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<Jiangyi> Alright, Sony CES livestream's about to start :-D
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<Jiangyi> Blah, their stream video and audio are out of sync :-|
<frankdrey> loooooooooooool
<Jiangyi> w00t, they're gonna announce the Xperia Z
<Jiangyi> Yep, they're doing that right now.
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<frankdrey> whoooooooooooo
<frankdrey> another phone i can't afford :D
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<Thracky> Talking Sony?
<Jiangyi> Yeah :-P
<Jiangyi> Audio-related announcement was kinda lacking
<Thracky> Too bad Sony locks their phones unless you buy from them
<Jiangyi> Well, just in North America :/
<Jiangyi> They don't seem to do it on their international models
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<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> Sony shows off 56in OLED TV
<Jiangyi> Displays old-school BIOS screen xD
<Jiangyi> After a reboot, it says Windows did not shut down properly :p
<Jug6ernaut> its called carriers
<Jug6ernaut> and american carries suck
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<Jug6ernaut> Jiangyi seriously?
<Jug6ernaut> lololol
<Jug6ernaut> thats hilarious
<Jiangyi> yep xD
<Jiangyi> Never depend on Windows for a presentation xD
<Jug6ernaut> i would have loved to have been there
<Jug6ernaut> so i could laugh out loud
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<Jug6ernaut> i don't blame windows as much as i blame stupid ppl running windows :)
<Jug6ernaut> opinions
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* Jiangyi knows nothing about cars :/
<gabriel__> whats the go with wifi direct for p3110 cm10.1
<Thracky> It's ok Jiangyi you probably shouldn't drive one anyways, being Asian and all :D
<Jiangyi> -_-
* Jiangyi is getting his G1 this Friday
<Thracky> Oh god. I'm staying the hell away from Scarborough
<Jiangyi> -_- x2
<Jiangyi> Doesn't mean I'll be driving....
<Jiangyi> I just want a damn Photo ID that's not my PR card :-/
<Jiangyi> It's more of a way to remember my 16th birthday than anything :-P
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<Jiangyi> Now hopefully I don't fail it, cuz that would be sad :-|
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<Thracky> Hehe it's not hard, my wife failed it her first time though
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<Jiangyi> wth?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> Qualcomm press conference, Steve Ballmer jumps on stage O_O
<Yappy> mm xperia z
<Yappy> sexy phone
<IcanCU> Hey ... How come there are no Bluetooth 4.0 gadgets compatible with Sgs3?
<Jiangyi> derp, Ballmer pronounced Nokia wrong
<Yappy> rofl
<IcanCU> Is google lazy?
<IcanCU> Or it's a legal issue with apple?
<Jiangyi> Or we can #blamesamsung
<Jiangyi> who knows :/
<Yappy> do you need license to be "bluetooth certified"?
<IcanCU> It's not working on htc either
<Yappy> or is it an open source thing
<Jiangyi> I think it needs certification
<Yappy> like exfat and whatnot
<IcanCU> They put bt 4.0 in their advertisement
<IcanCU> The hardware is capable
<Jiangyi> Thank god, Ballmer got off
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<Jiangyi> New quad-core 2.3GHz Snapdragons
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<Jug6ernaut> OMGNOWAY
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<Jug6ernaut> bc current quad core phones arnt fast enough am i right?
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<Jiangyi> lol totally
<Jiangyi> It can do "Ultra HD"
<Jiangyi> Which (I think) is 4K
<Jiangyi> ......
<Jug6ernaut> sorry
<Jiangyi> They used horror movie scene to demonstrate ._.
* Jug6ernaut will stop
<Jiangyi> No not you lol
<Jug6ernaut> woopsie
<Jug6ernaut> needs to go open source already
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<Jiangyi> @money 3000 CNY CAD
<bbqbot> 3000 CNY = 474.10 CAD
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<Ricky_> hi
<Ricky_> anybody home?
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<Ricky_> thanks to those who put so much efforts on this affordable tab. and here is a report on non-working handsfree mic
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<deh> Is there a oc kernel for p3113 running jb 4.1.2 ?
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<chadouming> Deh, not the place to talk about that.
