xplodwild changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT http://irclog.whitequark.org/teamhacksung-support/
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<zifnab> what happened to teamhacksung's github?
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<Kuba> hey
<Kuba> when I try to record a video in my i9100 (CM 10.1 nightly), I get "Gallery stopped working". Is it known problem? any fixes?
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<Kihokki> Probably bug on nightlie Kuba
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<Kuba> Kihokki: ohh, that's unlucky, tried about4 nighties in past 2 weeks and none of them fixed it
<Kihokki> Well I hope these get stable, currently using SuperNexus 2 build 4 on i9100
<Kuba> hm, what do people mean by cleaning gallery data?
<Kuba> is that deleting some files? which?
<raymonddull> Manage apps>gallery>clear data
<Kihokki> Well, you go to settings, then go to applications, find gallery app and damn raymonddull was faster :p
<raymonddull> Lol
<Kuba> raymonddull: can it have any nasty effects?
<raymonddull> No
<Kihokki> Nope
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<Kuba> it didn't help
<Kuba> :(
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<raymonddull> Ugh I wanna throw this tablet.
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<Yoki> hi there...
<Yoki> i'm looking for an answer about the last build of cm 10.1. I cannot mount my micro sd card... i have red this was a problem by earlier builds. So, maybe i did something wrong. I followed the instructions for flashing to 10.1 cm
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<valleyman_> !supported Samsung
<clibot> valleyman_: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmt
<valleyman_> !i9100
<clibot> valleyman_: Unknown command "i9100"
<valleyman_> !devide
<clibot> valleyman_: Unknown command "devide"
<valleyman_> !device
<valleyman_> Hi, I'd appreciate any help I can be given here, I recently flashed cm-10.1-20130407-NIGHTLY-i9100.zip through CWM to my GT-I9100. It's a great ROM but unfortunately I can't use is as since I flashed this I have no service
<valleyman_> My IMEI is intact
<valleyman_> I have tried restoring a nandroid of CM9 which I was using before
<valleyman_> but unfortunately the problem persists, no service
<valleyman_> I would be more than happy to paypal a couple of beers to anyone who is able to help me resolve this
<addi> try flashing back to an official stock ROM and try again?'
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<raymonddull> That'd be first on my list of things to try.
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<raymonddull> Actually I lied, throwing my sim in another phone would be first.
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<bl0rp> hi there
<bl0rp> ive updated to the latest i9100 nightly and iw as wondering where the adavanced settings (such as visual pointer and cpu scaling) went?
<bl0rp> are they deleted or hidden somewhere?
<bl0rp> maybe im just 2 stupid but i dont find them
<addi> oi raymonddull
<addi> whats up dood
<raymonddull> Not much, new job working tons of hours so I pretty much sleep and work.
<addi> bl0rp, head into settings - about phone, and tap on "Build Number" seven times
<addi> dev options will show back up
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<raymonddull> I work 5+ days a week working 4:30pm to usually around 6am, and it's about an hour away from home, so I don't have much time to do anything other than sleep.
<addi> hehe, understandable
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<bl0rp> addi: thank you =)
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<xplodwild> addi: whats up d00d
<addi> xplodwild,
<addi> whats up dood
<xplodwild> exams this afternoon :(
<addi> oh, good luck then xD
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<cdesai> xplodwild: show them you are plody, 100 % time
<cdesai> that doesn't sound like I thought it would
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<valleyman_> throwing my sim in another phone works fine
<valleyman_> so the problem is definitely with my phone
<valleyman_> im comfortable using ODIN to flash back to a stock ROM, but struggling to find which one I should use
<xplodwild> cdesai: I'll send them "tested software"
<valleyman_> there are so many versions
<xplodwild> if you know what I mean
<valleyman_> I have a UK Orange GT-I9100
<cdesai> xplodwild: I do
<xplodwild> valleyman_: did you try wiping?
<cdesai> production stuff in tests
<xplodwild> valleyman_: what did Search networks give?
<xplodwild> cdesai: :D
<valleyman_> tried wiping data, cache, dalvik reflash CM10.1
<valleyman_> searching networks gives all the networks in my area
<valleyman_> but I cant connect to any of them
<xplodwild> weird
<valleyman_> btw guys, I couldnt be more grateful for the help, I've been trying to sort this for a solid 24hrs and am worried ive broken my phone for good
<xplodwild> well then as long as you take a stock rom for i9100, any should be good to go
<xplodwild> as long as you have an i9100 and you don't take one for i9100G or other variants
<valleyman_> dont suppose you know a link where I could get one?
