Espenfjo changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT | STATS AT
<jomp16> I have a old working bot
<n-iCe> eggdrop are cute
<n-iCe> don't know what to think about the screen lock widgets
<jomp16> Hmmm, probably the event prototype is working
<n-iCe> event prototype?
<jomp16> the event class for the bot
<n-iCe> ah
<n-iCe> sad
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<jomp16> My whole gnome crashed
<jomp16> n-iCe, when I mean event prototype, is a test event class extended the event interface
<linhares> proud slack w/ gnome user here :)
<jomp16> Arch + gnome
<linhares> never liked arch that much
<linhares> dont know why exactly..
<jomp16> rolling release without much tests?
<linhares> mby
<DuperMan> finally catching up on bioshock inf spoilers
<DuperMan> ach
<jomp16> Probably event test is working fine, i will improve it when i add more methods, actually is a Runnable to run with thread
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: There?
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: yup
<jomp16> Actual bot ram usage is 3MB
<jomp16> only the basic things
<Thiagovfar> Java using 3MB? I don't believe it.
<linhares> neither do I hehe
<jomp16> Thiagovfar, convert 3549464 bytes to MB
<jomp16> code is Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()
<jomp16> my old bot has more or less 15MB usage
<jomp16> To bad the lombok doesn't support jdk8 yet =(
<Thiagovfar> !math 3549464 / (1024*1024)
<bbqbot> Thiagovfar: 3.3850326538085938
<jomp16> more or less 3,5MB?
<Thiagovfar> less
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Don't leave me hanging, bro
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Sorry, was rebooting
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Got one more tile that doesn't update locale :-P
<Jiangyi> The Profiles tile
n-iCe has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Damn non-updating tiles
<Jiangyi> XP
<Thiagovfar> Don't tell anybody: I'm not running CM on any of my devices.
<jomp16> Thiagovfar, WHY YU AREN'T USING CYANOGENMOD?!
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: I am disappoint
<Jiangyi> -smh
<Jiangyi> -
<jomp16> +1
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<Thiagovfar> Got rid of my i9100
<Thiagovfar> Both nexus running stock, eagerly waiting for an official update.
<a3Dman> same here
<a3Dman> xD
<jomp16> only for the 4.3?
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: When'd you get a second one? ._>
<Jiangyi> ._.*
<jomp16> Jenkins and are died?
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: I had a nexus 7 since launch
<Jiangyi> Oh, N7
<Jiangyi> Riiiiight.
<Jiangyi> jomp16: Fine here.
<jomp16> Jiangyi, no downloads on
<jomp16> site is opening
<jomp16> but no downloads
<Thiagovfar> If I had two n4, one would certainly be running cm
<a3Dman> yes
<jomp16> If I had a N4, I will explode my head by try to choise pure Android or CyanogenMod
<Jiangyi> jomp16: Again, fine here.
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Stock is too lacking for me to use :-P
<a3Dman> Flib is the best converter app ever
<jomp16> Jiangyi, yeah, on Firefox Nightly is working fine, but on Chrome dev isn't working fine o.O
<Jiangyi> :-/
* Jiangyi uses Firefox
<jomp16> #blameGoogleDevs (or #blameChromeDevs, or #blameChromiumDevs)
<a3Dman> #blameallthedevs
<jomp16> #blametheGodforcreatingtheworld
<jomp16> and also the devs
<Thiagovfar> #blameblink
<jomp16> Thiagovfar, disable it on your IRC program...
<Thiagovfar> jomp16:
<jomp16> ah, the new engine?
<Thiagovfar> yes
<jomp16> so, #blameChromiumDevs
<Thiagovfar> you have said that already
<jomp16> the Gecko engine still usable and stable (but lack something on CSS 3 and HTML 5)
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<linhares> got my I9300 this week, just finished uploading cm10.1.2... lets play with it a little bit now hehe
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<jomp16> After code all basic things, I need to rework on event class and listen for commands
<jomp16> the args still the same, ex: !command args1 "args2 with spaces" args2 args3 'args4 with spaces'
<jomp16> listen only for the prefix, if prefix is found, split it and give it to the event
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<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Going to bed.
<Thiagovfar> Good night, y'all.
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Good night! :-P
<jomp16> Night
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<jomp16> Hey, you think is better to create new plugin using threads or using the main thread?
