Espenfjo changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT | STATS AT
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<hmmwhatsthisdo> In order to bring the bootloader up to date on d2att (following the PSA from +CyanogenMod), which partitions would need flashing?
<hmmwhatsthisdo> rpm/tz/radio?
<hmmwhatsthisdo> or are there others?
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<hmmwhatsthisdo> thanks
<Jiangyi> Made it the other day, after seeing all the posts :-P
<hmmwhatsthisdo> yeah
<hmmwhatsthisdo> I was about to make one, but I had no clue if there were more files
<hmmwhatsthisdo> I'm tempted to take the vzw aio package and modify it for d2att
<hmmwhatsthisdo> partition tables are the same, right?
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<A_jay> !changelog i9300
<bbqbot> A_jay: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S III:
<delete> !changelog p3110
<bbqbot> delete: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (Wifi):
<Jiangyi> hmmwhatsthisdo: AFAIK yes
<hmmwhatsthisdo> so then, if one were to download the AIO zip, change the SHAs and asserts, it would work, right?
<hmmwhatsthisdo> and the images ofc
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<Jiangyi> hmmwhatsthisdo: But you still wouldn't have been able to flash future builds since it's a bootloader version check, and the bootloader doesn't get updated in that package
<hmmwhatsthisdo> the rpm/tz/radio updater zip that's floating around?
<Jiangyi> vzw can't have a bootloader version check, since they only have one that was unlockable
<Jiangyi> Yes, that flashable zip
<hmmwhatsthisdo> shit, which partitions need updating then?
<Jiangyi> I'm not even sure how safe it is to flash bootloaders through recovery :-/
<hmmwhatsthisdo> my thought was that the only partitions that needed updating were rpm, tz, and non-hlos (modem)
<Jiangyi> Those are the ones needed for a stable system, yes
<hmmwhatsthisdo> then, what if some kind soul edited
<Jiangyi> But the boot loader assert requires you to update the SNL 2
<Jiangyi> sbl2&3*
<hmmwhatsthisdo> oh.
<hmmwhatsthisdo> you can't flash those in recovery can you
<Jiangyi> hmmwhatsthisdo: Easiest way: Flash the package I made in Odin :-P
<hmmwhatsthisdo> the person in #cyanogenmod I'm assisting is on *NIX
<Jiangyi> Oh
<hmmwhatsthisdo> sure, he could unzip is and flash manually
<Jiangyi> Tell him/her to use Heimdall
<hmmwhatsthisdo> yeah
<hmmwhatsthisdo> he is
<hmmwhatsthisdo> but I wasn't sure if it was something that could be flashed in recovery
<hmmwhatsthisdo> I guess not
<Jiangyi> I wouldn't personally take the risk LOL
<hmmwhatsthisdo> yeah
<hmmwhatsthisdo> I'll send him to that tar.md5
<hmmwhatsthisdo> ...this is when I wish heimdall auto-parsed tar.md5s
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<Jarno> Ive installed philz touch 5 recovery cwm base version but when i tried to install cyanogenmod 10.1 on my galaxy tab p5110 it gets error status 7 what's the problem
<codeworkx> use official cwm
<Jarno> Ok, but that's an .img file how can i install that one?
<Jarno> odin?
<Jarno> ore fastboot?
<codeworkx> heimdall
<codeworkx> or tar it and use odin
<Jarno> how can i tar it?
<codeworkx> how can u zip a file?
<Jarno> winzip
<Jarno> winrar
<codeworkx> gnutar
<codeworkx> rename it to recovery.img and tar it with gnutar
<Jarno> hmm let's have a look
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<Jarno> i don't know how to transformate it..
<nebkat> Jarno: use heimdall
<nebkat> its easier
<codeworkx> use linux, its better
<Jarno> yeah but i am on windows 7 -__
<Jarno> -_-
<codeworkx> theres heimdall for win
<Jarno> i know saw it\
<Jarno> following this tut right now
<cdesai> you can use total commander too, for creating a tar
<codeworkx> do they work with odin?
<codeworkx> 7zip tars didnt
<cdesai> they do
<Jarno> can i dont flash a clockworkrecovery zip from the philz touch recovery?
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<rijasramish> Hello i have galaxy tab 2 7.0 android 4.0.4 GT-P3100
<rijasramish> What is meant by JB bootloader
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<rijasramish> ?
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<chieftex> guys am I right in saying there are basically 2 types of rom for samsung phones - stock based and CM based?
<chadouming> nope
<chadouming> there is stock based and AOSP based
<chieftex> I see - then is CM based on AOSP?
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<chadouming> yes
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<chieftex> aha i see
<chieftex> ok then i need stock based
<chieftex> thanks for the clarification chadouming
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<Chain> !supported Samsung
<bbqbot> Chain: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
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<Chain> hi everyone!
