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<frank-fatty> FOOD
<Jiangyi> frank-fatty: You can't be fatter than me :-P
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<chadouming> Jiangyi: you can't be fat, you are a chinese
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<Jiangyi> chadouming: o_O How does that work?
<chadouming> not sure
<Jiangyi> lol dat Quebecois logic
<Jiangyi> chadouming: J'ai un examen orale français demain :-P
<Nelson_> can someone help me with my i317. I installer cn rom and I cannot get LTE working
<Nelson_> installed
<Jiangyi> As-tu des conseils ?
<Jiangyi> nelson_: Got the right APNs?
<chadouming> I believe it's the higher ammount of oxygen by erythrocyte that chinese have. It allow you to burn more calories since we know oxygen is a combustive. It's also why chinese are more intelligent, they have more oxygen that flows throught their brains.
<Nelson_> I did not configure apns. can you point me to the correct configuration
<chadouming> btw Jiangyi, it's J'ai un examen orale "de" français demain :-P
<Jiangyi> Doh
<Jiangyi> chadouming: My nose has problems though, so I don't breathe as well as I could :-P
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<chadouming> Well, you should just be normal then xD
<Jiangyi> It's why I have kinda a nasally voice
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<chadouming> no, that is because you are chinese
<Jiangyi> ._. What does that have to do with it?
<chadouming> the higher ammount of oxygen per erythrocyte make them bigger. So your vocal corde are a bit thicker which make the air flows pass throught the nose instead of the trachea
<frank-fatty> scientific racism :D
<frank-fatty> chadouming, americans would kill you xD
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<chadouming> it's not racism if it's backed up by science !
<frankdrey> lol
<Jiangyi> lolwhut
<chadouming> racism is premade idea by people. Shit like "Nigger be more stupid than white" or "All jews love moneys". However, when you ask people why, they can't answer why "Nigger be more stupid than white" etc. I can answer why "Chinese are more intelligent" like i just did. Therefore it's not a premade idea but a fact. No racism there
<frankdrey> I know
<frankdrey> :P
<Kishidan> :O
<frankdrey> but Americans would still kill you
<frankdrey> sensitive as shit peoples (most of them)
<frankdrey> reason:
<Kishidan> I'm an American! :D
<frankdrey> they're a mix of lots of different races
<frankdrey> have experienced lots of racism and struggle because of them
<frankdrey> so are really sensitive to any inequality pointed out between the races
<Kishidan> I am?
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<Jiangyi> chadouming: What's computer science in French? o_O
<chadouming> informatique
<Jiangyi> Just that right?
<Jiangyi> frankdrey Kishidan: This is why I will never study in your country
<chadouming> haha
<Jiangyi> You guys and your silleh ways :-P
<Jiangyi> Such as the imperial system
<chadouming> eh, i'd not comment on that
<chadouming> i'm from the fucked up generation
<frankdrey> Kishidan, you aren't. you're smart :P
<chadouming> i use cm, inch, pounds and mg
<Kishidan> frankdrey, are you saying that it's smarter to pursue inequality than equality?
<frankdrey> Kishidan, it's smarter to accept that inequality exists
<Kishidan> That doesn't answer my question
<chadouming> well, it is smarter to search inequality instead of equality. Not everyone is able of the same thing so not everyone should get the same thing
<Kishidan> Like who?
<chadouming> hmm, i am not to give name, but some people, just as an example, achieve the same level of knowledge at 14 than some does at 30
<chadouming> that's only an example, and it does not only apply to knowledge/intelligence
<chadouming> the 2 being totally different things
<chadouming> yet often referenced as the same
<Kishidan> I see.
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<jj_> i have the latest TWRP and a stock rom - do i need CWM or can i just used TWRP ?
<jj_> use*
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<jj_> is any one there >?
