nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
<a3Dman> today the weather maxed at 35C tomorrow it will max at 23C
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<codeworkx> snadge:
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<pedro> hi
<pedro> i unlocked my galaxy sII I9100 today
<pedro> and thought it would be cool to flash cyanogenmod on it
<pedro> i've never done it before
<pedro> and I need some help
<pedro> where do I get the info to root my phone?
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<codeworkx> pedro:
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<clibot> [Link] Install CM for i9100 - CyanogenMod
<pedro> thanks
<snadge> codeworkx: im running DVBLL3 .. which i think is the latest "telstra" radio
<pedro> i've read that
<snadge> its an i9305t
<codeworkx> snadge: you're on your own. i don't own a i9305
<pedro> but it isn't very explicit for newcomers
<pedro> first
<pedro> it doesn't say you have to root your phone or how to go about it
<pedro> or where to look for info on that
<codeworkx> pedro: you dont have to root
<Jiangyi> pedro: Cause you don't.
<pedro> ah
<pedro> ok
<codeworkx> pedro: follow it step by step
<pedro> ok
<pedro> one more thing
<codeworkx> pedro: download cm + gapps, copy both to sdcard, flash the recovery, boot into the recovery, flash cm + gapps, do a factory reset, done
<snadge> codeworkx: i can say that the 5th march build works pretty sweet for my friend though.. coming from a htc one xl with cm10.1 on it.. a much easier transition
<knix> You don't want to root your phone
<pedro> i saw the red warning about superbricking the phone when doing factory reset
<codeworkx> pedro: you're on our recovery when your doing it. so you're safe
<jethro> where can I report my tethering bug ?
<pedro> so just to be clear, when could that happen? if I try to do a factory reset with my phone as it is now?
<pedro> i only updated it once with kies
<codeworkx> jethro: you dont
<snadge> if i personally had the i9305t, i would probably offer to buy you one codeworkx .. since thats less effort than offering to become a maintainer :P
<jethro> I live with my cheap and dirty fix ?
<codeworkx> pedro: mostly on older stock kernels
<codeworkx> jethro: currently yes
<jethro> you mean you already know about it ?
<codeworkx> snadge: i don't want a i9305 ;-)
<codeworkx> snadge: i don't want a s4
<codeworkx> snadge: i just want to get away from samsung
<snadge> yeah i figured as much.. even if someone gave you one for free, you still wouldn't want to know about it
<pedro> ok, so if I follow the instructions closely it should work
<pedro> that sounds good.
<pedro> thank you very much
<codeworkx> right
<snadge> well.. htc isn't much better.. its all kind of sucks there as well
<Jiangyi> Sony^^
<codeworkx> snadge: i've heard the one isn't bad
<Jiangyi> Nexus 4 is too boring. :-(
<codeworkx> :-P
<Jiangyi> There aren't bugs :-/
resistivecorspe is now known as waratte
<snadge> ive only really had experience with htc devices.. and kernel source, props etc.. are few and far between.. plus they have sense, which makes it worse
<Jiangyi> Well, other than minor UI glitches that affects everyone.
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, what? D:
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<codeworkx> snadge: samsung isn't better
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Rotate phone with notification drawer down, it'll look weird for a split second. :/
<codeworkx> snadge: they cripple android
<frankdrey> oh, a split second
<frankdrey> it's ok
<snadge> its a shame i dont really have the chops to put my hand up to maintain it
* Jiangyi hates how the 4.2 cam behaves on rotation >_>
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, how is nexus 4 front cam?
<Jiangyi> Seriously Google? Play the entire rotation anim for cam rotation?
<frankdrey> TAKE PIC AND SHOW ME
<frankdrey> :D
<frankdrey> :p
<snadge> i've been tempted to buy a nexus 4.. but my >2 year old htc desire z.. is running 4.2.2, and after a wipe.. its gone from wanting to sledgehammer it to, almost tolerable
<codeworkx> somehow i miss the s4 discussion
<codeworkx> no one is crying
<codeworkx> why?
<codeworkx> cause it's a Galaxy S 3.5 with Gingerbean?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: We cried at how bad the presentation was last night. :-P
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<codeworkx> wonder if they fixed Smartstay before adding Smartlol and Smartblubb
<snadge> the s4 might be alright running cm10.1 :P
<codeworkx> probably still buggy
<snadge> they can keep all their crappy gimmicky software features
<codeworkx> snadge: let's say it might be possible because of the nexus 10
<Jiangyi> Oh actually, I did notice one prob with the N4.
