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<CapnKernel> @changelog i9100
<clibot> [Link] BBQLog - Official CyanogenMod 7, 9, 10 and 10.1 Changelog for Android distrubtion
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<rohhanpandya> hey
<rohhanpandya> can someone please provide me the change log for the latest cm10.1 nightly for the n7000
<rohhanpandya> the feb 3rd nightly
<rohhanpandya> Anyone?!?!?!
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<rohhanpandya> hey tweetergal
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<whitequark> @changelog n7000
<clibot> [Link] BBQLog - Official CyanogenMod 7, 9, 10 and 10.1 Changelog for Android distrubtion
<rohhanpandya> thanx a ton
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<matchbox101> Hello
<matchbox101> Can anyone help me with this problem
<matchbox101> after installing CM10 on my Galaxy S2 G
<matchbox101> phone can't recognize other SIM cards
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<hyperair> hmm, the clock in the dream mode in CM10.1 shows artifacts
<hyperair> it's like the next digit is drawn on top of the previous without first erasing it.
<DuperMan> wow. dream mode artifacts. PSYCHONAUTS
<a3Dman> hmm
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<DuperMan> dream mode='a screen saver, just cause phablets can afford running those'?
<a3Dman> huh?
<DuperMan> I played so little with 10.1 I'm unsure what dream mode is
<a3Dman> well, it's a screensaver for android runs when charged or docked
<DuperMan> ah. well, note 2 - my phablet could surely flash it when I eye it just for brags
<DuperMan> :P
<a3Dman> hyperair: it's a problem with mali that it's hard/impossible to fix
<DuperMan> across the board, all malis?
<DuperMan> I suppose you both refer to the tearing
<a3Dman> I think exynos 4
<a3Dman> yes
<a3Dman> keyboard glitches, shadow glitches, google now camera glitches, transparency glitches, etc
<DuperMan> iirc someone wrote something 'bout it (or a similar bug) in i9100s as well
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<DuperMan> oh. yeah, keyboard sure sucked BAD with cm10.1 on the n7000
<DuperMan> :)
<a3Dman> well, there's two ways, to use cm10.1 on mali, one with memleak and no glitches and one without memleak but with glitches
<DuperMan> are the screen saver clock artifacts at least a sexy confused texture pipe in 3d render purple?
<DuperMan> ;))
<DuperMan> ^ guess samsung chose leak
<a3Dman> I don't know
<a3Dman> samsung uses the blobs which causes leak on cm10.1
<a3Dman> but it doesn't leak on their rom
<a3Dman> not sure how they managed to fix it, no one knows...
<DuperMan> neither do I. I compile the most redundant builds for my note 2 yet keep it stock-ish
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> maybe it's flushed when no-one's looking?
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<a3Dman> no, it's a bad leak
<DuperMan> hmmm... sounds like the buffer is way too cozy in cm
<DuperMan> no dedicated vram on exynos soc's right?
<a3Dman> I don't know
<a3Dman> I think it shares the devices ram
<a3Dman> that's why you see 7xx-8xx mb
<DuperMan> cordoned off from the general pool. derpness
<DuperMan> seeing 1.83 here iirc :D
<a3Dman> mine is i9100
<DuperMan> n7100. so good.
<a3Dman> I don't think so
<a3Dman> do not want more samsung devices
<DuperMan> valid and fascinating opinion
<DuperMan> brb
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<addi> a3Dman, I'm more of the opinion that I simply can't buy non-Nexus devices anymore. just the thought of waiting for updates and all that bloat scares me :X
<addi> but I guess with Samsung devices in a bad state with CM etc, I wouldn't buy Samsung either now when it comes to non-Nexus devices
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<hyperair> a3Dman: mali?
* hyperair wonders if aosp also has the leaks
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<hyperair> hmm, i noticed some known-issues blah blah about animations not being smooth in CM10.1, but after flipping the option to use the GPU for rendering 2D things, everything works nice and smooth
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<a3Dman> addi: fair enough
<a3Dman> hyperair: the problems only happen with any aosp-based rom
<a3Dman> it's only working with stock
<hyperair> ugh
<hyperair> so basically there's a downstream patch that fixes the issue.
<a3Dman> hyperair: they tried to fix it
<hyperair> tried?
<hyperair> does that mean they failed?
