nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
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<simple> what work needs to be done for Skyrocket CM 10.1 builds?
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<Raccoon> j ##galaxy
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<leogp> hi there
<leogp> just wondering how to show the mobile data info on my status bar
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<leogp> i never know on which data i am, LTE, 3G,
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<sparrow_9> hi
<NerdyGuitarist> hi
<sparrow_9> ive flashed few roms on my i9100 including the original 4.0.3 from samsung
<sparrow_9> and now im using official 4.1.2 rom but my power button has no menu
<sparrow_9> 1 press n it locks and 1 next press unlocks
<sparrow_9> even tho i can go to options n select different lock methods like swipe etc
<sparrow_9> any help bout this is appretiated
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<Jiangyi> sparrow_9: We don't support samsung ROMs here
<NerdyGuitarist> we hacksung :D
<NerdyGuitarist> we killsung :D
<sparrow_9> well i hacked it :P hehe
<clibot> Gerrit Code Review
<Jiangyi> NerdyGuitarist: Wait
<Jiangyi> NerdyGuitarist: Which is the Ukrainian language setting in Android? I can't tell xD
<NerdyGuitarist> Jiangyi, borked link?
<NerdyGuitarist> :|
<NerdyGuitarist> hold up
<NerdyGuitarist> укранська
<NerdyGuitarist> erm...
<NerdyGuitarist> it dun removed one letter, but *shrug*
<NerdyGuitarist> i should set up my keylayouts so i can actually type it
<Jiangyi> NerdyGuitarist: Okie thanks
<NerdyGuitarist> Jiangyi, so you don't want an upvote or whatever?
<NerdyGuitarist> because that link is borked
<Jiangyi> o_O it is?
<clibot> Gerrit Code Review
<Jiangyi> NerdyGuitarist: I just wanted to make sure Ukrainian wasn't borked
<Jiangyi> Who knows if I made a stupid copy-pasta error xD
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<NerdyGuitarist> hmm?
<NerdyGuitarist> hmm i think i need to open this in chrome
<NerdyGuitarist> opera isn't showing me anything past the review page :|
<Jiangyi> lolwhut
<Jiangyi> People actually use Opera? xD
<NerdyGuitarist> yes ._.
<NerdyGuitarist> chrome takes like a minute to load with my slow HDD and RAM
<NerdyGuitarist> i might as well keep chrome running 24/7 :D
<Jiangyi> Firefox/
<Jiangyi> ?
<NerdyGuitarist> HA
<NerdyGuitarist> even slower
* NerdyGuitarist is playing Descent
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<Kashif> Hi
<Kashif> I have recently installed CM 10.1 nighly on my GS3
<Kashif> international
<Kashif> can you suggest me a good working kernel with CM 10.1 I was using siyah, apparently that doesn't support CM 10.1
<Kashif> NEBKAt are you there?
<sparrow_9> i solved the lock screen options problem guys
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<sparrow_9> just to help anyone else >> created the keystr file with text "ON" in /efs/imei
<sparrow_9> then used chown command to set ownership
<sparrow_9> works now beautifully :)
<sparrow_9> bye n thnx
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<DuperMan> call me mr. on topic: By accepting my (Buyer) offer,
<DuperMan> If "Sold B0009 (Item) is blacklisted";*
<DuperMan> 1.Seller will refund Buyer equal sums as Buyer paid for Item, it's s&h (from/to Seller).
<DuperMan> you (Seller) accept that:
<DuperMan> 2.Seller wavers restocking fees for Item.
<DuperMan> * As defined by Amazon
<DuperMan> I love applicable Legalese^_^
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<Jhdl> Hi
<Jhdl> I have a galaxy s2 (I9100), there is currently no stable version of cyanogenmod 10.1, is there going to be some stable version?
<Jhdl> could somone suggest me some alternatives?
<codeworkx> use the nightlies
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<Jhdl> are there other good custom roms ?
<Jhdl> instead of cyanogenmod?
<codeworkx> no
<Jhdl> should I use 9
<Jhdl> ist version 9 of cyanogenmod stable for galaxy s2?
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<codeworkx> Jhdl: use 10.1
<Jhdl> but my mobile gets crashed every 10 minutes with 10.1
<angelsl> you're doing something wrong then
<bealtine> that doesnt sound like a rom problem
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<Fissurez> huehuehue
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<kZard|nb> I have a CM 10.1 nightly on my GS II. It seems like it can't detect Wireless N networks. Is this a known issue?
