nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
<|Night|> magnet brings nothing new,
jug6ernaut has joined #teamhacksung-support
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<Kihokki> Except no one knows how the magnets work
<|Night|> lol
<|Night|> what do you base that of
<jug6ernaut> Kihokki sure we do
<jug6ernaut> we don't know how magnetism works but we do know how magnets have magnetism
<waratte> lol
<jug6ernaut> how/why
<|Night|> i know how magnets work!
<|Night|> im gonna get the noble price for my teori!
<clibot> [Link] Fuckin' Magnets, how do they work? - YouTube
<|Night|> "its magic"
<jug6ernaut> lol
<|Night|> im dead serius
<jug6ernaut> i was hopping that you werent
<jug6ernaut> now I'm just disappointed
<|Night|> :P
<|Night|> as i said before; trust me i'm an engineer
<|Night|> ( i realy am)
<CapnKernel> Magnetism is caused by the electrons' orbital angular motion around the nucleus, and/or the electrons' intrinsic magnetic moment.
<|Night|> that still doesn not explain an elcromagnet
<Thiagovfar> Magnets are easy. Please explain how MRI works.
<jug6ernaut> also easy
<|Night|> yup
<|Night|> i spent 5 hours in an MRI machine one time
<|Night|> fuck its borring
<jug6ernaut> CapnKernel and its actually caused by electrons flowing, any flow of electrons will induce a magnetic field
<jug6ernaut> 5 hours wtf
<|Night|> that stupid lady that oporatet the machine did not understand i wanted to sleep!!
<|Night|> the keept japing bs
<jug6ernaut> haha
<|Night|> i told here to shutup more than once
<|Night|> i dont care abotu your life, i want to sleep now
<jug6ernaut> well
<|Night|> i took a scan of my entire spine
<jug6ernaut> a women like to talk, b woman don't like to listen lol
<jug6ernaut> damn
<|Night|> jug6ernaut: i completly agree
<jug6ernaut> lol
<Thiagovfar> 5 fucking hours? What the heck were you looking for on your spine?
<|Night|> tumors
<|Night|> i had to do it again a week later
<jug6ernaut> 5 hours, how much was that? 10-20k?
<|Night|> free
<jug6ernaut> whaaat
<|Night|> Norway
<jug6ernaut> damn
<jug6ernaut> well it cost norway 10-20k haha
<|Night|> the hospital lost the pictures
<jug6ernaut> :|
<|Night|> sop i had to do it all again
<jug6ernaut> lol wow...
<Thiagovfar> daf,j
<jug6ernaut> I'm not sure i would want to go to that hospital :\
<Thiagovfar> daflip*
<|Night|> jug6ernaut: hehe
<Thiagovfar> MRI generates MASSIVE data
<|Night|> yup
<|Night|> a few GB
<Thiagovfar> A few?
<|Night|> ok 1-200
<|Night|> but still minute,
<|Night|> im soooo over GB
<|Night|> home server 40TB
<Thiagovfar> Yeah, a machine that generates terabytes in hours
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<Thiagovfar> Here on Brazil, whoever performs imaging exams must keep records for at least 5 years
<jug6ernaut> "keep records for x" why would you ever delete them
<Thiagovfar> Insane storage needs?
<jug6ernaut> give it to the consume to have lol
<|Night|> Thiagovfar: yup
<|Night|> i backup the interent
<jug6ernaut> like a boss
<|Night|> well i have to have somthing 2do when the world goes under
<Thiagovfar> |Night|: I bet you can't backup 5 years of MRIs on that
<|Night|> Thiagovfar: nop
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<|Night|> anything good on kickstarter now adays?
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<Jiangyi> Hrm
<Jiangyi> So apparently, the streetlight and the house facing my house lost power
<Jiangyi> Funny enough, nothing else on the street lost power. :/
<Jiangyi> But yeah, it's snowing pretty hard
<Jiangyi> If it snows a bit harder, I probably won't even have school tomorrow xD
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<|Night|> lol
<|Night|> where you live Jiangyi?
