nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
<codeworkx> dafuq?
<Kihokki> codeworkx, Any idea how to calibrate gyro on CM10.1 SGS2?
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> isnt there something at advanced settings?
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<Kihokki> Umm sorry, it must be a problem with compass. I tried to use Google Sky Map but the map is just bouncing on my eyes when I move it and I tried to put on dampening and set slower sensor speed
<Kihokki> So I just calibrate compass by turning device over and over?
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<tuhoojabotti> Kihokki: Muistaakseni pitää pyöritellä kahdeksikon kuviossa
<Bert_> Why should he do around in circles?
<tuhoojabotti> this app has calibration mode, I think
<clibot> Compass - Android Apps on Google Play
<tuhoojabotti> might work
<tuhoojabotti> well actually it just tells you to do the figure eight.
<Bert_> Ah, ok. I guess Google Translate was correct! :-)
<tuhoojabotti> Time to go back to sleep, night
<Jiangyi> NerdyGuitarist: Guess what just happened to me? ._.
<Bert_> You got abducted by aliens and were time traveled back 5 minutes?
<Jiangyi> No
<Jiangyi> I found $100 on the ground at a mall :-S
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<Bert_> Keep half for you and the rest pay it forward.
<whitequark> Jiangyi: a monthly wage in china?
<Jiangyi> lol sure
<whitequark> also yes, split it in half
<whitequark> with scissors
<whitequark> afaik US bills are still valid if there's more than 1/6 left
<Bert_> You need more than 5/8 for 100%, less than 50% you get less than 50%. 1/6 must pay out less than 1/6 of face value.
<whitequark> Bert_: hm, for AUD you get exactly the face value * surface left
<whitequark> which is kinda neat if you think about it
<whitequark> they're also plastic
<NerdyGuitarist> Jiangyi, :O
<Bert_> We, in Canada, have also issues new "plastic" notes for the three highest denominations (100, 50, 20). 10 and 5 are still to come.
<chadouming_home> eh
<chadouming_home> those are cool yet stupid at the same time
<chadouming_home> you cant rip them
<chadouming_home> however, they melt
<chadouming_home> xD
<Jiangyi> whitequark: Yep, plastic bills xD
<chadouming_home> dont forget them into your jeans in dryer
<chadouming_home> oh, and if you use a laser in the transparent part, they make a nice hologram
* Jiangyi doesn't wear jeans
<chadouming_home> kilt ?
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> track pants :-P
<whitequark> chadouming_home: dryer?..
<chadouming_home> clothe dryer
<chadouming_home> cloths*
<whitequark> hmm
<Jiangyi> chadouming_home: On the melting things, old bills would just burn, so this is an improvement xD
<Bert_> You can wash the kilt all you want... The money is in the sporn.
<Jiangyi> thing*
<whitequark> never seen this machine anywhere
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* Jiangyi has one, but never use it
<chadouming_home> Jiangyi, never burn a bill while in a laundry dryer
<Jiangyi> ._. How do you even do that?
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<whitequark> lol the photo in russian wiki doesn't even feature a real dryer
<chadouming_home> forget your money in your pocket while washing ?
<whitequark> instead it's a cat in the washing machine for some reason
<Jiangyi> lolwhut
<Jiangyi> ._.
<chadouming_home> btw, it's something you need to have here. Unless you want to hang your clothes at -36°C
<Jiangyi> chadouming_home: I just hang them in my furnace/laundry room. xP
<clibot> Сушильная машина — Википедия
<chadouming_home> dont have laundry room on my apartement xD
* Jiangyi lives in a house
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* a3Dman lives in a palace
* chadouming_home lives
<a3Dman> :O
<Jiangyi> YOLO
<a3Dman> I consider yolo a failure anyway
<a3Dman> specially when doing something stupid before saying it xD
<chadouming_home> eh, yolo is not a failure, it's a fact
<chadouming_home> yes you only live once
<chadouming_home> doesnt mean you need to make everyone to stop your unique life
<a3Dman> stating it during a doing something stupid is the fail
<chadouming_home> the fail is at first doing something stupid for no good reason
<chadouming_home> some people do stupid things for money
<chadouming_home> for fame
<Jiangyi> Remember the failed Bulgarian assassination? lol
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<chadouming_home> but because you only live once ? duh
<a3Dman> that was fail, I think he said yolo before doing that, Jiangyi
<a3Dman> I believe in living two lives anyway
<a3Dman> :D
<whitequark> YOLT
<a3Dman> fix'd
<Jiangyi> YOLT is also a 007 movie xD
<a3Dman> yeah
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<AliSadiq> g
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<chadouming_home> lol
<chadouming_home> that was epic
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<a3Dman> yes
<clibot> Second View - Assassination attempt against Bulgarian politician Ahmed Dogan - YouTube
<Jiangyi> Oh look, a different angle :-D
<chadouming_home> LOL
<chadouming_home> google is trolling me
<chadouming_home> looking at jiangyi video
<chadouming_home> ads
<Jiangyi> xD
<chadouming_home> gunfights doesnt give a second chance
<chadouming_home> xD
<Jiangyi> oh the irony xD
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* whitequark is patching transmission torrent client with streaming support
<whitequark> fucking upstream
<whitequark> "this will harm network", they say
<whitequark> "not going to be implemented", they say
<chadouming_home> eh, use vlc
<chadouming_home> stream easily
<whitequark> chadouming_home: does it stream torrents?
