xplodwild changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT http://irclog.whitequark.org/teamhacksung-support/
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<niine> hi, i miss the cpu gouvernor prefs in the i9100g rom (10.1) is it there?
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<niine> !changelog i9100g
<clibot> niine: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II (G): http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#i9100g/cm10/latest
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<a3Dman> niine: it's there, enable developer settings, go to settings > about > tap build number 7 times
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<moobslikejagger> Hi. A question. Does anyone know from which version first incorporates the feature to save pics from the camera to the external SD for CM10.1 on Samsung SGS I9000? I can't find in in M3 release.
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<moobslikejagger> Also, where do I find the camera savepath option, in the camera menu or somewhere else?
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<moobslikejagger> okay, just installed the 19 nightly, M3 does in fact not sport that feature
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<_white_> hey there. Is the teamhacksung website down?
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> there is no teamhacksung website
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<_white_> codeworkx, what about the wiki?
<codeworkx> dead
<_white_> aeee :(
<_white_> so you have migrated to cm wiki?
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> the cm wiki was always the main one
<_white_> yeah but teamhacksung had the list of known bugs :) nice and handy to
<codeworkx> dropped, no need
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: We could add a known bugs list to the CM wiki, can't we? :-P
<codeworkx> no need
<codeworkx> we've jira
<Jiangyi> For the Exynos devices I mean
<Jiangyi> They no get Jira :-P
<codeworkx> that's the cool thing about it
<Jiangyi> lol xD
<chadouming> lol
<_white_> #exynoshate :|
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<Jiangyi> Damn that #USOnly hashtag. :-|
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<HerrOrhan> hiho devs
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<jomp16> Why Google don't update repo to python 3?
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<jomp16> Someone here knows how to override <dimen name="pie_trigger_height">3dp</dimen> of framework to a new value?
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<Jiangyi> jomp16: Device tree overlay
<jomp16> that value is inside packages/SystemUI/res/values/dimens.xml, so, the override file will be inside overlaw/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/res/values/dimens.xml ?
<jomp16> Jiangyi, correct?
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<Jiangyi> jomp16: Yep.
<jomp16> Only create a <resource> and put that new value and close?
<jomp16> I will remove Trebuchet and add Nova Launcher apk here =)
<codeworkx> hope we'll drop mdpi with cm11
<jomp16> mdpi is medium dpi?
<jomp16> GTab 2 isn't mdpi? Or is hdpi?
<codeworkx> its mdpi
<codeworkx> sooo lowbob
<codeworkx> mdpi hdpi xhdpi xxhdpi
<codeworkx> its ultra low ;-)
<jomp16> You want CM drop support for Galaxy Tab 2...
<codeworkx> yaaaa
<jomp16> and others mdpi devices
<codeworkx> its a mess
<jomp16> :'(
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I thought mdpi support was already half-arsed :-P
<codeworkx> google doesnt care about mdpi
<Jiangyi> Nor HDPI anymore
<codeworkx> its already dead
<codeworkx> its old
<jomp16> Because Google don't have a mdpi/hdpi devices?
<codeworkx> kill it
<codeworkx> old devices can stay on cm10.1
<codeworkx> good enough
<Jiangyi> noooooo
<jomp16> If CyanogenMod kill that dpi, 99% of devices of world will lose CM :'(
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<codeworkx> sgs2 is hdpi and 2 years old
<codeworkx> upgrade
<codeworkx> hdpi gone
<codeworkx> wheres the prob?
<jomp16> Money...
<codeworkx> stay on 10.1
<codeworkx> prob?
<jomp16> Don't kill mdpi/hdpi, problems?
<codeworkx> yes
<codeworkx> its already dead
<codeworkx> we have to put a lot of work into it
<jomp16> . . .
<jomp16> Jiangyi, whats your opinion?
<Jiangyi> It'll live
<Jiangyi> Too many people out there with HDPI devices to not have it live :-P
<codeworkx> stay on 10.1
<codeworkx> kkthxbye
<jomp16> Most peoples have a GII
* Jiangyi refuses to not be on latest version
<jomp16> codeworkx, you will want CM10-1 only for your GII?
<codeworkx> g2 is 2 years old
<jomp16> Or you will want the laaatest version?