<codeworkx> snadge: but doesn't mean that they did ugly shit like always
<Jiangyi> Wi-Fi slows down to a crawl when the screen is off. :-/
<Jiangyi> Makes Airdroid and CM updater virtually unusable.
<Jiangyi> Unless I keep the screen on that is.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: try to disable the wifi optimizations
<snadge> i need something more reliable than my desire z.. and it keeps coming back to n4
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Nope, still bad. :-|
<codeworkx> snadge: nexus is the only option ;-)
<snadge> i could get an i9305t, since it supports lte.. but the lack of enthusiasm for that device, makes it seem not worth it
<codeworkx> snadge: and sony xperia z ?
<snadge> however if i did get the 9305t.. it would make working on it more worthwhile, since my flatmate has one as well
<snadge> only prob with international devices.. not enough devs.. too many goons
<snadge> xperia z might be worth it
<jomp16> Cosy: you will buy a SIV and TRY to port CyanogenMod or you want other people to this?
<jomp16> To = do*
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<jomp16> Cody *
<snadge> it'll get done for sure.. the question is whether it will sell more than the iphone 5 :P
<snadge> and how dodgy the hacks are to get things to work
<snadge> 10,000 monkeys will be thrown at the problem.. and they'll fix maybe 1 problem every 24 hours ;)
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, you sure you turned off all the power saving stuffs?
<jomp16> He will buy the Snapdragon (only EUA) or a international model with Exynos?
<pedro> sorry, it's me again
<codeworkx> jomp16: i'll not touch another samsung device
<snadge> xperia z on sale in 10 days.. on telstra
<jomp16> WAT!
<pedro> when it says place clockworks
<jomp16> This is bad :O
<pedro> clockworkmod recovery file in heimdalls folder
<snadge> but i don't know anything about cm10.1 for that.. sony is completely alien to me
<pedro> does it need to be extracted? or as a tar file?
<codeworkx> jomp16: looks as ugly as the s3, is exynos based, has ugly hardware buttons
<codeworkx> jomp16: this is at max a Galaxy S 3.5
<jomp16> So, other people will port CM
<codeworkx> pedro: tar with odin, extracted with heimdall
<codeworkx> jomp16: maybe
<codeworkx> jomp16: don't think that one of the currentl cm maintainers will touch it
<jomp16> You only like Nexus devices?
<codeworkx> devices which are sexy
<codeworkx> sony
<pedro> thanks
<codeworkx> htc one?
<jomp16> Ok
<jomp16> iPhone top?
<jomp16> Too? *
<codeworkx> i hate apple
<pedro> and after transferring the recovery.. how do i enter the recovery with a button combination? will instructions appear on the phone's screen?
<codeworkx> incompatible crap
<jomp16> Windows Phone?
<snadge> ouch.. $750 for xperia z.. or $350 for nexus 4.. hmmm :p
<codeworkx> pedro: volume up + home + power
<codeworkx> jomp16: i hate microsoft
<jomp16> Ok
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<lukaa47> hi
<pedro> held down for a while right? so download mode first (volume down, home and power) and recovery mode then (volume up, home and power)?
<codeworkx> till the display turns on
<lukaa47> im having issue with battery stats, its showing only Android OS 100%, nothing else,can someone help to fix this out?
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<jomp16> lukaa47, you have a infinite battery?
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<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Fairly sure.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You gotta admit that the Lumia 920 is pretty damn good hardware-wise :-P
<codeworkx> but its windoze
<Jiangyi> Keyword: hardware
<lukaa47> hh,everything fine now ..maybe my bad english got u confused
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: hardware is useless without software ;-)
<Jiangyi> Yeah :-/
<Jiangyi> Hence why my friend wants to get rid of it.
<Jiangyi> I told him to get an Android, but nooooo :-P
* Jiangyi wishes Google would stop making the cam so bad on Nexus phones though :-/
<Jiangyi> The camcorder is..........
<Jiangyi> Mono audio? Seriously? What are we, in the 80s? :-|
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<rjnagy> hey all
<rjnagy> any chance i can ask for a little help here
<jomp16> Ask and wait a answer
<rjnagy> thanks
<rjnagy> have a gtab 7 i loaded CM10 20130210 nightly on
<frankdrey> ok
<rjnagy> rom is actually great only thing it had eur/asia modem
<jomp16> And?
