nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATS AT
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<RossWell98> Hi !
<RossWell98> WHo use the linaro toolchain here ?
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<paradox_> my music drops(cuts) in low volume ,happens while playing videos also(background music gets cut ) :( please help :(
<paradox_> *happens only while wearing headphones
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<paradox_> my music drops (cuts) in low volume ,happens while playing videos also (background music gets cut) please help :( this happens only while wearing headphones
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<afsal> can i flash my gti9100g to cm frm jb
<afsal> plz help
<jomp16> If you want to flash CyanogenMod from a JellyBean stock ROM on your i9100g, follow that guide
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<paradox_> please help me :(
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<raju> yo
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<spY|da> codeworkx, hi, sag mal das htc one klingt mit jedem player bis auf apollo welcher den dsp manager nutzt "schlecht" über die kopfhörer, gibts da nen weg für andere player den weg ueber den dsp manager zu forcieren?
<codeworkx> ´spY|da: abwarten bis google edition
<spY|da> da bin ich drauf gespannt
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<spY|da> 2 days 9 hours :D akkulaufzeit, das ist phenomenal
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<n-iCe> hi
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<nebkat> hey n-iCe
<spY|da> hey
<nebkat> hey spY|da
<spY|da> dobro vece nebkat
<spY|da> kako si?
<nebkat> dobro dobro, sad sam u Beogradu :)
<nebkat> spY|da: kako si ti?
<spY|da> dobar sam, umoran sam
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<n-iCe> nebkat: :)
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<n-iCe> hi
<jomp16> n-iCe, why you need to say "hi" every time?
<n-iCe> does it bother you?
<jomp16> Maybe?
<n-iCe> then /ignore n-iCe
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<nebkat> jomp16_died: wat r u doen
<spY|da> laku noc
<nebkat> spY|da: laku noc ;)
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<nebkat> jomp16_died: come back
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