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<cesarguaro> hi to everyone
<cesarguaro> i whish to thank to all of the member of cm team
<cesarguaro> i have a question... how is the video play in the cm10.1 rom? in other roms based on this the video play is laggy
<cesarguaro> and the app navitel doesnt work.. it works fine on stock JB
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<moobslikejagger> Hi. Does anyone have the Samsung I9105 Galaxy S2+ phone?
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<htchd2sucks> Hi all,
<VoidF0x> hey
<htchd2sucks> I have a funny question-
<VoidF0x> !supported
<bbqbot> VoidF0x: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<htchd2sucks> After flashing with ODIN the clockword recovery mode
<VoidF0x> !changelog Samsung
<bbqbot> VoidF0x: Unknown device Samsung
<htchd2sucks> how am I suppose to do that step;: " Copy GApps and CM10.1 ZIPs to your internal SDCard"
<nebkat> htchd2sucks: adb
<VoidF0x> restart the phone, connect it to yur pc, and copy those to the external SD... reboot into recovery and work from there... is what i´d do..
<htchd2sucks> Yeah I guess the key is external SD
<htchd2sucks> Thanks
<htchd2sucks> because without eternal HD, I can not get the win7 to load the Android storage
<htchd2sucks> it simply won't recognise it despite having Samsung USB drivers. The famous MTB driver cr.p
<VoidF0x> lol
<VoidF0x> doesnt really matter where it is...
<htchd2sucks> Well, I had flashed my previous phone with CM before
<htchd2sucks> but it died, and now, I know it does not matters where are the files
<nebkat> htchd2sucks: adb
<nebkat> htchd2sucks: adb
<nebkat> htchd2sucks: adb
<nebkat> htchd2sucks: adb
<nebkat> htchd2sucks: adb
<nebkat> htchd2sucks: adb
<nebkat> htchd2sucks: adb
<htchd2sucks> however, following the instructions step by step, I got stuck
<nebkat> dont be a n00b
<nebkat> adb
<htchd2sucks> ok adb let me explore that option also :)
<htchd2sucks> 400MB workaround with adb.... :(
<htchd2sucks> thanks
<nebkat> htchd2sucks: its not a "workaround"
<htchd2sucks> Ok can you please explain? you mean to use ADB, which I am now downloading (im downloading the SDK )
<htchd2sucks> by the way, I am just trying to flash the latest nightly build from Stock Rom...
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<htchd2sucks> @nebkat you here?
<htchd2sucks> I have adb now, what then?
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<nebkat> htchd2sucks: there is this really cool site called google
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<htchd2sucks> Thanks nebkat,, obviously I searched
<htchd2sucks> And obvious I will find the solution- However I came here for help as I simply followed the basic instructions
<nebkat> !google adb tutorial
<bbqbot> nebkat: ADB ��� Easy Tutorial ��� xda-developers: http://www.xda-developers.com/android/adb-easy-tutorial/
<htchd2sucks> yes, I can do adb help also
<htchd2sucks> You suggested adb, so I was expecting you to explain quickly what you meant-
<htchd2sucks> You meant I should use adb push??
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<htchd2sucks> Ok anyone else, can help me with basic instructions please?
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<htchd2sucks> Nebcat, before being somewhat arrogant and "superior", you could ask for context information-
<htchd2sucks> FYI, my issue was not linked to ADB, neither ADB could fix it
<htchd2sucks> so your suggestion made me download 400MB and was not helpful- Thanks for "trying", if that was a try-though
<htchd2sucks> Anyone knows the path to put a CM file to flash in /emmc please?
<htchd2sucks> I'm trying to do that step now: Copy GApps and CM10.1 ZIPs to your internal SDCard
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<htchd2sucks> I'm getting status 7
<htchd2sucks> Anyone here, please?
<htchd2sucks> i'm trying to flash the latest nightly from "internal_sd card" abnd I am getting "set_perm: some changs failed... status 7
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<htchd2sucks> "Typically Status 7 error would be from either an outdated recovery or bad ROM download"
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<htchd2sucks> well thanks for the "Support"
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<Kretin> !device
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<Kretin> Hi, are they active users here?
