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<Jiangyi> back
<a3Dman> ok
<a3Dman> I missed archlinux, I will run in vm
<a3Dman> I'm sure a lot has changed lol
<a3Dman> this facebook search graph is creepy, you can basically find anything you need
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* |Night| slaps a3Dman around a bit with a large trout
<a3Dman> why :(
<|Night|> i aimed at Jiangyi sorry
<Thracky> HI
* |Night| slaps Jiangyi around a bit with a large trout
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: lol cairo-ubuntu wouldn't build
<Jiangyi> Thracky: z0mg you're alive
<Thracky> Jiangyi: yep hehe
<Thracky> just so many goddamn distractions
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: use the other one then
<|Night|> Windows 8 and office 2013 set up :P
<|Night|> Office 2013 is pure awsomness
<a3Dman> infinality, that's its name Jiangyi
<chadouming_work> i like it too
<Thracky> I don't understand the huge amounts of bitter HATE for w8
<Thracky> it's really a pretty slick OS imo
<Thracky> even without a touchscreen
<|Night|> Thracky: it is new
<|Night|> ppl are afreaid
<chadouming_work> it's different
<chadouming_work> people don't like change
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Weren't you the one hating on it a while ago? lol
<Thracky> nope
<Thracky> I've liked w8 since I installed it
<chadouming_work> eh, not my case tho
<|Night|> its like the Windows Vista and 7
<chadouming_work> i didnt like it in the beginning
<|Night|> ppl still use XP
<|Night|> i know a dude who has 16 gigs of ram and Windows XP
<chadouming_work> must admit that i have it since december 2011 tho
<chadouming_work> windows xp x64 xD
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<|Night|> chadouming_work: not even that
<Thracky> my wife actually asked me to put w8 on her new laptop
<chadouming_work> eh, what a waiste
<|Night|> XP64bit, is a stripped Server 2003 tbh
<|Night|> but still pointless today
<chadouming_work> at that time, they didnt tought 64bits would be usefull for home OS
<|Night|> they still dont
<|Night|> sicne they made windows 8 in 32bit
<chadouming_work> so didnt put budget into making a home version
<|Night|> Windows 8 should have been 64bit ONLY
<|Night|> thank god server 2012 is 64bit only
<chadouming_work> server 2008 R2 was 64bits only too
<a3Dman> modern ui or metro or whatever they called it sucks on my desktop
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<|Night|> chadouming yup
<chadouming_work> it's windows 8 ui iirc now
<chadouming_work> no more metro
<Thracky> I still call it metro heh
<chadouming_work> lol
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> what borked the extract scripts on d2: A single space.
<|Night|> i like with office 2013 that the proofing tools are now free
<Jiangyi> xP
<chadouming_work> fuck that, when i get home i'll kill that 750GB HDD i'm saving because i might be able to recover my 400GB data in it and make myself a arch partition xD
<Jiangyi> All that's needed is one press of the enter key
<chadouming_work> yay, antidote for free xD
<Thracky> I really like arch, almost tempted to nuke my mint install
<Thracky> running it on my little server right now
<chadouming_work> eh, we run it on 2/3 server
<chadouming_work> a bit of my fault tho xD
<a3Dman> I wouldn't use arch on a server
<chadouming_work> why ?
<a3Dman> very bleeding edge for a server
<a3Dman> sometimes problems happens with updates
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<Thracky> that can happen on any distro?
<chadouming_work> eh, you dont update xD
<a3Dman> chadouming_work: not bad with security updates
<a3Dman> I mean, bad*
<chadouming_work> and when you update, you verify everything and make something called a maintenance
<a3Dman> well, I'd rather use debian
<chadouming_work> eh, you are already on bleeding edge, already have the update that will be in debian 6 month later
<a3Dman> I would trust debian updates rather than arch
<a3Dman> arch updates reside in testing repos for weeks or two...
<chadouming_work> your choice, only issue we had was because i installed lilo instead of grub
<a3Dman> it's good for a desktop, because it will be bleeding edge, for a server you don't really need it
<a3Dman> lol lilo
<chadouming_work> yeah, but i had to install arch on a distant server with archbootstrap and no kvm
<Thracky> it's not exactly "too bleeding edge" for a simple lamp stack
<Thracky> hard to fuck that up.
<chadouming_work> and fastest way i found was to install lilo xD
<chadouming_work> after the first linux kernel update it was borked
<chadouming_work> installed grub since that day no problem
<a3Dman> Thracky: ms banned your xbox?
<a3Dman> :)
<chadouming_work> lamp = apache + mysql ?
<Thracky> a3Dman: several of them.
