<frankdrey> Thiagovfar, D:
<frankdrey> Thiagovfar, i was thinking grab accelerometor values and blow them up with a crazy sine function
<frankdrey> so that tiny tilts affect it
<Thiagovfar> What. I'm the customer. I'm always right.
<frankdrey> lol
<Thiagovfar> I think android has an entropy pool
<frankdrey> i think it does
<frankdrey> maybe i'll use that
<frankdrey> how "random" is it?
<Thiagovfar> very
<Thiagovfar> If done correctly
<frankdrey> ok
<frankdrey> hmmm
<frankdrey> there are a lot of these apps :/
<Thiagovfar> You see, these things, as you stated, are full of sensors
<frankdrey> I should stop looking
<frankdrey> because if i find a good one
<frankdrey> i lose all inspiriation
<Thiagovfar> acelerometers, barometers, thermometers, gps, mobile network
<frankdrey> shit i found a good one ._.
<bbqbot> [Link] G��n��rateur de hasard - Applications Android sur Google��Play
<Thiagovfar> All of them good sources of entropy
<NekoGrafico> frankdrey: thanks, I see, is there a way of changing the private key?
<Thiagovfar> bbqbot: Y U NO speak english
<frankdrey> hmmm...
<frankdrey> actually, this one doesn't seem to save your range input
<frankdrey> according to one review...
<Thiagovfar> frankdrey: This app's description has a perfect portuguese description. I think it's Brazillian.
<frankdrey> i should probably try myself:P
<frankdrey> i think that's because bbqbot is in brazil or something?
<frankdrey> mine's english *shrug*
<Thiagovfar> bbqbot is not speaking portuguese
<frankdrey> oh, yeah...
<frankdrey> I got a garminfone
<frankdrey> :|
<frankdrey> traded my little brother my icrap 3gs
<frankdrey> at least it's android...
<frankdrey> i've decrapped it by replacing it's Breeze launcher (more like wheeze) with ADW
<frankdrey> and it's horrific SMS app with chompSMS
<Thiagovfar> Aren't you the guy with a dream?
<Thiagovfar> pun intended
<frankdrey> i have a dream
<frankdrey> :P
<bbqbot> [Link] Azimuth Security: Exploiting Samsung Galaxy S4 Secure Boot
<frankdrey> and yes i'm the crazy dream guy
* frankdrey is trying to convert his dream into a server
<frankdrey> need a microsd :P
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<bbqbot> lolwat
<lolwat> ohai
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<Kipetechie> Hello
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<bbqbot> lolwat
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<nebkat> lolwat: I made this just for you ;)
<nebkat> every time you join you will be greeted by the bot
<lolwat> yeah I noticed it :D
<lolwat> you really seem to like me
<lolwat> for no reason
<lolwat> (except for my username)
<nebkat> lolwat: I told you the username would get you far :P
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<Bananajoe81> i got a question
<Bananajoe81> anyone here?
<nebkat> Bananajoe81: just ask the question
<Bananajoe81> is it possible to flash cm 10.1 over cm 9.1 withount flashing the stock?
<nebkat> yes
<Bananajoe81> ok, there is no problem with the sgs2 g
<Bananajoe81> ?
<nebkat> Bananajoe81: it works pretty well
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<dove_g> !supported Samsung
<bbqbot> dove_g: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<dove_g> !download n7100
<bbqbot> dove_g: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy Note 2: [eafc38]
<dove_g> !device n7100
<bbqbot> dove_g: Information for Samsung Galaxy Note 2:
<dove_g> hi ppl, I think my n7100 is stuck at boot, cyanogenmod is rotating and rotationg at boot, waiting now cca 2-3min
<dove_g> this was already my 3th try to install cyanogenmod via clockworxmod
<dove_g> all three of them stuck at boot, any advice?!
<nebkat> dove_g: logcat
<dove_g> i try wipe out before install from sd card, and last time i also try to wipe out after instalaltion of cm and gapps
<dove_g> nebkat: where and how to locate logcat? via clokworkmod?
<nebkat> dove_g: did you wipe data?
<nebkat> !google android logcat tutorial
<bbqbot> nebkat: [Tutorial] How To Logcat - xda-developers:
<dove_g> yes, before installation at 1sz and 2nd time
<dove_g> and in 3rd try after installation also wipe
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<nebkat> dove_g: get adb
<dove_g> ok
<dove_g> thank you, i will examine how to install on lubuntu, minute
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<dove_g> nebkat, does this say something?
<dove_g> * daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
<dove_g> * daemon started successfully *
<dove_g> /sbin/sh: exec: line 1: logcat: not found
<dove_g> sorry for copy-paste
<nebkat> dove_g: adb logcat*
<nebkat> not adb shell logcat
<dove_g> aLogcat or Catlog this one?
