Espenfjo changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT | STATS AT
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<KickTheCan> good job everyone
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<chadouming> hi
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<Leo_Lolz> Hi all!
<Leo_Lolz> Question: "AOSP ROM" what does the "AOSP" part stand for?
<chadouming> wow
<chadouming> seriously ?
<skrdirg> Android Open Source Project
<skrdirg> You can use Google search service to figure this out.
<Leo_Lolz> Google is showing a 1000's of forums threads but none of them actually mentionet the whole thing.
<Leo_Lolz> and i coudn't figure it out by myself.
<Leo_Lolz> so i decided to ask ppl that are actually better than google
<chadouming> what about writing aosp on and look at the first result ?
<skrdirg> First result of the query "AOSP" is what I said, your argument is flawed.
<Leo_Lolz> I tried, i swear. I gotta clean my cookies...
<Leo_Lolz> but, anyway, thanks guys. you rock!
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<nebkat> !ban *!*@**
<waratte> lol
<skrdirg> Ban all the things.
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<nebkat> i bet its netchip in disguise
<nebkat> !geo host
<bbqbot> nebkat: {country: "Brazil", region: "Rio de Janeiro", city: "Nova Iguaçu", latlong: {-22.759201, -43.4319}, time: "Fri 17:38 BRT"}
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<roniez> what netchip still lives?
<skrdirg> No way...
<nebkat> roniez: unfortunately
<nebkat> @twitter NetchipTl
<Yattabot> <@NetchipTl> @NitrozK Nexus 4 and HTC Onr
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<roniez> oh he cannot even spell still wasent it like 3 years ago we came across him ?
<nebkat> roniez: 2011 iirc
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<szymko> Hi everyone!
<Baskey> !geo user szymko
<bbqbot> Baskey: Error resolving ip for host gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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<Baskey> !geo host
<bbqbot> Baskey: {country: "Poland", latlong: {52.0, 20.0}}
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<Baskey> KNEW IT
<waratte> Hi everyone!
<nebkat> Baskey: scared the pole
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<ale8530> Hello
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<datagutt> roniez
<jomp16> nebkat, I'm current coding command plugin into my bot
<waratte> Bot? :o
<jomp16> yeah, IRC bot
<jomp16> with PircBotX library, SQLite database and plugin/command plugin support
<waratte> Ah, cool.
<jomp16> hmm, join #jomp16-bot
<jomp16> datagutt, what plugin you want to I code?
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