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<htchd2sucks> HI
<Remas> hi
<htchd2sucks> Hi Remas,
<Remas> i was just checking the cyanogenmod downloads for GT-I9300 and is there really no stable/release candidates for CMod 10 or 10.1?
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<nebkat> Htchd2sucks: <htchd2sucks> how am I suppose to do that step;: " Copy GApps and CM10.1 ZIPs to your internal SDCard"
<nebkat> I answered your question
<htchd2sucks> Hi,
<htchd2sucks> Yes you have "attempted" to reply, in a "mr clever way". But lets move on:
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<htchd2sucks> the problem was not ADB or not ADB but that my device was not recognised
<htchd2sucks> (on ADB for example) and also from windows
<htchd2sucks> So my problem was not actually how to use "adb push" but to get instructions on how to upload those files.
<htchd2sucks> After uploading with ADB push, still it will complain and give me error 7. Anyway, that was a kind of workaround to put the files, as the instructions did not mention that.
<htchd2sucks> So basically, I kept looking and googling but its almost flooding of crap. Fortunately im clever and I could progress.
<htchd2sucks> SO this error 7 was preventing me to install from SD card/
<htchd2sucks> it would fail, wherever I would put the CM file and Gapps file.
<htchd2sucks> Finally, back home, got my Micro SD card, copied the 2 files from the computer and installed the card on the phone.
<htchd2sucks> Boot in recovery mode, and selected install from SD./
<htchd2sucks> from there I chose the files in the real micro SD (not internal)
<htchd2sucks> and it worked with no problems.
<htchd2sucks> All that to say: instructions were incorrect, its aint working from "Internal SD CARD"
<htchd2sucks> Which, by the way, must be specific to CM10.1, as I had done from internal SD card on CM9, on another S2 phone a while ago with no problems
<nebkat> ok lets get a few things straight
<Baskey> @BOMB
<htchd2sucks> ok go ahead
<nebkat> 1. I _am_ mr clever - I am a developer who was kind enough to give you the instruction of using adb
<htchd2sucks> Yes------ that's the HOW that mattered/
<htchd2sucks> but if you would have cared to listen, you would have seen that ADB was not the problem
<nebkat> 2. based on what you said in the first place "<htchd2sucks> how am I suppose to do that step;: " Copy GApps and CM10.1 ZIPs to your internal SDCard""
<nebkat> I answered your question
<htchd2sucks> yeah, fair enough- However, if instead of repeating ADB ADB ADB, you would have read, then we would have both realised that ADB was not the problem
<nebkat> <nebkat> htchd2sucks: adb
<nebkat> <htchd2sucks> Yeah I guess the key is external SD
<nebkat> <VoidF0x> restart the phone, connect it to yur pc, and copy those to the external SD... reboot into recovery and work from there... is what i´d do..
<nebkat> 3. the instructions are 100% correct
<nebkat> internal sdcard is /sdcard
<nebkat> or /storage/sdcard0
<htchd2sucks> Yes, but I had no external SD at the time
<nebkat> you dont need an external sdcard
<htchd2sucks> yes, thanks to zyour ADB suggestion, I could put them
<htchd2sucks> but it would fail. No apprently you do, hence why I bothered answering
<nebkat> you didnt even need adb, but from what I saw it appeared you were having issues getting access to the sdcard
<htchd2sucks> ok let me clarify/
<htchd2sucks> from wherever internal, it would fail
<htchd2sucks> I could see the files in the phone, in recovery mode
<htchd2sucks> selecting the "install from internal SD, blabla" and choose a few paths
<htchd2sucks> but wherever I would put the files, it would reject saying...hm I forgot now. But Error 7 and a more clearer text
<htchd2sucks> permission or something? I can not remember-
<nebkat> Htchd2sucks: well, that is beyond what I could have done
<nebkat> you said that much later
<nebkat> and i'm going to stop wasting my time on this
<htchd2sucks> Anyway, I appreciate if you were trying to help- But the "google" whatever, and repeating aDB adb like an autist was a bit unpleasing...
