nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
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<jomp16> Hey, GTab 2 has a button combination for enter in recovery?
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<Entropy512> if it's like other tabs
<Entropy512> volup + power
<Entropy512> release power when the Galaxy Tab screen shows up but keep holding power
<jomp16> I never used other tabs
<jomp16> This tab is my first tab
<jomp16> Huh?
<jomp16> Release the power button but keep holding the power button?
<jomp16> Release the power and keep holding volup?
<Entropy512> yeah, starting from it being powered off
<Entropy512> release power when the Galaxy Tab screen shows but keep holding volup
<jomp16> Oh, thanks
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<lebeast> im trying to flash my note 2 (sgh-i317m) with cm10.1 but im wondering how do i unlock the bootloader
<Jiangyi> lebeast: Don't need to, Samsung phones come with unlocked bootloaders (Except the verizon ones)
<lebeast> oh
<lebeast> what about rooting?
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<lebeast> or does the cm10 take care of that
<Jiangyi> Just get CWM up, and you're good to go.
<lebeast> ok good to know thank you
<lebeast> cause i ran into an error when running the heindall command saying claiming interface failed
<lebeast> heimdall
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<jomp16> Bad, i need to flash jb boot loader for my device
<jomp16> Fancy color, long boot logo time (Sammy) and erratic boot animation
<EgotisticalElf> 0218 - i777 build doesn't install
<jomp16> Apart of this, is running fine, 774 ram
<EgotisticalElf> i get "set_perm: some changes failed
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<jomp16> The bootloader in the main topic is secure? (aka no viruses, exploits, etc)
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<chadouming> nopew
<chadouming> we put viruses in bootloader
<chadouming> so people keep coming
<chadouming> and we can talk more
<chadouming> this give us the impression of being human
<jomp16> Yeah, but codeworkx is a know people
<chadouming> and you pinged him once more
<jomp16> Sorry, cody
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<Desordy> Excuse me,Hello everybody i take today just to get some will to flash my galaxy tab 2 7p3100 to Jb i'm from brazil and my english isn't so good. Can i have some help?
<hyperair> hi. it looks like my data's malfunctioning with CM10.1 20130218.
<hyperair> with i9300, that is.
<hyperair> the uplink seems to be fine (89Mbps) but the downlink seems to be ridiculously slow (112kbps)
<hyperair> as a result, the icon never turns blue, so i'm guessing google services aren't working fine.
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<hyperair> okay, looks like it was a gprs issue.
<hyperair> i mean APN issue (it was set to GPRS)
* hyperair feels stupid
<hyperair> why does CM default to GPRS anyway?
<waratte> I dunno.
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<Entropy512> hyperair: handing providers that have multiple APNs is a massive pain in the ass
<hyperair> Entropy512: yeah i can imagine.
<hyperair> Entropy512: how does CM decide which APN to use?
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<Entropy512> I think it is based on the order in apns-conf.xml, except in cases where a specific override is done by device maintainer
<Entropy512> which is done on carrier-specific devices
<Entropy512> but I can't think of a clean way to do that for international devices
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<frankdrey> I finally got an Ingress invite
<frankdrey> but i don't have an android phone anymore >.<
<frankdrey> !supported
<clibot> frankdrey: Supported OEMs: Sony, Motorola, Other, ASUS, Google, HTC, Samsung, LG
<frankdrey> :O
<frankdrey> naice
<frankdrey> !supported HTC
<clibot> frankdrey: Supported HTC devices: ace, bravo, bravoc, buzz, click, desirec, doubleshot, dream_sapphire, endeavoru, espresso, evita, glacier, hero, heroc, inc, jewel, legend, liberty, pyramid, ruby, saga, shooteru, speedy, supersonic, ville, vision, vivo, vivow
<frankdrey> :D
<hyperair> Entropy512: where's this file stored?
<frankdrey> dream_sapphire! my baby :3
<Entropy512> frankdrey: someone needs to grab a nexus so they can blow shit up
<Entropy512> hyperair: I know where it is in the build system, I'm not sure if it gets compiled into a less human-editable format within the device
<hyperair> ah.
<hyperair> seems to be an apns-conf.xml
<hyperair> but i don't see anything that specifies which should be default.
<frankdrey> I need a foreign news editorial from last week that talks about the US government :P
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<BigDanInTX> Evening all. I have a quick question regarding the JB Bootloaders. I have a 3113 tab2 running 4.1.1. For the CM10.1 build, the instructions say to use the 3110 builds. Do I follow the same rule for the Bootloaders?
<frankdrey> BigDanInTX, bootloaders?
<frankdrey> you should never touch bootloader...
<BigDanInTX> I was walking through the Downloads area of the isntructions was all.
<BigDanInTX> If that should be avoided I will definitely do so.
<BigDanInTX> and I realize my mistake from a moment ago... 3100, not 3110...
<BigDanInTX> I read it correctly, just wrote it wrong
<BigDanInTX> Thanks for the help, frankdrey
<frankdrey> hold on
<frankdrey> what instructions?
<BigDanInTX> xda thread 2052290
<frankdrey> ugh
<frankdrey> !device p3100
<clibot> frankdrey: Information for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0:
<frankdrey> wait, you have a 3113?
<frankdrey> or 3100?
<frankdrey> make sure
<frankdrey> does it have data/sms?
<BigDanInTX> 3113
<BigDanInTX> no
<frankdrey> use 3110 files
<BigDanInTX> I typed in 3113 and it comes up 3110
<BigDanInTX> but don't touch bootloader?
