xplodwild changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT http://irclog.whitequark.org/teamhacksung-support/
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: Y U NO SLEEP?
<jomp16> ...
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Cause it's 8pm here?
<codeworkx> wtf xD
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: There are people in different timezones in your computer ya know xD
<codeworkx> NOOOO
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Y U NO SLEEP is the better question
<jomp16> Here is 9:21PM
<jomp16> 3- timezone
<jomp16> Someone here can reccomend a good movie to watch?
<jomp16> recommend *
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<Jiangyi> jomp16: The prestige
<Thiagovfar> The Human Centipede
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* frankdrey is ordering some dirt cheap usb otg cable
<frankdrey> for gtab 2:P
<frankdrey> got the monies from those reward monies websites, so if it doesn't work, i've probably just wasted like 15 min of my times is all:P
<frankdrey> s/times/time/
<frankdrey> bleh, i found it on my phone and now can't find it on PC
<frankdrey> lulz here it is
<frankdrey> for a total of $3.33 i can't go wrong :p
<frankdrey> one review says it works with gtab2
<frankdrey> it better
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<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Isn't that just 79 cents?
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, shipping
<Jiangyi> Oright
<frankdrey> Yah:p
<frankdrey> does CM10.1 support NTFS?
<Jiangyi> Shipping's more expensive than the thing itself. Go figure. :-/
<frankdrey> lol
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: AFAIK no.
<frankdrey> there's tons of stuff that's $0.01 on Amazon
<frankdrey> and shipping is $4.99
<frankdrey> ok
<frankdrey> whatever
<frankdrey> don't think i have anything NTFS
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Say, what would happen if we enable the read-only NTFS support in the defconfig?
* frankdrey should just format all his flash drives in EXT4 w/o journaling :P
<frankdrey> since i'm 100% linux
<frankdrey> how hard is it to write a NTFS driver anyway?
* frankdrey grabs kernel sauces and compares to main ntfs linux drivers
<frankdrey> also, i figure i got something out of those $3.33 anyway
<frankdrey> found a cool game for my phone :P
<frankdrey> Indestructible
<frankdrey> I'd played it on Android and didn't know it was on iOS until today
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: nothing
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: there's ntfs-3g
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: we could add support for it to vold
<codeworkx> if there wouldn't be microsoft
<Jiangyi> #blamemicrosoft :-/
<Jiangyi> More evil than Samsung
<frankdrey> codeworkx, license issues?
<codeworkx> you're not allowed to distribute ntfs solutions
<codeworkx> same with exfat
<frankdrey> ah
<jomp16> Why most devices don't have EXTs supports?
<codeworkx> EXTs?
<jomp16> EXTs = ext4, ext3, etc
<codeworkx> which devices don't?
<frankdrey> jomp16, device internal storage is ext :P
<jomp16> I have two USB drives, one with ext4, and other for FAT32 (for somes devices, like PS3, etc)
<codeworkx> whats the problem?
<frankdrey> codeworkx, Jiangyi, y u no join?
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Join what? ._.
<frankdrey> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Jiangyi> oh lol
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<jomp16> I need to know how some persons find ASCII codes for somes figures...
<jomp16> like frankdrey poste
<jomp16> posted *
<frankdrey> some guy sent a bunch of those to me :P
<jomp16> Some guys coded this or search arround ASCII codes?
<frankdrey> ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)
<frankdrey> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<frankdrey> ಠ_ಠ
<frankdrey> ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿
<frankdrey> Ծ_Ծ
<frankdrey> (✌゚∀゚)☞
<jomp16> Don't spam...
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, kick me when I'm done :P
<frankdrey> ʕ ಠᴥಠʔ
<frankdrey> ¯(°_o)/¯
<frankdrey> done
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<frankdrey> -part #teamhacksung-support "Kicked by frankdrey for spam"
<frankdrey> errr
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<frankdrey> Sorry frankdrey, it won't happen again
<jomp16> ...
<frankdrey> :)
<frankdrey> copy those down :p
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<codeworkx> jomp16: like this? http://www.network-science.de/ascii/
<jomp16> Probably
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<frankdrey> jomp16, is the 16 for age?:p
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<jomp16> More or less
<jomp16> I used Jomp13 (13 years), jomp14 (14...) and now I use jomp16 (but I have 15), probably for much time
<frankdrey> wait, so are you 15?:p
<jomp16> Yea
<frankdrey> ah kewl
<jomp16> Why?