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<deh> Ok sorry
<Jiangyi> Hrm
<Jiangyi> So I randomly decided to check my mailbox in the middle of the night, and what do I find?
<Jiangyi> The $2 N4 case that I ordered 3 weeks ago lol
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<a3Dman> lol
<Jiangyi> Now it shall sit there and be lonely til the N4 itself gets here :/
<Jiangyi> And then ultimately be replaced once the official bumper gets back in stock :-P
<a3Dman> lol, hold the case, do the imagination :P
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<Jiangyi> Too plasticky, feels like Samsung phone :-/
<Jiangyi> Can't imagine it without the glass lol
<a3Dman> when it should arrive?
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<a3Dman> March?
<Jiangyi> Latest by the end of January
<Jiangyi> Maybe El Goog would be kind enough to ship it earlier :-P
<a3Dman> I don't think so
<a3Dman> I'm glad people doesn't stand on the line for their Nexus 4
<a3Dman> xD
<Jiangyi> :/ One can be optimistic
<a3Dman> O
<a3Dman> I'm not
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<Jiangyi> Meh
<Jiangyi> Alright, gonna sleep, night!
<a3Dman> night
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<Ahmedbk> dear Sir
<Ahmedbk> i have installed on my samsung s@
<Ahmedbk> s2
<Ahmedbk> while i am on a call the mobile vibrate id ont't know why
<Ahmedbk> can you help me
<Ahmedbk> ??
<bbqbot> derp
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<DDave> hey, how can i remove the google search bar in the home screen? when I disable the app I still have the white border :(
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<a3Dman> DDave: from the Launcher's settings...
<DDave> aaah thank you my hero :)
<a3Dman> You need to explore the settings
<DDave> Yes, I shall do that. Thanks for the tip :) (Last time I found it..but thats been a while)
<a3Dman> no problem ;)
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<peterperfect> Thiagofvar
<peterperfect> congrats for work on the feature
<peterperfect> its neat
<peterperfect> ;)
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<Bre> hi?
<Bre> someone with good cyanogenmod gt i9100 and 10????
<Bre> someone good and cyanogenmod10 gt i9100????
<bbqbot> derp
<Bre> the option to change the processor does not come out of nowhere any ideas???
<Thiagovfar> peterperfect: Thanks =)
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<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Congrats, told ya it'd make it in eventually ;-)
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<piorek> I'm looking for stable cyanogenmod builds for Galaxy S2
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<bealtine> cm9 is stable
<piorek> where can I find it? on there are only nightly builds
<jomp16> Hello
<piorek> thank you
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<IcanCU> do you think ppl who bought sgs3 for bluetooth 4.0 capabilities will be able to get refunds?
<bbqbot> derp
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<mothatt> highly doubt it
<peterperfect> IcanCU sue them
<IcanCU> but its a spec that is useless
<IcanCU> on android
<IcanCU> because no api
<peterperfect> vendors can do they own api
<peterperfect> like motorola did
<peterperfect> like samsung says they did but i doubt
<IcanCU> but if they dont release api
<peterperfect> it makes no sense at all
<IcanCU> they should not be able to sell with the spec
<IcanCU> what if they sell phones withiout api for gps
<peterperfect> cause you have to do vendor-specific api apps
<peterperfect> IcanCU as i told you, sue them
<peterperfect> :)
<Espenfjo> +1
<Espenfjo> doit
<IcanCU> i will try my best
<peterperfect> IcanCU bt 4.0 on sgs3 is a scam
<IcanCU> i bought my phone because of bt 4.0
<peterperfect> its offending the constumer
<mothatt> does the gnex have working bt4?
<IcanCU> nope
<peterperfect> i also bought a bt4.0 that doenst work IcanCU
<IcanCU> none nexus models do
<peterperfect> acessory
<IcanCU> google made no api
<peterperfect> relax, Espenfjo will write the api and submit to aosp
<IcanCU> its unclear if they will and when
<peterperfect> Entropy512 its possible to write an open source api for bt4.0 since the chip has it supported?
