nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
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<JainAmber> !supported
<clibot> JainAmber: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<JainAmber> !device note 10.1
<clibot> JainAmber: Unknown device note
<JainAmber> !device 10.1
<clibot> JainAmber: Unknown device 10.1
<JainAmber> !supported Samsung
<clibot> JainAmber: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<JainAmber> !device n8000
<clibot> JainAmber: Information for Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (GSM):
<JainAmber> !download n8000
<clibot> JainAmber: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (GSM): [2d805a]
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<alpharender_> salut a tous- Hi All
<Jiangyi> Bonjour - Hello
<alpharender_> angalis obligatoir sur le chat ?
<Jiangyi> Oui, mais il n'y a pas des gens actifs ici maintenant. :-P
<Jiangyi> Mon français n'est pas très bon aussi
<alpharender_> Pfff moi qui cherche de l'aide pour le EAP sim lol Snif
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<Jiangyi> Je ne sais rien sur le EAP, désolé :/
<alpharender_> No Problem, I'll be back later
<alpharender_> photo sphere? pour CM10.1 ???
<Jiangyi> Photosphere est une fonctionne proprietaire aux les appareils de Nexus
<Jiangyi> - les
<alpharender_> Hmmm, there are a zip file to flash, to integrate it to cm10.1 but i hope integrate it natively on cm10.1
<Jiangyi> Oui, the zip is a hack
<alpharender_> ok
<Jiangyi> It'll never be integrated, because it's not opensource.
<alpharender_> ok
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<alpharender_> eapsip script doesn't work on my galaxy note 1.
<alpharender_> mais personne ne peux l'ajouter ?
<alpharender_> network={ ssid="FreeWifi_secure" key_mgmt=WPA-EAP IEEE8021X eap=SIM priority=5 }
<alpharender_> add this code to wpa_supplicant.conf, but not work for me
<alpharender_> merci pour ton explication sur le photospere
<Jiangyi> xplodwild: Do you know anything about EAP-SIM? :-P
<Jiangyi> XDA says you're on Free Mobile, so...
<xplodwild> ben
<xplodwild> EAP-SIM = SIM
<xplodwild> = RIL
<xplodwild> = Propriétaire
<xplodwild> = A part hacker via un wpa_supplicant propriétaire, je pense pas que ça puisse être supporté en OS tant que l'AOSP le gère pas directement
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<alpharender_> y a pas male de monde qui integre le petit code plus haut et l'eapsim marche chez eux, Pk pas chez tous le monde ??
<alpharender_> car chez moi, apres integration, impossible d'activer le wifi
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<alpharender_> @xplodwild> salut, Xplod, donc, la seul solution pour le moment c'est, (qui ne marche pas chez moi) c'est bien sa ?
<clibot> [Link] Activer la connexion EAP-SIM sur un t��l��phone Android non-Free - Freenews : L'actualit�� des Freen...
<xplodwild> ouip
<xplodwild> qui ne marche sur aucun tel qui n'est pas en rom stock (ou basé sur le stock)
<alpharender_> OK, j'ai pas tester a l'epoque de la stock., , merci, je vous embete pas plus que ca,
<alpharender_> Bonne nuit les dev. je re plus tard avec d'autres questions lol
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<clibot> [Link] Alan Pope - Google+ - "Excitement for #ubuntu ��at MWC is growing. Even Mark���
<Jiangyi> LOL get flashed xD
<hyperair> has anyone tried out CM10.1 with the USB OTG charging hack?
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<clibot> [Link] [redirected]: Alireza Yavari - Google+ - Eclipse, The Wold's Largest Private Yacht Has Docked in NYC���
<Jiangyi> Wonder if Koush can steal that xD
<Jiangyi> nebkat: ^
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<esepete> cant install games on 10.1 cyanogenmod on gt 2 7.0
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<Dirumos> Hi, good night to all, I've just installed Cyanogenmod 10.1 for S3 Android 4.2.1, It's all ok, but when I try to use my data conection,, nothing happens,, maybe there's a Zip file like for this version of android... please Help Me... thanks
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<MirajT> !supported Samsung
<clibot> MirajT: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<MirajT> how to fix boot animation on p3100..cm10.1 ..already tried with JB bootloder flashing
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<Beyond_> hi, is anyone in here?
