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<whitequark> hey folks
<whitequark> i wanna an lte smartphone
<whitequark> (LTE 2600/band 7 in particular)
<whitequark> advice?
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<Jiangyi> The only one that I know of is the Optimus G :/
<Jiangyi> And I don't exactly wanna recommend that lol
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<Thracky> what u got against the optimus g? :P
<Thracky> (other than it's a pain in the ass to root and unlock)
<whitequark> optimus g looks quite good to me
<Thracky> me and chadouming have it, it's nice
<Jiangyi> Thracky: chadouming tells me horror stories about it :-P
<Thracky> cause he always breaks it :P
<Thracky> then it takes them over a month to fix it
<whitequark> hm
<whitequark> does it run cm well?
<Jiangyi> Well, how's CM going on it anyways?
<whitequark> hmm?
<Thracky> great now
<Thracky> capacitive buttons and nfc pretty much fixed
<whitequark> wifi?
<whitequark> lte?
<Thracky> so all major functionality is there now
<Thracky> ofc
<Thracky> those were fixed a while ago
<Jiangyi> Oh?
<Thracky> cap buttons and nfc were the last 2 major things
<Jiangyi> I thought capacitive keys were still broken :-P
<Thracky> nope, fixed this week
<Jiangyi> How hard is it to flash?
<Thracky> kind of a pain in the ass
<Jiangyi> HTC-level pain?
<Thracky> also, only the canadian models and the australian one are easy to unlock
<Thracky> well, there's absolutely ZERO unlock support from LG
<Thracky> I dunno if they even have cm booting on at&t/sprint yet
<Thracky> but they have a "nexus 4 conversion" going
<whitequark> i'm gonna get one on ebay anyway, probably a used one (this is an experiment anyway)
<Thracky> hardware and build wise it's a great phone imo
<Thracky> just lg locking that shit down sucks
<Jiangyi> Oh yeah, speaking of build quality, think I'm finally gonna RMA my N4
<Thracky> o yea? what was wrong with it?
<Jiangyi> It's creaking, which is in turn making the vibrator feels like it's sticking a bit :/
<Jiangyi> Gets on my nerves sometimes
<Thracky> wierd
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<Jiangyi> The other things about it I'm OK with
<whitequark> dammit, four variants and neither lists the lte frequencies
<whitequark> this really sucks
<Thracky> which carriers use band 7?
<whitequark> Thracky: russian ones
<whitequark> well, one, there is one functioning lte carrier here
<whitequark> and they don't even have voice, but I'm fine with it
<Thracky> bell apparently uses band 7
<Thracky> which is the E973
<Thracky> same as the telus one I have
<whitequark> because I'm so fucking tired of greedy gsm ones with such data plans that even ADSL in 2005 was far better
<Thracky> actually they use 7 and 4 :|
<whitequark> hm
<whitequark> so E973 would be fine for me?
<whitequark> it seems that sprint also has E973
<Jiangyi> Rogers has the 2600 variant.
<Thracky> I have service manual for the e973 so I can prolly look
<Thracky> *the
<Jiangyi> And there's no way that Sprint's variant is the E973.
<Thracky> no it's not
<Thracky> is the LS970
<Thracky> *it's
<whitequark> ok, so I won't buy that one...
<whitequark> hm, there are multiple sprint ones sold as e973 on ebay
<Jiangyi> Fail? :/
<Thracky> well e973 definitely isn't the sprint variant
<Thracky> it's the bell/telus one
<Thracky> e971 is the rogers
<whitequark> oh wait cdma, I definitely do not want THAT
<Thracky> yeah :P
<Jiangyi> Yeah, E971 it is.
<Jiangyi> That's the one.
<whitequark> ok. how does one unlock it?
<whitequark> because I'm probably not going to phone Rogers or something like that
<whitequark> Thracky: btw
<Jiangyi> Buy an unlock code? :/
<whitequark> The main difference from this phone and the E973 version is the 700/2600mhz LTE frequency for Rogers as opposed to 700/1700 for Bell/Telus/Sasktel
<Thracky> there you go
<whitequark> so E973 is not the right one for me
<Thracky> bell does have some 2600mhz but very little
<Thracky> so I figured it wouldn't be.
