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<i9i> any1 else experiencing sudden gapps and playstore FCs with cm-10.1-20130514-NIGHTLY-i9100?
<i9i> !changelog i9100
<bbqbot> i9i: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II:
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<a3Dman> lol sgs4 google edition?
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<a3Dman> weirdest rumour ever...
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<[RU]> !device
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<[RU]> hello
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<thonz> where did the site go
<shaaan> what site ?
<thonz> this is what redirects to
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<Espenfjo> site is dead
<shaaan> are you from this planet ?
<thonz> where do I find the known issues for i9100?
Espenfjo changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT | STATS AT
<thonz> !download i9100
<bbqbot> thonz: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S II: [7257d7]
<thonz> !changelog i9100
<bbqbot> thonz: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II:
<thonz> !device i9100
<bbqbot> thonz: Information for Samsung Galaxy S II:
<thonz> !supported
<bbqbot> thonz: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
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<angelsl> Espenfjo: when did teamhacksung 'disband'?
<Espenfjo> some months ago
<Espenfjo> Its all CM
<angelsl> mm
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<impm> I just bought a samsung S3 i9300from and my australian sin card seems too big. Could this right?
<Frd^_> yeah, sgs3 uses microsim card
<impm> Thank you Frd^_ I wonder what my next move would be with my carrier if I'm on a plan using the other size sim. Any suggestions how would approach them?
<chadouming> you can cut your current sim
<Frd^_> just say you need microsim card
<Frd^_> or that ;)
<chadouming> if it goes wrong then you will simply need a new microsim card
<impm> I'm on an old plan with great call rates ,eg 9cents for 30 seconds, do you think vodafone would simply give me a new sim with the old plan?
<Frd^_> yeah
Frd^_ is now known as Frd^
<chadouming> yep
<Frd^> you dont need to get new deal
<impm> I hope they will. Have you heard of tis happenning Australia?
<Frd^> go and ask them not us
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<impm> Thank you. This was my first time in a chat room. It has been educational.
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<fissurez> IO 2013
<fissurez> R U READY FOR 4.3
<fissurez> NEBKAT
<nebkat> stfu
<nebkat> im watching
<frankdrey-tab> I should watch
<fissurez> you can't multitask?
<fissurez> using nexus 4 for video
<fissurez> nexus 10 for irc
<fissurez> apple keyboard for obvious
<fissurez> that's a terrible gradiented background
<fissurez> blue/purple/blue?!
<fissurez> EW
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<nebkat> frankdrey-tab: yes
<nebkat> Fissurez: nah
<fissurez> yes
<fissurez> icky colour
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* frankdrey-tab installs popup browser
<fissurez> 900 million?
<fissurez> eep
<frankdrey-tab> Ugh popup browser y u no video
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<fissurez> yes frankdrey-tab
<fissurez> i'm using phone
<fissurez> and it's being iffy
<fissurez> and lagging
<frankdrey-tab> OK
<frankdrey-tab> So I closed the browser but I still hear sound xD
<fissurez> BASKEY
<fissurez> HOWS IT HANGING
<fissurez> YES
<fissurez> AND NO
<fissurez> CHECK PLZ
<Baskey> CHECKED
<fissurez> GUD
<fissurez> so
<frankdrey-tab> Man they ain't too humble
<fissurez> how's it hanging
<fissurez> frankdrey-tab GOOGLE IZ APPLE 2.0
<Baskey> Fissurez: studying
<fissurez> Baskey gud
<frankdrey-tab> I don't like it :'(
<fissurez> frankdrey-tab yes
<fissurez> FIND FENCES
<fissurez> HOORAY
<Baskey> WHOREY
<fissurez> " YES, WORSHIP ME"
<fissurez> lol dat guy using his mac
<fissurez> not laughing at him using mac
<frankdrey-tab> I'm behind like a mint
<fissurez> but the way he is hunched over it XD
<frankdrey-tab> Minute
<fissurez> orly
<frankdrey-tab> 3rd location api
<fissurez> frankdrey-tab using floating browser????
