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<rockambole> hey guys, hope someone is reading my 2 recently found issues : )
<rockambole> I have found an issue regarding the clock/widget on lockscreen when I configured a corporate email account (reproduced on i9100 and i9300 @ CM10.1 0507). Everytime I wake the phone (power or home button) it alternates between the plain clock and the widget. It has a pattern, one wake for each type.
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<rockambole> There is another issue regarding call forwarding, I configured my i9100 to forward calls to the i9300. However, sometimes the i9300 receives the forwarder ID besides of the caller ID. Is there something I can change to always show the called ID? (also reproduced on i9100 and i9300).
<rockambole> Thanks!
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<a3Dman> Jiangyi: tried new google earth?
<waratte> New? :O
<waratte> Does it have more planes?
<waratte> Boat simulator?
<a3Dman> it has lulz
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<waratte-ave> lulz
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Y U AWAKE
<codeworkx> aye
<codeworkx> dunno
<Jiangyi> Oh wait, it's almost 1am on my side :-|
<Jiangyi> Y I NO SLEEP
<codeworkx> 6:46 am
<codeworkx> awake since 5:30
<codeworkx> :-D
<Jiangyi> Insomnia?
<codeworkx> need to get the htc one cam working
<codeworkx> and then start on the tablet z
<Jiangyi> :-P You got the tab Z too?
<codeworkx> sure
<Jiangyi> Thought you said you'd never buy another tablet lol
<codeworkx> i get all teh nice things
<codeworkx> i got it
<codeworkx> doesn't mean i bought
<Jiangyi> Oh lol
<codeworkx> you can't buy it actually
<codeworkx> not released yet
<codeworkx> afaik
<codeworkx> sony likes devs
<codeworkx> sony is naise
<Jiangyi> HTC is still being meh?
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<Jiangyi> OK, I'm gonna sleep before my eyes start popping out of their sockets x_x
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<suitalero> hi, good afternoon from Spain
<suitalero> I'm wondering if any of you can hlp me
<suitalero> I want to flash cm10.1 and it says "error 7, installation aborted". I'm coming from a 4.1.2 rom
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<codeworkx> suitalero: wrong recovery
<suitalero> so, should I install another kernel?
<suitalero> codeworkx: should I install anothr kernel, then? the one I am running is for stock based ROMs
<codeworkx> follow the cm guide
<codeworkx> wiki.cyanogenmod.org
<suitalero> codeworkx: thx, I will take a look
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<Yad> Hi guys
<Yad> is someone currently using CM10.1 on a S2 or similar phone?
<Yad> I would like to know if it is possible to change vibration pattern in the ROM & if it is possible to install the Touchwiz laucher
<jomp16> Want Touchwiz? Flash stock ROM...
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<Yad> what about vibration pattern?
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<denet> !supported Samsung
<bbqbot> denet: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<denet> Hello, would it be possible to push cm10.1rc1 for n7000 so that people have a reference build to test against (which does not disappear in 1 week like the nightlies)? I know that there will never be a stable build for n7000, but having a build that a majority of people will have (as opposed to everyone having a different nightly) would help with testing a lot.
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<codeworkx> denet: no
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<denet> codeworkx, thank you for the reply.
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<NicoC> hello
<NicoC> hello
<NicoC> may I ask a simple question about gapps?
<NicoC> Is anyone there?
<chadouming> goo.im/gapps
<NicoC> yeah
<NicoC> well, i installed the lastest gapps on my s3@cyano 10.1 but I dont have photosphere
<chadouming> only few device has it
<NicoC> ok, thanks you
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<l0lwut> trying to figure out a way to report a serious bug on the tmobile galaxy note II
<l0lwut> anyone point me in the right direction?
<Thiagovfar> l0lwut: http://jira.cyanogenmod.org/
<l0lwut> that's only to report bugs for stable builds
<l0lwut> Bug reports are accepted for Stable and "M" releases only. Nightly builds by nature may contain bugs or have stability issues and therefore bug reports for these builds are not accepted.
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<Thiagovfar> report it here, then
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<Thiagovfar> l0lwut: You not reporting it?
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<GabMus> !i9300
<bbqbot> GabMus: Unknown command "i9300"
<GabMus> !device i9300
<bbqbot> GabMus: Information for Samsung Galaxy S III: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/i9300_Info
<GabMus> !changelog i9300
<bbqbot> GabMus: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S III: http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#i9300/cm10/latest
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<l0lwut> no i have reported it here
<l0lwut> but they asked not to repeat it
<l0lwut> on tmobile galaxy note II any scrolling in a list, if the list is an overlay, for instance the task switcher or widget selection menu in apex launcher
<l0lwut> creates bad tiling and nasty artifacts
<l0lwut> been in every single nightly
<l0lwut> nothing in logcat
<l0lwut> nothing with gltrace
<l0lwut> now i don't know if it's because we don't REALLY have a surfaceflinger for 4.2 yet on that device
<l0lwut> but everything else works so perfectly that i'm suprised that it's still there
<l0lwut> anyway the chan topic says not to repeat it
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<Thiagovfar> l0lwut: Understood
<Jiangyi> l0lwut: Probably Mali blobs doing bad things again :-P
<Thiagovfar> l0lwut: From my understanding of past events, its hard to find properly working blobs for the mali gpu, to use on CM
<Thiagovfar> They either produce artifacts or leak memory
<Thiagovfar> you should blame samsung
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<rockambole> hello
<Thiagovfar> rockambole:
<rockambole> I'd like to report 2 issues with i9100 and i9300
<Thiagovfar> go ahead
<rockambole> I have found an issue regarding the clock/widget on lockscreen when I configured a corporate email account (reproduced on i9100 and i9300 @ CM10.1 0507). Everytime I wake the phone (power or home button) it alternates between the plain clock and the widget. It has a pattern, one wake for each type.
