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<VIad> is the theme module author here?
<VIad> theme engine*
<frankdrey> that would be tmobile :P
<VIad> wonder how I could get in touch
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<Bert_> Should promiscuous mode apps (Wifi packet sniffers, Wifinspect) work? CM 10.1 2013 10 10 on i9100 and/or p4wifi?
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<dranjah> hi
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<dranjah> so installed cyanogen mod 10 on my galaxy s2 and now when i call people they say i sound watery and faint. anybody had the same issue?
<bbqbot> derp
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<dranjah> they already sent me one s2 and the same thing happened so they sent me another and the asame thing happened but not as bad
<dranjah> it's a T-989 btw.
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<dranjah> help. . . anybody?
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<Jiangyi> dranjah: Try a different radio, and also disable noise suppression
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<dranjah> @Jiangyi can you recommend one
<bbqbot> dranjah: Command does not exist!
<Jiangyi> dranjah: Nope, don't have a hercules
<Jiangyi> dranjah: Different radios work differently for different people
<Jiangyi> Just go through them :-P
<dranjah> <@Jiangyi> where is a good place to get one?
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<Jiangyi> Should be floating around XDA
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<dranjah> <@Jiangyi>also my usb won't work on the phone, when that usb icon pops up on the notification bar and then you select connect as usb and the green android turns orange, none of this will even come up now, it only says usb debugging enabled
<Jiangyi> check settings -> storage -> menu key -> USB computer connection
<dranjah> <@Jiangyi> ah that worked thank you
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<dranjah> <@Jiangyi> it worked all i had to do was turn on the noise suppression
<dranjah> <@Jiangyi>Thank you! you are a champ! a true hero of the people!!! =P
<Jiangyi> lol np
<rhcp> damn stuff moves fast in here :)
<rhcp> madmack ever get anything? i missed it
<Jiangyi> rhcp: He was building from source a while ago, check #teamhacksung
<rhcp> oh
<rhcp> wrong damn chan
<rhcp> i need to move my bar on my side so it looks bigger
<rhcp> LLOL
<rhcp> my bad
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<ctcx> Hello?
<Jiangyi> hi
<ctcx> New to CM, never installed before, I'm following this guide:
<ctcx> First I installed CWM for root.
<ctcx> On my PC I use openSUSE 12.2 64 bit.
<ctcx> Before installing CWM I could eject USB storage without problems on openSUSE.
<ctcx> But now, it does eject, but when unplugging USB cable openSUSe says there was an error ejecting.
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<ctcx> And the copied files on my phone are not copied.
<ctcx> I'm getting adb to work in order to continue the process, but do you know why the USB errors?
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<Jiangyi> Not sure, sorry
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<Jiangyi> :O CM cases
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<dranjah> is there a way to get t-moble wifi calling for cm10?
<bbqbot> derp
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<dranjah> <@Jiangyi>you still on?
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<dranjah> <@Jiangyi>is there a way to get t-moble wifi calling for cm10?
<dranjah> ???
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<Jiangyi> dranjah: Proprietary feature, not on CM
<Kaik541> Jiangyi: well that's not 100% true
<Kaik541> a lot of devices support the kineto module (mostly htc ones though)
<Jiangyi> Oops, I read that as video calling :-S
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<dranjah> it was there on the cm9.0.0 but not 9.1.0
<Jiangyi> I'm not very well-versed with wifi calling actually....
<Jiangyi> Kaik541: I presume it's not the same as the internet calling option in the phone app?
<Kaik541> nope
<Kaik541> it's UAP or something, as opposed to SIP
<Jiangyi> Ah ok
<dranjah> yeah i think it's the same thing
<Kaik541> dranjah: it's not
<dranjah> wifi calling and internet calling?
<Kaik541> TMO's wifi-calling (aka UMA) allows you to use your wifi connection as a signal booster for your mobile calls while internet calling (aka SIP) allows for calling through TCP/IP without necessarily even requiring a mobile telephone number, merely a data plan
<Kaik541> basically, one uses your phone number (and also minutes on TMO for some bizarre reason) while the other uses straight data
<dranjah> ok
<Kaik541> theoretically SIP should be more reliable as it's tied to an account and service handler, as opposed to WiFi calling which is tied merely to a phone number
<dranjah> have you used bobsled as an alternative? that's what some people said to do
<dranjah> others said i need to install a different radio
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<Kaik541> personally, I have no use for either
<Kaik541> google voice provides all the necessary voice over internet technology I need
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<dranjah> <@Kaik541>can people you are calling see who you are in google voice?
<bbqbot> derp
<Kaik541> dranjah: people see the phone number I choose to call from (which I can default to GVoice if I want, but I don't)
<Kaik541> right now my gvoice number is private so if I ever have to get a new number
<Kaik541> the only time I give it out is to a place that needs contact to me 24/7 and it's a local number here (my real number is based out of NC)
<dranjah> ok
<Jiangyi> Too bad no proper Gvoice up here in Canada :/
<Kaik541> yeah it's unfortunate it's still US only for most people
<dranjah> if i need to flash my radio how do i know which one i need?
<joethc> jianggyi ...fongo
<Jiangyi> ???
<Jiangyi> Whut ._.
<joethc> its as close as we are gonna get up in canda
<joethc> google voice
<joethc> was dell voice now its fongo works great
<joethc> i have it on my nexus 7 3g with calls forwarded as a workaround for now until if and when we get native gsm calls
<Jiangyi> oh fongo's an app
<Jiangyi> lol took me a sec there xD'
<joethc> ya check it out ... its necessary imho..
<dranjah> do i just get the latest one?
<Jiangyi> Seems pretty epic :O
<joethc> no frills that ive seen
<joethc> which i like
<joethc> they just want decent 911 info which is understandable and fairly vague imho
<joethc> :D
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<joethc> makes me wonder why google cant figure it out..
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<Frd^> hey, anyone have problems in cm10.1 with Netflix
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<Espenfjo> Frd^: yup, know issue, sadly
<Frd^> yeah, just noticet it on FAQ
<Frd^> but i dont have that black screen issue
<Frd^> it's just downloads forever
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<Rebok> hi i have a litlle question
<Rebok> can a ui/framework help me?
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<Rebok> can a ui/framework guy help me?
<cdesai> never ask whether you can ask a question, just ask it straight away
<Yappy> just received my xperia t! :D
<Yappy> gonna unlock bootloader and flash cm10 now hahah
<cdesai> stock is good too, though I did miss CM / jellybean
<Yappy> stock is great, yeah
<Yappy> probably one of the better ones i've seen
<Yappy> definitely better than touchwiz :P
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<cdesai> indeed
<iKitsune> Is there any technical reason no one does any dev work for the Sidekick 4G, or is it just that no one owns/has ever seen one?
<cdesai> iKitsune: it's mostly no-one with the device has bothered to do something
<cdesai> sounds like a U.S. only device to me
<iKitsune> It's worse, it's a T-Maybe only device
<cdesai> ah sgs1 era
<cdesai> too old now :p
<iKitsune> Bah, nothing's ever too old.
<cdesai> depends on how you view it
<cdesai> porting 10.1 shouldn't be hard
<iKitsune> People still develop for the Nexus One
<cdesai> gotta port aries kernel first
* iKitsune nods
<iKitsune> From what I understand, the GPIO mapping is all fucked up on the SK4G
<iKitsune> Relative to like the SGS4G
<Yappy> unless its a hd2
<Yappy> its probably a dying breed
<iKitsune> Yappy: The stock rom sucks dog testicles. I'd settle for CM7, tbh.
<Yappy> yeah
<iKitsune> Or anything that hasn't been TouchWizzed all over.
<Yappy> :P
<iKitsune> they somehow made TouchWiz worse for the SK4G.
<iKitsune> So what all would be involved in porting the aries kernel?
<bbqbot> derp
<iKitsune> I've done low-level work on microcontroller-based stuff before, but never anything running Linux.
<cdesai> diff stock kernel sources with aries
<cdesai> same version
<cdesai> aka if froyo, grab aries froyo sources
<cdesai> stock
* iKitsune nods
<iKitsune> The only stock source for it is froyo. What would be involved in porting GB or newer to the device?
<cdesai> take a look at android_device_samsung_aries-common
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* iKitsune nods
<cdesai> and android_device_samsung_galaxysmtd/captivatemtd/other vartians
<cdesai> *variants
<iKitsune> I miss my Captivate.
<iKitsune> Anyway. What I'm taking away is I should start by looking at what's the same and what's different between this and, say, a Captivate.
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<iKitsune> or a SGS4G.
<cdesai> i don't remember sgs4g being officially supported
<cdesai> so i'ld go for cappy/i9000
<iKitsune> Alright
<iKitsune> Maybe Samsung did something nifty and the keyboard is wired up the same as the Epic.
<iKitsune> But this *is* Samsung after all.
<iKitsune> In the meantime, though, it'd be pretty straightforward to build CM6.x for this device, just based on the kernel source I have?
<iKitsune> I just feel like I'm missing something, because if it was as simple as "diff stock kernel sources with aries" and build, I'd think someone would've done it before.
<cdesai> well you're moving from 2.6.32 to 3.0
<iKitsune> All the ROMs on XDA are repacks of the stock Samsung ROM
<cdesai> but still it should be easy
<cdesai> aries is pretty well-supported
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<cdesai> due to crespo
<cdesai> nexus <3
* iKitsune nods
<iKitsune> I have a Crespo
<cdesai> exynos(odd) <3
<iKitsune> I hadn't planned on having a SK4G, but I got it at Goodwill for $5
<iKitsune> and other than being beat the hell up, it works fine
<Rebok> can a ui/framework guy help me?
<cdesai> <Rebok> can a ui/framework guy help me?
<cdesai> <cdesai> never ask whether you can ask a question, just ask it straight away
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<iKitsune> oh for crying out loud, someone on XDA already even has a device tree for the damn thing
<cdesai> link
<iKitsune> he threw a fit, deleted his post
<iKitsune> but the link to download it is still in the second post
<cdesai> y he no github
<iKitsune> glad someone quoted the download link
* iKitsune shrugs
<cdesai> i guess it's probably a tarball
<cdesai> yea saw the quote
<Rebok> oki
<iKitsune> so yeah
<iKitsune> I guess I know what I'm doing on my days off work this week
<iKitsune> I hope my computer's powerful enough to build Android in under a week. :P
<Rebok> i want to modify in_call_touch_ui and there is some prvandroid
<Rebok> what does that means?
<Rebok> if i want to add a new prvandroid where do i need to add that prv
<Rebok> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<iKitsune> Is there any way of telling without building and flashing how complete/correct this kid's device tree is?
<cdesai> compare it with the others
* iKitsune nods
<cdesai> it's the kenrel that needs work at this stage, since a lot of stuff is common and that is done
<iKitsune> Alrigh
<iKitsune> Alright*
<cdesai> *kernel
<iKitsune> I'll probably screw with it more on my days off.
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<iKitsune> if I'm going to have a functional day at work, I need to be in bed before long, and I'm getting to the point where I'm running the risk of being up all night hacking on this.
<iKitsune> Huh.
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<iKitsune> There's a file in the kid's device tree labeled as a kernel.
<iKitsune> all the other stuff is dated 12/26, the kernel is dated 3/15
<cdesai> ask him for source
<cdesai> GPL
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<iKitsune> I'll give it a shot, but this is an idiot kid with a temper problem on XDA. I'm likely not to get it. >.<
<cdesai> then he won't be able to be on xda
<iKitsune> I'm aware
<iKitsune> but that the link is still up is an accident
<iKitsune> and he seems to have "taken his ball and gone home" as it were
<iKitsune> I'll send him a PM though
<iKitsune> I bet you five bucks, though, that it's the stock kernel off a running Froyo install.
<iKitsune> Is it possible to run Gingerbread with a Froyo kernel?
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<iKitsune> or is this just asking for pain and heartbreak?
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<cdesai> dunno iKitsune, i started on ics
* iKitsune nods
<iKitsune> I just don't think I have the requisite skills to port this little guy to ICS or higher.
<cdesai> it's always a good time to learn
<cdesai> and I started on ics means i started developing during ics time :)
<Rebok> so can u give as a little help ?
<bbqbot> derp
<iKitsune> My programming ability is somewhat lacking.
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<Rebok> so can u give us (noobs) a little help ?
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<iKitsune> I've got a good grasp of the basics, and I've worked with microcontrollers, but this device's ROM is an order of magnitude larger than anything I've ever worked with
<iKitsune> I'm honestly intimidated.
