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<Ean> I have a samsung s3 and I am having issues with my bluetooth skipping and sounds very distirted any ideas
<frankdrey> kZard|nb, uh. you need CWM to flash CM
<kZard|nb> I'm planning on making apks of all the apps I want to keep tomorrow, and then flashing afterwards
<frankdrey> how else do you expect to flash CM?
<Bert_> I did it without backing up.. .just in case you are paranoid.
<kZard|nb> okay, thanks frankdrey
<frankdrey> CWM != rooting
<frankdrey> CWM is not rooting
<frankdrey> rooting is not CWM
<kZard|nb> I see. Didnt think so
<frankdrey> i hate when guides mix it up
* frankdrey goes to fix
<Bert_> != = is not :-)
<frankdrey> some people don't know that :)
<kZard|nb> from the wiki: "ClockworkMod-Recovery -- for rooting your Device"
<kZard|nb> which is what confused me
<kZard|nb> why is it not advisable to backup and restore apps?
<frankdrey> because their data might be incompatible with the new android
<kZard|nb> so making apk's and reinstalling them should fix any issues
<kZard|nb> (that may be using incorrect terminoligy)
<frankdrey> copying apks ;)
<frankdrey> they're all in /data/app
<kZard|nb> :P
<kZard|nb> ah
<kZard|nb> I see
<frankdrey> those can be installed as usual later
<frankdrey> BUT
<kZard|nb> so I can just go fetch them there?
<frankdrey> google play *might* not recognize them
<frankdrey> yeah
<kZard|nb> eh
<kZard|nb> I used to use Gemini app manager / something
<kZard|nb> to create apk backups
<kZard|nb> on the other hand, I would realy not mind some of my apps not updating
<kZard|nb> does CWM include busybox?
<frankdrey> meh
<frankdrey> CWM?
<frankdrey> CWM is a recovery
<kZard|nb> ok
<frankdrey> completely separate from Android
<kZard|nb> okay
<Bert_> I would say use the app backup for the sideloaded or older (not upgrading anymore) apps. Otherwise, re-install. A lot of my apps data was kept intact even though I reinstalled..
<frankdrey> just write them down and reinstall from play ;)
<kZard|nb> bert, was your appdata kept past factory reset? o0
<Bert_> Some, yes. (mostly games, everything else is on-line so who care?)
<kZard|nb> I care about whatsapp
<kZard|nb> but meh
<Bert_> Note, you only need the factory reset coming from something other than CM 10.1 Once updated there is no need.
<kZard|nb> the only thing that is flashed is the ~2GB internal memory?
<kZard|nb> * or whatever the storage space is called
<frankdrey> external storage is kept
<frankdrey> erm
<frankdrey> internal storage that you can use
<kZard|nb> so the entiere 16 GB is erased?
<frankdrey> what's left from system and data, is not wiped
<Bert_> Could be, I am not sure. micro-sd is not touched. The userspace (that 11G we get) I think is kept.
<frankdrey> so your 16 gb isn't touched
<frankdrey> except for the system and data sections of it
<frankdrey> everything under "storage" or "internal sd" will stay
<kZard|nb> I meant the split 16 gb (~ 2 + 13 or something)
<frankdrey> staying :D
<frankdrey> also, fixed like 4 of the install guides on the wiki :D
<frankdrey> too lazy to do the rest
<kZard|nb> haha nice
<Henke|MGD> Jiangyi: heh
<Henke|MGD> how stupid of me
<frankdrey> waratte, explain to these people why you delete all gapps off every android phone you own? including Play?
<Henke|MGD> i9300
<Henke|MGD> using CM10.1 Jan 28th nightlies
<frankdrey> maybe they can talk some sense into you
<frankdrey> i give up ._.
<Henke|MGD> tried revert to old backup aswell från jan 04
<Henke|MGD> from*
<kZard|nb> so just to check, the "Internal Storage" (1.97GB) is flashed, and all else is left untouched?
<frankdrey> :S
<frankdrey> ok, so where your pictures are stored, for example
<frankdrey> stays untouched
<Henke|MGD> trying to go back to stock rom now
<Jiangyi> kZard|nb: Not exactly, but the 1.97GB part will get wiped.
<kZard|nb> ...
<kZard|nb> define "not exactly"
<kZard|nb> :D
<waratte> Frankdrey: I delete them because Google has backdoors in all of them. It's not safe man...
<Jiangyi> It flashes it to /system, which is separate and not listed in the storage menu.
<kZard|nb> makes sense
<Jiangyi> waratte: why u no trust Google with data
<frankdrey> waratte, backdoors?
<waratte> Yep, backdoors.
<frankdrey> LG has more backdoors in it's stock ROM than Google does :P
<kZard|nb> okay cool, so the other two parts of "storage" are definitely left untouched? (USB Storage and of course the SD card)
<waratte> Google has it in all of their apps.
<frankdrey> and what would Google do with these "backdoors"?
<FraX_> Hey I'm back again. Found a "noob-proof" installation method, but appearantly it isnt totally noob proof... shows "Download GApps and put it onto your internal sdcard"... And I cant find the internal sdcard. I do have external_sd though...
<Jiangyi> kZard|nb: You can think of it that way, yes
<kZard|nb> cool
<FraX_> (refreshing your mind: I was busy installing CM on an Galaxy I9100
<waratte> They store all of our private information in their clouds.
<Jiangyi> It's not like the other millions of companies don't
<Henke|MGD> Jiangyi: seems like my phone is preparing for a "sudden death"... I saw a thread on xda that samsung has released an OTa that will fix this
<Jiangyi> Henke|MGD: Patch for that was merged into 10.1 a while back
<kZard|nb> so we can get better adds!! \:D/
<Henke|MGD> oh no :(
<Henke|MGD> I was almost hoping that the cm team hdnt had time for that
<Jiangyi> Henke|MGD: o_O Why?
<frankdrey> waratte, and what is "bad" about that?
* frankdrey is gonna get philosophical
<Henke|MGD> because now I feel the little hope I had to fix my phone just vanished :)
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<Jiangyi> Henke|MGD: Again, wipe data :-P
<Henke|MGD> yeah
<Henke|MGD> Wiped and flashed and wiped and flashed
<waratte> Google is evil, they'll do evil things with all my information, frankdrey.
<QuinnLion> sleeptiems
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<frankdrey> waratte, proof?
<frankdrey> if you have no proof for it, i can just as well say that you're doing evil things with my information
<frankdrey> i'm registered on your forum
<waratte> Do I even need proof? Just look at them!
<MaXim_> time to don a tinfoil hat and live with the amish
<frankdrey> waratte, ok
<frankdrey> ...
<frankdrey> done
<frankdrey> don't see anything
<Henke|MGD> Jiangyi: is usb debugging activated by default in cm10.1?
<Jiangyi> Henke|MGD: No
<frankdrey> Henke|MGD, developer options are hidden by default too :P
<kZard|nb> I'm more afraind of the hackers who're probably some day gonna get their hands on google's data
<Henke|MGD> thats what I thought
<Jiangyi> waratte: No, Google won't, Facebook will
<waratte> Frankdrey: You didn't even look, you're too brainwashed to believe me. You're a Google sheep!
<Henke|MGD> looks like I need usb debugging to make it stock again
<Henke|MGD> activated
<frankdrey> waratte, tell me where to look specifically
<frankdrey> you're too brainwashed to believe that you're stealing my info on your forum! :D
<Jiangyi> waratte: I'd trust Google with my data more than I do with my country's government :-P
<frankdrey> Henke|MGD, wait, what's wrong?:P
<waratte> I can't, you'll overlook it because you're brainwashed.
<frankdrey> ^
<frankdrey> ...