<kZard|nb> (or is it just me)
<whitequark> kZard|nb: just you
<whitequark> worksforme
<kZard|nb> okay
<whitequark> though I won't say for sure that it detects .an networks
<kZard|nb> :S
<whitequark> .n does work. .an should.
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<kZard|nb> It won't detect my laptop's network, whist it used to on stock, and my brother's phone does
<kZard|nb> it detects our house network
<whitequark> oh that is nothing surprising
<whitequark> what do you use, windows?
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<Poor-gUy> anyone here
<Ntemis> no
<Poor-gUy> dammit
<Poor-gUy> wait
<Poor-gUy> i am trying to make cyanogenmod functional again
<Poor-gUy> all my tries have critically failed
<Poor-gUy> .... can anyone help me
<Poor-gUy> anyone ?
<Poor-gUy> please
<Poor-gUy> GUYS please
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<kZard|nb> yes whitequark
<kZard|nb> It is a Wireless Hotspot though, and it worked using stock
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<whitequark> kZard|nb: the AP it advertises is most certainly simply fucked up
<kZard|nb> what, the windows one?
<kZard|nb> I wouldn't be surprised
<whitequark> yea
<kZard|nb> it works though
<kZard|nb> :D
<kZard|nb> what is wrong with it, (for interest sake now)
<whitequark> you can be amazed how far things need to be fucked up to stop working
<whitequark> kZard|nb: anything from 2k-or-so pages of the standard
<kZard|nb> sadness
<kZard|nb> so, Cyanogenmod works when connecting to proper n routers?
<whitequark> 2.4g, yes, certainly
<whitequark> I have one at work and at home, works with both
<whitequark> 5g, I dunno, but should.
<kZard|nb> I don't know how to find out or test what my computer is using for the hotspot
<whitequark> google
<kZard|nb> what should I google? I don't know the words to use :D
<whitequark> or: install linux and $ iw phy |grep MHz
<kZard|nb> hmmm. So it is possible to make an AP on linux?
<kZard|nb> last I heard my more linux-inclined friends said you couldn't.
<whitequark> trivially
<kZard|nb> oh cool
<whitequark> you can even make an AP *and* still use it as a STA
<whitequark> as long as they are both on the same channel
<whitequark> well that depends on your wifi card. don't use broadcom, ever.
<whitequark> intel and atheros supports it
<whitequark> *support
<kZard|nb> I think you can do that with windows too
<bealtine> dont mind him he's a religious nutter
<whitequark> i'm simply not using windows for 4+ years or so
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<whitequark> so I've no idea if you can or not
<bealtine> my screwdriver is better than yours
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<whitequark> i don't give a fuck
<whitequark> you ask for a solution, i reply how you could do it with my tools
<whitequark> don't like it, go ask someone else
<kZard|nb> I've used linux as my main OS a few times, each time after getting too much grief from windows. These last 2 years though, I've gotten less sillyness from windows than linux though. I do miss it attimes
<kZard|nb> nono, it is interesting. I'd like to use it on linux too
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<kZard|nb> I'm just curious as to why it worked whith stock and doesn't seem to now that I'm on CM
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<whitequark> see above
<kZard|nb> Is it really that different? I can't see that samsung messed around that much
<bealtine> sure but the my OS is better than your OS is just plain silly
<whitequark> bealtine: I never said that
<whitequark> if you read the log, I did say that windows sucks at softAP
<whitequark> mostly because it was written to work like a *real* AP, unless linux, which is used at like 100% of modern routers
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<whitequark> *was not
<cicciopasticcio_> oi
<cicciopasticcio_> oi
<whitequark> kZard|nb: it might be anything
<kZard|nb> what I'm saying is, did samsung then go and make special effort to enable connection to window's broken AP? I wouldn't expect so, since it's not all that commonly used
<cicciopasticcio_> no
<whitequark> if you really want to know it that badly, fire up wireshark and check the packets against the spec.
<bealtine> do you have any wifi analyzer app?
<whitequark> good luck
<cicciopasticcio_> have fun
<kZard|nb> I do
<kZard|nb> lol, wireshark would be a mission...
<kZard|nb> :D
<kZard|nb> I'm not picking up anything besides our router wifi AP on the wifi analyzer app
<kZard|nb> *apps
<kZard|nb> I tried a few
<kZard|nb> also, it could be possible that it is the move from 4.0.4 to 4.2.1 that did something
<kZard|nb> but I'd rather expect it's something to do with badly-documented samsung HW / something
<bealtine> i've no idea relly but i do suspect the samsung libs
<bealtine> it does work here on 2.4
<whitequark> kZard|nb: the hw is from broadcom. it obviously sucks, but if your AP would be compliant, it won't have problems connecting to it
<whitequark> try different wifi firmwares
<whitequark> also logcat.