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<iKitsune> How hard is it to inadvertently overwrite download mode on a Samsung device? ;)
<iKitsune> I'll feel more adveturous if I know it's hard to permanently destroy the device.
<cdesai> sbl has it
<cdesai> but considering the fact that an unbrickable mod does exist for most if all devices of that gen, i'ld say it's pretty hard
<iKitsune> ok
<iKitsune> cool
<Diftraku> USB jig ftw
<cdesai> i've messed a lot with my tab(p1000, sgs with a big screen), but have always been able to get it in download mode
<cdesai> Diftraku: jig can't do many things
<cdesai> jig != JTAG
<Diftraku> Yeah, JTAG is the god mode
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<cdesai> it isn't a "mode"
<iKitsune> i have a lpt jtag cable
<Diftraku> cdesai: Damn right it is! :e
<Diftraku> *3
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<iKitsune> So, realistically, how well do the first gen SGS devices run CM10/10.1?
<iKitsune> is it going to be a useable device if I put the work in to get CM10 on it?
<iKitsune> or is it going to be like a Dream running CM7
<iKitsune> I am worried that the internal flash on the SK4G is only 1 GB, that doesn't leave much room for /data
<iKitsune> IIRC CM10+gapps is around 450-500 mb
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<Shepy> Morning all. Dont support anyone has any workarounds for the bluetooth stuttering in 4.2.1 ?
<Shepy> (Though, it does look like a fix is imminent from Google end)
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<VIad> when google releases a new android build, is the cm10.1 going to be directly updated, or does the software have to be adapted to the S2 9100 phone? wondering if the software is made to work on all phones or only the latest, atm it seems that CM is like a layer in between to make it compatible with your phone, but am I right?
<bbqbot> derp
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<angelsl> VIad: no
<angelsl> ..technically that would be very wrong
<angelsl> CM is.. essentially a fork of AOSP that adds more features and also support for more devices than AOSP
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<VIad> when AOSP has a new version, what happens?
<VIad> is it a nighmare to carry over the new fixes and such?
<angelsl> i'm not sure on this but
<angelsl> i think they port features from previous CM versions to the AOSP version
<EgoElf> some patches are simply point releases
<EgoElf> and merge over in just a few minutes
<angelsl> for device support that would mean getting the drivers/hal to work with whatever new capabilities the version has
<EgoElf> some like 4.1, 4.2.1, etc have to be recoded
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<VIad> the gallery missing settings, is it a "recorded" thing or a bug in the original app?
<VIad> just curious if there is a "todo" list :P
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<mjt> speaking of sw updates -- will it be possible to install samsung original firmware to a rooted device using kies? In-device updater refuses to run saying the device is modified...
<anon123> If I'm installing CM for the first time, do I need to be rooted? I know I need to flash a custom recovery first, but I'm unsure about whether root is necessary.
<imneveral0ne> yes
<imneveral0ne> you need to be rooted
<anon123> Alright! Nice and simple, thank you!
<imneveral0ne> god speed
<anon123> One more question, if you'd oblige. Could I just flash a kernel like Siyah to obtain root?
<VIad> obtaining root is much easier than you think
<imneveral0ne> can't answer that, since I don't really know your phone lol
<anon123> SGS2
<anon123> sorry :/
<VIad> you can root without flashing or anything
<anon123> Superoneclick?
<bbqbot> derp
<VIad> trying to remember how I did it some weeks ago, before I decided to install CM myself
<VIad> I used a CWM that ran in the memory only, then I ran the superuser script, and at reboot it was back to stock everything - but in your case, you probably wanna install CWM - my S2 version had a kernel that could brick the device if using the factory reset :P
<VIad> according to the wiki for CM that is
<anon123> What's to say mine doesn't have the superbrick bug? It's totally stock ICS with stock everything.
<mjt> imneveral0ne: why root is needed?
<mjt> imneveral0ne: i flashed CM10.1 to my SGN2 without rooting it first
<anon123> This is what I suspected. CM kernel comes pre-rooted no?
<mjt> does CM comes with kernel?
<anon123> Yes
<VIad> you use i9100?
<anon123> i9100 yes.
<mjt> ok. build for N7100 does not include kernel.
<bbqbot> derp
<anon123> Fantastic, thanks VIad.
<anon123> AFAIK, CM is always bundled with a kernel. You say N7100 doesn't come with one?
<VIad> there are different wikis :P
<VIad> the one I found was a bit watered down technically
<imneveral0ne> mjt, you have cm10.1 but you're not rooted?
<mjt> i used - I don't see kernel in there
<mjt> imneveral0ne: yes
<imneveral0ne> do you have the superuser app installed on your phone?
<mjt> imneveral0ne: well, there was no root in original sf
<mjt> fw
<mjt> now i have
<imneveral0ne> then you're rooted
<mjt> i just replaced the recovery rom and flashed cm from there
<mjt> no rooting before that
<mjt> the trick was to not let the phone to boot after replacing recovery
<mjt> since original fw always re-flashes recovery back
<mjt> but root weren't needed
<mjt> anon123: i stand corrected. I guess the kernel is in boot.img, so cm actually comes with the kernel
<mjt> anon123: but it is the same as in stock firmware in this case.
<mjt> anon123: (that's why i thought it didn't touch kernel, I guess :)
<anon123> Ok (y)
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<angelsl> it's not the kernel that provides root, it's the presence of an appropriate su binary
<angelsl> that has setuid bit set
<mjt> sure
<VIad> are the usb jig thingies safe to remove the triangle?
<VIad> asking before I stick the one I bought into my phone :P
<mjt> which triangle is that, btw?
<VIad> samsung S2 shows a triangle when you use odin to flash
<VIad> it counts the flashes :P
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<angelsl> VIad: it is, but i use triangleaway now
<VIad> it costed more than it costed me to buy the usb jig from china :P
<VIad> (google play that is)
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<angelsl> get it from XDA..
<VIad> but I am curious if you can short the usb connection and break the phone :P
<angelsl> probably not
<VIad> don't know, software fix versus a hardware fix, I prefer the hardware one, but just trying to ask someone if it's smart to rely on the hardware fix with this thingy :P
<angelsl> it does the same thing essentially
<angelsl> the usbjig just makes the bootloader (i assume) do it instead of something in userspace
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<VIad> like formatting your machine, clearing everything, is it possible to do the same with your phone?
<angelsl> although, we don't know if the bootloader resets/changes other things
<angelsl> not really
<mjt> VIad: i asked "what's triangle" because my SGN2 does not show any triangles anywhere (so far), but it counts the flashes too
<VIad> just to have asked, firmware is hardware related and you must use odin to access it, alterit and such right?
<bbqbot> derp
<VIad> (bbqbot is just annoying, why is he here spamming?)
<VIad> just tring to find out how the phone work really
<VIad> firmware, the kernel, the OS where these are stored
<angelsl> "firmware"?
<VIad> isn't the firmware the layer between the hardware and the software, no?
<angelsl> err.. not really
<angelsl> firmware is a very vague term
<QuinnLion> We think of firmware as the rom. as it's supposed to be on non-writable NAND
<VIad> ROM is kernel and the OS?
<QuinnLion> But you arent wrong, regarding firmware as a layer between software and hardware, like WLAN firmware :P
<QuinnLion> Rignt
<QuinnLion> Right
<VIad> kernel is the hardware and software connection layer?
<mjt> it really is a vague term, highly depends on the context
<QuinnLion> Kernel is a blob of drivers and whatnot
<mjt> PC bios is a firmware too
<QuinnLion> what mjt said
<QuinnLion> :P
<mjt> and you can flash linux into the bios too (and many vendors do that)
<VIad> is the phone memory like a usb stick of memory?
<angelsl> kernel is what lets everything happen, it's what sits between the android framework and the hardware itself
<QuinnLion> EFI is a firmware too
<angelsl> in some ways
<VIad> isn't it possible to back it up and restore it?
<bbqbot> derp
<QuinnLion> VIad, yes, most modern devices are essetially stored on eMMC which acts like an SDcard
<angelsl> technically yes, VIad
<VIad> I mean, is it possible to do a image of this storage to restore the phone back to an earlier state?
<mjt> ye it is possible
<QuinnLion> what you speak of requires a little more low-level access which most of us dont have, but for all intents and porposes, using nandroid works fine for backup porposes
<VIad> but it wouldn't affect changes made by odin, or does odin just write to the same storage?
<QuinnLion> purposes*
<angelsl> QuinnLion: i think dd from the appropriate /dev/mmc* device should work
<angelsl> whether it's safe or not is another issue..
<mjt> CWM recovery can be modified trivially to perform bit-to-bit dump/restore of various partitions
<QuinnLion> (As I see the eMMC chip on my p5113, the 'partitions' are files on the same chip. bootloader boots srom them, etc.
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<QuinnLion> angelsl, yeah, methinks it could but I dont think android has access too all of that.
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<angelsl> it does, that's how the kernel mounts the filesystems
<QuinnLion> Like you couldnt flash the hboot from within android.
<QuinnLion> On HTC devices
<angelsl> oh, then probably not
<angelsl> on SAMSUNG devices the NAND is pretty much fully accessible i think
<mjt> some areas are restricted, but you don't write to them normally too, so no need to backup/restore them
<VIad> I am curious, when talking about different vendors
<VIad> don't all the vendors use the official android as a base?
<QuinnLion> eg: partitions that arent needed by android may not be accessible. as for phones I dont think radio stuff is accessable
<QuinnLion> VIad, yes, or atlast they should, but they all make changes to it.
<angelsl> i think the RIL is stored elsewhere, i'm probably wrong
<VIad> is it possible to make a dependency chart of an apk file? i.e. what libraries it requires and such
<QuinnLion> Like, the Kindle Fire HD. it uses android but you'd be fooled, it doesnt act like t
<QuinnLion> RIL is stored on radio chip
<QuinnLion> Only accessible from bootloader/odin maybe?
<VIad> because I wonder why you can't do that with, let's say, stock apps from different vendors, and copy those files and make installation packages, so everyone can use stock apps on their phones as it would also install any missing libraries from these vendors
<mjt> heh
<QuinnLion> VIad, when you install an app that doesnt have its dependencies avbailable, it will fail and stuff
<VIad> for instance the Memo app from Samsung is something I love, I got one from xda, but shame I couldn't just use some tool to copy the required files from my own backup image :P
<VIad> exactly
<QuinnLion> you'd have to port vendor frameworks
<QuinnLion> and that's all proprietary
<VIad> isn't it all files?
<VIad> or must the .so files be compiled from that specific phone to work?
<bbqbot> derp
<mjt> everything is a sequince of bits anyway :)
<QuinnLion> It's not just kernel modules :o
<angelsl> mjt: infinite monkeys theorem
<QuinnLion> ^
<VIad> system app/lib/framework
<QuinnLion> Think Barrel of Monkeys
<QuinnLion> all the mokeys hooking together
<angelsl> QuinnLion: .so isn't a kernel module :p
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<QuinnLion> </3 Blur, TouchWiz, Sense
<VIad> sadly I am not familiar with the monkey theorem
<QuinnLion> angelsl, what is it?
<QuinnLion> other than drivers
<angelsl> shared object
<VIad> it's like dll files
<angelsl> .ko would be a kernel module
<QuinnLion> ^
<VIad> linux version of dlls isn't it?
<QuinnLion> basically
<angelsl> in essence i guess, VIad
<QuinnLion> lol VXD
<QuinnLion> Dont mind me. I've been up for 20 Hours D;
<VIad> if I take my old phone system folder and put all missing files into my current cm10.1 installation
<VIad> will it be enough to run the stock apps again?
<angelsl> it probably will break
<QuinnLion> Cant sleep. Boyfriend will kill me if I dont go to the gym with him after work
<VIad> I said not overwrite and only fill in the blanks :P
<angelsl> cm10.1 renames some (actually a lot of) files
<angelsl> good luck with that :p
<angelsl> you could try though
<VIad> let me explain
<QuinnLion> Only way to find out is try, most that could happen is that you'd get LOTS of ANRs and bootloops
<VIad> I copy files that do not exist on my cm
<angelsl> i'm quite sure that you'll need to replace frameworks-base though
<VIad> talking about the app/lib/framework folders
<QuinnLion> Stock usually depends on *-framework
<mjt> which files it renames? I'd like to go back from cm to stock (from 4.2 to 4.1) but 4.2 created 0/ folder and CWM restore didn't move files from it back to root, resulting in a huge mess...
<angelsl> to get touchwiz to work
<VIad> hmm
<angelsl> mjt: wipe system and reflash?
