nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
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<Umeaboy> Hi!
<nebkat> hello
<Umeaboy> For the Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100 would the Overcome 4.0.0-kernel work to flash or will it brick it?
<Umeaboy> The European model.
<nebkat> dont use a custom kernel
<nebkat> there is no reason really
<nebkat> !download i9100
<clibot> nebkat: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S II: [812b75]
<nebkat> !device i9100
<clibot> nebkat: Information for Samsung Galaxy S II:
<nebkat> follow the guide
<Umeaboy> Well....... Can't seem to flash from Recovery.
<nebkat> Umeaboy: what does it say
<Umeaboy> It IS rooted thou.
<Umeaboy> But I end up getting the standard setup-process in the end.
<Umeaboy> Like it reseted itself somehow,
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<nebkat> Umeaboy: flash official cwm
<nebkat> then flash cm with guide linked above
<Umeaboy> OK.
<Umeaboy> If you're referring to 9.1.0 it doesn't work either as it seems.
<Umeaboy> I may be wrong, but.......
<nebkat> 10.1
<Umeaboy> But I do have the PhilZ Touch 3-version as it seems.
<Umeaboy> CWM Base version:
<Umeaboy> nebkat: ^^
<Umeaboy> Does that help?
<nebkat> Umeaboy: ?
<nebkat> first of all tell me what happens when you try flash a build
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<Umeaboy> I have to charge my phone.
<jomp16> nebkat: heeeey!
<jomp16> How are you? And about clibot, you improved?
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<nebkat> jomp16: hey
<nebkat> !download maguro
<clibot> nebkat: Latest build (nightly) for Google Galaxy Nexus (GSM): [89f855]
<nebkat> !device mint
<clibot> nebkat: Information for Sony Xperia T:
<nebkat> !supported motorola
<clibot> nebkat: Supported motorola devices: cdma_droid2we, droid2, droid2we, everest, jordan, jordan_plus, morrison, motus, olympus, shadow, sholes, stingray, sunfire, wingray, zeppelin
<nebkat> !changelog mako
<clibot> nebkat: Changelog for Google Nexus 4:
<nebkat> ive improved a lot of things
<jomp16> nebkat: and IRC protocol?
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<jomp16> wifi want you code a boobs command
<nebkat> jomp16: i know
<nebkat> havent done ctcp yet
<nebkat> busy with other stuff thouhj
<nebkat> though*
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<dcamposjr> Hi there. I am downloading CM 1.1 Nightlies. Do you have any YouTube video for me to follow like Step by Step? As well I am from Brazil and I am downloading for my S3 the "CyanogenMod Nightlies" for "Samsung Galaxy S3 (GT-I9300)", is this the right version?
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<nebkat> dcamposjr:
<nebkat> !device i9300
<clibot> nebkat: Information for Samsung Galaxy S III:
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<_jomp16> nebkat: cm10.1 for p3110 has otg support?
<Jiangyi> _jomp16: Should be working afaik
<_jomp16> I can improvisate a otg cable with the default cable?
<Jiangyi> That, I don't know.
<_jomp16> I need to buy :-(
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<Umeaboy> nebkat: Is it possible to build natively?
<Umeaboy> Inside a device.
<Umeaboy> Like chroot.
<Umeaboy> Kernel for instance.
<codeworkx> will take forever xD
<_white_> 2-3 days
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You're still up? ._.
<Jiangyi> What fun things are you up to now? lol
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: haxing on tabs
<Jiangyi> o-o I thought you said it was done
<_jomp16> codeworkx: you can build a ROM for p3110?
<codeworkx> yes
<codeworkx> but i dont want
<_jomp16> Why?
<codeworkx> i would have to stop working
<codeworkx> and waste my time on nothing
<_jomp16> Is best to test in p3100?
<codeworkx> my device is a p5100
<_jomp16> The kernel is same for p51xx and p31xx, soo, you can test in your device...
<codeworkx> different displays
<_jomp16> ...
<_jomp16> The same way for the current kernel
<_jomp16> A properties with the variables for the display
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Doesn't noobnl have a p3100?
<Jiangyi> Get him to maintain it :-P
<codeworkx> no one wants to maintain samsung devices
<_jomp16> ...
<Jiangyi> :-|
<_jomp16> Sammy devices is the one of best manufacturer for install CyanogenMod...
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> buggy cm != good cm
<_jomp16> Apart of the some proprietary libs..,
<Jiangyi> I think he means in terms of easiness to install.
<_jomp16> You love your Galaxy S2 omap...
<_jomp16> Easy to develop and upgrade CyanogenMod
<_jomp16> GTab 2 is one of some device who's received CyanogenMod 10.1 in first time
<Jiangyi> Oh my. ._.