<a3Dman> too bad
<Thracky> chadouming_work: linux + apache + mysql + php
<|Night|> chadouming_home: what Thracky said
<chadouming_work> thracky, y u no use nginx ?
<|Night|> indeed
<|Night|> nginx is not LAMP
<chadouming_work> no care
<Thracky> I have used it for some stuff
<chadouming_work> faster than apache
<|Night|> indeed
<Thracky> I was just lazy and felt like doing apache for my usenet indexer.
<|Night|> and nginx have php native
<Thracky> it's just for me anyways
<chadouming_work> that's what we use with bbqlog
<chadouming_work> :D
<|Night|> can i brake bbqbot?
<|Night|> bbqlog
<chadouming_work> you can try
<chadouming_work> you can also try bbqbot
<|Night|> you think 10gigabit is enough?
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<chadouming_work> ddos are not to be tested tho
<|Night|> oh :(
<Thracky> pff ddos
<|Night|> ^^
<chadouming_work> lol
<|Night|> ddos is only fun when it works
<chadouming_work> the easy way to break everything
<Thracky> where's the creativity in that.
<chadouming_work> but hetzner will probably do like last time
<|Night|> chadouming: i can change the bgb rables
<|Night|> tables
<|Night|> so that ip to bbqlog goes to 4chan
<|Night|> ^^
<Thracky> do it :P
<chadouming_work> send me an email saying we are being under attack and that xx.xx.xx.xx ip is now blocked xD
<chadouming_work> |Night|, try it
<|Night|> last time someone fucked with bgp tables, a contery went offline
<chadouming_work> lol
<Thracky> I like when boastful people follow through and prove me wrong ;-)
<chadouming_work> btw, thracky, most company doesnt look for creativity but reliability
<Thracky> depends on the job :P
<Thracky> pretty sure if you're a pentester with no creativity you won't go anywhere.
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<a3Dman> Thracky: xbox get banned only in november right?
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<catalin> anyone3 here?
<Thracky> a3Dman: nah, it's really not a set thing at all, and there haven't been any widespread ban waves in a couple years
<Thracky> usually just bans for prerelease play now
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<a3Dman> last thing I've known is that they always did a yearly ban waves
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<catalin> what s u-p with the lock delay |(when locking the screen|(
<Jiangyi> What device?
<catalin> i\9300
<catalin> about o.5 secs or so
<Jiangyi> Known issue, not much that can be done about it
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<a3Dman> samsung made good money on q4
<chadouming_home> samsung always make money xD
<a3Dman> I want to make money too :(
<Jiangyi> I just want to finish this freaking French assignment :-(
<a3Dman> I don't do assignments
<a3Dman> I just try to not fail in the final exam
<a3Dman> worked good for 3 years
<waratte> Yep.
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<Jiangyi> That took way too long to figure out. lol
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<geoff9> hi ppl i recently flashed my galaxy s2 i9100 and it has the latest Cm10.1 nightly with supported gapps. i can make calls but the signal shows as 0 dbs
<geoff9> sorry i meant 0 dBm 99asu
<Jiangyi> geoff9: Use a newer modem
<geoff9> can u tell m ehow i get a newer modem?
<Jiangyi> XDA
<geoff9> the medem should be based on phone model or must be compatible with the current rom too?
<geoff9> modem*
<Jiangyi> phone model
<geoff9> is kernel the modem?
<Jiangyi> no
<geoff9> is radio n modem same? i see a list of radios on the cyanogen mod site
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<Jiangyi> Yes
<geoff9> sorry that i am asking so many questions. my first time to try n get a modem
<geoff9> there is a list of modems for galaxy s2 in the cyanogenmod site, can i link i there for u to see?
<Jiangyi> This should be fine
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<geoff9> ok is that the latest, the wiki im in shows radios like XXXKDH to XXKH3
<geoff9> ty Jiangyi for the help. sorry i ask so many questions :(...can u confirm if LQ6 is latest or ones from xxkdh to xxkh3
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<Vorbisfile> Hello, Do any of you know a way to find old CM10 roms? Sorry if this is a noobish question but I want to downgrade from CM10.1 to CM10 but can't find the old roms
<gladiac1337> sgs2?
<Vorbisfile> Yesm the i9100
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<a3Dman> Vorbisfile:
<Vorbisfile> Yeah it only shows me CM10.1 roms on there
<gladiac1337> does not serve cm10 for sgs2 anymore, just 10.1
<a3Dman> oh
<Vorbisfile> 10 just seems a bit more stable than 10.1
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<gladiac1337> well i happen to have a cm10 cwm flashable rom with datecode 20121205
<gladiac1337> the last version built was 20121216 afaik
<Vorbisfile> So it's no where to be found on the official cyanogenmod site anywhere?