<QuinnLion> mjt, I wiped and told it to wipe "sdcard" too
<QuinnLion> I'm back on 4.2 now
<QuinnLion> no looking back
<QuinnLion> I wish bluetooth wasnt broken on my Vision
<VIad> fyi I like touchwiz
<angelsl> :|
<mjt> i replaced TW with nova launcher on my note2, battery life improved alot
<QuinnLion> :P
<VIad> it puts icons to the menus, and keeps it a bit colorful by having nice colors, and the apps share the same theme, phone, contacts, messages, clock, calendar, e.g.
* QuinnLion prefers AOSP UX
<VIad> I don't understand why the default android project apps are so, different visually wise
<angelsl> they.. aren't?
<angelsl> especially not after 4.0
<VIad> look at phone when running cm10.1
<VIad> it's black, I like
* QuinnLion beleives all vendors are trying to Mimic iOS
<VIad> but look at contacts, messages, then you have gray apps
<VIad> not even an option to turn their theme black
<QuinnLion> We used to have Contacts.apk modded by Wysie.. that stopped at ICS
<VIad> I just feel that all apps should fallback to the system theme, visual looks, not force their own upon the user
<VIad> google calendar looks horrible
<VIad> I loved the stock samsung one :(
<QuinnLion> GB being the last version to have modded MMS and COntacts
<QuinnLion> Mmm, Touchwiz
<VIad> the one I used before cm had small squares to indicate what events come from what calendar on each day
<VIad> and I could easily click and see the top 3 events on the list below
<VIad> the new google calendar requires many clicks to do simple stuff
<VIad> just saying I feel like a upgrade on many aspects, and a downgrade in usability on many apps that are stocked with the default android project
* QuinnLion doesnt use Calendar
<QuinnLion> Just alarm clock
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<QuinnLion> calendar remonds me of Winmo and PDAs
<VIad> if I only used clock and phone I wouldn't get a smartphone
<VIad> I'd buy another nokia n78 :P
* QuinnLion plays games, makes calls and emails and mms
<QuinnLion> :P
<VIad> small, efficient, lasts weeks without charging, has everything I needed - sadly it broke after 4 years
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<VIad> but back to topic
* QuinnLion wants a nokia with UMS :s no service in basement
<QuinnLion> yar
<VIad> what about the theme system, I talked about it yesterday but you seem to know more
<QuinnLion> Fucking Johnny Cash on my Modest Mouse station
<QuinnLion> Which theme system?
<bbqbot> derp
<VIad> you know, themes...
<VIad> they are a custom thing in cm no?
<QuinnLion> Using the Tmo Theme engine?
<imneveral0ne> $170 bucks
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<imneveral0ne> :D
<VIad> I just use default
<VIad> I installed cm10.1 early january
* QuinnLion also wants a phone with UMS and a qwerty keyboard
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* QuinnLion needs to update his nightly
<VIad> me?
<QuinnLion> wat?
<QuinnLion> I was talking about me
<VIad> I notice all google apps use this white gray theme
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<VIad> in general, google suck at themes
<QuinnLion> yus
<VIad> youtube is white gray too
<QuinnLion> youtube is black
<QuinnLion> tablet and phone
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<VIad> :P
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<VIad> just saying, google sucks at letting you specify the visual appearance
<VIad> white hurts your eyes, at least mine
<QuinnLion> Well things are kinda sorta becoming uniform across all android platforms
<VIad> I hope you don't mean gray white will be the standard
<angelsl> VIad: at least you have a choice with the Tmo engine :p
<QuinnLion> Just bug android/google to let you have a dark theme?
<angelsl> i mean look at the other giant
<QuinnLion> hah
<VIad> the only issue with themes is this
<VIad> you get a theme apk file and you use it
<QuinnLion> this SDcard is faster than the NAND in my tablet :p
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<VIad> it's a compiled file
<angelsl> VIad: make a theme yourself that themes messages etc
<QuinnLion> you can always make your own theme :p
<VIad> yes
<VIad> so each user should make their own theme? :P
<QuinnLion> ಠ_ಠ
<QuinnLion> :P
<angelsl> no, you should make your own theme and release it
<VIad> instead here is the idea
<QuinnLion> :D
<angelsl> maybe not on Play Store cause of the $25 OTF
<angelsl> but at least on like XDA
<VIad> themes are big, some people like the icons, hate the other elements, other themes have nice layouts but sucky colors, e.g.
<QuinnLion> closest I could find to a how to
<VIad> my point is that being forced to pick one theme and load all of it, is a bit limiting to the advanced user
<QuinnLion> ^ Advanced users make their own themes
* QuinnLion is too dumb and just puts up with it
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<VIad> I suggest the ability to have several themes load
<VIad> with a priority list
<QuinnLion> </3 programming
<angelsl> that'll be hell to implement, VIad
<VIad> this way you can load "patches" or other themes that theme specific stuff, on top
<VIad> probably, since you use apk files
<QuinnLion> haha, there's always Metamorph
<angelsl> ^
<VIad> I googled metamorph
<QuinnLion> Or ninjamorph, I cant remember, it's long ago
<QuinnLion> by stericson
<VIad> what is busybox?
<bbqbot> derp
<QuinnLion> a binary with tools
<QuinnLion> CM includes it
<VIad> "broke my phone, stop working, i cant do anything anymore" :P
<QuinnLion> haha
<VIad> love comments
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<QuinnLion> Prolly applied a theme that wasnt for his device
<VIad> but I don't want to break anything with using these apps
<VIad> I fear they replace system files
<VIad> buypass the theme engine
<QuinnLion> Look at the edit date
<VIad> yeah
<VIad> :P
<QuinnLion> Antiquated by Android standards
<VIad> not to mention "patch files within .jar and .apk files on the phone
<QuinnLion> yep
<QuinnLion> thats what it does
<QuinnLion> replaces resources
<VIad> I mean why don't android have a theme system implemented?
<VIad> it's like design rule 101
<VIad> make the user be able to theme their visual experience
<QuinnLion> heh
<VIad> change icons, colors, backgrounds, foregrounds, sizes, DPI, e.g.
<VIad> they expect everyone to be slaves to what they say is how the phone must look
<QuinnLion> just becasue s40/s60 has themes, doesnt mean android is gonna D:
<VIad> I love google functionality wise
<QuinnLion> I wish it were that simple
<VIad> but google sucks at allowing visual customizations like themes :P
* QuinnLion <3d themes on his lickle 7510ab
<VIad> using a script on youtube to make the website dark
<VIad> made it myself :P
<angelsl> now do it with android! VIad
<VIad> "most of our users watch youtube, chances are it's dark in the room, let's make the screen WHITE and a small black box in the middle -that must be pleasant to watch!"
<angelsl> most people watch youtube on fullscreen..
<VIad> we all love a glowing white color with black text on the top, mmm
<QuinnLion> lol
<angelsl> s/on/in/
<VIad> between movies you'd get flashed with white color, triggering your epilespy fit
* QuinnLion loves it when his roomates blast shitty, low bandwidth music from youtube
<VIad> sorry for critisism but I see so much room for improvement!
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<VIad> I just hate it that I am too new at this so I can't code anything either, not to mention it looks like the framework itself isn't made to allow themes
<VIad> I suspect cm theme engine is a ton of code just to allow this
<VIad> I appreciate the work
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<VIad> but still room for more improvements :)
<QuinnLion> methinks it replaces assets
<QuinnLion> or hotlinks to others
<VIad> I don't think it changes the original files
<QuinnLion> no
<QuinnLion> It doesnt
<VIad> it only loads other ressources
<VIad> "load x.xml" then it goes trough the theme engine and it say "no I use a theme that wants to load y.xml"
<VIad> and such
<VIad> if you apply this waterfall effect, you could have a priority list of themes
<VIad> (1) contact theme (2) touchwiz phone theme (3) stock
<VIad> contact would only contain the contact app theme then touchwiz theme is a big theme but not complete, missing theme for some stuff, so the contact theme helps out by theming what is missing without altering the default touchwiz theme files
<VIad> because themes on google play are updated automatically, it's not wise to hack and edit their compiled files to fill in what is missing :P
<VIad> instead having the ability to make partial theme apk files to skin different apps, much better
<angelsl> actually, now that i think about it
* mjt hates phone/contact app in his note2 due to its delays switching between several "tabs" (phone keyboard/addressbook)
<angelsl> it doesn't /seem/ very hard to implement
<VIad> depends if the apk contain binary
<VIad> overwrites
<angelsl> it'd (Tmo engine) just need some modifications
<VIad> if it's only xml and images
<angelsl> nah, theme apks have no binaries
<VIad> so it might just be a zip
<QuinnLion> mjt, thats why I want another device with a keyboard
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<cdesai> sony has something for this
<cdesai> which is open
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<cdesai> runtime resource overlay
<VIad> I'd love to help code this but lol I can't manage to find where everything is on the git :P
<cdesai> code for framework overlays is in AOSP/CM already
<VIad> like 100 projects that together make the CM platform :P
<cdesai> for apps - on AOSP/CM gerrit
<cdesai> more
<cdesai> more projects i mean
<cdesai> what you want is choosing what to theme
<VIad> here is an idea
<VIad> first let me ask, does the theme engine pass files onto the system regarding icons, xml files, e.g.?
<cdesai> i'm not familiar enough with t-mo's engine :(
<cdesai> but i will check
<VIad> or does it only say "load this apk file" because then it's a bit hard
<angelsl> VIad: read the source perhaps?
<cdesai> don't have much time now but i'll link you the code for it
<VIad> as I mentioned I don't know where everything is on git
<VIad> like 100 projects :P
<cdesai> 2 mins
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<VIad> so many different stuff that make up the CM
<cdesai> MORE
<VIad> there is no dependency map on git either xD
<VIad> hmm
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<cdesai> all the code for the theme engine
<VIad> oh
<VIad> this is what we use now in 10.1 ye?
<cdesai> yep
<VIad> chooseThemeAndReturnResult
<angelsl> cdesai: have you debugged recoveries before?
<VIad> seems to be the important part
<cdesai> angelsl: nope
<angelsl> meh
<angelsl> trying to get cwm working on an exynos 4412 device
<cdesai> it redirects resources
<cdesai> to themed ones
<angelsl> atm i get a black screen but i verified recovery itself works.. by doing a backup while blind
<cdesai> logs ?
<bbqbot> derp
<cdesai> check dmesg and /tmp/recovery.log
<angelsl> oh shit, there's recovery.log?
<angelsl> does stderr get redirected there?
<cdesai> does
<cdesai> check that log after installing a zip
<cdesai> it haz all teh logs
<angelsl> ohhhhh god nowonder
<angelsl> i was wondering where all the perror()s went
<cdesai> so yea i've debugged recoveries
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<cdesai> but haven't got one running all by myself
<cdesai> since my devices have already had those
<cdesai> VIad: Sony's implementation is similar but they do it per-package
<VIad> it sounds smarter, no?
<VIad> ^^
<VIad> atm it's "all or nothing"
<angelsl> cdesai: thanks a bunch
<cdesai> well yea, but this one is better at themeing everything
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<cdesai> gotta take a middle path
<cdesai> allowing to choose what to theme
<VIad> didn't know we have themes thanks to tmobile
<QuinnLion> mmhm
<VIad> one would assume it would be android team to make this :P
<QuinnLion> before that it was Metamorphing
<cdesai> that's dumb, AOSP doesn't have it
<cdesai> CM does
<VIad> I know
<VIad> I just wish AOSP had, it's like having a PC with no theme options :P
<cdesai> T-mo dropped it long back though
* QuinnLion has themes
<VIad> hard to update with new AOSP versions?
<cdesai> na
<VIad> you seem well informed on android, cdesai
<QuinnLion> PC ... with themes
<VIad> I know they exist
<QuinnLion> :P
<VIad> but why didn't google make android have native theme engine too? :P
<QuinnLion> Becasue it isnt a priority?