<nebkat> you can file a complaint to the admin of this page (me) if you wish to discuss further
<htchd2sucks> sure, I also wasted my time explaining what was the problem
<nebkat> pr0tip this channel is where all the support requesters get trolled - deal with it, thank whoever (attempted) to help you and move on
<Baskey> !geo host
<bbqbot> Baskey: {country: "Switzerland", latlong: {47.0, 8.0}}
<htchd2sucks> Soyeah
<htchd2sucks> thanks
<htchd2sucks> but at the end I was not the problem...seems something wrong with internal install.
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<htchd2sucks> ok now I'll move on with reinstalling apps on CM10.1, thanks somewhat and bye!
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<Gaglia> hi all, n00b here :) I'm about to try my first CM installation on a i9100G... just to let you know :P I'm following the steps in the wiki, hope everything goes fine but I may need help, in case someone's around I would be glad
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<Gaglia> device has been used 1 year and thoroughly cleaned, looks as new... stock firmware is Android 4.1.2 and I'm going for CM stable... keep fingers crossed!
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<Jiangyi> Gaglia: You'll enjoy it.
<Gaglia> I'm already cursing actually...
<Gaglia> the wiki is... badly written
<frankdrey> how?
<frankdrey> most of it is generated from template
<Gaglia> I assumed it means: "now reboot your device"
<Gaglia> now the phone is stuck on the samsung logo
<Gaglia> i assume i have to unplug the usb cable?
<frankdrey> reboot into recovery
<frankdrey> there's a specific key combination
<Gaglia> volume down, home + power button
<frankdrey> do it
<Gaglia> if I do it, it just turns off for a second and stays black as long as I hold the buttons
<Gaglia> but as I release them, still stuck to the samsung logo
<Gaglia> shall I unplug the usb cable?
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<Gaglia> ok guys, so
<Gaglia> I don't really want to panic but
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<Gaglia> I can't even figure out how to turn it off lol
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<frankdrey> pull battery?
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<Gaglia> srsly?
<frankdrey> yeah
<frankdrey> best way
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<a3Dman> or hold power button for 10 secs
<Gaglia> i'll try this first, a3Dman
<a3Dman> pulling battery = 10 secs power hold
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<a3Dman> I just didn't like removing battery
<Gaglia> well, if I hold pwr for 10 seconds, as I said
<Gaglia> the phone turns off
<Gaglia> but as soon as I release the button
<Gaglia> stuck on the logo again
<Gaglia> I'll unplug the battery ._.
<a3Dman> which logo?
<a3Dman> device logo or rom logo?
<Gaglia> "Samsung" (logo) + "Galaxy S II i9100G"
<Gaglia> battery unplugged, waited N seconds and replugged, now I'll turn it on again
<a3Dman> try to get into recovery mode
<a3Dman> home + power + vol up
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<Gaglia> ok, I did it!
<Gaglia> reboot into recovery mode
<Gaglia> now, as before, there is the green android logo and "Downloading..."
<Gaglia> the difference is, on the top
<Gaglia> "Custom binary download: YES (1 counts)
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<Gaglia> I'll just repeat the steps of the wiki
<Gaglia> without rebooting at step 7 this time
<Thiagovfar> Why so many support queries, all of a sudden?
<frankdrey> Gaglia, that's download mode
<frankdrey> not recovery mode
<Gaglia> frankdrey, isn't it enough? I'm following the official guide on the wiki
<Jiangyi> Wiki may need an update :-|
<Jiangyi> Gaglia: Go into recovery, adb push the CM files onto your phone, and flash it
<a3Dman> +1
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: how much time it takes to charge your phone from empty?