<frankdrey> no
<BigDanInTX> great
<frankdrey> can you link me to the xda thread?
<frankdrey> i can't find it
<BigDanInTX> I was walking through Ash's video on this and noticed it was for the previous version
<BigDanInTX> sure
<BigDanInTX> I wasn't sure if links were allowed
<frankdrey> hmm
<frankdrey> I have no idea what those are, but I know they were never necessary
<frankdrey> and since they aren't in the instructions
<frankdrey> and are VERY risky to flash
<frankdrey> ignore them
<frankdrey> if only cody was awake, i'd ask him :P
<BigDanInTX> no worries
<BigDanInTX> It wasn't in Ash's instructions
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<BigDanInTX> and I did notice the word "risky"
<frankdrey> ok, do you have CWM?
<BigDanInTX> so I was simply double-checking
<BigDanInTX> yes
<frankdrey> latest from ?
<frankdrey> 3110 version? (3113 is no longer updated for CWM, too)
<BigDanInTX> not latest, but I was thinking that I probably should
<frankdrey> you should
<frankdrey> especially for 4.2
<BigDanInTX> understood
<BigDanInTX> same process as original?
<BigDanInTX> well, I'll probably find a more recent video for it
<frankdrey> heimdall?
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<BigDanInTX> frankdrey, I do appreciate your help
<BigDanInTX> I'll keep reading some more before I commit
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<frankdrey> BigDanInTX, no problem. did you use heimdall for first CWM flash?
<BigDanInTX> I thought you were calling out to someone
<BigDanInTX> didn't realize you were asking me something
<frankdrey> heh :p[
<BigDanInTX> that's what I had used
<chadouming> dafuq
<chadouming> way too much images
<chadouming> and video
<BigDanInTX> it was mostly correct in his walkthrough
<BigDanInTX> but I will look into the heimdall you mentioned
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<BigDanInTX> I guess this is what I get for not starting at the source. ;-]
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<BigDanInTX> *Lessen learned*
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<BigDanInTX> I did find the Install CM for p3110 just now
<BigDanInTX> and it does walk through
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<BigDanInTX> including heimdall
<frankdrey> ok, yeah, use the CM steps for hiemdall
<BigDanInTX> will do
<frankdrey> but use the above img file instead
<BigDanInTX> thank you
<BigDanInTX> oh
<BigDanInTX> okay
<frankdrey> it's the latest
<frankdrey> but before you go into it, i recommend you get the CM and Gapps zips on your storage ready
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<frankdrey> get the top zip and put on the tab's storage
<frankdrey> same with:
<BigDanInTX> I do have those
<frankdrey> awesome
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<BigDanInTX> tab's storage, not ext?
<frankdrey> BigDanInTX, doesn't matter
<BigDanInTX> right on.
<BigDanInTX> thanks
<frankdrey> you're all set
<frankdrey> just follow the CM instructions then
<BigDanInTX> will do
<BigDanInTX> thanks for the guidance
<loop__> Hi, I am on a stock firmware for a long time I want to backup my Apps to restore on the CM10.1 mode. Is there a way another of doing that because as it is suggested to not to use TitaniumBackup tool.
<frankdrey> loop__, no
<frankdrey> the problem is that 4.2 app data could be incompatible with older app data
<loop__> Hmm
<loop__> I see
<loop__> I guess i have to download and install them again
<loop__> What about the application settings does it come back with google sync?
<frankdrey> don't know, never used it, but i doubt it
<loop__> OK thanks for the heads up
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<loop__> Is there a way to make APKs from already installed Apps on JB 4.1.1 and reinstall those on CM10.1??
<hyperair> adb backup --apk?
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: HALP
<frankdrey> loop__, you can copy the apk from /data/app/
<frankdrey> BUT
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: What do you think? Tech design or photography?
<EgotisticalElf> tibu/carbon
<frankdrey> you won't get updates anymore from Google Play
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, more info
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: I have one course left to decide on.
<frankdrey> hmmmmmmm
<frankdrey> Tech design
<frankdrey> introductory photography classes are crazy stupid
<frankdrey> do you know the rule of thirds?
<Jiangyi> Yeah, but they give you a high mark :-P
<Jiangyi> Uhh
<Jiangyi> !google rule of thirds
<clibot> Jiangyi: Rule of thirds - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
<frankdrey> lol, well now you don't have to take photography :D
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<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> Oh right, there's animation too....
<frankdrey> animation sounds fun
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<frankdrey> someone want to do my homework?
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<jomp16> Sammy and cody: good job in new kernel for GTab 2, but still somes problems, upgrading bootloader resolves some problems, to bad who's cody doesn't have a p31xx
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<netkslq> !supported Samsung
<a3Dman> bot down
<a3Dman> what's the device?
<netkslq> p5110
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<a3Dman> ...
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<lodder_> I'm looking for the modem xxls8 for my i9100, been looking on xda and google can't seem to find it. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
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<DuperMan> <3
<gladiac1337> DuperMan: nothing wrong about <3-ing #teamhacksung-support ;)
<DuperMan> word. nary a ragtag team of scamps more lovable was ever seen
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<parente> ciao a tutti
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<Kondomints> .
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<nushoin> hi again
<nushoin> still trying to build the GS3 (i9300) from source
<nushoin> when doing
<nushoin> breakfast i9300
<nushoin> I get all sorts of errors
<nushoin> first error is "ls: cannot access device/*/i9300/ No such file or directory"
<nushoin> previously tried the guide from the teamhacksung wiki, but got the same results
<nushoin> what am I doing wrong?