<VIad> it's actually their job as the OS to have these available
<QuinnLion> iOS doesnt have themes
<VIad> but apple is the symbol of no customization and doing what they let you do
<QuinnLion> :3
<VIad> android stands for freedom of choice
<datagutt> cdesai: chaos > tmobile theme engine
<QuinnLion> and you cant cater to everyone
<VIad> I am a PC guy, or linux, just let me do what I want, don't have the OS limit me :P
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<QuinnLion> ntkernel here is hacked up to shit
<VIad> no themes is a huge limitation when it's a product you rely on looking at all the time :P that's why I think it's bad of android team to have ignored themes
<cdesai> datagutt: gief sauce
<datagutt> cdesai: chaos lets you theme lets see
<datagutt> mms
<datagutt> lockscreen
<QuinnLion> datagutt, link
<datagutt> and so much more
<cdesai> SAUCE OR GTFO
<VIad> datagutt gi meg link :P
<QuinnLion> ^
<datagutt> QuinnLion: cdesai:
<datagutt> not quite released yet
<datagutt> sauce WILL be there
<QuinnLion> ah
<VIad> :d
<datagutt> in the future
<QuinnLion> Looks like they support Vision :P
<datagutt> they support any cm device pretty much
<QuinnLion> "msm7x30"
<VIad> so I have something to look forward to :P
<VIad> in the future, hehe
<cdesai> isn't yet
<cdesai> loads of empty repos
<QuinnLion> oh
<QuinnLion> its a custom rom
<QuinnLion> :s
<datagutt> cdesai: in the future :)
<QuinnLion> not theme stuff
<cdesai> they do have local manifests though
<datagutt> custom rom that has theme stuff
<QuinnLion> Just features custom themes on-device
<cdesai> very useful!
<VIad> serious question, does any calendar that looks like this exist on android atm?
<bbqbot> derp
<datagutt> QuinnLion: they have a custom theme negine
<datagutt> + improved trebuchet
<QuinnLion> But is it tied into their rom?
<datagutt> Yeh.. so is tmobile
* QuinnLion no like trebuhet
<datagutt> oh
<datagutt> trebuchet can be replaced
<QuinnLion> It has been :D
<datagutt> because any app can be themed
* QuinnLion uses root power
<datagutt> but icon support is baked into trebuchet iirc :)
<QuinnLion> yus
<datagutt> still, a theme can theme another launcher
<datagutt> cdesai: yeh it is pretty much device trees with s/cm/cos
<datagutt> and local manifests
<datagutt> until they hit public release
<cdesai> so GTFO till then
<datagutt> Hm, i KNOW it is better
<datagutt> there are roms out
<cdesai> cos MIUI :p
<datagutt> and i have seen lots of screens
<VIad> but I like cm :(
<datagutt> cdesai: miui themes wont even apply properly
<cdesai> that doesn't say much
<cdesai> open > *
<cdesai> datagutt: i'm talking about them kanging it
<datagutt> because miui changed so much stuff
<datagutt> cdesai: they are not kanging it
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<datagutt> there are no PUBLIC releases of any roms out yet
<datagutt> cdesai: uhm
<datagutt> i can explain that
<cdesai> no need
<datagutt> that was to figure out how their theme manager works
<QuinnLion> miui = Sense?
<QuinnLion> D:
<datagutt> cdesai: their theme format is the same as miuis format
<datagutt> so they needed to decompile to figure out how it worked
<cdesai> datagutt:
<angelsl> MIUI is some chinese rom
<cdesai> s/rom/kang/
<angelsl> LOL
<datagutt> cdesai: oh btw
<datagutt> they use no code from miui
<angelsl> since when is MIUI a kang
<datagutt> zero
<angelsl> also i thought MIUI was open source?
<QuinnLion> Here everyone, have some Vindaloo
<angelsl> it's not?
<cdesai> well, they don't have code
<cdesai> it isn't angelsl
<cdesai> datagutt: you fanboi
<datagutt> cdesai: miui wont be open until a few months
<cdesai> they haven't released code yet
<cdesai> nor have you tried it
<datagutt> cdesai: no they have not
<datagutt> zero code
<datagutt> i know
<datagutt> But you seem to think that they just use miuis smali
<datagutt> and wont ever release source
<datagutt> their theme manager is more advanced
<datagutt> and aint using stupid .apk format
<datagutt> but yes
<datagutt> i do not know if their rom works good
<datagutt> ask nebkat
<datagutt> or get nexus and try urself
<datagutt> cdesai
<datagutt> oh
<datagutt> happy birthday btw
<cdesai> thank you
<angelsl> isn't.. that..
<datagutt> angelsl: not very usable
<datagutt> they have some bits of code
<datagutt> miui is releasing more source in a few months
<datagutt> BUT
<datagutt> their apps are still closed
<datagutt> so they just remove their spyware from the framework to the apps
<angelsl> the AOSP license doesn't require them to release source?
<datagutt> and nobody will notice
<datagutt> angelsl: android has apache license
<angelsl> ah shit
<datagutt> samsung don't release touchwiz, do they?
<datagutt> :P
<QuinnLion> whats the diff between Apache and GPL?
<bbqbot> derp
<datagutt> doesn't*
<angelsl> Apache is permissive
<angelsl> modified versions can be relicensed
<QuinnLion> ah
<angelsl> without explicit permission from the author
<angelsl> among other things, it also doesn't require source to be released if a binary of a modified version is released (which GPL requires)
<QuinnLion> so that explains all those copies of android-wifi-tether
<QuinnLion> clones rather
<QuinnLion> on market
<datagutt> chinese clones rather
<QuinnLion> that too
<VIad> why doesn't google block clones?
<QuinnLion> because?
<QuinnLion> 25bux per 'dev'
<VIad> isn't there some "you can't copy other peoples work" thingy?
<datagutt> their is
<VIad> like me copying googles stock app, editing it a bit, compiling and selling it :P
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<QuinnLion> well, they just channe the name and add some branding and call it their own
<VIad> people should be ashamed
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<QuinnLion> Like this
<QuinnLion> basically an outdated clone
<datagutt> opengarden..
<datagutt> sounds familliar
<QuinnLion> hehe
<VIad> but it's notthat bad when it's free
<QuinnLion> the only comment is mine :3
<VIad> when they put it up for a price, then I think they crossed a line :P
<QuinnLion> But look
<datagutt> their main product is something else iirc
<datagutt> QuinnLion: no ads, and its free?
<bbqbot> derp
<QuinnLion> datagutt, what?
<datagutt> the com.googlecode one
<QuinnLion> yeah
<QuinnLion> it's the original
<datagutt> oh
<datagutt> i thought it was
<datagutt> i thought you said it wasn't
<datagutt> :P
<QuinnLion> the opengarden one is a clone
<datagutt> DAMN MIZU
<angelsl> QuinnLion: how does that explain the clones of that? o.o
<QuinnLion> but they also have another product
<datagutt> Y U NO UPDAET TO 4.1 YET
<datagutt> yeh
<angelsl> that wifi tether thing is GPL..
<datagutt> with pc software
<QuinnLion> angelsl, no credits
<datagutt> FUCK U MIZU
<datagutt> good thing i have i9300 as well
<datagutt> lol
<VIad> isn't tethering a thing in the android project?
<QuinnLion> yeah
<VIad> :P
<VIad> doesn't it have a license you must abide by? :P
<QuinnLion> but this is a UI that used to work
<VIad> if I sell their sources as mine, yeah :P
<QuinnLion> before tethering was part of android
<VIad> aha
<QuinnLion> ICS broke it :P
<VIad> is it safe for me to update to next nightly build btw? :P
<VIad> already got 10.1
<QuinnLion> I'm waiting
<QuinnLion> gat
<VIad> waiting for gat?
<QuinnLion> it took over my launcher
<QuinnLion> but yes
<QuinnLion> it's safe on p5113
<bbqbot> derp
<datagutt> THIS
<datagutt> codeworkx: port cm to this ^
<VIad> lol
<VIad> professionally microwaved
<VIad> i.e. someone that only eats microwave food is a professional?
<datagutt> and the vid
<datagutt> hahaha wtf
<VIad> Ill watch
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<VIad> hahaha lol I got a s2 and he broke a s3 just for fun I am so happy
<jose___> buenas
<datagutt> "Yes 9604simon. I am for REAL and what you see is what you will get which is having the rare opportunity to own a one of kind sign & dated professionally microwaved Samsung Galaxy S3 shipped & delivered directly to your door. It's had to believe you are actually seeing such quality but it's 100% REAL and NOT a mirage of your imagination."
<QuinnLion> I'm listening to "I'm On A Boat" by The Lonely Island on Pandora
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<VIad> why does themes have to be apk files? do they have to be installable? can't I place the theme apk in a folder "Themes" on my sdcard or internal memory? :<
<VIad> apk/zip since apk is zip basically :P
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<mahendra_k_> hi i have samsung galaxy s i9000 running cm-10.1-nightly-20030112 build and i am having problem sending mms. can anyone please help me.
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<addi> mahendra_k_, do you have the necessary settings for MMS on the phone?
<mahendra_k_> yes i have the packet data and mms settings properly set
<addi> VIad, it's probably just done to make it simple to use. download APK, install, and that's it.
<mahendra_k_> when i enter the settings manually in gosms pro and send through gosms it works but not with stock messaging app
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<Keatsan> test
<QuinnLion> nope
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<Keatsan> is there a link to just download cm 10.1 kernel?
<QuinnLion> no
<QuinnLion> you can extract it from the zip package
<mjt> where it is in there?
<mjt> which file that is
<QuinnLion> boot.img?
<Keatsan> what about those from aroma installer rom type
<QuinnLion> dunno what to tell ya
<mjt> i asked about this file in #cyanogenmod, said i suspect it is the kernel, but they replied it is "candy with lots of pepper" so... ;)
<QuinnLion> Look around for yourself
<Keatsan> alright. gotta poke around then ><
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<Keatsan> having issues with kernel lately. phones starts to lag and freeze when using randomly
<mjt> maybe it's some rogue app, not the kernel?
<bbqbot> derp
<ctlaltdefeat> hello, which CM version is preferable atm for a galaxy s2? is cm9 worth flashing since it's more stable?
<Keatsan> been trying to figure out which app, but been running all kind of apps and it does hangs randomly.
<Keatsan> here's the symptoms, whenever it hangs..i access my Stweaks settings, and try to restore. but voila, that settings which i've backed up earlier all gone just like that.
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<lim_> hello
<lim_> can i asking for root?
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<lim_> because my samsung galaxy s2 cannot flash the jb 4.2.1
<ctlaltdefeat> hello, which CM version is preferable atm for a galaxy s2? is cm9 worth flashing since it's more stable?
<lim_> who to take ics bootloader ?
<lim_> how
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<VIad> addi: ye, just nice when developing not having to install, but then again it's a bit helpful with eclipse as it autoinstalls too :P /yes I was away
<VIad> trebuchet and apollo can hang if I swap themes fyi
<VIad> I think I had to reset the app config to fix it :(
<VIad> not swapping too many themes since lol, don't wanna have to reconfigure each time :P
<addi> I personally use an AOSP ROM, so no themes for me anyway :P
<VIad> not using cm?
<addi> nope
<VIad> it has awesome battery longlivity
<VIad> my stock samsung S2 drained in 2 days with low usage
<addi> official CM has caused Android OS drain for me the last two times I've tried it, and I've seen that AOSP ROMs run the fastest, at least for me
<VIad> can last up to a week now :D
<addi> but then again, I have a Galaxy Nexus, so performance isn't really a goal of custom ROMs :P
<VIad> I beg to differ ;D
<VIad> both performance and battery saving modes are highly wanted by all hackers of roms :D
<addi> not really, you feel that difference mostly when you go from a bloated stock ROM to CM/AOSP based ROMs
<VIad> I wonder why they must bloat their roms :(
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<VIad> it reduces their battery, why want your users to have and charge more? :(
<addi> er, no, battery isn't reduced by bloat, mainly the performance is. my Galaxy S1 had great battery on both stock and CM
<addi> your S2 must be faulty :P
<VIad> I said with CM it lasts a week with low usage
<VIad> i.e. just calling, receiving calls, sms, e.g.
<VIad> no gaming or having the screen on too long
<addi> I don't see why stock doesn't last long for you then
<VIad> shrug
<addi> I've personally not seen battery life improvements with CM/AOSP on 4 devices I've owned
<addi> does your S2 have higher idle drain on stock?
<bbqbot> derp
<VIad> probably addi, using cm now :P
<VIad> hard to compare :D
<VIad> can I bug my phone if I play with themes and apply a bad theme?
<addi> bug as in make it stop booting up? :P
<VIad> ye
<VIad> making me unable to go back to default theme :P
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<VIad> or like trebuchet or appolo, I had t oreset their settings otherwise they kept crashing
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<VIad> it happens sometimes when I apply a theme that has "missing files" thingy
<VIad> systemui.apk
<VIad> do I decompile that and remake the apk and I got my theme? :P
<addi> applying a theme does what exactly? does it change the framework files permanently? if not, not going to cause a brick
<addi> as to how you make your themes, I have no idea :P
<VIad> as I understood from earlier it doesn't
<addi> afaik the framework can't be changed since the theme is an app after all, so yeah, will always boot
<addi> of course, if systemui messes up, you might lose your status bar :P
<VIad> no the theme is just packaged in apk, not an app
<VIad> :3
<addi> so what happens when it installs?
