xplodwild changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT http://irclog.whitequark.org/teamhacksung-support/
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<Thracky> got meself a n7 heh
<Thracky> got rid of the hp touchpad and gave my wife the ipad 1
<frankdrey> ew ipad
* frankdrey is about to smash a bluetooth keyboard
<Thracky> heh
<frankdrey> arch linux + crappy bluetooth dongle + crappy bluetooth keyboard = no fun
<Thracky> heh I love arch so much
<frankdrey> i do too
<Thracky> I went and did a full install on my laptop last week
<frankdrey> but bluez sucks
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<Thracky> try dealing with switchable graphics :P
<Thracky> I got steam and tf2 working though
<frankdrey> lol
<Thracky> what are you running for de/wm?
<Thracky> I went openbox/tint2
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Right before I/O?
<Jiangyi> Is that a good idea? lol
<Thracky> Jiangyi: I know there's a new one coming out but I got a deal on it
<Thracky> I only paid 130 out of pocket
<Thracky> and still has full 1 year warranty
<frankdrey> Thracky, XFCE
<Jiangyi> Oh nice
<waratte> eww, xfce.
<Thracky> I was gonna use xmonad but that's just too hardcore for me
<Thracky> I dunno haskell :P
<frankdrey> waratte uses Gnome3
<frankdrey> lamewad
<frankdrey> waratte, not Thracky
<waratte> I also use lxde. :D
<Thracky> I like all the gnome, lxde, xfce etc I just wanted something I had to fuck with :D
<Thracky> and something uber lightweight
<waratte> :D
<Thracky> I had like almost 3 weeks off before I start at IBM so I had to kill some time
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* frankdrey is working on minimalizing his arch install
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<frankdrey> i have 1 more tried in 1 minute, and then a last try in 30 minutes and it's gone :(
<frankdrey> *60 minutes
<frankdrey> fk this
<frankdrey> restore time :(
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<Jiangyi> frankdrey: This is why I use a 6x6 pattern lock :-P
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, I have an iCrap, remember?:P
<frankdrey> so i thought screw apple, imma go back to 5.1.1 and use it with jailbreak :D
* frankdrey checks up on iDroid project
* Jiangyi still has an iPhone4 that he doesn't know what to do with
<Jiangyi> But sleep first, my eyes are dying again
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> i think those can run iDroid
<frankdrey> :D
<frankdrey> because apple fked up the new one like crazy
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<frankdrey> what's funny is i think i just remembered my passcode :P
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<Mickmetallico> Help
<Mickmetallico> What About Sudden Death Fix? CyanogenMod 10.1 Has It?
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<Mickmetallico> Hello?
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<dontron> hi there
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<dontron> on the download page i see only nightly versions from 10.x is there not a stable 10.x ??
<dontron> i see only the 9.1 stable for myP-1000
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<xplodwild_> * Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable: xplodwild
<xplodwild_> [NickServ] You may not ghost xplodwild.
<xplodwild_> stupid services
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<ntlynjec> !download N7100
<bbqbot> ntlynjec: Error fetching data
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<ntlynjec> !download n7100
<bbqbot> ntlynjec: Error fetching data
<ntlynjec> !download <n7100>
<bbqbot> ntlynjec: Unknown device <n7100>
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<jimi> yo
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<jimi> site is down ? where download CM10 ? please
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<jimi> and : http://get.cm/?device=i9300 not worked from minyes, but now, is ok, ty
<jimi> vye
<jimi> bye
<KaZo58> :) cucu
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