nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
<bealtine> find *.sh
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I don't think it works that way. lol
<a3Dman> ???
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: figured
<Jiangyi> Good attempt though :-P
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<bealtine> hey cody what the cli to install bbq?
<bealtine> :)
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<codeworkx> bealtine: there's no cli installer
<bealtine> no shell script?
<codeworkx> no
<bealtine> fair enough
<clibot> Installation Guide - ArchWiki
<codeworkx> but you don't want to do that
<bealtine> heh
<codeworkx> install arch + add bbqlinux repo to pacman + install bbqlinux package + create user = bbqlinux
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I forgot to ask, but did Sammy even update the RIL/Cam/sensor blobs in the leak?
<codeworkx> yep
<codeworkx> the audio hal has the naming from galaxy tab 2 which has another sound chip
<codeworkx> i don't get them
<codeworkx> what are they doing?
<Jiangyi> ........
<Jiangyi> That's................
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<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: boo
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<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Hi
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<Ceiu> Yo.
<Ceiu> Anyone awake yet?
<Shuriuken> nope
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<EgotisticalElf> nevah
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<Ceiu> Has anyone come up with a solution for this yet?
<Jiangyi> Why do I have a feeling this is an Exynos problem :-p
<Jiangyi> Ceiu: Is it like that all the time or just some of the time?
<Ceiu> Only on the clock in daydream mode, and it just slowly builds up over time. I've never done any Android development, but my instinct tells me that it's just failing to refresh whenever the clock changes.
<Ceiu> Errmm... I guess I skipped a bit.
<Ceiu> When you first go to daydream mode, it's fine. But each time a digit changes, it just redraws over the current time.
<Jiangyi> Ah.
<Jiangyi> If I remember correctly, it never happened on my i9100g, gonna test on my N4 right now
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<Ceiu> I'm running the latest 10.1 nightly on an i9100. Every other instance I've seen has also been on i9100s running 10.1
<Jiangyi> Ceiu: Seems fine over here, probably Exynos stuff derping again :-P
<Jiangyi> #blamesamsung
<Ceiu> Lovely.
<Ceiu> Well, since it's isolated to daydream stuff, is it safe to assume the daydream clock is its own little app/module? And, if so, would it be possible to put a workaround in by forcing a redraw every minute?
<Jiangyi> I'm just guessing here, but this probably goes under the same category of graphical glitches such as the keyboard glitch
<Ceiu> I've not experienced that one.
<Ceiu> I've been running nightlies for a few months now and, surprisingly, this is the first actual bug I've run into.
<Jiangyi> Someone took a screenshot of it the other day, let me see if I can find it again....
<Ceiu> Maybe I'm just not using my phone enough.
<Jiangyi> Yeah, that was what I was gonna say lol
<Ceiu> How much work is it to setup a dev environment for compiling and deploying CM?
<Ceiu> As time permits, I wouldn't mind taking a stab at fixing this and modifying a few other things I don't like.
<Ceiu> Ahh. Haven't seen that yet.
<Jiangyi> Everything's glitched on Exynos4 :-P
<Ceiu> Oh, perfect.
<Ceiu> Awesome. If someone doesn't beat me to it, I'll probably take a look at it this weekend.
<Ceiu> Thank you, sir.
<Ceiu> But for now: sleep.
<Jiangyi> No problem
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<Jiangyi> Good night!
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<ctcx> hi
<ctcx> about trying to build CM on Ace Plus S7500.....
<ctcx> Device tree is at github site, then I'd need to check out for CM sources...
<ctcx> Can I use this as a "guide" to base on?
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<Leingard> Hello anybody
<Leingard> I am newbie here
<Leingard> I need help to flash my cooper
<Frd^> let cooper be
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<Leingard> some one can tell me
<Leingard> how to back up IMEI number?
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<w00tc0d3> dd it
<w00tc0d3> check fstab which partiton ut is
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<Ramas> Hello, i've got galaxy tab 2 and installed cm 10.1 nightly (01.31). Everything is great except baterry working time. Now it works ~10 hours, not 20-30 as it used to. Any advice on that?
<Ramas> Calibration would help?