<addi> don't worry, you can open theme chooser, set default theme, which will restart the system UI, or you can restart phone to do so
<VIad> I think it has some metadata and the theme loader will recognize it as a theme
<addi> so it's basically making some temporary changes to change the appearance without touching the framework? confusing :P
<VIad> it doesn't change the files, only affects what is loaded
<ctlaltdefeat> no one has advice as to which CM version is advisable for galaxy s ii ? :(
<VIad> of xml files
<bbqbot> derp
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<VIad> I use CM10.1 ctlaltdefeat but I am a newbie like you :P
<addi> oh, okay. then no, no worries of bricking IMO
<VIad> I think the CM7 is the last "stable" ROM for g2 no?
<ctlaltdefeat> viad does it have major bugs?
<VIad> so I think I read
<addi> ctlaltdefeat, CM7/CM9 should have least bugs
<QuinnLion> VIad, I'm using andromadus Mimicry on my g2 no issues ;3
<addi> why don't you give each ROM a try? :)
<addi> or try what QuinnLion is using :P
<VIad> I hate that all my messages reset
<VIad> and all my memo files too
<QuinnLion> Android 4.0.4
<VIad> when I changed rom I lost these :(
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<QuinnLion> Titanium Backup
<ctlaltdefeat> I kind of have a limit to how much time I'm uselessly spending on my phone :)
<addi> well, if you're wanting to use custom ROMs, you'll have to take a little time out to find out what works best for you
<addi> otherwise sticking to stock ROMs is the best idea
<VIad> unless it drains too quick and it makes you angry, like me :P
<VIad> 2 days batteries is not my thing ;D
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<Bert_> I would take a 2 day battery any day! I barely get a day (morning to evening) out of my i9100.
<VIad> I am not a smartphone geek
<VIad> I can have it in my pocket all day and not fiddle with it :P
<VIad> two days out of that is too little ;)
pier is now known as pier|znc
<a-st> Hm.
<addi> VIad, I think your idle drain may be a bit too high, probably should have tried another modem :P
<VIad> I tried CM and so far happy
<Bert_> I you do not smell it, of what use is a rose of any other name?
<VIad> the only annoyance is the lack of uniform themes :P
<VIad> meaning different apps use different visuals by the stock android :P
<VIad> that's why I made such a big deal out of the theme system in here earlier :P
<Bert_> yeah, CM rocks, 4.2.1 rocks. I will NEVER go back to any skinned phone. NEVER!
<addi> stock Android's visuals suck anyway :P
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<VIad> I like touchwiz from samsung
<addi> so be sure to stay in those apps for the best visuals xD
<VIad> looks very nice imo ;) dark
<addi> it looks like a cartoon to me
<VIad> sadly I can't copy over the stock phone, contacts, calendar, messages, over :P
<Yappy> Entropy512, are you aware of the Xperia T's screen going dim then back to normal brightness at times? This is in CM10.
<a-st> Is the AMOLED screen burn a warranty thing?
<addi> though not the TouchWiz on SGS2, only the new Nature TouchWiz looks truly like a cartoon
<VIad> let the user decide what they wanna look at, it's not the developers responsibility :P
<addi> those stock apps won't be any unique for Samsung if they were easily portable to AOSP/other ROMs :p
<VIad> a little work on the theme engine would do wonders in the customizing community
<VIad> yeah
<VIad> I got a stock memo ported over
<VIad> someone hacked it to work :D
<addi> and really, you should look at the Messaging app on the SGS3. really, really ugly
<VIad> I dislike the S3 calendar too
<VIad> I prefer the old S2 style, looks very similar to my N78 nokia xD
<addi> N78? I have an N79 lying around. one of the best smartphones ever for me ^^
<bbqbot> derp
<VIad> all calendar apps on the store are fuggly
<VIad> I don't think mine was a smartphone lol
<addi> why not? because it didn't have many apps? ^^
<VIad> no touchscreen
<VIad> smartphone = touchscreen no?
<addi> uh, no
<VIad> keyboard and no touchscreen it's just ap hone
<addi> smartphone = a phone running an OS that can do more than what a feature phone can do
<VIad> strickly speaking yes
<Bert_> addi, yeah, I still miss my 6301. Tough as nails, and 7 days battery!
<VIad> I think my N78 could last a month
<addi> and you can't beat Symbian's multitasking
<VIad> no joke :P
<addi> multitasking is what I count as one of the important points to be a smartphone OS
<addi> yeah, don't use it and those Nokia phones never go out of battery :P
<VIad> btw new calendar from google
<VIad> it doesn't show contact birthdays by default
<VIad> seriously?
<VIad> the stock android apps are in many ways a downgrade from what I am used with from S2
<VIad> it'
<VIad> it's really lame
<addi> VIad, Symbian was a smartphone OS, Windows Mobile and BlackBerry 7 too, it's just that Apple changed the definition of smartphone to a device that has stupid limitations, no multitasking, and just a lot of apps
<VIad> to be fair our samsungs have multitasking
<addi> the new definition of smartphone has come around since idiots and noobs moved on from feature phones
<addi> which Samsungs? :P
<VIad> probably all? at least S2
<VIad> I only got S2 :P
<addi> you should say Android, not Samsungs xD
<VIad> aye
<VIad> I should say symbian and not nokia too :P
<addi> as for stock Android apps being a downgrade, then yes, AOSP is a downgrade in features and some useful things from any skinned interface
<addi> yes, I was saying Symbian :P
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<addi> Google I'm afraid focuses on some major things and leaves it to manufacturers to add features on top
<VIad> is it too hard to copy the samsung files over to my CM10.1? :(
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<VIad> need a dependency tool to read from my backup file of my stock, let me decide what apps I wish to copy over to CM10.1 and let me do it xD
<addi> Samsung's apps are integrated into the TouchWiz framework afaik
<VIad> it's just a file
<addi> so you can't easily make them not be dependent on TouchWiz
<VIad> the framework is just jar files no?
<bbqbot> derp
<VIad> no, I can bring touchwiz over :P
<addi> yes, you could make them run without TouchWiz, but it's not that simple for the core apps
<VIad> is it a big issue making touchwiz run on CM?
<VIad> touchwiz is just jar/apk/so files
<addi> too much work involved = no one has tried, that's what they said back in 2011 when I had a Galaxy S :P
<VIad> the only issue is there are no good dependency tools I reckon
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<VIad> on windows you got the tool to scan a program or dll and tell you what it depends on :P
<addi> yes, they're customized by Samsung, and you don't exactly have tools to port them over
<VIad> if we had the same for apk and such, we could check what files the apk depends upon and make sure we take all dependencies with us
<VIad> unless samsung changed a lot of android sources that is
<addi> believe me, if it was possible, people would have ported them over.
<VIad> can I install symbian on my phone? lol
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<VIad> no touchscreen but damn good apps
<addi> nah, no source :P
<VIad> it has memo, good calendars :P
<VIad> stock android has no memo
<addi> Symbian is one of the most feature complete OS, yes. iOS and even Android or WP don;t compare
<VIad> s2 and s3 one looks nice :P
<VIad> shame nokia sold to am$
<VIad> m
<addi> but that was because Symbian has few third-party apps, so they focused on putting everything themselves
<VIad> m$
<VIad> now nokia is windows phones :P
<addi> Apple, Google etc leave it to third-party apps
<a3Dman> wasn't symbain supposed to be opensourced by now?
<addi> a disadvantage in this day since third-party apps became really important
<addi> a3Dman, it was, but they changed it to closed source again
<addi> back in 2011 I think
<a3Dman> s/symbain/symbian
<VIad> lol if I get my memo, contacts, messages from the store
<VIad> my phone will look like frankenstein
<addi> now it's handled by Accenture anyway
<VIad> different theme and layout for each app :P
<VIad> for a person that cares about usability and aesthetics, it would suck
<addi> can't beat Symbian's theme support either. even noobs like me could make themes using their software
<addi> so many good things these "smartphones" of today don't have
<VIad> I read I could go back to stock any time
<VIad> is it a lie? :P
<addi> download Odin and stock firmware and flash on phone
<addi> done
<addi> and factory reset from recovery later if phone doesn't boot
<VIad> nice
<VIad> any touchwiz based phones that can run the stock samsung apps?
<VIad> just asking, as they also probably have the hacks for battery, performance, e.g. e.g. incorporated
<addi> er, TouchWiz-based phones will run stock Samsung apps automatically
<VIad> ye
<VIad> but CM has a lot of tweaks that are nice
<VIad> battery is one important one
<addi> believe me, there is no "battery tweak" on CM
<VIad> strickly speaking
<VIad> what is CM?
<VIad> mins android
<addi> CM is stock Android, with a few tweaks included for customization
<VIad> minus*
<VIad> why are there issues with stock android on S2?
<bbqbot> derp
<VIad> like it needs fixes to work on S2
<addi> because manufacturers use drivers for running different hardware like camera, GPU etc, source for which aren't available
<VIad> hmm
<VIad> when samsung releases 4.3 for S2
<addi> so CM devs have to use alternative open source drivers which don't always work as well
<VIad> will CM have it easier to fix the bugs?
<addi> Samsung won't release anything past 4.1 for SGS2
<VIad> I understand
<VIad> i.e. CM that uses 4.1 is most stable?
<addi> not really, issues will still remain, since Samsung will never provide full source except the kernel's
<ctlaltdefeat> will they release more source for 4.1 stuff?
<addi> they will only provide the source for the kernel
<addi> that doesn't include sources for the ROM itself
<ctlaltdefeat> didn't they release that already?
<addi> and neither the official drivers for the different hardware components
<ctlaltdefeat> why not
<addi> er, because those components are made by other companies that don't want all the source looked at :P
<addi> basically, only the kernel source is required to be provided
<ctlaltdefeat> oh that will fix most things?
<VIad> why not? does the source contain naughty comments? :3
<addi> it helps, yes
<ctlaltdefeat> when they gonna release that?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> when the official 4.1 ROM releases
<ctlaltdefeat> any ETAs?
<addi> ask Samsung :)
<VIad> at least apple is good at this
<ctlaltdefeat> they didn't give any?
<VIad> updating their older models software
<addi> not officially, except that it's coming
<QuinnLion> lol paid updates
<ctlaltdefeat> oh it's coming
<ctlaltdefeat> that helps
<addi> VIad, yeah, they have few devices, so not a difficult thing
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<ctlaltdefeat> hmm i'm looking at the current CM10.1
<VIad> :P
<ctlaltdefeat> what does audio features not fully implemented mean?
<VIad> don't know, it plays music for me, I can watch videos
<VIad> maybe handsfree bluetooth?
<ctlaltdefeat> who cares about that
<ctlaltdefeat> i want the alarm to work and to hear calls
<VIad> can a theme skin the google calendar app or contact app?
<addi> the SGS2/3 have problems because Samsung doesn't provide good/up to date documentation for Exynos
<VIad> only issue is you should either use long ringtone or android_loop metatag on short ringtones to make it loop
<VIad> that's the only big issue I encountered :P
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<QuinnLion> nebkat know anything about Relay4G(SGH-T699)
<addi> Fissurez,
<addi> whats up dood
<Fissurez> not much
<Fissurez> pissed w/ google
<addi> WHY NOT?!
<addi> WHY?!
<bbqbot> derp
<ctlaltdefeat> CM10.1 doesn't have the so called project butter right?
<Fissurez> because they have the most incompetent shipping department ever.
<Fissurez> ctlaltdefeat does
<ctlaltdefeat> oh
<VIad> anyone with S2 and CM10.1 here?
<addi> Fissurez, for the SGS2 he meant
<Fissurez> oh
<addi> SGS2 got full butter now?
<Fissurez> which one
<ctlaltdefeat> do you happen to know what exactly are the audio issues on it?
<ctlaltdefeat> i mean SGS2 ya :P
<Fissurez> i9100 doesn't have the butter iir
<addi> probably i9100
<Fissurez> i9100g does
<ctlaltdefeat> aw
<VIad> what is butter?
<Fissurez> VIad pretty much animal fat
<Fissurez> goes good on toast
<VIad> how does that help your phone?
<addi> ctlaltdefeat, the i9100G uses a TI OMAP chipset, which is also on Galaxy Nexus/other devices and TI is good at providing documentation, so it is easy to work with
<Fissurez> well, it makes the screen smoother and easier to use
<ctlaltdefeat> yeah i got it
<addi> it's basically a scam asking GPU to do extra work to keep things smooth
<ctlaltdefeat> so, not exactly known what the audio issues are on sgs2?