<rockambole> There is another issue regarding call forwarding, I configured my i9100 to forward calls to the i9300. However, sometimes the i9300 receives the forwarder ID besides of the caller ID. Is there something I can change to always show the called ID? (also reproduced on i9100 and i9300).
<rockambole> copy/paste : )
<Thiagovfar> rockambole: First issue is with cLock or the stock digital clock ?
<rockambole> I meant plain clock = stock digital clock
<rockambole> widget = cLock
<Thiagovfar> rockambole: So you got both on your lock screen?
<rockambole> yes but not at the same time
<rockambole> 1. wake and shows stock clock; 2. lock; 3. wake and shows cLock; 4. lock; 5. wake and shows stock clock...
<Thiagovfar> the lockscreen cannot show two widgets at a time
<Thiagovfar> So, I'm assuming you have both added to the lockscreen
<rockambole> yes, it's not showing at the same time
<Thiagovfar> And the one that's actually shown is what is changing
<Thiagovfar> Could you please explore this a bit more?
<Thiagovfar> Remove one of them, and add another widget. Google Now, maybe
<Thiagovfar> See what happens
<rockambole> ok : )
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Sorry man, won't get to testing your patch til later :-/
<Jiangyi> Going through translation hell right now
<Jiangyi> Got to get everything done before stable
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: I guess only you care about that patch =)
<Jiangyi> lol probably
<rockambole> Thiagovfar: so, that only happens when I configure a corporate account and when I configure that it applies a security policy that disable the lockscreen customization (I can only customizer cLock through settings - lockscreen - cLock)
<rockambole> I removed my corp account just to make sure that I didn't have both widgets before... then I configured the email again and there is the issue
<Thiagovfar> So, it does not let you change the widgets at all
<rockambole> no
<Thiagovfar> I believe this issue affects cyanogenmod as a whole, not device specific.
<Thiagovfar> However, I can't confirm that, since I only have the i9100
<Thiagovfar> which didn't get a M-release yet
<rockambole> I tested on my i9100 too... same behavior
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: When is stable deadline?
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Monday
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Thank you
<Jiangyi> I don't know if stable's going to be on that day, but no patches after that day from what I understand :-P
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Probably some days later
<Thiagovfar> rockambole: CM won't accept bug reports for our devices, as there have been no M-releases for them.
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: If it's not device specific, you can report it
<rockambole> yes, I know : (
<Jiangyi> File it under i9100g or something lol
<rockambole> I got the issues on i9100 and i9300
<Thiagovfar> Well, somebody's gotta test that on a supported device
<Jiangyi> rockambole: If you could go through the exact steps to set it up so that I can reproduce it, I can try on N4
<rockambole> Jiangyi: you need a corporate email account
<Jiangyi> As in an email set up through Settings -> add account -> corporate?
<rockambole> exactly... after um set it up, wait for the security policies to be applied (if any)
<rockambole> then lock your device, wake and check the clock/widget (see if it's cLock or stock digital clock), lock again, wake and check if the clock is different then before
<rockambole> than*
<Jiangyi> Hmm... Don't have a corporate email :-/
<Jiangyi> Guess I can't just set up any email under that...
<rockambole> =/
<rockambole> I don't think so
<jomp16> Anyone here has good ideas for a program?
<jomp16> Not for Android yet
<Thiagovfar> jomp16: Demonstrate that P = NP
<jomp16> P versus NP?
<rockambole> Thiagovfar: did you see the second issue? (about forwarding calls)
<Thiagovfar> rockambole: That might be device specific.
<Thiagovfar> jomp16: Demonstrate that, and you'll be praised for all eternity.
<rockambole> I get the same behavior forwarding i9300 -> i9100 or i9100 -> i9300
<jomp16> Hmmm, why any good mathematician don't demonstrate it?
<Thiagovfar> rockambole: Both samsung devices.
<rockambole> got it
<Thiagovfar> jomp16: You see, it's a kinda hard problem. Nobody could prove yet either that P contains NP nor the contrary.
<rockambole> I'll try a post on xda asking somone to reproduce those issues on another device
<rockambole> thanks
<jomp16> Wow
<Thiagovfar> rockambole: That's a pretty sane action to take =)