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<Ramas> Anyone? "i've got galaxy tab 2 and installed cm 10.1 nightly (01.31). Everything is great except baterry working time. Now it works ~10 hours, not 20-30 as it used to. Any advice on that?"
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<datagutt> @invite #blamesamsung
<bbqbot> datagutt: You are not allowed to run that command!
<datagutt> ...
<datagutt> Nebkat, add me to +I
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<Islombek> hi
<Islombek> I am running on conyogen mod 10.1 which i had installed now but it shows error while searching the network
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<Islombek> can some one help me please
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<ACER_> hi to all
<ACER_> can some one help me
<ACER_> heyyyyyyyyyyyy
<ACER_> I have samsung galaxy s3 afrter upgrade to 4.2.1 it has an error while searching a network
<ACER_> please help me guys
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<Loyen> hello
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<mjt> wtf
<bealtine> i have error whats wrong
<mjt> my note2 also had issues with network after flashing cm10.1
<mjt> but apparently it was just timing issues - after ~5 minutes uptime it found the sim and the network
<mjt> dunno why it took so long. But during these 5 miuntes (it was my first try to root & flash the device!) i was, well, quite nervous :)
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<Ramas> is it support channel or am i at wrong place?
<bealtine> its irc
<Ramas> i know. but can i expect any advices on my problems here?
<bealtine> expect--no but you can ask
<Ramas> all right. asking again: galaxy tab 2 10.1 upgraded to CM 10.1 latest nightly build ROM and noticed ~ twice shorter baterry life. Is it a bug or can i do something about it?
<bealtine> no idea you could try better battery stats and see if you can track what is using the battery
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<kZard|nb> what is CM 10.1's camera like?
<kZard|nb> * camera quality
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<clibot> Daniel Hillenbrand - Google+ - dafuq? #galaxytab2 ��
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<Ramas> codeworkx: haha, i see similar screen on my tablet, but no, not me :)
<codeworkx> one of your apps ;-)
<Ramas> oh, it's 18days, not hours :D
<Ramas> mine lasted ~10 hours since last charge
<codeworkx> there is no problem with cm
<codeworkx> it's one of your apps
<codeworkx> or mods
<Ramas> I will try baterry stats to find out
<Ramas> i have no mods
<Ramas> just clean instalation and few basic apps
<Ramas> so no calibration is needed?
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> never
<Ramas> maybe mobile network and 3G? but i kept it off, used wifi..
<Ramas> and screen brightness ~50%
<Ramas> anyway, thanks for the tips. I will try to find app who is eating all the baterry
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<tsironakos> Hey guys, I have flashed CM10 the 2013-01-31 zip and have two problems
<tsironakos> First, the clock app tends to crash when I click on the alarm list item (don't know if this is a gapps problem or rom's)
<tsironakos> Second, the default camera app is overexposing evertything. The weird thing is that in other apps like Instagram the camera works fine.
<tsironakos> Thanks :)
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<codeworkx> tsironakos: read the wiki
<sexy> hi, I am new here, but my problem is I have rooted my samsung galaxy note 2 n7100
<EgotisticalElf> and that's a problem?
<sexy> I was trying to install cyanogenmod 10 but couldn't backup
<sexy> I keep on getting the error message( can't mount backup path) I am very new to this so any help would be so appreciated
<codeworkx> sexy:
<codeworkx> sexy: use a proper working recovery
<sexy> what do you mean a proper working recovery, how do I do that?
<sexy> I used those three things with the home button and the power and volume up and I got to the recovery mode, stroked down to backup and recovery but couldn't back it up
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<bealtine> so flash a new recovery
<codeworkx> sexy: read the wiki before doing anything
<codeworkx> we don't do it for you
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<sexy> thanks very much, I will
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<bealtine> played with arch yesterday...reminded me of taking a trip to 1970
<sexy> Sorry but I thought when you root your device properly, the clockwork recovery will be automatically installed
<bealtine> upgrade recovery
<bealtine> do it...stop asking
<sexy> can someone please answer?