<bbqbot> derp
<VIad> kick bbqbot?
<addi> and is what gives you faster/smoother animations and response times
<Fissurez> VIad no
<VIad> he only says "derp"
<Fissurez> VIad bbqbot is awesome
<Fissurez> nope
<Fissurez> he also does
<Fissurez> @bomb VIad
<bbqbot> Fissurez: You are not allowed to run that command!
<addi> @8ball is VIad a noob?
<bbqbot> Yes.
<Fissurez> ffs
<Fissurez> datagutt FIX
<VIad> @8all is addi correct
<bbqbot> VIad: Command does not exist!
<VIad> @8ball is addi correct
<bbqbot> Don't count on it.
<VIad> :P
<addi> @8ball is addi correct
<bbqbot> Don't count on it.
<addi> @8ball is addi correct
<bbqbot> Without a doubt.
<addi> ^
<Fissurez> ^
<addi> that's the correct answer, kthx
<ctlaltdefeat> thx
ctlaltdefeat has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<Fissurez> addi google told me that they might take another month to deliver my device
<Fissurez> it's already a week late
<addi> sheesh
<Fissurez> they have no idea how long it'll take for another shipment, and hopefully next month
<Fissurez> i was pissed off
<VIad> systemui.apk is that the base I must use for theme template?
<addi> "Nexus 4 - the most awesome hardware ever for $299/$350, but sorry, we forgot to actually make more than 10!!"
<Fissurez> addi true
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<Fissurez> + they lied about shipping
<addi> "oh, and we also made it full of glass, so if you crack it and want a new one, you can't" :P
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<addi> did they say they had already sent it?
<Fissurez> and they can do whatever the fuck they want to do since it's at such a low price
<Fissurez> nope
<Fissurez> addi predicted 4-5 weeks shipping
<Fissurez> is now 6 weeks
<addi> ah, not a lie, just poor prediction
<Fissurez> lie.
<Fissurez> considering how my support dude said it should have shipped
<addi> no, poor prediction + messed up anticipation of demand etc :P
<Fissurez> i can only claim the shipping back
<Fissurez> damn i want to buy it elsewhere but everyoen is asking for more cash
<VIad> this is weird
<addi> how much more cash?
<Fissurez> over £100
<addi> :/
<addi> it's not even reached India yet, but expected to cost similar to the iPhone when it does :P
<Fissurez> exactly
<Fissurez> chances are it will never reach india
<addi> yeah, they already cancelled in Belgium I hear
<VIad> has no official information on themes?
<addi> LG official (some VP or someone) personally said it will launch in India in December, but yeah, that was premature statement :P
<VIad> how to extract template, compiling, decompiling, e.g.
<Fissurez> addi you've been bulshitted
<Fissurez> just like me
<Fissurez> i'm starting to doubt whether i'll actually see my device
<addi> yeah, though this statement came in October I think, so wasn't really much to go on anyway
<Fissurez> and whether it'll just get plain cancelled.
<addi> hopefully not ^^
<addi> okay, I'll go play a game on my iP*d now. see you :P
<Fissurez> there seem to be a horrible amount of rumors saying that they've already cancelled the n4 production
<addi> didn't LG refute that today or yesterday?
<addi> no Nexus 5, and Nexus 4 still in production
<VIad> does CM10.1 support call recording?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> addi linx plz
<Fissurez> google has to release a device for 5.0
<addi> heh, Acer Iconia B1 launched in India, first sub $200 tablet from a major manufacturer
<Fissurez> so that leaves me to beleive that 4.3 is the next android version
<addi> yeah, probably
<addi> or they'll just use the Nexus 4 for 5.0 demonstration, like they did with Gnex and 4.1, even though it wasn't a major upgrade
<Fissurez> that's the point
<addi> I just hope performance gets much improved in 5.0 or 4.3 or whatever it is
<Fissurez> yeah
<addi> and the clock goes back to looking more mature and not so out of place
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<addi> God forbid if they change the rest of Android to match the clock instead o_0
<Fissurez> lol
<VIad> I hope the stock apps starts to look as the rest of the OS
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<addi> heh, Acer touting Iconia B1 as Nexus 7 rival, even though B1 costs $150 and Nexus 7 costs $400 here :P
<addi> VIad, eeek, no, rest of the OS has grey backgrounds, which suck
<chachin> this worth the install over the official nightlies CM10.1?
<addi> like the settings menu
<VIad> does it look good? :P
<addi> it sucks
<a-st_> Hm. I'm not sure if should send my SGS2 to Samsung repair partner :-\ Proximity not working properly and screen showns burn-in :-\
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<Yappy> i dont see why not, a-st_
<a-st_> Yappy: I can't find my invoice :-\
<a-st_> Maybe the reject to repair it
<a-st_> *they
<Yappy> yes, that'll be a problem :|
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<Fissurez> bawlsax
<Fissurez> my internet is terrible
<a-st_> But why do they need it? SGS2 release is less than 1 year ago so it still has warranty no matter at which time i bought it
<Fissurez> SGS2 released more than a year ago
<Fissurez> it released summer 2011
<Fissurez> holy crap.
<Fissurez> the comment on that
<Fissurez> by sean hearne
<a-st_> oh I wanted to write "2 years go" but hit the wrong key
<Fissurez> warranty is 1 yr
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<Fissurez> in most countries
<dean_h> anybody, any idea why my cm10.1 zip and isnt showing up on my cwm? They are 100% on the sd card!
<addi> 1 year for phone, 6 months for battery here
<VIad> I think I read they must be on the internal memory?
<VIad> not sure, just remembering from the guide on the wiki
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<VIad> do I have to use CM10 themes on my phone?
<VIad> CM10.1 or can I use CM7 themes too?
<bbqbot> derp
<Bert_> Dean, you have a choice in CWM to choose a ZIP from the internal or external card. There is no (to my knowledge) combined view.
<addi> CM9/CM10/CM10.1 themes should work, but it depends on the theme maker what he/she supports
<VIad> addi: is there any official theme related stickies on cyanogenmod?
<addi> CM7 themes won't work though, and CM9 themes might be problematic too
<VIad> the area I checked had no stickies
<addi> no idea :)
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<addi> I've never checked out the wiki :P
<VIad> the framework apk is the theme
<VIad> but when I wish to skin an app, I guess I gotta decompile it but folder structure :(
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<VIad> so much info that would be nice, but the official forums had no stickies with substance on the matter
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<datagutt> @admins add Fissurez
<bbqbot> User Fissurez got added as admin.
<Fissurez> HOORAY
<a-st_> Fissurez, addi: samsung says "24 months" warranty period :)
<Fissurez> VIad you asked what else bbqbot could do?
<Fissurez> !bomb VIad
<clibot> Fissurez: You do not have permission to run "bomb"
<Fissurez> @bomb VIad
<VIad> I'd rather ask you and datagutt about themes
<bbqbot> VIad, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<dean_h> For some reason my sd card is showing up twice under my files - Ext SD card and sdcard0
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<Fissurez> QUICK
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
VIad was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue]
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<Fissurez> too late
<VIad> looks spammy
<Fissurez> boohoo
<VIad> @bomb vlad
<bbqbot> VIad: You are not allowed to run that command!
<VIad> themes people!
<Fissurez> themes suck
<VIad> why so little documentation on them when it's a main cyanogen mod feature?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> i'm a nexus warrior holo cheif
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<VIad> I having a difficult time finding the suggestions page for android
<VIad> I wish to suggest the stock android apps to support a dark/light color scheme option :(
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<bealtine> i wish you'd stop babbling about themes
<addi> a-st_, I do know that Europe laws state that first 2 years of warranty must be free, no idea if 2 years is also the minimum warranty period :P
<VIad> sorry bealtine I love being able to customize my visuals
<bealtine> notice that nobody cares?
<VIad> I get it
<Fissurez> 2 years in eu?!
<Fissurez> BALLS
<Fissurez> i thought it was 1
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<addi> VIad, make those suggestions to Google, pretty sure no one will be interested from the CM devs to make such changes to pre-loaded apps :P
<VIad> tring to figure out where, google is like a pool, each water drop is a guy saying something
<addi> Fissurez, first 2 years of warranty have to be free, that's the law afaik, but no law on how many years warranty must be given, free or paid
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<Fissurez> waitwhat
<addi> um, a company can give you a warranty of 6 months, 1 year, 2 year, 50 years, but basically, the first 2 years have to be free
<Fissurez> o
<addi> but again, I'm not sure, I just know Apple has a case against them for flouting this rule and charging for AppleCare past the 1st year
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<a-st_> hopefully they are kind of nice and repair my proximity and screen burn-in without insisting on the bill =)
<Fissurez> hahahaha
<Fissurez> nope
<a-st_> :P
<a-st_> Maybe samsungs service partner is ;)
<a-st_> Currently backing up everything and restoring to stock. just in case :D
<Fissurez> woah, the xperia Z has a silly custom recent apps thing
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<frankdrey> whoa
<frankdrey> this is a dual core
<frankdrey> GUISE
<frankdrey> i upgraded
<frankdrey> Pentium D 3.0 Ghz
<frankdrey> and this mobo has sata, which means i can use my (probably broken) 200gb sata drive
<a3Dman> upgraded from pentium 3?
<frankdrey> the one i broke a transistor off of and soldered back on
<frankdrey> p4
<a3Dman> lol
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<a3Dman> I need to upgrade my q6600
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<codeworkx> frankdrey: upgrade from stone age to ancient?
<codeworkx> :-P
<codeworkx> Kaik541: KAIK KAIK KAIK
<frankdrey> codeworkx, stone age to iron age :D
<codeworkx> xD
<Yappy> oh hey cody
<Yappy> i received my xperia t :)
<Kaik541> codeworkx: hallo
<frankdrey> hmm
<Yappy> unlocked bootloader and flashed cm10 within 2 hours of getting it ;)
<frankdrey> liars in #archlinux
<frankdrey> this is 64 bit
<frankdrey> ok guise
<frankdrey> i reinstall
<frankdrey> first let's test this sata drive...
<frankdrey> hmmm, naice
<frankdrey> dual core 3.0 ghz
<frankdrey> i thought this was the weaker cpu
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<frankdrey> we got a bunch of junk PCs from my church
<frankdrey> we were gonna throw them away
<frankdrey> well...
<frankdrey> shoot them with a shotgun :)
<frankdrey> i built one server from a hyper threaded P4
<jomp16> and atlhon x2 64 is a iron age or stone?
<frankdrey> taking this one for home
<frankdrey> and some other old dude who works at my church asked for one
<frankdrey> to copy his floppy disk files to cd xD XD
<frankdrey> if anybody wants to drop by Renton, Washington, we have free prehistoric PCs
<Espenfjo> Church PCs? They are probably tainted -_-
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey> tainted? -_-
<Espenfjo> Blessed
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> nah, they ran windows
<frankdrey> they can't be blessed
<Espenfjo> then its hope
<frankdrey> i think badblocks is gonna take a while to run ._.
<frankdrey> ooh cool
<frankdrey> -s
<frankdrey> shows progress
<frankdrey> 1 min, 2%...gonna take 50 minute
<frankdrey> so the reason we got all these is because they gave us a room (2 but connected) to build a studio in
<frankdrey> and it had a TON of stuff they said is garbage
<codeworkx> frankdrey: symlink /dev/sda/badblocks
<Yappy> codeworkx, are you aware of the screen brightness thing on the xperia t (cm10)?
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<Yappy> it sort of dims and goes back to normal at times
<Yappy> definitely not auto-brightness setting
<codeworkx> Yappy: the sensor sometimes jumps. especially straight after display on
<Yappy> how easy is the fix do you reckon? or is it another one of those time factor stuff
<codeworkx> it's a i-dont-care thing
<Yappy> heh :)
<codeworkx> not important
<Yappy> well, it does fuck with my eyes sometimes, especially when using it in the dark
<codeworkx> can you do calls?
<Yappy> anyway, how are things?