<Beyond_> !download i-605
<clibot> Beyond_: Unknown device i-605
<Beyond_> Has the current nightly build addressed the GPS locking issue yet? I wanted to check before I replace TWRP with CWM and install the rom
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<DvineLord> Entropy512 you around?
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<Espenfjo> DvineLord: He is asleep.
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<clibot> [Link] Antepedia Open Source Search Engine - Stay aware of updates & security issues of open source project...
<DvineLord> thats a kool site
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<Yappy1> i havent been following cm10.1 for galaxy s3 (i9300) for a long time now
<Yappy1> how is it going?
<Yappy1> codeworkx, samsung being cooperative at all?
<hyperair> O_O the daydream clock ghosting issues have disappeared!
<hyperair> i don't know if the fix was brought on with a CM update, or whether i flipped some setting in developer options
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<Reiner> good day everyone
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<Reiner> a quick question, just wondering eMMC brick bug problem issit still with the latest CM for SGS3?
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<Turb0User> hi
<Turb0User> i installed cm 10.1 (jelly bean 4.2.2) on my galaxy tab 2 10.1" and i cant find mini apps
* pawitp facepalms
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<Turb0User> ?
<pawitp> CM is a AOSP-based android distribution and does not contain modifications made by Samsung
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<Turb0User> thanks for the help but can you help me find how to install this modification?
<pawitp> you can't
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<Turb0User> there's no port?
<pawitp> it's not something that can be ported
<Turb0User> you're a cm developer?
<pawitp> I'm the SGS maintainer
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<Turb0User> can you add this idea to the wishlist?
<Turb0User> or considered or something?
<pawitp> no
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<codeworkx> xD
* pawitp reminds himself to not respond in this channel XD
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<a3Dman> rofl
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<nebkat> lol
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<DuperMan> got my gfx upgrade fix today:D
<DuperMan> gtx 670
<DuperMan> will dedicating my now outdated gtx560 ti 448 to physix be too much? xD
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<JakeyHarry> !supported Samsung
<clibot> JakeyHarry: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmt
<JakeyHarry> !download i9300
<clibot> JakeyHarry: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S III: [01bc7a]
<DuperMan> it doesn't list his mom. wasn't that fixed?
<JakeyHarry> ikr /disappointed
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<JakeyHarry> !device
<JakeyHarry> Hi, Just wondering what my best bet for upgrading my Nightly is? I'm already on 10.1, installed .zip to /sdcard/, but now I'm stuck, I've booted into ODIN mode but i'm stuck as for what's next?
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<JakeyHarry> Worked it out - silly hidden developer options :) Thanks anyway!
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<avinashrbhat> hi, is anyone experiencing a huge battery drop on cm 10.1? the voice calls are showing 23% for just 29m 6s. or is it just me. (on S II)
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<lodder> I'm trying to build cm10.1 but getting this error:
<clibot> [Link] Device i9100 not found. Attempting to retrieve device repository from CyanogenMo -
<lodder> when I'm trying to connect to github I'm getting the following error:
<clibot> [Link] Device i9100 not found. Attempting to retrieve device repository from CyanogenMo -
<lodder> urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden
<lodder> any idea on how I could solve it
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<MrSmuddles> hello people, i would like to install a newer version of cm10.1 on an sgs3 but would like to know first if i could keep the os'current configuration, including apps, settings aso. so could i just override the current system?
<MrSmuddles> or export settings?
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<anh_> hi people, anyone use cyanogenmod 10.1 on note 2?
<codeworkx> no, we're all using windows
<Devourz> lol
<Devourz> xD
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<anh_> lol
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<zZz> who needs dock audio anyway *switches cable to aux port*
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<inki> hi
<inki> does anyone have a faint idea when a 10.1 that is somehow recommended for installation will appear on ?
<clibot> [Link] CyanogenMod Downloads
<codeworkx> inki: aren't there enough?
