nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT | STATS AT
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<Jiangyi> Damn it
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Why do you have to be right D-:
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<Lion_> !download p5110
<bbqbot> Lion_: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1(Wifi): [619228]
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<Lion_> Someone fix my PS3, damnit! (Or atleast tell me where the temp sensor is if it's not on the chip/die of the cpu/rsx)
<Thracky> Jiangyi: lol
<Thracky> amazing game though, have to admit
<Jiangyi> Yeah :-/
<Jiangyi> It's too bad
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<Kihokki> Lion_: No
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<shaaan> getting this error while compiling
<shaaan> "/bin/bash: product-name: No such file or directory"
<cdesai> when posting an error, always include a few lines above and below it, or better, paste the full log somewhere
<cdesai> and you could be compiling anything, be more specific
<shaaan> realmake: *** [/home/shaaan/android/system/pa/out/target/product/janice/system/build.prop] Error 1
<shaaan> realmake: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
<shaaan> compiling pa for samsung janice
<shaaan> this is the only output
<cdesai> pastebin, and include more
<cdesai> make showcommands
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<cdesai> Target buildinfo, so build/tools/
<shaaan> what in that ?
<cdesai> I would start by grepping for "product-name" there, and then under build/ if not found there
<shaaan> oh. okay. will look into it
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<cdesai> !op
<bbqbot> cdesai: You do not have permission to run "op"
<cdesai> wth
<shaaan> XD
<cdesai> datagutt: y u no YattaBot here
<datagutt> cdesai: not sure
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<shaaan> what about this ?
<shaaan> vendor/pa/bash_completion/repo.bash: line 96: export: __gitdir: not a function
<datagutt> because we already have 1 bot
<datagutt> xD
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<datagutt> !op cdesai
<datagutt> Right
<datagutt> wrong prefix
<datagutt> :P
<cdesai> shaaan: that's just kangers not doing their homework
<cdesai> datagutt: the more the merrier
<cdesai> !prefix @
<bbqbot> cdesai: Unknown command "prefix"
<datagutt> hah
<datagutt> @help
<Yattabot> Available commands: @help @geo @google @images @tts @time @eval @translate @twitter @uptime @bomb @nuclearbomb @dood @weather @8ball @op @deop @join @part @kick @ban @unban @voice @unvoice @prefix @nick @reload @config @level @money @define @xkcd @download @supported @changelog @lastfm
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<shaaan> getting this error guys
<shaaan> Traceback (most recent call last):
<shaaan> File "device/samsung/janice/releasetools/janice_ota_from_target_files", line 115, in <module>
<shaaan> File "/home/shaaan/android/system/pa/build/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files", line 807, in main
<shaaan> main(sys.argv[1:])
<shaaan> WriteFullOTAPackage(input_zip, output_zip)
<shaaan> File "device/samsung/janice/releasetools/janice_ota_from_target_files", line 47, in WriteFullOTAPackage
<shaaan> metadata = {"post-build": GetBuildProp("", input_zip),
<shaaan> File "/home/shaaan/android/system/pa/build/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files", line 471, in GetBuildProp
<shaaan> return info_dict.get("build.prop", {})[prop]
<shaaan> AttributeError: ZipFile instance has no attribute 'get'
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<DuperMan> srsly?
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<sabari> Hi I have Samsung Galaxy Note GTN7000. The home button is not working
<sabari> I was on stock rom rooted and last week, i wanted to install the PA rom
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<sabari> When I tried installing, it was not able to do it as it had a touchwiz kernel. So I installed CM 10.1 kernel using mobile odin
<sabari> kernel got installed and the phone did not come up and is now struck in the boot screen. As the home button is not working, i could not get to the download mode
<sabari> I tried USB Jig, adb etc., nothing helped. Do I have any other option?
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<nebkat> DuperMan: dauwge
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<a3Dman> nebkat: hi
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<nebkat> a3Dman: sup dawg
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<a3Dman> nebkat: bord
<nebkat> a3Dman: watch urovision
<a3Dman> isn't that like multivision? for porn?
<nebkat> hmm
<nebkat> interesting
<nebkat> !google eurovision
<bbqbot> nebkat: Eurovision Song Contest - Malm�� 2013:
<a3Dman> nebkat: nope not that
<nebkat> a3Dman: watchit
<a3Dman> I don't watch TV for 8 years now, probably won't do this anytime soon :)
<a3Dman> brb
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<AndrewTheAndroid> nebkat: The only thing good that came out of that was epic sax guy
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: wtf where have you been
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Not in Europe :-P
<nebkat> Jiangyi: why werent you in #bs I mean
<nebkat> been trying to complain to you about hong kong address all day
<nebkat> it took 30 minutes at the post office for them to make sense of it all and type it up
<nebkat> ffs
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Oh, cause Freenode netsplits fo dayz
<Jiangyi> And then I have to join manually cause for some reason, it won't auto join.
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<asustablet> Hello, I'm having a Asus tablet Transformer T300, by accident I unlocked device with Asus tool v7, instead of v8 (cause i have Android 4.2 already)
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<asustablet> Now when booting in bootloader I do not have option from USB
<asustablet> I retried it with v8 but doesn't work
<asustablet> Any idea?
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<asustablet> Anyone?
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