<chadouming_home> ah, dont think so
<whitequark> duh
<chadouming_home> it can stream video tho :D
<chadouming_home> and audio
<whitequark> idgaf
<whitequark> i wanna torrents
<chadouming_home> eh
<whitequark> i not wanna downloading 10g prior to watching
<whitequark> i wanna it NAO
<whitequark> COMPILING
<whitequark> anymore.
<whitequark> are you only doing whatever gives you immediate satisfaction and do not care about long-term goals?!
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<chadouming_home> eh
<chadouming_home> yup
<whitequark> (well, probably no, because then you would be masturbating right now. but I might be close.)
<chadouming_home> long-term goal are so 80'
<chadouming_home> we are a generation of right now
<whitequark> how old are you?
<chadouming_home> 21
<whitequark> hm. yeah. pretty much.
<chadouming_home> nope
<chadouming_home> compatibility is also a thing from the past
<whitequark> we need to rebuild every single thing
<chadouming_home> now you can get something new that is cheaper than maintaining old device
<whitequark> in webscale
<whitequark> ls doesn't scale
<whitequark> cat doesn't support sharding!
<whitequark> how could you use it
<whitequark> *ahem*
<chadouming_home> you make your own tool for what you need ?
<whitequark> chadouming_home: that was a reference to
<clibot> MongoDB is web scale
<whitequark> watch it, it's awesome
<whitequark> you gotta have general webdev knowledge though
<chadouming_home> lol
<chadouming_home> but . . . but . . . no-sql
<chadouming_home> it's so performant !
<chadouming_home> even google use it
<whitequark> i can cite it almost completely from just my memory :D
<chadouming_home> lol
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<whitequark> hmm
<whitequark> I guess ten minutes could have been an underestimation
<whitequark> oh awesome, it stopped crashing
<chadouming_home> lol
<chadouming_home> isnt there any torrent client with streaming ?
<chadouming_home> wonder if deluge does it
<whitequark> idgaf, i want it in transmission
<whitequark> regardless of what transmission devs want. devs are irrelevant
<chadouming_home> why ?
<whitequark> mhm. transmission is small, integrates with kde and convenient
<whitequark> deluge is what, java?
<whitequark> how much hundred megs to download?
<whitequark> oh python+gtk
<chadouming_home> not much
<chadouming_home> don't know exactly
<chadouming_home> eh
<whitequark> python -> out of question
<chadouming_home> haha
<whitequark> it can do OOM and that's it
<chadouming_home> works well here
<chadouming_home> and i dont think it does streaming tho
<whitequark> i still remember when adding `killall -9 python' to ubuntu's crontab provided a huge speedup
<chadouming_home> lol
<whitequark> without noticeable decrease in functionality
<whitequark> I *actually* had that precise line
<whitequark> not joking
<chadouming_home> why not simply remove python ?
<whitequark> some system crap depends on it, so you'd end up removing pretty much everything
<whitequark> dbus or something like that
<chadouming_home> eh
<whitequark> it doesn't even actually depend, there's just python bindings inside
<chadouming_home> install arch, faster
<chadouming_home> :D
<whitequark> it's a fucking lot of fun when you're trying to fit it into an embedded system
<whitequark> morons
<chadouming_home> eh, y u insult me
* chadouming_home cries.
<whitequark> python is an engineering disaster *and* an awful language *and* a community which cannot transition to a slightly less fucked up version for how much years, 5?
<whitequark> that "morons" was about people in freedesktop which screw up dbus for embedded btw
<whitequark> the same people who now push systemd
<chadouming_home> eh, could you do a systemd alternative ?
<whitequark> there isn't a need to
<chadouming_home> without taking the time in consideration
<chadouming_home> and that is not the question
<chadouming_home> or a dbus alternative
<whitequark> I'm not sure what are you asking
<whitequark> am I able to write a piece of software of complexity comparable with systemd?
<chadouming_home> do you have the competence/knowledge to write an alternative software like dbus
<chadouming_home> that wouldnt use pytho
<chadouming_home> n
<whitequark> dbus doesn't use python; dbus is pretty good
<whitequark> but debian packaging works that way that it requires dbus
<whitequark> on the other hand systemd is a piece of crap
<chadouming_home> ah
<whitequark> and well
<whitequark> my day job includes writing an optimizing compiler for ruby with type inference
<whitequark> which probably qualifies as "yes".