<Jiangyi> cody doesn't care
<codeworkx> most guys are moving now
<Jiangyi> he has too many phones :-P
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<codeworkx> jomp16: i dont use crappy samsung phones
<jomp16> My Galaxy 5 is 3 years old, is ldpi, and has CM10-1 (only UI glitches) and somes lags
<jomp16> Using 3.0.8 kernel (previous 2.8.x.x)
<codeworkx> kill it
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<jomp16> Buy me a new phone (a N4?) and i will kill my phone
<codeworkx> if it lags the it isn't worth it
<jomp16> O.K?
<jomp16> Best CM version for my G5 is CM7
<Jiangyi> Still fairly confident that 9100g won't lag for next Android version
<codeworkx> but it will die
<RedShift> you mean 5.0?
<Jiangyi> Probably 4.3
<Jiangyi> Probably called Jellybean again :-P
<RedShift> there isn't going to be a 4.3...
<a3Dman> yeah sgs2 is too old
<a3Dman> :)
<jomp16> but SII and P3xx can run the next version without problems
<jomp16> Only that DPI question
<a3Dman> jomp16: how are you so sure?
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<jomp16> The SII version Exynos will have problem
<jomp16> If SII OMAP and P3xx received CM10-1 in first time, probably will run the next version
<Jiangyi> "# JB MR2!!!!!!! AND *NO*, THIS WILL NOT BE K-WHATEVER."
<jomp16> JellyBean version 3?
<a3Dman> of course 4.2 will still be labeled jellybean
<Jiangyi> Except 4.2 = JB MR1
<a3Dman> but let's be honest, I can't think of any features for a 5.0 release...
<RedShift> facebook launcher as default!
<jomp16> Full UI modification?
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<RedShift> social integration FTW
<a3Dman> I don't think so
<jomp16> Instead of blue, other color?
<jomp16> a super awesome fucking new app?
<a3Dman> I don't think social integration is google's problem
<RedShift> of course not, I was joking
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<douglasanpa> !supported Samsung
<clibot> douglasanpa: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantm
<douglasanpa> !download p3110
<clibot> douglasanpa: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (Wifi): http://get.cm/get/jenkins/25550/cm-10.1-20130420-NIGHTLY-p3110.zip [3d4ecf]
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<a3Dman> I'll wait for IO, maybe google will release 32gb nexus
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<jomp16> Why Google never release a Nexus with microSD support?
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<codeworkx> sdcards suck :-D
<jomp16> but give you more space
<Espenfjo> Why do you need space when you have ze cloud?
<codeworkx> or 32gb internalz
<jomp16> Espenfj0, if you have only 2G and 3G, and they is bad interwebz, and you don't have a good interwebz outise home?
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<Espenfjo> Then you need to move
<Espenfjo> Quite simple
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<jomp16> Espenfjo, I live on BRazil, no 4G, 3G is slow, (like 1G), a good interwebz costs much money, etc
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<antitot> Hello everyone
<antitot> I'km looking for the last nighlty build of cm 10.1. I found it in cyanogenmod offical webpage
<antitot> there's any know issues?
<antitot> lokking at the changelog is a bit hard to figure out the exact status
<antitot> Thanks in advance for your help and amaizing work!
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<antitot> sorry i forgot to especify wich model, exactly gt-i9100
<antitot> !changelog i9100
<clibot> antitot: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II: http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#i9100/cm10/latest
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<AndrewTheAndroid> Hrm...
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<Darkmike> Hi, I can"t talk with SGS2 Cyanogenmod. Can help me ?
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<Thiagovfar> !supported
<clibot> Thiagovfar: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
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<Thiagovfar> What was Baskey trying to warn us about, with that leave message?
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<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: We will never know.
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<a3Dman> I wish google makes 32gb nexus 4
<a3Dman> that would be awesome
<chieftex> guys, knowing what you know now, would your next device be a samsung?
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<Jiangyi> chieftex: Nope lol
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<chieftex> interesting
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<frankdrey> man, I love arch
<frankdrey> from bootloader to usable system (with most common programs loaded to RAM) ready in 5 seconds
<frankdrey> and this is on a Pentium D with 2gb of DDR ram
<chieftex> nice
<frankdrey> and I'd say that using Arch for the past few months has made me probably one of the top 20 most knowledgeable on Linux in here :P
<frankdrey> :D
<a3Dman> frankdrey: orly?