<a3Dman> :P
<Gaglia> oh gosh
<Jiangyi> Quite a few hours :-P
<Gaglia> btw, a fast way to install adb? running Ubuntu LTS on this machine
<Gaglia> shall I install the whole SDK?
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: takes 3 and half
<a3Dman> something funny though, from 97% to 100% it takes 30 mins
<a3Dman> xD
<Jiangyi> Gaglia: Yep, install the SDK and then install platform-tools
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<Gaglia> ok Jiangyi
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: dawgge
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Hi.
<nebkat> Jiangyi: sup
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<Jiangyi> nebkat: nm, heading to dinner.
<nebkat> Jiangyi: remove kebab
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<Gaglia> installing SDK-tools right now
<Gaglia> not Ubuntu-friendly + slow connection :S
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<Jiangyi> This is why Canada's awesome.^^
<nebkat> Jiangyi: bet you dont have nikola tesla on your notes
<Jiangyi> :-/
<DuKeTHeReaL> Hiho :)
<DuKeTHeReaL> Did anyone of you already pair a mouse / keyboard or sth. via Bluetooth to android?
<DuKeTHeReaL> (cyanogenmod)
<nebkat> Jiangyi: YES THATS RIGHT BITCH. damn kanadians
<DuKeTHeReaL> Canadians are damm cool bro
<Jiangyi> +1
<Jiangyi> nebkat: You just jealous :-P
<Gaglia> ok
<Gaglia> need help :(
<DuKeTHeReaL> Do you know Chris Hadfield? :P
<DuKeTHeReaL> Commander of the ISS
<Gaglia> so, I've succesfully installed the android SDK and adb
<DuKeTHeReaL> What do you want to do?
<DuKeTHeReaL> deploy an app on your phone?
<Jiangyi> DuKeTHeReaL: Yep, follow him on G+
<Gaglia> DuKeTHeReaL, I'm trying to install CM stable on a i9100G
<Jiangyi> Stunning photos from space everyday :-P
<Gaglia> I thought it was easy to follow http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Install_CM_for_i9100g but I have problems
<Jiangyi> Gaglia: It's normal to not be able to boot into the system after flashing the kernel, so.. :-P
<Jiangyi> Like I said, just adb push the zips in recovery.
<Gaglia> how do I get into recovery? usually I do volume down + start + power button
<DuKeTHeReaL> I think G+ is for Google+ and as google-phobic I am - I can't follow him there :p
<DuKeTHeReaL> A friend of mine is always briefing me with youtube-videos of him :D
<Gaglia> Jiangyi, I'll do it gladly, but can you either explain me how or point me to some howto?
<Jiangyi> Gaglia: It's under the Installing CyanogenMod from recovery portion of the tutorial.
<DuKeTHeReaL> You don't have a recovery mode yet, do you?
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<Gaglia> so, my question is: is there a difference between "download mode" and "recovery mode"?
<Gaglia> this is the point I'm missing maybe
<Jiangyi> Yes.
<DuKeTHeReaL> yes
<Gaglia> gosh.
<DuKeTHeReaL> but wait
<Jiangyi> Gaglia: Recovery = Volup + Home + Power
<Jiangyi> Download = Voldown + Home + Power
<Gaglia> god, ok, I'll try
<DuKeTHeReaL> wait
<Gaglia> ok I wait
<DuKeTHeReaL> the recovery mode isn't there from beginning is it?
<Gaglia> no
<Jiangyi> DuKeTHeReaL: He already got it on. :-P
<Gaglia> if I just turn on the phone
<DuKeTHeReaL> ah ok
<Gaglia> ok
<Gaglia> so I'll try recovery
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<DuKeTHeReaL> you have the zip file on your internal sd?
<DuKeTHeReaL> the cm-rom
<Gaglia> should be: in the download screen I read on top: "CUSTOM BINARY DOWNLOAD: YES (2 counts)"
<DuKeTHeReaL> uhm
<Jiangyi> Gaglia: That's not related. It shows that because you've flashed code's kernel.