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<chadouming_home> then do it and make money out of it :D
<whitequark> lolwat
<chadouming_home> there is a place to make money everywhere
<chadouming_home> make it "for enterprise"
<chadouming_home> and make a special distro
<chadouming_home> and sell it :D
<whitequark> meh
<whitequark> enterprise is pretty much fine with systemv
<whitequark> anything newer wouldn't be ancient enough
<whitequark> smth from the end of '80s, just fine
<chadouming_home> lol
<chadouming_home> maturity problem
<whitequark> exactly
<whitequark> I'm actually totally fine with systemv on servers
<whitequark> on desktops it doesn't quite make sense
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<whitequark> hmmm
<whitequark> doesn't stream :/
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<whitequark> haha it works
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<clibot> whitequark/transmission · GitHub
<chadouming_home> nice
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<clibot> Linus Torvalds - No More Bricks for Samsung Laptops
<Jiangyi> Derp Samsung :/
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<lHlAlTlEl> hello
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<clibot> Gerrit Code Review
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<mastercs> hi am asking about sharing files with wifi is included in CM10.1 ?
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<CapnKernel> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 i9100 tf300t
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<CapnKernel> @downloads galaxys2
<bbqbot> Download at:
<clibot> CyanogenMod Downloads
<CapnKernel> @downloads i9100
<bbqbot> Download at:
<clibot> CyanogenMod Downloads
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<CapnKernel> Hello. Are there CyanogenMod builds for S2 that aren't nightlies? (Would rather try out something more stable)
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> nightlies are stable
<CapnKernel> Do I have to know anything about radios or anything about where a phone was sold vs where it's being used? Or is a nightly such as a one-size-fits-all?
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> follow the instructions
<CapnKernel> Forgive my ignorance guys, not trolling, just clueless
<CapnKernel> Nightlies have problems from time to time, yeah?
<codeworkx> maybe
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<CapnKernel> I'm looking at the instructions: 2. Power off the Galaxy S II and connect the USB adapter to the computer but not to the Galaxy S II. 3. Boot the Galaxy S II into download mode by holding down Volume Down, Home & Power while connecting via USB.
<CapnKernel> It's unclear at which stage one connects the phone to USB. Before or after holding down Down, Home and Power?
<codeworkx> when it's already in download mode
<CapnKernel> So put the phone into download mode, then connect the cable?
<codeworkx> 100%
<CapnKernel> Is there a way to slurp the contents of the phone down to the PC so it can be restored 100% later?
<codeworkx> you can always flash full stock roms back
<CapnKernel> Fair enough
<CapnKernel> "heimdall flash --kernel zImage" transfers a new kernel to the phone, is that right?
<dmitry_a> CapnKernel: Hello. I connect usb at any time
<dmitry_a> CapnKernel: if I understand right, it setups image for recovery mode
<dmitry_a> Hello!
<CapnKernel> dmitry_a: zImage is the kernel file, right?
<dmitry_a> How can I update nightly build and donot reinstall all application?
<dmitry_a> CapnKernel: But [that is interesting] after heimdall you can load official samsung firmware
<dmitry_a> CapnKernel: So, it seems like zImage doesn't replace stock firmware
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<dmitry_a> CapnKernel: If I undrstand right, there are 3 "kernels": bootloader (Volume Down), recodevy image (Volume Up, clockwork), and main image (official or CM)
<CapnKernel> Nobody is answering my question.
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<codeworkx> CapnKernel: zImage = kernel + initial ramdisk
<CapnKernel> Yes I know, I'm a Linux kernel developer
<CapnKernel> Used Linux since 1993. Just don't know how things are done on Android phones. Back to being a newbie! :-)
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<dmitry_a> 802.11n and 5GHz are now available [in CM]!!! Samsung disabled them in their firmware for Russia
<Ravenheart> the bastards
<dmitry_a> because usage of 5GHz are prohibited in many regions of Russia (: So, Samsung decided disable 5GHz in Android 4 (:
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<dmitry_a> and samsung has disabled 802.11N (: only B/G is available in Android 4
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<dmitry_a> can I update nightly CM from menu "About"?
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<a11r> please check my new software, i coded it, any advises would be appreciated.
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<Ravenheart> thats not at all suspicous
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<angelsl> wait
<angelsl> does TV out refer to HDMI out? on the i9100
<Espenfjo> yes
<Espenfjo> tv out/hdmi (out)/mhl etc.
<tuhoojabotti> Does tv out work on the n4
<tuhoojabotti> well I suppose why not
<codeworkx> tuhoojabotti: everything is working on n4
<tuhoojabotti> yeah, obviously
<tuhoojabotti> I just hope the customs won't confiscate my n4. :S
<tuhoojabotti> And that my friend doesn't run away with my money.
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<jomp16> Hello!
<Thiagovfar> Hi
<Thiagovfar> @geo user tuhoojabotti
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for tuhoojabotti
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for
<jomp16> Hey, the Superuser is breaking the Jenkins build!
<jomp16> In Mako build show this: error: packages/apps/Superuser/: CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Superuser checkout b7a63e0d8c3bf5236e757aff7f6eac0611884bce
<Thiagovfar> Github derping...