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<Yappy> yup, calls working fine :)
<codeworkx> then there's no problem ;-)
<Yappy> ;D
<frankdrey> codeworkx, that's not really valid :P
<frankdrey> first of all it'll be ln -s
<frankdrey> second, badblocks is a tool used to check badblocks
<frankdrey> so more like:
<frankdrey> ln -s /dev/sda
<frankdrey> badblocks /dev/sda
<frankdrey> and wait forever
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<frankdrey> hmm next bottleneck in this PC is hdd
<frankdrey> because chromium (for example) loaded shit slow first time
<frankdrey> but now it's cached
<frankdrey> so it opens instantly
<frankdrey> on p4 it was slow either way :P
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<a3Dman> HDD is the lamest part of my digital life
<frankdrey> mines lamer
<frankdrey> i promise
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<Yappy> HDD is the most outdated tech in a pc, usually
<nebkat> HELLO
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<frankdrey> whoa
<frankdrey> barney and lily are essentially together
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<frankdrey> 0 bad blocks
<frankdrey> looks like my soldering was good :)
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<AndrewTheAndroid> *cricket cricket*
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<AndrewTheAndroid> Quiet day :-P
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<a3Dman> yes
<VIad> if anyone want to talk about themes, I wanna talk about it :P
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<datagutt> JIANGYI
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<AndrewTheAndroid> datagutt: lolwhut
<AndrewTheAndroid> datagutt: Have fun with teh Chinese xD
<datagutt> AndrewTheAndroid: I have no idea what anyone is saying
<datagutt> i tried talking chinglish
<datagutt> maybe they will understand
<AndrewTheAndroid> lol
<datagutt> You still know mandarin right?
<AndrewTheAndroid> datagutt: They're talking about how Instant upload to G+ doesn't work :-P
<AndrewTheAndroid> Also G+ FCs on MX2
<datagutt> #blamechinagov
<datagutt> andrew how do you know
<datagutt> U HAVE MX?
<AndrewTheAndroid> datagutt: That's what they're saying lol
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<datagutt> AndrewTheAndroid: get the chinese away from g+, please
<AndrewTheAndroid> datagutt: Eh, you have fun doing that :-P
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<datagutt> Hm
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<Gurra> I cant find the latest stable bulid of cyanogen mod for sgs2 i9100
<Yappy> 9.1 stable is latest stable
<Yappy> latest nightly is 10.1
<bbqbot> derp
<Gurra> okey thanks, when do 10 come as a stable build
<Yappy> not anytime soon i say
<Yappy> unless samsung decides to release source code
<Gurra> yea
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<Gurra> Bye
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<frankdrey> im gonna kill arch
<frankdrey> codeworkx: is latest bbqlinux nice?
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<Ntemis> why you dont stick with tried and tested oses
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<Baskey> !dood Fissurez
<clibot> Fissurez,
<clibot> whats up dood
<Fissurez> !dood Baskey
<clibot> Baskey,
<clibot> whats up dood
<Fissurez> Playing spacechem
<Baskey> !google Spacechem
<clibot> Baskey: SpaceChem -
<Fissurez> Wtf
<Fissurez> It crashes when switching apps
<Fissurez> Probably cause its just a direct ios port
<Baskey> cool
<Fissurez> It is the most satisfying and fun boring game i have ever played
<Fissurez> BASKEY
<Fissurez> UHM
<Fissurez> YES
<Baskey> OMG
<Baskey> MUST HAVE
<Fissurez> I <3
<Fissurez> But then again, i never really enjoyed pandemic and plague inc games
<Fissurez> All you do is make yourself infectious, then MURDER
<Fissurez> Yas... Sort
<Fissurez> Also
<Fissurez> BASKEY
<Baskey> OK
<Fissurez> But srsky
<Fissurez> Google owe my nexus
<Fissurez> Its a week late and thwy told me it could be another month
<Fissurez> Maybe longwer
<Baskey> #blamelg
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<Fissurez> Indeed
<Fissurez> And #blamelyinggooglesupport
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<tuhoojabotti> fuck
<tuhoojabotti> I accidentally clicked "emulate external monitor"
<tuhoojabotti> of course it hung my s2 and now it won't boot
<tuhoojabotti> Can I disable it somehow via adb?
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<Fissurez> Weeeeeeeeeeeee
<tuhoojabotti> I take that as a no
<tuhoojabotti> ls
<frankdrey> Ntemis: arch is tried and tested...
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<lethal> hi, i have a problem with 3g network status, when it is on, i have stable internet connection, but no one can call me, becouse im unreacheble, after a wile, im back in netwirk in a sec. problem has appeared only in 10.2.1
<lethal> galaxy s ii
<lethal> 9100
<lethal> can anyone help me?
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<petllama> i got an answer from das keyboards
<petllama> they are going to send me a new KB. mine was discontinued so they will be sending me next model up (with media controls on it)
<petllama> " Thanks for the attachment. You are outside of the warranty, but since this is such an unusual issue we will go ahead with an exchange."
<petllama> wrong chanel.. sorry
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<Jiangyi> yum
<Jiangyi> dual monitors :3
<Jiangyi> Colors are so off from each other though. lol
<tuhoojabotti> Jiangyi: I know right.
<tuhoojabotti> I have 3 monitors all with different colors.
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<Jiangyi> One's a glossy 23in Dell TN with 2048x1152
<Jiangyi> The other's a Samsung 22in TN with 1680x1050
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<tuhoojabotti> btw securesettings helper stopped working on some cm version
<Jiangyi> tuhoojabotti: Doesn't help when the Sammy one is actually a crappy Chimei panel :/
<tuhoojabotti> probably before 10.1
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<Fissurez> 2048x1152? Thats a weird one.
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<Jiangyi> Yeah it is
<Jiangyi> Very nice colors for a TN though
<chadouming_home> jiangyi, it's only not purshasable
<Jiangyi> chadouming_home: I got this a few years back lol
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<tuhoojabotti> I want some IPS goodness
<Jiangyi> as do I
<tuhoojabotti> I like to shoot people and stuff..
<tuhoojabotti> with my camera
* Jiangyi is probably gonna fail trying to play BF3 with 2 monitors xD
<tuhoojabotti> Fail.
<tuhoojabotti> Jiangyi: Have fun looking at the crosshair
<Jiangyi> :-P
<tuhoojabotti> Gonna be annoying.
<Jiangyi> I don't think it'll even work
<Jiangyi> My 4870 is going to cry for mercy :-P
<tuhoojabotti> Hehe, yeah
<tuhoojabotti> Crysis 2 runs pretty smooth on my triple monitor setup
<tuhoojabotti> I bought the only nvidia card that supported 3 monitors back then
<tuhoojabotti> GTX 590 that is
<Jiangyi> Whoa
<Jiangyi> That's a powerhouse right there
<tuhoojabotti> My bottleneck is my CPU :D
<tuhoojabotti> i7 930
<tuhoojabotti> It helped to overclock it to 3.8Ghz
<tuhoojabotti> hmm
<tuhoojabotti> factory reset doesn't remove stuff from emmc?
<tuhoojabotti> So I can install the latest nightly from cmupdater
<tuhoojabotti> Nice
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<Fissurez> My gpu supports 6 monitors XD
<Fissurez> cant play anything high at that amount though
<tuhoojabotti> I had that too
<tuhoojabotti> I had amd 5770 or something flex
<tuhoojabotti> But AMD :E
<Baskey> IMAGINE
<Fissurez> Amd is really good
<Fissurez> Nvidia just do what they are doing on android
<Fissurez> Buying out all the major games.
<Fissurez> Fuck them
<peterperfect> BUY ALL TEH THINGS
<tuhoojabotti> I hated amd long before android
<Fissurez> Wassat? Wanna play dead trigger 2? Hahahahahaha nope, only if you buy crappy tegra 4
<Fissurez> Amd is just too poor atm
<Fissurez> Their top end cards get mashed by the nvidia ones, but the mid/high stuff is cheaper and better
<peterperfect> does anybody in the world use SLI connection or know..this kind of things?
<tuhoojabotti> peterperfect: I use.
<Fissurez> Only peop
<tuhoojabotti> But it's builtin to my card. :P
<Fissurez> Bleh
<tuhoojabotti> only way to support >2 monitors
<Fissurez> IMO it has more negatives than positives
<tuhoojabotti> before kepler
<Fissurez> No
<Fissurez> Oh
<Fissurez> OhOk
<tuhoojabotti> Yes, back in the day
<Fissurez> Could have sworn that some custom cards had higher
<Fissurez> Like asus
<tuhoojabotti> Well I couldn't find one
<tuhoojabotti> Maybe I just suck at googling
<tuhoojabotti> but this is not a bad card, so I won't complain.
<Jiangyi> OK that failed
<Fissurez> Probably
<Fissurez> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<tuhoojabotti> Jiangyi: told ya
<Jiangyi> BF3 will only output to one monitor
<tuhoojabotti> :D
<Jiangyi> :-(
<tuhoojabotti> Jiangyi: Maybe setup problem
<Jiangyi> On the bright side, 4870 can handle 2048x1152
<Fissurez> Jiangyi, they need to be same resolution iir
<Fissurez> Ofc
<kZard|nb> Which versions of ICS does the "superbrick bug" affect on the i9100?
<Fissurez> Most gpus now do up to 2560x1600
<Fissurez> All versions
<kZard|nb> ok
<Fissurez> Any kernel with it
<Fissurez> But.
<Jiangyi> Fissurez: That would make sense :-P
<Fissurez> Most new kernels should be safe now KaZo58
<kZard|nb> :S
<Fissurez> Cm ones are iir
<kZard|nb> I still have stock 4.0.3 installed
<Fissurez> Oh
<Fissurez> Then it will still have it
<Fissurez> I think
<kZard|nb> hehe
<Fissurez> As far as i know, Samsung didn't fix it
<Fissurez> Jiangyi, am i right?
<kZard|nb> I heard CWM 6 is safe, but there doesn't seem to be a 6 available for the i9100
<kZard|nb> unless I'm reading this incorrectly:
<tuhoojabotti> I flashed siyahkernel first
<Fissurez> Cwm is not a kernel
<tuhoojabotti> then cm
<tuhoojabotti> or something, didn't brick ":D"
<kZard|nb> I know CWM is not a kernel, but I thought the bug had to do with using / installing CWM? (or am I missing something...)
<Fissurez> I just rooted from stock install via zip
<kZard|nb> I did too
<Fissurez> Google it
<kZard|nb> I did
<kZard|nb> lol, I hate forums...
<Fissurez> I think it was Entropy512 who did a really good series of posts on it
<kZard|nb> for each post you read, there is a 75% chance that the info is outdated
<tuhoojabotti> oh wow, the phone seems so slow when animation duration is not 0.5x
<Fissurez> Oh yeah, kZard|nb there's an app that checks it too
<kZard|nb> oh cool
<tuhoojabotti> What good does that do
<tuhoojabotti> It scared the hell out of me
<tuhoojabotti> But I did it anyways.
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<Fissurez> Think chainfire did it
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<Fissurez> From what i read, it was a bug in a specific command that put 0s for the first 512bytes of data in emmc, frying the chip so that the only way to fix was an emmc replacement
<Guest47605> oh :(
<Fissurez> Which i think only a few people did.
<Fissurez> But it was really interesting
<tuhoojabotti> Unable to read AndroidManifest.xml of /system/app/SecureSettingsHelper.apk could this be why the helper is not responding?
<Jiangyi> Fissurez: No clue, can't figure it out :-P
<Fissurez> Ill try and see if i can find entropy512's g+ posts on it
<Fissurez> Or he could link them.... *hint, hint*
<Guest47605> i supose i can't ask for answer for a problem with titanium ? (i need to restore many games)
<a-st_> I've reset flash counter, flashed stock firmware via odin, did a factory reset within recovery and from within android (including usb storage). Anything else I need to do before shipping my SGS2 to repair service? :D
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<Jiangyi> a-st_: Think you're good :-P
<tuhoojabotti> hmm
<tuhoojabotti> should I restore old android id?
<bbqbot> derp
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<tuhoojabotti> I guess it wouldn't hurt
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<a-st_> tuhoojabotti: that can break a lot of stuff
<tuhoojabotti> Fine!
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<a-st_> tuhoojabotti: I know people who restored android id, which resultet in a full-wipe :D
<Fissurez> Sorry bout that, chrome crashed my n10
<Fissurez> Chrome has a habit of doing that
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<Fissurez> Anyone interested in superbrick tuhoojabotti kZard|nb -
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<kZard|nb> ah cool thanks Fissurez
<kZard|nb> lol, all I really want to do is reset my battery stats :D
<kZard|nb> oh cool, I like Andrew Dodd's stuff
<tuhoojabotti> Titanium backup ftw
<Fissurez> Bleh.