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<nushoin> brb
<nushoin> (1 hour)
<nushoin> !9300
<nushoin> !device
<nushoin> !supported Samsung
<nushoin> (bot is down..?)
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<netizen> Hi
<netizen> !supported Samsung
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<Al__> Hi Just wondering Can Cyandelta be used to download the nightly builds for t0lte, are people using it? Thanks :)
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<YuSuFBuLDu> Hi
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<YuSuFBuLDu> Hey !
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<Thiagovfar> What happened on last nightly for i9100? My phone is now asking for a "SIM network unlock PIN"?
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<VIad> it was odd, yesterday my SIM Toolkit something launched too :P
<VIad> took my phone out my pocket and there it was - could just close the app tough, but not sure why it came up at all
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<DuperMan> VIad: it's just the stupid sim thing. if your phone was borked for any while it ought to bugger up
<VIad> borked?
<VIad> don't know, was just in my pocket like normal, took it up to use it and I saw the SIM Toolkit app running, didn't make sense at the time :P
<iKillCypher> is code here ?
<iKillCypher> or any samsung developers ??
<DuperMan> probably
<iKillCypher> anyway developers I found a bug/issue which seems to have cause me no choice but to reformat my phone yesterday night :( going to developers options and under simulate secondary display changing any of the setting in there will cause the phone to hang and reboot does not help as it will stuck on boot < has this between look into ??
<cdesai> known iirc
<cdesai> why do you want to simulate another display anyway?
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<iKillCypher> was testing around..
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<tien> hi
<DuperMan> hmmmm... iKillCypher; sounds like x is looking for a loopy output
<tien> i have a question, can you help me?
<DuperMan> no
<tien> why?:S
<DuperMan> ok yes
<iKillCypher> I actually going to learn C# in school so pretty much I would be able to help in cyanogenmod development :D but I guess I wont be having GT-I9100 when Im able to
<DuperMan> JUST ASK
<tien> i want to up new CyanogenMod 10.1 from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2
<VIad> DuperMan: got more information for me? What the Sim Toolkit app is for, why it came up by itself? What did you mean by borked :P
<tien> i can play any game from 4.2.1
<DuperMan> VIad: afaik it sorta pops up when the operator wants to grope your phone, which is good
<DuperMan> means whatever you did to the device it sounds sane enough to the net op
<DuperMan> :P
<VIad> hmm
<tien> but i want to ask about
<VIad> but what happens if I just close the app? :P
<DuperMan> tien: you can't be serious. what couldn't you?
<DuperMan> VIad: it sorta molests your info
<DuperMan> pay it no heed
<DuperMan> :P
<VIad> DuperMan: it had some weird message I couldn't make out, and some buttons, but nothing I felt I had to do
<tien> :p
<VIad> no I am curious what it does exactly lol
<VIad> googling didn't help as "sim toolkit" is apparently a thing but the app is something else I reckon
<tien> i want to know about app in 4.2.1 of CyanogenMod 10.1 can play again in 4.2.2
<DuperMan> I remember seeing that pop up a bunch between installs. it just lets the operator know you're cool
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> afaik
<nushoin> hi
<nushoin> any of you know anything about building from source?
<DuperMan> yes
<nushoin> trying to build i9300 and i9100, gets weird errors
<nushoin> when doing "breakfast cm_i9100-userdebug"
<nushoin> I get "error: project device/samsung/i9100 not found"
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<DuperMan> get the proprietary blobs
<nushoin> ok I'm going to try that
<nushoin> pull them from the phone?
<DuperMan> ./ at the appropriate phone directory while phone is on ADB
<DuperMan> so yes
<nushoin> thanks!
<DuperMan> :)
<nushoin> when I try to build the i9300 there is another error:
<nushoin> no, scratch that. same error. nevermind..
<tien> programs on 4.2.1 to CyanogenMod 4.2.2's 10.1 normal operation or not?such as game data still saved?
<DuperMan> hehe... you can use the same build env afaik but get all the props first for each
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> dunno, still on sammy 4.1.2 for my n7100
<VIad> DuperMan: you seem to know more about SIM cards; would a sim card adapter potentially be a security risk or? was curious if I can have two micro sim cards in one sim card or something :)
<tien> my device is GT -9100
<DuperMan> sorry, but fwiw the same chains should work for it
<DuperMan> :P
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<DuperMan> like, no, but yeah.
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<tien> thanks
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<DuperMan> np
<VIad> DuperMan: fyi the sim tookit is used by some carriers, but not mine, hence why it was weird it came up :D
<VIad> I googled and found that it's an app if the carrier has some services programmed in the sim card
<nushoin> the problem is deeper than I thought.. I can't extract the blobs since the folder ~/android/system/device/samsung/i9300 does not exist
<nushoin> it probably should have been created in a previous step
<nushoin> the last two lines of the error after running 'breakfast' are
<nushoin> ** Don't have a product spec for: 'cm_i9300'
<nushoin> ** Do you have the right repo manifest?
<iKillCypher> paulk should look into opengpu :(
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<Thiagovfar> Are you guys aware that i9100 are becoming network sim locked, after upgrading to today's nightly?
<VIad> :o
<VIad> Thiagovfar: network sim locked?
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<VIad> isn't that what carriers do to lock your phone to only work with one sim?
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<RoBz> wow, really?
