Espenfjo changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT | STATS AT
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<hakcenter> same exact issue codeworkx, maybe my wrapper isn't even being built ?
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<DuKeTHeReaL> Hmm
<DuKeTHeReaL> does "nohands" use any binding?
<DuKeTHeReaL> I installed the nightly after factory resets and cache deletions but it doesn't work
<DuKeTHeReaL> I spied in the cm repositories to find any bindings - but I have no clue where it is even implemented
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<hakcenter> man i dont think the camera wrapper is even compiling
<hakcenter> probably the big issue there lolol
<hakcenter> !supported d710
<bbqbot> hakcenter: Unknown OEM d710, supported:Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<Jiangyi> hakcenter: AFAIK if you're using the opensource cam HAL, you got to remove the cam blob from your vendor tree as it would overwrite the one built from source
<Jiangyi> Take what I say with a grain of salt though :-P
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<hakcenter> i don't think it was ever compiling at all
<hakcenter> I've borrowed this device tree and camera.smdk4210 wasn't even added to the product_packages
<hakcenter> hopfully this time around it actually compiles :-)
<hakcenter> yep its going to compile it this time, lmfao
<hakcenter> these guys make me laugh sometimes
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<hakcenter> is there an open source cam hal for ics ?
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<trino> Hi everyone
<trino> Anyone wanna help debug a system freeze?
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<QuinnLion> I'm starting to think that the emmc in my phone is bad, I cant figure out how to check if it's bad other than dd and I dont know how to use dd
<codeworkx> what are you trying to do?
<QuinnLion> Becasue I've had something working and then everything just falls to shit
<QuinnLion> annnd I'm in the wrong channel
<QuinnLion> Nothing really, codeworkx just having lots of problems on my new phone.
<QuinnLion> Moto Photon Q
<QuinnLion> and evidently only I am having these issues.
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<QuinnLion> I find that hard to believe, but the more I try to do stuff, the more shit fails horribly.
<QuinnLion> I cant return the device if they check it, as it says the bootloader is unlocked.
<QuinnLion> the msot I can do is mask the moto bootloader nag screen
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<gquentin> hi
<QuinnLion> for example, I just flashed recovery and then rebooted to recovery, flashed CM+gapps and it just booted to recovery every time
<madmun> hi
<QuinnLion> ohai
<gquentin> do anybody know what is the tethering problem with sgs2 and mod 10.1?
<madmun> Question > I have problem with google play store, i've installed Cyanogenmod after Mui, but i lost google play, store, in cwm i make factory wipe + instali Cyan from .zip and Gapps from ,zip
<gquentin> (using nightly)
<QuinnLion> Mui on a samsung device?
<QuinnLion> weird
<QuinnLion> madmun, I'd start fresh.
<QuinnLion> wiping system too
<QuinnLion> gquentin, no clue
<madmun> i wipe 2 times
* QuinnLion shrugs
<QuinnLion> Wipes dont format /system
<madmun> 2 times before i do this, but after this i cant update google play services in store .. :(
<gquentin> [tethering] it looks like a routing/iptable problem
* QuinnLion flops
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<chieftex> guys I'm having trouble finding the known issues of AOSP/CM per device. Can anyone point me in the right place to look?
<QuinnLion> Just search for your devices name in the changelogs
<QuinnLion> eg HTC Desire Z = vision
<QuinnLion> Droid1 = sholes
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<chieftex> there used to be a wiki of known issues per device, but i can't find it anymore
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<QuinnLion> Just a step in the right direction
<chieftex> thanks! not what I was looking for, but I've never seen this before and it's quite useful
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<chieftex> guys you know these "google edition" phones popping up everywhere - they are just software changes right? In theory, you could just flash a rom to make yours "google edition"?
<codeworkx> ask google
<chieftex> I did in fact
<kahtahs> are there any problems running m7tmo roms on m7ul?
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<n-iCe> hi
<nebkat> hey n-iCe
<n-iCe> how you doing?
