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<Onixs> super laggy after i updated supersu
<Onixs> lol
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<EgotisticalElf> my i777 (sgs2-att) won't boot with the battery in. the lights on the bottom blink for a split second, then the device stays off
<EgotisticalElf> thoughts?
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<frank_> sup all... i have a question about JB Bootloaders for the galaxay tab 2 10.1
<frank_> am i able to use the p5110 jb bootloader for the p5113 from this page ? i see some of the links say to use the p5110 for p5113 but on the jb bootloader it does not.
<clibot> [Link] [ROM][GT-P51XX][JB][4.2.2] CyanogenMod 10.1 official nightlies - xda-developers
<frank_> If i install a radio through odin into my galaxy tab 2 10.1 wifi p5113 will i be able to use it as a cell phone with a prepaid service?
<Jiangyi> frank_: No, you won't magically gain cellular capabilities that way. :-|
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<frank_> any way i can?
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<frank_> am i able to use the p5110 jb bootloader for the p5113
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<tother> i'm building i9100 and use the instructions from the cyanogen wiki. but i get the following error when i build it: it can't find sbin/cbd
<tother> when i connect via adb to the device, there is also no sbin/cbd
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<ikillcypher> Hello
<ikillcypher> anyone know where is the mc1n2_vol_hpgain value stored ?
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<Alaa> hello ?
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<Alaa> hello ?
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<frankdrey> Jiangyi, codeworkx, how's the nexus 4 camera??
<Jiangyi> Good enough. :-P
<frankdrey> ok :P
<frankdrey> i convinced a friend of mine to get a n4 :D
<Alaa> can sb help me a bit please
<Alaa> I have S3 and seen the CM mod Roms and really liked them .. but before I install them I need to know whether they support multi-window or not ?
<Alaa> it's really important for me
<Jiangyi> No. That's a TW thing.
<Ravenheart> is there any development on the S2 CM10 rom
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> cm10.1 only
<Ravenheart> is it easier now that samsung released the JB source
<codeworkx> they didn't release more than before
<codeworkx> kernel sources only
<Ravenheart> so no project butter still?
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<clibot> [Link] dbrand inc.
<Jiangyi> Dat black titanium. :o
<Jiangyi> Espenfjo: ^
<Bert_> Raven, yeah, but that said, there is still some work to do so that the Sammy code doesn't bork CM roms. :-(
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<codeworkx> Ravenheart: exynos is dead since month
<codeworkx> s
<Chris__> im a newbie to had an i phone for years... got a samsung galaxy s3 i9300
<Chris__> cant get clockwork mod to boot
<Chris__> installed on sd card (tar)
<codeworkx> Chris__: send it back and get a nexus 4
<codeworkx> Chris__: you need odin for that
<Chris__> is that a seperate app
<codeworkx> yes
<codeworkx> a horrible windows app from samsung
<Chris__> thank you i tried rom manager but says i do not have correct permissions
<Chris__> is there a free version of Odin?
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<Chris__> is there a free version of Odin?
<codeworkx> search xda
<frankdrey> ._.
<Chris__> thanks bye
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<Jiangyi> .............
<Jiangyi> Is there a day where we don't have weird people in here? ._.
<a3Dman> boom
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<Baskey> Jiangyi: don't count on it
<Jiangyi> :/
<Baskey> 4 U
<clibot> [Link] Twitter / TheFPShow: The last person who re-tweets ...
<chadouming> in soviet russia, you don't fall in love, love fall on you
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> In this case, literally :-P
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<clibot> [Link] Switch to openjdk 7 | BBQLinux
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Didn't you say openjdk7 doesn't work properly? ._.
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<Jiangyi> And oh hey, doesn't link to a trollface dancing anymore :-D
<waratte> :(
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: jdk7 works on cm
<Jiangyi> Alright then :-P Thanks!
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: arch removed jdk6 from repos
<Jiangyi> Oh I see.
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<Thiagovfar> Grr, I hate not being allowed to report bugs with my i9100
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<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: You talking about the notification problem?
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<Jiangyi> If so, report it under I9100G when M2 rolls out in a few days :-P
<clibot> [Link] Status bar -.- - YouTube
<Jiangyi> That happens on stock Samsung JB apprently. ._.