<gladiac1337> yeah, they removed cm10 for sgs2 almost entirely
<gladiac1337> this is the last cm10 build for sgs2
<gladiac1337> was friendly enough to mirror it :)
<Vorbisfile> Thank you ^_^
<gladiac1337> np :)
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<pickpoket> I just want to know how to find a rom that is both lag free and great battery life.
<pickpoket> i have a galaxy s vibrant
<pickpoket> however i do want jelly bean currently running hellybean on my phone. i just want to know and understand how to optimize speed and battery or find the equilibrium
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<isasha_> Hiya
<isasha_> I'm having a bit of an issue installing CM 10.1 on my i9300
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<isasha_> it tells me that it failed to verify whole-file signature
<isasha_> and then it says that the signature verification failed
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<geoff9> hi i have galaxy s2 i9100 with latest cyanogen mod 10.1. i was able to mak ephone calls but the signal was saying 0
<geoff9> so i was recommended to install new radios. so i did try few radios meant for my mobile but no wit says no baseban and no imei
<geoff9> plz help
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<geoff9> can someone help me get back my imei n baseband version plz
<DDave> Geoff9,
<DDave> flash back to 2.3
<DDave> (official roms)
<geoff9> oh damn
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<geoff9> k ill try
<DDave> should work ;)
<geoff9> ddave what if i reflash the cyanogenmod roms?
<DDave> reflash back to stock
<geoff9> i see
<DDave> and then make a backup of your efs...
<DDave> afaik that fixes it
<geoff9> ddave last question
<geoff9> after i finally get back cyanogen since last time i updated the radio it just stopped displaying my imei
<geoff9> so backing up efs will help not have that problem?
<DDave> afaik if you first flash to stock, the imei will be restored
<DDave> Im just curious as to why you havent done a backup first... ;)
<geoff9> everything was working great
<geoff9> i could even make calls and i didnt think the new radios would remove my imei
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<iKillCypher> Hey
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<iKillCypher> anyone know if is it true that the radio/celluar uses 2x more battery then the stock this why the battery drainage in CM 10.1 ?
<peterperfect> probably not true
<peterperfect> especifically due to this very accurate 2x measure
<peterperfect> that god know how people done it
<iKillCypher> well someone said code told them this
<iKillCypher> this is why the battery drainage
<peterperfect> well, if code told
<iKillCypher> due to celluar close source etc
<peterperfect> than it is
<peterperfect> but till there
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<iKillCypher> btw what device are you on ?
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<peterperfect> and even if it was cody, probably the 2x is just a random guess
<peterperfect> Nexus 4
<peterperfect> gave S3 to daddy
<peterperfect> :D
<iKillCypher> man :(
<peterperfect> he is happy
<iKillCypher> of cause you got a nexus 4 with CM10.1
<iKillCypher> who wont be
<iKillCypher> no placebo effect of hwcompser
<iKillCypher> atleast we all know exynos device has it :(
<peterperfect> indeed
<iKillCypher> I thinking of getting Xerpia Z when it comes out and I hope it does not runs into shitty issue which exynos is facing
<iKillCypher> cause I have been with GT-9100 since CM7 and I have learned alot here lo
<peterperfect> iKillCypher rumor has it that n4 stocks will be fine in frebruary
<peterperfect> Y U NO GET NEXUS
<iKillCypher> it does not ship here mate
<peterperfect> iKillCypher where?
<iKillCypher> Singapore
<peterperfect> humn...true
<iKillCypher> I want to really want to but it does not ship here and the SoC Xerpia Z is running is the same as Nexus 4
<peterperfect> not to my country too
<peterperfect> but i got that friend living in USA that always come to Brazil
<peterperfect> so
<iKillCypher> so I doubt CM10.1 wont run fine on Xerpia Z
<peterperfect> benefit
<peterperfect> buy all the things in amazon
<peterperfect> iKillCypher sony is great
<iKillCypher> yes it is so cm10.1 will run fine rihgtr
<iKillCypher> right *
<peterperfect> very much probable
<iKillCypher> FreeXperia
<iKillCypher> has a great team
<iKillCypher> but i dont know if they have an IRC
<peterperfect> cody works with sony too
<peterperfect> cody, entropy, cdesai
<iKillCypher> yes I hear
<iKillCypher> doe FreeXperia
<iKillCypher> has a irc channel ?
<iKillCypher> cause :P I would love to join their development
<peterperfect> dunno
<peterperfect> why u no join #freexperia and see?