<frankdrey> a3Dman, YESRLY
<frankdrey> :p
<frankdrey> idunno
<frankdrey> maybe
<frankdrey> I'm not like "dafuq am i doing" anymore :p
<a3Dman> frankdrey: good sign of course
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> i even managed to remap my broken scroll wheel to side buttons on mouse once :P\
<a3Dman> awesome
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<frankdrey-dishes> i also programmed it to do my dishes
<a3Dman> NO WAI!
<frankdrey-dishes> using the butterfly effect
<frankdrey-dishes> it's currently writing random bits of data on my drive that will ensure my grandchildren invent a time machine and a note in the sky appears saying "wash dishes 04/21/13 3:18PM lat/long"
<frankdrey-dishes> anyway, i need to go do that :P
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<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: The fact that we may come to know is what's frightening. Maybe we become aware of our ultimate fate too late.
<Thiagovfar> C'mon, Ubuntu, stop crashing the graphics already.
<Jiangyi> lol
<frankdrey-dishes> owait one more thing
<frankdrey-dishes> this is on some cheapo sata
<frankdrey-dishes> from 2005
<frankdrey-dishes> that i got free
<frankdrey-dishes> used
<frankdrey-dishes> :P
<frankdrey-dishes> imagine with SSD
<frankdrey-dishes> IDE bootup was like 15 seconds
<frankdrey-dishes> anyway, back to dishes :p
* Thiagovfar Feels the force
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<frankdrey> codeworkx, other than exyno 4's uboot, how else is samsung violating open source?
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<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Kernel source doesn't match their releases
<frankdrey> ok
<a3Dman> frankdrey: doesn't compile
<frankdrey> alright\
<frankdrey> thanks
<jomp16> Saying about what?
<frankdrey> other than exyno 4's uboot, how else is samsung violating open source?
<jomp16> You want to say about this to RMS?
<jomp16> >.<
<frankdrey> what?
<jomp16> frankdrey, "samsung violating open source"
<frankdrey> RMS?
<jomp16> Richard Stallman
<frankdrey> ah
<jomp16> founder of FSF, one of the author of GPL, etc
<frankdrey> yeah i know that
<jomp16> Yah, upgrading my Arch install, the Arch developers released Gnome 3.8
<frankdrey> ew
<frankdrey> GNOMED:
<frankdrey> *GNOME D:
<waratte> I love gnome. :D
<frankdrey> I hate GNome.
<frankdrey> it's like windows 8
<jomp16> I love Gnome
<frankdrey> meant for tablets
<jomp16> frankdrey, so, you use basically CLI/
<jomp16> ?
<frankdrey> jomp16, XFCE4
* Jiangyi likes Cinnamon
<Jiangyi> But I'm still too noobish to get it working on BBQLinux :-P
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, lulz
<frankdrey> jomp16, ^
<jomp16> Arch devs need to put a bunch of hacks to Cinnamon work
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<frankdrey> jomp16, "Arch devs"?
<frankdrey> Arch devs develop arch:P
<jomp16> Why php file at end of file?
<jomp16> Arch maintaners?
<frankdrey> johntramp, ask zimagez
<frankdrey> jomp16, packages are upstream stuff
<frankdrey> the package's developers work on them
<frankdrey> Cinnamon works on it's own port
<frankdrey> for Arch
<frankdrey> and stuff
<jomp16> frankdrey, your XFCE4 look like a bad clone of Mac
<jomp16> or OS X
<frankdrey> jomp16, that's the theme i chose :P
<frankdrey> I'm not going for cloning mac
<jomp16> Horrible
<frankdrey> if I was, I'd have a whole "finderbar" set up
<frankdrey> I just like the icons
<jomp16> ...
<frankdrey> what?
<frankdrey> you can make XFCE look however you want
<a3Dman> frankdrey: what do you want from ancient egypt?