<nebkat> not bad
<nebkat> you?
<n-iCe> fine, yesterday was my bd celebration.
<n-iCe> Tomorrow is my real bday :p
<n-iCe> So, don't know why I woke up early :/ 9am here.
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<chieftex> chaps have you seen this samsung galaxy mega (6 in phablet)? Has a dual core snapdragon 400 in it - isn't that basically the same as the s2?
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<bjoich> Hi
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<wrckn> yo
<bjoich> i have problems compilin kernel for cm10.1
<nebkat> bjoich: wrckn: WALKOM 2 TIM HACKSUNG SU PORT
<bjoich> wat?
<bjoich> :D
<bjoich> LQL
<nebkat> bjoich: hello :D
<bjoich> y0y0y0y0
<nebkat> bjoich: post build error pastebinned in #teamhacksung ktnx
<bjoich> u guyz can maybe help meh?
<bjoich> o yea i will
<nebkat> and no troll over there :P
<wrckn> yesterday i installed cm10.1 on my galaxy s3. it was the version from yesterday but it is running a bit slow. is it usefull to install the same rom twice?
<bjoich> -> This is begining of story. And: is end of it :/
<bjoich> -> Link where i downloaded all kernel for my galaxy note 10.1
<wrckn> yesterday i installed cm10.1 on my galaxy s3. it was the version from yesterday but it is running a bit slow. is it usefull to install the same rom twice?
<bjoich> install old version where you didnt had lags ?
<bjoich> 10:52 < bjoich> -> This is begining of story. And: is end of it :/
<bjoich> 10:53 < bjoich> -> Link where i downloaded all kernel for my galaxy note 10.1
<bjoich> lol sry, i dont know how to copy in irssi
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<bjoich> nebkat: no1 iz there..
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<DuKeTHeReaL> Hi, my Camera isn't working as wished (the nohands function doesn't react) does anyone know how I can vanish my system to a real beginning - more than factory reset - that maybe old settings or whatever caches are dumped and it might work?
<Jiangyi> DuKeTHeReaL: Is your system language English (US) or?
<DuKeTHeReaL> English UK
<Jiangyi> Hm. Should still be fine.
<DuKeTHeReaL> I set it after it went to German after Installation
<DuKeTHeReaL> And I have no G-Apps
<DuKeTHeReaL> are there any dependencies?
<Jiangyi> No GApps could be your problem heh
<DuKeTHeReaL> Hmm
<Jiangyi> No Google voice engine = bad recognition afaik
<DuKeTHeReaL> ok so I'll try what happens if I flash those
<DuKeTHeReaL> :(
<DuKeTHeReaL> I'll have to see how I can set the system to not track me than xD
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<DuKeTHeReaL> Hm
<DuKeTHeReaL> When I start the Camera it says "Unfortunatly Google Search stopped"
<DuKeTHeReaL> And I took
<Jiangyi> DuKeTHeReaL: Update Google search through Google Play
<Jiangyi> The one included in the zip is borked
<DuKeTHeReaL> ok
<DuKeTHeReaL> thx
<ewx> by the way, why do gapps-packages come with the older versions of google apps? why not make a package with the latest versions?
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<DuKeTHeReaL> wow
<DuKeTHeReaL> it works!
<DuKeTHeReaL> thanks
<n-iCe> they are updating them ewx
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<n3gat1v3> trying to build JellyBeer for i605 VZW Note 2. Its cm based ROM with DPI controls but having issues with compile, think it maybe because I am missing files since I don't have the device. Any one think they can help?
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<kahtahs_> no support for kangs
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<n3gat1v3> Ok no problem. I don't have a device on a normal CM build do you have to use the to pull files from the device or can all the necessary files be found on theMuppets github or another site
<Jiangyi> n3gat1v3: It's all on Muppets
<n3gat1v3> Jiangyi: Thanks
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<Steakanbake> !supported samsung
<bbqbot> Steakanbake: Supported samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantm
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