<Henke|MGD> my i9300 is acting up
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<frankdrey> waratte, ad hominem
<Henke|MGD> freezez afer e few seconds
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<waratte> My logical fallacies aren't fallable, frankdrey.
<Henke|MGD> seems like the phone works as long as I dont use the notification bar or the "back" button
<Henke|MGD> and where is the developer settings hidden frankdrey
<frankdrey> Henke|MGD, settings > about > tap build number 7 times
<frankdrey> waratte, why not?
<Henke|MGD> yeah
<Henke|MGD> funny guy
<frankdrey> Henke|MGD, what?
<Jiangyi> Henke|MGD: He's not kidding when he says that.
<frankdrey> XD
<frankdrey> here we go again
<Henke|MGD> haha
<waratte> Frankdrey, I'm not going to argue with you. I'm right, you're wrong.
<frankdrey> Henke|MGD, i've told people to spin in circles and do a chant before doing that
<Henke|MGD> I got a jelly beand and an android
<Henke|MGD> stupid languagedifferences
<FraX_> hey guys, still pondering on where to find the darn internal sd card on a Galaxy S II i9100... Anyone can help me out? I'm sure it is something obvious but I cant seem to find it
<frankdrey> FraX_, what android version?
<frankdrey> Henke|MGD, i didn't add anything fake to yours :P that's the real way of doing it :P
<FraX_> Let me check
<Henke|MGD> yeah, I found the right place to tap 7 times
<Henke|MGD> thanks btw =)
<FraX_> Stock 4.0.4
<Henke|MGD> phone froze thogh :(
<Henke|MGD> though*
<frankdrey> :(
<Jiangyi> waratte: You don't make a convincing case at all.
<frankdrey> FraX_, should be /storage
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, i don't know what's happened to him. he used to be a great arguer and then he went all conspiracy theorist
<kZard|nb> silly question: Does flashing a CM rom replace the kernel?
<frankdrey> kZard|nb, usually
<Bert_> Frax: but watch out for 4.0.4 there is a superbrick bug that might be in the ROM. I have no idea how to verify though. The issue is (supposedly) only with 4.0.4
<frankdrey> oh lol
<kZard|nb> I have 4.0.3 :)
<frankdrey> he was asking for internal sd not external Bert_ ;)
<Henke|MGD> lets hope cm-10.1-20130129-NIGHTLY-i9300 will save my device
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Apple killed his brain :-P
<kZard|nb> Silly Samsung South Africa (or whoever was respoinsible) never brought out 4.0.4 for South Africa
<FraX_> Does the supernoob method on also leave the door open for the super brick?
<kZard|nb> so luckily I'm still stuck on 4.0.3
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, yeah :P
<FraX_> "Using the noob-proof ODIN method"
<FraX_> frankdrey, I only found usbStorage... Is that the one?
<kZard|nb> tell me people, does Project Butter on CM 10.1 for the i9100 deliver all the smoothness it promises?
<frankdrey> FraX_, nope
<FraX_> ...Darned
<kZard|nb> my brother got his iPhone 5 yesterday, and I want to prove to him that Android's graphics now look smoother :)
<frankdrey> kZard|nb, not really. but as always #blamesamsung
<frankdrey> they didn't give us proper drivers
<kZard|nb> lol
<kZard|nb> okay
<frankdrey> but it should be smoother than stock :D
<frankdrey> anything is smoother than stock :D
<Bert_> Frank, that is the lack of the HWComposer, right?
<kZard|nb> :D
<frankdrey> something like that
* frankdrey has p5113, no worries about all that :D
<kZard|nb> lol, still smoother than stock JellyBean?
<frankdrey> think so
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, am i right?
<Bert_> K2, yes, except for games. it can get a bit choppy.
<kZard|nb> I'm so getting a Sony next >.>
<frankdrey> get a nexus
<Bert_> Werd frank!
<kZard|nb> I do hear people saying thta
<kZard|nb> *that
<kZard|nb> Nexuses are rare in these parts though
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: HWComposer's there, but it does nothing :/
<Jiangyi> kZard|nb: Xperia Z then :-D
<kZard|nb> :D
<kZard|nb> my thought exactly
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, is there a difference there?:P
<kZard|nb> I like thet "1m waterproof" idea
<frankdrey> meh, root and install CM
<frankdrey> i tried Sony's Android
<frankdrey> they fk it up like samsung does :(
<kZard|nb> :S
<kZard|nb> I thought they had repented now
<kZard|nb> and were "working closely with CM etc devs"
<frankdrey> well...
<frankdrey> they support CM
<frankdrey> i'm saying that stock sucks :P
<kZard|nb> I don't care about stock :)
<kZard|nb> *that much
<kZard|nb> I now expect stock to suck somehow
<kZard|nb> I had an experia X10 before this
<frankdrey> heh
<Bert_> But isn't CM effectively like the ultimate stock?
<frankdrey> Bert_, we mean stock as in Sony Stock
<frankdrey> CM is like Google stock
<kZard|nb> I'm still confused as to how a Sony phone (which is supposed to have superb audio) would lagg on orientation turning
<kZard|nb> (audio lag)
<kZard|nb> Isn't nexus also like google stock?
<kZard|nb> or is CM just nexus roms for all ?
<kZard|nb> *like
<frankdrey> Nexus is google stock
<kZard|nb> ofc
<frankdrey> how it works is there's AOSP = Android Open Source Project
<frankdrey> CM is AOSP w/ more device support
<frankdrey> and a few extra features
<kZard|nb> cool
<frankdrey> but nothing obnoxious like AOKP :P
<kZard|nb> AOKP?
<Bert_> Kang
<frankdrey> but it's not a kang :P
<frankdrey> Android Open Kang Project
<kZard|nb> ohlol
<frankdrey> they take AOSP and add TONS of stuff to it
<frankdrey> resulting in a hodgepodge of stuff i don't need
<frankdrey> maybe someone does
<frankdrey> i don't
<kZard|nb> I see they have a nice unicorn for a logo
<frankdrey> xD
<kZard|nb> wait, no a POWERCORN
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<kZard|nb> O_O
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> They stole that unicorn from Github xP
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, think of a reason registration is required to download free apps
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: idk :/
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<kZard|nb> no, they took the unicorn and fed it POWERTHIRST
<kZard|nb> oh, I see github's one is pink too...
<Henke|MGD> weird thing is that the phone works perfect when doing the installwizard
<kZard|nb> Is there anything I should know / do that users usually miss in their first flash of a custom rom that's not in the "how to install" guide?
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<Henke|MGD> nandroid backup
<Henke|MGD> or just a backup in the recovery
<Henke|MGD> flashing a new rom is easy
<Henke|MGD> but if you're going with cm, dont forget gapps
<Henke|MGD> may apply to other roms as well
<Henke|MGD> tha gapps part
<Henke|MGD> christ im so happy right now
<kZard|nb> ?
<Henke|MGD> my phone works
<kZard|nb> :D
<kZard|nb> nice
<Henke|MGD> well... it hasnt frozen in the last 10 minutes
<Henke|MGD> heh
<Henke|MGD> I wish I hadnt said that
<Henke|MGD> now it froze
<Henke|MGD> god damn jinx
<frankdrey> logcat?
<Henke|MGD> havent gotten that far yet
<Henke|MGD> with the instal
<Henke|MGD> 6hrs until work now
<Henke|MGD> seems like I have the sudden death chip aswell
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<FraX_> Just wanted to say I got the SII working with CM 9 now... Thanks for all the help everyone!!
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<kZard|nb> oh cool. Why CM9 though?