<bealtine> i did
<sexy> I am a virgin when it comes to such stuff so please be patient
<sexy> oh ok
<bealtine> read wiki about how to install recovery
<bealtine> get latest and install it
<bealtine> old recoveries dont understand the new layouts
<sexy> hmm I will try, thanks very much, do you mean wikipedia?
<codeworkx> ZOMFG
<bealtine> jeez
<codeworkx> ^^^^^^
<bealtine> heh
<sexy> hahahahahah, thanks very much, please understand where I'm coming from, you also started like this
<bealtine> eh no
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<bealtine> bleh trying to decipher a fucking EU consultation on NGA
<sexy> good for you
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<iKillCypher> @changelog i9100
<clibot> BBQLog - Official CyanogenMod 7, 9, 10 and 10.1 Changelog for Android distrubtion
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<clibot> Samsung Mocks Overzealous IP Enforcement in Super Bowl Teaser Ad - The Mac Observer
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<Karibes> hello
<Karibes> Is anyone here?
<Karibes> I need a help for rooting Galaxy S3 with CM10
<codeworkx> cm is pre rooted
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<sexy> sorry guys but how do you open a terminal from heimdall directory
<sexy> need help pls
<sexy> Im trying to install cm for n7100
<bealtine> wut?
<h4rdco2e> does somebody know
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<bealtine> cant you just read the install instructions?
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<sexy> I have and thats where I am now
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<sexy> I have installed the drivers and I have to open that terminal with heimdall thing
<bealtine> no idea what you are talking about
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<bealtine> oerhaps you are asking how to open a terminal or cmd prompt?
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<sexy> please you know you gave me the link i have followed it but I now have to open a terminal on my laptop and run a command
<bealtine> so do it...this is not OS 101
<waratte> :o
<bealtine> if you cant open a terminal or cmd prompt consider something else
<bealtine> like NOT flashing cm
<sexy> how do you open the terminal on my laptop and run the heimdall flash recovery
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<sexy> why was SEXY SMOOTH kicked out
<sexy> I need help and instead of helping you are kicking me out
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<brass> hii, i have a question. do i need to flash any kernel before i flash CM 10.1, am currently on allaince mod.
<sexy> is there anyone who can help me out, I don't know how to open a terminal on my laptop to be able to run heimdall recovery
<sexy> helooooo
sexy was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bealtine [sexy]
* bealtine does Fissurez leg
<Fissurez> O_o
<Fissurez> AWFF
<brass> hii, 1 quick question, do i flash a kernel before flashing CM 10.1 am on Alliance MOD. please some1..
<bealtine> what device?
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<Fissurez> what is it with people and assuming that their device is the only one ever made by samsung?
<brass> i9100
<brass> srry, my device is i9100
<Fissurez> well, at least you used the model number
<Fissurez> so you are already on a custom rom?
<brass> learning.. yes am on custom rom
<Fissurez> AFAIK you just need to do all the wiping when normally changing roms, then flash the CM10.1 zip
<brass> oh ok, then watever kernel i had will remain yea?
<codeworkx> Fissurez: everyone who's saying "want to flash cm and need help" also provides the information "i'm on xyz rom". do they really think we know xyz rom?
<Fissurez> yah
<Fissurez> codeworkx i thought that doesn't really matter anyways
<codeworkx> like alliance mod, jellyblob, jellylol, jellybam, supermod, uwsummod...
<brass> cool thanx fissurez
<bealtine> fartface rom
<Fissurez> don't forget super cyanogaokpjellyosp S+++ 30
<codeworkx> oh right^^
<codeworkx> silk-as-smooth-rom
<codeworkx> butter-as-fuck-rom
<Fissurez> extrabuttery
<codeworkx> pew-pew-laz0rgun-rom
<bealtine> i use margarune rom..the bestest
<Fissurez> sobutteryyou'lldropyourphoneandsmashit (DISCLAIMER: AM NOT RESPONSIBLE YOUR OWN FAULT)
<codeworkx> i dont even know the stock roms
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<a-st> haha now he left :D
<sexy> can someone help pls
sexy was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by Fissurez [only i can be sexy here]
<a-st> Fissurez: nice one :D
<Fissurez> was waiting for that oppurtunity
<bealtine> how open terminal?