<Bolemichel> I've got the problem that in newest nightly build 20130218 for galaxy tab2 the AOKP Kernel (from AOKP Rom) does not work anymore. In earlier builds like 20130212 its no problem. Can s.o. explain this issue?
<Thiagovfar> Yes
<Thiagovfar> And where I live, it is unlawful to sell a network SIM locked phone. So, I guarantee mine has never been locked.
<Thiagovfar> Bolemichel: Maybe because of the updated blobs on the newest nightly
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<Bolemichel> Thx for reply, so I can't do anything to get AOKP kernel work with newest nightly builds?
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<VIad> didn't some nights ago a big patch get merged from AOSP?
<Thiagovfar> You can wait for AOKP to update their kernel. You can also use the old blobs.
<VIad> "The Free Software Foundation Europe argues that it is legal to root or flash any device. According to the European Directive 1999/44/CE, replacing the original operating system with another does not void the statutory warranty that covers the hardware of the device for two years unless the seller can prove that the modification caused the defect."
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<Nickmick> !supported Samsung
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<Nickmick> !supported samsung
<Nickmick> Hi All ... How do I find out which ersion of the Samsung Galaxy SII I have?
<bealtine> about phone
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<Nickmick> bealtine: Okay ... so if under "about | phone" is says "GT-I9100"
<bealtine> so thats what it is
<Nickmick> bealtine: so do I load this version of cyanogenmod on it:
<bealtine> suppose so
<bealtine> backup the rom and try it
<Nickmick> bealtine: ok - thx
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<Nickmick> bealtine: what software would you recommend to use backup the rom?
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<_mrc_> Anyone knows whether Dock USB Audio work in latest nightly for i9100?
<bealtine> Nickmick : USE THE BACKUP IN CWM
<bealtine> oops caps
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<Nickmick> bealtine: okay cool ... just watched a youtube on how to do it - thx
<a3Dman> I wish I had a multiple of 1000$s, since that's the amount of money required to get epic hardware xD
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<chadouming> dafuq
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<chadouming> 4500 Gigaflops
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<tamir> hi anyone here
<tamir> hallo
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<a3Dman> Jiangyi: =D
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<tudo> hi
<tudo> I need help
<jomp16> Ask and wait a answer
<jomp16> Rules
<a3Dman> not about rules, it's called common sense.
<tudo> I'm in 4.2.2 now
<tudo> but I can open the notification bar
<tudo> can you give me solution for this problem
<tudo> I mean I cannot
<tudo> cannot open the noti bar
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<Bert_> Tudo: To open the notification bar it's a swipe down from the top of the device to on screen. It is not a tap to open.
<tudo> I know
<tudo> but in cm 4.2.2
<tudo> after a while
<tudo> I cant swipe it down
<tudo> cannot
<Bert_> You are not the only one. Everything working fine here on i9100 and p7510
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<tudo> I'm using I9100G
<Bert_> Try enabling the power widgets for the Notification drawer. Maybe the extra things will trip something to allow the notibar to open. I have never seen the issue.
<tudo> thanks
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<tudo> it's not working too
<tudo> but I will go back to 4.2.1
<tudo> thanks for the help
<jomp16> Here is working fine in 18th build in p3110
<tudo> btw
<jomp16> Only glitches in bootloader >.<
<tudo> how can I get in "developer options"
<tudo> ?
<jomp16> Tap build time 7 times
<jomp16> In about
<tudo> got it
<tudo> thanks
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<a3Dman> new i9100 camera hal is awesome
<tudo> anyone using I9100G here?
* Bert_ raises his hand
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<tudo> u using I9100G?
<tudo> Bert
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<Bert_> Yes
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<sochanus> hi
<sochanus> ok i am new so i will just ask i have installed today 10.1 on my 9100 and i tryyed to run skype. The skype said that the video is not supported in this device but i can turn it on si i did but it is not working
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<sochanus> my screen is flipping from buttom to top and the reciever do not see anything
<sochanus> anyone with the same issue on 9100 with 10.1 (4.2.2)
<sochanus> kernel 3.0.31-cm-g17c7b6e
<irishpat> Using Sprint Note II - flashed rom to latest Cyanogen nightlies, but can't get a moble network. Everything else looks to be working fine. Everytime I try to make a call, it just states mobile network cannot be found. Had the same error with a few other ROMs
<Baskey> @dood Fissurez
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<torron> I just flashed the latest nightly for the GT-I9100 and everytime I try to use Google Now it quits once I tap the microphone icon. Has anyone experienced something similar?
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<a3Dman> w00t, another oem to fuck up key layout
<a3Dman> I'm fucking happy.
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<pmgnet> Is this group here more about AOKP or more about cyanogenmod? Is it on topic to ask about the video camera image being blue on AT&T S3 on CM10.1 4.2.2 nightly build?
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<AndrewTheAndroid> Hrm
<AndrewTheAndroid> I wonder what Google borked on 4.2.2 in regards to HDPI again.....
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<AndrewTheAndroid> Seems like the notification drawer's having issues...
<pmgnet> Ok, going to answer my first question based on
<clibot> [Link] Teamhacksung Wiki
<pmgnet> So, is anyone else seeing blue video on camera on S3 with latest nightly? photo mode is fine. video is blue tinged.
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<Fdoug7> Hello
<Fdoug7> is there any body here ??
<Fdoug7> I have a problem with my Galaxy S II, I can't add new APN !!
<pmgnet> All the people on the room list I think.
<pmgnet> I saw that once I think, maybe with S3. It was a ROM issue.
