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<budmang> ha. no one else has issues? should I maybe try to reinstall?
<bealtine^> probably not worth it
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<budmang> no one can hear, anything that records sounds is off like a serial rapist masking his voice
<bealtine^> standard fix for that is to play a sound on startup
<bealtine^> blamesamsung
<budmang> how/where do i set that?
<bealtine^> no idea
<budmang> is it not possible or just you dont know?
<bealtine^> no idea
<budmang> so everyone just lives with the mic not working? I appreciate your replies.
<bealtine^> standard fix for that is to play a sound on startup
<budmang> but the standard doesnt work for this rom/phone? or what am I missing? I get and hear you about what the standard fix it.
<budmang> it = is
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<Jiangyi> bealtine^: Mic, not speakers. :-/
<budmang> yea the speakers sound good... pandora etc..
<bealtine^> if you cant find a setting get tasker or automateit
<bealtine^> ohh
<bealtine^> I've had that once
<bealtine^> i wiped and reinstalled
<bealtine^> seemed to work for me
<budmang> k ill try that (I wiped for the first install)
<bealtine^> apart from that I've no idea...
<budmang> bealtine^: just fix it.
<budmang> :)
<budmang> thanks for your help.
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<budmang> damn its a little faster/better but still slow/off after a flash/wipe is there a davlik cache or anything?
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<budmang> looks like a known issue for another samsung phone 10.1..
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<budmang> How come the bug list doesnt show/say mic issues? or its it just related to my phone?
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<eldabest> hey guys
<eldabest> Anyone else experience animation lag on the phone? I have animations set to 0.5x,but there is still a delay between hitting a button like the home button, and the animation actually happening...very slight but extremely noticeable and slows the phone down A LOT. I hope it's not just me.
<eldabest> it's bugging the crap out of me lol
<Jiangyi> What device?
<eldabest> i9100
<eldabest> SGS2
<Jiangyi> Ah
<Jiangyi> Anything's possible on Exynos :-P
<eldabest> I always end up turning the animations off because even with them set at 0.5x there's a delay between doing something and the animation happening
<eldabest> lol
<eldabest> what phone do you have?
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<DemoManMLS> Hey folks!
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<rottingout> lol
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<rottingout> hello
<DemoManMLS> hello
<rottingout> I seem to be getting a status 7 error flashing my rom. im just confirming that this is usually an out dated recovery?
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<tuhoojabotti> it's here!
<DemoManMLS> what's here?
<mjt> the parcel arrived
<mjt> we wont know what's inside while tuhoojabotti is playing with the new toy
<mjt> (i guess)
<tuhoojabotti> Nexus 4 of course
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<Espenfjo> :))))
<Espenfjo> its here as well
<Espenfjo> (Atleast at the post office)
<Espenfjo> "Package has arrived at Meny Vollebekk"
<tuhoojabotti> it was here since Saturday
<Espenfjo> :oh
<tuhoojabotti> damn local service
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<stockhausen> tuhoojabotti: judging by your nick you're from Finland, where'd you get it?
<tuhoojabotti> Play store UK
<tuhoojabotti> HMM
<tuhoojabotti> 4.2 not 4.2.1
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<stockhausen> tuhoojabotti: and they delivered to an address in Finland?
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<tuhoojabotti> stockhausen: Nope
<tuhoojabotti> stockhausen: FedEx.
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<Qasaur> @changelog s3
<a3Dman> @changelong i9300
<bbqbot> a3Dman: Command does not exist!
<a3Dman> @changelog i9300
<a3Dman> ^ that should work :P
<tuhoojabotti> Okay, bootloader unlocked, should I flash custom recovery also?
<tuhoojabotti> Or is the default one sufficient
<Qasaur> thanks a3Dman
<a3Dman> you're welcome
<a3Dman> tuhoojabotti: depends on your needs
<Qasaur> a3Dman, is it worth flashing CM10.1 on the S3?
<tuhoojabotti> a3Dman: I guess the default one doesn't support automatic updates and stuff
<a3Dman> Qasaur: depends on how you hate touchwiz, and how you can live with CM's known issues. You make the choice...
<Qasaur> a3Dman, well I have stock right now
<tuhoojabotti> I remember how shit stock S2 is
<tuhoojabotti> I just saw one in the wild
<Qasaur> a3Dman, I mean like what benefits does CM10 give me over stock 4.1?