<a3Dman> yes
<clibot> [Link] Gerrit Code Review
<clibot> [Link] Gerrit Code Review
<a3Dman> as you see, it affects 421x
<a3Dman> using r2p4 causes insane memory leak, using r3p0 causes glitches
<a3Dman> no third choice
<hyperair> =\
<hyperair> that sucks. but isn't the source for r2p4 and r3p0 there? is it possible to diff it and see what's wrong?
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<a3Dman> r2p4 and r3p0 are binary blobs
<a3Dman> they don't work because samsung is being non standard
<hyperair> ugh
<hyperair> here i was thinking that samsung had the best support for custom ROMs. what other brands are better?
<Espenfjo> Nexus!
<a3Dman> I think sony is the most friendly manufacture, having nexus device will give you 100% aosp support
<a3Dman> that's it...
<hyperair> but isn't nexus currently being handled by samsung?
<whitequark> doesn't sony have anal drm?
<a3Dman> hyperair: nope, nexus support comes from google
<a3Dman> and latest nexus is lg
<hyperair> ah i see.
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<geoff_i9100> hi! when i go to the app manager and click move to SD option for an app - it gets moved into the external SD Card and not the internal mem/internal SD Card
<geoff_i9100> before i ever used a external sdcard, apps always used to get copied to the internal sd card. also when i remove the external sd card and try move to sd card - it says no sufficient memory/space
<geoff_i9100> can anyone help to move/install app sto th einternal SD Card so that i can use the external one just for movies
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<geoff_i9100> i removed my external sd card and installed a 2 mp google sky map app. i have 10gb+ internal memory [internal SD card] but when i try to use move app to sd option it says i dont have sufficient space
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<bealtine> i have samsung iphone it not work why?
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<addi> i have apple ipad and it no have samsung logo why?
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<geoff_i9100> gonna ask my question again since new ppl have joined
<mjt> there are several filesystems in there, not just data
<mjt> and you have some room on all of them
<geoff_i9100> all my android apps get moved to the external sd card when i click move to sd card. how do i get back the default option of moving them back to the internal sd card
<mjt> you need to have*
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<geoff_i9100> is there any file i need to edit so that move to sd card copies the apps to the internal sd card
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<geoff_i9100> i just read an article that the system will use the internal sdcard till its full and then store apps on the external sdcard
<geoff_i9100> i took out my external sd card and and even tho i have 8gb + space on th einternal sdcard it says insufficient memory/space when i try to move an app to the internal sdcard
<geoff_i9100> i think this is the reason why app sget installed onto my external sdcard
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<geoff_i9100> k bye
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<BoogoMan> Hey I have some question about 't0lte'
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<BoogoMan> couldbe that there is a missing driver in t0lte ROM
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<BoogoMan> ??
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<Raccoon> Does anyone know of an S3 case that can hook a lanyard cord? Finding this search frustrating. (#android,##galaxy,#teamhacksung-support)
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<robert_> hello
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<greg> Hello! Does anyone know if the t0lte Bluetooth call quality issues have been resolved? Thanks!
<wifi> Best place to look for information are developers thread and user thread
<greg> Yeah, I've been tracking those. This Bluetooth issue has been flying below the radar until someone runs into it and complains.
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<greg> I've asked to have it added to the teamhacksung known issues list, but so far no luck
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<tuhoojabotti> omg, nexus 4 arrived
<tuhoojabotti> but not here yet..
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<Manadar> Hi everyone
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<Yohan> Hai.
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<waratte> Hai.
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<Yohan> when I go to cherry-pick something from gerrit, I should have already run git-init, right?
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<waratte> Yep.
<Yohan> It's not in the wiki. it just says to do the cherry-pick.
<waratte> Better safe than sorry.
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<Yohan> well actually, waratte. it was fine till I tried to apply something else. then it broke again.
<waratte> Oh well.
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<clibot> [Link] Gerrit Code Review
<Yohan> those two
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<alex____> sorry, was on the wrong page
<chadouming_work> uh ?
<alex____> this is my first rom flash , on a stock phone. no data lte/4g everything else works fine
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<chadouming_work> verify your apn if they are correct
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<alex____> apn lte
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<alex____> I just switchted the settings back and appears to be working...
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<samsungnooby> hello?
<NerdyGuitarist> hi
<waratte> Hey
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<sumsangnooby> I'm you now.
<samsungnooby> is this channel still active in regards to CM10 support?
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<samsungnooby> ...
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<NerdyGuitarist> samsungnooby, sure, what's the problem?