<Thiagovfar> daflip. All my data is gone
<Jiangyi> Toronto
<|Night|> you on 120 or 220v?
<|Night|> cant rember if canada also have their head on backworth. like the yanks
<Jiangyi> 120
<|Night|> hmm
<Jiangyi> It's 120 all across North America afaik
<|Night|> europe is moving on to 400
<|Night|> :P
<|Night|> i have 400 in to my home
<|Night|> then i have a stepdown to 230
<Jiangyi> Good news above 120 is that if you get shocked, you won't die instantly
<Jiangyi> xP
<Thiagovfar> nebkat: Your launcher dropped its data.
<wifi> Jiangyi, voltage doesnt matter
<|Night|> Jiangyi: volts have nothing to do with death
<wifi> what matter is amp
<|Night|> ive been shock by 1000 volts
<|Night|> :P
<|Night|> amen wifi
<|Night|> you can melt metal if you get the amp high enough
<Jiangyi> ._. Damn it, what I've learned is all a lie
<jug6ernaut> the cake is a lie
<|Night|> stop listing to teacher in high schols
<|Night|> :
<|Night|> P
<|Night|> few of them know much
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: All launchers are derping one way or another
<|Night|> the one who knows anything is in private schools
<jug6ernaut> my high school teachers were better then my college profs
<wifi> eh, we have that : here
<clibot> [Link] Home | Aluminerie Alouette
* Jiangyi is THIS close to going back to stock Google launcher
<wifi> to make alluminium
<|Night|> im using apex
<|Night|> i like it
<wifi> they have some place where there is like 1 000 000 amp
<Jiangyi> I didn't learn this from school, read it in a magazine or something
<|Night|> wifi where?
<Jiangyi> wifi: Nova derps when it comes to switching locales :/
<wifi> but the whole room is at that level
<|Night|> those amps are highhhh
<Jiangyi> What's the advantage of higher voltage again?
<|Night|> easyer to transfer
<wifi> yeah, if you would come to touch the source and the ground instant explosion
<|Night|> and you can run lower amps
<wifi> less heat produced
<|Night|> lets say you have 60 amps in your home at 120volt
<Jiangyi> Ah'
<|Night|> i would need only 30 ish
<|Night|> with 3phase 400volt like i have, i have 3x63a
<wifi> well, you instantly explode into a fog of blood
<|Night|> that would be close to 300 amp for 120v
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<|Night|> all new homes in norway today have 3phase 400v inn
<wifi> ehh, we have 500kv and 750kv line here
<|Night|> thats transmission
<wifi> just doesnt get into home directly xD
<|Night|> :P
<|Night|> indeeed
<Thiagovfar> 400v? You people trying to get killed more easily?
<|Night|> 400v is safter than 120v
<|Night|> btw
<|Night|> safer
<jomp16> and 220v?
<|Night|> still safer
<wifi> eh, doesnt tazer work at like 500kv ?
<wifi> and people still think high voltage kill xD
<|Night|> Thiagovfar: want do die?
<|Night|> do this
<clibot> [Link] Fun with a few 9V batteries. (244 of them) - YouTube
<|Night|> ive done that, but only with 20s
<|Night|> ohh the fun!
<|Night|> i made a tazer out of them
<Thiagovfar> From what I understand, the higher you go, the cheaper it is to deliver the power. On the other side, electrical shocks gets more dangerous.