<frankdrey-tab> No
<frankdrey-tab> IPhone now xD
<fissurez> ok
<fissurez> i started off with my phone
<fissurez> then switched to using floating browser because my wifi is shit.
<fissurez> what is fancy
<fissurez> "things he's fancied before"
<Baskey> "@GooglePlay: 900 million #Android activations, 48 billion app installs from Google Play. And we're just getting started. #Momentum #io13"
<fissurez> ...
<fissurez> HASHTAGS
<fissurez> >:C
<frankdrey-tab> Auto install is cool but we know about it
<frankdrey-tab> -.-
<fissurez> i think
<fissurez> it's auto sign in too frankdrey-tab
<frankdrey-tab> Oh well, I guess this is partly for noobs
<frankdrey-tab> Meh
<fissurez> that's what he was talking about
<frankdrey-tab> OK
<fissurez> rather than the ancient auto install
<frankdrey-tab> FINE
<fissurez> YES
<fissurez> Baskey
<fissurez> iit's going to be JB again :C
<frankdrey-tab> and Apple still doesn't have auto install
<Baskey> Fissurez: yeah, I know
<frankdrey-tab> Google doesn't want to run out of deserts
<fissurez> bastards
<fissurez> they won't even get to my favourite deserts
<fissurez> TIRAMASU
<fissurez> yay notifications syncing
<frankdrey-tab> Man all these features need data
<fissurez> finally
<Baskey> finally
<fissurez> GAMES
<fissurez> HURRAY
<fissurez> GUGGLE GAMIES
<Baskey> Fissurez: HL3 FOR ANDROIDDE?
<fissurez> YES
<fissurez> HL3 CONFIRMED
<Baskey> HOORAY
<frankdrey-tab> Apple doesn't even have decent notifications
<frankdrey-tab> SHADDUP
<frankdrey-tab> IM NOT THERE YET
<frankdrey-tab> EW ITS LIKE GAME CENTER
<fissurez> BUT GOOGLE
<Baskey> EW, GROSS
<frankdrey-tab> APPLE 2.0
<frankdrey-tab> Oh it's for Apple too
<frankdrey-tab> Google is kind
<fissurez> waitwhat?
<frankdrey-tab> First Google now
<fissurez> that's a smart thing
<fissurez> a VERY smart thing
<fissurez> RIPTIDE 2
<fissurez> ON NEXUS 10
<fissurez> SDJAFGASJKGA/fb
<fissurez> INSTANT BONER
<Baskey> Fissurez: WAT IS RIPTIED 2?
<Baskey> ??!!!?!?!?!?
<fissurez> Riptide is a good game
<fissurez> sexy graphics
<fissurez> riptide 2 was bought out by thoose filthy fuckers nvidia i thought
<fissurez> LOLBROKE
<Baskey> WAT
<frankdrey-tab> *awkward silence*
<Baskey> Fissurez: WAT HAPPENED
<fissurez> *awkward boner*
<fissurez> their demo boke baskey
<frankdrey-tab> Lol
<frankdrey-tab> This guy is reading from a script
<frankdrey-tab> XD
<fissurez> probably a basis
<fissurez> rather than a word for word
<fissurez> they do it alot
<frankdrey-tab> It's ok man, we all get nervous on stage
<frankdrey-tab> No, the intro was all singsongy like he's reading lol
<frankdrey-tab> What are they running the android studio on?
<frankdrey-tab> It looks pretty cool
<frankdrey-tab> My PC probably won't run it
<fissurez> mine will :D
<Baskey> Fissurez: YOU POSH FUCK
<frankdrey-tab> Shut up
<fissurez> not necessarily
<fissurez> i just spent money on a decent pc :D
<fissurez> unfortunately, it looks like my wifi isn't good enough to stream
<frankdrey-tab> I have no money
<fissurez> or my nexus
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<frankdrey-tab> HA IM ON SCHOOL WIFI
<fissurez> FUCK
<frankdrey-tab> Ha I'll catch up to you
<fissurez> nope, not my fault
<fissurez> 20MBs
<frankdrey-tab> Lol
<frankdrey-tab> Mine is like 100mbs
<fissurez> shitty google
<fissurez> i live in the middlle of nowhere
<frankdrey-tab> Works fine here
<frankdrey-tab> Wait
<frankdrey-tab> But iOS jumps back every minute like 3 seconds
<fissurez> is it buffering for anyone else/
<frankdrey-tab> Not buffering
<fissurez> ...
