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<midorocco> hi
<midorocco> I just intalled the CyanogenMod 10.1 for my samsung i9100
<midorocco> and play store won't connect if I activate wifi
<midorocco> it connects only with 3g
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<midorocco> I installed gapps-jb-20121212
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<midorocco> I don't know if I forgot a detail
<midorocco> can you help me please
<midorocco> ?
<midorocco> thank you
<midorocco> "!device"
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<DvineLord> !device i777
<clibot> DvineLord: Information for Samsung Galaxy S II (ATT):
<zamadatix> Hello, I just flashed Cyanogen 10.1 on my note II from this thread and I don't have any cell service. Am I supposed to set something up? This is my first time flashing a custom rom
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<felipeze> !changelog i9300
<clibot> felipeze: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S III:
<felipeze> will we ever get a stable version of cm to gt-i9300?
<a3Dman> I don't think so =D
<felipeze> i cant get why
<felipeze> since theres a stable ICS one
<a3Dman> only time will tell
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<DvineLord> samsung has great dev support
<DvineLord> too bad for the i777
<a3Dman> and exynos is the best open soc ever.
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<felipeze> i know that they do not release up2date docs
<felipeze> that sucks
<felipeze> but the nightly versions of cm are realy realible, even for daily use
<felipeze> what more do we need for a stable release?
<a3Dman> well, it's not about docs, they only release kernel source (which they must release) and gingerbread old code that isn't compatible with phones
<felipeze> i regret buying a samsung phone :/
<Entropy512> <felipeze> since theres a stable ICS one - we looked at the buglist for it and realized that stable on it was a mistake
<DvineLord> hey Entropy512
<Entropy512> hello
<DvineLord> just started messing with an i777, been looking at your threads
<DvineLord> and pretty much my first completely working samsung android device
<DvineLord> have you been working on any kernels for 4.2.X on i777?
<Entropy512> um... i'm the CM maintainer for that device
<Entropy512> I work with codeworkx, Espenfjo, and xplodwild, I don't do that solo shit any more
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<Entropy512> tbh I don't touch my exynos4 devices that much any more
<Entropy512> they stress me out too much
<DvineLord> my main device is htc evita
<DvineLord> buddy of mine bought 30 i777
<DvineLord> a few have bad imei numbers he was wondering if i could fix them somehow
<DvineLord> too bad imei talk is against xda rules
<Entropy512> 30? dafuq was he thinking? :P
<a3Dman> xD
<DvineLord> thats what im saying
<Entropy512> I think somewhere there is an nvdata regeneration tool
<Entropy512> that'll let you fix IMEI
<Entropy512> problem is, while restoring your real IMEI is legal
<Entropy512> it's too easy to use such tools for nefarious purposes
<DvineLord> ive found that only problem is the sticker under battery on the phone he let me use now is ripped off
<Entropy512> and changing the IMEI to anything but its real value is illegal as hell
<DvineLord> if they are all like that i dont know what can be done
<Entropy512> If the sticker with the real IMEI is gone
<Entropy512> those phones are fucked
<Entropy512> no sticker AND a corrupt IMEI = something REALLY fishy
<Entropy512> probably stolen
<DvineLord> if the imei anywhere else other then efs?
<DvineLord> alright ill be back on irc later. i need to work on comp a little
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<Coastie> So downloading CM10 and GAPPS now through ROM Manager. Should work no?
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<Coastie> Annnnnd. I am sure i am the only person in here.
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<Coastie> @chanserv
<Coastie> Anyone there?
<Coastie> @theseven you there?
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<a3Dman> lol
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* [7] slaps Coastie
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<scubabob> !download S2
<clibot> scubabob: Unknown device S2
<scubabob> !download I9100
<clibot> scubabob: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S II: [388c23]
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<scubaobb> Hello
<scubaobb> anyone having problems after installing gapps?
<scubaobb> cm 10
<scubaobb> ''Unfortunatley setup wizard has stopped''
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<iKillCypher> This libsecion is reverse engineered from the blob and then
<iKillCypher> written based on the Exynos5 libion available in AOSP. ?? what ?!