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<|Night|> Thiagovfar: cheaper to deliver
<|Night|> electil shocks are safer
<|Night|> since less amp is needed
<wifi> oh god
<Thiagovfar> I happen to have a few LiPo batteries here
<|Night|> wifi : 2000 volts dc :D
<|Night|> i love DC :P
<Thiagovfar> I've heard they like to burst into flames
<|Night|> think if it if you take a piss on a dc cow fence
<waratte> :D
<wifi> at least DC is not dangerous
<|Night|> youl be stuck to it
<|Night|> DC is dagnereus
<|Night|> sine you get stuck to the object
<|Night|> since its a constant power
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<|Night|> AC turns it self of and on at 60hrz
<|Night|> so 60 times a sec
<|Night|> or depending on the hrz, normal is 60
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<wifi> eh, i always forget which one is dangerous
<wifi> xD
<|Night|> hehe
<|Night|> thinkg of the name
<|Night|> DC = Direct Current, AC = Alernating
<wifi> you don't say
<wifi> anyway, why the fuck did that guy had 244 9V battery
<|Night|> thats irrelevant
<|Night|> he is playing around
Guest16423 is now known as Kishidan
<|Night|> 2000v dc, man that has to hurt
<|Night|> high school expermint, bring all your 9v batteries
<|Night|> (entire school)
Kishidan is now known as waratte
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<jomp16> |Night|: DC is more dangerous than AC?
<|Night|> yes
<|Night|> DC makes your muscel freeze
<|Night|> so you are unable to let go of what ever object you hold
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<|Night|> means you get friends
Raccoon` is now known as Raccoon
<jomp16> but with low amp and voltage isn't dangerous?
<|Night|> with AC if you get shocks you let go at once
<|Night|> deap limit is 0.5a to your hart
<|Night|> good that electrics finds grounds, so it rearly go over your hart
<|Night|> death
<|Night|> low amp you can play with 10,000 volts
<|Night|> fun fact statick shock is 10,000 volts
<|Night|> :P
<jomp16> a battery of 9v was what amps?
<|Night|> cant rember
<|Night|> i broke my multimeter so i can measure
<jomp16> srry for my poor english
<|Night|> cant
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<a3Dman> |Night|: hi dood
<|Night|> dudde
<|Night|> why the highlight
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<a3Dman> saying hi
<Guest36796> Could anyone tell me if the CyanogenMod 9.1 build is a ROM or an RUU?
<|Night|> derp
<|Night|> hi a3Dman
<a3Dman> k
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<Jiangyi> Kewl
<Jiangyi> Samsung France pushed I9100G JB update it seems
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<gargoile> hello all trying to Installing a custom recovery on Galaxy Note 10.1 (Wifi) from having troble with step 5. keeps getting ERROR: claiming interface failed!, any help?
<clibot> [Link] Install CM for n8013 - CyanogenMod
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<gargoile> any help for a noob out there
<gargoile> /join #cyanogenmod
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<mister_dj84> hi all
<mister_dj84> i wanted to know how stable the cm 10.1 nightly build is for the samsung galaxy s2 (i9100) what is done and what is not working properly yet ?
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<mister_dj84> is there anyone online and reading ?
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<gladiac1337> hi mister_dj84
<gladiac1337> ah, impatience...
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<tianfu> hello
<tianfu> jelly bean 4.2.1 got theme to change ?
<tianfu> any here ?
<tianfu> ^^
<tianfu> sry
<tianfu> any can teach me for use bluetooth to send any file ?
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<casuro> Hello
<tianfu> any can teach me for use bluetooth to send any file ?
<casuro> i've got a question about the lochscreen
<casuro> lockscreen*
<tianfu> because i click my file , cannot send with bluetooth - -
<tianfu> casuro
<tianfu> what problem ?
<tianfu> if i know i can tell u
<casuro> how can i remove those sidebars? if scroling left i go to the camera and richt i can setup any program
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<casuro> they are some sort of shortcuts
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<casuro> in the unlockscreen
<tianfu> sry casuro
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<tianfu> i haven try for lockscreen system
<tianfu> sry >.<
<casuro> hmm i'm close, i think they're widgets on the lockscreen
<casuro> thanks anyway ;)
<casuro> got it
<clibot> [Link] [APP] Lockscreen Policy - Disable Android 4.2 Lockscreen Widgets, Camera - xda-developers
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<thebastl> hi
<thebastl> i have installed cwm recovery linked in that thread (version i can go to the recovery but i cant select anything when i press the home button it does not do anything
<clibot> [Link] [KERNEL] ClockworkMod Recovery - xda-developers
<thebastl> is it possible to flash the 6.0.27 kernel on my ics rom as i want to procees straight to cyanogen nightlies?