<Fissurez> google it
<bealtine> y u no halp?
<a-st> Alt + F4
<codeworkx> " I don't know how to open a terminal on my laptop" - u better not flash cm
<Fissurez> yeah
<bealtine> exactly
<Fissurez> i find alot of people do that
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<a-st> Opening terminals or flashing cm?
<bealtine> both if youre that clueless you shouldnt play with tinopeners
<Fissurez> if you can't use a knife, why are you asking if you can use a meat cleaver?
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<gakoes> Hello where can i download the latest cyanogenmod 10 rom with android 4.1 for the galaxy s2 because it isn`t there on
<gakoes> ?
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<nebkat> !seen DuperMan
<clibot> nebkat: DuperMan last seen 5 hours, 44 minutes, 53 seconds ago ([JoinEvent] <DuperMan> joined #teamhacksung-support)
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<sexy_> guys if you cant help me don't kick me out
<sexy_> someone else might be able to help
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<cdesai> :-D
<cdesai> y u no bomb
<bealtine> too many words
<bealtine> :)
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<Karibes> btw, guys
<Karibes> I need one help
<Karibes> I tried to flash clockwerk for I9300
<Karibes> but
<Karibes> it always shows original recovery
<Karibes> not clockwerk recovery mode
<Frd^> it cant be that hard
<Karibes> I did many times
<Karibes> even with files from xda forum
<Frd^> why you do it?
<Karibes> for CM10
<Frd^> just flash chroot
<Frd^> and then upload to sdcard
<Frd^> and boot to recovery
<Frd^> and flash zip from sdcard
<Frd^> done
<Karibes> huh?
<Karibes> chroot?
<bealtine> how are you doing this?
<Frd^> wrong i guess
<bealtine> please dont ask how open terminal
<Frd^> i dont have anu free terminal =(
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<DjRockz> I'm currently running cyanogenmod 10.1 on my samsung galaxy s2 GT-I9100 International phone & I was wondering why there was'nt the photo sphere feature in the camera app, while the same is available on the official OS???
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<DjRockz> thankx, you guys are awesome, & nice pic
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<clibot> Twitter / codeworkx: @ChainfireXDA @arnoudwokke ...
<bealtine> photo thingy is not part of AOSP
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<bealtine> nice you ported win8...
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<codeworkx> bealtine: didn't took long for the first user to ask "how how how"
<bealtine> the hal on windows is pretty self explanatory
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<bealtine> seing as it was originally by designed by a VAX/VMS guy
<Geoffi9100> hi i have connected my galaxy s2 i9100 with ics 4.03 to the pc. EFS professional says "your device is not perm rooted" message
<Geoffi9100> can anyone help me - i want to backup my EFS folder
<Geoffi9100> i rooted my device using cf root
<bealtine> so root?
<bealtine> prog whines about x
<Geoffi9100> i have cf root kernel + SuperSU installed
<bealtine> dunno then
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Did you just install one of those Win8 launchers? lol
<bealtine> what are you trying to do?
<Geoffi9100> back up my EFS folder
<bealtine> so just copy it somewhere
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: my nexus 4 is just displaying a screenshot
<Geoffi9100> ok second question
<bealtine> if you are rooted
<Devourz> search unlock galaxy in market
<Devourz> or esf backup
<Devourz> lol
<Geoffi9100> once i copied my efs folder manually to my internal sd card
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: that's what the tweet says
<Devourz> or just copy
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: xD
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: but people think it's running win 8
<Geoffi9100> then when i copied it to my pc it didnt have some files
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: easy to fool people nowadays
<bealtine> haha
<Jiangyi> lol yep
<Geoffi9100> why is it the efs folder copied to internal sd card has all files but the folder copied to my pc doesnt have all?