<Jiangyi> twice :-P
<Gaglia> yes
<DuKeTHeReaL> you can look into your directories using mtp
<DuKeTHeReaL> and if there is no cm zip you can move one there
<DuKeTHeReaL> or if that's not working
<DuKeTHeReaL> download it with your phone
<Gaglia> wait, wait
<DuKeTHeReaL> (via wlan if you don't have unlimited traffic like me :P)
<nebkat> Jiangyi: jealous of what? not living in a country where tesla isnt on a bank note? dont think so
<Gaglia> it's 1 AM :D do I risk anything if I try to boot into recovery now?
<DuKeTHeReaL> Uhm
<DuKeTHeReaL> it's 1 Am here too :P
<Jiangyi> DuKeTHeReaL: Can't boot into system, since the CWM kernel is for ICS and not for 4.1.
<Jiangyi> So ADB in recovery :-P
<Jiangyi> Gaglia: You risk nothing.
<nebkat> DuKeTHeReaL: you are european and you like kanada... wtf dude
<DuKeTHeReaL> I think I should be quiet and listen, as far Jiangyi is far more and expert to me
<DuKeTHeReaL> Why shouldn't I?
<DuKeTHeReaL> Because they are cutting trees?
<Jiangyi> DuKeTHeReaL: Nah, in normal cases you'd be right. I just happen to know 9100G like the back of my hand. xD
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<Jiangyi> And it's a bit of a special case at times.
<Gaglia> guys, thanks so much in advance, it's hard to get into this stuff initially :) figure, I've never even owned a smartphone so far
<DuKeTHeReaL> I like Canada because it's a multilingual country with a tolerant and open-minded image.
<DuKeTHeReaL> nebkat where're you from? :)
<Gaglia> good, I'm in the recovery screen :D
<nebkat> DuKeTHeReaL: serbia
<DuKeTHeReaL> :)
<nebkat> in ireland now
<nebkat> DuKeTHeReaL: you?
<DuKeTHeReaL> Hey cool - hope you'll join the european family once :)
<DuKeTHeReaL> I'm one of the ugly germans ;P
<Gaglia> Jiangyi, do you suggest to "wipe data/factory reset" now, just to stay safe, or what? USB cable is currently unplugged
<nebkat> DuKeTHeReaL: you mean the EU?
<Jiangyi> Gaglia: Do it after you flash CM.
<DuKeTHeReaL> Wait
<Gaglia> ok
<DuKeTHeReaL> You may backup if you want to return to your current OS later
<DuKeTHeReaL> @nebkat: yap
<Gaglia> my options are: 1) reboot system now 2) install zip from sdcard 3) wipe data/factory reset 4) wipe cache partition 5) backup and restore 6) mounts and storage 7) advanced
<DuKeTHeReaL> @Gaglia: just in case you have configured your apps some how or your system and you don't know if CM is your thing, you should backup
<Jiangyi> Gaglia: Just plug it into your computer and do the ADB commands.
<Gaglia> no DuKeTHeReaL, the phone is new (I mean it was used but it's empty now and I just got it) and I don't want to use the stock android anyway
<DuKeTHeReaL> ok :)
<Gaglia> plugged USB cable
<DuKeTHeReaL> you could install a Stock Rom without backup too
<Gaglia> buut
<Gaglia> adb devices
<Gaglia> List of devices attached
<Gaglia> (no devices)
<Jiangyi> Oright, udev rules.
<Gaglia> there is that issue of security in adb's new version, right?
<DuKeTHeReaL> @Jiangyi: can't he just inszall zip from sd card?
<Jiangyi> DuKeTHeReaL: He can, but he doesn't have the zip on it :-/
<nebkat> DuKeTHeReaL: they think its the magical path to improvements
<nebkat> lolz
<DuKeTHeReaL> you mean Serbia joining the EU?