<iKillCypher> anyway developers I found a bug/issue which seems to have cause me no choice but to reformat my phone yesterday night :( going to developers options and under simulate secondary display changing any of the setting in there will cause the phone to hang and reboot does not help as it will stuck on boot
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<cyberbat> Hello! Where should I post feature request to nightly builds?
<cyberbat> Alignment of navigation buttons in 10.1 is awful. Really hard to press them on 10-inch tab
<cyberbat> I talk about back, home and switch apps buttons on bottom of the screen.
<cyberbat> There was much better when they were on the left.
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<a3Dman> cyberbat: that's google's approach for unified ui between mobiles and tablets
<a3Dman> not sure if you can enable old tablet mode or not
<cyberbat> But it's really awful
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<cyberbat> I don't think that Google are so stupid not to differ large displays and small displays
<a3Dman> well, check nexus 10...
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<Entropy512> There has been some discussion about having configurable alignment of navbuttons on tablets
<Entropy512> but everyone has been busy with higher-priority stuff
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<iKillCypher> Entropy512,
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<iKillCypher> anyway developers I found a bug/issue which seems to have cause me no choice but to reformat my phone yesterday night :( going to developers options and under simulate secondary display changing any of the setting in there will cause the phone to hang and reboot does not help as it will stuck on boot
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<Entropy512> eh i'll figure out how to remove that
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<Entropy512> but if you're dicking around in developer options
<Entropy512> you're playing with fire
<Entropy512> nandroid backups ftw
<Entropy512> shouldn't be running nightlies without an occasional backup
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<iKillCypher> Entropy512, thanks man :)
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<iKillCypher> well could be a life saver for alot of people not only for me atleast I discover something dangerous and yeah lol Im a dick ;)
<Jiangyi> Hurray for holidays
<Jiangyi> 4-day weekend is epic xD
<iKillCypher> anyway I dont play with the developer setting it is just that I saw that option and play around with it and BAM lol
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<iKillCypher> :( this should be exynos 4 and not in app !!!
<Entropy512> it's theoretically possible to add that now that we have opensource HAL, other than figuring out the proper register settings
<Entropy512> which I'm not going to RE his stuff out of courtesy
<iKillCypher> it is implented in dorimonx/siyah kernel too
<iKillCypher> but thier kernel cause cm 10.1 to hang randomly
<iKillCypher> the only kernel which works best is the stock cyanogenmod kernel
<iKillCypher> if you could try boost up the dB by abit would do
<iKillCypher> :(
<iKillCypher> I could talk to paulk about it but that poor dude has already done so much
<Jiangyi> xplodwild: Got a sec?
<xplodwild> Jiangyi: yea?
<Jiangyi> xplodwild: I got a guy to test your HDR patch on I9100G, seems to cause an FC.
<Jiangyi> His log was a mess, but this is what I found:
<xplodwild> logs or it didn't happen
<xplodwild> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
<iKillCypher> >:( why you no work on exynos 4 xplodwild !!
<xplodwild> tell him to lower pic resolution
<Jiangyi> Oh, so it can't be done at 8MP?
<iKillCypher> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError < memory 1!
<xplodwild> not on i9100g it seems
<xplodwild> I did one on n7000 fine
<Jiangyi> Bah.
* Jiangyi can see that confusing users :-|
<Jiangyi> Well, we might as well disable it for the i9100g
<Jiangyi> Exposure settings don't work on it anyways :-P
<xplodwild> well there's a config overlay to disable it
<Jiangyi> Funnily enough, exposure apparently works with third-party apps, just not stock...
<xplodwild> samsung
<Jiangyi> true lol
<Entropy512> could it be a different java heapsize setting?