<rjnagy> so i was getting alot of drops
<rjnagy> here in us on east coast Tmo tab
<rjnagy> tried to flash stock modem.bin with odin as was suggested in one of the forms which seemed to break my connection completely
<rjnagy> tried something else someone suggested copying stock modem.bin over to /radio folder...still no joy
<rjnagy> message im getting is Cannot connect to this network right now
<rjnagy> im hoping there is afix with out reflashing
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<rjnagy> thats basically where im this poing
<Jiangyi> rjnagy: Try flashing an European modem.
<Jiangyi> Or American if that's actually available (Which I'm not sure of)
<rjnagy> tried american using the Tmobile GTab stock
<rjnagy> i may try going back to the other modem.bin built in which means ill have all the drops and no 3g but ill have my connection back when im out
<rjnagy> Last question if i do reflash i am going to have to reload everything again aren't i
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<Jiangyi> rjnagy: Nandroid backups are your friend. :-P
<rjnagy> yeah
<rjnagy> thanks
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<yomi> Hello. I'd like to compile CM 10.1 M2 for the p3110...with some cherry-picks. Is that possible?
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<frankdrey> yomi, of course it is
<frankdrey> why wouldn't it be?
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<yomi> frankdrey: because I've searched, but I couldn't find it.
<yomi> So then, how would I go about it?
<frankdrey> :|
<frankdrey> !device p3110
<clibot> frankdrey: Information for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (Wifi):
<clibot> [Link] Build for p3110 - CyanogenMod
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<yomi> frankdrey: I already know how to do that.
<frankdrey> ok, what do you need to know then?
<yomi> Make a snapshot this one :
<clibot> [Link] CyanogenMod Downloads
<frankdrey> why snapshot?
<frankdrey> are you under the impression that it is "stable"?
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<yomi> According to this line... "Monthly snapshots of a build. They are considered more stable than a nightly but still are likely to have minor issues." Yeah.
<frankdrey> honestly, i doubt there's a difference between the snapshot and nightlies
<frankdrey> just the snapshot comes at a specific time
<frankdrey> once a month
<frankdrey> while nightly is nightly
<frankdrey> codeworkx, any input?
<frankdrey> anything special done for tab2 monthly?
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<angelsl> frankdrey: no
<angelsl> not really anyway
<angelsl> what happens on a M snapshot is that a new branch is created, feature development is frozen on the main branch, and yeah
<frankdrey> yomi, ^
<angelsl> sorry not branch, code is tagged
<frankdrey> thanks
<clibot> [Link] android/cm-10.1-M2.xml at cm-10.1 �� CyanogenMod/android �� GitHub
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<Jiangyi> frankdrey: on his behalf, nothing
<Jiangyi> cody almost forgot to tag the devices for M2 actually lol
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<frankdrey> haha :p
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, my point exactly
<frankdrey> nothing special about them
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<Evee> umm hello? Having a bit of trouble getting fastboot to work with my galaxy nexus (toro)
<Evee> wodnering if anyone can help?
<Evee> !supported
<clibot> Evee: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
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<obiwahn> i use yseterdays cm for the galaxy s2
<obiwahn> i have a question/report concerning the auto rotation
<obiwahn> there is a quick access bar that looks like rotation can be locked
<obiwahn> using this bar has no effect
<obiwahn> but the rotation can be locked via the panel that can be reached through the top bar
<obiwahn> and how do i apply a newer version/update?
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<obiwahn> simply install a new zip with cwm?
<obiwahn> or are there any incremental update*zip s
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<codeworkx> obiwahn: einstellungen -> über das telefon -> cm updates
<Zaba> hmm.. I noticed that there's a new gapps package available. If I'm running a 20130224 nightly on a i9000 and want to update, should I update gapps as well?
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<codeworkx> Zaba: no need to do it
<codeworkx> Zaba: google apps are getting updated through playstore anyway
<Zaba> so it only really matters for new installs?
<codeworkx> yes
<obiwahn> codeworkx: is the problem with the rotation a bug?
<Zaba> okay, that clears it up, thanks
<obiwahn> is there a bug tracker?
<clibot> [Link] [redirected]: System Dashboard - CyanogenMod JIRA
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<codeworkx> obiwahn: not for nightly builds
<obiwahn> meow - there are only nightly buils for the s2
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<angelsl> obiwahn: basically, he's saying don't bother reporting bugs for i9100
<angelsl> if it's a framework bug, someone on another device will report it
<angelsl> if it's a i9100-specific bug, then you're SOL
<angelsl> fix it yourself or Blame Samsung
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<Ras_> hello
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<snadge> hmm.. high "android os" battery usage on i9305
<snadge> known issue i suppose?