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<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Yep, you told me =)
<mothatt> dw
<mothatt> i'll write it
<mothatt> i know some vb, thats enough right?
<IcanCU> ...
<a3Dman> yes, you know how to make "FAIL" buttons on that, right?
<IcanCU> im gonna try my best to get a refund
<IcanCU> is this were aplle ppl would hae strated class 1 action suite
<mothatt> sorry, that was a joke...
<IcanCU> cant advertise with bt 4.0 and then say well its not activated
<IcanCU> we have an api
<IcanCU> but
<IcanCU> we are not releasing it
<IcanCU> thats like buying a sandwhich in a wraping that will not open
<IcanCU> then return to the baken and complain
<mothatt> at least it might look delicious
<IcanCU> and he sais well the sadwhich is in there
<IcanCU> never said you could open the wrapping
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<a3Dman> mothatt: I was joking too, lol.
<IcanCU> but i do have special scisors that can
<IcanCU> but i wont give them to you
<a3Dman> that's samsung...
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<peterperfect> IcanCU
<peterperfect> as i was talking
<peterperfect> its not an api problem
<peterperfect> support is broken in software
<peterperfect> samsung knows about it for months now
<peterperfect> and did nothing about it
<IcanCU> how do you mean broken?
<bbqbot> derp
<peterperfect> broken = bad softaware = touchwizz = ohai samsung
<peterperfect> IcanCU read the thread i posted
<peterperfect> development guy started answering than totally ignored
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<mothatt> everyone seen the xperia z?
<IcanCU> peterperfect: nah its an api issue
<mothatt> looks sweet
<peterperfect> IcanCU no, its not
<mothatt> 5" is too big though imo
<IcanCU> google nexus line has the same problem
<peterperfect> read, get informed and get back
<IcanCU> htc one line as well
<peterperfect> no, its not
<IcanCU> google nexus line is pure android
<IcanCU> all have bt 4.0 chips
<peterperfect> pure android doesnt support bt4.0
<peterperfect> but no implementation inside aosp
<peterperfect> you dont have an api (to devs make apps) because you dont have implementation
<IcanCU> thats why htc and samsung dont have api either
<peterperfect> no its not
<peterperfect> samsung has broken implementation
<peterperfect> and no api
<peterperfect> cause its a crazy stupid company
<a3Dman> +1
<peterperfect> motorola has working implementation and api
<peterperfect> but oem-api is dumb
<peterperfect> cause if motorola api differs from samsung future api, app developers will have problems
<peterperfect> the solution to this is: google offer a native solution for 4.0
<peterperfect> and consequently and api to match
<IcanCU> when google will implement ble for android htc and samsung will make api
<peterperfect> 2045 if fast
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<peterperfect> suggestion for using 4.0 for now: get motorola or iShit
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<a3Dman> Well, I couldn't imagine how humanity will be at 2045...
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<peterperfect> Thiagovfar
<peterperfect> there?
<peterperfect> theres a problem with your animation i think
<Ybrad> hi, does anyone know if the option to rotate the lockscreen will be re-introduced into the 10.1nightlies for the SGS3?
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<EgotisticalElf> most 10.x features should make into 10.1
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<cassiano> Great job devs, i am using the nightlies and they are great!
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<datagutt> [15:07:26] <IcanCU> when google will implement ble for android htc and samsung will make api
<datagutt> google said 'next release'… that was about 3 android versions ago
<peterperfect> -_-
<datagutt> and that is what a manufacturer said
<peterperfect> serious..cant be that hard
<datagutt> google should step up
<peterperfect> ro.bluetooth4.enable=1
<peterperfect> done
<datagutt> peterperfect: bt4.0 requires more ram
<datagutt> ro.hw.ram=32GB
<peterperfect> ahahah
<peterperfect> easy
<peterperfect> two lines of code
<datagutt> dude we should totally become devs
<datagutt> take over hacksung and rikomagic
<datagutt> s/hacksung/samsung
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<peterperfect> indeed
<peterperfect> datagutt im already a dev
<peterperfect> google told me
<peterperfect> when i pushed android build number several times
<datagutt> peterperfect: CM tells you differently
<mothatt> key lime pie konfirmed
<mothatt> source: me
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<peterperfect> datagutt also i do my own builds
<peterperfect> so dev xD
<datagutt> ues
<datagutt> yes
<datagutt> peterperfect: i hate spanish
<peterperfect> me too
<peterperfect> a mi no me gusta espanol
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<datagutt> especially when the book tells me to listen to a text on the cd
<peterperfect> and you need a cd
<peterperfect> who uses a cd in 2013?