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<thebastl> (as i hope the newer version of cwmr works)
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<kZard|nb> These samsung 4.1.2 releases for the i9100 for Spain, Italy or the Nordic countries, would they be significantly different from the ones that will be released for the rest of europe?
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<Jiangyi> Goddamn it
<Jiangyi> It's snowing so hard here, but school board refused to close schools T_T
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<a3Dman> Jiangyi: skiing to school then?
<Jiangyi> lol
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<kZard> Is there any way to insert line-breaks in the stock SMS app?
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<a3Dman> "he said that he'd visited an EE store to try out 4G LTE speeds for himself and "all I saw [were] technofreaks."
<a3Dman> epic
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: looks like UEFI brickbug in sammy's laptops is a major headache xD
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<a3Dman> Samsung, the next big "Brickbug"
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<Flexii> Hello all
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<wifi> lol, so even tho samsung knew, for a long time now, that there is a brick bug in their emmc they still havnt fixed it
<wifi> And used these defective emmc in their laptop
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<a3Dman> wifi: isn't that awesome!
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<wifi> as awesome as a good kicks in the nuts !
<a3Dman> woot
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<a3Dman> "According to current understanding, the problem affects at least 300E5C, 530U3C, 700Z3C, 700Z5C, 700Z7C and 900X4C series Samsung laptops. Changes have now been merged into Linux versions 3.8-rc6, 3.7.6 and 3.2.38, which deactivate the samsung-laptop driver when booting via UEFI to prevent damage to the laptop."
<a3Dman> same shit, different device.
<codeworkx> even a fucking windows app can kill this notebooks
<codeworkx> samsung + software = OMG
<codeworkx> doesn't matter if its a phone, notebook or a TV
<codeworkx> koreans can't code
<DuperMan> now now. it's much worse on phones on merit of one's reasonable expectations from such a device
<wifi> codeworkx, +1 on korean can't code
<wifi> look at LG code xD
<wifi> a3Dman, so instead of fixing the problem, they simply try to avoid you to make it
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<a3Dman> wifi: same policy of corrupt governments.
<a3Dman> koreans can gangnam style though xD
<bealtine^> i have to throw in that samsung code for mobile is the worst I've ever seen
<bealtine^> i'd have fired them if they worked for me
<a3Dman> yeah, specially if the misspell then name of their company
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<peterperfect> Entropy512 how is it going with N4?
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<Fissurez> peterperfect i dunno bout entropy, but mine is coming along fine!
<Fissurez> heueheuehu
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<youn> Hi evryone, Can someone help me install the latest CWM recovery (ROM manager doesnt work) [i9300]? thanks
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<Baskey> @dood Fissurez
<bbqbot> Fissurez: what up dood
<waratte> @dood waratte
<bbqbot> waratte: what up dood
<waratte> :D
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<Jiangyi> z0mg
<Jiangyi> Just got home from the crazy snow
* Jiangyi wants to kill whoever decided that it was a good idea to have school today -_-
<davi> Why n7000 is not supported by CM 10.0?
<davi> Is there a list of bugs somewhere?
<Thracky> Jiangyi: even my school was closed today
<Thracky> Jiangyi: which is crazy cause sheridan never closes
<Jiangyi> Thracky: TDSB be nuts
<Jiangyi> Seriously, 30 cm of snow is not funny T_T
<Thracky> no kiddin
<Thracky> they said it would stop by like 3 pm, and it's still not letting up a bit
<Jiangyi> Half of my teachers didn't even get here til noon
<davi> Is somebody using CM 10.1 on Galaxy Note?
<davi> Is so, how many bugs?