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<gudwns> yy
<gudwns> g
<gudwns> g
<gudwns> g
<gudwns> hi?
<gudwns> HI?
<gudwns> HELLO
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<tuhoojabotti> Thiagovfar: you fool
<tuhoojabotti> Thiagovfar: That would give you Helsinki, Finland
<tuhoojabotti> Because that's where the server is
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<Sulittttt> helllo
<JovoJofo> hi
<Sulittttt> Hello?
<Sulittttt> can anyone help mo?
<Thiagovfar> tuhoojabotti: You access IRC via a proxy server?
<Sulittttt> *me>?
<JovoJofo> yeah maybea
<JovoJofo> Sulittttt: ask the question buddy!
<Sulittttt> how do i know if i have a safe kernel?
<Sulittttt> im using sgs2
<JovoJofo> Sulittttt: do you mean with safe = stable or secure
<Sulittttt> because im gonna flash miui rom
<jomp16> Any kernel from CyanogenMod is safe?
<Sulittttt> whatttt?
<jomp16> Nevermind
<Space-> jomp16, he means the efs brick
<JovoJofo> yea the stock (normal) from cyanogenmod is 99.9
<JovoJofo> % safe
<Sulittttt> how do i know if my kernel is safe?
<JovoJofo> if you want to flash miui rom, just follow the instruction of miui rom
<Sulittttt> can you give me tha link?
<JovoJofo> wait
<Sulittttt> my kernel version is
<Sulittttt> 3.0.31 -462349
<Sulittttt> is that safe?
<jomp16> EFS brick? never heard of it
<Sulittttt> heyyy
<jomp16> The Exynos exploit?
<jomp16> Sulittttt: if you want a safe kernel use stock ROM and not the custom rom :-)
<Sulittttt> ohh okay,, so i'm gonna flash my stock rom right?
<Sulittttt> and install the miui?
<JovoJofo> wait
<JovoJofo> this link provide you a download and instruction
<jomp16> Any ROM .zip flash the own kernel...
<Sulittttt> is it the latest miui?
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<JovoJofo> it should be the newest
<bealtine> umm if you want support for miui go to a miui channel?
<JovoJofo> have someone t0lte ? I have some question?
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<tuhoojabotti> Thiagovfar: No.
<tuhoojabotti> Thiagovfar: I access IRC via ssh server
<bealtine> i access irc via vpn when i'm out
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<tuhoojabotti> this is a cheaper solution
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<Bert_> Where do I find the current CWM for a p7510 (or any device actually)?
<bealtine> oh cwm
<tuhoojabotti> get.cwm
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<bealtine> somewhere on
<bealtine> or xda
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<Jiangyi> Did Samsung even make Android phones back in 2009......
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<Bert_> bealtine, thank. Now, what do I do with the img file? How do I tar md5 it? All the CWM instructions have you load recovery.tar.md5
<bealtine> look on xda for odin compatible cwm
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<Thiagovfar> Notifications panel is misbehaving on i9100. When you rotate the screen, the Notifications panel doesn't properly resize. Could anyone check that?
<Bert_> Looks like that long list of changes to the i9100 brought some new bugs in. :-( Usually releases, even the nightlies are decent.
<Thiagovfar> Did you check it?
<Thiagovfar> Because I don't know if I broke it or it was already like this.
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Check that on your phone.
<Bert_> Well, it was just easier to install the CWM app and update it from there.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i dont care about fm radio
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: and it's samsungs official driver
<bealtine> i love my fmradio:)
<codeworkx> hope it dies
<bealtine> nevah
<codeworkx> playing shit the whole day in a low low low low quality
<codeworkx> no need
<codeworkx> kkthxbye
<Jiangyi> :/
<bealtine> low quality?
<Jiangyi> Free radio is free
<Bert_> And, for anyone who cares.... My continually rebooting p7510? flashed it back to stock 4.0.4 from Samsung (ugly as hell) and it's not rebooting anymore. Just flashed the 10.1 nighly and it looks fine too! Though I will now have 2 tablets, since I ordered the Nexus 10. Oh, well. Mother's day is around the corner.
<bealtine> the solution is to use streaming radio?
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<codeworkx> bealtine: mp3 :-P
<codeworkx> bealtine: be your own dj
<codeworkx> playlist and go
* Jiangyi no haz data
<bealtine> anyway I love my fmraio for when I'm out of 3g coverage
<bealtine> i rarely listen to music
<codeworkx> mp3 works without network xD
<bealtine> heh
<bealtine> i like listening to the news when I'm in the country
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: It looks fine here, but the redraw animation is horrible
<bealtine> i'm doing a google maps thingy so ppl can visualize coverage out in the sticks
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Doesn't it fail to resize, after some tries?
* Jiangyi likes Jazz FM too much
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Not really
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Like, you go from landscape to portrait and the notification bar is only half the height?
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<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: i'll try making a vid when I come back
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Then, it must be device specific... That, or I borked the thing
<Firebolt145> so i ordered a nexus 4 a couple days ago
<Jiangyi> Could be HDPI?
