Espenfjo changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT | STATS AT
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<hakcenter1> codeworkx you there ?
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<n-iCe> hi
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<frankdrey> anyone knowledgeable in calculus?
<frankdrey> ##math is zero help today >.>
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<n-iCe> hi
<Essobi> sup
<Essobi> What happened to the domain?
<n-iCe> no idea, notices was down.
<Essobi> !changelog i605
<bbqbot> Essobi: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (VZW/LTE):
<n-iCe> noticed.
<Essobi> looks like someone jacked the domain
<Essobi> !supported
<bbqbot> Essobi: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<Essobi> How do I get a repo for a specific device?
<n-iCe> the rom zip
<n-iCe> ?
<Essobi> No. Source.
<Essobi> Interested in building my own rom.
<n-iCe> for i605?
<hakcenter1> find a deveoper and get on their github
<Essobi> Yessir.
<hakcenter1> codeworkx you there man ?
<n-iCe> you can build from scratch your cyanogenmod rom, you will retrieve the source
<Essobi> n-iCe: Ah, gotcha. I wasn't sure if the source was merged. The i605 is relatively new.
<Essobi> gotcha.
<Essobi> Hmm.. should I be using fastboot if I have twrp?
<n-iCe> that depends your phone
<n-iCe> Samsung usually does not use fastboot
<n-iCe> adb will be ok
<Essobi> roger that
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<hakcenter1> anyone familar with the open source camera hal ?
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<QuinnLion> I'm listening to "Time Of The Season" by The Zombies on Pandora 'Pink Floyd Radio'
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<cdesai> \n
<addi> &nbsp;
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<Tee_Pee> Heya guys, quick question - I have the 20130519 nightly, and the CM updater can't pick up any new updates
<Tee_Pee> I can download it manually of course, just wondering if there's an issue with the updater?
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<olti> !supported Samsung
<bbqbot> olti: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
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<olti> hi, does anyone know how to identify the original fw for a samsung device? i have a c3222 but the menu names are completely scrambled. Could this be a fw issue?
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<olti> anyone?
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<QuinnLion> olti, the Samsung C3222 (Ch@t) is not an android device.
<QuinnLion> Your best bet would be to locate the language settings on that device and play around with it till it makes some sense
<olti> it's not abount english. the language is right but the icons names do not make sense
<QuinnLion> Try wiping the device in settings.
<olti> done. i think it's firmware. but i can not find the right firmware to load
<QuinnLion> Chances are that there's no firmware thats accessible by the public, just my experience with Samsung dumbphones.
<QuinnLion> and there's also a chance that a firmware will SIM Lock it. depending on the firmware. carrier brand etc.
<olti> it is a simlocked phone. i loaded the same firmware that was on the phone but the result was the same. icon names are not right. completely scrambled
<QuinnLion> also to format the phone to start fresh, *2767*3855#
<QuinnLion> I'm gonna go to sleep. that's all I can do. I know nothing about that device.
<olti> thanks anyway
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<besher> what do yougyus think of roms is it risky to do it
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<Frd^> alwasy
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<Essobi> Anyone noticed that the latest CM nightly for the i605 has a dead 4G icon in the status bar. always shows -1 for 4G.
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<sbrissen> its been on the past few nightlies, working on that now I think I have it fixed
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<spY|da> codeworkx, ich habe cwm installiert und bevor ich auf mein m7 ein cm draufgespielt habe ein backup gemacht, cwm zeigt es mir an, aber ich finde es nicht in clockworkmod/backups, wo ist es hin? der pfad in der cwm sagt /sdcard/clockwordmod/backup? ich wollte den ordner umbenennen
<codeworkx> alles was unter /data/media lag wurde mit 4.2.2 nach /data/media/0 geschoben
<codeworkx> wegen multiuser feature
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<spY|da> codeworkx, tatsache, danke dir, mit rootexplorer gings dann
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<malimatija> i need
<malimatija> help
<malimatija> anybody?