<wifi> lol
<wifi> stop whining because you have a little bit of snow
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<peterperfect> someone tell me a good ssh client for linux plox
<Fissurez> @dood Baskey
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: ohai
<bbqbot> Baskey: what up dood
<codeworkx> @dood bbqbot
<bbqbot> bbqbot: what up dood
<codeworkx> hahaha
<Fissurez> Jiangyi 30cm? how much is that in feet
<wifi> peterperfect, dafuq ?
<wifi> ssh client for linux
<wifi> you are kidding i hope
<codeworkx> peterperfect: openssh
<peterperfect> open-ssh
<peterperfect> thanks
<peterperfect> :)
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Bonjour
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<Jiangyi> Fissurez: a feet or something?
<peterperfect> wifi: you can still use stuff like putty
<wifi> no
<Jiangyi> It certainly feels like it's less when it's said in feet :-|
<wifi> no point in using putty on linux
<codeworkx> Fissurez: 0.984251968503 feet
<wifi> a feet = 12 inch
<wifi> and a inch is about 2.2cm
<wifi> or 2.6
<Fissurez> we had more than a foot of snow last month
<wifi> never remember
<wifi> cause we are the fucked up generation here
<wifi> that use feet
<wifi> lb
<wifi> but km/s
<wifi> but km/h*
<wifi> and celcius
<Baskey> 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
<wifi> seriously
<Fissurez> i only use feet in height
<Fissurez> and for snow oddly enough
<wifi> eh, i was near with 2.6
<Fissurez> also you round to the nearest!
<wifi> round up
<wifi> always round up
<wifi> it,s better :D
<Fissurez> not necessarily
<wifi> YES
<wifi> cause it make my answer correct
Fissurez was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by wifi [yes it does]
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: dooooh. i ported i9305 without owning it
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<Fissurez> not if you are buying something with no change
<chadouming_work> codeworkx is playing netchip ?
<codeworkx> aye
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Easier than CM9 for 9100g? xD
<chadouming_work> lol
<codeworkx> chadouming_work: but the difference is.... my first build has everything working. 1st boot = done
<chadouming_work> eh
<chadouming_work> the difference is that you actual already done something that work. You have experince, notoriety and people like you
<chadouming_work> xD
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<chadouming_work> there is much more diff tho xD
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<Fissurez> stupid SSlauncher
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<chadouming_work> you paid for it ?
<Fissurez> no
<chadouming_work> then don't expect anything
<Fissurez> hell if i will too, it's obviously not working as it should
<chadouming_work> dev are not working for you
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<Fissurez> it's free version
* Jiangyi is staring at samsung's opensource page
<Fissurez> i.e. they are
<Fissurez> because they want me to buy the full version
<Jiangyi> Cmon Sammy, gief teh 9100G JB kernel sauce
<chadouming_work> lol
<chadouming_work> like it will happen one day
<Jiangyi> France pushed 4.1 yesterday, so I expect them to do it soon :-P
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<Fissurez> Jiangyi i.e. never
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<gdrori> hi
<gdrori> does anyone know where can i get cm10 based on 4.1.2?
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<chadouming_work> you get cm10
<gdrori> for s2 it's cm 10.1
<gdrori> bluetooth is broken in android 4.2
<chadouming_work> no
<gdrori> look at this
<chadouming_work> cm10 = android 4.1 cm10.1 = android 4.2
<gdrori> exactly
<gdrori> i'm looking for cm10
<gdrori> i can't find it
<codeworkx> gdrori: look at rommanager
<gdrori> i am not running cm right now
<Jiangyi> Doesn't keep some of the older nightlies?
<gdrori> where
<gdrori> thank you!
<gdrori> good night guys
<gdrori> :)
<Jiangyi> Speaking of
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<Jiangyi> I should get to fixing that Gapps package -_-
<codeworkx> dooh, he left without paying us
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Eh? We get paid for this?
<Espenfjo> we do
<Espenfjo> you do not
<Espenfjo> :D
<chadouming_work> aw
<chadouming_work> i do not too i guess ?
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<chadouming_work> D:
<Espenfjo> Good guess
<chadouming_work> awww
<chadouming_work> y u no pay me !