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<codeworkx> yeee, sky diving
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<Jiangyi> I don't think it's going to end well for that guy in the parachute......
<_jomp16> codeworkx: I'm sad to hear that you do not like the Sammy devices, and the purpose of your team is to port CyanogenMod for Sammy...
<codeworkx> water below
<codeworkx> no problem
<Jiangyi> Water still hurts on impact :/
<codeworkx> _jomp16: no. to improve cm on nexus :-P
<_jomp16> My life is destroyed :'(
<_jomp16> @supported
<Jiangyi> Hmm
<Jiangyi> This long weekend is both good and bad
<Jiangyi> Good, cuz it's a long weekend
<Jiangyi> Bad, cuz my replacement N4 is stuck in an UPS warehouse all weekend >_>
<_jomp16> Bad: I live in Brazil, so, price isn't good, Nexus 4 doesn't exist here, and Nexus here is called Galaxy X, to receive Google update need to change the firmware to the Google
<Jiangyi> Firmware change is needed for Canadian GNex too
<_jomp16> Nexus 7 without subsidies of Google cost more than R$ 2.000
<Jiangyi> The GNex updates here are controlled by Samsung -_-
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<_jomp16> Here too,
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<_jomp16> After Sammy release the updates, the mobile company need to put your own applications
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<_jomp16> Jiangyi: search OtarioAnonymous in YouTube
<_jomp16> Is a pt video, but has subtitles in english
<Jiangyi> ._.
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<Umeaboy> I'm off to bed now. Take care.
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<Jiangyi> cody, go to sleep ._.
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i know
<codeworkx> i should
<codeworkx> 5 am -.-
<codeworkx> dafuq
<Jiangyi> codeworkx = noneedsleepworkx
<Jiangyi> :-P
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<riassan> Damn Cody get some shut eye
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<attila_lendvai> hi! I'm playing with CM10 nightly on an i9100. after upgrading from an encrypted CM9 my /sdcard is not visible nor formattable... any pointers on how to format my /scdard manually from adb? I can't seem to find anything...
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<Pickpoket> Can anyone tell me how to get a cwm flashable modem out of a fully working rom? want to flash on a nother rom
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<unknwn> is there any broadcast/multicast filter parameter on gs3 with cm10.1?
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<mausl-br> hi all! does anyone have issues on the lockscreen once you unplug the headphones? the lockscreen starts to blink
<Devourz> what phone
<mausl-br> i9300
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Would it be a good idea to enable this on 9100G? :-P
<Espenfjo> it would
<Espenfjo> doit
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<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> Espenfjo: Just curious, but what does Krait fall under? A15? xD
<Jiangyi> I know it's A15-like and all, but still
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<Espenfjo> nah, a9 but with some a15-ish stuff
<Jiangyi> Ah k
* Jiangyi feels a little less good about the N4 now :-/
<Espenfjo> :P
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<Thiagovfar> Whaaa
<Thiagovfar> You should have had that conversation yesterday, so I wouldn't buy a N4
<Espenfjo> lol, you only bought it because you thought it had an a15?
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: It's ok, there aren't any other good options :-/
<Jiangyi> The only real A15s released are Tegra and Exynos lol
<Espenfjo> is the t4 released?
<Jiangyi> oh right, not in any products yet
<Jiangyi> But they're probably not gonna pull an OMAP5 :-/
<Thiagovfar> Nah, but I could have waited for the next nexus
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<Espenfjo> buy both
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<Thiagovfar> I'm buying a nexus so that I don't need to switch devices too often
<Thiagovfar> i9100 <= hate it
<Jiangyi> Sell N4 when the next Nexus comes out
<Jiangyi> That's probably my plan :-P
<Thiagovfar> Nexus aren't sold here, so getting one is not an easy task
<Jiangyi> The phone I won't sell will be 9100G, that has sentimental values :-P
<codeworkx> lul
<Thiagovfar> I had feelings for a i9000b.
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<Thiagovfar> It was taken away from me by a f***ing thief.
* Thiagovfar Pauses for a minute of silence.
<Jiangyi> RIP i9100b
<Jiangyi> RIP for my stolen GS Captivate too
<Baskey> RIP for my stolen Omnia 7
<Jiangyi> That was the only Sammy phone that felt solid imo :-(
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: aren't they the same phone, just different variant?
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Carriers made them use different designs
<Jiangyi> Captivate had a metal back
<Thiagovfar> i9000b had TV
<Jiangyi> Sorry, RIP i9000b*
<Thiagovfar> Not on CM, tho
<Jiangyi> Except mine had no ugly carrier logo
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<a3Dman> Thiagovfar: my sgs2 was going to get stolen 3 times
<a3Dman> 1 time of them I hardly released the guy from under my hands...