<jomp16> extends Plugin { public void run() { System.out.println("Hello World!"); } } or class test { public void onEvent(Event event) { System.out.println("Hello World!"); } }
<Jiangyi> User on forum: "Guys, what's Titanium backup for?"
* Jiangyi facepalms
<jomp16> +1
<jomp16> #killthatusernow!
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<flexd> Jiangyi: To store the titanium from the phone whenever you are done with it of course? So they can reuse it!
<flexd> :-P
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<XQuilet> hi guys
<XQuilet> was wondering
<XQuilet> if anyone was working on the screen distortion issue on n7105?
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<DuperMan> Bioshock inf. - underwhelmed
<DuperMan> good shit though
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<AlrogerJr> !supported Samsung
<bbqbot> AlrogerJr: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<DuperMan> !seen bbqbot
<bbqbot> DuperMan: bbqbot not seen in last 20 hours, 22 minutes, 24 seconds
<DuperMan> :(
<DuperMan> srsly?
<DuperMan> >>>><<<<
<DuperMan> nebkat
<DuperMan> nebkat
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<chadouming> !seen pier
<bbqbot> chadouming: pier not seen in last 20 hours, 43 minutes, 2 seconds
<chadouming> hmm, sounds like last time bbqbot joined xD
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<datagutt> !seen Hm
<bbqbot> datagutt: Hm not seen in last 20 hours, 56 minutes, 34 seconds
<datagutt> !seen petra
<bbqbot> datagutt: petra not seen in last 20 hours, 56 minutes, 39 seconds
<Espenfjo> !seen
<bbqbot> Espenfjo: Usage !seen <nick>
<datagutt> WHAT CRAP IS THIS
<Espenfjo> !seen #teamhacksung-support Espenfjo
<bbqbot> Espenfjo: #teamhacksung-support not seen in last 20 hours, 56 minutes, 51 seconds
<datagutt> can't even stalk my love interests
<Espenfjo> !seen espenfjo
<bbqbot> Espenfjo: espenfjo not seen in last 20 hours, 56 minutes, 57 seconds
<datagutt> !seen datagutt
<bbqbot> datagutt: datagutt last seen ago ([CommandEvent] <datagutt> ran "!seen datagutt" on #teamhacksung-support)
<Espenfjo> uhm
<datagutt> lolmeta
<Espenfjo> !seen Espenfjo
<bbqbot> Espenfjo: Espenfjo last seen ago ([CommandEvent] <Espenfjo> ran "!seen Espenfjo" on #teamhacksung-support)
<Espenfjo> nebkat: !
<datagutt> so. meta.
<datagutt> !lastfm
<bbqbot> datagutt: Unknown command "lastfm"
<chadouming> @lastfm
<Yattabot> chadouming: chadouming is listening to Get Lucky (feat. Pharrell Williams) by Daft Punk
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<datagutt> @lastfm
<Yattabot> datagutt: datagutt is listening to Handshake by Two Door Cinema Club
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<n-iCe> hello
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<frankdrey-tab> bluetooth keyboard seems to be fine today
<DuperMan> f u biooshock one. y u so gooder to infinitude?
<n-iCe> was not yesterday?
<frankdrey-tab> n-iCe: was not ever
<DuperMan> so so gooder!
<n-iCe> frankdrey-tab: so tell us, why
<frankdrey-tab> n-iCe: hell if i know. it kept disconnecting every 5 minutes and i had to repair
<frankdrey-tab> re-pair
<frankdrey-tab> as in...bluetooth pair again
<frankdrey-tab> not fix
<frankdrey-tab> but i guess it's fixing
<frankdrey-tab> YOU GET THE POINT D:
<n-iCe> no
<n-iCe> is it for your CM device? what did you do, upgrade to todays nighlty build? or what
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<frankdrey-tab> it has always done this on CM.... on stock i can't even get it to pair xD
<frankdrey-tab> n-iCe: I've had these problems since i got the tablet
<linhares> hello there, i couldn't find an way to create folders on home you guy know how to do this?
<frankdrey-tab> linhares: drop an icon on top of another
<linhares> oh mate...thank you!
<frankdrey-tab> np :D
<linhares> got my S3 this week...even before start using stock rom I've uploaded CM mod...and today im trying it out
<linhares> comming from iOS hehe
* frankdrey-tab only has an iOS phone :(
<frankdrey-tab> got it free *shrug*
<n-iCe> linhares: did you check the Stock features?