<Jiangyi> E973 is basically the same as the N4
<Jiangyi> In terms of bands that is.
<whitequark> I see
<Thracky> unlocking you'd have to buy a code yes
<whitequark> Jiangyi: buy an unlock code? I assumed that whole thing was a fraud
<Jiangyi> Rogers LTE is pretty fast on the N4
<Thracky> nah it's legit whitequark I've bought unlock codes many times
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<Jiangyi> So have I.
<whitequark> wtf, who sells them?
<whitequark> this really does look like a fraud
<whitequark> but ok
<Jiangyi> Nah, they're safe :-P
<Jiangyi> Back in the days, there were pretty cheap for me.
<Jiangyi> Not sure how much they charge now....
<Thracky> 25-35 bucks usually
<Jiangyi> Ouch.
<Jiangyi> It was $8 when I last bought one. :/
<Jiangyi> Which was like 1 1/2 years ago?
<whitequark> C$350 is pretty cheap for such a phone
<whitequark> hmm
<Thracky> maybe cellunlocker is cheaper I dunno
<Thracky> but they didn't always have availability for canadian phones
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<Jiangyi> Last code I bought was for my GS Captivate :-P
<whitequark> they even ship to russia, neat
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<Jiangyi> whitequark: Just don't screw up flashing it, if you do, you'll have no warranty :-P
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<whitequark> Jiangyi: well it has exposed jtag, right? right?:D
<Jiangyi> Right, JTAG. :-P
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Does it have exposed JTAG? lol
<Thracky> I think mobiletechvideos guy does jtag for it now yes
<Thracky> ah maybe not
<whitequark> i was mostly joking
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<sefeing> hi i,
<sefeing> im havingf a problem installing an app on my galaxy tab 2 7.0. the app was available in the makert before i installed cm 10.1 but now it comes up as my device is not compatible
<sefeing> any help wouild be appreciated
<sefeing> also, hulu plus sometimes goes wonky and the video ends up as a small little line
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<elvin> anyone here ?
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<sefeing> any help? with the weird market and hulu behavior?
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<iKillCypher> Samsung Galaxy Premier ? Seriously
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<mjt> heck. this premier - that looks very similar to S3...
<iKillCypher> yeah lol and OMAP ?!
<iKillCypher> wtf
<mjt> oh. i didn't notice the CPU/platform
<iKillCypher> great support for cyanogenmod
<iKillCypher> lol
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<NeoSilverDagger> Not going to lie, more people in the here than expected
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<NeoSilverDagger> Well I'm off, this was an experience :P
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<Fissurez> BASKEY
<Fissurez> UHM
<Fissurez> SO DO I
<Fissurez> :D
<Baskey> YAS
<Fissurez> i also cannot read polish
<Fissurez> IS NOT TOO GOOD
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<rekoil> I have an i9305n, flashed a new stock samsung rom for I9305 (not N), flashed modem.bin for I9305N, now I have no radio
<rekoil> any tips?
<rekoil> first samsung phone
<Fissurez> sell it and buy a nexus
<bealtine> why did you flash a new radio?
<rekoil> hmm
<rekoil> bealtine: because I9305 radio doesn't work on I9305N
<rekoil> or do you mean why did I flash the radio to begin with?
<bealtine> yes
<rekoil> because I am silly
<rekoil> and the tars all contained a radio
<bealtine> flash stock rom...done
<rekoil> so i figured i'd just flash them then replace the radio
<rekoil> but i don't want stock rom, i want the updated rom with 4.1.2
<bealtine> i want 20000000000 million dollars kthx
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<rekoil> bealtine: ...
<rekoil> by that do you mean to say that i can't?
<rekoil> because that would make sense :P
<bealtine> flash stock rom...done
<bealtine> move on
<rekoil> depends on what my goal is bealtine
<bealtine> you flashed a new radio now you have no radio...geddit?