<xplodwild> @google i9100 xda stock roms
<xplodwild> !google i9100 xda stock roms
<clibot> xplodwild: [ROM+Guide] Official i9100 Firmwares LPE/Q/7/2/F/S/4/7/G/9/W/D/F ...: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1075278
<xplodwild> valleyman_: ^
<xplodwild> valleyman_: third post, you have all the official firmwares with their regions
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<valleyman_> it makes me download some strance downloadmanager program
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<guidocelada> Hello
<guidocelada> I wanted to know what are the know issues /bugs for CyanogenMod 10.1 for the Samsung GT-i9100, Thanks
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<Sheller> Hello
<Sheller> I am having trouble installing CM on a galaxy S II using the instructions here: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/I9100_Info
<Sheller> Booting with ClockworkMod Recovery gives med a black screen
<Yappy> flashed recovery via odin?
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<Sheller> via heimdall
<Yappy> oh wait. do people still use odin? o.o
<Sheller> What would be a better choice than oden?
<Sheller> Odin
<dancsi> does anybody know what happened to the team hacksung wiki?
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<Yappy> my tried and true method has always been flash recovery via odin, then copy the CM zip to the SD card and flash from recovery
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<Sheller> Yappy: I am unable to copy CM to flash. The phone does not boot past the black screen, nor does it become visible to adb...
<Yappy> ok download odin
<Yappy> boot phone into download mode
<Yappy> flash cwm recovery via odin
<dancsi> If it could get into recovery mode, you could flash CM from the external sdcard
<Sheller> Ok. I'll give odin a shot. Is heimdall not reliable?
<Yappy> it is
<Yappy> i've just never used it :P
<Sheller> I can only get it into download mode...
<Yappy> which is all you need
<Yappy> just make sure you pick PDA tab in odin
<Sheller> Yappy: Ok, thank you for your help!
<Yappy> np
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<Christian> Hi
<Christian> could somebody help me please? :)
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<Guest643> :P
<Guest643> please
<Guest643> xd
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<Yappy> whats up
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<Guest643> i have a problem whit my table
<Guest643> its rooted and it has cm10
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<Guest643> i'm trying to update it, whit cwm (updated) but it show me a problem... status 7
<Guest643> i've already update the cwm...
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<Yappy> download latest CM10 from http://get.cm
<Yappy> copy the ZIP to the sdcard, boot into recovery, and flash from there
<Yappy> make sure it's CM10, not 10.1
<Guest643> yep, but then it shows "status 7"
<Yappy> hmm
<Guest643> really?
<Guest643> ok...
<Yappy> unless you're using 10.1 obviously, then flash 10.1
<Guest643> yes, i had cm10.1 ... there was a problem and now i had to restore it to cm10 (my previous backup)
<Yappy> if you're flashing 10.1 on top of 10, that wont work im fairly sure
<Yappy> it might, but it's recommended you wipe data and stuff
<Guest643> acording to the forum Upgrading from CyanogenMod 10: - Copy GApps and CM10.1 ZIPs to your SDCard - Boot into Recovery - Flash CM10.1 zip from SDCard - Flash GApps zip from SDCard - Reboot
<Guest643> ...
<Guest643> :P
<Guest643> u.u
<Yappy> makes sense to me
<Yappy> www.goo.im./gapps
<Yappy> but i would still wipe to avoid any problems
<Guest643> i did it before...
<Yappy> check that you've downloaded the full zip maybe
<Guest643> look...if something would help.... before my problems, a menu shows when i preesed the power botton, showing several restar options. Now it just show the 3 comun opttions :P
<Yappy> is the little CWM logo at the background?
<Yappy> the orange spikey circle thing with a top hat
<Guest643> whrere?
<Guest643> at the recovery mode?, yes, it is
<Yappy> check that you have downloaded the whole file
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<Yappy> sometimes you may only download maybe 80MB instead of the full 200MB (or whatever), and it shows up as a full file
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<Bert__> Isn't status 7 some sort of "unknown device" do you have the correct ROM ofr your device?
<Guest643> evey file is 169,6 mb ..
<Guest643> yes (p3110)
<Guest643> hey, maybe.... i found the problem..
<Guest643> i mean, maybe i've found it
<Guest643> noo u.u
<Guest643> i'm leaving. Thanks for your help, i'll be back soon xD
<Guest643> bye
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<nathan2600> hello guys, can you pls help me how to enable sd card function on camera because i only have 4gb of usable storage/ thnaks in advance
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<freak2222> hi@all... can someone tell me what steve means by : There are still issues with supporting Exynos4 devices. Significant progress has been made lately though.
<jomp16> Because Sammy never released the Exynos source and the developers need to reverse engineer it (aka hack)?
<freak2222> yeah bu what is the signigicant progress?
<jomp16> Let's imagine, now he can communicate with the processor?
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<a3Dman> 6 of disney's games were free for a while on the store
<a3Dman> epic lulz
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<Kihokki> a3Dman, It's Disnep, not Disney
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<a3Dman> ok
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