<fissurez> :(
<frankdrey-tab> U need smrtr plyr
<fissurez> default youtube app
<fissurez> well
<fissurez> it IS shit.
<frankdrey-tab> Lol
<fissurez> google is a poopoo
<frankdrey-tab> Go on website
<fissurez> yeah
<fissurez> excccept it uses flash
<frankdrey-tab> I went to on chrome
<frankdrey-tab> No
<frankdrey-tab> I'm on iOS dummy
<fissurez> oh
<fissurez> okey
<fissurez> i will next buffer
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<fissurez> still shit
<RossWell98> Hello
<frankdrey-tab> Lol
<fissurez> constantlyy freezing for me
<a3Dman> woot android 4.3 :P
<fissurez> WAT
<fissurez> wHERE
<fissurez> thats not what it looks like for my nexus 10
Rewoluti1n is now known as Rewolution
<a3Dman> anyway, all of these stuff is useless of devs don't use it, I hope a lot will integrate in their apps
<a3Dman> s/of/if
<datagutt> ETA ON CM FOR 4.3???
<datagutt> Y U NO RELEASE 4.3 YET
<Baskey> xplodwild: WAT IS HWCOMPOSER?!?!?!??!?!?
<frankdrey-tab> codeworkx: gief 4.3 tab 2
<Baskey> PORT 4.3 TO SGS2
<codeworkx> no
<datagutt> PORT 4.3 TO MIZU
<datagutt> CANT WAIT FOR FLYME OS 4.3
<datagutt> 4.2 AINT EVEN OUT YET
<frankdrey-tab> Lol
evcz is now known as Guest47156
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<frankdrey-tab> Lol
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<datagutt> DEVS SUCK
<datagutt> CM DEVS SUCK*
<datagutt> I AM GOING AOKP
<frankdrey-tab> They do
<frankdrey-tab> Aokp is da best
<datagutt> Baskey: i am going to tell you a secret
<datagutt> I am running MIUI based on 4.3
<datagutt> on my nexus 5
<Baskey> :OOOOOOOO
<datagutt> Don't tell
<a3Dman> LOL SGS4 AOSP
<datagutt> 4.3 KOOLAID
<datagutt> Baskey: 4.3 build is jellybean
<datagutt> but i got a 5.0 aosp alpha
<a3Dman> still has home button
<a3Dman> DO NOT WANT
<datagutt> LOL LAME
<a3Dman> 650$
<a3Dman> well that's nice anyway
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<a3Dman> oems supporting AOSP will be sexy
<a3Dman> for everyone
<a3Dman> so who will make our phones smooth if all phones will have google edition?
<a3Dman> xD
<datagutt> a3Dman: CUSTOM KERNEL
<xplodwild> WHERE IS MY 4.3
<xplodwild> WHERE IS MY 4.3
<xplodwild> WHERE IS MY 4.3
<xplodwild> WHERE IS MY 4.3
<datagutt> ALL TEH KERNELS
<xplodwild> WHERE IS MY 4.3
<pw> :P
<xplodwild> WHERE IS MY 4.3
fissurez has quit [Quit: Beep bep]
<datagutt> xplodwild: hopefully, in a few weeks, on my mk
<a3Dman> xplodwild: :( bad google
<xplodwild> raghav1996fuck chrome !!! gimme 4.3 !!!
<xplodwild> I agree with this child
<xplodwild> Ashley Roe forget about chrome
<codeworkx> i'm disappointed
<codeworkx> they didn't fix the cheap plastics
<xplodwild> codeworkx: +111111111111111
<codeworkx> and the ugly look
<codeworkx> yeah
<nebkat> codeworkx: lololololo
<pw> ('-' )( '-')( ._.)(._. )('-' )( '-')( ._.)(._. )('-' )( '-')( ._.)(._. )('-' )( '-')( ._.)(._. )( '-')(^_^)
<frankdrey-tab> Lol
<a3Dman> do not want chrome os srsly
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<angelsl|m> anyone watching I/O? ._.