<rekoil> i would be done if my goal was to get the radio working, but not if my goal is to get my radio working on 4.1.2
<rekoil> bealtine: i flashed the radio from my original rom
<bealtine> oh well you know better
<rekoil> from my stock rom
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<rekoil> ok well i may end up having to do that I suppose
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<tuhoojabotti> aaaa
<tuhoojabotti> waiting for FedEx car, ETA 40 mins
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<tuhoojabotti> three minutes :3
<tuhoojabotti> damn etas never hold
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<tuhoojabotti> It's already 50 mins late
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<jatinrungta> do i need to unlock bootloader in s3 for cm like its need in Xperia devices?
<mjt> yes
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<mjt> heh
<mjt> @changelog n7100
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<tuhoojabotti> 1:40 after ETA and still no sign of FedEx. :(
<tuhoojabotti> I guess it's not like in the movies.
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<mjt> traffic jams? :)
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<tuhoojabotti> Nah, this is Finland, there is no traffic
<mjt> or maybe they've lost your package and ran for a replacement...
<mjt> ah. Finland. They froze on the way.. ;)
<tuhoojabotti> Probably not, since it was sent by my friend
<nilesii> Hey guys, im quite new to roms and rooting, but i just installed cyanogenmod 10.1 to my samsung galaxy note 10.1. After i reebooted the logo came up with the spinning circles
<nilesii> and it just froze there
<Bert_> Wipe the cache
<Bert_> Factory reset
<wifi> just factory reset
<nilesii> i assume i have to install the rom again after those?
<wifi> don't need to wipe the cache
<wifi> nope
<nilesii> oh, ok
<wifi> rom is installed on system partition
<wifi> while factory reset wipe the data partition
<nilesii> ok, lets see what happens
<mjt> needless to say it will delete all user data...
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<tuhoojabotti> but not sd card contents?
<tuhoojabotti> like dcim
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<tuhoojabotti> At least I don't think I lost my pictures or videos
<mjt> how it is layd on note10? i dunno. HEre on Note2 it will be deleted too, since sdcard is part of data partition.
<tuhoojabotti> yeah
<tuhoojabotti> on S2 the sdcard is called USB storage
<tuhoojabotti> the internal sdcard that is
<EgotisticalElf> back it up anwyay, then wipe data
<EgotisticalElf> you should be able to back it up from CWM -> mount
<nilesii> works now
<tuhoojabotti> Backups are always a good idea when flashing
<nilesii> yea i did backup
<mjt> nilesii: what did you do to get it working?
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<nilesii> i just did factory reset
<nilesii> and rebooted
<tuhoojabotti> nilesii: Why didn't you do that in the first place?
<tuhoojabotti> What kind of tutorial leaves that out
<chadouming_work> good question
<chadouming_work> unless he simply didnt read !
<chadouming_work> or skipped step
<nilesii> yea i actually didnt read any tutorial :p
<nilesii> andi forgot to do it
<tuhoojabotti> Awesome
<tuhoojabotti> I don't want to live on this planet anymore
<tuhoojabotti> Applying to Mars One, brb
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<nilesii> i have installed another rom earlier and i now thought that i remember how to do it
<nilesii> well
<nilesii> noob is a noob
<tuhoojabotti> I never trust my memory
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<reynbow> Don't suppose anyone can send me in the direction to some instructions on how to flash the Note2 with ClockworkMod Recovery...?
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<reynbow> Trying to follow this guide here; but no idea how to follow the first step -_-
<nilesii> i didnt really expect to see finnish people here, lol :P
<chadouming_work> reynbow, you are kidding, right ?
<chadouming_work> Read known issues ans FAQs
<reynbow> I'm here for help. So no.
<chadouming_work> kinda easy
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<reynbow> Easy for you, I have no doubt. But this is new to me
<chadouming_work> you are new to reading ?
<reynbow> Sorry, I thought that this place was a good place to ask for assistance
<chadouming_work> you said you have problem following the first step
<reynbow> Okay, maybe I should be more clear
<reynbow> The second step.