<datagutt> Schools.
<datagutt> i should just say
<peterperfect> dude...put stuff on internet
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<peterperfect> norway is so rich and advanced and has 8
<datagutt> "I did not have a cd player because nobody uses it anymoar"
<peterperfect> 70% of ics + jb
<a3Dman> FWP
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<peterperfect> TWR
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<sicstifor> Hi
<peterperfect> aloha
<a3Dman> ohai
<sicstifor> I have a question !
<sicstifor> maybe u know
<sicstifor> why the firmware of the i9100 no have stable, or candidate to stable versions on CM?
<a3Dman> #blamesamsung
<peterperfect> ^^^
<sicstifor> Only nigthlies
<peterperfect> sicstifor cause its not stable
<a-st> Hey ho ;)
<a3Dman> there's only CM7 and CM9 if you need stable...
<peterperfect> sicstifor do you think its stable?
<peterperfect> in your opinion
<sicstifor> Yes, in my opinion is stable
<a-st> I think it is stable enough ;)
<sicstifor> i use the CM 10.1 every day
<peterperfect> sicstifor ok, so why you need it to be tagged as stable?
<bbqbot> derp
<peterperfect> if its already stable?
<peterperfect> what im trying to say is: how you tag it doesnt matter
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<peterperfect> nightlys are always better than any other tag
<peterperfect> cause they are the last piece of code
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<a3Dman> ril crash
<a3Dman> fml
<sicstifor> Only i want to know, why is in-stable
<a-st> Any hints why there are no PA Preferences in latest JellyBAM git? :-\ Just wonderings because I
<a-st> 'I've build JellyBAM 4.2.1 on my own now :D
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<a3Dman> what's jellybam?
<a-st> It's a mix of CM10 AOKP and PA :)
<sicstifor> the jelly bean version of CM
<sicstifor> and this
<sicstifor> lol
<a3Dman> omg, looks like a horrible mix, do not want...
<peterperfect> jellybam?
<peterperfect> wtfq datagutt
<peterperfect> there are all kind of kangs nowadays
<peterperfect> let me guess: IT USES AROMA
<a-st> Nope :)
<a3Dman> is there jellybomb?
<peterperfect> it uses TWR
<peterperfect> ?
<a-st> Not sure what to use, I like ParanoidAndroid
<sicstifor> has version 4.2.1 ?
<bbqbot> derp
<peterperfect> dpi changes is the java of android mods
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<peterperfect> i will create a rom
<peterperfect> called jellyball
<a3Dman> jellyballs is better
<sicstifor> 320 dpi on S2 ?
<sicstifor> on paranoidandroid , look's nice
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<datagutt> A3DMAN
<datagutt> JELLYMIZU
<datagutt> BASKEY
<datagutt> NEBKAT
<a3Dman> wat
<sicstifor> what rom u recomend for S2 i9100 ?
<a3Dman> I use CM10.1
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<a-st> CM10.1 is awesome too :)
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<a3Dman> anyway, sgs2 sucks badly, and I'm too poor now to upgrade...
<a3Dman> so any rom that does calls and doesn't looks touchwiz is good for me...
<datagutt> a3Dman: buy a meizu cheap
<datagutt> is like
<datagutt> half the cost of any other phone
<datagutt> unless you live outside china/hong kong
<a3Dman> datagutt: I think I will buy a used gnexus
<a3Dman> I'm not asian...
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<a3Dman> datagutt: also what rom should I use on a meizu?
<datagutt> stock
<datagutt> xD
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<a3Dman> datagutt: from 0 to 10, how good is a stock Chinese ROM?
<a3Dman> I think -1
<datagutt> 7
<datagutt> and touchwiz is 2
<datagutt> so yeh
<a3Dman> really? better than touchwiz?