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<Jiangyi> Noob question, but where could I check that? heh
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<iKillCypher> Entropy512, anyway if you happen to read this I know of some people who actually use siyah/dorimonx kernel not cause of over clocking etc but cause of volume booster It seems like they use a same method voodoo Louder to expoilt the yahama chip and increase the sound to the max, anyway what Im trying to say is with open source hal possible if you could increase the dBm to max out the yahama chip DAC
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<iKillCypher> all this volume+/dspmanageer will only cause the sound to be distroted nothing else
<iKillCypher> distorted*&
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* Jiangyi doesn't expect much out of the Yamaha DAC
<Jiangyi> Everyone thinks it's crap, audiophiles and devs :-P
<iKillCypher> well the open source hal works as what samsung implented
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<iKillCypher> supercurio/kernel developers found a exploits Yamaha sound chip extra abilities to get very high output volumes yes it may be unsafe but it should finally fix all the low headphones issue people are bitching about
<angelsl> that reminds me, i wanted to do a i9100 jellybean build with OSS crapaha HAL
<iKillCypher> isnt it already OSS ? in cyanogenmod
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<Entropy512> low headphones was fixed with the opensource HAL
<Entropy512> voodoo louder is only 6 dB more - and the stock setting can already blow your eardrums out on any headphones I've tried
<Entropy512> off to work
<iKillCypher> Entropy512, possible to add another 3 more ?
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<iKillCypher> cause the last I tried voodoo louder seems to make sound much more crispy o.o ? I tested with various headphones
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<iKillCypher> or atleast max it out
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<iKillCypher> anyway gtg
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<nushoin> !supported Samsung
<clibot> nushoin: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd, cooper, d2att, d2cri, d2mtr, d2spr, d2tmo, d2usc, d2vzw, epicmtd, fascinatemtd, galaxys2, galaxys2att, galaxysbmtd, galaxysmtd, hercules, i605, i777, i9100, i9100g, i9300, l900, mesmerizemtd, n7000, n7100, n8000, n8013, p1, p1c, p1l, p1n, p3, p3100, p3110, p3113, p4, p4tmo, p4vzw, p4wifi, p5, p5100, p5110, p5113, p5wifi, quincyatt, quincytmo, s5670, showcasemtd, skyr
<nushoin> hello
<nushoin> trying to build GS3 (i9300) from source
<nushoin> when doing 'lunch cm_i9300-userdebug' I get an error
<nushoin> what should I write for the GS3?
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<nushoin> didn't find a GS3 device repo on github either (under cyanogenmod)
<nushoin> thanks! I was looking in the teamhacksung site...
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<nushoin> still not working..
<nushoin> got the following error:
<nushoin> me@laptop:~/android/system$ breakfast i9300
<nushoin> including vendor/cm/
<nushoin> build/core/ *** _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/*/i9300/]]: "device/*/i9300/" does not exist. Stop.
<nushoin> Device i9300 not found. Attempting to retrieve device repository from CyanogenMod Github (
<nushoin> Found repository: android_device_samsung_i9300
<nushoin> CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_i9300 already exists
<nushoin> Syncing repository to retrieve project.
<nushoin> error: project device/samsung/i9300 not found
<nushoin> ...
<nushoin> build/core/ *** _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/*/i9300/]]: "device/*/i9300/" does not exist. Stop.
<nushoin> ** Don't have a product spec for: 'cm_i9300'
<nushoin> ** Do you have the right repo manifest?
<nushoin> ...
<nushoin> any clue?
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<chadouming_away> you didnt sync i9300 device tree ?
<nushoin> I just followed the instructions on the teamhacksung site for the i9100, and trying to replace it with i9300
<nushoin> then trying the instructions on the cyanogenmod wiki
<nushoin> also when I looked in github, I didn't find any repository which corresponds to the i9300
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<TheNetwork> HI
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<nushoin> got to go, be back tomorrow. thanks!
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<a3Dman> lol
<a3Dman> chadouming_away: someone asked question on 3 channels on the same server, he's smart though, changed the question 3 times :P
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<Espenfjo> Guys, what do you think about this one?
<Espenfjo> +1 or -1?
<chadouming_away> -1
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<question> hi
<bERT__> FWIW -1
<question> What changes are there from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2?
<bealtine> +1
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<Espenfjo> bealtine: fu :P
<bealtine> hehe
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<chadouming_away> bealtine, y one would want that ?