<tuhoojabotti> Rooted it to remove some bloat
<tuhoojabotti> It gets _really_ hot when downloading
<tuhoojabotti> Tried to do FOTA update 3 times and gave up
<a3Dman> Qasaur: simple, faster and less bloated
<a3Dman> that
<a3Dman> that's my reasons to use CM
<tuhoojabotti> yeah
<tuhoojabotti> Thats my reason to buy Nexus 4 :P
<a3Dman> true
<tuhoojabotti> Rooted :)
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<tuhoojabotti> Damn
<tuhoojabotti> 20s boot time and totally responsive after boot
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<Ceiu> Argh. Whoever decided it was a smart idea to fuck with the clock in the latest update is a jackass.
<Ceiu> Seriously, removing the ability to set the alarm tone at all was boneheaded at best.
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<budmang> Anyone else have a sprint note 2? with/without microphone issues? you cant call/wechat or anything sound demented
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<a3Dman> I like dashclock
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<Kaik541> chadouming: got USB storage to show up in settings properly as well as external storage
<Kaik541> external storage seems to be working perfectly, USB host doesn't actually want to mount though :(
<a3Dman> dashclock has a nice API, I think 2 days and there will be extensions to show your computer's sysinfo xD
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<jomp16> Hey, the kit with: Gigabyte 78LMT-S2P, AMD FX 6300 and 4GB 1333MHz DDR3 Kingston (i will buy a new 4GB RAM) is good?
<codeworkx> amd = fail
<jomp16> codeworkx: AMD = cust and benefity
<codeworkx> lowcost and lowpower
<codeworkx> lowperformance i mean
<jomp16> But it's better than my current PC with AMD Athlon X2 64 with 2.8GHz
<codeworkx> thats true
<jomp16> and i don't have money to buy a i7 3° gen (or whatever)
<codeworkx> jomp16: but you should take DDR3-1866
<jomp16> a kit with i7 3° is R$1700.00, and the kit with AMD is R$649.99
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<jomp16> the mobo only support the 1333 and less
<chadouming|m> Wut
<chadouming|m> Get a better mobo
<codeworkx> jomp16: the controller is on cpu
<codeworkx> and it supports DDR3-1066, DDR3-1333, DDR3-1600, DDR3-1800, DDR3-1866
<MajorWobble> Hi, can i ask a question regarding CyanogenMod 10 ROM on SGSII here?
<chadouming|m> Codeworkx : what is the point of the 2800 mhz ddr3 module then ? !
<jomp16> err, i can sell the RAM for a friend and buy a better ram...
<jomp16> but Kingston has it?
<jomp16> or only Corsair?
<codeworkx> everyone
<chadouming|m> Kingston must have some 1600 or 1866 ram for sure
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<jomp16> and the mobo only support 8GB, is true or the AMD will able to support more?
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<jomp16> i don't will play games, and use with compilation, convert video, etc
<jomp16> i know i7 is best for this task, but i want AMD
<codeworkx> "compilation" ?
<jomp16> Android app, Java app, c++, etc
<jomp16> soo, the original question: the kit is good for more daily tasks?
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<whitequark> if you want fast compile time
<whitequark> get a cpu with a lot of cache
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<whitequark> first and foremost.
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<jomp16> whitequark: "daily tasks" like acessing web, playing flash games (habbo), and others)
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<Baskey> Fissurez: FISSU
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<Kaik541> chadouming: FIXITFIXITFIXIT
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<Fissurez> BASKEY
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<Baskey> Fissurez: DUUUUUUUDE
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<Fissurez> @dood bask
<bbqbot> bask: what up dood
<Fissurez> fack
<Baskey> Fissurez: hey
<Fissurez> @dood Baskey
<bbqbot> Baskey: what up dood
<Baskey> how is it goin'?
<Fissurez> nb
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<Operation-A> Can anyone help me
<Operation-A> i dont want to make a bad mistake
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<whitequark> what was that
<chadouming> that was another noob expecting us to hold his hand until his phone has swag
<whitequark> swag?..
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<ring0> hey, i'm running 9.1.0 stable on an i9100. i plan on upgrading to the 10.1 nightly. should i upgrade cwm from to before doing the upgrade?
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<Ntemis> is not needed
<Ntemis> but you can do it if you like
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<ring0> Ntemis, thanks. should i consider flashing a new radio instead of xxlps, which worked great with ics?
<Ntemis> if you are happy with your radio no need to change it
<ring0> alright, let's see, how it behaves in jb
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* Jiangyi is on the phone with Google Play support
<Jiangyi> Gonna RMA this N4 :-P
<Jiangyi> They're gonna give me a new one too lol
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<a3Dman> Jiangyi: did you see dashclock?