<Fdoug7> And I can't change SIM code
<pmgnet> had to flash an older build.
<pmgnet> I don't know about that stuff
<Fdoug7> I'm on the latest nightly 10.1 - 20130219
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<Fdoug7> did you know the default code to modify OEM telephony code (SIM code in french) :) ??
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<Fdoug7> when I want to change PIN code, it never accepts my Pin code, however that's already the right code
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<ob_> !supported Samsung
<clibot> ob_: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd, cooper, d2att, d2cri, d2mtr, d2spr, d2tmo, d2usc, d2vzw, epicmtd, fascinatemtd, galaxys2, galaxys2att, galaxysbmtd, galaxysmtd, hercules, i605, i777, i9100, i9100g, i9300, l900, mesmerizemtd, n7000, n7100, n8000, n8013, p1, p1c, p1l, p1n, p3, p3100, p3110, p3113, p4, p4tmo, p4vzw, p4wifi, p5, p5100, p5110, p5113, p5wifi, quincyatt, quincytmo, s5670, showcasemtd, skyrocke
<Espenfjo> nebkat: ^^^^skyrocke
<Espenfjo> too long line
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<nebkat> Espenfjo: fuq u supporting so many deviec
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<ob_> hi. need advice with i9300. have no network after installed 4.2.2.
<nebkat> !plugin reload
<clibot> nebkat: 18 plugins loaded. (1 updated)
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<Forsaken> ob_: can you open an "adb shell" and check for a file?
<Dario__> hi, GPS seems not working for me
<Orginator> nebkat have you fixed it properly?
<nebkat> !supported samsung
<clibot> nebkat: Supported samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<Orginator> uhh
<Orginator> you took out the spaces?
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<Orginator> that's so dirty and weak
<ob_> yes I think so. just need to download app
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<Forsaken> ob_: easier idea. open terminal emulator and type "su", confirm, type "ls /sbin" and tell me if there is a "cdb"
<Orginator> nebkat imo. should go with defining max_allowed_chars_per_line, then splitting to a new line based on the last separator (comma) that would fit within the max size
<nebkat> Orginator: its not even fixed :P
<nebkat> it depends on various things
<nebkat> channel size
<nebkat> channel name size*
<nebkat> length*
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<nebkat> your hostmask length (or so I hear)
<Orginator> uh? that does affect the max length for the msg?
<nebkat> Orginator: yes
<Orginator> oO
<nebkat> its max 512 bytes per "line"
<nebkat> line is
<Orginator> ic
<Forsaken> good old irc protocol :D
<nebkat> PRIVMSG #teamhacksung-support :MESSAGE
<nebkat> and my host before that
<Orginator> aye I get it
<Orginator> nonetheless you can calculate the max length and do what I suggested with some extra effort :)
<nebkat> so you can get 50 bytes taken away before the actual message starts
<nebkat> Orginator: there are a number of issues
<ob_> Forsaken: yes, the cdb is there
<nebkat> 1. I may not always have the correct hostmask saved
<Orginator> how come?
<nebkat> maybe not
<Forsaken> okay then its not the bug I thought it is and I cant help you :<
<nebkat> im not actually sure when it tells you your hostmask
<nebkat> but well the big issue is how to implement this
<Forsaken> I can try the current nightly on my i9300 later
<ob_> thanks. for trying
<nebkat> unless I just split raw and put on next line, it'll have to be in the individual plugins
<Forsaken> did you update from a previous nightly?
<nebkat> and it complicates so much
<nebkat> Orginator: maybe some day
<nebkat> Orginator: I have a gerrit plugin now :D
<ob_> no. From the 4.2.1 build of 12 feb.
<ob_> backup have error and even my old roms are doing it now
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<Orginator> well yeah do it within the class/function that is behind the output (raw), get hostname, calculate length for all the parts before msg, do a 512 - that, and then keep calculating the length of the actual msg based on separators (space, comma etc) until you go over the max_size, then go to previous move and put the rest into the next line.. repeat :P
<Orginator> that's not so much work nebkat :P
<Forsaken> afaik backup won't work as long as you have a different version of recovery
<Forsaken> so flashing back to 4.2.1 using e.g. odin could make your backups usable again
<Orginator> be a pro ;)
<ob_> do not know odin. i will loo, it up and give it a try :-)
<Forsaken> uh
<Forsaken> ob_: sometimes I just think too complicated xD you can just flash back 4.2.1 using the recovery and then try to restore your backups
<Forsaken> if you didnt try that already
<Forsaken> otherwise it surely would be helpful to get a view on your logs
<nebkat> Orginator: doit
<nebkat> opensauce
<nebkat> :)
<ob_> i'm im
<ob_> i'm in clockworkmod but flash option is not showing
<Orginator> nebkat does it accept c++? :P
<nebkat> Orginator: notnx
<nebkat> java
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<nebkat> or gtfo
<Orginator> :(
<nebkat> my next bot will be in scala
<Forsaken> Orginator: I like c++ too ;P
<YuSuFBuLDu> Hi !
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<Orginator> Forsaken uhh I thought you'd like em all
<juanono823> Hello I was trying to build cm10.1 for i9100 for the first time and I get an error message about libtvout and libcamera not being pulled from device. Is there any known issue or am I doing something wrong?
<Orginator> with all the projects you want to start :P
<YuSuFBuLDu> How can i install apk for cm 10 samsung galaxy s2 ??