<bealtine> yeah
<kZard|nb> wifi firmwares?
<kZard|nb> on my pc?
<bealtine> drivers for your card
<whitequark> kZard|nb: no, on your phone
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<kZard|nb> lol whitequark, if you're being sarcastic you're really going to confuse me
<kZard|nb> :D
<whitequark> I'm not in fact
<kZard|nb> okay
<kZard|nb> hmmm. How do you replace wifi firmwares?
<kZard|nb> Is it similar to "radio"
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<bealtine> you can connect to your AP but not the notebook hotspot?
<kZard|nb> yes
<kZard|nb> I can't see it
<kZard|nb> my brother's phone and my mom's pc both see my PC hotspot (and can connect to it)
<bealtine> and can you see it with analyzer?
<kZard|nb> (both are of Apple make though)
<kZard|nb> no
<bealtine> 2.4 or 5G ?
<kZard|nb> I tried with another phone that isn't wifi n capable, and it couldn't see it, so I'm assuming it's n
<kZard|nb> How do I check for 2.4 or 5 GHz?
<bealtine> analyzer
<kZard|nb> ah, of course
<kZard|nb> my brother's phone is an apple device though
<kZard|nb> *iphone 4s
<bealtine> i dont have a %G AP so I can't check it
<bealtine> 5G
<kZard|nb> ok
<kZard|nb> hmmm... half-n wifi is 2.4 only right?
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<Nibbler> anybody online?
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<kZard|nb> bealtine, my laptop's wifi can only transmit 2.4 GHz
<bealtine> should be ok then
<bealtine> i dont know really I've rarely had problems
<kZard|nb> so you can connect to a Windows Wireless n AP with an I9100 running a CM10.1 nightly?
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<kZard|nb> (just to be clear)
<bealtine> i dont have an i9100 either:)
<kZard|nb> :D
<kZard|nb> okay
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<Xello> man, anyone using a class 10 64gb micro sd?
* jug6ernaut has a class 4
<Xello> just opened this, put into windows, cant format lol
<jug6ernaut> did u put it in ur phone first?
<jug6ernaut> and what do u mean can't format
<Xello> nah i want to put it to ntfs and transfer data before i use it
<Xello> windows giving off errors when i try to format
<jug6ernaut> what are u formatting with
<Xello> windows 7 right click
<Xello> doing some googling, seems a common problem hmm
<jug6ernaut> brand?
<clibot> Sandisk Ultra 64GB Class 10 Micro SD Card with SD Adapter - FFP: Computers & Accessories
<Xello> might have done something with diskpart
<jug6ernaut> ?
<Jiangyi> Yay thanks cody :-D
<kZard|nb> whitequark, where should I start looking for wifi firmwares?
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<whitequark> kZard|nb: old cyanogenmod images
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<kZard|nb> oh. I see
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<Xello> well fuck that for a waste of time. cant get this sd card formatted to anything
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<codeworkx> Xello: sure it's actually a sd card? xD
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<Jiangyi> Wow, damn quiet today :-|
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: everyone moved to nexus 4
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: nothing to discuss
<Jiangyi> :/
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: My N4 creaks a bit at the bottom-right now, yours?
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<codeworkx> no
<Jiangyi> Ah FML :-|
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<Jiangyi> These things just love to happen to me....
<Xello> @codeworkx huh
<bbqbot> Xello: Command does not exist!
<Xello> amazon instarefund anyway
<Xello> will try a class 6
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<codeworkx> Xello: what brand?
<Xello> sandisk
<codeworkx> lol
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<codeworkx> buy a transcend
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<Jiangyi> Sandisk has served me well in the past :-P
<Jiangyi> So has Patriot
<codeworkx> everyone is having problems with sandisk
<Xello> i found a thread with advice to use mini partition manager or something to sort it
<Xello> went through the steps in that but could never get it going
<Xello> another suggested using clean command in diskpart, which did something but also put out an error message, so never did it fully
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<Xello> from all the stuff i seen, avoiding class 10 altogether
* Jiangyi always got class 10 cards
<Jiangyi> Now that I don't have an I9100G, my 16GB c10 Patriot is just sitting there doing nothing :-|
<Xello> you got a class 10 64gb?