<reynbow> "Flash the latest official ClockworkMod-Recovery"
<chadouming_work> yup
<nilesii> reynbow, youtube is full of tutorials
<reynbow> Yeah, I noticed. Though I'm not sure which is most accurate or most up to date or even if they apply to me. As all the guides seem to come from America, and all the files they link are not going to work for my device. As I'm Australian.
<chadouming_work> @google how to install clockworkmod recovery galaxy note 2
<chadouming_work> @google how to install clockworkmod recovery t0lte
<bbqbot> Install CM for t0lte - CyanogenMod -
<reynbow> Okay, thank you. I suppose I'll just continue looking by myself. I did expect a certain amount of elitism... But oh well. Thanks anyway.
<chadouming_work> well, look at last tutorial
<chadouming_work> seems pretty acurate
<bealtine^> we dont do hand holding
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<bealtine^> if you cant figure out that bit then dont flash
<chadouming_work> eh, we are more on hand crushing >:D
<bealtine^> heh
<reynbow> But I did not work it seems
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<reynbow> Okay, thanks anyway.
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<bealtine^> hehe it not work
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<bealtine^> adjust the dylithium xtals
<chadouming_work> the level of elitism here is too damn high
<chadouming_work> i like it :D
<nilesii> how often its good to update cyanogenmod?
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<chadouming_work> 1 per week is a good start
<chadouming_work> then you get more and more addict
<chadouming_work> and wait your nightly every day
<chadouming_work> and start flashing kernel
<chadouming_work> start learning
<chadouming_work> try to make your kernel
<chadouming_work> fail
<chadouming_work> look at others kernel
<chadouming_work> start porting cm to another phone
<chadouming_work> succeed
<chadouming_work> enjoy all the things
<nilesii> sounds fun
<nilesii> i have also iphone but jailbreak just doesnt give enough freedom
<jomp16> @about
<bbqbot> jomp16: Command does not exist!
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<chadouming_work> what you want to know jomp16 ?
<jomp16> chadouming_work, forget, i find the sauce code
<chadouming_work> @ping
<bbqbot> Version: 0.1, source at:
<jomp16> of the new bot,
<chadouming_work> ah
<jomp16> wifi showed to me that bot
<chadouming_work> but the new bot is not here
<chadouming_work> lol
chadouming_work is now known as wifi
<wifi> it's me, wifi !
<jomp16> :/
<jomp16> still the same? Node.js?
<wifi> yup
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<jomp16> nebkat need to improve the performance of clibot...
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<Shanky_> hey all..i am facing a problem when headset is connected to my p3100, i hav installed latest nightly build
<Shanky_> my microphone just doesnt work..i mean ppl who call me cant hear me..
<jomp16> web comic?
<wifi> yup
<jomp16> and what the plugin for ("boobs")
<jomp16> ?
<jomp16> or you coded it?
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<AndrewTheAndroid> codeworkx: It worked? :-O
<AndrewTheAndroid> (Sorry, at school, can't go onto Quassel and go through history)
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<AndrewTheAndroid> Why does my school block ports anyways :-|
<codeworkx> AndrewTheAndroid: aye. almost finished
<AndrewTheAndroid> w00t
<AndrewTheAndroid> I9100G lives! xD
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<jomp16> GSII?
<AndrewTheAndroid> jomp16: OMAP S2, yeah
<jomp16> cool :)
<codeworkx> AndrewTheAndroid: crt is fixed. but on boot we're getting funky colors for 1 sec after the s2 logo and before bootanim
<jomp16> Thanks Sammy for GTab 2
<Space-> datagutt should give me 17$
<jomp16> codeworkx, yu love GTab 2?
<datagutt> Space-: no i am going to use 17$ on vinyl
<codeworkx> no. bad screen
<datagutt> because i am hipstar
<codeworkx> pixel soup
<datagutt> and just got a turntabel
<datagutt> the sad part? i have no actual vinyl yet
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<datagutt> so my parents are playing their own music
<datagutt> and it is old and sucky
<AndrewTheAndroid> codeworkx: How funky we talking? o_O
<Space-> datagutt will buy me 17$ vps
<datagutt> nevah
<codeworkx> AndrewTheAndroid: all colors you can think of
<Space-> no man
<Space-> man you will
<AndrewTheAndroid> codeworkx: Is it seizure-inducing like the Simpson's vid in your XDA sig? xP
<codeworkx> AndrewTheAndroid: it's awesome xD
<codeworkx> AndrewTheAndroid: camera is also better
<AndrewTheAndroid> w00t
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<AndrewTheAndroid> codeworkx: What about the light sensor?