<codeworkx> jomp16: you shouldn't be in this channel. it's pretty bad for your child development.
<jomp16> Nevermind about development, I have my own channel for my bot (testing purposes)
<frankdrey> jomp16, he means /child development/, as in your development :P
<jomp16> Because bots are unless development?
<frankdrey> :/
<frankdrey> no
<frankdrey> the development of YOU :p
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You know all 3 of us are around 16 right? lol
<Jiangyi> frankdrey > me > jomp16 I think
<frankdrey> I'm 17 in May :D
<frankdrey> well towards the end
<jomp16> Jiangyi, 15 years...
<jomp16> Ah, around
<waratte> Younglings.
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, now there's 4 of us:)
<frankdrey> not pointing any fingers. *ahem* waratte *ahem*
<Jiangyi> cody can be considered old now xD
<Jiangyi> j/k
<frankdrey> he's the good old :P
<frankdrey> we're too young
<waratte> I been reincarnated twice in my lifetime, I'm over 200 years old.
<frankdrey> there are people too old
<waratte> *I have
<frankdrey> i'd say cody is at the funnest time of life. he has monies, energy, and time :P
<frankdrey> http://amagital.tk/liferesearch.txt <- GUYS CHECK THIS OUT!
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<hmmwhatsthisdo> Can anyone provide me with assistance in selecting the proper radio for a Skyrocket?
<hmmwhatsthisdo> I'm looking to disable LTE when needed, and the forum consensus is "flash a rogers radio"
<hmmwhatsthisdo> However, I flashed UXUMA7, and I'm still unable to change LTE status
<jomp16> hmmwhatsthisdo, cool nickname...
<hmmwhatsthisdo> thanks, but I need to get this handled like, tonight
<hmmwhatsthisdo> I'm leaving for seattle tomorrow and my phone lasts 5 hrs on LTE
<Jiangyi> hmmwhatsthisdo: If you're desperate, use the dialer menu code *#*#4363#*#*
<hmmwhatsthisdo> Jiangyi: that's the issue
<hmmwhatsthisdo> AT&T radios block the band selector in that from being changed
<Jiangyi> Oops, 4636
<hmmwhatsthisdo> it just snaps back
<hmmwhatsthisdo> same with CM10's own band selection menu
<Jiangyi> ._. That's unusual.
<hmmwhatsthisdo> it's because the radio is RAT locked
<hmmwhatsthisdo> I need an RAT unlocked radio
<hmmwhatsthisdo> the only ones available for the skyrocket are Rogers radios, and I need help selecting them
<Jiangyi> Oh right, I remember reading about that a very long time ago.
<Jiangyi> So you flashed one, and it still didn't work?
<hmmwhatsthisdo> yeah
<hmmwhatsthisdo> I'm on UXUMA7
<Jiangyi> That's strange :-/
<hmmwhatsthisdo> then again, idk if uxuma7 is rat-unlocked
<hmmwhatsthisdo> it may not be
<hmmwhatsthisdo> tl;dr: I need to find an rat-unlocked radio that should work with CM10 (4.1)
<hmmwhatsthisdo> if it's relevant, I was on UCLF6 official before I flashed CM10
<hmmwhatsthisdo> and apparently I was using their radio
<hmmwhatsthisdo> *its
<hmmwhatsthisdo> Jiangyi: thoughts?
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<Jiangyi> hmmwhatsthisdo: Not really, sorry :/
<Jiangyi> You might have better luck in the #cyanogenmod channel
<hmmwhatsthisdo> I'm already in there
<hmmwhatsthisdo> I thought that since this was sorta ROM-agnostic I might get better support here
<Jiangyi> Well, this is the chan for mostly international devices
<Jiangyi> Not much talk about the Qualcomm Samsungs here :-P
<hmmwhatsthisdo> is there a qcomm channel?
<hmmwhatsthisdo> :P
<Jiangyi> Idk :-/
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<hmmwhatsthisdo> ah.