<nebkat> yes
<DuKeTHeReaL> Hm difficult question
<nebkat> fuck teh EU
* Jiangyi has never been to Europe :-P
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<DuKeTHeReaL> I'm very attached to the EU, I would even say - let's give them more of our money if we can get a stable European Community then, but otherwise I sometimes think, maybe some kind of autonomy is also good
<Gaglia> ok, done
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<Gaglia> I'll restart udev
<DuKeTHeReaL> I personally think this is why the EU is right in subsidarity
* nebkat never been outside of europe amd africa
<DuKeTHeReaL> BUT and this is a big BUT, the EU must move away from the countires leaders as European deciders
<Gaglia> List of devices attached
<Gaglia> cff19ea48137e2frecovery
<Gaglia> yeeee \o/
<Jiangyi> There ya go :-D
<DuKeTHeReaL> It's wrong if Angela Merkel, Hollande, Cameron, Tusk, Letta and Rajoy decide what's going on
<DuKeTHeReaL> it must be us
<Gaglia> adb push cm-10.0.0-i9100g.zip /sdcard/
<Gaglia> ops
<nebkat> couldve just let him sudo adb kill-server && sudo adb start-servee
<nebkat> n00bs
<Jiangyi> Gaglia: I would suggest you use CM10.1 :-P
<Gaglia> Jiangyi, is there a stable release for the i9100G?
<Jiangyi> cm-10.1-m3 would be fine.
<DuKeTHeReaL> Where's the problem with a nightly? :P
<Jiangyi> Even though it's labeled experimental, it's actually a milestone release lol
<Gaglia> well, too late <.<
<Jiangyi> Although nightlies work just as well.
<DuKeTHeReaL> ah
<nebkat> lets sum up what i see on facebook today in order of frequency
<DuKeTHeReaL> by the way
<Jiangyi> CM10 = 4.1.2, CM10.1 = 4.2.2
<Gaglia> I wouldn't feel comfortable though, remember I'm really a noob with CM
<DuKeTHeReaL> updating with the cm updater didn't work yesterday
<Gaglia> 3325 KB/s (160494662 bytes in 47.132s)
<nebkat> 1. stupid spammy like pages with pictures (25% are viruses)
<Gaglia> ok, it looks finished <.< now what?
<Jiangyi> Gaglia: adb push the gapps package.
<Gaglia> uh?
<DuKeTHeReaL> Or don't push it :P
<nebkat> 2. people posting videos of themselves doing utterly stupid shit
<DuKeTHeReaL> if you want to stay untracked of google :p
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<Gaglia> oh no thanks, no google stuff if I can avoid it :P
<nebkat> 3. stupid friends posts
<DuKeTHeReaL> wait gaglia
<nebkat> 4. ads
<Jiangyi> lol I haven't seen too many people avoiding google apps here
<nebkat> 5. genuinely good stuff
<Jiangyi> Most of the people who do are Chinese users :-P\
<DuKeTHeReaL> I don't use google either, but you can't use the google app store then :P
<Gaglia> uff
<Gaglia> ok, let's see
<nebkat> im going to stop using facebook and only use chat
<DuKeTHeReaL> you have to install them via apks or alternative stores like f-droid
<Gaglia> it's my first CM installation, I just don't want to make it complicate
<DuKeTHeReaL> :D
<Gaglia> http://goo.im/gapps this stuff, right?
<DuKeTHeReaL> You can always later push the g-apps zip - correct me jiangyi if I am wrong
<Gaglia> yep
<Jiangyi> DuKeTHeReaL: You can, but you'll just miss the setup wizard. :-P
<DuKeTHeReaL> I think he'll find the way into setting to create a google account
<Gaglia> Jiangyi, that link is the version for CM 10.0.1, is it ok as well?
<Jiangyi> Setup wizard is nice for restoring existing settings and such
<Jiangyi> Oh oops, my bad
<Gaglia> np :D
<Gaglia> yeah, found it, thanks
<Gaglia> downloading...