<wifi> AndrewTheAndroid, what project is that ?
<AndrewTheAndroid> wifi: What?
<wifi> didnt your phone already had cm ?
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<AndrewTheAndroid> wifi: Sammy's JB kernel drop :-P
<wifi> ah
<wifi> anything better comapred to last source ? xD
<codeworkx> AndrewTheAndroid: little bit better. but still not good
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<AndrewTheAndroid> codeworkx: That's what I thought, I heard it was still derping on stock JB too :-P
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<AndrewTheAndroid> OK back to class
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<jomp16> chadouming_work, hey, prepared statement in Java can execute simple query without params or i need to create une variable tor prep statm, and other for statm?
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<chadouming_work> don't know
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<reynbow> Hello again.
<reynbow> Anyone have any idea about a "Status 7" error?
<reynbow> It says installation aborted when I start the installation
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<jomp16> reynbow, install script error
<reynbow> Where from?
<jomp16> the .zip md5sum is the same of the posted? the .zip is for your rom?
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<reynbow> Yes, it's definitely the right ROM
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<reynbow> My device is the GT-N7105 and I'm following this
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<reynbow> And now I'm getting this Status 7 error when I try to install it
<jomp16> check md5sum
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<reynbow> I've redownloaded it three times
<reynbow> Checked the md5sum
<reynbow> It's fine
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<jomp16> yu device can flash other .zip?
<reynbow> Haven't tried
<reynbow> I mean... It's a Note 2... It's a pretty popular one. I've been following everything to the letter and this is the only problem I've had so far
<reynbow> what's the script error you were talking about?
<jomp16> reynbow, and variant?
<reynbow> GT-N7105
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<jomp16> internacional?
<reynbow> Yes
<reynbow> Galaxy Note 2 LTE (GSM)
<jomp16> internacional is N7100
<reynbow> really...?
<jomp16> internacional GSM
<reynbow> Are you sure.......?
<jomp16> N7105 is LTE..
<reynbow> That's what mine is?
<reynbow> I mean, the back of the box for the device clearly says GT-N7105
<jomp16> reynbow, yu device is LTE?
<reynbow> Yes
<jomp16> if yes download this:
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<reynbow> That's what I have downloaded
<jomp16> and yu flashed the correct CWM for Note II LTE?
<jomp16> or the internacional GSM?
<reynbow> I belive I have
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<reynbow> Fuck
<reynbow> Just noticed
<reynbow> I put the n7100 recovery on it
<jomp16> reynbow, flash the CORRECT CWM!
<reynbow> Sigh
<reynbow> I thought I did -_-
<jomp16> and you can install the LTE cm
<jomp16> yu can reboot to download mode?
<reynbow> I will try to...
<reynbow> I don't see why I wouldn't be able to
<jomp16> if yu want the latest recovery.img for Note II LTE, download recovery.img from this:
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<jomp16> reynbow, or this: if you want a tested recovery
<jomp16> this is a non touch recovery
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<reynbow_> odin isn't picking up my device any more...
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<jomp16> reynbow_, heimdall
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<jomp16> chadouming_work, i use Apache 2.0 or GPLv3 for my project?
<chadouming_work> use what you want
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<jomp16> chadouming_work, GPLv3 need to release the sauce code every time?
<chadouming_work> yup
<jomp16> And Apache 2 doesn't need to release?
<chadouming_work> i don't know
<jomp16> thx
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<reynbow_> When I run Heimdal it says "Driver Installation: FAILED (System policy has been modified to reject unsigned drivers)"
<reynbow_> I'm on Windows 8 if it makes a difference
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<reynbow> I did the heim thing
<reynbow> It all seemed to work
<reynbow> Now when I try to boot in to recovery, it doesn't work
<reynbow> the screen glitches out and doesn't turn on
<reynbow> I can still turn the device on normally though
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<Kaik541> chadouming_work: any reason why the thing I did to my LGOG isn't public yet?