<frankdrey> ^
<kZard|nb> @ FraX_
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<FraX_> Because I used the ubernoob method which was only explained for CM9... and I believe I can upgrade fairly easy
<FraX_> @ kZard|nb
<kZard|nb> hehe okay
<Henke|MGD> gnite
<kZard|nb> night
<kZard|nb> gl with your S3 Henke|MGD
<Bert_> Yes, but you will need to factory reset again.
<kZard|nb> FraX_, if you're planning on upgrading, mabye rather do it now?
<kZard|nb> (they're all nightlies anaway..)
<FraX_> Nah it's too late now... I really need to get some sleep
<kZard|nb> :D
<kZard|nb> night
<FraX_> Thanks again and good night to all :)
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<kZard|netbook> is it advisable to charge to full power before flashing a new rom?
<Bert_> Nah, 30% you should be fine. It takes all of 3-4 minutes.
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<kZard|netbook> I heard some stuff about having to reset battery stats after flashing on a non-full battery
<Bert_> Could be. But I have not done it and I have not seen a big difference in battery usage. i9100.
<kZard|netbook> cool
<kZard|netbook> it sounded fishy to me anaway
<Bert_> Overall I think I am seeing about 10% better performance. I do see some usual i9100 weirdness though.
<kZard|netbook> lol
<kZard|netbook> like what?
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<Bert_> With a 70% full battery, reboot a few times, battery goes down to 20% (yellow) and they actually RISES to 30-35% while the phone is on and actively in use. I have seen this reported elsewhere.
<kZard|netbook> :/
<kZard|netbook> I've had the same issue
<kZard|netbook> lol
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<kZard|netbook> use use use, no change, all of a sudden my battery drops 40%
<kZard|netbook> then it goes flat and I charge it, and during the charge it jumps back again
<kZard|netbook> the person who invented forum signatures....
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<Ean> I am having problems with my samsung S3 and bluetooth skipping and the sound is distorted does anyone have any idea how to fix this
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<Bert_> Ean, not really. Big G issued mea culpa. Not enough tick tocks have ticked or tocked....
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<kZard|netbook> :S
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<kZard|netbook> In flashing CWMrecovery, I took the .tar file from the "How to Install" website and zipped it and put it on my flash. In trying to flas it I get "E:signature verification failed"
<Jiangyi> ................
<Jiangyi> The tar is meant to be flashed through Odin..............
<kZard|netbook> I see yea
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<kZard|netbook> lol wel, I tried flashing CWM Recovery now from the zip file
<kZard|netbook> it flashes, then doesn't work properly, and then when I restart into recovery mode the stock system recovery is back
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<Jiangyi> i9300?
<kZard|netbook> i9100
<kZard|netbook> would it be fine to just use rather than bothering with odin?
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<kZard|netbook> I am confused. Are these zip-loaded CWM recoveries supposed to load only temporarily?
<kZard|netbook> when I reboot CWM Recovery is gone and the old recovery is back
<frankdrey> kZard|netbook: stock overwrites CWM with stock recovery on boot
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Not on i9100
<frankdrey> Jiangyi: lies
<frankdrey> ok:P
<kZard|netbook> on mine it does
<Jiangyi> kZard|netbook: zip-loaded CWMs are, yes
<kZard|netbook> :D
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: stock can't overwrite a modified kernel with stock kernel :-|
<kZard|netbook> okay, so reload zip each time I want to use it then?
<Jiangyi> kZard|netbook: Yes, until you flash onto CM or something
<frankdrey> Jiangyi: yno?
<kZard|netbook> cool
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: idk, they just don't xD
<frankdrey> xD
<kZard|netbook> I'm just doing a backup for now
<frankdrey> as you say :D
<kZard|netbook> seems like it's gonna take a while
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<kZard|netbook> remind me, what is the other name for "radio", and where do I get / how do I go about finding the right one for my country?
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<clip4life> Hi Im About To Flash The New CyanogenMod 10 nightly build on my galaxy s2 For Bell in canada is this Gunna Be ok
<clip4life> nyone help
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<Jiangyi> CID, y u racist
<Jiangyi> Checks translations of other languages, but nooooo, not Chinese T_T
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<Abbey> Hi I have issue with lastest CM10.1 Nightly for SGS2 shall I ask?
<Jiangyi> Don't ask to ask, just ask
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<Abbey> @nebkat In Cm10.1 for SGS2.. The running tab shows 0B for all the running and cached apps? is this a bug? any work around?
<bbqbot> abbey: Command does not exist!
<Abbey> @nebkat In Cm10.1 for SGS2.. The running tab shows 0B for all the running and cached apps? is this a bug? any work around?
<bbqbot> abbey: Command does not exist!
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Why u no sleep :-P
<codeworkx> i did
<codeworkx> it's 6:48 am here
<codeworkx> i'm ill. don't have to work this week
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: y u no sleep?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: If you're ill, you should sleep moar :-p
* Jiangyi has lousy biology to study for
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: my back is going to leave me if i sleep more
<Jiangyi> lol
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<chadouming> Sleep on your belly
<ctcx> Hello.
<ctcx> Need help about Ace Plus S7500...
<Jiangyi> What chadouming said :-P
<chadouming> Wrong channel
<Jiangyi> chadouming: why u no sleep? :p
<chadouming> Insomnia
<chadouming> I simply can't stop thinking
<Jiangyi> Ah I see
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<Jiangyi> Funny enough, I fall asleep half the time by thinking too much :-P
<chadouming> Ahah, doest happen to me
<ctcx> Not that kind of help.
<chadouming> I usually get a headache then only think about that and fall asleep
<ctcx> For some reason CM devs considered this device no good, so no support was ever given for this one.
<ctcx> So I'm thinking about building from source.
<chadouming> Now i have the headache, but i keep thinking what should i do to fix capacitive key on lgog
<ctcx> Ace S5830 has shitty processor and shitty wifi card. Don't know why this one did have support....
<ctcx> Problem is I have never done this before, and I'm trying to look for help or guides to do this.
<Jiangyi> chadouming: write driver from scratch xD
<Jiangyi> lol j/k
<codeworkx> ctcx: there are no guides
<codeworkx> ctcx: every device is different
<ctcx> Some "elite" users here gave me "#"$%%$ and said "you need device tree but you need to write it yourself, almost manufacture all the device by yourself, so you depend on Samsung and you¿re screwed".
<codeworkx> right, you need to set it up by yourself
<ctcx> I know there are racists everywhere.....
<Jiangyi> oh look, MSM7xxx devices :-P
<ctcx> Specially with beginners pointed as "noobs".
<chadouming> Eh, the worst jiangyi is that it's supposed to be easy xD
<ctcx> Ah, so you'll say that as well....
<ctcx> Look, NOT EVERYONE works in Samsung.
<ctcx> Not everyone has that privilege.
<codeworkx> right, none of us is working for samsung
<Jiangyi> chadouming: Oh. Then what did LG mess up :-S
<ctcx> Then I don't understand...
<codeworkx> what dont you understand?
<ctcx> I'm not a Samsung employee as for making and building from zero the device.
<codeworkx> a device tree is just a set of makefiles
<codeworkx> no magic
<ctcx> That's Samsung's copyrighted data and it's up to them if release or not.
<ctcx> And even if I managed to duplicate al the device all I'd get is a giantic sue.
<chadouming> Jiangyi Well, a lot of things, but it's not related to that. Thing is i'm using nexus 4 kernel and it doesnt have capacitive key code cause it doesnt need it
<ctcx> So I really don't understand, nor the racism against beginners....
<chadouming> Ctcx no company release a device tree
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<ctcx> Then how is one supposed to build CM for an unsupported device? Then it'd forcefully mean CM devs are companies' employees in order to have the key information....
<ctcx> Heck...