<DuKeTHeReaL> I think the facebook-app is also available as apk (I don't use this evil stuff) but generally I recomment using a store to automaticly update your apps
<DuKeTHeReaL> aaaand if you use facebook - you don
<DuKeTHeReaL> you can use google too :P
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<DuKeTHeReaL> @nebkat: Why did you move to Ireland? Do you enjoy it? :)
<Jiangyi> DuKeTHeReaL: Why do you not want to use Google? :-P
<Gaglia> to save time: after I push the gapps what shall I do next?
<Jiangyi> Gaglia: Go to install zip from sdcard and install the CM zip
<DuKeTHeReaL> throw your phone to the bin
<Jiangyi> After that finishes, install the gapps zip
<Jiangyi> Then factory reset/wipe data
<Jiangyi> Then reboot.
<Gaglia> ok, thanks :)
<DuKeTHeReaL> @Jiangyi: Google collects them all - just like a pokemon trainer ;)
<Gaglia> the bin is the B plan, lol
<Jiangyi> DuKeTHeReaL: It's not like they care about us little people :-P
<DuKeTHeReaL> Ahh
<DuKeTHeReaL> and you don't have anything to hide - do you?
<Jiangyi> Besides, you're kinda using their OS lol
<DuKeTHeReaL> So you don't care about data mining
<Jiangyi> I'd sooner let Google mine my data than something like Facebook :-P
<DuKeTHeReaL> And I won't let any of them ;)
<DuKeTHeReaL> but I use XMPP and my Bot is always chatting with me :P
<DuKeTHeReaL> and the only person who logs this is me :P
<Gaglia> ok, I've chosen "install zip from sdcard"
<Gaglia> should I toggle signature verification?
<Jiangyi> No.
<Gaglia> my choices: 1) choose zip from sdcard 2) apply /sdcard/update.zip 3) toggle signature verification 4) toggle script asserts 5) choose zip from internal sdcard
<Gaglia> but if I choose 1) nothing happens
<Gaglia> oh, message error at the bottom
<Gaglia> E:Can't mount /sdcard/
<Gaglia> should I unplug the USB cable first?
<DuKeTHeReaL> 5?
<Gaglia> 5) shows me some filesystem
<DuKeTHeReaL> yes
<Gaglia> there are some dir and files
<DuKeTHeReaL> navigate to the zip file
<Gaglia> but I can't find the zip of CM
<DuKeTHeReaL> uhm
<DuKeTHeReaL> you should find it in
<DuKeTHeReaL> /storage/emulate/0/Downdloads
<DuKeTHeReaL> maybe :p
<Jiangyi> Oh shoot, I forgot that it was reversed in recovery.
<DuKeTHeReaL> *emulated
<Jiangyi> Gaglia: adb push both zips to /emmc/
<DuKeTHeReaL> ah I always miss that you're doing some adb stuf xD
<Gaglia> uh ok
<Gaglia> uhm ok, now
<Gaglia> if I choose 1) always the same error
<Gaglia> but on 5) I can see the .zip this time!
<Gaglia> so I just select that one
<Gaglia> LOL
<Gaglia> COnfirm install?
<Gaglia> NO
<Gaglia> NO
<Gaglia> ...
<Gaglia> NO
<Gaglia> Yes...
<Thiagovfar> Yes looks like a winner.
<Gaglia> do I have your blessing Jiangyi ?
<DuKeTHeReaL> ^^
<DuKeTHeReaL> Um... I also have a Problem - Any App on CM 10.1 that uses the standard music interface can't play SOME of my Music Files and I don't know why because others work flawless
<DuKeTHeReaL> I could send you one of those files that DON'T work and you could say me if it's just me
<Thiagovfar> DuKeTHeReaL: Please provide samples of the non-working files.
<DuKeTHeReaL> :D
<Jiangyi> Gaglia: lol yes
<DuKeTHeReaL> how do I get them to you? :P
<Gaglia> ok
<Gaglia> installing...