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: You film yours too, and we'll compare
<Thiagovfar> I bet it could be samsung.
<Firebolt145> am i right in saying that CM10.1 for nexus 4 has the full project butter implemented?
<Thiagovfar> Nexus has everything
<bealtine> including the ability to butter yout toast
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Gief meh your spare N4
<codeworkx> i dont have a spare
<Jiangyi> The creaking on mine is getting annoying T_T
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Didn't you order another one a few days ago? o_O
<bealtine> get an old nokia:)
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: no
<codeworkx> Firebolt145: you didn't understand yet what a nexus device is?
<Firebolt145> i do
<codeworkx> probably not
<codeworkx> "<Firebolt145> am i right in saying that CM10.1 for nexus 4 has the full project butter implemented?"
<Jiangyi> :/
<Firebolt145> well, that's why i'm clarifying
<bealtine> nexus = showcase for android
<Firebolt145> the differences between cm10.1 and stock
<codeworkx> cm10.1 is based on AOSP
<Firebolt145> coming from SGS2, i'm not quite sure what is implemented and what isn't in CM10.1 compared to stock
<codeworkx> cm has nothing to do with stock
<codeworkx> on samsung phones
<Firebolt145> yep, i understand that
<Thiagovfar> Android itself is made to run on Nexus
<Firebolt145> i meant cm10.1 compared to stock 4.2
<Thiagovfar> everything will work
<bealtine> its aosp + additions
<Firebolt145> but cm10.1 offers additional functionality on top, right?
<Thiagovfar> cm is AOSP + awesome features
<Firebolt145> ah, okay
<Firebolt145> that's exactly what i wanted to hear
<Firebolt145> just wanted to clarify the point of flashing cm10.1 on top of a nexus since it already had stock
<codeworkx> silent hours = killer feature
<Firebolt145> is that where it automatically goes into silent mode at certain hours?
<codeworkx> right
<Firebolt145> well, my nexus 4 should hopefully arrive sometime this/next week
<codeworkx> takes less than 24 hours in germany :-P
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<Firebolt145> thanks codeworkx for all the work you put into sgs2, made a good phone a great phone, even with samsung being samsung ^_^
<codeworkx> i never liked it
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Yeah, I'll make a video. It is broken on the official nightlies too. Not my fault =)
<codeworkx> the only samsung phone i liked was the galaxy nexus
<Jiangyi> Guess I'll have to RMA mine
<Firebolt145> well my first android was galaxy S, and then i got the S2 until now
<Firebolt145> so i never experienced the others
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<Bert_> Is USB connection broken in the latest p7510 nightly? Plugging it in to my and not getting the USB drive or MTP connection.
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<hyperair> @downloads gt-i9300
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<hyperair> @downloads i9300
<bbqbot> Download at:
<clibot> CyanogenMod Downloads
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<tuhoojabotti> codeworkx: I like using Tasker and wifi nearby when I'm at school.
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<Devourz> @downloads i9100
<bbqbot> Download at:
<clibot> CyanogenMod Downloads
<DDave> @download gapps
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<DDave> ha ha!
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<clibot> Downloads - Browsing gapps
<DDave> Very friendly of your, dear Bert_
<Bobbetto> Hello I have a question.I would compile cm10.1 for n7100.When I execute I notice some "file not found" in output and <brunch n7100> fail with "No make rule to target blablabla". I removed the incriminated lines and changed certain to match my files, like "bcm4334_semcosh.hcd" in "bcm4334_semco.hcd". It's the right way to go?? For now it compile...
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<codeworkx> Bobbetto: you have to be on CM 10.1 when you do the extract
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<Bobbetto> @codeworkx: Thank you. I've follow the build guide on cyanogenmod wiki.Now it seems to compile... Sorry, I'm a newbie :) and non English as you can see :(
<bbqbot> Bobbetto: Command does not exist!
<Bobbetto> :) Package complete!! :) :)
<Bobbetto> Now I can flash from recovery, right??
<Thiagovfar> Bobbetto: at your own risk
<Bobbetto> O_O'
<Bobbetto> Is dangerous for my phone?? It's 7 days old...
<Bobbetto> Ok, ok, i'm doing a nandroid backup...
<Thiagovfar> Since you built it yourself, you'll have to take the responsability for it. You might have done something wrong. There might be a last-minute-change which breaks everything, and you have just pulled it in. This sort of thing. But, in general, it should be safe.