<chadouming> And the discrimination (racism is not the right word here) come from the fact that most of people out there think that dev work for them
<chadouming> And they don't need to read anything
<chadouming> They only ask question and we HAVE to answer them
<Jiangyi> what chad said.
<codeworkx> ctcx: no, we're random guys. my job has nothing to do with coding and mobile devices
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<Jiangyi> And that's why I'm fed up with Chinese users :-\
<chadouming> Even tho we already answered them 50 times
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<chadouming> So dev get pissed of noob
<chadouming> I dont believe anyone deving for cyanogenmod work for an oem
<chadouming> Except cyanogeb
<chadouming> Cyanogen*
<Jiangyi> chadouming: At this point, one doesn't even need to be a dev to get pissed off by noobs lol
<codeworkx> chadouming: and me. Siemens S-Phone X2
<codeworkx> u know?
<ctcx> Yes, yes, ok, sorry....
<chadouming> Nope
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I think the last time I saw a Siemens phone is when I was 3 xD
<codeworkx> ctcx: start brewing clockworkmod recovery for your device. that's the first thing to do
<ctcx> It's just that, I got very frustrated about Ace Plus or Ace 2 not having support when they're much better devices than Ace Cooper.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: ^
<ctcx> Already done that.
<codeworkx> does it have a separate recovery partition?
<ctcx> The reason I'm comparing with S5830 is, I have this one.
<ctcx> And already installed CM 7.2.0 on it.
<ctcx> And got disappointed.
<codeworkx> do you own a S7500 ?
<ctcx> No.
<ctcx> Not yet.
<codeworkx> then you're already done
<ctcx> He, please....
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<codeworkx> impossible without a device
<ctcx> I'm planning in changing this one for the S7500.
<Jiangyi> If I recall correctly, Siemens were quite well-known for quality products in China back in the days
<ctcx> They're just waiting for the confirmation.
<Jiangyi> But then they kinda disappeared lol
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: because everytime we sell a product to china it get's kanged
<codeworkx> xD
* codeworkx is evil guy
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<Jiangyi> lol fair point
<ctcx> I'm sorry if it's bothering, but I'm asking all of this to see beforehand if it's worth going for the S7500 and be prepared for working.
<codeworkx> that's up 2 you
<codeworkx> if you're willing to spend weeks/months on it, you might have success
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<chadouming_home> why don<t you go to a better device ?
<chadouming_home> s7500 is the equivalent of the galaxy s
<Jiangyi> I don't even think MSM7xxx devices have CM9 and beyond
<ctcx> What do you mean with "equivalent"?
<Jiangyi> chadouming: i think Exynos3 is better than MSM7xxx lol
<chadouming_home> nvm
<chadouming_home> galaxy S > by a lot than S7500
<ctcx> Yes, yes, problem is:
<ctcx> I live in a country where being a successful person or having nice stuff IS NOT FORGIVEN.
<ctcx> THAT'S WHY.
<Jiangyi> ._.
<chadouming_home> so in mexico you can't have nice things ^
* Jiangyi would've guessed North Korea lol
<chadouming_home> lol
<ctcx> Yes, you can say.
<ctcx> At least not without watching your back.
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<ctcx> And even if you do it's very expensive.
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<ctcx> ...
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<Jiangyi> ok I should sleep now
<Jiangyi> Gnite guys :-P
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<codeworkx> mali is poop
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<midio> stupid question if anyone wants to help me out...
<midio> NEBKAT hello
<midio> haha
<w00tc0d3> codeworkx: lol. the Lima driver guys are planning to write an GLstack IIRC
<w00tc0d3> open source driver, hello
<codeworkx> till this is ready we've dropped the device
<w00tc0d3> I don't think so
<w00tc0d3> they already got a nice cube spinning
<midio> i have cdma sammy p100 cdma with gsm rom what are my chances of activating this puppy....sprint to verizon
<tuhoojabotti> can't wait for the nexus 4 :3
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<midio> help me please...
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<kZard|netbook> so I have CM 10.1 on my phone now
<kZard|netbook> was easier than expected
<kZard|netbook> lol now I wonder why I put it on
<kZard|netbook> it's nice though :)
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<kZard|netbook> (also, thanks to all that made it possible :)
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<nebkat> !join #blamesamsung
<nebkat> hmm
<nebkat> !geo user clibot
<clibot> nebkat: {country: "Germany", latlong: {51.0, 9.0}}
<nebkat> @geo user clibot
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for clibot
<bbqbot> {"range":[2953379840,2953424959],"country":"DE","region":"","city":"","ll":[0,0]}
<nebkat> that cant be good
<nebkat> !join #blamesamsung
<mjt> heh
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: you there?
<nebkat> I got something to show you
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<nebkat> anyone want to play a gem?
<nebkat> game*
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<Frd^> what game?
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<nebkat> Frd^:
<nebkat> have fun
<nebkat> !bomb Frd^ death
<clibot> Frd^: 10
<clibot> Frd^: 9
<clibot> Frd^: 8
<clibot> Frd^: 7
<clibot> Frd^: 6
<clibot> Frd^: 5
<clibot> Frd^: 4
<clibot> Frd^: 3
<clibot> Frd^: 2
<clibot> Frd^: 1
Frd^ was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by clibot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue.]
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<Frd^> =D
<Frd^> hit me again
<Frd^> cli died =(
<beer> nah im just doing stuff
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<beer> !bomb Frd^ death
<clibot> Frd^: 10
<clibot> Frd^: 9
<clibot> Frd^: 8
<clibot> Frd^: 7
<clibot> Frd^: 6
<clibot> Frd^: 5
<clibot> Frd^: 4
<clibot> Frd^: 3
<clibot> Frd^: 2
<beer> damnit
<clibot> Frd^: 1
Frd^ was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by clibot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was indigo.]
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<beer> Frd^: your ipv6 saved you
<beer> :P
<Frd^> ;)
<beer> heh
<beer> now im going to need a splitUntilOccurrenceAfterSplit :P
<Frd^> ;)
<beer> Frd^: "Split a string until a certain string occurs a certain amount of times after another certain string occurs a certain amount of times"
<beer> splitception?
<Frd^> =D
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<beer> Frd^: say something now
<Frd^> say something now
<beer> Frd^: perfect, works :D
<Frd^> perfect
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<beer> now
<Frd^> now
<beer> !bomb Frd^ death
<clibot> Frd^: 10
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<clibot> Frd^: 9
<clibot> Frd^: 8
<clibot> Frd^: 7
<clibot> Frd^: 6
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<Frd^> ;)
<Frd^> stil CRIMSON should be always correct answer =)
<beer> heh
<beer> 42 is the correct answer
<beer> for me anyway
<beer> Frd^: try optimize this? :P
<Frd^> that why i dont use java =)
<Frd^> that could be done only few lines of perl =)
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<beer> Frd^: eh? doit then :P
<Frd^> nääh, need to code somethin else now
<Frd^> neesd to figure out how to populated shifts with out data ;)
<Frd^> beer: you are using that to catch those wire colors ?
<beer> no
<beer> im using that to split this:
<beer> ::Frd^!~frd@2a00:ac00:0:13:20c:29ff:fe8d:9ba3 PRIVMSG #teamhacksung-support :beer: you
<beer> :Frd^!~frd@2a00:ac00:0:13:20c:29ff:fe8d:9ba3 PRIVMSG #teamhacksung-support :beer: you
<beer> into
<beer> [:Frd^!~frd@2a00:ac00:0:13:20c:29ff:fe8d:9ba3, PRIVMSG, #teamhacksung-support, beer: you]
<Frd^> oki ;)
<Frd^> why?
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<kZard|netbook> am I missing something or has CM removed quite a few of the more advanced settings since .. (I dunno, CM 7?)