<peterperfect> hehe
<iKillCypher> ty :P
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<dinkar> Hi, Wifi is not working on my phone
<dinkar> any idea? Samsung center in Bangalore, RT Nagar is suggesting me to change mother board
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<iKillCypher> strange dude
<iKillCypher> samsng has asked to change his motherboard and he refused
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<EvilBelgian> Hmmmm, I see the Teamhacksung wiki has gotten more passive aggressive
<peterperfect> ?
<peterperfect> an Evil Belgian
<peterperfect> that can't be good
<Bert_> TheEvilBelgian must eat his frites avec du ketchup.
<peterperfect> <3 belgian fries
<peterperfect> shit making me want to eat junk food on lunch
<Bert_> Then go out for a bowl of mussels, in a nice curry sauce or a marinara or even better a nice white wine sauce.
<Bert_> But of course with all that you need a nice Belgian beer.
<EvilBelgian> wow...a wall of culinary stereotypes
<EvilBelgian> Don't get that often down here
<EvilBelgian> But then again most South Africans have never heard of belgium so it doesn't surprise me
<EvilBelgian> Est je mange mes frites avec De L'andalouse
<peterperfect> im from brazil
<peterperfect> ive heard of belgium a lot
<EvilBelgian> I know where you're from Peter you do tend to announce it from time to time
<iKillCypher> damn :(
<peterperfect> oh so its time again
<peterperfect> BRAZIL FTW
<iKillCypher> I dont like stock rom but I dont have a choice
<iKillCypher> cm10.1 has placebo hwcomsper which I dont like
<EvilBelgian> Have Teamhacksung ceased development on CM9?
<peterperfect> iKillCypher sell your phone, buy a sony
<peterperfect> EvilBelgian long time ago
<peterperfect> cm9 is old
<EvilBelgian> I know
<iKillCypher> I cant get much can I with GT-9100
<peterperfect> iKillCypher yeah probably not
<EvilBelgian> but CM10 is still broken
<peterperfect> cm11 will be broken too since samsung
<iKillCypher> cm7 was broken too
<iKillCypher> lol
<peterperfect> no i think shit got worse after the hwc
<iKillCypher> you want a true cyanogemod then get sony or nexus
<EvilBelgian> I'll get a new phone once I'm in Scotland
<EvilBelgian> hec?
<EvilBelgian> hwc*
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<tuhoojabotti> Can't wait for n4
<peterperfect> hardware composer
<tuhoojabotti> ooh
<tuhoojabotti> my local store has them in stock
<peterperfect> tuhoojabotti buy it
<tuhoojabotti> B-but the price :(
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<tuhoojabotti> $805.67
<tuhoojabotti> + postal
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<tuhoojabotti> I'm a poor student
<datagutt> FISSUREZ
<angelsl> why is the OSS hwc called a placebo hwc?
<tuhoojabotti> My phone is so much snappier with it!
<iKillCypher> cause it is
<iKillCypher> there isnt a real HWC
<datagutt> DO RE MI FA SOL
<angelsl> 'real' hwc?
<angelsl> geez
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<datagutt> hahha
<datagutt> stupid chinese
<Anthony1s> those are my cousins
<Anthony1s> dont talk about them like that
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<unknwn> what could be the reason that i can't hear people talking during calls on cm10.1 24?
<unknwn> gs3 though
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<wifi> volume off, other person his dead, hardware malfunction, sotfware malfunction, you are deaf, other person is mute, other person is not talking.
<wifi> pretty much it
<peterperfect> or
<peterperfect> it can be the audio bug on sgs3
<peterperfect> random stuff from the hell
<unknwn> most likely but i didnt had it before
<wifi> software malfunction :P
<wifi> already said it
<peterperfect> cause its random
<unknwn> its obvious that'a software malfunction
<peterperfect> when happened to me
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<unknwn> dont remember having this on 22d release
<bealtine> i had it once too
<peterperfect> i done nandroid, flashed cm9-ressurrection using odin, restored nandroid
<peterperfect> and suddently worked
<peterperfect> dunno how
<peterperfect> this is black magic
<bealtine> wiped and it went away
<unknwn> wondering if it's random or release specific bug
<peterperfect> unknwn back to 22 and check
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<wifi> peterperfect, you automagically
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<jagga> hey when I try to flash my s2 with CLOCKWORKMOD-RECOVERY FOR GALAXY S II (GT-I9100)
<jagga> using odin
<jagga> First of all the file from the clockwork mod is a zflash file (no .tags) so I rename it to the correct file name
<jagga> then I use Odin and it doesn't do anything
<jagga> Succeed 0/ failed 0
<jagga> it says
<peterperfect> im pretty shure you doing it wrong
<peterperfect> wait
<jagga> I am too :
<peterperfect> let me link you
<jagga> The fact that I have to rename the file just so that Odin can select it, must mean i'm doing it wrong. I'm doing all this so that I can install the latest cyogen 4.2.1 rom
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<wifi> i am 100% sure you are doing it wrong
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<peterperfect> jagga you still on samsung stock write?