<Forsaken> nah, I hate javascript for example, but I think everyone does :D
<Orginator> i've just coded some 300 liners in js
<Orginator> so can't say much
<Forsaken> I've coded tonns of huge scripts in javascript
<Forsaken> thats why I hate it :D
<Orginator> how huge?
<Forsaken> but thats mainly a browser implementation thing
<YuSuFBuLDu> '' There is noapplication registered to handle the type of file selected '' What is this ?
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<YuSuFBuLDu> '' There is noapplication registered to handle the type of file selected ''
<Thracky> lrn2computer
<YuSuFBuLDu> '' There is noapplication registered to handle the type of file selected ''
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<nebkat> !nuclearbomb yusufbuldu death learn to be polite ktnx
<clibot> yusufbuldu: 10
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<clibot> yusufbuldu: 8
<clibot> yusufbuldu: 7
<clibot> yusufbuldu: 6
<clibot> yusufbuldu: 5
<clibot> yusufbuldu: 4
<clibot> yusufbuldu: 3
<clibot> yusufbuldu: 2
<clibot> yusufbuldu: 1
yusufbuldu was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by clibot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was turquoise.]
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<Forsaken> Orginator: a javascript map of a minecraft server map which is about 1400 lines of javascript, a current C++ driven project of mine has a webinterface with tonns of javascript splitted in serveral files
<Orginator> ok
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<nebkat> Forsaken: my favorites are java (and android), js, php, dart
<Forsaken> besides that I work as a web developer and need to work with huge script like every day :D
<nebkat> I wouldnt mind scala
<nebkat> though havent done anything in it yet
<Orginator> the most i've worked on was a .js with over 7k lines
<nebkat> and html css ofc
<Orginator> but was just adding a couple small functions
<Orginator> not my project
<nebkat> ive never actually written more than about 100 lines for a js project TBO
<nebkat> ive never had any major web projects :(
<nebkat> yet.
<Forsaken> :D
<Orginator> nebkat you dont do c/c++/c# ?
<nebkat> but from now on I might just use dart cus I like java
<nebkat> Orginator: no, unfortunately
<nebkat> I wouldnt say I hate it but its just too low level for me
<white> nebkat, what do you use for the bots
<nebkat> well I worked with datagutt on php bot, js bot and now I made my own java bot
<nebkat> he is working on the other js bot
<Orginator> Forsaken using c++11 or keep it oldskool? :P
<datagutt> nebkat: you stole my bot
<datagutt> and you are still doing
<Forsaken> c++11 and boost
<nebkat> datagutt: tell me more about when you wrote java? :D
<datagutt> nebkat: you still have stolen it
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<datagutt> it is like apple
<nebkat> datagutt: lets not act like this in public
<nebkat> :P
<datagutt> if someone invents something
<datagutt> and apple copies
<datagutt> they invented it all along
<datagutt> nebkat: i am being sarcastic
<Orginator> Forsaken probably asio? :P
<nebkat> Orginator: I also dont make any stuff that *requires* c++
<nebkat> datagutt: IT ISNT VISIBLE
<datagutt> NEBKAT
<datagutt> [21:00:16] <@datagutt> it is like apple
<datagutt> [21:00:17] tweetergal (~currypuff@unaffiliated/currypuff) left IRC.
<datagutt> [21:00:20] <@nebkat> datagutt: lets not act like this in public
<datagutt> [21:00:21] <@datagutt> if someone invents something
<datagutt> [21:00:22] <@nebkat> :P
<datagutt> [21:00:24] <@datagutt> and apple copies
<datagutt> [21:00:31] <@datagutt> they invented it all along
<datagutt> see the part about apple
<datagutt> and they inventing everything
<datagutt> unless you believe i am an isheep, that is a clear sign
<nebkat> anyway
<datagutt> nebkat: do you believe i am an isheep?
<nebkat> osxsheep?
<nebkat> lol
<nebkat> nah
<datagutt> hah
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<datagutt> i use whatever works
<datagutt> i am no fanboy
<Forsaken> Orginator: coding a highly customizable reverse engeneering tool for software with a lua scriptable webinterface :D I only interact with the application memory of the computer and the network interface
<nebkat> go linux br0
<datagutt> except when it comes to mizu
<datagutt> nebkat: i prefer osx because it works and lets me run a lot of unix utils
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<datagutt> i could live with linux
<nebkat> Orginator: you've seen this already havent you?
<datagutt> but i don't
<nebkat> !js this
<datagutt> lol
<clibot> [object Object]
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<Orginator> yeah I have
<datagutt> !nuclearbomb clibot death
<clibot> clibot: 10
<clibot> clibot: 9
<clibot> clibot: 8
<clibot> clibot: 7
<clibot> clibot: 6
<clibot> clibot: 5
<clibot> clibot: 4
<datagutt> nebkat. why does you bot let you do this?
<clibot> clibot: 3
<clibot> clibot: 2
<nebkat> !message #teamhacksung-support 42
<clibot> clibot: 1
<clibot> 42
clibot was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by clibot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was azure.]
<datagutt> nuclearbomb himself
<Orginator> but still you don't split the output properly, shame :P
<nebkat> fuuuuuuuu
<datagutt> that is stupid
<datagutt> i fixed that
<datagutt> my bomb plugin > yours
<nebkat> datagutt: the owner is stupid
<nebkat> that is what is stupid
<nebkat> and I mean the one who ran the command
<datagutt> nebkat: Still
<datagutt> you should not be able to do it
<nebkat> datagutt: why?