<malimatija> pls
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<malimatija> ?
<malimatija> my device is stuck in a loop mode
<DuperMan> ok
<DuperMan> is it a phone?
<malimatija> yes
<malimatija> galaxy s3
<DuperMan> I have a good feeling about this, but you should have let me guessed the model my friend
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<n-iCe> hi
<DuperMan> I'm taking a self exam to know if I'm psychic
<DuperMan> hice
<malimatija> ok sorry :)
<malimatija> my bad :)
<DuperMan> I know you are malimatija. let me radiate positive vibes at you telling you it's cool
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<DuperMan> were you flashing new kernels and roms like a madman on madness inducing fruit?
<malimatija> idk, i had the last update of the CM10.1 official nightly builds
<malimatija> and than i did something stupid
<malimatija> :)
<DuperMan> well we know parts one through three
<n-iCe> DuperMan: what do you mean? are you addict of flashing?
<DuperMan> but 5 did not involve profit
<DuperMan> was four "?????"?
<DuperMan> n-iCe: I conversed at malimatija
<malimatija> while i was in the settings... i saw a cm9 so i was like lets try this one out
<malimatija> so i did
<malimatija> and i was stuck in the cm9 loop
<codeworkx> a factory reset + flash of the correct gapps fixes everything
<n-iCe> codeworkx: +1
<malimatija> so i tried to get it back to the cm10.1
<malimatija> but can i first somehow save my pic n shit pls say yas
<malimatija> yes
<DuperMan> it does not fix memories lost nor bringeth back the moments had
<DuperMan> where's the love?
<codeworkx> malimatija: a factory reset doesn't touch sdcard contents
<malimatija> is there any way to save my stuff?
<malimatija> i got stuff on my phone also
<DuperMan> several
<DuperMan> flash a minimal cwm with odin to be able to mount your internal storage partition/s to the pc
<malimatija> ok what can i do now to save my phone memory stuff
<DuperMan> though even that shouldn't be necessary unless the factory image you flash includes a pit
<DuperMan> listen to codeworkx more than you listen to me
<malimatija> ok im new... can you please talk to me like a dummy please... cause i dont know much
<DuperMan> that would require me to imitate a homeless person. who else talks to dummies?
<malimatija> whats the first step to do...
<DuperMan> but no, I joke. have you read through the sticky xda threads?
<malimatija> not really, no
<malimatija> can you link me
<malimatija> pls
<DuperMan> hrrrrmph. which s3 do you own?
<malimatija> idk... the international version i guess
<malimatija> im from croatia and i bought it here
<DuperMan> lte or hspa+?
<malimatija> hspa+
<DuperMan> use the first search result for further inquiry
<malimatija> i didnt get a person
<malimatija> sorry
<nebkat> malimatija: srpskohrvatski
<malimatija> ajde brate pomozi
<malimatija> u govnima sam gadnim :)
<nebkat> sta treba
<malimatija> brate u loop mi je s3 i ne mogu da ga vratim u normalu
<malimatija> jel imas neki skype ili
<nebkat> znas kako da uzmes logcat?
<nebkat> adb logcat?
<malimatija> ne
<nebkat> imas adb?
<malimatija> kako to da uradim
<malimatija> ne znam sta je to
<nebkat> na windows?
<malimatija> verovatno ti sada kidam zivce sorry al novi sam
<malimatija> na mac sam
<nebkat> nema problema
<nebkat> ok
<malimatija> kad udjem u recovery i ponovno instaliram 10.1 nece brate da radi...
<malimatija> da downlodujem ovo
<nebkat> da
<malimatija> jesam
<nebkat> ima fajl adb-mac
<malimatija> ima
<malimatija> sta da uradim
<nebkat> stavi ga negde
<nebkat> pa u terminal
<nebkat> "adb logcat"
<nebkat> adb-mac*
<malimatija> ja sam ga pokrenuo jel to ok?
<nebkat> u terimnalu?