<tuhoojabotti> Fissurez: That does kind of explain why it took so damn long to get cm9 for s2
<Fissurez> Heh, i didnt get cm until 9 rc2 :p
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<a-st_> Fissurez: amazing how much he wrote o.O
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<kZard|netbook> oh wow. So the superbrick bug came in on 4.0.4
<a-st_> I wonder if samsung repair service partner will reject my device because IMEI on device label not matching the IMEI reported by Android. I think the device had been sent to repair before and they changed gsm or similar :-\
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<Inumedia> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 tf300t
<Entropy512> <Fissurez> From what i read, it was a bug in a specific command that put 0s for the first 512bytes of data in emmc, frying the chip so that the only way to fix was an emmc replacement - nothing to do with 512bytes of data...
<Entropy512> three known bugs
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<Entropy512> Nexus 32kb-of-zeros issue - GNex would randomly insert 32kb of zeros into the filesystem, recoverable via reformat, fixed by patching the firmware on the fly in the kernel
<Entropy512> Superbrick - Issue secure erase to the chip and there's a good chance you will send the wear leveller out to lunch for eternity, no fix other than "don't send secure erase"
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<Entropy512> Sudden Death Syndrom - Wear leveller on 16GB GS3s would go out to lunch for eternity without warning. Fixed by patching the eMMC firmware on the fly in the kernel
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<Fissurez> Sorry about that Entropy512, what did you say?
<Entropy512> <Entropy512> Nexus 32kb-of-zeros issue - GNex would randomly insert 32kb of zeros into the filesystem, recoverable via reformat, fixed by patching the firmware on the fly in the kernel
<Entropy512> <Entropy512> Superbrick - Issue secure erase to the chip and there's a good chance you will send the wear leveller out to lunch for eternity, no fix other than "don't send secure erase"
<Entropy512> <-- _Fissurez_ ( has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<Entropy512> <Entropy512> Sudden Death Syndrom - Wear leveller on 16GB GS3s would go out to lunch for eternity without warning. Fixed by patching the eMMC firmware on the fly in the kernel
<Entropy512> me lazy
<Entropy512> me copypasta
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<Fissurez> Wear leveller?
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* Fissurez pokes Entropy512
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<Entropy512> internal thing within the eMMC
<Entropy512> so that if you write the same sector over and over again
<Entropy512> it'll write to different physical sectors
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<chadouming_work> yay, that avoid to kill sectore :D
<chadouming_work> sectors :D
<chadouming_work> new ssd technology allow a heating of certain physical sector to erase it so it won't die after a few operation :D
<Fissurez> Ah ok
<Fissurez> Yeah, ive seen that
<chadouming_work> taht would be nice on my optimus G that get fucking hot
<chadouming_work> xD
<a-st_> Hm. I just want my SGS2 to be repaired :D And not being charged for it :D
<Fissurez> You done the nexusify of your optimus g?
<chadouming_work> my phone is dead currently
<Fissurez> Wat
<Fissurez> WatAlready?
<chadouming_work> but what are you reffering to specifically
<chadouming_work> ?
<chadouming_work> already ?
<chadouming_work> i changed phone 3 times xD
<Fissurez> The optimus into a nexus 4 thing
<chadouming_work> these phone are ultra tightly locked
<chadouming_work> and get killed easy compared to samsung phone
<Fissurez> Really?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> Owch
<chadouming_work> no i havnt done it
<chadouming_work> no need to do it
<Fissurez> That is true
<chadouming_work> our candian phone can run nexus 4 thing
<Fissurez> What, normal flash stuff?
<chadouming_work> yup
<Fissurez> Nb
<Fissurez> I take it breaks lte though
<chadouming_work> just make sure to flash by partition name and not by partition number
<chadouming_work> nope, doesnt break lte
<Fissurez> Oh, nice
<Jiangyi> chadouming_home: So what's broken now? o-O
<a-st_> Once I briked my xda comet because I had an empty file on my sdcard which hat the same name as bootloader firmware file. So I rebooted and it flashed the bootloader with 0s
<a-st_> :D
<chadouming_work> i mostly have everything working on CM10.1 beside capacitive keys
<Fissurez> Lol
<a-st_> :D
<Fissurez> The important bits?
<chadouming_work> Jiangyi, i flashed the korean optimus G modem and i was not able to have network anymore
<Fissurez> Or using soft keys?
<Fissurez> ...
<chadouming_work> using soft jey yes
<Fissurez> Why?
<Jiangyi> chadouming_home: Makes sense, think that's an entirely different variant :-P
<chadouming_work> soft key
<chadouming_work> Jiangyi, used the one that it pretty much like ours :P
<Fissurez> Why did you flash that modem -.-
<chadouming_work> there is like 3 korean variant
<chadouming_work> cause they are on jb
<Jiangyi> The F180s
<chadouming_work> and i tried to see if i could fix wifi
<Fissurez> But it broke it!
<Jiangyi> I thought they were all the same, just different names :-P
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<chadouming_work> yup, fixed wifi differently xD
<Kirano> Greetings
<chadouming_work> hai
<Kirano> How are you?
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<Jiangyi> chadouming_home: I don't trust Korean variants, they're always screwed up one way or another :-P
<chadouming_work> lol
<chadouming_work> yeah, well they screw the phone
<chadouming_work> don't know yet what they screw tho
<Jiangyi> The S2 HD LTE variant there had a freaking extendable antenna .___.
<chadouming_work> the only thing was i didnt have network
<chadouming_work> i'd love to have an antenna on my phone xD
<chadouming_work> i live in a far away place
<Jiangyi> I believe it was only for some special Korean thing, not cellular related :-P
<chadouming_work> and there is not much network between 2 towns
<chadouming_work> tho we have LTE in some part of the town here
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<a-st_> is there no way to flash older/other modem?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> Hahaha canadia.
* Jiangyi simply can't afford LTE
<Jiangyi> That, and I'm on a freaking Nokia flip phone only capable of 2G atm
<chadouming_work> there is only one modem really available
<Jiangyi> The earpiece doesn't even freaking work anymore T_T
<a-st_> Hm. HTC HD2 is so slow compared to SGS2 :-\
<Jiangyi> So I have to talk with my phone backwards like a retard
<Jiangyi> On the bright side, 7-8 weekers are getting their N4 shipments now :-D
<Jiangyi> Should be getting it any day now......
<Fissurez> Jiangyi LIES
<Fissurez> NOTHING
<Jiangyi> You no in Canada :-P
<Fissurez> "no stock, we may have some in next month"
<Jiangyi> meh
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<frankdrey> I switched to Ubuntu
<Jiangyi> moar proof
<frankdrey> Arch pissed me off with it's new systemd
<frankdrey> that renames wlan0 to some weird ass shit that changes every single time
<Jiangyi> Oh yeah, speaking of linux
<Jiangyi> I wonder if it works properly with dual monitors :-P
<Fissurez> BURN HIM
<Jiangyi> I gotta try that later
<frankdrey> Jiangyi: don't install a fresh arch
<frankdrey> you should be safe using your current install
<frankdrey> you can even keep updating with pacman -Syu
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: My Arch venture will not go outside of BBQLinux lol
<frankdrey> but DON't do a fresh install
<frankdrey> don't reinstall it :P
<frankdrey> because it'll opt you into the new crap
<Jiangyi> o_O
<Jiangyi> what new crap are we talking/
<Jug6ernaut> talking
<Jug6ernaut> or taking
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<Jiangyi> talking?*
<frankdrey> renames wlan0 to crap like w1p01e9jf93
<frankdrey> and i have to modify ALL configs to do that
<frankdrey> because all wifi tools are written to use wlan0 as default
<Jug6ernaut> that name hurts my brain
<frankdrey> and you need to go and manually edit everything
<frankdrey> (which is a PITA)
<Jiangyi> o_O un huh.....
<Jiangyi> Reminds me of that wifi feature that got merged into CM that broke a ton of third party apps lol
<frankdrey> mhm
<Jug6ernaut> woho
<frankdrey> and i just got kicked out of #archlinux for complaining about it
<Jug6ernaut> haha
<frankdrey> pricks
<Jiangyi> Fissurez: So it's beyond your est. shipping time, and you don't have a shipping confirmation yet?
<Fissurez> Yes
<Fissurez> And i called them up
<Jiangyi> Email them
<Fissurez> They said it wont ship
<Fissurez> Becauae they have none in stock
<Fissurez> Jiangyi.
<Jiangyi> in Canada, they'd correct it immediately and give you a shipping refund :-P
<Fissurez> i CALLED them
<Jiangyi> I guess your country's reps are being idiottes then
<Fissurez> Yes
<Fissurez> They dont know when theyll get another shipment
<Jiangyi> Fissurez: Also, a lot of people here had more success emailing than calling
<Fissurez> Ive emailed too
<Fissurez> ...alot
<Jiangyi> Calling is worthless from what I've heard :-|
<Jiangyi> I only ordered 10 min after this guy :-D
<Fissurez> Not uk
<Fissurez> Either way, ive been screwed over
<Fissurez> And they offered me a shipping refund
<Fissurez> Thats it
<Jug6ernaut> lol
<Jug6ernaut> poor n4
<Jiangyi> Take teh shipping money first, argue after :-P
* Jug6ernaut says wait for xperia zl
<Jiangyi> that works too lol
<Jiangyi> I'm actually torn between the Z and ZL
<Jug6ernaut> zl
<Jug6ernaut> > z
<Jug6ernaut> screw port flaps
<Jiangyi> Water/dust proof, or IR capabilities?
<Fissurez> Yeah, they have stock in canada
<Jug6ernaut> ir = worthless imo
<a-st_> hm a lot of people said the n4 sucks ^^ But still a lot of people buy it :D
<Jiangyi> Could be nice as a remote xD
<Jug6ernaut> n4 is awesome minus stock
<Jug6ernaut> Jiangyi yea
<Jiangyi> Fissurez: Where are you checking from?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jug6ernaut> yawn tho
<Fissurez> Jiangyi, its easy
<Fissurez> People are receiving devices in canada.
<Fissurez> In the uk? No.
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> nvm, thought you meant something else :-P
<Fissurez> Xda uk thread is blowing up because no one is getting shipping emails, despite them being late
<Jug6ernaut> poor Jiangyi
<Jiangyi> jug6ernaut: ?
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<Jug6ernaut> misunderstanding
<Jiangyi> Oh lol
<Jug6ernaut> 46$ tax
<Jug6ernaut> what % is that
<Jiangyi> 13%
<Jiangyi> #blameontario
<Jug6ernaut> ouch
<Jug6ernaut> my taxes just went up
<Jiangyi> Free healthcare though :-P
<Jug6ernaut> another 3%
<Jiangyi> albeit the wait time is excruciating
<Jug6ernaut> good healthcare > free healthcare
<Jiangyi> jug6ernaut: Any Canadian healthcare > Chinese healthcare
<Jug6ernaut> can't argue with u there
<Jug6ernaut> lol
* Jiangyi be scared of Chinese hospitals now
<Jug6ernaut> 3rd person fail
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<Jiangyi> Me: I can't breath very well sometimes
<Jiangyi> Doctor: OK, go get a CT scan
<Jiangyi> Me: ........
<Fissurez> Nhs=free
<Fissurez> Iz ok.
<Jiangyi> Chinese hospitals just want you to pay as much as you possibly can for things that you might not even need :-P
<Jug6ernaut> umm, Jiangyi i say stay away from china
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<Jiangyi> Just don't get sick in China lol
<Jug6ernaut> well
<Jug6ernaut> I'm not going to china
<Jiangyi> w00t
<Jiangyi> I got shipping email :-DDDDDDDD
<Jug6ernaut> saw some pictures of the smog over there
<Jug6ernaut> holy shit
<Jug6ernaut> 4.7" screen what is this 2012?
<Jug6ernaut> f-that
<Jiangyi> Yeah, environment's pretty bad over there
<Jiangyi> You'd be lucky to see the blue sky :-P
<Jug6ernaut> yikes
<tuhoojabotti> Jiangyi: n4?
<Jug6ernaut> n5
<tuhoojabotti> :u
* Jug6ernaut stops trolling
<Jiangyi> tuhoojabotti: Yep
<tuhoojabotti> cool
<tuhoojabotti> I keep forgetting the stock status page address
<Jug6ernaut> tuhoojabotti browsers this day have this amazing thing, bookmarks :D
<tuhoojabotti> jug6ernaut: No shit
<Jug6ernaut> say that again next time u forget the address
<tuhoojabotti> Well apparently I did not save the address as a bookmark.
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<Jiangyi> xD
<tuhoojabotti> Jiangyi: Why aren't you using your S2?
<Jiangyi> tuhoojabotti: Gave it to my dad who went back to China :-P
<tuhoojabotti> ok
<Jiangyi> Won't see it til May lol
<tuhoojabotti> Time to sleep, phone restored. :D
<tuhoojabotti> backup frequency increased
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