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<inki> that's nightlies
<inki> but somewhere i heard that they aren't recommendable
<codeworkx> they're working fine
<inki> oh ok
<inki> and will i have to reinstall completely when a new one comes up
<inki> or can I do that with the rom manager?
<inki> from within
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<white> hey there... i have a i9100 with latest nightly .... the clock keeps reverting to displaying utc after a random interval of time.... was wondering if this is a known issue or specific to my device?
<clibot> [Link] [redirected]: Sony Xperia - Google+ - The no compromise HD tablet experience, precision���
<codeworkx> inki: cm is having an builtin updater
<codeworkx> inki: you'll not loose data between updates
<inki> codeworkx: cool, so I just install a current daily and it will always update, also if a rc or a stable version come up
<inki> ?
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<codeworkx> inki: you can update whenever you want to
<inki> ok i trust you man :)
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<zZz> so are we definitely meant to put in apn manually, or am I in fact using the wrong radio?
<zZz> cm10.1 nightly i9100
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<codeworkx> zZz: most apn's are included. chances that yours is missing are rare
<inki> i have installed a 10.1 nightly now, but I can't add my google account
<chadouming_home> inki, you didnt follow the instruction
<inki> which instruction
<zZz> I thought so... actually now that I try add one it doesn't even save - must be the wrong ril/radio, trying some others :\
<chadouming_home> the instruction to install cm
<inki> i downloaded th zip, pushed it to sdcard with adb and then installed from my 9.1 rom managr
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<zZz> inki: you must also flash gapps...
<inki> i see
<zZz> install it right after the rom... hence you don't see any play store/apps
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<anh_> i have note 2 from tmobile, can i flash this one?
<clibot> [Link] CyanogenMod Downloads
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<inki> are there mirrors of
<clibot> [Link] Downloads - Browsing gapps
<inki> I'm having a very slow download
<zZz> Why? They're fast enough I find...
<zZz> Try googling the file name for a mirror?
<inki> but do i know they're safe?
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<inki> well, i guess i can look at the hash
<zZz> check the sizes...
<zZz> if you're installing cm10.1 you won't be asking if it's safe :P
<inki> ?
<zZz> hey let me try some new rocket fuel, do you think it's safe?
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<inki> well, initially i asked when a rc/stable of 10.1 for my galaxy s2 will be released
<inki> but codeworkx told me the nightlies are safe
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<zZz> it's pretty safe guy
<zZz> at least it's the only custom rom you want :)
<inki> ok the md5 matches
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<a-st> I'm still not sure which rom to choose :D Currently I'm on Stock JellyBean ROM
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<a-st> Battery life seams okay so far
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<a-st> Not sure if I can get more battery life with Cm10.1
<plastikman> sigh, is there a third party addon that i can install to have exfat support?
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<a-st> plastikman: you could try siyah or philz kernel which supports exfat
<plastikman> i wondered if it was just kernel
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<a-st> maybe one can build cm kernel with exfat support ;)
<plastikman> that is also an option
<plastikman> :)
<weirdtunguska> hi all. I'm trying to flash a SGH-T989D S II X with Cyanogenmod 10.0.0 hercules stable. Clockwork recovery installed and everything. Even after wiping all caches and Dalvik I get stuck in the cyanogen boot loop, the logo spinning for more than 20 min. What can I do?
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<chadouming|m> Wipe data
<plastikman> ^^
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<weirdtunguska> already wiped everything: cache, factory reset and dalvik.
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<weirdtunguska> gonna restore a factory backup then do everything again from scratch.
<weirdtunguska> can I run 10.1 on my galaxy?
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<Kihokki> weirdtunguska: After install just wipe it again
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<weirdtunguska> i restored a backup. will try to wipe factory, cache and Dalvik, install cyano rom 10 hercules, wipe everything again, and cross fingers.
<a-st> Can someone tell me how battery life with latest nightly is ?