<nebkat> I want freedom
<datagutt> Because there is no need
<nebkat> there is no need to check
<datagutt> if owner wants to kick him
<datagutt> or ban
<nebkat> that is what there is no need for
<datagutt> they use kick or kickban commands
<datagutt> why should the owner be able to bomb the bot?
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<datagutt> ask me that
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<datagutt> err
<datagutt> answer me that
<datagutt> why should it be possible
<nebkat> datagutt: because if I want to I will do it
<nebkat> I dont want to be stopped
<nebkat> as I said, its the owner that is stupid
<nebkat> brb
<nebkat> lunch
<Orginator> so if (u_nick == "nebkat") !
<Orginator> else bomb(u_nick) :D
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<Forsaken> yay my cyanogenmod modification works *cheer*
<datagutt> [21:04:18] <@nebkat> datagutt: because if I want to I will do it
<datagutt> that is a stupid reason
<datagutt> "If i want to do sql injection i will do it.. that is why our website is insecure"
<nebkat> datagutt: its insecure if I gave everyone admin rights
<datagutt> Ok so it is OK to allow admins to do sql injections
<nebkat> datagutt: by your logic sql is bad because it allows itself to be removed by someone who is privileged?
<Orginator> !nuclearbomb clibot secure
<clibot> Orginator: You do not have permission to run "nuclearbomb"
<Orginator> damn it's cold in here
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<chadouming> !nuclearbomb Orginator
<clibot> Orginator: You have been challenged! Choose which wire to cut (RED, GREEN, BLUE) before time runs out!
<clibot> Orginator: 10
<clibot> Orginator: 9
<clibot> Orginator: 8
<clibot> Orginator: 7
<clibot> Orginator: 6
<clibot> Orginator: 5
<clibot> Orginator: 4
<clibot> Orginator: 3
<clibot> Orginator: 2
<clibot> Orginator: 1
Orginator was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by clibot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue.]
<chadouming> mouhahahaha :D
<Thiagovfar> I guessed that one right
<chadouming> !unban Orginator
<chadouming> yeah right
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<DDave> me memememe
<DDave> nuclearbomb
<DDave> im feeling lucky tonight!
<chadouming> !nuclearbomb DDave 3
<clibot> DDave: You have been challenged! Choose which wire to cut (RED, GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW, ORANGE, PURPLE, BROWN, WHITE, BLACK, GREY) before time runs out!
<clibot> DDave: 10
<clibot> DDave: 9
<clibot> DDave: 8
<DDave> TY!
DDave was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by clibot [Wrong wire! You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was brown.]
<chadouming> lol
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<chadouming> !unban DDave
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<DDave> -_- again please :D
<Guest75652> hi. i recently upgraded to cm10.1 experimental via the standard update mechanism in the settings. everything worked fine. but i cannot find the google apps store icon in the apps menu. did not find anything in google
<codeworkx> google died
<codeworkx> it's now the Apple App Store
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<Ntemis> lol
<Guest75652> umean the famous android apple app store icon ;-)
<Ntemis> gp
<Ntemis> or gps ;p
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<Guest75652> cross platform
<Ntemis> no linear
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<Guest75652> the gapps is already flashed with last 10.1 but from xda it reads like there is no other task if i just update the build
<Ntemis> so codeworkx will you help me get started with w30hd from Ramos? ;p
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<Ntemis> its really shame to have so much potentials and not deliver
<codeworkx> huh?
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<Ntemis> its a 4412 exynos with 2gb ddr3 1600mhz 32gb emmc/gps/wifi-N/Bluetooth v4/etc
<Ntemis> 1080p
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<Ntemis> 10.1"
<codeworkx> what's the problem?
<Ntemis> no source code
<codeworkx> xD
<codeworkx> kernel sauce?
<Ntemis> and i have found drivers from others
<Ntemis> for everything
<Ntemis> panel driver from acer a700
<Ntemis> etc
<Ntemis> but i want an expert opinion
<Ntemis> i know sh*t about exynos
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<Ntemis> this
<clibot> [Link] CyanogenMod/android_kernel_samsung_smdk4412 �� GitHub
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<Ntemis> and this
<clibot> [Link] CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_smdk4412-common �� GitHub
<Ntemis> for base
<Ntemis> is a good decision?
<codeworkx> dunno
<codeworkx> it's samsungish
<Ntemis> thats why i ask
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<Ntemis> isnt the 4412 samsungish also?
<Ntemis> it has samsung cpu/ram/nand
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<codeworkx> Ntemis: do a device tree and make everything working. after that you can see if -common is a option or not
<Ntemis> hmm
<Ntemis> using their kernel?
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<jounathaen> hey can I ask a question regarding cm10 on the galaxy tab 2 10.1 (p5110) ?
<jounathaen> i have a samsung dock with line out audio, in CM9 the audio-via-Dock worked fine, but on Cm10 it doesn't work anymore
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<codeworkx> jounathaen: buy me a dock and i will fix it
<jounathaen> k
<clibot> [Link] imgur: the simple image sharer
<Jiangyi> w00t
<Jiangyi> all teh N4s xD
<jounathaen> actually i#m living in munich, so i could give you mine
<codeworkx> this?
<clibot> [Link] Samsung Original Universaldockingstation (30-Pin, Ladefunktion, Line-Out) EDD-D100BEGSTD (kompatibel...
<jounathaen> yes
<nebkat> Jiangyi: u gotz dat?
<Jiangyi> nebkat: My replacement N4 came today, along with new screen protectors :-P
<nebkat> Jiangyi: whats the two boxes?
