xplodwild changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT http://irclog.whitequark.org/teamhacksung-support/
<Thiagovfar> DuKeTHeReaL: Upload them somewhere. Be careful not to break any law.
<DuKeTHeReaL> That's the point :P
<Gaglia> ok done
<Gaglia> now the gapps
<DuKeTHeReaL> Those are of cause FLACs created in EAC ^^
<DuKeTHeReaL> do you have openpgp?
<Gaglia> done
<Thiagovfar> Then, create some 'FLACs in EAC', with original content, like ambient sound
<Gaglia> now, facotry reset
<Gaglia> factory*
<Gaglia> ok, now
<Gaglia> FIRST unplug usb cable and then reboot?
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: He needs your blessing
<Gaglia> or TOWA?
<Gaglia> I do :D
<Jiangyi> Gaglia: Doesn't matter if you unplug it or not.
<Jiangyi> Reboot it! :-P
<Gaglia> yeeeeee
<Thiagovfar> Failure to unplug the cable may imply... nothing at all
<Gaglia> party party andale andale!
<Gaglia> cool logo :D
<Gaglia> Jiangyi, do you use bitcoin?
<Jiangyi> No :-/
<Gaglia> pity <.< just a HUGE thanks then!
<Gaglia> anyway, in case wanna get into it, just ask :P
<Jiangyi> Computer's too weak for it probably lol
<Jiangyi> I should look into the whole thing once I finish school in a month
<DuKeTHeReaL> @Thiangovfar - qry
<DuKeTHeReaL> ok
<DuKeTHeReaL> I have a file
<DuKeTHeReaL> I'm testing now if it's also not working
<DuKeTHeReaL> Anyone would like to test
<DuKeTHeReaL> It should play 1 Minute of silence
<DuKeTHeReaL> or tell you that it doesn't work
<DuKeTHeReaL> crap man
<DuKeTHeReaL> why is it working now y.<
<DuKeTHeReaL> <.<
<DuKeTHeReaL> well
<DuKeTHeReaL> let's try if other files work the same if I modify them like this ^^
Alram is now known as zz_Alram
<DuKeTHeReaL> did I tell you how much I hate mtp?
<Thiagovfar> No, please tell us
<DuKeTHeReaL> :p
<DuKeTHeReaL> is there any possibility to change cm 10.1 into usb mass storage?
<Thiagovfar> Yes
<Thiagovfar> just click the notification
<Thiagovfar> you should see the option there
<Jiangyi> DuKeTHeReaL: Depends on your device.
<DuKeTHeReaL> SGS3
<DuKeTHeReaL> You mean the "USB-Debugging"-Icon?
<frankdrey> no
<frankdrey> you can't
<DuKeTHeReaL> crap :(
<frankdrey> internal storage is ext4
<frankdrey> not supported by windows
<Jiangyi> No UMS on S3 :-/
<Thiagovfar> sgs3 has no UMS?
<DuKeTHeReaL> I'm on Ubuntu
<DuKeTHeReaL> and my ext sd card is ext4 too
<frankdrey> DuKeTHeReaL, google doesn't care
<frankdrey> :P
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: None of the newer devices do.
<frankdrey> they assume everyone is on windoze
<Jiangyi> Including your N4 :-P
<Thiagovfar> But it's for a good cause
<DuKeTHeReaL> to stop apple-support? :P
<Thiagovfar> I thought the gs3 would still use the old behaviour.
<Thiagovfar> DuKeTHeReaL: To allow you to use your storage as you see fit.
<Thiagovfar> There is, ideally, one big partition, mounted on data
<DuKeTHeReaL> I would hang out the extsd card for usb mode :P
<Thiagovfar> mounted on /data,
<Thiagovfar> Everything the user has goes there, apps, files, etc
<DuKeTHeReaL> the libmtp support with ubuntu sucks
<DuKeTHeReaL> I can't move a single file via mtp on the device
<frankdrey> DuKeTHeReaL, use adb
<DuKeTHeReaL> oh crap now it's time for me to use this magical adb :P
<frankdrey> adb is awesome xD
<Jiangyi> adb never fails on you.
<DuKeTHeReaL> you can move files over it?