<hmmwhatsthisdo> Flashed UXCLF3, re-registered to AT&T
<hmmwhatsthisdo> it would appear it works... for now
<hmmwhatsthisdo> thanks anyway, Jiangyi
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<niine> hi together
<niine> as everyone new who join this channel, i have one question :)
<niine> i have cm 10.1 installed on my i9100g with clm 6.xxx. Under which circumstances i have to install the JB bootloader? Cause i have not done this
<niine> i mean this one: GT-I9100G_JB_PBL_SBL.tar.md5 - 1.50 MB
<niine> i googled around and i found no hint, why or when i have to install it
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<valle497> where can i found a bug list from the 10.1 cm build for the i9100?
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<Jiangyi> niine: Whenever. It just fixes the random colours at boot if you didn't flash from stock 4.1
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: Y U STILL AWAKE?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Cause I slept already :-P
<Jiangyi> It's like, 9:50am here ya know
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<Force> !changelog <device>
<clibot> Force: Unknown device <device>
<Force> !changelog i9100
<clibot> Force: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II: http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#i9100/cm10/latest
<Force> !device
<Force> !supported
<clibot> Force: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<Force> !supported LG
<clibot> Force: Supported LG devices: c660,c800,e400,e510,e720,e730,e739,p350,p500,p720,p920,p925,p930,p970,p990,p999,su640
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<Force> !supported SamsunG
<clibot> Force: Supported SamsunG devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
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<Jiangyi> Hmm..
* Jiangyi has to write a resume
<Jiangyi> What do people usually put under computer skills? o_O
<beer> Jiangyi: heh i just wrote up some shit with "computer skills"
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<beer> but it was at the level of "i used my computer skills by finding the website with a search engine and finding the contact number on the website"
beer is now known as nebkat
<bhargav> I was planning to install 10.1-M3 on my S2-i9100G; is it supported? any known issues?
<bhargav> ^of cyanogenmod.
<Jiangyi> bhargav: Flash the latest nightly instead.
<Jiangyi> nebkat: lol
<Jiangyi> nebkat: I'm gonna put CM under volunteering or something xD
<nebkat> Jiangyi: its a project for a fucking politics class that we have pnce a week
<nebkat> and its a state exam
<nebkat> obligatory like english and maths
<Jiangyi> o_O
<nebkat> wasted 5 hours of my life
<nebkat> so far
<nebkat> or more if you count the actual project, this is just the write up for exam
<nebkat> maybe 15 hours
<nebkat> Jiangyi: say you were aprentice of a professional developer (me, ofc)
<Jiangyi> lol
<nebkat> apprentice*
<Jiangyi> Think I'd put cody there, if anything xD
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: <codeworkx> CAUSE BOGEYMAN
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<jomp16> nebkat, I'm creating a new bot to try to kill your bot (probably never) =)
<nebkat> jomp16: good luck
<jomp16> around 10MB RAM usage, and 1% CPU usage
<nebkat> what lang?
<jomp16> Java...
<jomp16> Some time the Garbage Collector works
<jomp16> 4.5 MiB usage
<nebkat> johntramp: i dont use more than 60mb afaik
<nebkat> thats with all plugins
<nebkat> and unoptimized
<jomp16> optimize it
<jomp16> And your bot will act more rapidly
<jomp16> Current coded: URL, Google, part and join command, auto op on join (for owner) and auto voice
<jomp16> Also, the bot library aren't coded by me, the library name is PircBotX
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<yazzed> i have galaxy s 2 and install CM 10.1 the problem is my phone could not boot
<yazzed> i tried to open recovery mod and also i couldn't
<nebkat> jomp16: thats just cheating
<nebkat> make it all yourself
<nebkat> will work much better
<jomp16> Why if PircBotX works fine?
<jomp16> For me only code plugins...
<nebkat> jomp16: less integration
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<jomp16> nebkat, PircBotX is extensible...
<jomp16> Want to see sauce code?
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<jomp16> nebkat, you use nick or ident for owner? Current i'm using ident (~jomp16@unaffiliated/jomp16)
<nebkat> ident
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<bhargav> Jiangyi: okay. thanks.
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<nebkat> jomp16: I saw that a while ago, it looks really ugly
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<jomp16> nebkat, about PircBotX?