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<g_byers> brb
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<Chain> My friend asked me to install CM on his SGSIII(I9300), he wanted to have a stable os on his smartphone, so we went with CM 9.1
<Chain> The problem is that the sound quality is awful during outgoing calls.
<Chain> I've read the CM 9 nightly thread on xda, and I think that the issue is connected to HD audio(the sound quality is good when I switched the phone to 2g only)
<Chain> I've tried flashing various modems, but it didn't help.
<codeworkx> use cm10.1
<Chain> the modems that I've tried so far: XXLE8, XXLEF, XXLF2, XXLF5, XXLFB, XXLH1
<Chain> thank you codeworkx
<Chain> should I use nightlies, or unofficial rc builds?
<codeworkx> official nightlies?
<codeworkx> there are no RC builds
<Chain> well, nightlies from, or things like this:
<Chain> I know that there are no rc builds on just yet.
<codeworkx> this isn't a RC too
<codeworkx> it's a unofficial build
<codeworkx> nothing to do with cyanogenmod
<codeworkx> is the only source for cyanogenmod builds
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<Chain> I thought that tomasek pulled the CM source and just built it himself.
<codeworkx> still unofficial
<Chain> Thank you for your help codeworkx. I really appreciate all your hard work.
<Chain> I used to develop some stuff myself(nothing android related though), so I can imagine how you feel sometimes.
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<amki> hiho
<amki> how do i find out if i need the jfltetmo or jdltecan version of cwm and cm?
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<Jiangyi> amki: Which carrier did you get it from?
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<amki> Jiangyi: germany, baser
<amki> -r
<amki> the box just states SAMSUNG GT-I9505
<Jiangyi> amki: Ah, 9505
<Jiangyi> amki: There's no official CM build for it yet, sorry :-|
<amki> hm ok i thought since it's all snapdragon based it wouldn't make a difference :(
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<codeworkx> amki: still samsung
<codeworkx> 100000 variants
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<jiggawatt> external memory card isn't getting read, latest nightly, cm10.1, i9100
<jiggawatt> what might be the issue?
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<Jiangyi> amki: It probably takes minimal effort to get it going on 9505, but none of our devs have one :-P
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<Grad> hi
<Grad> !device
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<Grad> hab grad mein s3 mit der noob art flashen wollen. . jetzt rödel der cyanogenMod-logo-starttbildschirm ... und ich frage mich ob das normal ist, weil es nicht vorwärts und nicht seitwärts geht
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<codeworkx> Grad: noob was?
<Thiagovfar> suppose I run (on cwm recovery): /bin/sh "cmd1 | cmd2"
<Thiagovfar> does sh wait for both cmd1 and cmd2 to finish?
<Grad> codeworkx: : Noob-proof edition through ODIN: - Download this : - Reboot your phone in download mode - Put the previously downloaded file as PDA - Don't tick repartition - Make sure repartition isn't ticked - Flash it
<Grad> codeworkx: jetzt habe ich den cyanogenmod starter bildschirm, aber er bewegt sich nicht weiter., .
<codeworkx> mal nen factory reset gemacht?
<codeworkx> das ding is übrigens stein alt
<Grad> nein, factory reset habe ich noch nciht gemacht. ich weiss nciht das es sowas gibt. ich habe mir das noob-dingens gesucht WEIL ich dachte, es ist safe. es ist das erstemal das ich ein customs rom versuche
<Grad> aber backup usw habe ich gemacht. . :)
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<codeworkx> am besten schaust in den cm10.1 thread von mir
<codeworkx> akku raus, akku rein, volume hoch + home + power = recovery
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<codeworkx> dann factory reset
<codeworkx> reboot
<Grad> gibst du mir deinen link ?
<Grad> Ich hab hier schon rote ohren und würde gerne irgendwie heute noch schlafen gehen und das kann ich nicht, wenn mein S3 in dem zustand ist, das würde mich wahnsinng machen
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<Grad> vorab Danke
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<amki> Jiangyi: well i've read some developer tutorials but I have no idea what i'm really doing since either no tutorial explains the architecture well enough or I just don't know enough about android/the vendor specifics
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<Grad> codeworkx: genauso wie du gesagt hast, jetzt fuinzt es. Hast Du noch ein Tipp? Updaten? oder so? jetzt sofort? reicht es morgen?? :)
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<Grad> danke und gute Nacht
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<flexd> Hi, I guess this might get a bit of an biased answer :-P, but is it worth installing cyanogenmod? I have a SGS2 running stock android 4.1.2, kernel 3.0.31-1156082
<flexd> Some friends recommended it so I am reading up on it, I do not have a microusb cable at the moment anyway so I can't do it before I get one :-)
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<Behemoth1702> good evening
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