<frankdrey> and you can then be all pretentious about your "style"
<frankdrey> a3Dman, MONIES
<frankdrey> nah
<frankdrey> homework
<a3Dman> lol
<frankdrey> i like xfce for it's usability
<frankdrey> has SANE windows
<frankdrey> unlike Gnome3
<a3Dman> I like OS X for the same reason
<frankdrey> which reduces a PC to a tablet
<jomp16> My hosting image server: http://images.habbixed.tk/
* Jiangyi hates his homework
<jomp16> with the image extension at the end
<frankdrey> jomp16, add it to xfce4-screenshooter
<Jiangyi> Have to read that R-rated french book again T_T
<jomp16> I never do my homework
<a3Dman> k
<jomp16> Only at school
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: What's your average? :-P
<frankdrey> I use zimagez since it let's me upload my screenshot from the screenshooter, and copy links from it
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, average what?
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, what's wrong with R-rated?:P
<Jiangyi> Of all your classes' marks combined
<a3Dman> I use cloudapp, take screenshot, gets automatically uploaded
<frankdrey> grade?
<a3Dman> :D
<frankdrey> a3Dman, windoze?
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: It's a messed up book that I don't wanna read
<a3Dman> frankdrey: OS X
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Sure
<frankdrey> ah
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, how messed up?:P
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, eh...not sure
<frankdrey> 9th grade was all 4.0s with one 3.9 iirc
<frankdrey> 10th grade all 4.0s i think
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: The main character is this nerd who thinks about nude women and sex all day :-S
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: that's a problem with a lot of kids nowadays :P
<Jiangyi> Oh, and he's a pothead.
<a3Dman> that also
<Jiangyi> :-/
<Jiangyi> I'm at an Asian school, this stuff doesn't happen!
<frankdrey> then this year it's been: 1st quarter: 4.0, 3.5, 3.7; 2nd quarter: 4.0, 3.9, 3.9
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, you're really innocent, aren't yoU?:P
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: I'm Canadian, I have no idea how GPA works xD
<a3Dman> frankdrey: so you're doing it pretty right?
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Not extremely so, but fairly yes.
<a3Dman> frankdrey: I wish I could get my GPA above 2
<Jiangyi> There we go :-D
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, out of 4.0
<frankdrey> a3Dman, sure :P
<Jiangyi> Actually no, this chart's still confusing.
<Jiangyi> !math 3.9/4.0
<clibot> Jiangyi: 0.975
<frankdrey> welll
<frankdrey> no
<Jiangyi> Damn it
<frankdrey> not really
<frankdrey> each class is different
<frankdrey> some classes a 3.9 is 96$
<frankdrey> *96%
<frankdrey> or even 95%
<frankdrey> some it's 98%
<a3Dman> 1.8 is a decent GPA though.
<frankdrey> my calculus class I had 101% :D
<frankdrey> i've definitely had all above 90% except for 9th grade english
<Jiangyi> Ah ok.
<Jiangyi> Apparently, 90-100% in Canada = 4.0
<Jiangyi> ._.
<frankdrey> :D
* jomp16 don't know what the hell you are talking
<frankdrey> here it's like that in high school
<waratte> I've never had all good grades. :(
<frankdrey> in college, it's up to the professor
* Jiangyi has a 93% average atm
<a3Dman> waratte: welcome to the team
<Jiangyi> Not high enough :/
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, lulz
<a3Dman> frankdrey: but people who get high grades are not creative :P
<frankdrey> that's good
<frankdrey> a3Dman, I play guitar :P
<a3Dman> you probably think math when playing that...
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: I have friends who take 4 music courses, and they get like 95% average because of that xD
<frankdrey> a3Dman, nah :P
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, I havent taken any music classes yet xD
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: I play saxophone :-P
* Jiangyi is in 3 bands atm
<a3Dman> I play temple run
<a3Dman> :)
<Jiangyi> My school has like, 15 different music ensembles
<a3Dman> I have 0% motivation these days anyway
<frankdrey> I'm in 1 band
<Jiangyi> Yet we still have Pentium 4 computers everywhere.
<frankdrey> the other 2 fell apart
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, hey, I have Pentium 4 computers...
<frankdrey> :p
<a3Dman> my quad core works good
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: At least you put Linux on it. These are running Windows with school board's spying software >_>
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> I remember those days
<frankdrey> college, kids watch pr0n in class on their tablets
<frankdrey> O-o
<Jiangyi> o_O
<a3Dman> bad kids
<frankdrey> kids?
<frankdrey> they're like 20+ :P
<a3Dman> you said kids
<frankdrey> oh
<frankdrey> xDDD
<a3Dman> not my problem...