<Jiangyi> No
<codeworkx> Xello: dont use sandisk
<Jiangyi> Too expensive xD
<Xello> idk the difference even, probably speed which idc about
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<Xello> hmm i've only ever used sandisk, prob 10 cards or so over the years
<Xello> first time i had a prob like this
<Xello> not too bothered about the make though
<Xello> i assumed they would all be the same shit with a different print
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<Xello> is 64 approaching the limits of that tech though? i wonder if we will see 128GB micro sd
<whitequark> i wonder when will someone finally make non-power-of-2 microsd
<whitequark> the 64gb card you have isn't _really_ 64gb
<whitequark> it's something like 70gb or so.
<Xello> you get about 60
<whitequark> no
<Xello> you get about 60 usable GB
<Xello> the progs told me that much
<whitequark> even if it's truly 64GiB in raw size, the actual underlying storage size, which you will never see, is larger
<whitequark> by quite a big amount
<whitequark> 70 or maybe 80 gb
<whitequark> learn what ECC is and how NAND flashes work
<whitequark> the truth is, there is no technical requirement to make them 2**n-sized
<Xello> hmm no other brands i can find for class 6 so sandisk it is
<chadouming_home> arn't they working on 512GB micro sd ?
<chadouming_home> or 512GB in the size of a micro sd
<whitequark> yay stacked dies
<Xello> is there a way to tell what class your card is, other than what the seller puts in their description?
<Jiangyi> Read the number on the card itself? ._.
<whitequark> Xello: that's its speed right? you can always run a benchmark
<Xello> theres no indication on the cards jiangyi
<Xello> quark that sounds good
<Jiangyi> ._. All the ones I've bought had
<Xello> apparently the s3 lacks the ability to make use of the extra speed of these class 10s too
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<kZard|nb> remind me, where can I find the list of changes / commits to the Nightly builds?
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<kZard|nb> thanks
<chadouming_home> you can also write
<chadouming_home> @changelog i9100
<clibot> BBQLog - Official CyanogenMod 7, 9, 10 and 10.1 Changelog for Android distrubtion
<clibot> CM10.1 Nightlies Changelog - I9100
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<chadouming_home> Bert_, well, we don't have ads
<chadouming_home> and we are using github, not gerrit api
<Bert_> Well, I have given up on reviving my constantly rebooting p4wifi. Must start looking for replacement. Nexus 10 or something else?
<Jiangyi> Nexus 10 :-P
<Bert_> Is that a good :-P or a bad :-P ?
<codeworkx> Bert_: buy an ipad
<Bert_> Hell, I ain't making many friends today!
<codeworkx> Bert_: doesn't the name "nexus" already say it's a good one? :-P
<Bert_> Code: it may say Nexus, but it also says Samsung, an my last one died after +-1 year. Though my i9100 is working fine.
<codeworkx> true dat
<codeworkx> Bert_: you can choose between made in korea, from korea, manufactured in korea
<codeworkx> so it doesn't matter which name is on it
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<Jiangyi> Bert_: I'm telling you to go buy Nexus 10 lol
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: There's also the Made in Taiwan option (ASUS Nexus 7) xD
<codeworkx> oh right
<codeworkx> isn't taiwan and korea the same?
<Jiangyi> ................
<Jiangyi> No? ._.
<codeworkx> taiwan, korea and china
<codeworkx> for me it's same
<clibot> [redirected]: South Korea to Taiwan - Google Maps
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You blind :-P
<codeworkx> like i've said.
<codeworkx> all the same
* Jiangyi is not the same as Koreans >_>
<codeworkx> U ARE!
<codeworkx> U KANG
<codeworkx> U STEAL CODE
<codeworkx> U FUCK GPL
<codeworkx> :-P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: beat it
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: It's like us saying that all white people are the same :-P
<codeworkx> they are
<codeworkx> they are all white
<Jiangyi> You all lazy
<codeworkx> right
<codeworkx> we let others work for us.
<Jiangyi> Ah damn, I can't think of racist things :-|
<codeworkx> for example: chinese
<Jiangyi> oh right
<Jiangyi> You all dumber than Asians :-P
<Bert_> Yeah, we lazy. We can't even decide on which tablet to buy all on our own!