<Jiangyi> Yep.
<DuKeTHeReaL> fast?
<Thiagovfar> The new ubuntu has mtp working out of the box
<Jiangyi> Full-speed.
<DuKeTHeReaL> @Thiangovfar: I added the libmtp repo out of ubuntu
<DuKeTHeReaL> but it doesn't like me
<Thiagovfar> ubuntu 13.04?
<Thiagovfar> until 12.10, there is no built-in support for mtp
<Thiagovfar> but on 13.04 it just works™
<DuKeTHeReaL> hmhm
<Jiangyi> It just works on BBQLinux too :-P
<a3Dman> my fridge uses MTP also, I don't need to open any doors...
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<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> My fridge doesn't even make ice anymore
<Thiagovfar> Android also uses MTP. Works fine on every supported device.
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: Gimme yo fridge :-P
<Thiagovfar> I'm so sleepy, my sentences don't make sense.
<a3Dman> me too
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: lolk
<Thiagovfar> fgrgthuj
<Thiagovfar> ^ Generated by my forehead
<DuKeTHeReaL> do I need Oracle Java for adb? :P
<DuKeTHeReaL> ah crap frankdrey has gone
<Jiangyi> Nah you don't
<Thiagovfar> DuKeTHeReaL: Adb is native
<Thiagovfar> The installer isn't
<Thiagovfar> But you can download it as a standalone executable, somewhere
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: I don't remember needing java to install the SDK o_O
<Jiangyi> On Linux I mean.
<DuKeTHeReaL> Am I wrong when I say that I only have to install this? http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
<DuKeTHeReaL> fine - I wanted the adt for linux anyway ^^
<jomp16> Yah, I got my bot version 2 working with external plugins and with SQLite!
<jomp16> Now code teh plugins
<Jiangyi> nvm :-|
<DuKeTHeReaL> @jomp16: a bot who does what? :P
<jomp16> an IRC bot...
<DuKeTHeReaL> ah cool
<DuKeTHeReaL> Is he saving sessions with users, learning by their input and forgetting unwanted input?
<jomp16> WAT!
<Thiagovfar> I must go
<Thiagovfar> my bed needs me
<Thiagovfar> Oh, wait, it's the reverse
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<DuKeTHeReaL> night ;)
<DuKeTHeReaL> wow did I get this right - with adb shell you can enter the shell of the smartphone?
<Jiangyi> DuKeTHeReaL: That's correct
<DuKeTHeReaL> nice
<Jiangyi> All hail ADB :-P
<DuKeTHeReaL> I am unpacking the adt atm :D
<a3Dman> yes, I browse web using links on my phone by ADB...
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<DuKeTHeReaL> omg xD
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<DuKeTHeReaL> hmm
<DuKeTHeReaL> adb -d shouldn't show a long --help or sth should it?
<DuKeTHeReaL> AH
<DuKeTHeReaL> haven't seen the USB-Debugging on the phone
<DuKeTHeReaL> can I copy recursively with adb push?
<DuKeTHeReaL> it seems that it can't do that
<DuKeTHeReaL> mah crap
<DuKeTHeReaL> ok zipping seems to be the only logical way xD
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<DuKeTHeReaL> mah I'm lacking permissions to cat X > Y on my SDCard even though I am su?
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<jomp16> DuKeTHeReaL, Impossible for me, root always has all permissions + super ultra fucking god perm
<jomp16> At least on Linux OS
<DuKeTHeReaL> what's impossible for you?
<jomp16> "I'm lacking permissions to cat X > Y on my SDCard even though I am su?"
<jomp16> Or you need to mount with RW the drive (like /system)
<DuKeTHeReaL> Hmm
<DuKeTHeReaL> Yep I think so
<DuKeTHeReaL> Mounting with RW is only temporarly isn't it?
<DuKeTHeReaL> with a reboot it's over
<DuKeTHeReaL> another thing is, I don't know WHAT to mount there are so many sectors
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<frankdrey-temp> how do i get a list of nicks in irssi?
<frankdrey-temp> is there any better alternative to irssi?