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<zmira> hey guys, can I ask anything about cyanogenmod here?
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<zmira> How do I configure the LED light on a SGSIII with the jellybam 6.4.0 rom?
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: No. It's about CM file manager, this time.
<Jiangyi> Oh.
<Jiangyi> What's wrong with it?
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<codeworkx> zmira: jellybam is not cm
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i missed to tag the trees for m2. dunno if i get home in time tomorrow.
<Jiangyi> Uh oh. D-:
<codeworkx> but.. who cares?
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<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Compression doesn't seem to work.
<Jiangyi> Oh right, I remember that problem.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: No M2 = No bug reports on the new problems :/
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<w00tc0d3> codeworkx: what's the diff between Arch Linux and BBQLINUX?
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<codeworkx> arch doesnt come with a desktop environment
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<codeworkx> just a minimal base
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<jomp16> Cody: for end users, BBQLinux is a good option to use Arch with graphical installer and desktop environment?
<chadouming> use cinnarch
<jomp16> apt-get/aptitude = pacman? || How to install and remove a program with pacman?
<chadouming> apt-get/aptitue != pacman
<Thiagovfar> man pacman
<chadouming> sudo pacman -S program | sudo pacman -R program
<jomp16> Desktop env is Cinnamon? Cool
<chadouming> desktop environement can be whatever you want
<chadouming> cinnamon is good looking tho
<chadouming> and cinnarch as "graphical" install
<jomp16> Has nvidia-current drivers? || I mean default desktop env...
<chadouming> all linux distribution come with open source driver
<chadouming> if you want proprietary driver, you must install it
<jomp16> Cinnarch is a graphical installer? And they install Arch + Cinnamon, programs and drivers?
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<jomp16> Sorry for my lack of experience with this...
<poker121> grazie
<chadouming> cinnarch is a distribution of linux, based on arch linux that include cinnamon as desktop environement. Cinnamon come with standard programs and drivers are mostly included in linux kernel
<chadouming> cinnarch as a live cd so you can install it easily
<chadouming> and it has a "graphical" installer
<jomp16> Its can burn in USB?
<chadouming> what you just said make no sens
<chadouming> e
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<jomp16> Burn the .iso in USB device... I doesn't have a CD...
<chadouming> you can do that with all bootable disk
<jomp16> Oh, Cinnarch is good for me
<jomp16> I don't want tom use Ubuntu again...
<jomp16> To use *
<chadouming> why ?
<jomp16> Move to another Linux dist...
<chadouming> why you don't want to use ubuntu again ?
<jomp16> Ubuntu is slow in my PC, principally 12.10, I can use 12.04. || I want to try other Linux, with low specs requirements, and know more Linux, etc
<jomp16> That's make no sense for you...
<jomp16> If I want to know more about Linux, I need to use pure Arch, Gentoo, etc
<chadouming> if you want to know more about linux, you need to use linux
<chadouming> no need to use any distribution specially
<jomp16> But I'm a end user... So I need some help, like graphics
<chadouming> also, arch linux is known as die hard linux
<jomp16> You mean: use the true Linux?
<chadouming> linux is the kernel
<chadouming> which you have on any linux distribution
<chadouming> it's probably not the best idea to start learning with arch linux
<jomp16> I know some commands from Ubuntu, but I have Google and a friend who's know Linux...
<jomp16> So, Challenge Accepted (rage face)
<Espenfjo> :D
<chadouming> eh , have fun
<jomp16> ...
<jomp16> Yes, I will die, Windows sucks my brain...
<Espenfjo> Go with arch
<Espenfjo> if it breaks fix it
<Espenfjo> If you cant fix it, try again
<Espenfjo> If you cant fix it, try again
<Espenfjo> If you cant fix it, reinstall
<jomp16> Motto: try, try, try (infinite)
<Espenfjo> Yes
<jomp16> :-P
<chadouming> Espenfjo, that's what i did
<chadouming> and what used to reinstall every weeks xD
<chadouming> and more
<Espenfjo> When I started using Linux for about 12-13 years ago I think I reinstalled debian four or five times the first few weeks
<Espenfjo> things werent as smooth back then :P
<jomp16> I'm 15 old guy...