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<samsungnooby> My Captivate was running CM10 *stable*
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<samsungnooby> for many months (i'd say a year now)
<samsungnooby> and just last night i turned my phone on and the captivate attempts a boot, freezes on the "Galaxy S: Cyanogenmod" screen, and then proceeds to a screen with a lot of script and a dead android figure in the background
<NerdyGuitarist> give me an example of some the "script"
<samsungnooby> give me 2 min.? i'll try to load it a few times to get the most from what i can see.
<NerdyGuitarist> okie
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<samsungnooby> from what i see there is some error regarding an SD card
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<NerdyGuitarist> hmmk, i assume you haven't messed with your sd card recently
<samsungnooby> nope; the sd card has not been touched
<NerdyGuitarist> my best guess is that something got corrupted...
<samsungnooby> i assume that that is the case as well
<NerdyGuitarist> so it seems like you might need to flash back to stock, with a pit to repartition...
<samsungnooby> i can still access clockwork recovery mode
<samsungnooby> and a download mode
<samsungnooby> so those both function
<NerdyGuitarist> yeah
<samsungnooby> i don't mind flashing a new CM10 to it
<NerdyGuitarist> hmm...can you access your files in CWM?
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<NerdyGuitarist> when you go to choose zip to flash?
<samsungnooby> its just difficult to find the stock rom
<samsungnooby> i can
<samsungnooby> i can access files
<NerdyGuitarist> hmm, then internal storage is fine
<NerdyGuitarist> just reflash your cm10
angelsl has quit [Quit: Do not look directly at the operational end of the device.]
<NerdyGuitarist> stable if you want, even
<samsungnooby> to reflash cm10
<samsungnooby> i have to backtrack to stock
<samsungnooby> is that correct?
<NerdyGuitarist> no
<NerdyGuitarist> what's your exact device model?
<NerdyGuitarist> ex. on
<clibot> [Link] CyanogenMod Downloads
<samsungnooby> captivatemtd
<NerdyGuitarist> do you have an external sd?
<samsungnooby> yes
<samsungnooby> before we continue*
<samsungnooby> i'll mention that the ext sd
<samsungnooby> is a 16 gb
<NerdyGuitarist> download this too:
<clibot> [Link] Downloads - Downloading
<samsungnooby> ive read that some cm10's will have issues reading the 16gb
<NerdyGuitarist> but it worked fine before?
<samsungnooby> yes
<samsungnooby> there is no error now
<samsungnooby> i'm just asking about the process of troubleshooting
<NerdyGuitarist> huh?
<samsungnooby> actually, disregard the questions arround the ext sd
<samsungnooby> :P
<samsungnooby> okok so dling the google apps and cm10 rom
<NerdyGuitarist> ok, put them on the external sd when dl'ed
<samsungnooby> not internal?
<NerdyGuitarist> and go into CWM
<NerdyGuitarist> if you can't boot into android, how will you put on internal?
<samsungnooby> ah... i see.
<NerdyGuitarist> do you know adb?
<samsungnooby> i.. do not. :P
<samsungnooby> i flashed with odin...
<NerdyGuitarist> ok, then we'll use external sd ;)
<NerdyGuitarist> there's one way to put on internal sd, but external is simpler
<NerdyGuitarist> :P
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<|Night|> anyone tested carbon?
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<samsungnooby> still downloading..
<|Night|> what is
<NerdyGuitarist> |Night|, carbon?
<clibot> [Link] Carbon - App Sync and Backup - Android Apps auf Google Play
<NerdyGuitarist> meh
<samsungnooby> srry to interrupt, Night :)
<|Night|> ::P
<|Night|> no issue
<samsungnooby> i have my phone mounted to pc and all files are dl'd
<|Night|> i just joiend so i saw nothing before 23:44:38
<samsungnooby> so i mount/install all .zip files to the external now, yes?
<NerdyGuitarist> samsungnooby, copy them to the external sd
<NerdyGuitarist> tell me when that is done
<Thiagovfar> |Night|: I think this one is a little bit better:
<clibot> [Link] FolderSync Lite - Android Apps auf Google Play
<|Night|> id like a sms backup app
<samsungnooby> copying...
<|Night|> any suggestion?
<|Night|> SMS Backup+ takes for fucking ever
<|Night|> it took 10 hours last time
<samsungnooby> * i have gapps and cm10 already on the external
<samsungnooby> should i just format the external
<samsungnooby> and recopy?
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<clibot> [Link] SMS Backup & Restore - Android Apps auf Google Play
<|Night|> you use it ?