<wifi> spend more time reading on how to do it
<jagga> well I'm not on 100% stock
<peterperfect> ??!?!
<jagga> I had stock but I flashed it with Orange Official rom
<jagga> From Gingerbread to ICS
<peterperfect> you are in ICS so
<jagga> wifi: : There's not much to read, it's like 5 steps
<jagga> yep, i'm in ICS
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<peterperfect> jagga this orange rom is based on stock right?
<jagga> correct
<peterperfect> flash this with odin
<peterperfect> follow the instructions
<wifi> well, obviously, you found the way to not read these 5 step carefully
<jagga> That is what i'm following correct
<jagga> Alright i'll try again, brb.
<peterperfect> jagga use this file from this link
<peterperfect> i provided you
<peterperfect> are you doing this?
<jagga> I am ye
<peterperfect> jagga phone is in download mode?
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<jagga> it was
<jagga> ive turend it off
<jagga> and im about to do it agian
<jagga> so put it into download mode
<jagga> THEN connect it by USB
<peterperfect> jagga pc recognizes your phone when you plug it?
<jagga> maybe that is what i was doing it wrong
<jagga> sec
<peterperfect> codeworkx incredible that your CWM thread still on first page of i9100 forum
<jagga> it's in "Odin mode"
<jagga> Now i will start odin and then connect phone to pc
<jagga> ?
<jagga> Also i'm using Odin v3.07
<peterperfect> jagga always get the last odin version (which i dunno what is)
<jagga> yep
<jagga> When I download the file from the link (the forum topic)
<jagga> Oh.
<jagga> I was extracting the .tar file
<peterperfect> nop
<jagga> instead of using the downloaded .tar file
<jagga> haha
<jagga> that is what maybe I was doing wrong
<jagga> brb
<peterperfect> :)
<peterperfect> yep
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<jagga> <OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 0)
<jagga> still
<peterperfect> no idea
<peterperfect> following those steps is supposed to be no fail
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<peterperfect> unless you have wrong drivers for your device
<jagga> it says driver was not installed
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<jagga> so probably ye
<peterperfect> fix it
<jagga> going to device manager to see what I can do
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<peterperfect> look for samsung drivers on xda
<jagga> Doing so
<jagga> brb 4 mins, drivers are downloading
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<xcvx> Hey guys,
<xcvx> im a student
<xcvx> any easy way to hack my theacher hotmail?
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<peterperfect> xcvx wrong place to ask
<wifi> not fast enough
<peterperfect> true
<peterperfect> wifi and also he spelled teacher wrong
<wifi> lol
<wifi> anyway, if you want to hack your teacher email, just stand near them when they log on
<wifi> usually they are a bit old and use the same password everywhere
<wifi> + it's most of the time simple
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<jagga> haha
<jagga> what a question by xcvx
<jagga> peterperfect: : Now it's flashing, because driver is woorking
<jagga> <ID:0/008> RES OK !! <ID:0/008> Removed!!
<jagga> Now time to install the Cyanogen mod for jelly bean!
<peterperfect> goo
<peterperfect> good
<jagga> Copy GApps and CM10.1 ZIPs to your internal SDCard
<jagga> this step
<jagga> Does it mean I put it into usbStorage folder?
<peterperfect> nop
<peterperfect> place it anywhere on your internal sdcard
<peterperfect> can be in downloads folder i.e.
<jagga> Ok
<jagga> -Boot into Recovery
<jagga> Does that mean download mode?
<jagga> "Odin Mode"
<bealtine> it means recovery duh
<jagga> becuase the next steps are - Flash CM10.1 zip from internal SDCard - Flash GApps zip from internal SDCard
<jagga> Im guessing I can only do that once im in recovery mode
<jagga> ok
<peterperfect> nooooo
<peterperfect> noooooo
<peterperfect> jagga do you know recovery mode?
