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<errr0r> there was an update for ckm and it worked, ty\
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<sahavar> hi
<sahavar> anybody is on?
<JSiu> ...
<Frd^> y
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<fuz> hello
<fuz> just a noob question if anyone is there, do i download the version of gapps that is the same software on my phone (4.1.2) or do i download the 4.2.2 one??
<JSiu> same version, they have to match
<fuz> so i have 4.1.2 installed so i download 4.1.2 gapps even though im installing cm10.1 which is 4.2.2?
<JSiu> cm10.1 is 4.2.2, you should download and install 4.2.2 gapps
<JSiu> you install 4.2.2 gapps AFTER you install cm 10.1
<fuz> ok thanks, this wont affect my phone in anyway as it is running 4.1.2
<JSiu> once you flush/install your phone with cm 10.1, your phone will be 4.2.2
<fuz> ok thanks very much for the help sorry to be a noob!
<JSiu> np, i was also very confuse when I looking into custom rom a few weeks ago
<fuz> it only confuses me as i just got an s3, changing from htc and probably for the better
<JSiu> before you install custom rom, download the stock rom and oden 1st, so if anything not working, you can flush back to stock rom
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<fuz> i have the samsung gs3 toolkit that runs on command i think when i choose flash to stock it will download it for me?
<JSiu> I am not sure about that part, I always use oden
<JSiu> sorry, should be "odin"
<JSiu> installing cm 10.1 does not need odin, but I only know odin to flush stock rom.
<JSiu> maybe others know how to use others tools.
<JSiu> o, the clockwork mod should be able to backup and restore the stock too
<JSiu> make sure you have an external sd card formated as fat32
<sahavar> before I used criskelo rom, and now I am on 4.0.3, so which official rom I should download before going for cyanogen rom?
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<JSiu> sahavar, you should download the one that match your phone model
<sahavar> my model is I9100
<JSiu> have a stock rom ready is just a precaustion so there is something to fall back to, if you have some rom/images works perfectly before to fall back to, you are good to try new ones.
<sahavar> and I have dl from somframeware?
<sahavar> all I have is ICS not JB!
<JSiu> if you have a ics rom saved in your hard drive, that you are good to try cm 10.1
<sahavar> yes I have it and after restoring, and before going for CM 10.1, do I need to reset factory or not?
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<JSiu> yes
<fuz> sorry i never replied, i don't have an external sd is it better to get one and put gapps and cm10.1 on that instead of internal storage???
<sahavar> but actually I'm not happy with this rom at all and I prefer to start from the first stage, I mean, 1-official rom, - 2, root and CM 10.1
<JSiu> fuz, it is easier with an ext sd card as the clockworkmod can read directly from it
<fuz> i dont have cwm i have twrp is that compatible with cm10.1??
<JSiu> i believe so
<fuz> i think i have an sd card lying around somewhere, so i should format it to fat 32 first then put the files on and install cm10.1 first then gapps and finally wipe data and restore??
<JSiu> yup, that is what i do with cwm
<fuz> ok thanks JSiu you have been very helpful, time to go try it, take care ;)
<JSiu> u 2 :)
<JSiu> wait
<fuz> yeah?
<JSiu> you should (1) backup (2) wipe data/factory reset (3) install cm 10.1 (4) install gapps <----- in that order
<fuz> i though you had to wipe date/factory reset after you have installed cm and gapps?? or will i do it before and after?
<JSiu> you may have to factory rest one more time after install cm 10.1
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<fuz> ok thanks for the help catch you later :D
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<JSiu> cya
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<sahavar> now I'm dl "" is it right?
<JSiu> have to check cm website. what is your phone brand and model?
<JSiu> including the semicolon
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<sahavar> GT-I9100
<NC> Hey. Is latest nightly good as DD or are there bugs. Link is down in thread?
<NC> hello?
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<sahavar> 18 min remain to dl :)
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<sahavar> I am on official 4.1.2 JB, flash by Odin "GT-I9100_JB_ClockworkMod-Recovery_6.0.2.9.tar" completed but the phone turned off and it is not possible to turn on!!!
<sahavar> try to use heimdall but it is very complicated!
<codeworkx> heimdall flash --kernel zImage
<sahavar> as per procedure to step 4 done Install Driver
<sahavar> but the command is not working "heimdall flash --kernel zImage --no-reboot"
<sahavar> my phone now is on downloading mode
<sahavar> any answer?
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<sahavar> I tried to run heimdall on cmd and gave me this message: claiming interface!
<codeworkx> windoze?
<codeworkx> drivers installed?
<sahavar> first I tried with odin
<sahavar> but miy cell phone after a sound turned off
<codeworkx> you're in download mode?