<codeworkx> go and produce more phones
<Jiangyi> You guys have silleh and stupid patent system/problemz
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: stfu and go back to work. we need more phones
<chadouming_home> crowdsourcing ftw
* codeworkx hides
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: u no pay me, I no work, I go enjoy government benefits
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: That's the Canadian way :-P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: u don't have rights. and 1 eur per months is enoug payment
<chadouming_home> lol
<chadouming_home> codeworkx, don't try, he is in canada now
<codeworkx> damn
<chadouming_home> don't know
<codeworkx> Y NO NEXUS NIGHTLY?
<chadouming_home> maybe it was in a foxcon revolution
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: The geniuses who took 6 years to process an immigration application. :-P
<chadouming_home> 6 years !
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: wants n4 build?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I be running 4.3 nao, cuz I built teh phonez and I get early access
<chadouming_home> eh, there wont be 4.3
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: wants or not?
<Jiangyi> Sure? :/
<codeworkx> k, then i'll push it to popbox
<Jiangyi> (Even though I can just brew a new build in 20 min xP)
<codeworkx> w0h00
<chadouming_home> codeworkx, he is chinese, he want's, he builds
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: new machine?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: No, got rid of crappy 80GB IDE hard drive xD
<chadouming_home> lol
<chadouming_home> IDE is a 90' things
<Jiangyi> And I mean 20min on a dirty build
<codeworkx> lol
<chadouming_home> sata is the new way !
<Jiangyi> Clean build = 1 hour
<chadouming_home> codeworkx, clean build 20 mins ?
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You use Google cam or CM cam on N4?
<codeworkx> google
<Jiangyi> k
<Jiangyi> Am I like, the only one who uses CM cam? :-|
<codeworkx> yep
<codeworkx> cause we haz the photosphere
<Jiangyi> Bah, screw photosphere
<Jiangyi> I'd take power shutter and adjustments everywhere over Photosphere anyday :-P
<Jiangyi> Although power shutter is bugged on all devices
<Jiangyi> And focusing seems to be better on google's.....
<Bert_> Just looking over the CM10.1 i9100 changelogs.... looks like the devs have been working hard this week!
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<leonelfk> hello
<leonelfk> holaaaaa
<leonelfk> hay alguien aqui_
<leonelfk> i need help
<Bert_> Don't we all!
<leonelfk> what_
<leonelfk> i want to install the last official rom to my i9100
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<Jiangyi> <- Still sad that this died :/
<clibot> Gerrit Code Review
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi:
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<Jiangyi> z0mg
<Jiangyi> it doesn't say experimental? xD
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<Jiangyi> thanks cody
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i cheated
<Jiangyi> ?
<Jiangyi> How?
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<Bert_> leonelfk try (adjust for your device, region and if it is locked (i.e. provider supplies the ROM))
<clibot> [TUTORIAL] How to flash back to a Stock ROM! (@mod: Sticky idea?) - xda-developers
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Did you download Crysis 3 beta?
<codeworkx> no
<Jiangyi> :-P
<codeworkx> i never played crysis
<Jiangyi> Me neither, but... :-P
<Turilo> i did, hard as hell
<Turilo> to many nerdy 24hr playing sharp shooters
<Turilo> online lol
<chadouming_home> lol
<Turilo> dead space 3 in 2 days is my game :)
<Jiangyi> chadouming_home: BF3? C:
<chadouming_home> i'm on linux
<chadouming_home> havnt reinstalled everything
<chadouming_home> and killed my windows partition
<Turilo> oh damn :/
<Jiangyi> :/
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<Kihokki> !Changelog i9100
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<Jiangyi> Blah, I forgot to eat lunch :-|
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<Fissurez> Jiangyi crysis 1 was good, crysis 2 was generic and boring
<Baskey> BAM
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<JoeKloo> someone online?
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<Bert_> Nope, no one here.
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<NerdyGuitarist> Bert_, LIAR
<NerdyGuitarist> i'm here :)
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<tuhoojabotti> me too
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* Jiangyi doesn't even have PS2 installed atm
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<NerdyGuitarist> codeworkx, now you can be productive :D
<codeworkx> no
<NerdyGuitarist> lol
<codeworkx> nexus 4 is running fine
<codeworkx> nothing to do
* NerdyGuitarist has a lot to do ._.
<NerdyGuitarist> too much
waratte is now known as waratte-away
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Fix 9100g sensor calibration? :-P
<codeworkx> works
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Everyone says calibrating with it just makes it worse
<codeworkx> cause they're doing it wrong
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<NerdyGuitarist> how does device ID work in android?
<NerdyGuitarist> is it randomly generated?
<NerdyGuitarist> does it go away when i wipe data?
<NerdyGuitarist> s/go away/change/
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