<nebkat> idongetit
<Jiangyi> nebkat: One's the original one, one's my replacement.
<Jiangyi> I don't have to send the original back for another 3 weeks :p
<Jiangyi> Google RMA's awesome
<nebkat> Jiangyi: waa?
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<nebkat> send it to me
<nebkat> say you lost it
<Thracky> send it back now before you forget and they charge mom & dad's cc :P
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<nebkat> Thracky: +1
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Cause I can totally forget about a big box sitting in the middle of my desk :-P
<nebkat> Thracky: dawg
<Thracky> you might just keep putting it off
<Jiangyi> But yeah, I'm gonna send it back over the weekend.
<Thracky> I almost did that with a hard drive advanced rma
<Jiangyi> They're paying for shipping too xD
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: amazon is just as nice
<Thracky> yeah that's normal, they give you a shipping label
<Thracky> amazon just lets you keep shit if they send the wrong order :P
<Jiangyi> Yeah, same with Google I suppose.
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<jomp16> And i want N4 in Brazil noooow!
<nebkat> amazon lets you keep if the return shipping costs some amount
<nebkat> thats the best xD
<Jiangyi> :o that's pretty cool
<nebkat> ea broke all keys to try get people on origin
<nebkat> asked for replacement from amazon
<nebkat> later on i got to ea support and got new key
<nebkat> awesome
<jomp16> I can buy on Amazon, but has impost
<jomp16> Taxes... Sorry
<jounathaen> cyanogen: what about the dock? i'll buy you one if you can help me :-)
<jounathaen> f**k not cyanogen i meant codeworx -.- too much internet todax ;-)
<codeworkx> already ordered one
<Jiangyi> lol so much for not spending time on useless tablets xD
<jounathaen> great thanks
<codeworkx> doesn't mean i'll work on it
<jounathaen> :-(
<codeworkx> if i get some time
<codeworkx> might be tricky
<jounathaen> of course
<jounathaen> i don't know why but it worked on cm9
<jounathaen> maybe changes in the kernel?
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> cm9 was closed source audio hal
<codeworkx> cm10 is opensource
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<codeworkx> and since i don't own a dock, i wasn't able to implement it
<jounathaen> oh ok
<jounathaen> this makes it somehow clear to me
<jounathaen> but anyhow: thanks that you think about dealing with it :-D
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<Jiangyi> z0mg
<Jiangyi> cody followed me on G+ :-o
<Guest_____> I have a samsung galaxy s, but it doesn't have a home button.
<Guest_____> How do I boot into download mode?
<jomp16> adb reboot download if I'm correct
<Guest_____> !supported samsung
<clibot> Guest_____: Supported samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmt
<jomp16> Or you device has a own combo button to reboot
<Guest_____> Where do I type "adb reboot download"?
<jomp16> You don't have knowledge of adb, so forget it,
waratte-sb is now known as waratte
<Guest_____> Oh, I am purposely avoiding the SDK. I have bad luck with it in the past.
<Guest_____> have had*
<Jiangyi> Guest_____: American variant or something?
<Jiangyi> Or is the home button physically broken?
<Guest_____> I guess so.
<Jiangyi> Guest_____: Should just be Volume down + Power button
<Guest_____> Ok, thanks
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<Guest_____> It looks like this, but it's the galaxy s.
<jomp16> Modelo number?
<Jiangyi> Guest_____: AT&T Galaxy S Captivate?
<Guest_____> SAMSUNG-SGH-I897
<Jiangyi> Yep, captivate.
<waratte> I agree.
<Guest_____> It doesn't say captivate anywhere on it.
<Jiangyi> It should say on the box.
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<Guest_____> Well, I found the captivate on the CM wiki, and they look the same. And it has the same model no.
<Jiangyi> Ah Captivate... That was a nice phone.
<Guest_____> It's actually my friend's. I have the S3 on Sprint.
<Guest_____> And that leads me to my next question!
<clibot> [Link] Eve A - Google+ - Ha, what an ad! :D
<Guest_____> I want to flash CM10 onto it, and I am wondering the risks in that.
<Jiangyi> American S3s are pretty safe, except for the painful VZW one.
<Jiangyi> :/
<jomp16> And international?
<Guest_____> I'm American.
<nebkat> Jiangyi: lol
<Guest_____> About long will the process take?
<jomp16> American of America or American of EUA?
<Guest_____> I rooted my Nook Color and it took about 15 minutes, will this be about the same?
<Jiangyi> Should only be a few minutes if you know what you're doing.
<Jiangyi> Read the wiki basically.
<Jiangyi> You don't even need root, you just need to get CWM up and running.
<Guest_____> Thanks.
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<jomp16> Hey, Sammy devices has a unlocked bootloader or has some devices with locked bootloader?
<Jiangyi> Some have locked bootloaders, especially the verizon ones.
<jomp16> The true Sammy devices, not the mobile variant
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<Jiangyi> Uhh.... Not usually then, no.
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<clibot> [Link] [#CYAN-357] Samsung-SGH-i747M (S3 for Canadian Bell/Telus) has ro.product.device set to "dtmtr" - Cy...
<Jiangyi> Well, that's the most screwy thing I've heard all day.
<Jiangyi> ._.
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<xaositek> Hello
<jomp16> Jiangyi: wat?!
<jomp16> Hello
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<xaositek> Anyone able to run a quick test on any CM-build and Chrome stable for me?
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<jomp16> I'm using chrome stable and beta in my tablet with CyanogenMod...