<Kihokki> I got 4 hours with stock battery and used the phone ALL the time, talked about 2 hours
<Kihokki> Phone was SGS2
<Kihokki> Depends which apps you use and which kernel too
<a-st> just 4 hours? o.O
<a-st> I can't remember the CM10.1 nightly with aweseome battery life. it was nearly 4 days in standby :D
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<Kihokki> a-st: Read again /__\
<a-st> I did :)
<Kihokki> Stock battery and used the phone all the time for 4 hours
<Kihokki> Which 2 was calls
<Kihokki> Not standby
<a-st> That sounds great! :)
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<Kihokki> I ordered 3500 mAh battery but it hasn't arrived yet
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<a-st> I use the 2000mAh Extended SAMSUNG battery :)
<Devourz> nice
<Devourz> any good?
<Kihokki> How much you get on CM?
<Devourz> compared to normal?
<Kihokki> Which kernel?
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<a-st> I like it :) With light usage I can get up to 4 days
<a-st> *lite
<a-st> whatever :D
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<wifi> !device
<frankdrey> who here uses svn?
<wifi> use turtoise svn
<RossWell98> Hi, please quickly, << why?
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<frankdrey> wifi, i don't use stupid windows
<frankdrey> :P
<wifi> eh, i thought you were still on it
<frankdrey> nah, haven't used it for a while :D
<frankdrey> don't have it installed
<frankdrey> I was about to install it a week ago, put in the CD, tried to get it to accept the partition, install failed and it deleted syslinux D:
<frankdrey> RossWell98, try again
<frankdrey> it seems that it finished sync AFTER checking for the files again
<frankdrey> does device/samsung/i9100 exist?
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<Davidm_> !device
<frankdrey> !supported lg
<clibot> frankdrey: Supported lg devices: c660,c800,e400,e510,e720,e730,e739,p350,p500,p720,p920,p925,p930,p970,p990,p999,su640
<frankdrey> :O
<frankdrey> #teamhacksunglghtcmotorolla
<frankdrey> :D
<wifi> frankdrey, it only shows all the device supported by CM
<wifi> not by teamhacksung
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<a3Dman> !supported apple
<clibot> a3Dman: Unknown OEM apple, supported:Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
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<leaked_hot> [HOT][LEAK][FRESH][VENDETTA] => || deface it for fun and profit!
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<frankdrey> wifi, i know :p
<wifi> dafuq was that shit
<a3Dman> dafuq was that
<a3Dman> lol
<frankdrey> fking kiddie hackers
<frankdrey> got the password and shit to some site
* frankdrey reported it on pastebin
<frankdrey> we should ddos that kid's IP
<a3Dman> 1337h4x0rz
<waratte> Frankdrey, do that and I'll DDoS you.
<a3Dman> no one can DDoS me.
<wifi> !geo user a3Dman
<clibot> wifi: Error resolving ip for host unaffiliated/a3dman
<wifi> D:
<a3Dman> /facepalm
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<wifi> wait till next time you login :d
<wifi> :D
<kZard|nb> Anyone tried the new Samsung i9100 stock rom yet?
<kZard|nb> I feel like giving it a go
<a3Dman> wifi: you will get a proxy ip xD
<wifi> ddos the proxy :D
<a3Dman> it's hosted on 10Gbps connection
<wifi> so ?
<a3Dman> have fun
<wifi> ddos = > 1 person
<wifi> ddos with all the server :D
<a3Dman> wifi: LOLOL
<wifi> Espenfjo, could ddos the shit out of that 10GBPS
<wifi> but it wouldn't be good for his job xD
<Espenfjo> :/
<a3Dman> wifi: DDoS is illegal kthx
<a3Dman> u go to jail
<wifi> haha
<wifi> no
<a3Dman> i call cyber police
<a3Dman> u go to jail
<wifi> yeah right
<frankdrey> waratte, why?
<codeworkx> w00t
<wifi> codeworkx, y u happy
<frankdrey> what's the sad equivalent of w00t?
<a3Dman> ʇ00ʍ
<waratte> frankdrey: My friend was DDoS'd once, it really hit him hard. He stopped eating and caring about himself. I vowed that I would avenge people who get DDoS'd.
<a3Dman> orly?
<frankdrey> waratte, this guy hacked a site and posted the logins on pastebin
<frankdrey> he deserves to be DDoS'd
<frankdrey> what if someone posted your site's cpanel password and phpbb admin login on pastebin?