<malimatija> da
<nebkat> "adb-mac logcat"?
<nebkat> sta pise
<malimatija> adb logcat [ <filter-spec> ] - View device log
<nebkat> uradi "./adb-mac logcat"
<malimatija> 192:~ huljic$ ./adb-mac logcat -bash: ./adb-mac: No such file or directory 192:~ huljic$
<nebkat> gde si stavio "adb-mac"
<malimatija> jel mozes ti da spojis preko teamviewera pa da mi do uradis ako ti nije problem
<malimatija> na destop
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<nebkat> malimatija: moze?
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<malimatija> nikad nisam bio na tome... reci sta da uradim
<malimatija> otvorio sam sajt
steak is now known as Steay
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Steaky is now known as Steakerz
<nebkat> malimatija: "start meeting"
<malimatija> reci brate kod koji da upisem...
<malimatija> cekaj da nadjem za mack
<malimatija> mac
<malimatija> mislim da nema za mac
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<nebkat> malimatija: clikni gore "Apps"
<malimatija> instalirano
<nebkat> malimatija: posalji kod u pm
<malimatija> ne znam privat
<malimatija> evo ovako
<nebkat> n-iCe:
<malimatija> jesam dobro poslo
<nebkat> malimatija: ok
<nebkat> malimatija: ukljuci terminal
<chadouming> it's for your own good
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<TreY_> Q all
<TreY_> Can smbd help with CWM on Galaxy s3?
<n-iCe> sure
<n-iCe> read the install CM section
<n-iCe> any problem we are here
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<mentatttt> !supported oppo
<bbqbot> mentatttt: Unknown OEM oppo, supported:Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<mentatttt> !supported other
<bbqbot> mentatttt: Supported other devices: a700,blade,encore,find5,odroidu2,one,skate,smb_a1002,tenderloin,u8150,u8160,u8220,v9,vega,z71,zero
<mentatttt> !changelod find5
<bbqbot> mentatttt: Unknown command "changelod"
<mentatttt> !changelog find5
<bbqbot> mentatttt: Changelog for Oppo Find 5:
<mentatttt> Hellow, I have an oppo find 5. I had cyanogen in my other phone, a samsung, and loved it. But for the oppo, there are only the nightly builds. Are they stable enough for general use?
<mentatttt> I.e. unstable cyanogen for my samsung was more stable than the stock firmware.
<TreY_> @n-iCe, thanks!
<YattaBot> TreY_: Command does not exist!
<mentatttt> !device find5
<bbqbot> mentatttt: Information for Oppo Find 5:
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<malimatija> skinulo se
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<malimatija> nebkat: radi
<malimatija> koji mi je iduci move brate
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<nebkat> malimatija: sta ti treba iz restore?
<nebkat> apps? app data?
<malimatija> a slike i video i tako to... imenik mi je na mail
<malimatija> app data je sta?
<nebkat> malimatija: mozes app da skines sa play store ali neces imati data iz app
<nebkat> save data za igrice, google/facebook nalozi, itd
<nebkat> slike i video su na sdcard
<malimatija> e bilo bi dobro da imam taj app data onda ... apps cu iz playstore
<malimatija> kako onda da to uradim
<nebkat> malimatija: malo je teze app data restore
<nebkat> koje app trebaju data restore?
<malimatija> a volio bi whatsapp i viber
<malimatija> jel se moze tu sta?
<nebkat> trebas sada da prebacis backup na mac
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<ferdynator> hi
<malimatija> ok
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<ferdynator> my galaxy s2 just updated itself via the internal cyanogenmod updater from 10.1-R1 to 10.1-R4
<ferdynator> now my sim seems to be undetedtec
<ferdynator> undetected
<malimatija> kako da to uradim... gde se na kartici nalazi bckup
<ferdynator> anyone any ideas?
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<Essobi> Anyone noticed that the CM nightly for the i605 has a dead 4G icon in the status bar. always shows -1 for 4G... I'm going to try the latest milestone after work and see if it resolves it.