<frankdrey-tab> features?
<frankdrey-tab> bugs?
<frankdrey-tab> or aren't they the same thing to samsung? :D
<n-iCe> stock ROM is awesome.
<n-iCe> Because if new touchwiz features.
<n-iCe> Check that video out.
<frankdrey-tab> n-iCe: everyone i know says those features cause more bugs than joy
<n-iCe> I own a GS3, those are awesome.
<n-iCe> Believe me.
<n-iCe> that's the idea to buy a GS3
<n-iCe> Otherwise buy other phone.
<frankdrey-tab> my tablet also came with many cool "features"
<frankdrey-tab> made it laggy beyond usability
<n-iCe> frankdrey-tab: my brother has the same tablet as you, runs well with stock.
<n-iCe> I'm not a stock Samsung rom defender, but it just do what it must.
<n-iCe> indeed I own a GT-I9300 GS3 and I'm running CM 10.1
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<frankdrey-tab> n-iCe: try to move icons between home screens
<frankdrey-tab> on the tablet
<frankdrey-tab> that was one of my biggest peeves
<n-iCe> I won't wake up of my bed
<frankdrey-tab> it lagged so much that it skipped 2 screens at a time :p
<n-iCe> frankdrey-tab: factory reset
<n-iCe> and try again
<frankdrey-tab> n-iCe: no..this was a clean install of stock
<frankdrey-tab> heck, i didn't use stock enough to crap it up
<frankdrey-tab> so who wants to buy me a laptop?
<n-iCe> haha
<frankdrey-tab> :P
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<frankdrey-tab> so I'm finally gonna learn java for reals :P
<DuperMan> onoes
<frankdrey-tab> I still want to mess with some kernels though :P
<frankdrey-tab> unfortunately 32 bit PC atm
<DuperMan> skynet all the things
<frankdrey-tab> anyone have a free build server for me?:D
<DuperMan> let teh emergent cogent agency java
<DuperMan> :PPP
<DuperMan> I might. wanna pay?:::D
<frankdrey-tab> not really
<frankdrey-tab> i'm near broke
<DuperMan> bleh. imma haz free one if i not using it
<DuperMan> :P
<frankdrey-tab> i have $5 amazon and $20 dollars in mah pocket
<DuperMan> beats u
<DuperMan> 1.45 in paypal
<DuperMan> $$$
<DuperMan> only 2 amacents
<DuperMan> if any
<DuperMan> xD
<frankdrey-tab> wait, i think i can give you paypal :D
<frankdrey-tab> but...
<frankdrey-tab> dunno if it's worth it
<frankdrey-tab> i'm always broke :9
<DuperMan> xD no! giving teh paypal.... errrrr... it like teh paid an shit
<DuperMan> then I'll feel entitleded
<DuperMan> ><
<DuperMan> I'm only a hippie to pretend I'm not a greedy douche
* DuperMan grins
<DuperMan> I have shit upstream but if you don't mind like 24kBps and our timezones can allow me to sleep when you need to up the upload to like 80 for nightlies you get a sweet deal
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> just, pulling crap off it is cowpie
<DuperMan> *** get your today!!!
<DuperMan> NEW
<DuperMan> :p
<frankdrey-tab> lol
<frankdrey-tab> what's your time zone? 10 am here
<DuperMan> 2009 here
<DuperMan> just look at our mobile infrastructure :D
<frankdrey-tab> hmm"
<frankdrey-tab> ?