<frankdrey-tab> Many of us
<frankdrey-tab> Well, I left
<frankdrey-tab> No android 4.3 and I have hw
<angelsl|m> i'm just shocked at the device announcement
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<codeworkx> announce same for htc one
<codeworkx> = win
<angelsl|m> i'm guessing it'll be the qualcomm i9505
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<datagutt> obviously
<frankdrey-tab> What device
<frankdrey-tab> What did I miss
<Lara> Hi frankdrey-tab , again.
<frankdrey-tab> Hi :-D
<frankdrey-tab> Oh s4 still
<angelsl|m> yeah that
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<frankdrey-tab> I heard about that yesterday
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<SolisticE> !download <device>
<bbqbot> SolisticE: Unknown device <device>
<frankdrey-tab> Lulz
<Baskey> !supported
<bbqbot> Baskey: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<frankdrey-tab> What device
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<datagutt> !download find5
<bbqbot> datagutt: Unknown device find5
datagutt was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [fak u]
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<SolisticE_> sorry
<SolisticE_> dunno if im lagging
<SolisticE_> if i post this question before im sorry
<SolisticE_> i wonder if the issue with recent apps screen distortion flickering checker box or so have been fix on nightly 20130514?
<SolisticE_> n7105
SolisticE has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
<SolisticE_> !changelog <n7105>
<bbqbot> SolisticE_: Unknown device <n7105>
<SolisticE_> !changelog n7105
<bbqbot> SolisticE_: Unknown device n7105
<SolisticE_> !changelog 0tlte
<bbqbot> SolisticE_: Unknown device 0tlte
<SolisticE_> !supported Samsung
<bbqbot> SolisticE_: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmt
<Baskey> nebkat: FIX YOUR BOT
<SolisticE_> !changelog t0lte
<bbqbot> SolisticE_: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (LTE):
<frankdrey-tab> Nebkat, your bot sucks
<frankdrey-tab> Cm10?
<nebkat> hmk
<SolisticE_> cm10.1
<frankdrey-tab> SolisticE_: just go to
<SolisticE_> clean installation no 3rd party kernel no 3rd party apps
<nebkat> fixing
<nebkat> !plugin reload
<bbqbot> nebkat: 19 plugins loaded. (1 updated)
<nebkat> have fun
<frankdrey-tab> !changelog p5110
<nebkat> its dead
<nebkat> im restarting it
<frankdrey-tab> Lol
<SolisticE_> sorry but what is the main name for tat issue call ? any term name for it ?
<datagutt> nebkat: fail
<nebkat> datagutt: no I did hard restart so it wouldnt save plugin config
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<frankdrey-tab> SolisticE_: yeah we've heard of the issues
<nebkat> !changelog fin5
<clibot> nebkat: Unknown device fin5
<nebkat> !changelog find5
<clibot> nebkat: Changelog for Oppo Find 5:
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<frankdrey-tab> Don't know if anyone is working on it
<SolisticE_> thanks for the hard work
<frankdrey-tab> Might be bad Sammy drivers
<frankdrey-tab> What hard work?
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<SolisticE_> latest n7105 on cm10.1 with nightly 20130514 is very smooth
<frankdrey-tab> I'm just a random d00d, thank Cody or whoever :-P
<SolisticE_> haha
<SolisticE_> np
<SolisticE_> btw
<SolisticE_> i know the weather api is fix
<frankdrey-tab> Which reminds me, I need to go mess with the CM kerne
<SolisticE_> but the location wise was it fix ?