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<waratte> frankdrey-temp: Perl :D
<frankdrey-temp> :/
<waratte> You can code your own commands, you wanted to be 1337 anyways.
<frankdrey-temp> if i wanted to be 1337 i'd connect over telnet
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<waratte> 1337er people make their own telnet client.
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<freitascba> hi
<freitascba> i need help
<freitascba> algum brazuca na rom ?
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<jeffbar1> !supported Samsung
<bbqbot> jeffbar1: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
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<Mk> hello
<Mk> anyone have cm10.1 for n7100 with pdroid 2.0 patched ?
<Mk> or any n7100 custom rom with pdroid patched
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<Hkayak> Hey guys
<Hkayak> How is everyone
<jeffbar1> good
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<Mk> where i can find full guide about using autopatcher ?
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<Gaglia> hi again :) everything fine so far with yesterday's CM installation but I have a question: what if I want to uninstall the gapps stuff?
<Gaglia> I've tried to: reboot phone in debug, select and apply JUST the cm.zip rom (and not the gapps.zip), wipe and reboot
<Gaglia> but at first boot I'm still asked for google account, disclaimer "you agree that google may install updates" and so on
<Gaglia> should I phisically delete the gapps.zip file in the scard dir?
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<fai9al> hi
<fai9al> i need help
<fai9al> any one?
<rndio> forgot to take your pills?
<fai9al> yahh lol
<rndio> you need to ask the question
<fai9al> ok
<fai9al> my phone reboot it self
<fai9al> i9100g cm 10 rom
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<DuKeTHeReaL> Moin Moin
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<DuKeTHeReaL> @Gaglia: I think you can't deinstall the gapps afterwards
<Gaglia> wut? why?
<Gaglia> I mean, not even if I reflash everything? o.O
<Gaglia> I didn't configure anything nor copied user data to the phone yet, I don't mind rewiping everything
<Gaglia> may "Wwpe dalvik cache" or "wipe cache partition" help before installing the cm10.zip and resetting?
<DuKeTHeReaL> yes I think you have to wipe the data
<DuKeTHeReaL> otherwise he just updates the os
<DuKeTHeReaL> I also found some ways to remove gapps
<DuKeTHeReaL> but only single apps and not the google account
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<Gaglia> DuKeTHeReaL, ok thanks, I'll do the following: wipe cache -> factory reset -> install cm10.zip -> factory reset -> reboot
<Gaglia> (with USB cable plugged in for power)
<DuKeTHeReaL> Factory reset after cm10.zip installing?
<Onixs> id format /data /system
<Gaglia> yes, that's what Jiangyi made me do yesterday, it worked
<DuKeTHeReaL> ok ^^
<Gaglia> I think "wipe/factory reset" only wipes user data :)
<DuKeTHeReaL> Ah k
<Gaglia> Onixs, are gapps installed there?
<Gaglia> that would explain it
<Onixs> /system
<Gaglia> uhm ok... I'll see if it is easy to wipe that partition in debug mode
<Gaglia> yes, it's feasible
<Gaglia> how "safe" is to format /data and /system? <.<
<Onixs> if youv done your backup, then it is safe
<Gaglia> Onixs, I don't have backups, I mean, the phone just arrived (bought it used on ebay)
<Gaglia> so I don't have any important data on it, should be safe unless I risk a brick :)
<Onixs> if the phone's firmware is widely availbale, then it is safe
<Gaglia> ok <.<
<Gaglia> rebooting... fingers crossed
<Gaglia> ok I see a CM logo :D let's see if I still have gapps
<Onixs> cm10 installed?
<Gaglia> I love you all men :D best support IRC chan ever
<Gaglia> can I endorse you somewhere for a "best support" award? lol
<Gaglia> now, only thing, I have to figure out how to change default language :P with gapps I had this wizard with language selection at the beginning
<Gaglia> but I'll find it somewhere :)
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<DuKeTHeReaL> does anyone know where I can find the "android.media.MediaPlayer" Src-code?
<rndio> DuKeTHeReaL, repo list
<DuKeTHeReaL> !repo list
<bbqbot> DuKeTHeReaL: Unknown command "repo"
<Thiagovfar> Is that the correct name of the package?