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: No I haven't, what is that?
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<wifi> oh , look neat
<a3Dman> one of the best apps made for android yet imo
<a3Dman> well this dude works for google anyway xD
<Jiangyi> Not bad :o
<Jiangyi> Chronus looks prettier though IMO
Alram is now known as zz_Alram
<a3Dman> what's killer in this is the API
<a3Dman> and it shows weather in minimized lock screen
<wifi> eh, only show me little bar like "I don't want to load weather for you"
<Jiangyi> wifi: $5 says they're hatin on Canada again. :-P
<Jiangyi> lol j/k
<wifi> lol
<wifi> maybe i should only reboot my phone
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<a3Dman> I feel very happy when I see great holo apps
<frankdrey> Just got some advertising call in Spanish
<wifi> but, it's my record :(
<frankdrey> i responded in French
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Who are you?
<a3Dman> wifi: how many hours
<wifi> 11 days
<frankdrey> I have my old name back :P
<a3Dman> lol, I did 50 days on touchwiz
<wifi> lol
<a3Dman> haha
<a3Dman> imagine how laggy it was
<a3Dman> well, you can't imagine
<frankdrey> I did 2 or so days on Touchwiz
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<Jiangyi> I did TW for 10 days, even though it ran better at CM at that point in time.
<Jiangyi> Screw GB interface :-P
<wifi> lol, last phone i had i did 30 min without CM xD
<frankdrey> 5 minutes after i got my tablet, i started looking online if it's CM supported
<frankdrey> in fact, i think that was the day i joined this room for the first time :D
<wifi> eh, well, my gnex is starting to get laggy
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Your mom stopped stalking you?
<wifi> and it's day 11
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, yep :P
<a3Dman> wifi: operating systems are greedy this age :(
<frankdrey> !!!
<clibot> frankdrey: Unknown command "!!"
<wifi> lol
<wifi> only said started
<frankdrey> that's what i've been complaining about for years
<wifi> it's not too bad
<frankdrey> why do you think i like tweaking ROMs to run better on my G1
<a3Dman> I remember when I peacefully used xp on pentium 3 with 265 ram
<frankdrey> and why did i start work on a 1.0 rom?:P
<a3Dman> I think I will use sgs2 for another 3 years
<a3Dman> capitalism wants me to throw it and get a new one, it will never happen!
<frankdrey> only reason i don't dump this iPhone and use my G1 is that I'm addicted to instagram and netflix :P
<wifi> oh wow
<wifi> stop talking now
<wifi> well, writing
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<a3Dman> instagram....
<frankdrey> :P
* a3Dman suicides
<frankdrey> hey, I'm 16
<wifi> eh, at 16 i had no phone
<wifi> and i was playing outside
<frankdrey> at 16, you lived in a different age
<wifi> and played on PS2
<frankdrey> outside? I will soon as it stops being rainy and freezing cold here
<a3Dman> I was sitting with a 16 years relative, and he was like instagram is for noobs
<wifi> eh, like it did ever stop me
<frankdrey> a3Dman, it's a way to socialize with people through pictures *shrug*
<Jiangyi> wifi: Stahp making me feel like I have no life :-|
<frankdrey> wifi, oh yeah, canada :P
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: why dood you have a nexus 4
<a3Dman> xD
<frankdrey> but snow is better than rain :|
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: That adds to the no-life ness D-:
<Jiangyi> brb food
<frankdrey> we got 0.5 inches of snow once
<frankdrey> for 4 hours
<frankdrey> and it melted in the rain
<wifi> Jiangyi, well, if you don't like reality, change it
* frankdrey has a life
<frankdrey> :P
* a3Dman has two
<wifi> yeah right
<a3Dman> my virtual life is not like it was before though
<frankdrey> I play solo guitar in a band :D
<a3Dman> I go in protests and clashes :D
<frankdrey> :O i just found a picture of me :O
<a3Dman> where?
<frankdrey> on my youth's facebook
<a3Dman> great
* frankdrey wonders if it's safe to link it here
<frankdrey> :shiftyeyes:
<frankdrey> :p
<wifi> eh, can't access twitter/facebook at job
<frankdrey> it's a direct link
<a3Dman> lol
<a3Dman> frankdrey: is it swag?
<frankdrey> i would post but stupid whitelogger
<frankdrey> ew, swag
<frankdrey> no
<a3Dman> k
<frankdrey> and the music stand covers up my sessy guitar :(
<frankdrey> eh, fk it, i've posted links to my instagram here before. i'm already out there xD
<a3Dman> is that an electric guitar?