<frankdrey> <- idiot
<frankdrey> i need to get out of the HS mindset
<a3Dman> I need to end my life
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<frankdrey> a3Dman, O_O
<a3Dman> xD
<Jiangyi> ...
<a3Dman> that was a joke
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, ...
<waratte> waratte...
* a3Dman calls the pacman
<frankdrey> frankdrey...
<frankdrey> a3Dman...
<a3Dman> omg...
<frankdrey> clibot, geo user waratte
<frankdrey> !geo user waratte
<clibot> frankdrey: {country: "United States", latlong: {38.0, -97.0}}
<frankdrey> mawahaha
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<a3Dman> u stalker
<waratte> That's a broad latitude and logitude.
<frankdrey> waratte, OMG
<frankdrey> you were goody123 that one time :(
<waratte> No.
<frankdrey> lies
<waratte> I don't do things like that.
<waratte> What time?
<frankdrey> geoip also pointed to Wichita, Kansas
<frankdrey> hold on..
<frankdrey> !geo user frankdrey
<clibot> frankdrey: {country: "United States", region: "Washington", city: "Lynnwood", latlong: {47.820908, -122.3151}, time: "Sun 16:40 PDT"}
<frankdrey> nope, see?
<waratte> lol
<frankdrey> you were either on the same internet
<frankdrey> or impersonating him
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> the time when he pissed me off the most :P
<frankdrey> where he asked me 10 times how to sign a fking NDA
<waratte> Was that recent?
<frankdrey> few days ago
<waratte> Oh, no, I was in and out.
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<frankdrey> hm
<waratte> I was semi-afk too.
<frankdrey> well he was stalking you down then :P
<frankdrey> same area
<waratte> I have a Dynamic IP.
<a3Dman> me too
<frankdrey> so do it
<frankdrey> *I
<frankdrey> it still stays in the general area
<frankdrey> Kansas is near your state, right?:P
<waratte> I don't have home internet.
<waratte> No.
<a3Dman> frankdrey: you need a job at intelligence, right?
<waratte> Far from it.
<frankdrey> waratte, hmmm...same service provider?
<frankdrey> a3Dman, nah, but i'd love it xD
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<waratte> No.
<frankdrey> "So what skills do you have?"
<frankdrey> "I can geoip :D"
<a3Dman> you can't
<a3Dman> the website does that for you.
<a3Dman> sorry
<waratte> lol
<frankdrey> lol
<waratte> You guys always blame something on me.
<waratte> Maybe that was you impersonating goody.
<frankdrey> it wasn't
<a3Dman> I didn't see goody123
<frankdrey> waratte, because you're blameable
<a3Dman> what happened?
<frankdrey> a3Dman, not here
<frankdrey> he's this annoying dude
<waratte> Okay. I see how it is frank. >.>
<frankdrey> :3
<a3Dman> meow
<waratte> Frankdrey was PMSing, goody came at the wrong time.
<frankdrey> goody is always annoying to anyone
<frankdrey> a3Dman, basically a guy who has been asking for halp in makeing a psp gaem
<a3Dman> give him halp?
<frankdrey> a3Dman, how?
<frankdrey> we pointed him at learning C++
<frankdrey> he still asks stupid questions about C++
<a3Dman> good
<waratte> Frankdrey is an elitist, so he despises newbies.
<frankdrey> like what's a function
<a3Dman> tell him join ##c++
<frankdrey> waratte, he's worse than a newbie
<frankdrey> oh gosh, he would get banned
<frankdrey> they'd think he's trolling
<a3Dman> frankdrey: that's why people suicide :
<a3Dman> :(
<waratte> I try to help him, frank curses at him.
<frankdrey> a3Dman, that's stupid
<frankdrey> waratte, i curse at him when he ignores me and keeps asking the same question
<frankdrey> i explain it to him and ask some questions for detail about the nda signing
<waratte> You lack patience.
<frankdrey> and he simply repeats the question
<frankdrey> patience?
<waratte> Yep.
<frankdrey> he's been at us for at least a year
<a3Dman> frankdrey: well, it's not stupid, that's how it happens, rarely happens on IRC though...
<frankdrey> well how do i "halp" him then?
<a3Dman> tell him what to do
<a3Dman> or tell nothing
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<frankdrey> a3Dman, i've told him what to do, so i guess now nothing
<a3Dman> yup
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