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<bealtine> well it's better hidden imho
<bealtine> keep it out of the way of the idiots ^H^H^H^H users
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<bealtine> think of the damage all the ikillcyphers can do
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<bealtine> the "i fiddle now it not works why?"
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<bealtine> or I lurn bout mkfs now i want to copy files with do?
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<galaxytabcyanoge> Is it normal to have an unusual window popup animation on cm10.1 p5110? When exiting the window zooms out, freezes for a split second and disappears. Thanks in advance.
<Espenfjo> Doesnt seem normal
<galaxytabcyanoge> Thanks Espenfjo, is this a known bug and if so, is there a fix?
<Espenfjo> Dont think its known, and dont think there is a fix :)
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<Espenfjo> Those zoom-animations can probably be turned off tho
<Espenfjo> Settings -> developer -> something
<Espenfjo> *gone*
<galaxytabcyanoge> Thanks a million for your help. I will do so now. Bye.
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<Chuck_Bartowski> !geo 78-3-34-103
<clibot> Chuck_Bartowski: Usage !geo user/host <user/host>
<Chuck_Bartowski> !geo
<clibot> Chuck_Bartowski: Usage !geo user/host <user/host>
<wifi> !geo host
<clibot> wifi: {country: "Croatia", region: "Zagrebacka", city: "Biograd Na Moru", latlong: {43.9433, 15.451904}, time: "Mon 19:41 CET"}
<Chuck_Bartowski> thank you
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<ysg> hello all, have a good night, i need some directions on installing google apps package on cm 10.1, i have installed from but i dont have google maps, as well as google maps is missing from google play, saying it is not avaliable for my country, which is turkey and it is originally avaliable
<bealtine> then you are SOL
<ysg> SOL means? sorry not native en speaker
<bealtine> shit out of luck
<ysg> :) hah nice, when i look at the contents of the package ( there is no maps.apk either
<ysg> why does this happen?
<bealtine> its not in gapps
<ysg> in the stock firmware with turkey's CSC, which i hate and not willing to return, i had google apps
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<bealtine> maps not in gapps
<ysg> so no hope?
<wifi> find the maps apk and install it
<bealtine> if its "banned" you could look on xda maybe
<ysg> but it is not banned, can it be related to my google account? which is my own domain from google apps for domains
<wifi> nope
<ysg> wifi, i am not sure which version to use, and if i install from apk will i be able to update?
<wifi> maybe, but i think you will have to manually update
<ysg> why would i get banned?
<wifi> i think bealting was more refering has it could be banned in turkey
<bealtine> the message is clear : not available in your country
<ysg> but it is not, if i use stock samsung rom, it is there
<ysg> which has turkish CSC
<bealtine> duh
<ysg> i have which has maps.apk, from pa3, is it ok to extract maps.apk and use it?
<ysg> or can i change my country ?
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<bealtine> try it
<wifi> unless you are willing to move, you can't really change of country xD
<ysg> :), there is an app called market-enabler but it does not work either, i thought may be there is a way to fake my country
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<ysg> but the thing is, google maps is avaliable in desktop, in other roms, or stock roms, but not avaliable in cm 10.1, so i thought there is a catch
<ysg> anyway thanks
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<bealtine> its not legally available in any 3rd party rom
<bealtine> old oem yes...
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<ysg> ok thank you bealtine
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<ysg> btw, the maps.apk from works
<ysg> have a good night all, keep up the good work, and thanks for replies
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<jomp16> Hello, i want to know if the build 20130218 for p3110 has the bugs fixed?
<jomp16> Or still have other bugs not fixed?
<nebkat> jomp16:
<nebkat> !changelog p3110
<clibot> nebkat: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (Wifi):
<jomp16> You can say like cody: TEST IT!
<jomp16> Cm10.1 not 10
<jomp16> You need to code a 2° param of the version, or pick the latest version searching on interwebs
<nebkat> meh
<nebkat> just doit yourself
<jomp16> Question: I need to use JB bootloader for my tab? Before install of CM10 the Android version is 4.0.3
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