<codeworkx> snadge: must be one of your apps
<codeworkx> snadge: or broken media on sdcard
<codeworkx> or whatever
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<Chuck_Bartowski> !bomb Chuck_Bartowski
<clibot> Chuck_Bartowski: You do not have permission to run "bomb"
<Chuck_Bartowski> :|
<KaZo58> !help
<clibot> KaZo58: Available commands: !help, {!8ball}, {!changelog, !device, !download, !supported}, {!geo, !time}, {!google, !tts}, {!math}, {!money}, {!seen}, {!encode, !hash, !text}
<KaZo58> !8ball
<clibot> KaZo58: Without a doubt
<Chuck_Bartowski> !money
<clibot> Chuck_Bartowski: Usage !money <amount> <from> <to>
<Chuck_Bartowski> !money 200 Chuck_Bartowski Chuck_Bartowski
<clibot> Chuck_Bartowski: From/to currencies must be written in 3 character currency code.
<Chuck_Bartowski> omg
<Chuck_Bartowski> !money 200 euro usd
<clibot> Chuck_Bartowski: From/to currencies must be written in 3 character currency code.
<Thiagovfar> !money 200 EUR USD
<clibot> Thiagovfar: 200.00 EUR = 261.54 USD
<KaZo58> :D
<Chuck_Bartowski> ...
<Thiagovfar> This bot doesn't like you
<Thiagovfar> !money 350 USD BRL
<clibot> Thiagovfar: 350.00 USD = 692.57 BRL
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<angelsl> !money 1 BTC USD
<clibot> angelsl: 1.00 BTC = 46.84 USD
<angelsl> holy shit it has bitcoins
<angelsl> !money 1 BTC SGD
<clibot> angelsl: 1.00 BTC = 58.45 SGD
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<angelsl> !money 1 BTC ZWD
<clibot> angelsl: Error while fetching exchange rates.
<angelsl> !money 1 BTC YEN
<clibot> angelsl: Unknown currencies.
<angelsl> !money 1 BTC JPN
<clibot> angelsl: Unknown currencies.
<angelsl> !money 1 BTC JPY
<clibot> angelsl: 1.00 BTC = 4471.27 JPY
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<angelsl> !money 900 USD BTC
<clibot> angelsl: 900.00 USD = 19.22 BTC
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<Thiagovfar> bitcoins are expensive
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<Bert__> If I habe already loaded a previous version of GAPPS (e.g. 20121217) for CM 10.1 is there any need to load the current one? (20130301) or are they updated via Google Apps?
<jethro> they get updated
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<casper_> hello
<casper_> anyone there ?
<casper_> i need some help please ?
<Bert__> Another question, any headway in recent CM 10.1 not borking the EFS partition on soft-unlocked i9100? Or a workaround?
<Bert__> !ask
<clibot> Bert__: Unknown command "ask"
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<pedro> hi. i am about to flash my i9100 for the first time
<pedro> i have a question though
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<Bert__> !device i9100
<clibot> Bert__: Information for Samsung Galaxy S II:
<pedro> after doing the factory reset people from the g+ community have recommended me to clear cache and some stuff
<pedro> but that's not in the wiki
<Bert__> This worked fine for me, but.....
<clibot> [Link] [ROM][GT-I9100][JB][4.2.2] CyanogenMod 10.1 official nightlies // discussion thread - xda-developers
<Bert__> make sure you read and understand the issues from the wiki
<clibot> [Link] I9100 Info - CyanogenMod
<pedro> i don't understand the superbrick thing
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<pedro> because it says it could happen during factory reset
<pedro> but then you have to do one to flash the device
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<Bert__> Yes, it is a risk.
<pedro> i know there is always some risk
<pedro> but i wasn't aware of superbricking risk
<pedro> how often does that happen?
<pedro> if i follow the wiki word by word
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<Bert__> No idea. I think the bug is due to something in the phone, not in CM or the steps. I agree it could be made more clear what a "second generation" device is, i.e. how to positively identify one.
<pedro> on the link you sent me and the wiki it mentions a stock kernel issue
<pedro> but yesterday they told me here that I should be fine if i boot in recovery mode
<pedro> like the wiki says
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<pedro> sorry, you didn't receive my message, did you? i think it got sent when you left briefly
<pedro> i said that on the link you sent me and the wiki it mentions that it is a kernel issue
<pedro> stock kernel in the wiki
<pedro> but yesterday somebody here told me that if i boot into recovery mode i should be fine
<Bert__> Yes, it's a risk you take when flashing. I don't think there is anything you can do to positivly identify if you definately at risk or not.