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<Devourz> search unlock galaxy in market
<Devourz> duh
<Devourz> theres option to backup esf in that
<Devourz> so use that
<Devourz> or go to xda forums
<Devourz> and find program esf backup
<Geoffi9100> ok
<Geoffi9100> was trying efs pro n not working
<Geoffi9100> ill try others ty
<Devourz> ok name of program
<Devourz> "galaxsinunlock"
<Devourz> lo
<clibot> GalaxSim Unlock - Android Apps on Google Play
<Geoffi9100> k
<bealtine> i just copied it...abd dumped on a cloud thingy
<petar> since a couple of months my note 10.1 with CM 10.1 has these weird issues where it starts completely ignoring touch input after writing with the pen for a while.. at the same time it keeps the screen on forever. i checked dmesg, logcat and even wakelocks.. but i can't find any damn warning or error. any ideas?
<clibot> [TOOL] Updated! 27/01/13 - EFS Professional v2.0.15 - Now with Qualcomm support! - xda-developers
<Devourz> geoffi9100 ^^
<Geoffi9100> Devourz i am trying that very tool
<Geoffi9100> it is giving me an error "perma root not found"
<Geoffi9100> but i am rooted with cf-root
<Devourz> hm
<Devourz> duno then
<Devourz> works fine with cf root here
<Devourz> or atleast it did
<Geoffi9100> its ok ty fo rsearching tho
<Devourz> ages ago
<Devourz> ool
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: lol, so much fooled people
<wifi> like when you made a samsung update CMLRA ?
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: People think whatever you say is true lol
<wifi> yup
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<Geoffi9100> guys if i use a external sd card on my galaxy s2, where will apps get installed when i use the apps 2 sd card option?
<Geoffi9100> the internal sd card or the external sd card
<EgotisticalElf> either
<Geoffi9100> can i select?
<EgotisticalElf> there should be an option for default
<EgotisticalElf> you can also move specific apps in the settings
<Geoffi9100> internal sd card seems to beshowing as USB storage
<Geoffi9100> i see
<Geoffi9100> ty i will check it out first time using a external sd card
<a-st> I like Link2SD ::
<EgotisticalElf> settings -> apps -> select and you should have Move to SDCard
<a-st> But you need an ext2/3/4 Partition on you sdcard
<Geoffi9100> when i didnt have a external sd card that moved the app to my internal sd card
<Geoffi9100> i hope to continue in the same way n use the external card for movies
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<ctcx> Hello. Trying to build CM for Ace Plus S7500, and need a bit of advise...
<bealtine> what a non productive the morning I visited 1970 in the afternoon I read an EU consultation on NGA
<ctcx> Hello. Trying to build CM for Ace Plus S7500, and need a bit of advise...
<bealtine> did you adjust the warp core?
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<frankdrey> D:
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<peixoto> Hi! Is the camera force-close (using led flash) fixed on the i9300 current nightly?
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<SParrow_> my power off button doesnt display any menu anymore - directly switches off my phone
<SParrow_> using i9100 used different firware - currently on official samsung JB firmware
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<SParrow_> my i9100 galaxy s2 power button doesnt display any menu with options like reboot, power off etc - when i press it - its just switches off th ephone
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<SParrow_> can someone help me
<SParrow_> just noticed i cant even select other lock n unlock options
<SParrow_> cause even if i set ot select anything - it doesnt work
<SParrow_> just pressing th epower key unlocks my mobile
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<h4rdco2e> need link to set up cm10.1 source :-)
<h4rdco2e> I will help doing translation
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<h4rdco2e> chadouming_work: thanks and the software I would need on Ubuntu?
<h4rdco2e> a year before it was in Wiki but I can not find it right now
<chadouming_work> there is billion of tutorial on the web that show how to compile android/cm
<NerdyGuitarist> h4rdco2e, google "how to build android"
<h4rdco2e> chadouming_work: not compilling
<h4rdco2e> chadouming_work: I want to set source up
<bealtine> theres a section on cyanogenmod wiki too
<chadouming_work> yup
<chadouming_work> if you want to only setup source
<bealtine> get source code etc
<chadouming_work> you will mainly only need git and repo
<chadouming_work> git is stock i think
<chadouming_work> so you will only need to install repo
<h4rdco2e> chadouming_work: nothing else wtf
<chadouming_work> that's only for pulling the source
<h4rdco2e> chadouming_work: I don't need things like g++-multilib
<chadouming_work> if you want to compile it's another story
<chadouming_work> if you dont compile no
<h4rdco2e> found
<h4rdco2e> sorry for asking
<bealtine> Jiangyi does translatios iirc
<h4rdco2e> bealtine: not german
<h4rdco2e> just chinese I think
<bealtine> so what?