<DuKeTHeReaL> that's what is standing in the exception
<rndio> sound more like api class name to me
<rndio> DuKeTHeReaL, vanilla music player on google?
<DuKeTHeReaL> wut
<DuKeTHeReaL> I thought it would be the android interface that kills the app
<DuKeTHeReaL> but wait
<Thiagovfar> What player is that?
<DuKeTHeReaL> http://ma.xzise.de/zerobin/?4e302800b593fcb6#j+GUBQyLUj4N/RKicC2vkWdfrt0FggC7G/cxeh2HJX4=
<DuKeTHeReaL> now it's appollo
<DuKeTHeReaL> new paste
<DuKeTHeReaL> also using android.media
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<DuKeTHeReaL> Thanks!
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<Rockj> Q: I'm able to flash orignal flash back to a Galaxy S2 phone so they wont notice it is flashed? flashed a phone for a friend that I thought basically just had issues with orginal fw was battery heavy, but still issues afterwards and probably is issues with the battery loading pin/usb contact I guess
<Rockj> tried swapping battery and still issues
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<Rockj> in my country we have good treatment of complaints (up to 5 years on phones), but warranty you loose if you have flashed. So do they notice if you flash back original?
<Rockj> anyhow, it's still a valid complaint that battery doesn't charge as it should and fw shouldn't have anything to say for that I guess
<Thiagovfar> Rockj: Ask a lawyer.
<Thiagovfar> Rockj: But you can pretty much flash back to a stock firmware, send it in and call it a day.
<Rockj> is stock firmware available from anywhere?
<Rockj> maybe on their sites. hm.
<Rockj> will that also remove clockmodrecovery ?
<Thiagovfar> Yes
<Thiagovfar> There was a pretty good place to get the firmwares directly from samsung's servers. http://fus.nanzen.se/ However, that site is not working anymore
<Rockj> as long as I get the firmware I can just use odin to flash it I guess
<Rockj> which I guess is downloadable from their site
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<Thiagovfar> Rockj: I don't know of any official method to get an official firmware, other than getting it from Kies.
<Thiagovfar> There are sites who host copies of those firmwares, though.
<Rockj> so will it work to just download samsung kies and let it does it job?
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<Thiagovfar> Kies won't do shit if the device is not already running stock
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: thar?
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<Craig> Hey guys, anyone have a sec to answer a quick question for me? I'm running into an issue with getting cm10.1 to flash on my vzw note 2
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<Craig> When I boot into clockwork recovery and flash any of the recent nightlies, i get an error "assert failed: getprop etc....
<Craig> im not a noob, ive been flashing for years, i did a complete odin restore to stock, rerooted with the casual tool, reflashed the latest touch recovery from koush.
<Craig> It doesnt make a different if i download cm from rom manager, or from get.cm
<nebkat> Craig: try google.com
<nebkat> just remove the assert from the updater-script
<Craig> not sure if your trolling, but i have searched this thing to death
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<dhiru1602> !changelog n7100
<bbqbot> dhiru1602: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy Note 2: http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#n7100/cm10/latest
<Craig> i found a lot of threads on xda about people with similar issues, but its one of those issues where when it gets fixed the person doesnt detail how, thats why i came to the experts
<Craig> one resolution was to flash, let it fail, then flash again, that hasnt worked for me
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<dhiru1602> Anyone on Note 2 with latest nightly? 0105?
<Craig> im trying to flash it, running into some issues though
<dhiru1602> like?
<Craig> im getting status 7 error
<Craig> which is confusing, because i have the correct recovery, and the correct rom
<Craig> so im not sure why this mismatch is happening
<Craig> im going to try Kejar's Carbon rom and see if it will flash
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<dhiru1602> Anyone on Note 2 with latest nightly?
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<Jiangyi> nebkat: now I am :-P
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<Jiangyi> No nebkat no.
<Jiangyi> .-.
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<Max_> how do you send urls from pc to android via adb?