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<sbrissen> Essobi: [11:00] <sbrissen> its been on the past few nightlies, working on that now I think I have it fixed
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<Essobi> sbrissen: Ah, sorry. i didn't see that. Usually my client highlights that.
<Essobi> s/that/me
<sbrissen> np :-)
<Essobi> sbrissen: Hmm.. what time do the nightlies batch off? I can always do a sync and build too.. I noticed openvpn wasn't in the nightly either... is that normal?
<nebkat> malimatija: /sdcard/clockworkmod/
<sbrissen> not sure on openvpn, the fix for the lte signal bars hasn't been merged yet. heres the changes: and
<malimatija> e hvala... i kako onda da znam sta je za sta?
<nebkat> malimatija: /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup/XXXdatumXXX/data.ext4.tar + data.ext4.tar.a
<malimatija> nerazumem to brate bas
<nebkat> malimatija: znas kako transfer sa sdcard?
<nebkat> sa usb?
<sbrissen> Essobi: spoke too soon, those commits just got merged
<malimatija> pa copy paste to na desktop recimo
<malimatija> i onda kako da znam sta je za sta?
<nebkat> da
<malimatija> mislim kako restore samo backup sa wa i viber
<malimatija> za*
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<nebkat> malimatija: onda cu da ti kazem dalje
<nebkat> treba extract data.ext4.tar.a
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<malimatija> ok ajde javim se kad uradim prebacivanje
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<Essobi> sbrissen: Nice. :D
<malimatija> e brate ode po card reader ne mogu preko kablova da udjem u telefon... ajde mi se javi na mail pa ti se javim... posto ne znam koliko dugo ces da budes ovde
<nebkat> malimatija: internal sdcard
<spY|da> dobro vece
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<nebkat> spY|da: :D
<spY|da> ja snam da pricam, ali ne da pisem
<spY|da> nisam rasumeo sta malimatija hoce
<nebkat> hehe
<spY|da> codeworkx, ich habe soeben mal versucht mein htc one mit meinem bmw zu koppeln, das geht leider nicht, wie kann ich herausfinden ob es ein hardware oder ein softwareproblem ist?
<spY|da> nebkat, what did malimatija ask?
<nebkat> malimatija: helping him restore some data from a backup
<nebkat> he flashed cm9 over cm10.1
<nebkat> which borked data
<nebkat> so he had to wipe
<nebkat> but he needs to restore some apps data
<spY|da> ah i understand
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<spY|da> i didnt saw the hole conversation, now everything ive read so far make sense :D
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<n-iCe> w/w
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<n-iCe> hi
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<malimatija> @nebkat
<YattaBot> malimatija: Command does not exist!
<malimatija> brate jesi mi jos tu
<nebkat> malimatija: internal sd ne external :/
<malimatija> nista brate ne razumem... sad sam uzeo card reader i sad cu da transfer taj folder na desktop
<malimatija> pa cemo dalje
<malimatija> imas brate karton milka cokoladi kad se vidimo
<malimatija> gde si rekao da nadjem taj file ili folder
<nebkat> malimatija: povezi usb
<nebkat> pa imas notifikaciju
<malimatija> stavio sam sd u usb
<malimatija> i otvorio
<malimatija> i sad gledam
<nebkat> dali ima "clockworkmod"
<malimatija> nema
<malimatija> upiso sam u search i nema
<nebkat> ee imam sutra zadnji ispit
<nebkat> ajde opet oko 4-5 da nastavimo sutra
<nebkat> nisam sad na PCu pa je teze
<malimatija> moze brate hoces ovde da se javim
<nebkat> da
<malimatija> jesi upiso moj mail ako nesta bude pa da mi se mozes da javis
<malimatija> srecno brate na ispitu, jos jednom puno hvala, ubijas brate
<nebkat> ok cujemo se sutra ;)
<RossWell98> Oo
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<jmats> can someone please help me out
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