<Espenfjo> heh
<Espenfjo> yes
<EgotisticalElf> moved tons, removed tons
<EgotisticalElf> since for cm9/10/10.1 they had to be reprogramemd
<Espenfjo> Everything is new
<EgotisticalElf> it was on an "as-needed"
<Espenfjo> Stuff your grandmother cant use shouldnt be in there
<beer> Frd^: I need to parse raw to get host, command and params
<Frd^> oki
<beer> Frd^: usually the first occurence of : after the first param means not the split " " any more
<beer> but your ipv6 fux it
<Frd^> ;)
<kZard|netbook> :S
<kZard|netbook> would be cool if there were a secret "advanced" menu
<kZard|netbook> were you could set equaliser and such
<kZard|netbook> as it is it is quite cool
<kZard|netbook> and it is also nice. Advanced, but in a way that my mother (not grandmother though) could use
<kZard|netbook> (she doesn't have an email adress yet...)
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<tuhoojabotti> It's coming!!1
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<en1gma> thats what she saiid
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<tuhoojabotti> No I said that. :(
<en1gma> O_o
<tuhoojabotti> Anyone else have the problem that G+ contacts have additional email address like if the email address is then G+ will add too, and I can't find a way to remove it.
<Baskey> Fissurez: FISSUREZ
<tuhoojabotti> So yeah, Nexus 4 ordered
<tuhoojabotti> from UK Play Store
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<en1gma> nice*
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<tuhoojabotti> Saving more than $320
<tuhoojabotti> If I'd buy it here in Finland
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<EgotisticalElf> tuhoojabotti, gmail removes periods from email addresses
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<tuhoojabotti> Huh?
<EgotisticalElf> so all will goto the same place
<Dagnan> hi guys
<tuhoojabotti> oh
<Dagnan> so does :)
<EgotisticalElf> and are two different addresses
<tuhoojabotti> EgotisticalElf: Still makes no sense to have 2 versions in the contacts.
<EgotisticalElf> Dagnan, only if the site you're registering it at thinks that the + version is legit
<tuhoojabotti> And when adding recipient
<EgotisticalElf> tuhoojabotti, i agree
<tuhoojabotti> But thanks for the info
<Dagnan> EgotisticalElf: of course
<tuhoojabotti> That + trick I know
<tuhoojabotti> it's useful for spam control
<tuhoojabotti> But that's hardly necessary with gmail
<Dagnan> Quick question qbout CM 10.1. The FAQ says we need CWM 6.0.2. What happens with a lower version, it just does not work? Or the install can go wrong?
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<tuhoojabotti> Better safe than sorry
<tuhoojabotti> Is there a reason you can't get 6?
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<EgotisticalElf> Dagnan, which device?
<Dagnan> actually i installed a package from this tutorial ( ). So i dont really know if i can just update CWM
<Dagnan> Galaxy S3 international
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<Dagnan> And with heimdall, from a mac.
<EgotisticalElf> and yes, you need a later version of 6.x to get things working properly for 10.1
<nicoj11> hi do you guys have a fix for 10.1 i9300 high battery drain (system takes like 60% of the battery)
<Dagnan> ok. So i do everytinh as a first install. Instead the root part. Right?
<EgotisticalElf> if you have cwm, you don't need root
<EgotisticalElf> just install the zip, format /data and continue
<Dagnan> ok thanks
<Dagnan> one more thing. A few months ago people advised to install a stock rom before updating a cyanogen. Now it does not seem to be needed anymore. Is that right? Do you know why?
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<EgotisticalElf> some ROMs change the device ID
<EgotisticalElf> so CM won't install properly
<EgotisticalElf> the stock rom fixes that
<codeworkx> nicoj11: high battery drain isn't a bug. there's a reason for it. for example: corrupt files on sdcard which causes mediascanner to go crazy
<Dagnan> Ok. So I'm going to install a newer version of CWM, then a stock rom, then CM 10.1. And if everything works as expected I'll try a kernel and firmware update. You confirm I can do it last?
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<nicoj11> ah thanks ok and what kind of corrupt files?
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<nicoj11> is it only on external sdcard?
<codeworkx> both
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<nicoj11> and what kind of corrupt files how can i identify them?
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<Fissurez> Baskey BASKEY
<Baskey> @dood Fissurez
<bbqbot> Fissurez: what up dood
<Fissurez> @dood Baskey
<bbqbot> Baskey: what up dood
<Fissurez> so baskey
<Baskey> SOEH
<Fissurez> you thinking of getting the blackberry z10?
<Baskey> nope
<Baskey> NOPE
<Fissurez> white nexus 4 looks hella sexy
<Dagnan> i've just understood that the stock rom contains a modem and a firmware :/
<codeworkx> white phone = iphone = poop
<Fissurez> wut?
<Fissurez> is it me or is he constantly stuttering?
<Fissurez> pah, BB10
<Fissurez> put the androidz on it!
<nicoj11> @codeworkx but how is it possible that some people have this error just since a few weeks
<bbqbot> nicoj11: Command does not exist!
<nicoj11> codeworkx but how is it possible that some people have this error just since a few weeks
<nicoj11> i got this error since about 3 weeks
<codeworkx> nicoj11: just because android os is on top, doesn't mean it's bad
<QuinnLion> hah
<QuinnLion> My tablet does this
<codeworkx> nicoj11: if you don't touch your phone, android os will have nearly 100% but without much battery loss
<QuinnLion> Will drain even when it's on charger when I'm using it
<nicoj11> yeah but my phone doesn't last a day and i don't use it more than 30 minutes
<codeworkx> nicoj11: disable google now, uninstall facebook, kill google maps
<QuinnLion> lol
<QuinnLion> codeworkx, what about me? :P I dont use any of those except maps when I'm in the car. otherwise I have location services disabled.
<codeworkx> QuinnLion: exchange the user
<QuinnLion> user?
<codeworkx> user = you
<codeworkx> there's no problem in cm
<QuinnLion> See, I plug it in, it will continue to drain while plugged in if I play a game or something
<codeworkx> it's a) a bad app b) the user itself
<codeworkx> QuinnLion: then find the root cause for it
<QuinnLion> powertop just says whatever game I was playing but it wont show power draw in mW
<nicoj11> ok i'll try it (but my gps was already deactivated)
<codeworkx> use better battery stats and analyze it
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<QuinnLion> I do :p
<codeworkx> QuinnLion: you've seen my tablet running 18 days without charging?
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<QuinnLion> Not really.. also mine cant seem to tell the difference between USB and AC charger
<Dnoou> Hi Buddy, My Install aborted via CWM t0lte , any solution?
<codeworkx> Dnoou: wrong recovery
<codeworkx> Dnoou: or bad download
<Dnoou> @codeworkx Really bad recovery?
<bbqbot> Dnoou: Command does not exist!
<codeworkx> Dnoou: which one you're using?
<Dnoou> @codeworkx xiaolu recovery
<bbqbot> Dnoou: Command does not exist!
<codeworkx> Dnoou: bingo
<codeworkx> Dnoou: i can't help you
<codeworkx> Dnoou: the one and only official clockworkmod recovery:
<kZard|netbook> Does the 10.1 i9100 build have cpu clock adjustment settings?
<codeworkx> Dnoou: sorry that i have to say this. but everything else it just pure crap
<codeworkx> i've now seen 1000 different recovery kangs which are all faulty
<kZard|netbook> I read about CM10 having it, but can't find it on my phone
<codeworkx> kZard|netbook: we dont allow overclocking
<kZard|netbook> ok
<codeworkx> kZard|netbook: but
<Dnoou> codeworkx: Big Thanks to you
<kZard|netbook> specifically teamhacksung?