<a3Dman> no one deserves a DDoS!
<frankdrey> and linked it to people on IRC
<a3Dman> no DDoS before trial.
<wifi> a3Dman, some people deserver DDOS
<a3Dman> make peace not DDoS
<wifi> i'll be the judge and the executioner
<a3Dman> here comes Judge Dredd
<waratte> [15:38] (frankdrey) what if someone posted your site's cpanel password and phpbb admin login on pastebin? <- Avenge me then. :(
<codeworkx> DDoS all teh things
<wifi> \o/
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<a3Dman> //
<a3Dman> \\
<frankdrey> /o/
<frankdrey> \o\
<frankdrey> /o\
<frankdrey> \o/
<frankdrey> |o|
<codeworkx> pre 2000: people tried to solve problems with their fists
<codeworkx> after 2000: people are trying to solve problems with ddos
<a3Dman> post with ddos?
<a3Dman> and d0x
<wifi> lol
<codeworkx> it's the new way of saying "fuck you"
<waratte> d0x?
<wifi> i still believe hitting someone on the face have more "right now" effect
<a3Dman> <user1> do u know dood a guy banged my gf yesterday
<a3Dman> <user2> lets d0x the hell outta him
<codeworkx> hitting 1 samsung manager vs. bringing the whole company down
<codeworkx> if it's not on web, it doesn't exist
<wifi> depend on how strong you hit the manager
<wifi> and it will mainly hit the webs
<wifi> no pun intended
<clibot> [Link] Urban Dictionary: d0x
<codeworkx> zomg
<wifi> lol, people already know my name
<wifi> where i live
<wifi> can easily have my emai
<wifi> l
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<wifi> address
<wifi> phone number
<wifi> postal code xD
<wifi> even my password !
<a3Dman> what about your credit card?
<wifi> cause yes, i entered it here one time
<wifi> i changed all the password since that time do
<wifi> tho*
<wifi> probably not credit card
<codeworkx> wifi: selfd0xed?
<wifi> pretty much
<a3Dman> yes
<a3Dman> it's like
<wifi> why would I hide my self ?
<wifi> i has nothing to hide
<a3Dman> /ns identify epictallpen0r
<clibot> [Link] Urban Dictionary: selfd0x
<a3Dman> and then you find the user ghosted after 3 seconds :P
<a3Dman> a friend of mine still uses DOS
<a3Dman> thinks it's the future
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<wifi> codeworkx, sent to ub
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<wifi> ud*
<a3Dman> "netchip isn't defined yet."
<a3Dman> :(
<wifi> lol
<codeworkx> that will hit him hard xD
<a3Dman> yeah
<a3Dman> specially if it's well defined
<wifi> netchip :
<wifi> 1. Worst dev ever
<wifi> 2. Acting like a kid on the developement scene
<wifi> 3. Making some developement for a platform you actually don't have
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<wifi> example : "Hey, i have fixed the reboot problem on galaxy S 3, netchip style"
<codeworkx> wifi: U DO NOT CALL HIM DEV
<wifi> 1. Worst wannabe dev ever ?
<a3Dman> worst winzipper ever
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<a3Dman> wifi: brace yourself
<a3Dman> @NetchipTl And the work on Ubuntu Phone begins.
<kZard|nb> This PDA version is different from the other i9100 versions, is it significant that the third value is an "M"? I9100XXMS1
<kZard|nb> It is Poland's build number
<kZard|nb> (stock samsung 4.1.2 )
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<kZard|nb> meh
<Kihokki> Unz
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<Kihokki> Enjoy this 10 year dead plant
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<Emanuel_> Anyone know how to fix the bug in the camera's focus?
<a3Dman> wait for next nightly
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<Chuck_Bartowski> !geo host
<clibot> Chuck_Bartowski: {country: "Poland", region: "Mazowieckie", city: "Warsaw", latlong: {52.25, 21.0}, time: "Mon 23:04 CET"}
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<rekoil> is there a way to figure out if I will be able to reset system status in bootloader on a specific ROM?
<rekoil> because I've tried a whole host of things now and it just wont budge
<frankdrey> rekoil, download mode counter?