<chadouming> lol
<chadouming> i started "playing" with linux 6 years ago
<Espenfjo> I were 15 eleven years ago myself. So started with Linux before that :P
<chadouming> didnt really liked it by that time
<chadouming> right now i'm only on linux
<chadouming> killed windows :D
<chadouming> but i still struggle some time xD
<jomp16> I will have dual boot, if I break Linux, I can fix or change to Win
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<jomp16> You can use some operations in Windows with VM...
<chadouming> lol, learn it the hard way
<chadouming> i don't need windows
<chadouming> rebooting
<jomp16> I will learn...
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* a3Dman isn't used to breaking his installs
<Espenfjo> I started with Linux when 2.4 was new, and they started implementing ext3
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<Espenfjo> Still remember the fine data corruption bug in 2.4.7
<Espenfjo> :D
<chadouming> haha
<chadouming> good ol linux kernel
<a3Dman> Espenfjo: bad times lol
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<a3Dman> issues I liked to fix was the ones related to gentoo, it was like solving a puzzle xD
<Espenfjo> hehe, yeah
<a3Dman> I was a fan of USE commands, infinite optimizations
<a3Dman> and less bloat
<Espenfjo> yeah
<chadouming> eh, i have 3 games on linux currently
<Espenfjo> Cant really remember when I stopped using Gentoo. Probably six or seven years ago :P
<Flumdahl_> what are u using now ?
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<Espenfjo> Flumdahl: OS X :D heh
<Flumdahl> :D
<a3Dman> Espenfjo: same here
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<Flumdahl> i miss my macbook pro !
<a3Dman> I settled with OS X also :P
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<Espenfjo> I just want something that works now. I do not want to mess around with xorg.conf, or patching nvidia drivers to support newer kernels
<a3Dman> I use graphics software, and I need a UNIX shell, so OS X is just good for that
<Espenfjo> yeah
<Flumdahl> :D
<chadouming> champion of regnum, counter-strike source and dwarves?! . If I have ati proprietary driver, black screen on 2 last at launch, if i use open source driver all 3 launch but 1st as so much graphical glitch it's not playable
<Espenfjo> Using RHEL all over the place at work, and debian for my servers. Its nice
<chadouming> #linuxuserproblems xD
<a3Dman> debian is great for servers
<a3Dman> no crazy updates, and decent enough
<a3Dman> CentOS is the one which sucks badly
<a3Dman> I think they're still using 2.6 or something
<chadouming> lol
<Espenfjo> Probably
<waratte> :D
<Espenfjo> RHEL6 (rhel7 comes q2) uses 2.6.32
<Espenfjo> But its enterprise, so its fine
<chadouming> lol
<chadouming> i never liked red ha
<chadouming> t
<a3Dman> I just hope Apple wont fuck up OS X, it's the best thing they have right now...
<chadouming> i tried fedora and I had so much problem that i gave up xD
<Espenfjo> a3Dman: yeah, I hope they dont do a Windows 8 :P
<a3Dman> yeah
<chadouming> eh, windows 8 is not that bad
<chadouming> sure it's different
<chadouming> get over it
<a3Dman> I need to use my 22" monitor lol
<chadouming> eh, i have a great old 4:3 19" monitor xD
<a3Dman> I have 2 15" CRT monitors
<chadouming> wow
<chadouming> got rid of those in '05
<a3Dman> they're working good
<chadouming> yeah, they will only get you blind
<a3Dman> I don't use them for years
<a3Dman> I still keep them, reason? I don't know...
<chadouming> haha
<chadouming> my 4:3 monitor is my main monitor
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<a3Dman> I'm not fan of 4:3
<chadouming> same her
<chadouming> e
<chadouming> but no money for upgrade xD
<a3Dman> I need to get a new monitor and do a portrait monitor
<a3Dman> saves scrolling like iPhone 20
<chadouming> haha
<a3Dman> I have no money now also...
<chadouming> #firstworldstudents problem
<waratte> Wha?
<a3Dman> yes.
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<Kihokki> I got my 20" Acer display with only 100€ :p and it has worked over 4 years for now
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<Jiangyi> Bah, something's wrong with my python
<Jiangyi> *** Error in `python': double free or corruption (out): 0x00007f5164015ee0 *** <- Happens everytime I try to do a repo sync :-|