<chadouming_work> well, in fact i'm currently paid for it xD
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<codeworkx> chadouming_work: we can't pay you cause my yacht
<chadouming_work> and that is seriously xD
<chadouming_work> eh, sell the yacht, stop working
<chadouming_work> and apply for the google job
<chadouming_work> anyway, i'm not paid anymore so time to go away
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<Jiangyi> :-(
* Jiangyi has to go find a real job now
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Bad idea to invest in a yacht, Koush will steal it xD
<Espenfjo> Jiangyi: Move to norway, ill give you a job
<Jiangyi> Doing what? o_O
<Espenfjo> Computer stuff
<Jiangyi> Oh yeah, did you get your N4 yet?
<Espenfjo> Chose from apache,mysql,java,perl,scala,support,search tech., oracle, windows, mssql
<Espenfjo> whatever
<Espenfjo> we do it
<Espenfjo> Jiangyi: no, its somewhere between xplodwilds mom, and here
<Jiangyi> lol seems legit :-P
<Jiangyi> Espenfjo: I'll learn how to code here before taking up on your offer lol
<Espenfjo> If you dont want to code choose one of the others
<Espenfjo> apache? varnish? mysql?
<Espenfjo> Server management
<Espenfjo> windows clusters?
<Jiangyi> Unfamiliar with them all :-|
<Espenfjo> :(
<Espenfjo> What do you know?
* Jiangyi feels like a fail all of a sudden
<Jiangyi> Excellent question, I don't know what I know D-:
<Espenfjo> :(
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<Jiangyi> Yay, less Nvidia :-P
<DuperMan> check this out
<DuperMan> (sorry for caps)
<DuperMan> Crysis 3 (retail box) is 60$ and you get 20$ rebate for use in amazon
<DuperMan> digital download version - now 20$ back
<DuperMan> XD
<Orginator> sup Espenfjo, some people are hyping over your blobs @ xda :P
<Orginator> "no memleak, glitch free" and what not
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<Espenfjo> haha
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<Espenfjo> leaks like a sieve
<Orginator> :D
<Orginator> I just figured they can't read :)
<DuperMan> *no 20$ back
<Orginator> you've commented that it leaks but not as bad, and they inteprate it as "no memleak"
<Orginator> typical :P
<DuperMan> like, the digital download costs 133% as much as boxed
<tat-> guess its the wrong channel, but have anyone had problems with the nexus 4 not waking up from sleep on the latest nightlies?
<DuperMan> take it to a shrink
<tat-> =)
<Orginator> Espenfjo but you still haven't gave up, right? still trying to nail that s..t? ;)
<Jiangyi> tat-: All fine over here
<tat-> hm
<Jiangyi> Although the creaking on mine's getting worse and worse >_>
<tat-> a friend that was running the monthly build complained about his phone not waking up from sleep, and now I suddenly got the same problem :-P
<Espenfjo> Orginator: Hate it
<tat-> better hook up adb next time
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<NerdyGuitarist> stupid question
<NerdyGuitarist> 1GB DDR2 or 2GB DDR?
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<DuperMan> Crysis 3: 7.89$
<DuperMan> entitles me to 20$ in-store moneys
<DuperMan> ^_^
endstille has quit [Quit: endstille]
<NerdyGuitarist> oh fk it, i'm gunna try using both DDR and DDR 2 banks :D
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<DuperMan> won't be seeing that one again soon
<DuperMan> :)
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<NerdyGuitarist> it didn't work ._.
<NerdyGuitarist> you know what's scary?
<NerdyGuitarist> the RAM was in the PC for 20 seconds, during which i did not succesfully boot
Whiskey`Wonka has quit [Excess Flood]
<NerdyGuitarist> it came out fairly warm
Whiskey`Wonka has joined #teamhacksung-support
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<NerdyGuitarist> my cooling system sucks
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Whiskey`Wonka has quit [Excess Flood]
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Whiskey`Wonka has quit [Excess Flood]
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