<nebkat> yeah
<jomp16> I dunno how the IRC protocol works, so, I need to use a existing library...
<nebkat> jomp16: learn
<nebkat> its not even that hard
<nebkat> I learned it myself with the few bots i've done
<nebkat> just read the rfcs
<jomp16> create socked, send somes datas, and reply pong on ping, etc
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<FurkanAli> hello everybody
<FurkanAli> i need realy help
<FurkanAli> last i updated my phone to experimental m3
<FurkanAli> for the samsung galaxy s
<FurkanAli> i couldn't inlog into my gmail
<FurkanAli> so i can not use play store anymore
<FurkanAli> i did a factory reset and wiped dalvik and cache
<FurkanAli> and flashed the last nightly (19 april)
<FurkanAli> i still cann't log in
<FurkanAli> is there somebody that can help me with this??
<codeworkx> flash gapps
<FurkanAli> i did after the full wipe i flashed the nightly after that gapps
<FurkanAli> do i have to do it again?
<FurkanAli> every time i try to log in it says your connection is not trusted etc so i tried with wifi
<FurkanAli> it also did not work
<FurkanAli> i tried it with another sim card
<FurkanAli> same
<FurkanAli> no support, but thanks advance
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<jomp16> FurkanAli, order: wipes, flash CM, and flash GApps, reboot
<FurkanAli> thanks for your support
<FurkanAli> i am trieng it now
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<FurkanAli> i will tell you if fixed
<jomp16> You have the correct GApps for CM-10.1?
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<FurkanAli> is there an update? i download the gapps max 1 or 2 weeks ago
<FurkanAli> for 4.2.2
<jomp16> Your GApps version is?
<FurkanAli> give me a second
<FurkanAli> gapps-jb-20130301-signed.zip
<FurkanAli> right?
<jomp16> Wait, I need to fix something here
<FurkanAli> okey
<FurkanAli> i did the factory reset and flashed the last nightly
<FurkanAli> wait for your sign to flash gapps
<FurkanAli> should i just try these gapps?
<jomp16> FurkanAli, http://goo.im/gapps/gapps-jb-20130301-signed.zip || So, your GApps is updated
<jomp16> flash
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<FurkanAli_> srry internet gone away
<FurkanAli_> did i miss something
<jomp16> "FurkanAli, http://goo.im/gapps/gapps-jb-20130301-signed.zip || So, your GApps is updated"
<jomp16> flash
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<FurkanAli> back
<FurkanAli> nope
<FurkanAli> it still says the same thing
<FurkanAli> it saus this is possibly a temporary problem or your simcard is nog available for data service
<FurkanAli> i press next it says that i am have to conect with wifi
<FurkanAli> i did
<FurkanAli> it does the same thing
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<FurkanAli> my internet is doing alittle bit strange
<FurkanAli> srry
<FurkanAli> if i did anything
<FurkanAli> now i can not use my phone because he doesn't log in to my gmail
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<jomp16> FurkanAli, You have somes securitys enabled on your google account?
<jomp16> like two steps, etc
<FurkanAli> i will look at it now
<jomp16> I have two steps enabled, so to login, I use a exception password
<jomp16> Not the main password
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<FurkanAli> it is not activated
<FurkanAli> 2 steps
<jomp16> So, I dunno...
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<FurkanAli> i had lookout app
<FurkanAli> now i have remove it
<FurkanAli> i am trying it again
<FurkanAli> nop nothing
<FurkanAli> i am trying to make a new account
<FurkanAli> it dous not
<FurkanAli> does*
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<FurkanAli> nothing? :(
<FurkanAli> earlier we had factory reset for fixing everything
<FurkanAli> now i dont have anything xD
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frankdrey is now known as frank-verytired
bmur has joined #teamhacksung-support
<jomp16> FurkanAli, you do full wipe (format facroty, wipe cache, data, dalvik and mounts and storages -> format /system)?
<FurkanAli> i did one
<FurkanAli> like
<FurkanAli> cache dalvik cache and factory alone
<FurkanAli> should i try
<FurkanAli> everything you say?
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<jomp16> FurkanAli, try it
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Alram is now known as zz_Alram
<KinGDaViD63> a lil dead in here aint it
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