<datagutt> s/2/-2
<datagutt> Uh yeh
<datagutt> everybody makes something better than touchwiz
<datagutt> except motorola
<a3Dman> so, does meizu do updates?
<bbqbot> derp
<datagutt> Yes
<datagutt> they focus mostly on their latest phone now though, mine will get 4.1 in february
<datagutt> their latest already has 4.1
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<a3Dman> imo, almost all oems will skip 4.2.x
<a3Dman> will do 4.3 or even 5
<Fissurez> Nope
<Fissurez> NopeOems will do exactly what they always do
<Fissurez> Stay one version behind the nexus XD
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<a-st> a3Dman: what do you hate about sgs2?
<a3Dman> at first I hated samsung, then I hated all their devices
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<Fissurez> i'm feeling very anti-nvidia today
<Fissurez> F them
<Fissurez> buying out the entire mobile gaming market for android
<peterperfect> news old as fuc
<a3Dman> it's news to osnews, lol
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<patchie> i am at step 5, but i get problems with heimdall
<Fissurez> derp?
<Fissurez> S2?
<patchie> samsung galaxy s2
<Fissurez> ok
<Fissurez> ~WHICH~ S2
<patchie> i think it is the standard i9100
<Fissurez> that's better :)
<patchie> ahh..hehe
<Fissurez> for that you don't even need to use a computer to gain root and stick a custom boot on it.
<patchie> when i am in the downloading mode it says: gt-i9100
<Fissurez> i know, because i did it
<patchie> ahh..hehe
<Fissurez> well, i did sell my s2
<Fissurez> wait
<patchie> but its totally fucked i have to reinstall :P
<patchie> and i wanna test cm 10.1
<Fissurez> some awesome dude worked out the computerless root method
<Fissurez> and posted it on XDA
<patchie> yeah..i did use it
<Fissurez> lemme fidn it
<Fissurez> oh?
<Fissurez> then why areyou having trouble?
<patchie> its rooted :)
<patchie> 2 sec
<Fissurez> then installing CM10.1 is simple for you
<a-st> patchie: what happens when you try to flash kernel?
<bbqbot> derp
<patchie> ERROR: Failed to send data!Releasing device interface...
<a-st> which zImage are you using?
<jomp16> Hey, GPLv3 is good?
<patchie> recovery-clockwork-
<a-st> thats the name of the file?
<patchie> zImage
<a-st> patchie: are you running linux?
<patchie> windows 7
<a-st> maybe try as root
<a-st> maybe run heimdall/cmd as administrator
<patchie> ahh..administrator..2 sec
<a-st> I like Dorimanx Kernel =)
<a-st> Just compiling it from git on my own right now
<a-st> nice touch recovery
<a-st> It seem also faster and more battery friendly
<a-st> compared to stock cm10.1
<patchie> same error
<a-st> patchie: so you are in stock recovery now?
<patchie> hmm..not sure
<patchie> it says: "odin mode"
<patchie> product name: GT-i9100
<patchie> custom binary download: YES (3 counts)
<patchie> current binary: samsung official
<patchie> thats all
<patchie> a-st: what odin version should i use?
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<a-st> patchie: Not sure. I'm using Arch Linux and Heimdall
<pfloyd> friend of mine with d2tmo on the latest cm10.1 nightlies is seeing "3g" when he's in fact on HSPA+. He said in cm10.0, hspa showed as H and hspa+ has H+. Is this a patch that isn't yet ported to the cm10.1 branch? Or was it intentional?
<lolwat> I see h+ with cm10.1
<pfloyd> on d2tmo?
<pfloyd> someone in the cm g+ communities thread said it comes and goes for them. perhaps it's a signal strength thing? he ran a speed test though and was definitely getting h+ speeds, not "3g"
<patchie> strange, Odin says: <OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 0)
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<Fissurez> HEY CODY, what do you think of the xperia Z?
<patchie> trinstalled to the stock usb driver, it seems to work with odin now :)
<Fissurez> i particularly like the english, proper way of saying "Z"
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<patchie> stopped at "<ID:0/003> SetupConnection.."