<Jiangyi> Back
<Bobbetto> Ok, thank you Thiagovfar
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<Bobbetto> Anyway I've removed from system/device/samsung/n7100/
<Bobbetto> adb pull /system/usr/keylayout/sec_touchkey.kl ../../../vendor/$MANUFACTURER/$DEVICE/proprietary/system/usr/keylayout/sec_touchkey.kl
<Bobbetto> adb pull /system/vendor/firmware/SlimISP_GK.bin ../../../vendor/$MANUFACTURER/$DEVICE/proprietary/system/vendor/firmware/SlimISP_GK.bin
<Bobbetto> adb pull /system/vendor/firmware/SlimISP_ZK.bin ../../../vendor/$MANUFACTURER/$DEVICE/proprietary/system/vendor/firmware/SlimISP_ZK.bin
<Bobbetto> and from PRODUCT_COPY_FILES:
<Bobbetto> \$(LOCAL_PATH)/proprietary/system/usr/keylayout/sec_touchkey.kl:system/usr/keylayout/sec_touchkey.kl
<Bobbetto> \$(LOCAL_PATH)/proprietary/system/vendor/firmware/SlimISP_GK.bin:system/vendor/firmware/SlimISP_GK.bin
<Bobbetto> \$(LOCAL_PATH)/proprietary/system/vendor/firmware/SlimISP_ZK.bin:system/vendor/firmware/SlimISP_ZK.bin
<Jiangyi> Bobbetto: I'm pretty sure you're going to have problems removing those files.
<Bobbetto> because it told me "file not found on device"
<Jiangyi> Bobbetto: You're running the latest CM?
<Bobbetto> I've used "repo sync" as said the wiki
<Jiangyi> No, I mean are you running the latest CM on your phone
<Jiangyi> Cuz you need to be to pull those files
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: we recently removed some files and didn't upgrade the damn script
<Bobbetto> sorry, no I've stock rom
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: blame nebkat for not maintaining a device he's the maintainer
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: But are the SlimISP_xx.bin camera blobs? :-|
<codeworkx> cam fw
<Jiangyi> Right
<codeworkx> hm
<codeworkx> these should be on the phone
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Or you know, it could be Bobbetto pulling blobs from stock, not CM :/
<codeworkx> yeah
<codeworkx> fail
<codeworkx> but blame nebkat
<Jiangyi> Meh, everyone forgets about extract scripts :-P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: extract script are only used by kangers
<Bobbetto> but I have to install first cm10 on my phone and after i can compile?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: or people who build but can't code
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: no benefit to us
<codeworkx> Bobbetto: yes
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<codeworkx> Bobbetto: install cm -> extract files -> build
<Bobbetto> damn!
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Or you know, people who actually read the wiki instructions and followed it step by step :-P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: those mostly aren't able to contribute :-P
<Bobbetto> Step by step! I've followed step by step!!
<Jiangyi> :/
<Bobbetto> Sorry guys, thanks for the help ;)
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<Jiangyi> Goddamn it, mako build failed again :/
<waratte> :/
<Jiangyi> At least i9100g build succeeded today
<Jiangyi> Github be trolling us
* Jiangyi wanted some J0P40G goodness
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<jomp16> Jiangyi: whats is JOP40G?
<Jiangyi> jomp16: Google updated version number
<Jiangyi> Still 4.2.1, but an update :-P
<jomp16> Changelog?
<Thiagovfar> Hmm, does this mean it will be popping up on my grouper?
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<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Yep
<Thiagovfar> Oh, you're there
<Thiagovfar> My i9100 is silly. Doesn't misbehave in front of a camera.
<Jiangyi> lol
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: someone queued a new build for mako and manta
<Jiangyi> Yay :-D
<Jiangyi> Nexus love lol xD
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<Bobbetto> \quit Bye bye, c u soon!
<Bobbetto> :I
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<Bert_> Is USB connection broken in the latest p7510 (p4wifi) nightly? Plugging it in to my and not getting the USB drive or MTP connection.
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<Bert_> Well, it was just MTP turned off, and tethering turned on, by default I think. Hrrrmmmm.
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<Thiagovfar> I want to download a faster computer.
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<Espenfjo> Anyone of you having any experience with Snort?
<bealtine> the cocaine version?
<chadouming_home> ask charlie sheen
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<Espenfjo> bealtine: no, the nids one
<bealtine> i played with air-snort once:)
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<crakerdaker> Hello
<crakerdaker> any way to go with a Galaxy S2 with the 4.1.2 STOCK Jelly Bean to a Cyanogenmod?
<Thiagovfar> Surelly, there is.
<crakerdaker> Thiagovfar: you know one :p?
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<Thiagovfar> Well, that's where it gets complicated...
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<crakerdaker> Thiagovfar: well my phone has no weird chip which bricks, at least the app in the store mean my phone is safe
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<Bert_> Who offers 4.1.2 as stock on i9100? I though it was 4.0.3 or 4.0.4
<crakerdaker> Bert_: Samsung released 4.1.2 in some EU countrys
<Schorfi> crakerdaker: how about the install guides here?
<clibot> [Link] Devices - CyanogenMod
<crakerdaker> Schorfi: Thanks, I know them, just asked because I dont know a way to root my 4.1.2 firmware
<Schorfi> ah, okay
<dmitry_a> Hello! Is it possible to update nightly CM from menu "About"?
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<drupol> Hello all,
<drupol> I just installed Cyanogenmod on my N7100.
