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<ao> good mourning
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<ao> someone have problems with 10.1 branch for i9100 ? After a successful build my phone just goes blank anyone with the same problem ?
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<ao> someone can help ?
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<KNUBBIG> Hi again :) I rooted via cf-auto-root and now have CWM 5.something. Can I just get a flashable CWM image and flash it via ODIN or will that cause problems? Thanks :)
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<FOoa> hi
<FOoa> i have xperia active
<FOoa> can i use cm10?
<FOoa> its support otg?
<FOoa> need unlock bl?
<FOoa> need stock ics 4 before install cm10
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<FOoa> cm10 is stable?
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<FOoa> !?
<clibot> FOoa: Unknown command "?"
<jomp16> FOoa, Google it? If has CM, try it to see if is stable, support OTG?
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<FOoa> pls send me XDA link
<jomp16> !google xperia active xda developers
<clibot> jomp16: Sony Ericsson Xperia Active ��� xda-developers:
<jomp16> See this link...
<FOoa> thanks
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<a-st> Hello everyone ;)
<clibot> [Link] Xperia Mini, Mini Pro, Active, Live with Walkman Android Development - xda-developers
<FOoa> thank you
<a-st> I compiled CM10.1 on my own PC using this guide: Today I did an other guide but the build.prop/system.prop didn't get updated. What do I need to do so a new build.prop/system.prop gets generated?
<clibot> [Link] Build for i9100 - CyanogenMod
<a-st> I think this should be possible without "make clean" right? This would safe me a lot of time :D
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<KNUBBIG> I rooted via cf-auto-root and now have CWM 5.something. Can I just get a flashable CWM image and flash it via ODIN or will that cause problems? Thanks :)
<a-st> KNUBBIG: On which device?
<KNUBBIG> a-st: i9300
<a-st> Should be fine to flash newer cwm through cwm 5 :D
<KNUBBIG> a-st: okay, thanks :)
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<KNUBBIG> a-st: thank you, it worked via just getting a zip that I could install from my 'old' cwm :)
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<onequy> what exactly is the new experimental for the sgs2 i9100G? just another usual nightly?
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<criz_> kj
<criz_> hello
<a-st> hi
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<Jiangyi> nebkat: why you haz to kick me D-:
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: no pay
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<Jiangyi> nebkat: I'm waiting for the play store release :-/
<cdesai> Jiangyi: coming soon
<Jiangyi> keep :-D
<Jiangyi> yay*
<jomp16> Waiting for wat?
<jomp16> Nexus 4 costs R$ 1.700 in Brazil
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<DooMMasteR> nice: there are real retailes for the OUYA
<clibot> [Link] GAME prices OUYA at ��99, opens up pre-orders
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<Claude_> Hi all. Do I have to flash the bootloader GT-I9100G_JB_PBL_SBL.tar.md5 (codeworkx 1st post in to update from 10.1 February nightly to newest (including new gapps?
<clibot> [Link] [ROM][GT-I9100G][JB][4.2.2] CyanogenMod 10.1 official nightlies - xda-developers
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<Claude_> I have to flash new bootloader to remove funny screen color during boot, right?
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<RedShift> Claude_ you don't like the funny screen color? I worked really hard on that :-(
<Claude_> If it'd be the only reason to flash new bootloader I'd be happy to stay with the nice retro pixel style when starting up :-)
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<Paolo> hi
<Paolo> someone can reply at one question?
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<KNUBBIG> Paolo: just ask the question, if somebody can answer it, she or he will do so :)
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<Magmanthe> !supported Samsung
<clibot> Magmanthe: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<Magmanthe> !device
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<Chuck_Bartowski> !geo host
<clibot> Chuck_Bartowski: {country: "Poland", region: "Kujawsko-Pomorskie", city: "Polska", latlong: {52.593094, 19.089401}, time: "Thu 23:05 CET"}
<Chuck_Bartowski> CITY: "POLSKA"
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<acp_> hey guys i have an i9300, anyone recomment any decent rom's ??
<acp_> recommend**
<frankdrey> cm10.1
<acp_> apart from that i hate it lol
<frankdrey> why?
<frankdrey> we only support cyanogenmod
<acp_> i dont know, just dont like the feel of it and it kept saying could not connect to camera
<codeworkx> acp_: goto #turdpiss and ask there
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<acp_> well if you could help me resolve the camera problem i would be grateful?
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<acp_> thought this was a support chat but apparently not, just a bunch of people sitting around doing fuck all
<frankdrey> acp_, are you paying us?
<waratte-away> Yep, so get back to work.
<Thracky> ragequit while you're still ahead
<acp_> yes i donated money an then when my camera didn't work no one helped on the forum
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<Thracky> donation != paying for support
<Thracky> donation = thanks for the work you've done, go buy a beer.
<Thracky> don't be such an entitled douchenozzle.
<frankdrey> acp_, the CM devs already work very hard
<frankdrey> grab a logcat of what happens when you open camera
<acp_> yes i know they do
<frankdrey> my point is that we're not your workers that have to work for you
<acp_> all it says is could not connect to camera everytime i open it, i have wiped it and done a fresh install and the same thing happens
<frankdrey> get logcat, do you know how to use adb?
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<acp_> sorry, yes i know how to use adv
<acp_> adb*
<frankdrey> ok, hook up the phone
<frankdrey> run "adb logcat"
<frankdrey> open camera
<frankdrey> copy paste a page or two of logcat output
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<acp_> gimme 5 or 10 mins ill be back
<acp_> on cm10.1 where is the developer options to turn on debugging?
<frankdrey> go to settings > about
<frankdrey> tap build number 7 times
<acp_> kk
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<acp_> my pc accepts that a device is connected but when i run adb logcat it just hangs on waiting for device??
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<acp_> nothings working fuck my life
<frankdrey> acp_, windows or linux?
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<acp_> windows
<frankdrey> proper drivers installed?
<frankdrey> eh, someone else wanna take over?
<frankdrey> i gotta head out
<frankdrey> :p
<acp_> yeah proper drivers installed
<acp_> doesnt matter, thanks anyway
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