<nebkat> dove_g: you are in the bootloop or recovery?
<nebkat> no they are apps and wont work now
<dove_g> yes sorry i see now
<dove_g> i do jvae succesfully installed clockworkmod revocery
<dove_g> i do have succesfully installed clockworkmod revocery
<dove_g> ok nebkat, what adb then, do you have time to assist?
<dove_g> (14:41:26) nebkat: dove_g: you are in the bootloop or recovery?
<dove_g> im in recovery mode (clockworkmod)
<nebkat> ok
<nebkat> try boot it
<nebkat> and then do adb logcat
<dove_g> in shell?
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<dove_g> ok booting
<dove_g> ok, lsusb lists mobile phone
<dove_g> $ sudo adb logcat > test3.txt
<dove_g> - waiting for device -
<dove_g> ok, only in recovery mode it say that device is in recovery mode
<dove_g> in booting all i get is device is in offline mode
<dove_g> $ adb devices
<dove_g> List of devices attached
<dove_g> 4df1826268cd8f4boffline
<dove_g> and when is in offline mode, then adb logcat output - waiting for device -
<dove_g> !n7100
<bbqbot> dove_g: Unknown command "n7100"
<dove_g> !device
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<Lethal> Any1 here?
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<Lethal> I flashed cwm to my i9100, now when it boots the screen is just black. Trying to get cm 10.1, but i forgot to put those in my internal folder before i flashed.
<Lethal> what do i do ?
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<RossWell98> mhhh :'(
<RossWell98> why the thunder exist?
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<n-iCe> !supported
<bbqbot> n-iCe: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<n-iCe> !device I9003
<bbqbot> n-iCe: Unknown device I9003
<n-iCe> !download I9003
<bbqbot> n-iCe: Unknown device I9003
<nebkat> n-iCe: it needs
<nebkat> updating*
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<Baskey> !wat high
<bbqbot> <officer> SON, HOW HIGH ARE YOU?
<bbqbot> <high> NO OFFICER, ITS HI, HOW ARE YOU
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<mirhan> s.a
<mirhan> turkish
<mirhan> türkçe bilen varmı
<mirhan> aranızda
<mirhan> ?
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<datagutt> KEBAB
<nebkat> !wat lol mirhan
<bbqbot> |O|
<bbqbot> \O/
<bbqbot> |O|
<bbqbot> -O-
<bbqbot> /O\
<mirhan> la ne lol
<mirhan> trek
<datagutt> nebkat: DO YOU WANT SAUCE ON YOUR KEBAB
<mirhan> yardımcı ol
<mirhan> biye
<mirhan> fuck you
<mirhan> help!!
<nebkat> xD
<datagutt> xD
<nebkat> mirhan: what you want
<mirhan> kuze diya wennim
<mirhan> oglum
<mirhan> rom
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<nebkat> Baskey: xD
<mirhan> ı am phone GT-I9105
<mirhan> ı am phone GT-I9105
<mirhan> ok?
<datagutt> R U A PHOEN?
<nebkat> mirhan: yes
<mirhan> samsung galaxy s2 plus
<nebkat> sure
<nebkat> what is the issue
<mirhan> cynoget mod9
<mirhan> download
<mirhan> are
<mirhan> problem
<nebkat> !download i9105
<bbqbot> nebkat: Unknown device i9105
<mirhan> cynogen9 mod s2 GT-I9100 ?
<mirhan> my phone 9105
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<nebkat> mirhan: we dont support it afaik
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<datagutt> not officially
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<nebkat> haha
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<cheaprent> hi i tried flashing the latest nightly build from my sdcard (N7105 and it failed to verify the package
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<cheaprent> any ideas?
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<cheaprent> samsung galaxy note 2 lte (gt-n7105) plz
<jomp16> cheaprent, tried to check if the md5sum of the .zip matches from the
raXuz has quit [Quit: Miranda IM! Rulez!]
<cheaprent> i did a direct d/l from your site
<cheaprent> should it not match automatically?
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<jomp16> cheaprent, various reasons, bad download, you don't wait to end the download, bad copy, etc
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<infernix> i've got an S3 intl that's on an older baseband, can I upgrade just the baseband or should I just flash an entire new stock image, then recovery, and then restore a cm10.1 backup?
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<infernix> i couldn't quite find a flashable zip with just baseband anywhere
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<cheaprent> Samsung galaxy note 2 LTE (N7105) - sorry got dc'ed earlier
<cheaprent> !n7105
<bbqbot> cheaprent: Unknown command "n7105"
<cheaprent> !device
<nebkat> !device n7105
<bbqbot> nebkat: Unknown device n7105
<nebkat> mmh should add it
<cheaprent> hi there
<nebkat> cheaprent: hello
<nebkat> !wat high
<bbqbot> <officer> SON, HOW HIGH ARE YOU?