<drupol> I was using a custom rom before (Hypernote) and I used a nice camera app with Photosphere.
<drupol> I'm wondering why this is not available anymore on Cyanogenmod.
<drupol> Any idea ?
<Thiagovfar> Because Hypernote is not CyanogenMod?
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<Thiagovfar> ^ Reflexive relation
<drupol> It wasn't bundled with Hypernote, it was someone who provided a package with Camera from 4.2
<drupol> And here, I just installed 4.2.1, but no photosphere :(
<Thiagovfar> So... go get it again
<bealtine> you can find the photosphere apk somewhere
<Thiagovfar> Everytime you install CM, it will wipe clean the /system partition
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<bealtine> i installed in once and it was just a gimmick so i forgot it promptly
<drupol> Okay
<drupol> Thanks :)
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: hah, my pIRCBot is controllable via sockets :P
<bealtine> cool story man
<w00tc0d3> bealtine: ....
<w00tc0d3> it's just to show off :P
<bealtine> that was sarcasm..i really dont care
<w00tc0d3> i know it was sarcasm...
<Thiagovfar> Make it controllable via potentiometers
<w00tc0d3> and what are those things, Thiagovfar?
<Thiagovfar> Then, my favorite: tought
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<bealtine> mind control would be impressive ok
<chadouming_home> make it work via an arduino board and some resistor
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<Thiagovfar> @google Potentiometer Wikipedia
<bbqbot> Potentiometer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
<clibot> [Link] Potentiometer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
<w00tc0d3> lol
<jug6ernaut> anyone got an open android application project that can test a line of code for me?
<Thiagovfar> jug6ernaut: what line?
<chadouming_home> gimme the line, i will try to tell you what's wrong :P
<jug6ernaut> Thiagovfar chadouming_home startActivity(new Intent(Settings.ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS));
<bealtine> test a line of code? huh?
<drupol> No sound on phone call on Cyanogenmod
<drupol> Damn...
<jug6ernaut> its supposed to open up the accessibility settings activity, which it does, but for me when ever i select an application to enable the service it reopens the same activity but with the title as the name of the service u were trying to enable
<chadouming_home> you are destroying the last activity ?
<jug6ernaut> ether something is screwed up somewhere else in my application or its a bug in android, it worked b4 4.2
<jug6ernaut> no
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<chadouming_home> shouldnt you ?
<jug6ernaut> no, i want to return to that activity afterwards, so i leave it on the stack.
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<chadouming_home> if it was working before 4.2, tried to set your api level to 4.1 ?
<drupol> Probably I should update Radio and RIL files.
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<drupol> Radio and RIL files are updates, I'm still not getting any sound when someone calls me or when I call someone. Any idea ?
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<w00tc0d3> nebkat: I've created mu class like this: SocketListener s = new SocketListener();, that is in class Launcher, now I want in class bot to access that instance, how can I do that?
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<w00tc0d3> nebkat: you're right. pIRCBot is useless crap.
<drupol> I'm looking for help, I just flashed CM 10.1 on my Note 2, upgraded Radio and RIL files, and I don't have any sound when making and receiving phone calls. Any idea on what could it be ?
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<jug6ernaut> was anyone able to confirm that startActivity(new Intent(Settings.ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS)); does not work on CM10.1? It works on stock 4.2, but not CM
<koud_> so now I am also free from samsung
<koud_> nexus 4 on its way
<koud_> :=)
<koud_> any cover suggestions?
<Espenfjo> none
<Espenfjo> :P
<bealtine> one that fits?
<jug6ernaut> covers/cases are for the weak
<Espenfjo> yup
<Bert_> Werd!
<chadouming_home> yupp
<clibot> [Link] LG Nexus 4 E960 Screen Protector | invisibleSHIELD by ZAGG
<jug6ernaut> i used to use zagg, but bla
<Bert_> WTF? You got Gorilla Glass. GG FTW!
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<jug6ernaut> gg wil still scratch
<chadouming_home> the back is not gg
<Espenfjo> sadly enough
<submotion> Hi all
<jug6ernaut> seriously? wow thats…stupid
<chadouming_home> true
<Bert_> Is there a screen on the back? If you want to keep it pristine, leave it in the box.
<chadouming_home> the back plastic look so cheap
<clibot> [Link] LG Optimus G glass back cracked after temperature changed - xda-developers
<chadouming_home> cheap enough ?
<chadouming_home> (optimus G has the same back than nexus 4 btw)
<submotion> I just updated my gs2 with the latest 10.1 nightly. Now none of my usual google services are work. Gmail, Google Now, Contacts..
<submotion> working
<chadouming_home> flash gapps
<submotion> is there a specific one?
<Bert_> Sub: issues like things just not sync-ing, network seems wonky? If so, in CWM flush the cache. Happened to me a few weeks ago.
<chadouming_home> take the one for android 4.2.1
<Bert_> Sub: the whole gapps package from
<submotion> play store crashes too, can't even download from a browser.