<rekoil> flash counter is easy
<rekoil> yeah
<rekoil> flash counter resets, but not system status
<frankdrey> ah
<rekoil> that keeps saying custom
<frankdrey> if you have a custom rom, it says custom ;)
<rekoil> and I need to get the phone serviced
<frankdrey> only way is to flash stock
<rekoil> but i have a stock rom
<rekoil> stock everything
<frankdrey> is it one of those flashed from CWM?
<a3Dman> frankdrey: I have CM and it says official :D
<rekoil> literally just flashed a stock rom
<rekoil> no
<rekoil> from odin
<frankdrey> huh
<frankdrey> strange
<frankdrey> a3Dman, lulsamsung
<rekoil> I9305
<a3Dman> not strange
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<rekoil> the only thing i can think of is that the sboot and tz partitions currently on it do not belong to the installed rom
<frankdrey> rekoil, try this: root > use triangle away > use mobile odin to flash stock rom
<a3Dman> frankdrey: I used JIG after CM install :P
<rekoil> first thing i did
<rekoil> frankdrey: though, when I did that I had a custom kernel installed
<frankdrey> rekoil, well the kernel is definitely checked ;)
<rekoil> after restoring, I re-rooted, did triangle away again and it still wont change the setting
<frankdrey> if it's rooted it's custom
<rekoil> this time i had stock everything when using triangle away
<a3Dman> frankdrey: < aint that a cool lil jig? :)
<clibot> [Link] Dropbox - IMG_20120105_155237.jpg - Simplify your life
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<rekoil> well, you can't use triangle away without root can you?
<frankdrey> that's why:
<frankdrey> root > triangle away > mobile odin
<frankdrey> end up with fresh stock, 0 counter, no root
<rekoil> that's what i want, but its not being nice to me
<frankdrey> <frankdrey> root > triangle away > mobile odin
<rekoil> could sboot and tz partition not belonging to current rom cause the system status flag to be toggled?
<rekoil> they are from an updated release
<rekoil> which isn't from my carrier
<rekoil> and the original rom doesn't contain those files
<frankdrey> no idea what those are
<rekoil> right
<frankdrey> but i'm sure that the root is causing the "custom" flag
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<rekoil> right
<frankdrey> so try what i said
<jomp16> a3Dman: own jtag?
<frankdrey> you will end up with no root and custom rom
<a3Dman> from my experience, flashing any kernel gets custom flag
<frankdrey> johntramp, that's not jtag
<frankdrey> erm
<frankdrey> jomp16,
<rekoil> but if I'm rebooting straight after running triangle away, and right away flashing with odin, shouldn't i be completely stock?
<rekoil> frankdrey: don't want custom rom
<a3Dman> jomp16: that's a 3x 100ohm series resistors
<frankdrey> *no custom
<rekoil> oh
<rekoil> kk
<rekoil> giving that a go then
<jomp16> JIT USB?
<a3Dman> they call it USB JIG
<frankdrey> rekoil, you have root right now don't you?
<rekoil> no, it's stock and not carrier shipped rom
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<rekoil> so gotta flash stock carrier rom first
<rekoil> frankdrey: how do you recommend rooting by the way
<a3Dman> rekoil: you have exynos device and want to root?
<rekoil> cwm, flash supersu, or exynos abuse
<rekoil> or it makes no difference
<frankdrey> rekoil, dunno about your device
<rekoil> I9305
<a3Dman> rekoil: uses exynos?
<rekoil> yes
<frankdrey> i don't know your device :p
<frankdrey> as in
<frankdrey> don't know the specifics of it
<rekoil> yeah i get it
<frankdrey> i have a tab2
<a3Dman> rekoil: use exynos abuse, wont touch the counter
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<rekoil> i don't care about the counter being touched right now, i will need to triangle away anyway to reset the binary status to official
<a3Dman> it's not offical right now?