<patchie> i didnt wanna buy a new phone right now :P
<Fissurez> well, in that event, the nexus 4 looks nice, as do a lot of new phones @ CES
<Fissurez> but tegra 4 is crap
<Fissurez> just 'sayin
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<patchie> hmm..changed the usb port..and now i got operation
<a-st> patchie: maybe wrong driver?
<bbqbot> derp
<patchie> i installed the stock driver
<patchie> from kies
<patchie> i will try with heimdall again
<patchie> Detecting device...
<patchie> ERROR: Failed to access device. libusb error: -12
<wifi> change usb port ?
<patchie> i just did
<patchie> i can try again
<a-st> patchie: i think it's because of missing permissions
<patchie> i was running heimdall with as admin
<patchie> do i need to restart the phoene when changing ports?
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<patchie> YAY!! :D reinstall driver...change usb port...restart phone..and remove the two stupid usp
<patchie> i dont think its a good idea to have two usb extenders when flashing the phone :P
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<patchie> hmm..i got it to work :D
<patchie> but..hmm..why didnt it wipe my phone? :S
<patchie> i got no apps, but the folders are still there..
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<patchie> shall i try "factory data reset"?
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<wifi> yes
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<patchie> thanks
<patchie> it looks like the phone isnt lagging, stalling, hanging or restarting anymore :D
<patchie> wifi: but it didnt remove the folders :S
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<patchie> doesnt CM have google play? :P
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> google apps
<wifi> you didnt flash gapps
<patchie> ? :P
<patchie> how do i do that?
<codeworkx> read instructions
<wifi> you read the thread where you got your cm rom ?
<patchie> yes
<patchie> did everything
<Roly> Did you flash gapp?
<patchie> nope
<patchie> it didnt say
<Roly> go there
<Roly> and download the one for JB
<Roly> latest
<Roly> and then flash it
<mrfreaker> hi guys, I updated my CM10 Galaxy S3 to version 10.1-cm-20130108-NIGHTLY-i9300 with gapps-jb-20121212-signed but my battery drains very fast, Even charging the battery decreases. help me. tnx
<patchie> <-- this one Roly?
<wifi> yup
<Roly> Should do the job
<patchie> flashing is in boot recovery mode?
<bbqbot> derp
<Roly> yep
<patchie> thanks
<Roly> Reboot-->Recovery---> and then look for the gapps on the dir
<patchie> thanks
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<mrfreaker> anybody knows my issue?
<Fissurez> CODY!
<frankdrey> mrfreaker, care to repeat it for me?
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<Fissurez> <mrfreaker> hi guys, I updated my CM10 Galaxy S3 to version 10.1-cm-20130108-NIGHTLY-i9300 with gapps-jb-20121212-signed but my battery drains very fast, Even charging the battery decreases. help me. tnx
<Fissurez> what a waste of a copypaste
<Roly> Check what is draining the battery
<frankdrey> he's gone
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<Roly> Check what is draining the battery
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<patchie> mrfreaker: try turning off wifi, bluetooth...turn on powersaving mode.
<mrfreaker> wifi off Bluetooth off... where's i set power saving mode?
<bbqbot> derp
<patchie> settings -> battery....or something
<patchie> power maybe
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<wifi> mrfreaker, install betterbatterystats and find what drain battery
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<mrfreaker> I feel an an increase in device temperature
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<frankdrey> <wifi> mrfreaker, install betterbatterystats and find what drain battery
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<wifi> seems like he doesnt want to install bbs
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<Jiangyi> So, anyone know a good IM application for Linux?
<wifi> pidgin ?
<mrfreaker> my exchange services is draining, battery like a screen... anybody knows?
<Jiangyi> Didn't really like Pidgin :/
<Espenfjo> irssi
<Jiangyi> Espenfjo: I don't mean IRC client, I mean an IM client for like MSN and crap :-P
<wifi> use skype, like everyone xD
<Espenfjo> Jiangyi: I had MSN in my irssi
<Espenfjo> and facebook chat
<Jiangyi> Oh ._.