<bealtine> he knows how to do it
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<h4rdco2e> bealtine: I know I did it last year :-D
<Jiangyi> Been like 5 months since I last seen you lol :-P
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: true hahaha :-D
<h4rdco2e> I was on Samsung rom
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<h4rdco2e> now I have to set up my system again
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: Is it possible to download AOKP & AOSP source
<Jiangyi> o_O Why would you want to do that?
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: I'm on a Rom (Jelly Bam), it is AOSP & AOKP
<Jiangyi> uh
<Jiangyi> Go find the source of that ROM then.
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: But I'm thinking about change to Cyanogenmod
<h4rdco2e> mor community :-D
<Jiangyi> So..... why do you want to download AOSP & AOKP sources then.
<Jiangyi> ._.
<h4rdco2e> Changing System is sooo fucking hard work hahaha
<bealtine> you are in the wrong place
<h4rdco2e> but AOKP & CM10.1 have got same /data I think
<h4rdco2e> bealtine: why?
<bealtine> this is for ctanogen
<h4rdco2e> bealtine: aokp is just a mod of cyanogenmod
<bealtine> sigh
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<h4rdco2e> CM does the work, AOKP does change bit and want to donate
<h4rdco2e> to get paid*
<bealtine> you are very lost
<h4rdco2e> bealtine: because?
<bealtine> do you have any ide how source code works?
<bealtine> idea
<h4rdco2e> bealtine: yes
<h4rdco2e> I do
<bealtine> obviously not
<h4rdco2e> I did some work and it get merged in CM10
<h4rdco2e> 1/2 year before
<bealtine> now you want to make changes in some random codebase because?
<h4rdco2e> not random
<bealtine> i give up
<h4rdco2e> bealtine: I don't know what you would say to me
<bealtine> get source code for the rom you are using
<h4rdco2e> bealtine: I is Cm10, I'm still flashing
<h4rdco2e> 10.1*
<h4rdco2e> bealtine: sorry what I said before was a bit confusing
<bealtine> so why you babbling about other roms?
<Ceiu> Jiangyi.
<Jiangyi> ?
<Ceiu> So after you showed me that image of the other graphical glitch, I noticed it on my phone. And I can't unnotice it anymore.
<Ceiu> :(
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> Sorry xP
<NerdyGuitarist> Jiangyi, LOOK WHAT YOU DID
<Jiangyi> :/
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<w00tc0d3> why do people run CM ROM, TBH? I mean, I do too, but I'd prefer Samsung ROM for smoothness.
<Jiangyi> w00tc0d3: $5 says you have an Exynos device?
<w00tc0d3> Jiangyi: aye
<Jiangyi> That'd explain it xD
<Jiangyi> On non-Exynos devices, CM runs wayyyyy smoother than stock, making stock look like crap :-P
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<chadouming_work> w00tc0d3, to have a much more stock android experience
<Jiangyi> That too^
<Jiangyi> Some people just hate TW (Like me) :-P
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<NerdyGuitarist> what's the question?
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<NerdyGuitarist> why do people use CM?
<NerdyGuitarist> glad you asked
<Jiangyi> yes
<NerdyGuitarist> 1. Touchwiz is shit slow
<NerdyGuitarist> 2. Touchwiz has unnecessary apps and services, which drain battery. Do you really use Media Hub, Game hub, etc.?
<NerdyGuitarist> 3. Touchwiz looks ugly. Since when did nature have BRIGHT green, BRIGHT orange, and BRIGHT blue as it's main colors?
<NerdyGuitarist> (samsung claims it's a nature theme)
<NerdyGuitarist> 4. root apps, such as adblockers
<NerdyGuitarist> 5. did i mention that Touchwiz is shit slow?
<NerdyGuitarist> :D
<w00tc0d3> NerdyGuitarist: 1. Nope. CM is slower on SGS3.