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<rekoil> a3Dman: i am sending phone for service
<rekoil> no
<rekoil> that's the problem
<a3Dman> well, you need to restart that
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<rekoil> triangle away is resetting counter, but not binary
<a3Dman> flash stock and check
<frankdrey> rekoil, thing is you need to do triangle away first
<frankdrey> because you need root for it
<a3Dman> that would be bad for your warranty
<frankdrey> and root will set to custom ;)
<rekoil> it is reporting samsung official binary, but system status custom
<frankdrey> so as i say
<frankdrey> 1) root and do triangle away
<rekoil> trying that now
<a3Dman> I have i9100 myself, maybe they made it little complex
<frankdrey> 2) flash stock with mobile odin, so you end up with stock without root
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<rekoil> frankdrey: if i boot after running triangle away wont it just set the binary straight away though?
<rekoil> shouldn't I use regular odin right after using triangle away?
<frankdrey> rekoil, no
<frankdrey> triangle away doesn't touch binary
<frankdrey> that's checked by the system automatically
<frankdrey> it should become stock once you're fully stock
<rekoil> no, but there's a watchdog in the samsung firmware which checks if system has been modified
<rekoil> doesn't that set the system status to custom when it detects root?
<frankdrey> but you won't have root after flashing with mobile odin
<rekoil> no but i will after using triangle away
<rekoil> because that requires a reboot
<frankdrey> why would you use flash counter?
<rekoil> iirc
<frankdrey> *tirangle away
<frankdrey> eh
<frankdrey> mobile odin doesn't increase counter
<rekoil> no, but booting a modified system does
<frankdrey> increase counter?
<rekoil> yes
<rekoil> and by using triangle away the phone reboots
<frankdrey> hmm, i do not remember the flash counter increasing
<frankdrey> when i rebooted
<frankdrey> i was on CM
<rekoil> i think it's new in the I9300
<frankdrey> did triangle away, rebooted, mobile odin
<rekoil> my idea was triangle away, reboot, odin
<frankdrey> and was on stock, 0, no custom binary
<frankdrey> but odin will increase flash counter
<rekoil> not if you're using a stock binary
<rekoil> only for things like cwm etc
<rekoil> stock samsung binaries don't modify the flash counter from odin
<rekoil> actually
<rekoil> apparently you can make pre-rooted stock samsung binaries that don't increase the counter
<rekoil> fucked if i know how that works but ive witnessed it with my own eyes
<frankdrey> hmmm
<frankdrey> i know that any binary increased counter on my device
<rekoil> problem for me is that triangle away isn't actually resetting the system status
<rekoil> directly after triangle away it is still custom
<codeworkx> frankdrey: i did a cwm kernel for i9100g which didn't trigger the triangle when you flashed with odin
<codeworkx> frankdrey: i would say there are enough bugs to use :-D
<a3Dman> yes
<rekoil> is there documentation on how exactly triangle away does its magic?
<rekoil> so i can try to figure out why it isn't resetting my system status?
<rekoil> didn't work on this rom either
<rekoil> does chainfire hang around any of these channels?
<rekoil> perhaps the new sboot is storing the variables differently to how triangleaway expects it?
<frankdrey> codeworkx, nice, bugs in the kernel?
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<frankdrey> rekoil, the triangle away thread on xda describes it
<rekoil> yeah i'm reading it
<rekoil> this is so frustrating
<a3Dman> funny thing is that I never flashed anything with odin after flashing CM xD
<clibot> [Link] xda-developers - View Single Post - [2013.02.23][ROOT] TriangleAway v2.75
<rekoil> frankdrey: yeah, i've seen it
<rekoil> a3Dman: that's what i want
<rekoil> but in CM10 i have no radio due to something that has to do with perseus kernel
<rekoil> i don't know exactly what the problem is but there's like 2 of us with the problem and andreilux doesn't seem to want to help
<rekoil> all i know is that if i do get this device fixed i am staying the fuck away from perseus kernel on I9305
<rekoil> no disrespect meant of course
<rekoil> i'm thankful for all the work he's done, and the kernel does give me longer battery times
<frankdrey> I make perseus kernel :(
<frankdrey> j/k
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> I don't
<frankdrey> I don't even know what that is
<rekoil> but for some reason since a while back I can not use any other kernel or I have no radio
<rekoil> if I don't get this device fixed then I am certainly not staying away from perseus kernel :P
<rekoil> :(
<a3Dman> frankdrey: I only relate the word perseus to that shop that sells formal clothes in GTA IV xD
<rekoil> does chainfire hang around any of these channels?