<frankdrey-tab> that link gives DNS error :p
<DuperMan> Imma could timeshare my cloudtastic server I suppose, it's in the states logically
<DuperMan> www.eviljew
<DuperMan> :P
<frankdrey-tab> lol
<DuperMan> I almost made a page for it, intended to have it say 'too lazy'
<DuperMan> but was too lazy
<DuperMan> also, cloudtastic wonder has 0% root
<DuperMan> :/
<frankdrey-tab> I'll be doing stuff like 1-3pm, so it'll be like 11pm-1am for you
<frankdrey-tab> LOL
<DuperMan> it's sorta leaving a gaping goatse sized backdoor though... will needs teh research vpn-ness
<frankdrey-tab> :o
<DuperMan> gimme overnight to assess feasibility (a.k.a play with softwares)
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> I have a build env I could ghost to your user if shit clicks
<DuperMan> hehe.. we'll have to manually three way handshake since I'm afraid to set a local repo ><'
<frankdrey-tab> :D
<frankdrey-tab> what's a 3 way handshake?:P
<DuperMan> Imma leaves data un-git-owned, you define git user
<frankdrey-tab> ok
<DuperMan> for the tcp/ip and the establishing connection the compootors do like I described
* frankdrey-tab has only ever ssh'd into a build server
<frankdrey-tab> oh
<frankdrey-tab> the d00d had a 28-core PC and like 5 megaBYTES of bandwidth
<DuperMan> it's beyond the point, I was amused by how handy it is as a technique for exchanging hostages and dealing xD
<frankdrey-tab> lol
<DuperMan> drool
<DuperMan> 4 cores and ... 8? 12? ram
<frankdrey-tab> he had a lot of ram :P
<frankdrey-tab> he was like "yeah, i probably won't even feel your builds" xD
<DuperMan> is hoping it was ddr2 mean?
<frankdrey-tab> this was when i was working on 4.2 for the G1 xD
<n-iCe> fun run, who was telling me about that game yesterday?
<DuperMan> xD oldschoolness
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<DuperMan> burn the city ftw :P
<DuperMan> I can burp up a build from a clean env (but synced sources) in about 40 minutes
<DuperMan> not that bad
<DuperMan> 16 max for incrementals
<frankdrey-tab> :o
<DuperMan> <3 1st gen i7
<frankdrey-tab> <3 P4 :(
<DuperMan> updating me env and giving it a dry run
<DuperMan> :((
<DuperMan> runs bioshawcks though
<frankdrey-tab> I'm trying to buy Fallout 3
<frankdrey-tab> :D
<frankdrey-tab> to play on it :D
<frankdrey-tab> but i can't find a download on Amazon
<DuperMan> I totally forgot about waiting for the daddy to bang at the pipes for the sisters xD
<frankdrey-tab> huh?
<DuperMan> bleh. the collector's edition is on sale @ 50$
<DuperMan> that was a bioshock 1 thing
<frankdrey-tab> i can't order physical copies :P
<DuperMan> :P
<frankdrey-tab> my parents are ultraconservative ukrainian christians
* frankdrey-tab is a normal christian :P
* DuperMan blinks, feigns sorrow
<DuperMan> steal * ><
<DuperMan> timing a build now. bbiab
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<podpo> !supported Samsung
<bbqbot> podpo: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<podpo> !device i9100
<bbqbot> podpo: Information for Samsung Galaxy S II:
podpo has quit [Client Quit]
<DuperMan> 12m:19s 58ms
<DuperMan> for a fresh nightly:D
<DuperMan> (not clean)
<frankdrey-tab> :D
<n-iCe> I love that bot
<n-iCe> but you know, changelog shoud be shown as plain text
<DuperMan> I am not a bot :(
<n-iCe> cuz I fee lthe changelog site is wrong
<DuperMan> how so?
<n-iCe> yeah, If I select in the site my device and todays changelog, says no changes has been made or something like that, while cyandelta shows the real changes
<n-iCe> !changelog i9300
<bbqbot> n-iCe: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S III:
<frankdrey-tab> n-iCe: because no changes were made for your device?
<DuperMan> no... delta shows all commits I suspect
<n-iCe> frankdrey-tab: they were made
<DuperMan> were they merged?
<DuperMan> .....
<n-iCe> DuperMan: no, it shows only the nightly changes madre
<n-iCe> made*
<n-iCe> example todays was just one thing
<DuperMan> produced as officiallllll nightly?
<n-iCe> yes
<DuperMan> hehe madre
<n-iCe> DuperMan: you know spanish?
<DuperMan> pequito
<n-iCe> poquito
<DuperMan> as long as it actually means "a little" :D
<DuperMan> aj, los operas serial pur television tem tutor moi kinderos en espanol hable-ing
<DuperMan> si?
<DuperMan> ><
<frankdrey-tab> bonjour
<frankdrey-tab> tu est stupide
<DuperMan> curason latina pendeho, culo
<DuperMan> culu?!
<DuperMan> xD
<Baskey> BONJOUR
<DuperMan> :|
<DuperMan> French is not a real language Baskey
<DuperMan> how many times must I explain?