<codeworkx> kZard|netbook: tap "build number" 7 times and you'll get a hidden menu
<kZard|netbook> :D
<Dnoou> codeworkx: If everything works Great (I hope) , i consider to make a donation
<codeworkx> kZard|netbook: mostly the whole cm team. we have to safe users from themselves
<QuinnLion> aheh
<QuinnLion> The problem isnt me.
<kZard|netbook> makes sense :)
<QuinnLion> It didnt happen with stock Rom
<codeworkx> the stock rom didn't have "root"
<kZard|netbook> lol I wondered where the Dev menu was
<QuinnLion> and nothing is ussing root :3
<tuhoojabotti> Now I just have to hope my friend don't scam me and run away with my money
<codeworkx> giving root access to a user is simply to much
<codeworkx> kZard|netbook: user touches the 2500mhz + 0.001v + apply on boot settings and then cries about a non booting phone.
<kZard|netbook> ahaha
<codeworkx> its the truth
<nicoj11> dev menu is there just click 7 times on build number in the system information
<nicoj11> it will appear after that
<kZard|netbook> yea no, I totally agree with hiding the Dev Menu
<kZard|netbook> (if you want to let people install it to their paren'ts phones)
<QuinnLion> hah, wish I could lock CPU clock, but I cant do that either.
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<Hellmann> Hey
<QuinnLion> Why include CPu settings for p5110 if they dont even work
<Hellmann> can i ask a question here?
<codeworkx> QuinnLion: it's included on all devices
<QuinnLion> Okay then
<kZard|netbook> for interest's sake, what effect would "force GPU rendering" or forcing 4x MSAA have?
<kZard|netbook> (I assume it would mean a somewhat higher battery drain)
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<Hellmann> hey guys
<Hellmann> i have some trubble with heimdall on windows 7
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<bealtine> failed to claim interface ?
<Hellmann> yes thats it ...
<Hellmann> i asked google but i cant solve it...
<bealtine> shit code
<bealtine> you have to get onto the heimdall mainainers
<Hellmann> i've deinstalled all my sgs2 and sgs3 samsung drivers
<bealtine> yes heimdall is broken
<Hellmann> okay, so maybe i try it with an older version?
<bealtine> probably or use odin
<Hellmann> okay i will try it :)
<Hellmann> thanks so far
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<Hellmann> no i have version 1.3.1 and now it stops at "failed to recive response"
<Hellmann> its better but not good :D
<Hellmann> okay i think the problem is i have to run it as an admin
<bealtine> its a pos but...
<Hellmann> well one step further now its "failed to initialise protocol"
<Hellmann> oh damn :D
<bealtine> odin isnt much better
<ctcx> Hello.
<ctcx> I'm willing to build CM in Ace Plus.
<ctcx> But I've never done this before...
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<Dnoou> codeworkx: Woah you are awesome buddy ;-)
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<Hellmann> im still having the problem with heimdall "failed to recive a response"
<Hellmann> im using heimdall 1.3.1 anybody got an idea?
<bealtine> did you install the samsung drivers and the heimdall ones?
<Hellmann> yes ive installed both
<Hellmann> samsung originals and the "gadget driver" from heimdall
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<DuperMan> got my free headphones in the mail today. they awesome.
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<lolwat> DuperMan, free headphones?
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<DuperMan> lolwat
<DuperMan> couldn't resist:P
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<DuperMan> free-ish. audible amazon rebate cupoun thing
<lolwat> DuperMan, what heahphones have you got for free
<Bokrat> hi Mate
<lolwat> o i see
<DuperMan> v-moda crossfade lp. combined audible thing with collateral promos I had. free.
<DuperMan> ^^
<Bokrat> Could anyone help me by build rom from cm?
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<DuperMan> Bokrat: wiki is your reluctant advisor who hates you, but says nothing of that and though it is pained to do so doles valid advice
<DuperMan> not your friend at all though
<DuperMan> hates you
<lolwat> DuperMan, the v-modas look fancy... are they comfortable?
<lolwat> I recently bought Beyerdynamics DT-770
<DuperMan> lolwat: yeah. awesome value :) I'm an old brands dude though, wouldv'e liked some sennheisers or akg
<DuperMan> still, good sound. here's hoping 'burn in' isn't an audiophile lie
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<lolwat> for headphones i think it is
<DuperMan> so they really will produce the promised sexy 5-30k range eventually
<DuperMan> speakers - definitely a real thing?
<DuperMan> drivers are drivers, seems ok-ish to claim they need to get molded
<DuperMan> hmmm... fwiw I like the sony mw600 as a makeshift headphone amp A LOT
<DuperMan> and I DO realize what I lose going a2dp:)
<Hellmann> i will try odin now
<DuperMan> the tree or the deity?
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<felcolar> hello I just update to cm10.1 and I can get my navite app to work
<felcolar> this app is for gps
<felcolar> can you help me?
<mjt> but it looks like it's already all good, no?
<felcolar> yes everything seems to work fine
<felcolar> but I need that app
<bealtine> app is not compatible with 4,2(cm10.1)?
<felcolar> I travel a lot
<mjt> maybe you just forgot a negation somewhere? :)
<felcolar> I don´t know, where can I check the compatibility?
<bealtine> well the "it not work" is a giveaway
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<mjt> felcolar: so can you get it to work or not?? :)
<felcolar> no :(
<felcolar> this is sad I need this app badly
<mjt> because if you need help for it to STOP working it sounds.. strange at best :)
<felcolar> ok cya
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<mjt> felcolar: please don't think i'm trolling or mocking at you -- just reread what you said -- you really said that this your app WORKS and you need help...
<frankdrey> felcolar, what app?
<frankdrey> navite?
<w00tc0d3> uff
<nebkat> frankdrey: help meh
<w00tc0d3> tempted to order an nexus 4
<w00tc0d3> but no german adress to ship to
<w00tc0d3> altho I have a VPS in Germany
<w00tc0d3> hey nebkat
<w00tc0d3> sup man
<nebkat> hey
<frankdrey> felcolar, Navitel supports 4.2...
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<felcolar> but i cant get it to work, im trying to find a solution on google
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<frankdrey> felcolar, define 'cant get it to work'
<mjt> navitel worked for me on cm10.1 on galaxy note II
<DuperMan> crysis 3. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
<DuperMan> runs. highest. settings:D
<DuperMan> IT SO GOOD
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<felcolar> the app starts and gets stuck on the screen, nothing works, not even the touch screen and the menu botons
<frankdrey> get a logcat with adb
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<frankdrey> google and learn how
<DuperMan> where is I dl google cracked?
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<DuperMan> I press double click in the searching app for googling but the app force close and say I do too lot free google today
<DuperMan> and need buying googles
<bealtine> adjust the dilithium crystals
<DuperMan> those never help with flux capacitor based systems
<DuperMan> duhhhh
<bealtine> shucks:)
<DuperMan> :)
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<h4rdco2e> how do I test if I've got the superbrick bug?
<Jiangyi> [13:35:34] <nebkat> Jiangyi: <nebkat> "JANGI U DISRESPECTFUL FUK GTFO BEFORE I FUK U UP" <- What did I do ._.
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<Jiangyi> lol manufacturer's logic:
<Jiangyi> $20 MIR? Let's send out a cheque!
<Jiangyi> $5 MIR? Let's send out an AMEX credit card! :-P
<FraX_> Hey guys, I was on this channel yesterday for some help on getting CM installed on my Galaxy SII and I finally managed so I was thinking about contributing some improvements to the Wiki.. Question is: how do i do that?
<kZard|netbook> h4rdco2e, as far as I know it only affects 4.0.4 (and maybe later?)