<sahavar> then i install driver bye heimdall
<sahavar> yes in dl mode
<sahavar> and try flash on cmd but gave me claiming interface failed!
<sahavar> any solotion
<sahavar> also I can not again use odin
<sahavar> how can I uninstall driver
<codeworkx> odin should work always
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<endstille> wow the changelog is huge:
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<chrismou> !changelog i9100
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<mzKas> 'sup
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<mzKas> !download I9305
<clibot> mzKas: Unknown device I9305
<mzKas> !supported Samsung
<clibot> mzKas: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
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<nebkat> Jiangyi:
<nebkat> Thracky:
<nebkat> wanna cahm teste samthing?
<Thracky> maybe
<Thracky> Jiangyi should be at school though :P
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<Monxster> Hey. Anyone there? Need help with a soft brick?
<jomp16> you can access ClockWorkMod?
<peterperfect> Monxster: you can reboot to recovery?
<jomp16> If not, flash CWM with Odin/Heimdall and flash ROM and GApps in CWM again
<jomp16> Don't forget do wipe
* Jiangyi be in math class
<Jiangyi> This geometry is boring :-/
<Jiangyi> nebkat: ^
<nebkat> Jiangyi: n00b
<nebkat> Jiangyi: go home
<nebkat> im on easter holiday
<Monxster> yes i can reboot to recovery.
<Monxster> i rooted my stock 4.0.4 with brick bug kernel via Odin and installed CMW but when i flash your CM10.1 I get stuck at boot logo
<Monxster> @peterferfect: Yes I can boot to recovery. I rooted stock 4.0.4 with brickbug kernel via Odin and installed Siyah kernel. Then I did a wipe and installed CM10.1 but am stuck at boot logo.
<Monxster> I am running CMW v6.0.2.8
<jomp16> You wiped data, system, cache and dalvik?
<jomp16> To move from stock to CM, you need to wipe data/factory reset, wipe cache, format /system and wipe dalvik
<Monxster> yes i did wipe data/factory reset, wiped cache, and wiped dalvick.
<Monxster> where in cmw is option to format system?
<Monxster> never mind found it.
<Monxster> will retry to install also formating system in mounts/storage. i had not done this part.
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<Monxster> formating system solved the issue.
<Monxster> thank you
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<jomp16> :)
<jomp16> because /system has old files of stock rom
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<a-st> Wow the cyanogenmod build server seems to be fast as hell o.O
<a-st> ~30 Minutes per device o.O
<RedShift> quantum power
<a-st> 2h30m now and still building :D
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<Alegom> hello. i'm about to install cm10.1 on my galaxy s2. is there any important known issues at the moment? just want to make sure...
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<Ravenheart> its not stable
<frankdrey> :p
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<obiwahn> codeworkx: is it safe to install the cwm from the appsore and let it modify the rom or will that cause trouble with cm?
<codeworkx> device?
<obiwahn> i9100
<codeworkx> you can't
<codeworkx> recovery isn't separated
<obiwahn> ah ok
<codeworkx> it's built into the android kernel and this depends on your rom
<obiwahn> i want to reinstall gapps
<codeworkx> s2 doesn't use a separate recovery partition
<codeworkx> like real android devices
<obiwahn> during the update the camera app disappeard
<obiwahn> i think it should not happen but it is gone
<obiwahn> so that means i have to go to recoverymode manually and install gapps like i did it the first time i installed cm?
<clibot> [Link] No Camera App On Cm10 Nightly - Samsung Galaxy S i9000 Experimental Mod - CyanogenMod Forum
<obiwahn> ah i have disabled gallery
<obiwahn> how do i get it back?
<obiwahn> it is missing in the list of all applications
<obiwahn> ah it is back :))
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<Matty> Guys you know the cyanogenmod 10.1? I'm on Vodafone UK do I use the international version of it? Instead of like the AT&T, T mobile ect..
<frankdrey> Matty, what device?
<Matty> I9300 Samsung s3
<frankdrey> !download i9300
<clibot> frankdrey: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S III: [dbb331]
<frankdrey> use that version if you're sure it's i19300 :)
<Matty> Thank you
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Why u no sleep ._.
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<nixdg> hello having an issue and wondering if someone could help. flashed cm10.1 and now my signal is not near what it was stock plus I can't stream netflix even under wifi. Any thoughts??
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: sleeping is boring
<Jiangyi> :-/
<frankdrey> codeworkx, right?
* Jiangyi loves sleep
* Jiangyi is also going to lose a lot of sleep this week
* frankdrey once stayed up until 5 am watching Prison Break
<frankdrey> and then got up at 8
<Jiangyi> Damn you, schoolwork -_-