<pedro> what's recovery mod then? is it a ROM? it needs to be flashed..
<pedro> since the problem is apparently with some kernels, does recovery mod have a different one? or how does it work
<pedro> ?
<Bert__> That, I think is ClodworkMod, it allows you to flash custom roms.
<pedro> ClockworkMod I meant
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Got yourself a i9305 maintainer eh?
<Bert__> Yes, you need Clockworkmod on the device to be able to flash it.
<pedro> but does it do that with its own kernel or in some sort of safe environment? or does it do it using your current kernel?
<pedro> if i brick the device is there a way to fix it?
<Bert__> No idea
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<Bert__> Reading the warning, it sounds like a permanent brick if you brick.
<pedro> even if i send it to factory there is nothing to be done
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<Bert__> No idea
<pedro> ok
<pedro> thank you very much
<pedro> i think i'll try it anyway
<pedro> bye
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<Bert__> That's the spirit!
<Bert__> If only I had the same for post 20130217 on i9100
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i found someone who will care about it ;-)
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<Jiangyi> lol good enough
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I presume he at least half knows what he's doing right? CD
<Jiangyi> CD*
<Jiangyi> xD*
<Jiangyi> stupid autocorrect
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: looks like. and he's owning a device :-D
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: is this enough to say officially "bye bye" ?
<clibot> [Link] CM10.1 for Note 2 LTE and S III LTE | codeworkx
<Jiangyi> Cool :-P
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: change it to "The Exynos4 devices I currently own are the last...."
<Jiangyi> just in case Sammy throws out more Exynos4 devices CD
<cdesai> Jiangyi: s/4/
<cdesai> Jiangyi: I know that feel when it gets auto corrected to xD
<cdesai> damn you keyboard
<Jiangyi> cdesai: Yeah, that works too :-P
<Jiangyi> cdesai: at least it's not as bad as the Apple iOS keyboard :-P
<cdesai> yea
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<Jiangyi> oh look, wireless charging orb's on sale in Canada now
<Jiangyi> still can't throw down $60 plus shipping and taxes for it though :-(
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<pedro> hi
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<pedro> i've read through the wiki to install CM on a I9100
<pedro> i understand how to flash clocworkmod
<pedro> clockworkmod
<pedro> , but then I don't quite get how to go from there
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<pedro> after installing it i should enter recovery mode pressing volume up+home+power
<pedro> right?
<a3Dman> no
<a3Dman> yeah up
<a3Dman> that's right
<pedro> ok
<pedro> and how and when do i place the cm rom in the sd card?
<a3Dman> put cm10.1 + gapps on sd card
<pedro> before entering recovery?
<pedro> in download mode?
<a3Dman> ofcourse
<pedro> or before that even
<a3Dman> before
<a3Dman> put 2 zips on sdcard
<a3Dman> boot recovery
<a3Dman> install zip from sdcard
<a3Dman> select cm one
<a3Dman> then select gapps
<a3Dman> wipe data and cache
<a3Dman> reboot
<pedro> wait
<pedro> in the wiki says to use the adb command from the command line
<a3Dman> just use anything to put the files on the phone's memory.
<pedro> adb push /sdcard
<pedro> before even flashing recovery right?
<a3Dman> adb, mtp, wifi, downloading directly to device, etc
<a3Dman> it won't matter
<pedro> but i don't understand
<pedro> do i have to do that before flashing recovery with heimdall to the device?
<pedro> or after?
<pedro> do i have to be in download mode?
<pedro> or not at all
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<a3Dman> add the files before flashing recovery
<pedro> ok
<pedro> i only ask, because the wiki is a bit confusing about that
<a3Dman> I didn't read it
<pedro> it recommends you that after you flash recovery you should enter directly recovery mode
<a3Dman> you must enter recovery to flash the rom
<pedro> without rebooting or anything
<a3Dman> phone will auto reboot after flashing recovery
<pedro> and then it talks about copying the rom to /sdcard
<pedro> it says it won't
<pedro> ..
<pedro> The device will not reboot, rather will wait for you to reboot it to give enough time to enter recovery with the button combination.
<a3Dman> weird, odin reboots my phone...
<pedro> i will do it with heimdall
<a3Dman> not sure about heimdall
<pedro> ok
<pedro> one more thing
<obiwahn> a3Dman: untick the autoreboot
<obiwahn> in odin
<obiwahn> i had some trouble wiht the i9100 yesterday
<a3Dman> didn't use odin for 1.5 years, probably wont use it again...