<DuperMan> it's only random noised the French vocitulate!
<DuperMan> noises
<frankdrey-tab> JE M'APPELLE TU MAMA
<DuperMan> mein piepen ist gross
<DuperMan> dobra jin
<DuperMan> dobra noc
<Baskey> dobranoc*
<frankdrey-tab> dobra tvoya mama
* DuperMan speaks fluent Tourist
<Baskey> frankdrey-tab: twoja też
<frankdrey-tab> nu blin <- Baskey DuperMan understand?:D
<DuperMan> nah, t'was the polish guten nacht
<Baskey> dunno :D
<frankdrey-tab> Baskey: mene nema tez
<Baskey> DuperMan: DOBRANOC
<DuperMan> medavdev
<frankdrey-tab> wait, tez = mother in law right?
<DuperMan> PUTIN
<Baskey> nope
<DuperMan> lol. good word if it was
<Baskey> też = also
<DuperMan> ohhhh... dev ai agon
<frankdrey-tab> ah
<frankdrey-tab> yes
<frankdrey-tab> tesch or something would be mother in law
<DuperMan> more like checkmate
<DuperMan> har
<Baskey> frankdrey-tab: teściowa
<frankdrey-tab> yes close enough
<DuperMan> alsomomma??
<DuperMan> ><
<DuperMan> or alsobride?
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<Baskey> YOMOMMA
<DuperMan> tezciowa
<DuperMan> kurosai!
<frankdrey-tab> time to go to classs
<Baskey> BUH BYE
<frankdrey-tab> ya budu plakat za vas!
<Baskey> frankdrey-tab: DON'T CRY
<frankdrey-tab> :,(
<DuperMan> lochitanos
<DuperMan> muca luca!
<frankdrey-tab> j/quit class time!
<frankdrey-tab> er
frankdrey-tab has quit [Quit: class time!]
<DuperMan> classy
<DuperMan> !dood Baskey
<bbqbot> whats up dood
<bbqbot> Baskey,
<Baskey> !dood DuperMan
<bbqbot> whats up dood
<bbqbot> DuperMan,
<Baskey> !dood bbqbot
<bbqbot> whats up dood
<bbqbot> bbqbot,
<DuperMan> !awesome
<bbqbot> DuperMan: Unknown command "awesome"
<DuperMan> !win
<bbqbot> DuperMan: Unknown command "win"
<DuperMan> !cool
<bbqbot> DuperMan: Unknown command "cool"
<DuperMan> !gay
<bbqbot> DuperMan: Unknown command "gay"
<DuperMan> wrong bot
<DuperMan> ><
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<DuperMan> bbl
<Baskey> BUH BYE
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<n-iCe> what's this
<n-iCe> stereovideo?
<Chuck_Bartowski> NOPE, MONOAUDIO
<n-iCe> shit
<n-iCe> I used speedtest to test my network speed, was about 1.5MB - 2MB
<n-iCe> I downloaded and ran 3G/4G Speed Optimizer
<n-iCe> And now says, 4MB - 5MB, wtf?!
<n-iCe> tried the tests many times
<n-iCe> holly how's that even possible.
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<chadouming> easy, voodoo
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<n-iCe> don't think so
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<frankdrey> hi
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<frankdrey> OOH D:D
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<waratte> Netsplits are like the lottery, last person here gets op.
<frankdrey> :D
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<ME> Hello
ME is now known as Guest54323
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<Guest54323> I rooted my captivate and when I boot into recovery, I don't see apply from sd card
<chadouming> you didn't install a custom kernel with CWM/TWRP
<Guest54323> I do that threw odin?
<Doops> arma 3 is balls to the ex hard
<Doops> fuck
<Guest54323> what?
<chadouming> yes
Doops is now known as DuperMan
<Guest54323> would this work for the mac option:
<DuperMan> through
<Guest54323> Flash Bootloaders?
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<chadouming> not bootloader, kernel
<Guest54323> I am in Download mode, but it says Device not connected
<chadouming> that's because you didn't install the driver
<Guest54323> mac
<Guest54323> I am using Heimdall Method (Any OS)
<Guest54323> I am on 2.1
<chadouming> that post didn't have any activity for over a year
<Guest54323> How would I do this on a mac?