<jagga> yep, i just watched youtube tutorial
<jagga> i'm in
<jagga> Just need to figure out how to nagivage :D
<jagga> navigate*
<wifi> volume ke
<wifi> y
<wifi> or touch if it's touch recovery
<bealtine> theres a cwm touch now
<jagga> yep
<jagga> got it, power button to select
<jagga> volume to up and down etc
<peterperfect> jagga follow the instructions line by line
<jagga> yep
<peterperfect> serious, its no-mistake :)
<wifi> bealtine, hence why the 2nd sentence :P
<jagga> First Cm10.0 then GApps :D
<wifi> back in the days, we were with CWM 2.x
<jagga> then DO A DATA WIPE / FACTORY RESET (otherwise your device will be stuck at boot)
<jagga> :)
<wifi> and we had ammend script !
<wifi> or edify, not sure which one they removed
<jagga> ***THIS CAN NOT BE UNDONE****
<jagga> Damn
<peterperfect> jagga
<jagga> ya
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<peterperfect> are you aware that you wiping all your apps right?
<jagga> yep
<peterperfect> ok
<peterperfect> go for it
<jagga> Data wipe also complete
<jagga> im on step Reboot
<jagga> I guess it's done
<jagga> Cyanogen Mod logo is flashing etc
<jagga> well guys, thanks for all the help! If I need any more help I know where to go. Also I wish you guys were on quakenet then i could also idle your channel :)
<jagga> Anyway, enjoy your weekend!
<peterperfect> ok cheers
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<geoff9> hi if my efs folder got deleted on galaxy s2 i9100 can i get back my imei?
<geoff9> i flashed back stock android 4.0.3 rom but my phone has a generic imei and i cant make calls
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<geoff9> can anyone help me get back my imei - my efx folder got deleted n now i have a generic imei
<geoff9> cant make calls
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<geoff9> hi sunrise
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<Fissurez> hmmm
<Fissurez> why does fastboot not automatically add itself to cmd.
<Fissurez> >.>
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<Fissurez> ah good
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<Fissurez> I HOPE NOT
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<Fissurez> "why do i get "adb: unable to connect for backup" when running adb backup on my n4?"
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<wifi> cause you are bad
<Fissurez> -.-
<wifi> best answer evah :D
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<Fissurez> oh FFS
<bealtine^> its in disguise?
<Fissurez> it wont recognise it in adb or fastboot ;_;
<Fissurez> ah
<Fissurez> device drivers not successfullyinstalled
<wifi> so my reason was right
<Fissurez> ;_;
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<Fissurez> right
<Fissurez> this isn't working
<Fissurez> this is annoying -.-
<Fissurez> a
<Fissurez> hooray
<Fissurez> ...
<Fissurez> bollocks
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<Fissurez> CHADOUMING!
<Fissurez> meh wait, nvm
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<kdff> hi
<Baskey> @dood Fissurez
<bbqbot> Fissurez: what up dood
<Fissurez> @dood Baskey
<kdff> i've got a question
<bbqbot> Baskey: what up dood
<Fissurez> just rooting my nexus
<Baskey> Fissurez: which one?
<Fissurez> 4
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<kdff> \guys
<kdff> I need some help
<Fissurez> getting super pissed with it only being recognised in bootloader mode
<Baskey> #blamelg
<Fissurez> yup
<kdff> lol
<kdff> is the latest 10.1 CM nightly would be stable enough for dialy use
<Fissurez> which device, which model, and no
<kdff> S2
<kdff> GT9100
<kdff> International
<Fissurez> ...
<Baskey> kdff: CM 10.1 is quite good if you ask me
<kdff> where the rest is gone?
<Fissurez> i suggest you read it completely
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<Fissurez> nightly is assume broken unless you experience otherwise
<kdff> where rest of CM's are gone?
<frankdrey> BASKEY
<Fissurez> FISSUREZ
<Baskey> BASKEY
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<frankdrey> P4m800pro-m v1.0a
<frankdrey> REMEMBER THAT
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<frankdrey> Remind me
<frankdrey> Please
<wifi> no.
<wifi> i'll make your memory work :D
<wifi> and it would have been better if you didnt tried to force me
<Thracky> wifi: gonna work on regulator today btw.
<wifi> nice
<Baskey> [20:48] <frankdrey> P4m800pro-m v1.0a
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<wifi> bad baskey
<Baskey> NO
<wifi> yes
<Baskey> no
<Baskey> Fissurez: TELL HIM
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<frankdrey> THANK YOU BASKEY
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<pickpoket> anyone alive?
<bealtine^> only dead people here
<pickpoket> lol
<pickpoket> I need some help
<Thracky> don't we all
<pickpoket> i want to optimize the speed and battery life of my vibrant on a jellybean rom
<bealtine^> i need horseburgers
<pickpoket> doesnt sound like a too bad of an idea
<pickpoket> any ideas on achieving an equilibrium for lag free and battery?
<Fissurez> back
<Fissurez> ...