<frankdrey-tab> To see if I know enough C
<SolisticE_> cLock weather location never refresh the location that what i mean
<frankdrey-tab> Let's C, I should hack NTFS into my kernel
<frankdrey-tab> SolisticE_: I have no idea, don't use that stuff
<SolisticE_> frankdrey-tab : Thanls
<SolisticE_> thanks*
<frankdrey-tab> You're welcome :3
<frankdrey-tab> Lol
<SolisticE_> !changelog n7105
<clibot> SolisticE_: Unknown device n7105
<SolisticE_> !changelog t0lte
<clibot> SolisticE_: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (LTE):
<frankdrey-tab> SolisticE_: this isn't the best time to ask questions since all the devs are watching Google io haha
<SolisticE_> what is google io =X
<frankdrey-tab> Its a conference where they announce Google stuff
<frankdrey-tab> They should announce android 4.3 today
<frankdrey-tab> Maybe already did
<frankdrey-tab> !dood Fissurez
<frankdrey-tab> @dood Fissurez
<Yattabot> Fissurez,
<Yattabot> whats up dood
<frankdrey-tab> Did they
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<waratte> dood
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<Thiagovfar> Daang
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<frankdrey-tab> Thiagovfar wut
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<a3Dman> had a power outage for :/
<a3Dman> so no android yet?
<a3Dman> :(
<datagutt> nope
<a3Dman> it's 3 hour amirite?
<a3Dman> I think Android will be next then
<waratte> It'll be briefly mentioned under their breaths.
<a3Dman> I just hope that they fix wifi problems on nexus 4
<Thiagovfar> a3Dman: The bluetooth + wifi combo?
<a3Dman> that also
<Thiagovfar> what else is broken?
<a3Dman> I would like 4.2.3 with just these fixes
<a3Dman> nothing on my end
<Thiagovfar> what are the wifi problems?
<Thiagovfar> This device's software looks like it's falling apart.
<a3Dman> CM fixes these anyway
<a3Dman> after using updated firmware
<a3Dman> Thiagovfar: how so?
<Thiagovfar> Freezes with rotation and opengl
<Thiagovfar> bluetooth kills wifi network
<a3Dman> that's also
<a3Dman> that's why we need 4.3
<Thiagovfar> Those are pretty major flaws
<a3Dman> all these bugs are well known for Google for a while and has tons of stars
<Thiagovfar> Shouldn't be happening.
<a3Dman> yes
<a3Dman> you can never use BT keyboard with wifi open
<EgotisticalElf> bluetooth kills 2.4GHz network, (same actual wireless space)
<a3Dman> yes
<datagutt> and ble
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<Jazuura> !supported Samsung
<clibot> Jazuura: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<Jazuura> !changelog i9300
<clibot> Jazuura: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S III:
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<Jazuura> can i install that with CWM v5 or should i upgrade to 6?
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<Jiangyi_> OK, finally on a comp watching IO
<Jiangyi_> nebkat: Anything exciting that I missed?
<nebkat> no
<nebkat> nice stuff
<nebkat> but no android
<nebkat> webp and v9 or something
<nebkat> picture/video standards/formats
<nebkat> nice
<nebkat> for web dev
<nebkat> new g+
<nebkat> new hangout app
<nebkat> cross platform single app
<nebkat> google now on pc
<nebkat> not much more
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<datagutt> JIANGYI_
<datagutt> S4 GOOGLE EDITION
<datagutt> BEST NEWS EVER
<Jiangyi_> datagutt: That I saw lol
<datagutt> /troll
<Jiangyi_> $5 says they kanged CM xD
<datagutt> hah
<datagutt> i said the same in #bs
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<a3Dman> RAEG
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<datagutt> [20:43:25] <@datagutt> OMG OCULUS RIFT SUPPORT FOR MAPS
<datagutt> [20:43:29] <@datagutt> FORGET ABOUT 4.3
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<a3Dman> xD
<a3Dman> larry paeg no wai
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<a3Dman> datagutt: android is coming? :O
<a3Dman> seems like glass xD
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<desifreek0> Hi! I am looking for some help on I9103 CM 10.1...any one there?
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<Kihokki> Wtf
<Kihokki> Just as I come here he left
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<chieftex> anyone here use a galaxy note 1?