<frankdrey> he's too cool for us
<rekoil> is that so
<rekoil> :P
<a3Dman> he's in #android-dev gogogo
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<rekoil> akjlsfgaijsfiuoqwvfb[oqi THIS PHONE IS PISSING ME OFF!
<chadouming> there we go, full retard mode activated
<rekoil> codeworkx: I really really wish I had just returned the phone that day you told me how annoyed you were with samsung
<rekoil> i was so close to doing so and now i'm fucked
<rekoil> i could have had a nexus 4
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<rekoil> and now i have a stupid white piece of shit with LTE that only works if i am not running cyanogenmod
<rekoil> perhaps i should go on a promotion-spree, making everyone flash perseus kernel so they too have the same problem and we can figure it out together? :P
<frankdrey> stock cm kernel doesn't work?
<rekoil> nope
<rekoil> only perseus
<frankdrey> how so?
<rekoil> and that only works on sammy roms
<rekoil> so i'm forced to run sammy roms
<frankdrey> huh?
<rekoil> yaay
<frankdrey> stock cm kernel, included with cm zip
<rekoil> no, cyanogenmod doesn't work
<frankdrey> lame
<rekoil> stock cm kernel doesn't work
<frankdrey> any details on that?
<rekoil> stock touchwiz kernel doesn't work
<rekoil> frankdrey: radio doesn't power on because it can't find its own imei
<rekoil> because perseus kernel has displaced it by a few bits or some shit like that
<frankdrey> oooh i think i've heard something about this
<rekoil> but i can't restore it because when i boot a stock kernel to restore the modem with the data in the correct place i can't interface with the modem
<rekoil> ...because the data is in the wrong place
<rekoil> .......
<rekoil> qpst configurator doesn't find a phone so i can't program it
<rekoil> aaaand we're back to square one
<frankdrey> :o
<frankdrey> fun
<rekoil> honestly I would much rather castrate myself with a rusty knife
<frankdrey> xD
<rekoil> i am so fucking tired of touchwiz
<rekoil> i want real android
<rekoil> but no, if i do that my modem doesn't have an imei
<frankdrey> put some working ROM on it and sell it :p
<frankdrey> and get nexus
<frankdrey> even galaxy nexus is better than that :p
<rekoil> i was thinking that
<rekoil> but how much will i get for a device that can't even accept stock rom
<frankdrey> people don't know that :P
<rekoil> i guess if i sell it to some regular person
<frankdrey> people aren't nerds usually
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<rekoil> you know what, I'm gonna put it up tonight and see if anyone contacts me about it
<rekoil> can't hurt
<frankdrey> yeah :D
<frankdrey> And I'm gonna go drink some tea :P
frankdrey is now known as frankdrey-tea
<rekoil> just knowing that the problem is likely that perseus kernel maps the NVRAM to a few bits too early causing my restored data to be misplaced is so annoying
<frankdrey-tea> do the qpst thing on stock kernel?
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<frankdrey-tea> oh
<frankdrey-tea> yeah
<frankdrey-tea> re-read :p
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<rekoil> yeah
<rekoil> :(
<rekoil> tried that
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* rekoil cries
<rekoil> i am literally considering switching my quad core LTE-phone for my Snapdragon S2 HTC Desire S
<rekoil> it doesn't even have HSPA
<rekoil> but it has cyanogenmod
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<rekoil> I have the scary feeling I'm gonna have to become some kind of expert on the MDM9615M in order to figure this out
<waratte> You are.
* waratte claps
<rekoil> also, if my suspicion is right, what unrecoverable data has been overwritten in the NVRAM of the modem?
<Jiangyi> rekoil: Haven't you got warranty on that? ._.
<rekoil> Jiangyi: yeah, i do, but the device has been modified so they will probably just say i've broken it
<Jiangyi> rekoil: Flash it back to stock and wipe everything on it. They won't be smart enough to know :/