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<frankdrey> FraX_, annoy codeworkx for an account
<frankdrey> and prove to him you can do it
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<frankdrey> he's asleep though right now :P
<codeworkx> NO WAY
<frankdrey> .._..
<frankdrey> he left xD
<frankdrey> codeworkx, you don't like him?xD
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: You woke cody up :-O
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<Jiangyi> frankdrey: It was nice knowing ya!
<frankdrey> he was already awake ._.
<EgotisticalElf> Jiangyi, that 5$ AMEX card probably cost them a bucket to create and another 50 cents to mail
<frankdrey> a ping wouldn't wake him up ._.
<EgotisticalElf> the check? probably a total of 65 cents
<Jiangyi> EgotisticalElf: I would've preferred a card for the $20, could've bought online stuff with it xD
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: It has happened in the past.
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: h4rdco2e and I both died that time. :-P
<frankdrey> O_o
<frankdrey> love you too c0dew0rkx :D
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<frankdrey> hi waratte
<frankdrey> how's your google-free phone?
<DuperMan> wait who's sending out credit cards??!?!
<DuperMan> :D
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<waratte> Frankdrey: Hi!
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<EgotisticalElf> woah, did i just see a "FM Support" post from CM? :)
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<Jiangyi> EgotisticalElf: For teh Sony devices :-P
<EgotisticalElf> i know, but the answer has always been a universal "nevah gonna happen"
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<Jiangyi> xD
<Jiangyi> Sony does magical schtuff xD
<EgotisticalElf> and probably "have access to actual hardware documentation"
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<canadian_lol> hello
<canadian_lol> i have a canadian galaxy note (SGH-i317M) is there any way i can install this? when i try to flash it gives me a bunch of errors
<Turilo> whats this?
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<canadian_lol> oh sorry, im trying to install cm10.1 for my note 2
<Jiangyi> canadian_lol: You got t0lte builds right?
<canadian_lol> yes
<frankdrey> so many canadians D:
<canadian_lol> i think it might have something to do with my model have an "m" at the end
<Jiangyi> canadian_lol: No, that was figured out a while back :-P
<canadian_lol> ohh, lol
<canadian_lol> how would i go about installing it? i tried cwm and twrp, both aborts the flash before it even starts
<Turilo> what build you trying
<canadian_lol> the newest build
<Turilo> latest installs fine on my i317m
<frankdrey> where are you getting it?
<frankdrey> is where you should get it
<Turilo> hmm
<canadian_lol> from here:
<frankdrey> :S
<frankdrey> what are the errors?
<frankdrey> assert errors?
<canadian_lol> yup asset errors
<Turilo> thats strange you shouldnt
<frankdrey> hmmm, what recovery?
<frankdrey> official CWM?
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<canadian_lol> using cwm
<canadian_lol> the touch one
<Turilo> use twrp
<canadian_lol> ok i will try to redownload and try it again!
<Jiangyi> canadian_lol: If that doesn't work, remove the assert from updater-script and flash
<Turilo> get twrp via goomanager in market
<canadian_lol> thanks, how do i remove the assert?
<EgotisticalElf> if the assert is causing the problem, then the issue isn't the recovery
<EgotisticalElf> the issue is that the device is reporting a difference device
<EgotisticalElf> different*
<frankdrey> EgotisticalElf, isn't that part of the recovery?
<canadian_lol> do i remove the assert from within the recovery?
<frankdrey> EgotisticalElf, default.prop in the recovery's ramdisk
<frankdrey> canadian_lol, from the CM zip
<EgotisticalElf> frankdrey, it can come from the ROM on the device
<canadian_lol> ok i will try and report back!
<canadian_lol> thanks!
<frankdrey> it should be in updater-script somewhere in META-INF
<EgotisticalElf> if i flashed my captivate to a i9100, it reports i9100 to cwm
<canadian_lol> do i completey delete the updater script?
<EgotisticalElf> hell no
<EgotisticalElf> edit it
<canadian_lol> haha ok, with notepad?
<EgotisticalElf> one of the first couple lines is an assert
<EgotisticalElf> something that'll save it with \n and not \r\n
<frankdrey> EgotisticalElf, oh yeah, your recovery is in the kernel
<frankdrey> canadian_lol, notepad++
<frankdrey> download it
<EgotisticalElf> frankdrey, interesting, my sgs3 i guess then doesn't do that.. alright
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<canadian_lol> thanks guys
<frankdrey> EgotisticalElf, for devices with a separate recovery partition (flash recovery.img not kernel for recovery), it *should* check in the recovery's default.prop
<Turilo> ill check the asserts in that build, i know the i317m was added to asserts for sure, nless you have a different device
<canadian_lol> i have the SGH-I317M
<canadian_lol> brb
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<Turilo> yep all asserts are there
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<EgotisticalElf> i think that assert should print out what the device id actually is
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<Dagnan> hi again
<Turilo> looks good to me
<Turilo> not sure why his errors
<Dagnan> EgotisticalElf: thanks for earlier. I successfully updated CWM and installed a stock rom. unfortunately I have no sound during calls. Does it have samething to do with the modem version?
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<Dagnan> anyone?
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<EgotisticalElf> sorry, that i don't know
<EgotisticalElf> is it with bluetooth perhaps?
<Dagnan> it's off. I guess i' ll install cyanogen mod and see if it's working again :)
<Jiangyi> derp Google
<Jiangyi> Hardcoded 2 strings instead of localizing them >_>
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<Dagnan> EgotisticalElf thank you anyway :)
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<frankdrey> Jiangyi, EFFICIENCY
<frankdrey> doesn't need to go parse xml just to show some text
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: no.jpg
<EgotisticalElf> frankdrey, this way they can just make a new fork in git for each language
<frankdrey> EgotisticalElf, YAS
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<frankdrey> also, why this app installing?
<frankdrey> why not include the apps with android?
<frankdrey> and a fork for each combo of apps
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I9100G JB leak!
<wifi> eh, like it will change something
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<Dagnan> hey just wanted to say my sound is back :) Thanks for your support. Now I've earn some sleep!
<Jiangyi> wifi: Better RIL/cam blobs I guess :-P
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<wifi> or everything borked :P
<Jiangyi> :/
<wifi> if you fix low goal, there is less chance you will be deceived
<wifi> i'm trying to help you !
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> wifi: I don't even have the device anymore xD
<Jiangyi> Will get it back in May though
<wifi> xD
<wifi> you and your nexus 4
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: everything more borked?
<wifi> Jiangyi, told ya
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I dunno, I'm still downloading it :-P
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Want me to upload it to Mediafire (Which will take a while), or do you want the direct download link?
<Jiangyi> (Direct link is uber slow without a Chinese download client :-P)
<jug6ernaut> wifi that u?
<wifi> no
<wifi> me no adam outler
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<jug6ernaut> lol
<jug6ernaut> boxception lol
<wifi> lol, apple suing for the theme in 3. . . 2 . . . 1. . .
<jug6ernaut> Chinese company? import ban about it
<jug6ernaut> i hate apple suing everyong...
<jug6ernaut> y is he taking it apart?
<wifi> jug6ernaut, it's an xda unboxing
<jug6ernaut> do they disassemble them for all there unboxing lol? first one I've watched
<Jiangyi> jug6ernaut: Yes, that's what makes XDA unboxings special :-P
<jug6ernaut> lol nice
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: this will take double or tripple forever xD
<jug6ernaut> i took my hd2 apart monday to replace the digitizer, got to the lcd and gave up lol
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Go into windoze, install Chinese download client, get 600KBps
<wifi> eh
<wifi> nevah install something chinese
<jug6ernaut> lol
<MaXim_> baidu should be ok this time of day
<MaXim_> most people ain't woken up yet
<Jiangyi> Only 3min left on my download :-P
<MaXim_> after 9am..good luck
<Jiangyi> MaXim_: I don't know what they had done, but download speeds are absolutely atrocious without a download client :/
<Jiangyi> Like, 10KBps lol
<MaXim_> artificially shaped perhaps
<MaXim_> but my friend in hong kong gets ok speeds
<MaXim_> anywhere else is fucked
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<Jiangyi> ._.