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<jomp16> My PC broke again
<jomp16> Not OS related, and yes hardware
<a3Dman> my PCs work stable for almost 10 years
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<jomp16> Is the power supply
<jomp16> Not original (i.e known manufaturer)
<jomp16> The rest of hardware has more or less 8 years old
<jomp16> ;-)
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<Max_> :D
<Max_> My PC is partial old and new
<Max_> the mainboard battery is very new, the case, the cpu or the mainboard is about 10 years old now ^^
<Max_> the 2x2 TB HDDs are 1-2 years old ^^
<frankdrey> My PC is partial old and old
<frankdrey> the newest part is the DVD drive
<Max_> and my Energy was changed too, against a new very very silent one
<Max_> hdds powered off at night, and ubuntu is running on an usb stick so I can sleep :D
<Max_> frankdrey weren't you the adb-fan? :p
<Max_> how do I send a link from pc to android via adb?
<frankdrey> i dunno
<frankdrey> you could sent an intent but i don't remember how
<Max_> Ah ok
<frankdrey> you mean like a URL?
<Max_> Yap
<frankdrey> yeah
<Max_> I only saw "command" sending
<frankdrey> put it in a textfile and adb push :P
<Max_> omg
<Max_> ok than it's faster to adb install an apk :P
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> ofc
<Max_> And btw - using an ffmpeg-based Audio player I can play every flac file I have (also gappless and with no errors)
<frankdrey> adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d http://google.com
<Max_> uah
<Max_> I'll test it :D
<Max_> funny :D
<frankdrey> works?
<Max_> yes
<frankdrey> :D
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<Max_> I'm kind of angry that Cyanogenmod can't play some flacs - now I'm in directories again and tagged all my files for nothing
<frankdrey> CyanogenMod doesn't play music
<frankdrey> Apollo != CyanogenMod
<frankdrey> it's an ordinary app
<frankdrey> that CyanogenMod happens to include
<Max_> It's not about Apollo
<Max_> or any other App
<Max_> Android implements a MediaPlayer-App
<Max_> test?
<Max_> heeey my IRC-Client is hangingggggg
<Max_> ok reconnected :P
<Max_> did you hear what I said? :P
<Max_> Android implements a MediaPlayer-Class
<Max_> which normal Player use
<frankdrey> hm
<Max_> and to play Music they call this MediaPlayer with the file path
<Max_> and on some files it can't be instantiated
<Max_> Vanilla throws an IOException
<Max_> and Apollo some fancy error log :p
<Max_> but the reason is the MediaPlayer
<frankdrey> ok
<Max_> if a player uses an extrnal library (like ffmpeg) this doesn't happen
<Max_> but ofc you don't have the media library of Android
<Max_> But when I have to guess where the problem is
<Max_> I don't think it's this class either
<Max_> and I guess it's a driver-problem
<Max_> With Stock it worked -> thanks Samsung for OSS-Support ;)
<jomp16> +1 partially new and old
<jomp16> Newest is the mobo
<Max_> mobo?
<frankdrey> motherboard
<jomp16> Motherboard
<Max_> ah :D
<Max_> which one?
<jomp16> I think is ASRock N68GS-FX
<jomp16> Why? For my old and good AMD Athlon X2 64
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<Max_> Oh - my room mate wanted to buy that one too but the critics where too bad
<jomp16> The newest FX models need a new and good mobo
<jomp16> That mobo doesn't support CPU with more than 95W
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<Max_> 95 W xD
<Max_> my whole PC sucks around 40 W in idle ^^
<a3Dman> mine is 460W
<jomp16> Gosh
<jomp16> And Cody's PC?
<Max_> Hmm
<frankdrey> probably 10000000W
<Max_> gn8 ;)
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<a3Dman> frankdrey: it mostly depends on GPU
<a3Dman> since it's the most power intensive component nowadays
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Cody's computer needs so much power, that it needs its own generator. xD
<jomp16> My CPU, RAM and DVD drive is from year 2006
<jomp16> So he has one nuclear generator?
* Jiangyi has a C2Q Q9550, Gigabyte EP45-UD3P, Radeon HD 4870
<Jiangyi> Imma OC it and get a 6950 soon :-P
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<jomp16> I want to die, I have old and lowest pc
<jomp16> Old, but gold?
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<a3Dman> nope, when it comes too computing performance, old is certainly not gold.
<jomp16> Yeah
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