<frankdrey> yeah
<a3Dman> looks like you have passion in music
<frankdrey> yep
<wifi> eh, they are intelligent, can't access it
<a3Dman> haha
<frankdrey> my nick was NerdyGuitarist for a while :P
<frankdrey> wifi, lol
<a3Dman> yeah saw that when you was all changing nicks
<frankdrey> heh
<a3Dman> frankdrey: you don't look nerdy though
<a3Dman> no glasses = not nerd at all.
<wifi> not so bad
<wifi> look a bit like jb
<frankdrey> i'm supposed to wear glasses :P
<a3Dman> I wanted to say that, but was like meh
<frankdrey> i don't though, don't like how they feel
<frankdrey> #blameparents
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<frankdrey> I want to grow my hair out so that it's longer than that girl's
<frankdrey> but they keep forcing me to cut it, so it's always looking like his
<frankdrey> and for the record, i had the style before he even was known :P
<wifi> yeah right
<zyra_> hi, can someone imagine why a rooted s3 with cyanogen 9.1 couldnt connect to a wireless router? Made it with a nightly build of CM10, where it worked
<a3Dman> I can't wait till my hair is 20"
<frankdrey> 4YHYCg&sqi=2&ved=0CEoQ9QEwAw&dur=324 <- my hair was starting to look like this, but i was forced to cut it yesterday
<frankdrey> ugh fking google :P
<a3Dman> my hair should hit 20" next year
<frankdrey> nice :p
<a3Dman> I'm a dreadhead though
<frankdrey> oh yeah, my guitar:
<a3Dman> frankdrey: is it easy to do guitar?
<a3Dman> I want to do electric guitar
<zyra_> anybody?
<a3Dman> my musical creation sense is probably 1%
<a3Dman> zyra_: try different router?
<frankdrey> good are your ears at telling notes apart?:P
<frankdrey> the creativity could be gained by listening to TONS of music :P
<a3Dman> well, my ears are not bad, but I don't know what notes are
<frankdrey> D:
<frankdrey> :p
<wifi> no
<zyra_> dont have, and it all worked before with regular android and cm10 - besides theres no message, that would tell me what the problem might be...
<frankdrey> ok, hold up
<wifi> you don't get creativity doing so
<wifi> you learn how to copy cat
<a3Dman> I think creativity is by birth and stays for like 5 years
<a3Dman> that it goes away
<frankdrey> wifi, eh, "art is imitation"
<wifi> art is innovation you mean
<frankdrey> you can't really "copy cat" music
<wifi> yes
<wifi> everything copycat jupiter
<frankdrey> if people were 100% creative, everyone would have their own genre
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<frankdrey> why does rock have similar attributes?
<a3Dman> creativity is one of the stuff I always wanted to learn and read more about, but I didn't
<a3Dman> I want to read 13 bankers also
<a3Dman> no time to do anything now :(
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<a3Dman> zyra_: try 10.1?
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<zyra_> sorry had some sort of connection problem
<zyra_> asDman: i did that, but theres no stable out now, and the nightly build is to buggy
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<zyra_> also i have mentioned, that the signal is weak on the phone, but the laptop next to it has a perfekt one
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<a3Dman> zyra_: I use 10.1 myself
<a3Dman> on a sgs2 also
<zyra_> but theres no stable, not even a RC for the sgs3
<a3Dman> I know
<frankdrey> the labels "stable" "nightly" and "RC" are irrelevant
<frankdrey> don't judge the ROM by them
<frankdrey> Cm9 stable is buggier than cm10.1 nightly for my tablet
<a3Dman> looks like LAPD is having much fun now...
<zyra_> i have installed the system and freezes after installing gapps via clockwork-reco, so i downgraded to a stable version
<zyra_> *it freezes, sry
<frankdrey> did you install the latest gapps?
<frankdrey> you need new gapps, you know
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<zyra__> sry had connection fail - shitty webchat
<frankdrey> <frankdrey> did you install the latest gapps?
<frankdrey> <frankdrey> you need new gapps, you know
<zyra__> where do i find the new gapps - think i used the latest version
<zyra__> guess i had the latest version from
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<frankdrey> which one?
<zyra__> sry i renamed the file before i pushed it via adb
<frankdrey> eh, you sure you grabbed one for 4.2?
<frankdrey> not 4.1?
<zyra__> not entierly sure...
<zyra__> but what happened was, that i had message loop after booting the system, somehting like "install assisten has been shut down"
<zyra__> press ok, and it apears again and again