<Thiagovfar> Sure I do
<|Night|> does it backup to my dropbox/gdrive?
<|Night|> or to local
<|Night|> SMS backup uploads to my gmail
<samsungnooby> *copied*
<Thiagovfar> Yes, it does, with the aid of a "plugin"
<Thiagovfar> Just look for it and install
<NerdyGuitarist> samsungnooby, format? whY?
<NerdyGuitarist> how did you have them already?
<samsungnooby> i had files on the external from a previous flash of cm10
<samsungnooby> and gapps
<NerdyGuitarist> hmm, well copy these if they're not the same
<samsungnooby> done :)
<NerdyGuitarist> ok, go to Mounts & Storage
<NerdyGuitarist> and do format /system
<NerdyGuitarist> now flash cm10 zip, and then gapps zip
<NerdyGuitarist> now, we're gonna see if this will work without wiping data
<NerdyGuitarist> but if it still borks, you might need to wipe data
<NerdyGuitarist> and if that doesnt work, start over from stock :P
<Thiagovfar> And if that doesn't work?
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<NerdyGuitarist> you, sir, are fked
<Thiagovfar> Its just a phone, anyway
<NerdyGuitarist> :P
<samsungnooby> currently working at like.. 1000 mph...
<samsungnooby> ogad
<samsungnooby> now.. i'm fucked
<samsungnooby> i'm stuck on
<samsungnooby> galaxy s gt-19000 screen
<samsungnooby> no cyanogenmod10 screen :P
<NerdyGuitarist> hmmm...
<NerdyGuitarist> wipe data, i guess :|
<chadouming_home> gt-19000, 10 000 phones after gt-i9100
<samsungnooby> uhm.
<samsungnooby> now i can't get back to cwm
<samsungnooby> eh....
<samsungnooby> new phone?
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<stelleg> anyone get dmesg output for heimdall detect saying "connect-debounce failed, port 4 disabled"
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<stelleg> along with the heimdall message Failed to detect compatible download-mode device
<Thiagovfar> samsungnooby: Ship the old one to me
<Thiagovfar> samsungnooby: Can you get to download mode?
<NerdyGuitarist> samsungnooby, try flashing stock with a pit with odin
<NerdyGuitarist> i think we can confirm that your filesystem is fked up
<NerdyGuitarist> well...partitioning
<mjt> what's a pit?
<samsungnooby> ship?
<samsungnooby> you can fix this?
<NerdyGuitarist> mjt, file with partitions
<samsungnooby> is there anything i can do from my end to fix this?
<NerdyGuitarist> defined
<NerdyGuitarist> samsungnooby, try to flash stock with odin, making sure to also flash a pit file
<samsungnooby> well i can't get into cmw or dload mode :P
<samsungnooby> will odin still work?
<Thiagovfar> Hell no
<Thiagovfar> Pull the battery
<Thiagovfar> Wait a few moments
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<Thiagovfar> put it back on and try again, directly to download mode
<Thiagovfar> Get odin ready
<Thiagovfar> Hope you have enough battery
<NerdyGuitarist> Samsung put a timer on your device :3
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<chadouming_home> that reset with a 106K resistor pinned to pin 4 and 5 of the usb port
<chadouming_home> 151K
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<NerdyGuitarist> <- samsungnooby you should be able to find stock Roms here
<clibot> [Link] [Stock ROMs](OneClicks Master Collection)+[Kernels (Stock & w/ CWM)]+[Modems] UPDATED - xda-develope...
<clibot> [Link]
<waratte> o_O
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<samsungnooby> kk
<samsungnooby> phone goes into dl mode
<Thiagovfar> Odin it
<samsungnooby> odin'n it
<samsungnooby> will take a while
<NerdyGuitarist> chadouming_home, it's one of those parked domain search page things :|
<samsungnooby> as this will take a while, is there any contact info that i can attain from either thiagovfar or nerdyguitarist?
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<NerdyGuitarist> !ip
<clibot> NerdyGuitarist: Unknown command "ip"
<NerdyGuitarist> !whois host
<clibot> NerdyGuitarist: Unknown command "whois"
<NerdyGuitarist> !geo host
<clibot> NerdyGuitarist: {country: "United States", region: "California", city: "El Segundo", latlong: {33.916397, -118.4041}, time: "Mon 15:25 PST"}
<NerdyGuitarist> still the parked domain :|
<samsungnooby> afk until odin completes
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<waratte> I agree.
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<Thiagovfar> what did he say?
<Thiagovfar> Ni
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