<Kaik541> seems safe enough?
<Kaik541> especially now that your release seems 99% functional
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<sefeing> can anyone give me some insight to a problem im having on my Galaxy Tab 2 7" runing CM 10.1?
<bealtine^> do we have to guess?
<sefeing> Haha wasnt sure if aynone was actually in here
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<sefeing> alright. basically, the issue i'm having is with Play Store. Im on the correct GAPPS, however i seem to be having a problem with ONE app in particular.
<sefeing> My bank's app, Simple Bank, shows up as "device not compatible", however, when i was running the stock JB, it downloaded and installed no problem.
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<sefeing> That seems to be the ONLY app that i'm having an issue with. Im thinking it could be that my build.prop lists the device as a p3110, when it's really a p3113, however there is no ROM for the p3113 because of it's IR port, so flashing the 3110's is what is recommended.
<sefeing> Im not really sure what values to put into the build.prop to get it to recognize as a p3113, and im also a little afraid of breaking CM10.1 and not being able to update the nightlys.
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<bealtine^> maybe the bank app wont run if your phone is rooted?
<sefeing> never thought about that. lol.
<bealtine^> unroot temporarily...I dunno
<sefeing> one more thing- when running Hulu Plus, occasinally the video goes wonky and becomes this very thin line that is unwatchable
<sefeing> but as soon as i exit out and go back in it goes back to normal. The video seems to be slightly lower quality on CM10.1 than it was on the stock JB firmware. just curious.
<sefeing> Could i unroot while running CM10.1? or would that break the ROM?
<bealtine^> no theres a setting
<sefeing> what do ya mean?
<Jiangyi> sefeing: In dev options, and also in Superuser I think
<bealtine^> for disabling root
<sefeing> oooohhhhh i see.
<sefeing> I can't freaking find Dev options in settings. will take a look in Superuser
<sefeing> what's it under?
<jomp16> sefeing, dev option = tab build number 7 times
<jomp16> tap *
<sefeing> OH.
<sefeing> duh. should have googled that one, thanks.
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<sefeing> i'll give that a shot.
<sefeing> any insight to the Hulu Plus problem? I've read that it could be a codec problem with CM10.1?
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<sefeing> If that doens't work, would changing the device back to a p3113 be a good idea? or do i have the potential of breaking CM?
<jomp16> Hulu Plus = player?
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<sefeing> The app
<sefeing> err.. the one from the Play Store, yeah
<jomp16> best player = MX Player
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<sefeing> Can't play Hulu Plus video through there, though can you? i have MX Player, but Hulu Plus is a subscription service, like Netflix.
<jomp16> ahhh
<sefeing> Yeah. no clues.
<sefeing> Will try unrooting though. thanks man.
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<[SkG]> hmmm is usb otg working on cm10.1 for galaxy s 2?
<[SkG]> since I've installed cm10.1 I can't attach keyboard or usb mass storage to it
<[SkG]> with cm10 I did it without problems
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<hajabooja_> Ìû
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<budmang> Hey guys, just flashed my sprint note2 10.1 latest nightly. The microphone on recordings or anything using it sounds off/pitch/slowmotion something... anyone else having this issue?
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<budmang> and/or is there a know bugs/issues list?
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<hajabooja_> Ìû
<hajabooja_> Ìû
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<hajabooja_> Ìû
<bealtine^> stop
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<hajabooja_> Ìû
hajabooja_ was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bealtine^ [hajabooja_]
<Jiangyi> Aw, I was gonna kick him. :/
<bealtine^> :)
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<hajabooja_> Ìû
<bealtine^> Jiangyi :)
hajabooja_ was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by Jiangyi [Kindergarten is elsewhere!]
<Jiangyi> :-D
<Jiangyi> Oh wait, I should've bombed him instead.
<Jiangyi> lol too late.
<bealtine^> we could have played op tennis...
<Jiangyi> OK, I'll unban him then. :-P