<w00tc0d3> 2. Strip /system
<w00tc0d3> 3. Theme it
<w00tc0d3> 4. ???
<w00tc0d3> 5. See 1
<NerdyGuitarist> 1. Samsung's fault, my gtab2 runs CM perfect, because Samsung didn't make the board. TI did
<chadouming_work> woot
<chadouming_work> TI ftw
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<Vesp> Hiya, anyone home?
<Jiangyi> NerdyGuitarist: Well, sammy made the board, but not the SoC :-P
<Galaxy145> Same here :D
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<Jiangyi> w00tc0d3: Just on a side note, any Samsung devices that's not Exynos runs stock pretty crappily :-P
<w00tc0d3> Jiangyi: :P
<Vesp> If someone has a moment to help me troubleshoot, could you please PM me? in CM10.1 my usb mounts only in debugging mode, and appears as a mediaplayer device in windows, rather than mass storage. HELP!
<Orginator> xplodwild I wonder if your bot is coded properly :P
<xplodwild> I didn't code any bot
<chadouming_work> Vesp, mtp is the now way to go
<chadouming_work> UMS is thing from the past
<Galaxy145> I'm running Stock 4.2.1 CM on my Galaxy Note 2 International. And if someone is calling me, I can't hear him/her. That's pretty annoying and I don't what to do. Don't want to go back to TouchWiz.
<Vesp> okay well
<Vesp> to follow up my question Chadouming
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<Orginator> aww xplodwild I actually meant to highlight nebkat
<Vesp> When I try transfer files (lets say *.mp3) to my device, it gets transfer errors FREQUENTLY
<Orginator> :)
<unknwn> does windows detect gs3 with mtp?
<chadouming_work> should yes
<unknwn> or any kind of software is needed
<unknwn> because mine isnt detected
<chadouming_work> Vesp, i can't do much
<Vesp> Eh I just cant figure out whats causing it
<chadouming_work> bad usb port / bad usb cable
<Vesp> Eh somehow i doubt it
<chadouming_work> bad files
<Vesp> ive narrowed it down to my phone
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<chadouming_work> bad phone then
<Vesp> "Cannot copy 'xxx' the device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected
<chadouming_work> tried another USB port ?
<chadouming_work> or reinstall the driver
<Vesp> tried both
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<nebkat> Orginator: whats the issue?
<Vesp> [11:05] <Vesp> When I try transfer files (lets say *.mp3) to my device, it gets transfer errors FREQUENTLY [11:06] <Vesp> "Cannot copy 'xxx' the device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected
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<Galaxy145> Does someone have some time for my Note 2 CM problem here? :)
<tuhoojabotti> No
<tuhoojabotti> not unless you tell us what the problem is
<Galaxy145> I'm running Stock 4.2.1 CM on my Galaxy Note 2 International. And if someone is calling me, I can't here him/her. That's pretty much annoying and I don't what to do. I don't want to go back to CrapWiz.
<tuhoojabotti> Still no idea what's you problem
<unknwn> had same problem with gs3
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<Galaxy145> For Exapmle, If my friend is calling me, I can't hear him.
<tuhoojabotti> oh
<Jiangyi> Galaxy145: Logcat? :/
<unknwn> and i am sure other people had the same
<unknwn> but don't know exactly what was the problem, flashed other nighly and it worked
<Galaxy145> Yeah that's the weird part.. Sometimes it works.. SOMETIMES ;) But I will see to attach a Logcat
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<Galaxy145> Now it worked with my Mother's Phone.. That's weird :/
<Orginator> nebkat there's no issue
<Orginator> I was just wondering if your code is of high quality :P
<nebkat> Orginator: ofc it is!
<nebkat> Orginator: check mah github
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<nebkat> that is slightly older version
<datagutt> Orginator: mine is propier
<datagutt> nebkat just kangs
<datagutt> and steals bot
<datagutt> bots*
<nebkat> LIES!
<nebkat> I wrote clibot from scratch
<nebkat> seemed daunting at first but turned out great :)
<nebkat> Orginator: are you looking at it?
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<Orginator> maybe :P
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