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<jomp16> I'm back on my computer! I bought a new power supply
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<a3Dman> the old one exploded? did your face turn black and stuff?
<a3Dman> fried hair
<a3Dman> etc
<jomp16> Hmmm, the first power supply exploded, my fault
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<jomp16> the second power supply exploded itself
<jomp16> now let's see
<jomp16> Working fine while updating Arch Linux, seeing interwebs, talking to you
<a3Dman> power supply should explode on heavy load :P
<a3Dman> and if it's only lame manufactured one
<a3Dman> stress that
<jomp16> my second power supply is from China
<jomp16> the first is a Thermaltake
<jomp16> the current is a Sentey
<jomp16> 500W
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<jomp16> Sammy annouced a S4 without the Touchwiz?
<jomp16> announced *
<jomp16> Good news for the purists
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<frankdrey> v
<frankdrey> w00t
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<Jiangyi> frankdrey: +1
<frankdrey> installing :D
<Jiangyi> As am I
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<frankdrey> won't open :(
<jomp16> Hmmm, Android Studio is based on IntelliJ IDEA
<frankdrey> it is
<jomp16> Whats the differences?
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Not opening on my side either :-/
<jomp16> IDEA has native support to Android
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, something about incorrect configuration?
<frankdrey> jomp16, this is better integrated
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, my antivirus is trippin' at it O_O
<jomp16> Hmmmm, i will stick with original IDEA
<jomp16> I don't develop to Android much, and the stock works fine
<frankdrey> now installer is crashing :/
<frankdrey> i'm gonna uninstall and reinstall
<frankdrey> closed antivirus
<jomp16> I think the IDEA devs will put the Google implementations to a new IDEA version (13)
<a3Dman> antivirus lololol
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<jomp16> intergrate it
<frankdrey> Shaddup
<frankdrey> I'm on Windoze
<frankdrey> :P
<jomp16> Hmmm, Linux....
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<jomp16> "IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition will remain a free and open Java IDE with full Android support and will include the new features developed by both the Google and JetBrains teams. The features will of course be available in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate too."
<jomp16> Like I said
<frankdrey> yay
<jomp16> Let's see IntelliJ IDEA 13 EAP
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frankdrey__ is now known as frankdrey_
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<jomp16> WAT
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<Kishidan> excuse me :P
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Guest92645 is now known as frankdrey
<frankdrey> here, i'll kick myself for spam
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<jomp16> downloading IDEA 13 UE
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<frankdrey> happy?
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: No, I open it and nothing happens
<jomp16> Hmmm, I will like the OPs give you a bomb
<Jiangyi> Other than cmd.exe opening in the background.
<jomp16> Jiangyi, frankdrey: download IDEA 13
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<frankdrey> Jiangyi, still doesn't work, says application configuration is incorrect
<jomp16> Has the all teh Android shit
<Jiangyi> Ah screw it, got too much schoolwork to do first.
<frankdrey> ok
<Jiangyi> Stupid resume + cover letter
<frankdrey> i'll try idea 13
* frankdrey has hw but i'm procrastinating it :D
<frankdrey> jomp16, does it have the fancy design thing?
<frankdrey> meh it ain't free
<frankdrey> wait
<frankdrey> is it?
<frankdrey> i don't get it
<frankdrey> ah it is
<frankdrey> and 12 is even good for android
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<frankdrey> so i'm getting 12 and will wait for 13
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<jomp16> frankdrey, hmmm
<jomp16> is free
<frankdrey> jomp16, yeah
<jomp16> the Ultimate and Community is free, Early Access Program
<jomp16> The IDEA 13 will be released at December
<frankdrey> ouch
<jomp16> Downloading IDEA 13 to see what's changed
<jomp16> You tested?
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<frankdrey> i'm downloading idea 12
<jomp16> I use IDEA 12
<jomp16> The community, but I have access to Ultimate
<jomp16> Android Studio is like Android Bundle (Eclipse + Android)
<jomp16> is IDEA with all the shit configured and name changed
<jomp16> Hmmm, downloading ~1GB of programs updates on my Arch