<obiwahn> remove the battery after falshing
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<obiwahn> put it back in
<pedro> after flashing recovery what should i do?
<pedro> restart it?
<pedro> how?
<obiwahn> and hold the key combination only until the screen turns on
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<obiwahn> pedro: batter out/in, hold keys until screen turns on
<obiwahn> then it turns back for a short while
<obiwahn> and you get to cwm
<pedro> the wiki says that if i reboot the phone
<pedro> my stock rom may overwrite it and i would have to do it again
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<obiwahn> yes
<obiwahn> that is why it has to work at the first time
<obiwahn> and why you use --noreboot
<obiwahn> or untick the autoreboot in odin
<obiwahn> heimdal/oin will tell you that the falshing is complete but the screen is still on and you see the bar at 100
<obiwahn> it says do not trun the phone off but that is a lie:P
<obiwahn> at that point you remove the battert
<pedro> ok
<obiwahn> battery
<obiwahn> put it back in
<obiwahn> press the key combination
<obiwahn> enter cwm
<pedro> if i press the combination for recovery it won't enter it will it?
<obiwahn> install rom /gapps
<obiwahn> factory reset
<obiwahn> done
<pedro> i mean directly
<pedro> after it has finished transferring cwm
<obiwahn> battery out
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<obiwahn> pedro: no
<obiwahn> it has to be turned off
<obiwahn> and back on with the combination
<pedro> ok
<pedro> thanks
<pedro> i'll try it now
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<Pr0t0ype> what does the teamhacksung thinks about the SGS4
<codeworkx> nothing
<codeworkx> S 3.5
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<chadouming> S-SGS3 ?
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<a3Dman> nope
<a3Dman> SGS3S
<a3Dman> they figured out how to place the home button!
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<chadouming> at least it come with 4.2.2, even if it's jellybread
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<RedShift> contacted almost all ebay sellers that supposedly have a GT-I9100G
<RedShift> I'm pretty sure most of them have the "regular" one
<RedShift> even though they describe it as the 9100g version in the specs
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<Musgrove> can u run team win recovery to get cm 10.1 or do you need clock work mod
<Musgrove> hello?
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James is now known as Guest46750
<Guest46750> sup
<Guest46750> just a quick n00b question
<Guest46750> with internal sd card
<Guest46750> you guys eman
<Guest46750> are reffering to thesd card you can insert into the tablet?
<Guest46750> First time installing CyanogenMod 10.1 to your Galaxy Tab 2, or coming from another ROM: - Make sure you're running official ClockworkMod-Recovery - Copy GApps and CM10.1 ZIPs to your internal SDCard - Boot into Recovery - Flash CM10.1 zip from internal SDCard - Flash GApps zip from internal SDCard
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<james73645272838> !supported Samsung
<clibot> james73645272838: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<semmtex> hi
<james73645272838> hi
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<semmtex> cm 10.1 nigtlies fine for daily use?
<Devourz> is that trick question ?
<semmtex> no
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<semmtex> iam a bit bfu :D
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<Kuba> hey
<Kuba> Anyone encountered problems with encryption on Cyanogenmod 10? (E/Cryptfs ( 137): Cannot get size of block device)
<Kuba> I read like bazzilion articles and posts on the web but no one gave any working solution :(
<Baskey> @geo user Kuba
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<Baskey> !help
<clibot> Baskey: Available commands: !help, {!8ball}, {!changelog, !device, !download, !supported}, {!geo, !time}, {!google, !tts}, {!math}, {!money}, {!seen}, {!encode, !hash, !text}
<Baskey> !geo user Kuba
<clibot> Baskey: Error resolving ip for host unaffiliated/kuba
<Master7> Hey. I have a question. I have a Galaxy S3 with CM 10.1. I can not add new Pages for Lockscreen Widgets, because there is not the "plus" button. Can somebody help me?
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<Thiagovfar> !8ball Should I stay or should I go?
<clibot> Thiagovfar: Yes
<Thiagovfar> !8ball Should I go?
<clibot> Thiagovfar: Yes
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<jomp16> Brought God of War Ascension, and redeemed the key, installed the online pass, but i can't see the multiplayer option
<jomp16> I need to finish one player to get multiplayer?
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<Predatorftp> I have an issue with the in call screen
<Predatorftp> Can it be changed or replaced?
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<Alex888> does the sd card work
<Alex888> mine would not let me mount mine
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