<pickpoket> wb
<wifi> yes he is
<Fissurez> no he isn't
<wifi> he is breaking all my evil plan !
<Fissurez> he's polish, he can never be bad
<wifi> he is BAD
<Jiangyi> blah
<Jiangyi> idiotte users be complaining about no noise supression toggle again >_>
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<Jiangyi> urgh, can't wait til I get a speed raise
<Jiangyi> 33mbps down and 3 mbps up sounds pretty sweet to me xD
<wifi> haha
<wifi> 42mbps/2.5 here
<Jiangyi> Cmon Rogers, gief your wholesale customers a speed raise already
<Jiangyi> wifi: Damn you D-:
<peterperfect> heh
<peterperfect> i have 15mb here
<peterperfect> =
<peterperfect> =/
<peterperfect> brazilian style
<wifi> with my new ac protocol, i got 1.3gbps :D
<peterperfect> what is an ac protocol?/
<peterperfect> @google ac protocol
<wifi> @google 802.11ac
<bbqbot> IEEE 802.11ac - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
<peterperfect> oh
<peterperfect> wifi you got router for that?
<wifi> no, I AM WIFI :D
<wifi> would be kinda useless, cause i only have my phone on my wifi
<peterperfect> -_-
<Jiangyi> -.-
<wifi> wut ?
* Jiangyi simply couldn't afford the ac router
<Jiangyi> Which is why I settled with the N16 :-P
<wifi> eh, i have a N12
<wifi> with ddwrt
<wifi> :D
<Jiangyi> o_O so how is it ac?
<wifi> it is not ac
<wifi> i was talkin about my self as wifi
<Jiangyi> wait, I get it now
<Jiangyi> lol
<wifi> lol
<wifi> N12 is perfect for me
<wifi> and it handle my computer on it very well xD
<Jiangyi> I'm still on stock firmware on this N16
<Jiangyi> AsusWRT isn't half bad actually :-P
<wifi> true
<wifi> but ddwrt is better
<peterperfect> ddwrt seem way too much complicated
<Thracky> ddwrt is awesome
<peterperfect> yep
<peterperfect> but complicated
<Jiangyi> I'll flash it when the warranty on this dies I guess :-P
<wifi> lol
<wifi> wont you have a new router in 1 year ? xD
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<wifi> peterperfect, it's not so compilcated
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<Thracky> wifi: so much shit missing from board-mako that I didn't merge over cause I didn't realize the dependencies were based on shit in regulator :)
<frankdrey> i have 1.5 mb
<Thracky> so I finished regulator changes in like 30 mins, thought wtf that was easy, then went to compile.
<frankdrey> I HATE WINDOWS
<frankdrey> I HATE WINDOWS
<frankdrey> I HATE WINDOWS
<frankdrey> I HATE WINDOWS
<frankdrey> just sayin'
<wifi> lol
<wifi> Thracky, that's the kind of shit that always happen xD
<Thracky> thing is I remember ripping all that board stuff out cause it "wasn't used" lol
<Thracky> now I see where it's used :)
<Jiangyi> wifi: Noope. :/
<Jiangyi> My crappy Linksys I had before lasted 4
<Thracky> SO PISSED that Belkin bought Linksys :|
<unknwn> i use openwrt on on buffalo
<Jiangyi> Thracky: They did? O_O
<unknwn> 70-80mbps on laptop
<Thracky> yeah yesterday or day before
<Thracky> cisco sold linksys stuff ot Belkin
<wifi> eww
<Thracky> *to
<wifi> awww
<Jiangyi> ._. well then.
<frankdrey> I HATE WINDOWS
<frankdrey> I HATE WINDOWS(r)
<frankdrey> I HATE WINDOWS(R)
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<frankdrey> ok, i'm gonna try 7
<frankdrey> might be better than xp
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<thejrcrafter2> so what bugs are there?
<thejrcrafter2> (cm10.1)
<Thracky> ALL THE BUGS
<waratte> D:
<thejrcrafter2> no, really what bugs have u found because i am thinking about buying a tab 2 and i want to make sure that im going to have a good rom on it
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<Thracky> dunno, maybe read some forums, do some googling...
<Thracky> wooo kernel compiled.
<Thracky> oh wait, no it didn't :D
<waratte> :D
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<a3Dman> codeworkx: sgs2 with jellybean touchwiz is faster than nexus 4 and battery life stays 3 days heavy usage.
<a3Dman> umad??//
<a3Dman> #praisesamsung
<Jiangyi> lolwhut
<whitequark> a3Dman: 3 days. I call bullshit.
<a3Dman> whitequark: what about the part where it's faster than nexus 4?