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<Raoul_> hello
<Raoul_> ok I will look at that
<Raoul_> says Windows only:
<chadouming> that mean you skip that step
<Raoul_> unzip .tar?
<Raoul_> so I have zimage
<Raoul_> Initialising connection...
<Raoul_> Detecting device...
<Raoul_> Failed to detect compatible download-mode device.
<Raoul_> keeps saying that, I am in download mode
<Raoul_> ideas?
<Raoul_> hello?\
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<sav> does someone know why cm10.1 for i9100 starts lagging after 1-2 days of use and how to fix it ?
<codeworkx> touchwiz starts lagging 1 second after boot
<sav> das hilft mir nicht :p
<sav> auch wenns stimmt
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<gschanuel> hi folks.. it's been so long I forgot how to nerd...
<gschanuel> i have a brand new i9100 with stock 4.1.2
<gschanuel> i just flashed Siyah-s2-v5.0.1 on it but I i got stuck on boot loop
<gschanuel> i want to boot the stock firmware
<gschanuel> i can go to cwm, and also on download mode
<sav> probier doch einfach siyah nochmal mit odin zu flashen
<sav> auch wenns nichts mit teamhacksung und cm zutun hat
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<sav> und mit ner neueren version von siyah
<sav> weil für die 5.01 heißt es ("Der 5.0.1er funktioniert NICHT mit dem Samsung JB 4.1.2 Leak (XXLSJ) oder seinen CFW Derivaten!!!")
<sav> also nur für die sammy ics roms (android 4) und cm 10 (nicht cm10.1)
<sav> @gschanuel i just hope you understand german, if not -> say a word and i will translate all i've posted :)
<Yattabot> sav: Command does not exist!
<gschanuel> i do not understand german ^_^
<sav> oh okay
<sav> try to reflash siyah with odin
<sav> but use another version
<gschanuel> sav, i'm on linux
<sav> 5.01 is just support sammy ics roms
<gschanuel> heimdall
<sav> or heimdall
<gschanuel> ^_^
<sav> siyah 5.01 is just supporting sammy ics versions and cm10, but not sammy jb 4.1.2 roms
<gschanuel> i'm on samsung stock firmware.. it should run 5
<gschanuel> oohh
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<gschanuel> gonna try 4.1.5
<sav> not sure if this will help
<sav> i would try beta 6.xx
<sav> didnt use siyah for a while now
<sav> so not sure which versions are supported by 4.1.5
<sav> but sounds older than the 5.x versions
<gschanuel> 4.1 didn't work either... trying 6x
<gschanuel> on my girlfriend i had siyah.. but I guess it was 4.0.something firmware
<gschanuel> Siyah-s2-v6.0b5 booted
<sav> :)
<sav> beta 6 have also support for cm10.1
<sav> if you want to change later
<gschanuel> i couldn't run cm10.1 with siyah on mine :(
<sav> but im not sure if it supports the newest nightlys
<sav> because the mali driver got changed
<sav> a few days ago
<gschanuel> oh.. that's why.. i always use nightly on mine ^_^
<sav> take a look on dorimanx ("derivat" of the the siyah kernel)
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<sav> maybe he have a new version which support the newest version of cm10.1
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<gschanuel> siyah 8 boots but I have no cwm =/
<gschanuel> siyah 6 i mean
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<gschanuel> wierd.. worked now
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<gschanuel> sav still in there?
<gschanuel> my gf cell is fine now, siyah 6 and stock firmware..
<gschanuel> thanks :)
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<gschanuel> sav, dorimanx kernel v9.20 working on latest cm10.1
<gschanuel> really thanks a lot
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<mudd> !supported samsung
<bbqbot> mudd: Supported samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<mudd> hola everyone. i am running cm10.1 with the most recent nightly on a hercules. i want to get rid of that third partition it makes. how can i do that?
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<bobby_> hey?
<bobby_> anyone?
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<bobby_> Im stuck in boot
<bobby_> it says "unfortunately, set up wizard has stopped
<bobby_> what should i do?
<jomp16> hmmm, wipe factory, wipe cache, wipe dalvik, format /system and flash it again?
<jomp16> flash CyanogenMod 10.1 and after flash GApps (the exact version for CyanogenMod 10.1)
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<bobby_> still the same
<bobby_> :'(
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<bobby_> stuck in boot :"(
<bobby_> why oh why???
<bobby_> huhuhu
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