<Espenfjo> I have jabber(xmpp) in it
<Jiangyi> The website said "Irssi is a terminal based IRC client for UNIX systems"
<Jiangyi> So I got confused :/
<Espenfjo> BitlBee brings IM (instant messaging) to IRC clients. It's a great solution for people who have an IRC client running all the time and don't want to run an additional MSN/AIM/whatever client.
<Espenfjo> BitlBee currently supports the following IM networks/protocols: XMPP/Jabber (including Google Talk), MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, AIM and ICQ, and the Twitter microblogging network (plus all other Twitter API compatible services like and
<Espenfjo> for example
<Jiangyi> Ah.
<Jiangyi> thx :-)
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<frankdrey> #music is very dead :|
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<Guest9800> hi there
<Guest9800> anyone to help me convert smsc to pdu ???please
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<marz_> please anyone to help me convert my smsc to pdu
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<frankdrey> marz_, that what you're looking for?
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<marz_> please could anyone convert my smsc +25574414 o pdu, please
<patchie> Thanks alot guy' phone is 100 times faster now! its amazing! it works sooo smooth..!
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<Cianuro> hi folks!
<Cianuro> who can i ask about cyanogenmod 10.1?
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<Jiangyi> Just ask.
<laen> Cianuro: no idea.
<Cianuro> i just installed cyanogenmod 10.1 rel 8th jan, when it starts i noticed that voice apps don't work.. cant make voice searches.. or speak to write text.. anything connected to voice recognition.. anybody had the same problem?
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<frankdrey> hmm
<frankdrey> i think i might end up just using arch in a VM
<frankdrey> with no GUI
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<frankdrey> i need the hardware support i have with windows
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<frankdrey> eh...can't decide :P
<frankdrey> GUISE
<frankdrey> arch or windows with arch VM?
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<antwon> hello there! anybody here who can help me with this issue i have?
<frankdrey> oh fk it, all my assignments are due tomorrow night
<frankdrey> i have time to set up arch :D
<frankdrey> antwon, maybe
<frankdrey> you should ask, don't ask to ask
<antwon> thanks man, sorry i dunno if there any rules :) so, im trying to flash cwm to my sgs3, and im not doing it for the first time, but know it just
<antwon> stucks...
<frankdrey> wipe data
<frankdrey> oh
<frankdrey> wait, hmm?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey> cwm or cm?
<frankdrey> clockworkmod recovery? what do you mean, stuck?
<antwon> clockworkmod recovery touch with odin 1.85 on win xp
<frankdrey> ok, pull battery and do combo for going into recovery
<antwon> everything seems clean, added ohine and everything but it stops at one bar
<frankdrey> after putting back battery ofc
<frankdrey> one bar?
<EgotisticalElf> odin
<frankdrey> ah, might be usb ports or win xp
<frankdrey> had that problem
<antwon> i pulled out the battery and tried many times, nothing
<frankdrey> i solved it by using my bro's superiour PC that runs win7 :P
<antwon> installed kies and drivers separately just to make sure...
<frankdrey> yeah, it's the PC :| isn't really a way to fix this, try heimdall
<antwon> i have only xp and hackintosh
<frankdrey> try heimdall
<antwon> how to use heimdall? i downloaded it but it doesnt accept the file, gives error
<frankdrey> don't forget to run the included zadig.exe to install the driver
<frankdrey> go to utilities
<frankdrey> press detect
<frankdrey> choose a place to save as... pit file
<frankdrey> download pit file
<frankdrey> go to flash tab
<frankdrey> get img of recovery kernel (should be in tar package)
<frankdrey> flash to the kernel partition
<antwon> ok, i will do that and get back to you
<frankdrey> do not tick repartition
<frankdrey> and do not flash anything other than kernel
<frankdrey> and make sure you have correct cwm
<frankdrey> i am not responsible for any damage :P
<antwon> k
<frankdrey> and i have to go install arch linux, so ask others for any further help
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<antwon> thank you again.
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<user21> hey guys
<user21> could you look throu problems with camera in CM
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<user21> when change any of parameters in setting it's necessary to restart camera if you want to chane any other parameter too =(
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