<a3Dman> lol
<whitequark> a3Dman: speed is subjective, battery life is not
<a3Dman> that was a complete sarcasm anyway
<a3Dman> hehe
<whitequark> I've seen stranger things happen.
<a3Dman> yeah, strange stuff everywhere...
<whitequark> ... samsung phones actually booting :)
<whitequark> having seen the modem booting code in RIL, I wish I was sarcastic there
* whitequark weeps
<a3Dman> I'm thinking of a galaxy nexus now
<a3Dman> I just need to find the cheapest one
<whitequark> ebay has some specimens at $200 or so I believe
<a3Dman> I saw even 100$, but I can't order online now, I need local deals
<whitequark> but non-replaceable battery, microsim, IPS and glass at the back cover is an instano for me :/
<a3Dman> glass at back cover?
<a3Dman> I'm talking about the galaxy nexus, not nexus 4
<whitequark> oh
<a3Dman> :)
<whitequark> 3AM
<a3Dman> yeah, I know how it feels
<a3Dman> I wish I waited for the galaxy nexus though
<a3Dman> bad decision...
<whitequark> what's so good about it?
<a3Dman> software running without problems
* whitequark still has his old SGS2 and another one, for accidents
<a3Dman> my main phone is sgs2
<a3Dman> I need to sleep badly, good night.
<whitequark> night
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<blahdeblah> Hi. The folks in #cyanogenmod said someone here might be able to help on this: I'm trying to work out compatibility of CyanogenMod 10.1 with my Telstra (.au) Galaxy S 2. The phone identifies itself as an i9100t, which doesn't match any of the descriptors in the CM wiki. The CPU & GPU specs seem to match both the i9100 and the i777 in the wiki. Which model is it?
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<Bert_> Here in Canada we have i9100M s I flashed CM 10.1 with no issues.
<Bert_> Using i9100
<whitequark> try i9100 firmware. it's quite hard to brick this family unless you mess with bootloaders.
<MaXim_> i9100T is T for telstra
<blahdeblah> whitequark: says it's quite easy to brick it
<MaXim_> different modem i think
<blahdeblah> MaXim_: I figured that; so it's probably most similar to the i9100 vanilla?
<MaXim_> sure
<whitequark> blahdeblah: that is a completely different issue
<blahdeblah> MaXim_: Is it reasonably easy to go back to the stock firmware if there's an issue with the modem? I rely on mobile data quite a lot.
<MaXim_> flash stock firmware
<MaXim_> T supposedly means it is "850mhz optimised"
<blahdeblah> MaXim_: And that's a fairly easy thing to do? This is my first foray into phone flashing.
riasssn| is now known as riassan|note2
<MaXim_> you can probably just use the default modem with no issue
<blahdeblah> I've flashed plenty of other devices (e.g. N800), but i haven't really done Android stuff.
<MaXim_> pretty simple to go back
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<Bert_> What you might want to do is make sure you leave the backup image (ZIP) on the internal and/or SD card, it is always there. I always keep the previous CM zip on my machines (i9100, p7510)
<blahdeblah> Bert_: So when i flash it, it will give the option of creating a backup image of the old one?
riassan|note2 is now known as riassan
<Bert_> Blah, can't private. Yes, in CWM you can backup the current ROM. Though, follow other complete instructions that you may find elsewhere (CM, XDA, etc...)
<Bert_> I don't know if superbrick even bricks CWM. I am a lurking n00b
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<frankdrey> you idiottes!
<frankdrey> the guy who was asking about tab2 cm10.1 bugs...
<frankdrey> you couldn't link him to teamhacksung wiki?
<frankdrey> there are no bugs other than IR for p5113
<frankdrey> :(
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: I was taking a nap :-|
<frankdrey> yeah #blamethracky
<frankdrey> was it thracky?
<frankdrey> too lazy to check logs again
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<Jiangyi> Yep
<frankdrey> :|
warb0 has joined #teamhacksung-support
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
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<frankdrey> does it seem weird to you...
<frankdrey> that one of microsoft's reasons to turn off UAC is:
<frankdrey> the fade animation is too slow on your PC
<MaXim_> not weird at all
<Thiagovfar> The fade animation is too slow on my PC
<frankdrey> ...
<MaXim_> it shouldn't be weird if you've been using M$ products
<frankdrey> didn't they think of...disabling the animation?
<Jiangyi> #askmicrosoft
<Thiagovfar> MS? Never
<MaXim_> you've got to wonder how a simple fade animation like that ends up being so slow
g_byers is now known as gbyers[Away]
<Thiagovfar> Well, slow GPU + several hi-res screens;
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