<submotion> I'll flash the gapps and see what happens
<Bert_> My understanding is that CM 10.1 does not have the HWCOMPOSER for Samsung devices (i9100, p7510) or that it is not enabled since the HW drivers are not in AOSP, being proprietary to Samsung. Is the same true for CM 10.1 on a Nexus 10? (wondering if I will keep it stock JB as delivered).
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<Jiangyi> Bert_: Everything works fine on Nexus devices
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<mjt> sd card too? :)
<mjt> and s-pen?
<mjt> (but the question was different. sorry i misunderstand)
<codeworkx> Bert_: without a hwcomposer you wouldn't be able to run cm. ;-)
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<Bert_> So then the issue is that there is a generic hwcomposer, rather than Samsung optimized one? But in the official Samsung builds the optimised hwcomposer is included?
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<Jiangyi> Bert_: Basically, samsung's hwcomposer doesn't function at all on AOSP
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<a3Dman> seriously?
<a3Dman> anyone has a samsung fridge that got bricked lately?
<a3Dman> xD
<Jiangyi> lol I linked that last night
<Jiangyi> failsung
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<a3Dman> "I based the samsung-laptop driver on code that Samsung themselves gave me."
<a3Dman> "If you have this hardware, just blacklist the Samsung-laptop driver and all should be fine."
<a3Dman> samsung gives lame code, and make lame devices which bricks badly.
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<Bert_> A3, they don't brick that bad. I was able to revive a constantly rebooting Tab10.1
<Bert_> Promiscuous mode still not working? Is that another Samsung proprietary issue also?
<bealtine> ask yo moma
<Bert_> Oh, I get it, you tried to make a funny. Nice try!
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<Jiangyi> Bert_: Permanent brick :/
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<nebkat> w00tc0d3: what?
<nebkat> what you mean controllable by sockets?
<nebkat> and if you think yours is so amazing
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: nc localhost 4321 and you can send messages :) and i dun think
<nebkat> !js bot.getIrc().message(bot.getSession(), "#teamhacksung-support", "clibot ftw")
<clibot> clibot ftw
<clibot> undefined
<nebkat> go do that
<w00tc0d3> lol yeah
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: why would one need that?
<nebkat> I can do it anyway
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: PHP BNC :)
<w00tc0d3> anyways
<w00tc0d3> going sleep
doxR has joined #teamhacksung-support
<doxR> Hi
romann|afk is now known as romann
<doxR> Is there any way to fix the "not-support" of car docks on my SGS3? :/ I heard some custom kernels enable it (siyah afaik) but i want to use CM10.1 stock kernel... any idea?
<doxR> @changelog i9100
<clibot> [Link] BBQLog - Official CyanogenMod 7, 9, 10 and 10.1 Changelog for Android distrubtion
<nebkat> hahahahahaha
<nebkat> "not-support"
<doxR> :>
<doxR> I think it's a nice way to descripe what i mean
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<doxR> any idea?
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<doxR> @changelog i9300
<clibot> [Link] BBQLog - Official CyanogenMod 7, 9, 10 and 10.1 Changelog for Android distrubtion
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<duttyend> hi friends
<duttyend> i'm a big addict of CM10.1 on my i9300, and wanted first to thank you for your GREAT work
<duttyend> and I was wondering if there is a problem with bbq because no new nightly version has been uploaded for 4 days
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<EgotisticalElf> anyone have a handy way of doing a fsck on a sdcard instead of just formatting it?
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<JulesCain> heyho, can someone help me to get cm10.1 run on my samsung galaxy tab2 (p51109?
<Jiangyi> duttyend: Github just keeps derping :-/
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<kZard|netbook> So, whilst filing bug reports on nightlies lead to blindness and impotency and all that, are there some kinds of bugs that should be reported or mentioned somewhere?
<kZard|netbook> *may lead to
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<cuco> hi all, after installing cm10 into galaxysmtd, i keep booting into recovery. can anyone help me?
<duttyend> ah ok, thanks Andrew Jiang
<duttyend> have a nice evening everybody
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<Jiangyi> ._. Why'd he write my real name.
<Jiangyi> .....
<kZard|netbook> maybe he's trying to be nice.
<kZard|netbook> or... has a weird client that tab-completes to real-names :D
romann is now known as romann|afk
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<chadouming_home> or he is a stalker :D
<kZard|netbook> or... he could be a /whois user...
<chadouming_home> that's what i said
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<tyl> wow, IRC. aint seen this in 10 years
<cuco> tyl: a/s/l ?
<cuco> tyl: :)
<tyl> ;)
<tyl> adios
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<cuco> that never worked for me back then
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<chadouming_home> lol, dafuq
<chadouming_home> i think he logged to tell us we were obsolete
<Jiangyi> lol
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<a3Dman> chadouming_home: rofl
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<Bert_> What is with the disapearing keyboard in CM10.1? Hit a few keys, hit a "switch" (shift, ?123, etc.) hit one more key and they keyboard goes away. I have only seen this on p7510, not on i9100
VIad has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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