<a3Dman> people were like you're going to kill him and stuff
<Thiagovfar> o.O
<a3Dman> well, I caught him, lol
<a3Dman> lulzy part is that his friend didn't come back for him
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> ditched thief xD
<a3Dman> true
<Thiagovfar> I was threatened with a gun (which I didn't ask to see).
<a3Dman> well, I didn't went into an armed robbery, all encounters are catch and run
<a3Dman> and that happens by two persons, one drivers a motor bike, and the other one at the back catches your phone while talking or texting
<a3Dman> worst kind if robbery is when you find your self in front of a mob consisting of more than 4 persons
<a3Dman> s/if/of
<Thiagovfar> Since then, I always carry my SE w200i on the streets. No smartphones when walking on street.
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<Jiangyi> That kind of crap rarely happens in my part of the city
<Jiangyi> Ironically, some people think the area I live in is ghetto when it's not at all :-/
<Jiangyi> (*ahem* Thracky *ahem*)
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<a3Dman> Jiangyi: thieves are everywhere
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<Jiangyi> a3Dman: I know, but not a ton here at all :/
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<Thiagovfar> It doesn't take many thieves to add up a ton.
<Thiagovfar> 15 people weight around a ton
<a3Dman> 15 people are organization if together, they could do some stuff
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<Thiagovfar> My super powers are not as strong as I initially tought. I can't seem to follow your line of tought.
<Thiagovfar> thought*
<chadouming> never had someone trying to steal my phon
<chadouming> e
<Jiangyi> Ah damn Github
<chadouming> but i'm 6'1" and i've done 5 years of karate so i'd have fun :D
<Jiangyi> Refuses to let me sync -_-
<Thiagovfar> Oh, now I remember: I also got my old nokia 3310 robbed.
<chadouming> could have just thrown at his head, then take it from the dead body
<Thiagovfar> True that
<Thiagovfar> But murder is a lot harder to get away from
<chadouming> it was defence
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<aojd> !changelog <i9300>
<clibot> aojd: Unknown device <i9300>
<aojd> changelog I9300
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<Thiagovfar> chadouming: doesn't work here. To escape murder, claiming self-defense, you have to prove the guy was really going to kill you.
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Any reason why TARGET_CPU and TARGET_ARCH stuff are in inidividual device trees and not in the omap4-common tree?
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<chadouming> eh, here in Canada you only have to claim you have mental illness and you will get 2 years of mental institution instead of prison for having killed your children
<a3Dman> really?
<Thiagovfar> To Canada!
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<chadouming> true that he only stabbed his children 46 times. Not like he did something big.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i'm not done yet
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: do it
<a3Dman> I wonder why the hell do they stab this all these stabs
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<Thiagovfar> a3Dman: Because of his mental illness, obviously.
<waratte> Indeed
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<a3Dman> chadouming: no work today?
<a3Dman> D:
<chadouming> not on Saturday
<codeworkx> play the sim city beta from today 15pm to tomorrow 15pm. wtf?
<codeworkx> 1 day?
<codeworkx> WTF
<angelsl> 15pm?
<codeworkx> 12 gb download for a fucking day?
<codeworkx> angelsl: 3pm xD
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: #EALogic
<codeworkx> no logic
<Jiangyi> Bah, hurry up Github :-|
<Bert_> Plus an TOS-NDA from hell!
<Jiangyi> I wanna get this stuff uploaded so I can go out
<angelsl> EA Games: challenge /everything/
<Jiangyi> (Preferably before the next i9100g build too)
<Bert_> I am worried that with the changelist for the i9100 something might break. I will give it a couple of days.
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<Flumdahl> codeworkx: damn god job with cm10.1 to p5100 :D
<endstille_> Bert_: i just compilied it this morning, its running fine until now
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Uploaded, verify it pl0x
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<jonz123456> hey
<jonz123456> I have one question, is it possible to install and use Allshare Cast on CyanogenMod
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<Entropy512> jonz123456: No, however Samsung's Allshare Cast dongle uses Miracast
<Entropy512> so there IS a possibility of getting Miracast working on 4412 devices (maybe even 4210) but it needs some work
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<Entropy512> need to fix wifi direct, and once I fix that
<Entropy512> it depends on whether Insignal's ancient OMX codecs are up to snuff
<Entropy512> 4.2 has Miracast built in but it has some dependencies
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<a3Dman> I even forgot that Miracast was a 4.2 feature :)
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<a3Dman> this would be a nice addition to smdk, specially when TV out not working
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<Entropy512> Yeah. It really depends on the OMX codecs and whether the adapter forces HDCP like the Netgear PTV3000 does (although I need to test the latest firmware)
<Entropy512> It'll never work on grouper unless grouper gets an OMX codec update
<a3Dman> I thought nvidia was from the early adopters
<a3Dman> so it only works with Nexus 4 now
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<birdy> hi guys
<birdy> :)
<birdy> anyone in here using note 2?