<bbqbot> <high> NO OFFICER, ITS HI, HOW ARE YOU
<cheaprent> * just tried flashing cm10.1 on my n7105 and got verify errors
<cheaprent> i've checked the md5 and it's correct
<nebkat> what verify errors
<cheaprent> during installation from sdcard
<cheaprent> CWM comes out with red errors
<cheaprent> latest nightly build 6/19
<cheaprent> what's the magic word to get support here ? :)
<nebkat> cheaprent: "lolwat"
<nebkat> but it only works when lolwat is here :/
<cheaprent> i asked a question like 15mins ago and no one seems to be responding
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<cheaprent> can you help?
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<nebkat> cheaprent: what exactly is the error
<cheaprent> it was a verify error.... but now it's more serious!
<cheaprent> i tried to reboot and into recovery again after re-installing CWM
<cheaprent> now it's stuck showing "samsung galaxy Note II"
<cheaprent> and won't go past it
<cheaprent> :(
<cheaprent> any ideas how to get my note 2 booting again?
<cheaprent> are you there?
<ewx> i can help you as well
<ewx> you do
<ewx> eh, you cant boot into recovery? then odin' a recovery again
<cheaprent> hi ewx
<cheaprent> i have odin up now. can u guide me?
<cheaprent> how do i do that?
<ewx> well you have done it once already, haven't you?
<cheaprent> i did a root
<cheaprent> with odin
<ewx> let me see, mom
<cheaprent> then i installed rom manager which installed cwm
<cheaprent> i copied cm10.1 & gapps to my sdcard and tried installing after a recovery mode
<cheaprent> failed
<cheaprent> so i tried recovery again and now it won't even boot
<ewx> ok
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<Spawngnz> HI
<bbqbot> [Link] How to Install TWRP Recovery on the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (US Cellular) - TheUnlockr
<Spawngnz> Please I need support to an installation of CM 10.1 JB 4.2.2 on my celphone
<Spawngnz> can you help-me
<Spawngnz> ?
<cheaprent> ok ewx i'll give that a try
<Spawngnz> tks cheaprent
<Spawngnz> I Install the version CM 10.1 Nigthly for international Galaxy S II
<ewx> cheaprent make sure you got the right TWRP for your device
<ewx> then just flash it via odin
<Spawngnz> So, after installation, the cellphone can`t search networks
<ewx> Spawngnz maybe i can help u. whats the prob?
<Spawngnz> no I used CWM
<Spawngnz> My Cellphone can`t search network
<ewx> u flashed the newest nightly?
<Spawngnz> I already install de Galaxy SIM Unlock, but it don't work too
<ewx> did u format /system before flashing the rom?
<Spawngnz> yes
<Spawngnz> Wipe data factory
<Spawngnz> wipw cache
<ewx> good
<Spawngnz> dalvik cache and Battery Stats
<ewx> well, honestly i would just wipe /system, /cache, /data again and try to reinstall
<Spawngnz> I tried change the simcard for another and don`t work too
<ewx> if it still doesnt work, try a nightly from last week
<Spawngnz> Ok I`ll try it
<ewx> i have a 2 week old nightly runningon my i9100 and its perfect
<Spawngnz> what the date of your nigthly version?
<Spawngnz> sorry which the date
<ewx> its my gfs phone, she isnt here right now...
<ewx> its like 2 weeks old...
<Spawngnz> Ok, thankyou so much ewx, I`ll try reinstall a older version
<Spawngnz> seeya
<ewx> good luck!
<ewx> ;)
<Spawngnz> thx
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<dove_g> hello again
<dove_g> nebkat: i figure it out later that this mob n7100 (which stuck in boot up) is DEMO LIVE UNIT
<nebkat> wat
<nebkat> lol
<dove_g> :)
<nebkat> !wat lol
<bbqbot> |O|
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<dove_g> this is my friend mobile
<dove_g> is there any way to put on that custom mod?!
<nebkat> dunno
<dove_g> it seems that doesnt have serial and IMEI, also not working SIM mode
<nebkat> dove_g: he bought this?
<dove_g> nope. he is working in some mobile company :)
<nebkat> I see
<dove_g> as far as i understand he wants to use it as tablet
<dove_g> i 've try few custom and stock roms, but every rom stuck on boot
<Jiangyi> Did you wipe data?
<dove_g> yes
<dove_g> can someone gave me advice how to eneter in clockworkmod
<dove_g> it behaves strange, sometimes I can enter sometimes i need to try 3-4 times
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<dove_g> huh
<dove_g> at least .)
<dove_g> Jiangyi: I did WIPE DATA/FACTORY RESET
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<dove_g> any idea or help to flash Galaxy Note2 n7100 which is DEMO LIVE UNIT?
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