<Jiangyi> "Warning: JB leak will wipe EVERYTHING on your device. Back up."
<Jiangyi> Sounds like the memory repartition thing is true. :-|
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<frankdrey> can someone on windows upload latest adb binaries for me?
<wifi> y dont you get android sdk ?
<Bert_> Has anyone seen a continually rebooting Tab 10 (Original, p4wifi / p7510)? (Story to follow)
<bealtine> just grab it
<frankdrey> wifi, my download speeds are about 5 kb/s right now
<frankdrey> jdk is huge, android sdk is huge
<Bert_> Installed CM10.1 on Saturday, previously installed many other versions of CM 10 and 10.1 (and AOKP, way back when). Since the last flash on Saturday everything was working fine, then last night continual reboots.
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<wifi> tried to make a backup and wipe data
<wifi> ?
<Bert_> It gets to the main lock-screen and the device is usable for 45-60 seconds. and then reboots.
<Bert_> Cleared the cache, cleared the Dalvic cache.
<wifi> that is not data
<Bert_> Didn't try factory reset. Oh well...
<Bert_> But it is stable when in CWM.. it will run for many minutes (e.g. re-flash CM).... Here goes.
<bealtine> backup and wipe...see if that works
<Bert_> Nope.... Sits at the welcome screen and 30 seconds later, reboot. Is there a wipe other than the factory reset?
<bealtine> sounds like a hw problem to me
<Bert_> Argggg
<wifi> eh
<wifi> try to revert back to last nightly you know was working
<bealtine> good point
<wifi> bealtine, y u so pessimist
<wifi> "so, you flashed a new rom and your device isnt working ? definitvely hardware"
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<bealtine> i didnt say it was:)
<wifi> <bealtine> sounds like a hw problem to me
<bealtine> ja sounds like
<Bert_> The nighly I had was working, at least for 3 days. I guess I will have to upload it through Odin, since it does not stay up long enough for me to copy the zip?
<bealtine> but you are right try an earlier rom
<wifi> eh, you dont upload a nightly via odin
<Bert_> Imean copy the zip
<frankdrey> WHOOO
<bealtine> adb push
<wifi> would be like running a powerpoint via gmail
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<wifi> eh, 11mb @ 5kb/s
<wifi> go make yourself a sandwich
<frankdrey> it sped up by now :D
* frankdrey was downloading like 20 freeware games
<frankdrey> only 2 left now
<wifi> -_-'
<wifi> stupid
<Bert_> Flashing 0119 didn't help.
<a3Dman> at&t sidekick is lulz
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<Jiangyi> rhcp: Meet wifi
<rhcp> sup
<Jiangyi> AKA chadouming
<wifi> wut ?
<rhcp> oh for OG?
<rhcp> you were talking about?
<wifi> i missed something ?
<Jiangyi> wifi: He wants to get ATT OG and make it into an N4 :-P
<rhcp> i don't want to
<wifi> no, you dont want to do that
<rhcp> thats what i would do if i was to get one
<rhcp> lol
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<Jiangyi> Yeah, why u no on dev channel lol
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<rhcp> N4 is boring
<wifi> cause i would be useless there ?
<wifi> lol
<rhcp> GN is good enough
<wifi> OG is kinda good
<frankdrey> ugh
<wifi> for the time i had it xD
<frankdrey> my mom googled my name
<rhcp> i have it sitting here ready for ubuntu
<frankdrey> found teamhacksung wiki account
<a3Dman> lol, rageaganistthecage-arm5.bin
<frankdrey> where it says quite a bit about my online stuff
<frankdrey> my nick
<rhcp> the OG should be able to do full CM/AOSP
<frankdrey> my projects
<rhcp> if you can flash N4
<frankdrey> and i put a curse word
<Jiangyi> wifi: Who cares, not like I'm useful there xD
<frankdrey> i told her "it's automatically generated randomly"
<frankdrey> xD
<wifi> rhcp, there is a lot of fuck when you make the n4 conversion
<rhcp> i know
<rhcp> I've read
<wifi> and it basically make you into a less efficient phone than using LGUI with
<wifi> ICS xD
<rhcp> but i mean if it can be a N4
<wifi> but something big is coming
<rhcp> you can def make it run full aosp/cm
<frankdrey> why the flip is my own mom stalking me?
<wifi> why you have thing to hide to your mom ?
<frankdrey> my parents think the internet was evil
<frankdrey> i got in trouble for asking for help on a psp forum
<wifi> eh, get new parent
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: And how do they find out...? ._.
<frankdrey> ...
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, she googled my name
<Jiangyi> lolwhut
<frankdrey> and teamhacksung wiki has my full name as the account
<frankdrey> go to my userpage
<frankdrey> and check the last revision
<frankdrey> before current
<frankdrey> that's what she saw
<Jiangyi> Damn, you got internet-savvy parents :-P
<codeworkx> awwww. need to make photos for portals. Y NO PORTALS HERE?
<wifi> duh ?
<wifi> you are playing ingress ?
<codeworkx> aye
<codeworkx> since a few hours xD
<wifi> enlightened or resistance ?
<codeworkx> resi
<wifi> good
<wifi> even tho i can't play here
<codeworkx> i'm probably the first one playing here
<wifi> cause there is no portal
<wifi> i'm definitively the 1st one playing here xD
<codeworkx> so i can take photos, wait for portals to appear, and hack all teh things
<wifi> and there is 1 person at 2h30 north to me xD
* frankdrey is still waiting for invite
<codeworkx> wifi: take good photo with gps coords enabled, and send to nianticops
<codeworkx> share with
<frankdrey> ok, question
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<frankdrey> who put whitelogger in here?
<wifi> ah, well the thing is that we have nothing here
<wifi> xD
<codeworkx> wifi: city hall?
<codeworkx> wifi: church?
<codeworkx> xD
<wifi> eh
<codeworkx> or something funny
<wifi> we have nothing big/historical xD
<wifi> i'll try anyway :D
<codeworkx> give it a try
<Bert_> I am starting to think that there is something wrong with the filesystem . IN CWM, when I go to Install from SD, Choose .zip, at the root level I have 3 directories (which I don't remember seeing). 0, legacy, obb. I don't remember seeing a 0 directory before. I go in to 0 and I have what appears to be the start of the regular CM user file system, except there is another 0 at the top. In the list I have Alarms, Android, D
<wifi> when it will stop to rain/ice/snow
<Jiangyi> wifi: If the public library here can be a portal, then I think your city hall is good xD
<Bert_> But not the complete list I am used to. and no CM zip. I go in to 0 again and there I have the complete complete list, with the CM zips.
<codeworkx> Bert_: you're user 0 and everything is below 0
<codeworkx> Bert_: if you're using a outdated recovery, it will create a mess
<Bert_> 5.8.something, like I have always used.
<codeworkx> Bert_: we're at 6.x
<codeworkx> Bert_: > is needed
<wifi> xD
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Oh, so you were playing Ingress, not sleeping :-O
<Jiangyi> It all makes sense now
<Bert_> shows as current for a Tab 10.1 Any other pointers?
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<codeworkx> Bert_: blame koush :-D
<codeworkx> isn't this cdesai's tab?
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<wifi> i think yeah
<wifi> #blamecdesai