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<mjt> what's up with note2?
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<Fissurez> mjt it's just not as good as a nexus 4 (heheheheh)
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<mjt> nexus4 is a bit smaller, does not have sd card slot and no built-in pen, -- that's why i've choosen note2
<codeworkx> Entropy512: wifi direct is working on 4412
<Entropy512> codeworkx: ah, the update7 driver fixed it?
<Entropy512> well then
<Entropy512> time to enable that shit in overlay and test. :)
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<carlosc> hi all
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<carlosc> anyone?
<carlosc> im facing audio call problems
<carlosc> anyone knows a solution?
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<Duarte777> Hey
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<Bert_> Hey is for horses
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<Duarte777> I am searching for vendor github of samsung p3110 but i cant find it
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<Jiangyi> w00t
<Jiangyi> I just won a Cruzerlite case :-D
<Jiangyi> Ironically, I just ordered from them last week. :-P
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<wifi> lol
<wifi> last time i won something i never got it xD
<Jiangyi> I don't even know what case to pick at this point. :/
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<tallmtt> After the battery fully drained 2 days ago on my galaxy s3 verizon running cm10.1-20130121-EXPERIMENTAL-d2vzw-M1 - I cannot get onto Verizon's service. I replaced the SIM card, but that did not fix it. Under Mobile networks and Available networks - it sees AT&T and T-Mobile but not Verizon
<tallmtt> Any ideas what I should do? I am downloading stock ROM now and going to try to unroot my phone and see if that works to get back on Verizon's network. (following the instructions:
<tallmtt> if that works, I plan to re-root, re-install CM10 afterwards
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<Jiangyi> o_O Haven't heard that one before.
<tallmtt> Jiangyi: CM10 is otherwise working fine
<Jiangyi> tallmtt: You might have better luck in #Cyanogenmod, this is more of the channel for international variants :/
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<tallmtt> Jiangyi: Thanks. I was there but all by myself. I'll go back though as well
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<tallmtt> Nevermind - I mistyped it previously - I'm there now - thanks for the guidance
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<waratte> xD
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<jomp16> codeworkx: hey, if you can, please fix build for p3110 and p5110
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<jomp16> codeworkx: in Jenkins for p3110 show this: make: *** No rule to make target `device/samsung/p3100/power/'. Stop.
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<Jiangyi> LOL
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<a3Dman> Jiangyi: funny
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<jomp16> Jiangyi: lol
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<a3Dman> wifi: you banned a whole ISP...
<wifi> lol
<wifi> too extreme ?
<a3Dman> of course
<wifi> mah
<a3Dman> well you could set the ban on the complete host name
<a3Dman> I hope next ban wont be *!*@*
<a3Dman> D:
<wifi> mah
<waratte> hah
<a3Dman> moo
<waratte> goo gai pan?
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<a3Dman> lolwat?
<waratte> I dunno.
<a3Dman> D:
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<waratte> :D
<wifi> yay, steam on linux now have game that worth a shot :D
<a3Dman> what's it?
<wifi> well, lot of game got ported actually
<wifi> they even have a sale for that occasion
<a3Dman> what's the game that worth a shot
<wifi> but i already had CSS
<wifi> that i can now play
<wifi> half-life
<wifi> just bought drwafs !?
<waratte> ?!
<wifi> nope it's dwarfs !?
<wifi> garry's mod should come soon too :D
<a3Dman> what's wrong
<wifi> it's getting epic
<a3Dman> kool
<wifi> and now, css is working full screen for me
<wifi> so it's a win
<jomp16> wifi: yu can fix the build error for p3110 and p5110?
<wifi> no one can say "kool" anymore
<wifi> nope
<jomp16> I told this to codeworkx, but he doesn't respond
<wifi> the "DON'T PING CODY" in topic mean to not ping codewrokx
<jomp16> Only codeworkx?
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<wifi> i guess what i just said wasnt clear enough ?
<codeworkx> jomp16: read the error message and fix it. pretty easy. i'm not at home
<jomp16> codeworkx: sorry, but I don't have the hability to translate errors and I don't know how to submit fix to gerrit
<codeworkx> then learn to be patient
<jomp16> So, if you go to home, please fix it ok?
<jomp16> Thanks
<jomp16> "Fix-it Felix Jr."